Retrosynthetic Analysis
Retrosynthetic Analysis
Retrosynthetic Analysis
Chemistry is above all a creative science. Nearly all that you have learned so far in this book
has had one underlying aim: to teach you how to make molecules. This is after all what most
chemists do, for whatever reason. Small amounts of many drugs can be isolated from plants
or Marine animals; much greater quantities are made by chemists in laboratories. A limited
range of dyes can be extracted from plants; many more vivid and permanent ones are made
by chemists in the laboratory. Synthetic polymers, created by chemists, have replaced more
expensive and less durable alternatives like rubber. Despite the bad press it has received, the
use of PVC as insulating material for electric wires has prevented numerous fi res and saved
many lives. Food is healthier and people live longer because well-designed and controlled
pesticides allow agriculture to supply copious quantities of disease-free food to the shelves of
our shops, markets, and supermarkets. Most of the improvements in the quality of life over
the last 50 to 100 years can be traced to new molecules created by chemists. But, faced with
the challenge of making a new compound, how do chemists go about deciding how to make
it? Synthetic planning starts with the product, which is fi xed and unchangeable, and works
backwards towards the starting materials. This process is called retrosynthesis, and the art of
planning the synthesis of a target molecule is called retrosynthetic analysis. The aim of this
chapter is to introduce you to the principles of retrosynthetic analysis: once you have read
and understood it you will be well on the way to designing your own organic syntheses.
Now, in fact, there is a problem with this acyl chloride—it would be unstable as it can cyclize
to an anhydride. But this poses no problem for the synthesis of daminozide—we could just
use the anhydride instead, since the reaction should be just as reliable. A better retrosynthesis
therefore gives the anhydride and indeed this is how daminozide is made.
Synthons are idealized reagents
In the synthesis of daminozide an anhydride is used out of necessity rather than out of
choice, but it often turns out that there are several alternative reagents all corresponding to the
same disconnection. Paracetamol, for example, is an amide that can be disconnected either
to amine + acyl chloride or to amine + anhydride.
We can then write out a suggested synthesis in full from start to fi nish. It isn’t reasonable to
try to predict exact conditions for a reaction: to do that you would need to conduct a thorough
search of the chemical literature and do some experiments. However, all of the syntheses in
this chapter are real examples and we shall often give full details of conditions to help you
Choosing a disconnection
The hardest task in designing a retrosynthetic analysis is spotting where to make the
disconnections. We shall offer some guidelines to help you, but the best way to learn is
through experience and practice. The overall aim of retrosynthetic analysis is to get back to
starting materials that are available from chemical suppliers, and to do this as effi ciently as
We have already mentioned that disconnections must correspond to known reliable reactions
and it’s the most important thing to bear in mind when working out a retrosynthesis.
When we disconnected the ether 2,4-D we chose to disconnect next to the oxygen atom
because we know about the synthesis of ethers. We chose not to disconnect on the aryl side of
the oxygen atom because we know of no reliable reaction corresponding to nucleophilic
attack of an alcohol on an unactivated aromatic ring.
In all the retrosynthetic analyses you’ve seen so far there is a heteroatom (N or O) joining the
rest of the molecule together, and in each case we made the disconnection next to that N or O.
This guideline works for esters, amides, ethers, amines, acetals, sulfi des, and so on because
these compounds are often made by a substitution reaction. Chlorbenside is used to kill ticks
and mites. Using Guideline 2 we can suggest a disconnection next to the sulfur atom; using
Guideline 1 we know that we must disconnect on the alkyl and not on the aryl side.
We can now suggest reagents corresponding to the synthons and propose a synthetic scheme.
The next example is the ethyl ester of, and precursor to, cetaben, a drug that can be used to
lower blood lipid levels. It is an amine, so we disconnect next to the nitrogen atom.
The alkyl bromide is available but we shall need to make the aromatic amino-ester and the
best disconnection for an ester is the C–O bond between the carbonyl group and the
esterifying group.