7.7.2 LSDA Versus Lattice Fermion Models: Is of

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7 llansition Metals and Alloys 389

7.7.2 LSDA versus Lattice Fermion Models

Our classification of the solids as weakly or strongly correlated sys-
tems rests on the assumption of a small or large V / t (or the analogous
quantities in multiband models). U / t is not easy to estimate, thus we
work with a phenomenological input; postulating Hubbard-like models
is not “first-principles” theory. A truly first-principles approach would
first determine how strongly correlated a system is, and proceed then
to derive the consequences of strong correlation - if indeed these two
stages can be separated at all. But would such a complete treatment
be feasible? Density functional theories boldly assert that the answer is
yes34. After all, there is only one coupling constant: e2, and only one
interaction: the Coulomb interaction. Somehow, everything else must
follow. Whether the outcome of the very same Coulomb interaction is a
nearly-free-electron system like sodium, or a strongly correlated system
like magnetite, must be associated with the distribution of the electrons
in the field of the nuclei.
Density functional theory rests on a powerful theorem by Hohenberg
and Kohn [172] which states that the ground state energy is uniquely
associated with the ground state electron density. The theorem refers to
the T = 0 properties of a non-relativistic, non-spin-polarized interact-
ing electron system which is subject to the external potential V,,t(r). It
states that there exists a unique energy functional E[n(r)]of the charge
density n(r) whose minimum Eo[no(r>]is the ground state energy, and
no(r) is the ground state charge density. Moreover, the energy func-
tional is of the form


VeXt(r)is the field of an arbitrary arrangement of nuclei. The universal

functional F[n(r)]does not depend on the external potential V&(r), i.e.,
it is independent of which solid (or molecule, or atom) we are consid-
ering; it describes the universal properties of the “electron glue” which
holds the nuclei together.
34There are many systematic treatises on the subject [92]. See also the insightful
brief review [144].

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