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Learning Experience 1


OUTCOMES (Shape +method... how) (Teaching cues/questions) (Shape)
(Students will...)
I Tag Chasey
t Listen carefully for In a half-court basketball area, all Position your body so that
r teacher’s calls and students will have 2 tags each your tags are hard for
instructions tucked into their waist with the defenders to steal
majority of the tag hanging out.
Participate positively The aim is to collect as many tags Move quickly to steal
u as possible by stealing other other tags and avoid
c students’ and avoid yours from losing your own.
tI being taken.
n Variations:
- include point values for different
colour tags (yellow =1 point, blue
= 2 points)

D Demonstrate agility by 2v1 Pass/Receive Defenders - try to turn the

e moving quickly and Connect to PK ball over/intercept
v changing direction to Similar to piggy in the middle, two - approach the attackers
e receive the ball in small attackers vs one defender. to delay
sided games Defender applies pressure on ball
carrier. Ball receiver moves into Attackers - lead to the ball
Demonstrate verbal and free space to receive the ball. and into space to receive
p non-verbal the ball
m communication when - arm out and voice to call
e moving to receive the for ball
n ball.
Learning Experience 1
Demonstrate agility by Modified Handball Defenders - try to turn the
moving quickly and (6v6 go for goal) ball over/intercept
changing direction to Move the ball down the court - approach the attackers
receive the ball in small with passing and score by getting to delay
sided games the ball into the goal at the end of
the court. Players can NOT move Attackers - lead to the ball
Demonstrate safe and with the ball. One step can be and into space to receive
responsible behaviour by taken with the ball for balance, the ball
abiding by the rules of the and the ball must then be passed - arm out and voice to call
activities and class to a teammate. for ball
2 games running side by side Variations:
Apply game sense to seek rotate teams after 6 minutes 3 clean passes before
the best passing option shot on goal No entry into the red zone surrounding the goals.
Communicate and Rules - No lobs (change
cooperate with others – 3 seconds with the ball. possession)
especially during partner 1v1 on defence. No carry limit
and team activities No contact (1m away).
No entry into goal zone.
Learning episode: apply
the key rules of handball
in a game-like scenario
C Debrief/Spoken Closure
l  Bring students in
o  Each team to share
s positive and area of
u improvement
r  Pack up equipment and
take back to hall.

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