Density functional theory asserts that the ground state energy of an interacting electron system is uniquely determined by the ground state electron density, according to the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem. The theorem states that there exists an energy functional of the charge density whose minimum is the ground state energy. This functional depends on the external potential from nuclei but also has a universal component independent of any particular system. Density functional theory aims to describe both weakly and strongly correlated solids from first principles based only on the Coulomb interaction between electrons.
Density functional theory asserts that the ground state energy of an interacting electron system is uniquely determined by the ground state electron density, according to the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem. The theorem states that there exists an energy functional of the charge density whose minimum is the ground state energy. This functional depends on the external potential from nuclei but also has a universal component independent of any particular system. Density functional theory aims to describe both weakly and strongly correlated solids from first principles based only on the Coulomb interaction between electrons.
Density functional theory asserts that the ground state energy of an interacting electron system is uniquely determined by the ground state electron density, according to the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem. The theorem states that there exists an energy functional of the charge density whose minimum is the ground state energy. This functional depends on the external potential from nuclei but also has a universal component independent of any particular system. Density functional theory aims to describe both weakly and strongly correlated solids from first principles based only on the Coulomb interaction between electrons.
Density functional theory asserts that the ground state energy of an interacting electron system is uniquely determined by the ground state electron density, according to the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem. The theorem states that there exists an energy functional of the charge density whose minimum is the ground state energy. This functional depends on the external potential from nuclei but also has a universal component independent of any particular system. Density functional theory aims to describe both weakly and strongly correlated solids from first principles based only on the Coulomb interaction between electrons.
Our classification of the solids as weakly or strongly correlated sys- tems rests on the assumption of a small or large V / t (or the analogous quantities in multiband models). U / t is not easy to estimate, thus we work with a phenomenological input; postulating Hubbard-like models is not “first-principles” theory. A truly first-principles approach would first determine how strongly correlated a system is, and proceed then to derive the consequences of strong correlation - if indeed these two stages can be separated at all. But would such a complete treatment be feasible? Density functional theories boldly assert that the answer is yes34. After all, there is only one coupling constant: e2, and only one interaction: the Coulomb interaction. Somehow, everything else must follow. Whether the outcome of the very same Coulomb interaction is a nearly-free-electron system like sodium, or a strongly correlated system like magnetite, must be associated with the distribution of the electrons in the field of the nuclei. Density functional theory rests on a powerful theorem by Hohenberg and Kohn [172] which states that the ground state energy is uniquely associated with the ground state electron density. The theorem refers to the T = 0 properties of a non-relativistic, non-spin-polarized interact- ing electron system which is subject to the external potential V,,t(r). It states that there exists a unique energy functional E[n(r)]of the charge density n(r) whose minimum Eo[no(r>]is the ground state energy, and no(r) is the ground state charge density. Moreover, the energy func- tional is of the form
VeXt(r)is the field of an arbitrary arrangement of nuclei. The universal
functional F[n(r)]does not depend on the external potential V&(r), i.e., it is independent of which solid (or molecule, or atom) we are consid- ering; it describes the universal properties of the “electron glue” which holds the nuclei together. 34There are many systematic treatises on the subject [92]. See also the insightful brief review [144].