Small Scale Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) A Techno-Economic Review
Small Scale Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) A Techno-Economic Review
Small Scale Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) A Techno-Economic Review
Small Scale Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC):
A Techno-Economic Review
Lorenzo Tocci 1,2, *, Tamas Pal 2,3 , Ioannis Pesmazoglou 2 and Benjamin Franchetti 2
1 Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, “La Sapienza” University of Rome,
Via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Rome, Italy
2 Entropea Labs, 2a Greenwood Road, London E81AB, UK; [email protected] (T.P.);
[email protected] (I.P.); [email protected] (B.F.)
3 Department of Energy Technology, KTH Industrial and Engineering Management,
100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +39-339-493-5225
Abstract: The Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) is widely considered as a promising technology to
produce electrical power output from low-grade thermal sources. In the last decade, several power
plants have been installed worldwide in the MW range. However, despite its market potential,
the commercialization of ORC power plants in the kW range did not reach a high level of maturity,
for several reasons. Firstly, the specific price is still too high to offer an attractive payback period, and
secondly, potential costumers for small-scale ORCs are typically SMEs (Small-Medium Enterprises),
generally less aware of the potential savings this technology could lead to. When it comes to
small-scale plants, additional design issues arise that still limit the widespread availability of the
technology. This review paper presents the state of the art of the technology, from a technical and
economic perspective. Working fluid selection and expander design are illustrated in detail, as
they represent the bottleneck of the ORC technology for small-scale power production. In addition,
a European market analysis is presented, which constitutes a useful instrument to understand the
future evolution of the technology.
Keywords: Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) review; working fluid selection; expander selection;
mini-ORC; ORC survey
1. Introduction
The continuous increase in energy demand is posing questions on how the network of energy
production should evolve in future years. Recent policy decisions [1] set the reduction of pollutant
emissions and the improvement in the efficiency of conversion systems as energetic targets. To this
end, experts agree that a key approach to reach this goal is the on-site generation of electricity [2].
This is based on the growth of several small power plants that produce electricity directly used in the
vicinity of production sites, avoiding transmission losses and lowering carbon emissions. Furthermore,
the usage of wasted heat is of importance to achieve the objectives posed by government regulators.
In the EU, 800 TWh of thermal energy are discharged every year to the environment as wasted heat
from industrial processes [3]. The described scenario has led the scientific community to investigate
new technologies capable of producing efficiently localized power. The Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC)
received attention since it is capable of producing electrical energy when it is coupled with a renewable
energy source and hence converts wasted thermal energy into electricity. These capabilities make
this technology suitable for different applications, such as biomass, geothermal, solar and waste
heat recovery.
At present, ORC is a mature technology in the MW power range [4]. However, the downsizing
of this technology poses challenges that make small-scale ORC still unattractive at the commercial
level. In fact, the plant specific cost (e/kW) for small-scale applications is still too high to guarantee
a reasonable return on investment. In this work, the specific cost for competitive ORC plants will be
quantified as the ratio of ORC unit cost and power output.
The ORC market capacity in the range of 1–100 kW is small, with an approximated installed
capacity worldwide of 4.95 MW [5]. Despite the large market potential for small-scale ORC, the
high specific cost of the technology makes it currently uncompetitive compared to other existing
technologies (e.g., wind, solar, etc.). To this end, the efficiency of the ORC components should be
improved to maximize the power production of such power plants, whilst keeping their cost as low as
possible. A compromise between these two parameters is essential for the future development of ORC
for decentralized power production.
Several ORC architectures have been presented in the literature with added components to the
basic thermodynamic processes with the aim of increasing the performance of the system. However,
in small-scale ORCs, a simpler plant schematic is usually preferred, which is mainly driven by its
capability of a lower specific cost. The cost of the power plant needs to be low enough to guarantee a
decent payback period to the end user. Small power plants are intended to be installed in industrial or
civil facilities in which specialized technicians are not available to face system breakdowns. Therefore,
low pressure levels, limited turbine rotational speed and non-toxic organic fluids need to be used, thus
enforcing the limits to the options generally available in ORC design. The aforementioned limitation
on thermodynamic and technical parameters lowers the optimal performance of the cycle.
Thermo-economic analysis has been implemented to minimize the cost of ORC systems. However,
it is important to mention that the cost engineering techniques often lead to high discrepancy compared
to the realistic cost. Lemmens [6] applied cost engineering techniques to estimate the price of an ORC
and concluded that the results may diverge by up to +30%. Lecompte et al. [7] proposed a novel
framework for the multi-objective thermo-economic optimization of ORC systems. Quoilin et al. [8]
show how the optimal working fluid and thermodynamic conditions change when considering as the
objective function the minimization of the specific cost of the system rather than the cycle performance.
Cavazzini and Dal Toso [9] studied a commercial ORC for small-scale applications to retrofit an internal
combustion engine. They stated that the system under investigation was not feasible due to high costs.
Whiye and Sayma [10] proposed a method to improve the economies of scale of small-scale ORC
systems. They demonstrated that ORC systems can be fitted with a single radial inflow turbine when
in the 2–30-kW range of power output.
The design of ORC components is widely discussed in the literature. The need for competitive
e/kW systems has led to the investigation of low-cost heat exchanger solutions. Lazova et al. [11]
proposed an innovative helical coil heat exchanger for supercritical ORC systems that improved the
heat transfer coefficient and hence the cycle efficiency. Bari and Hossain [12] adapted a commercial
shell and tube heat exchanger to recover heat from the exhaust gas of an internal combustion
engine. From the experimental results, the power output of the engine was increased by up to 23.7%.
Longo [13] ran experiments on a Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger (BPHE) using R134aas the working
fluid. He claimed that the heat transfer coefficient of the super-heated vapour is from 3–8% higher
than the one of saturated vapour. Different experimental setups have installed BPHEs because of
their wide availability, low cost and size. BPHEs have been the prevailing choice in small-scale ORC
systems that are commercially available. The pump absorbs a percentage of the power produced by
the expander, which varies depending on the organic fluid considered. Quoilin et al. [14], in their
ORC survey, observed that the power consumption of the pump has a non-negligible impact on the
net power the system can deliver as opposed to what occurs in the Rankine cycle. They show that
the percentage of the power absorption of the pump may exceed 10% of the power produced by the
turbine, when considering fluids such as R 1234yf and R 134a.
Energies 2017, 10, 413 3 of 26
Arguably, heat exchangers and pumps are available off-the-shelf in a wide range of specifications
and applications. On the contrary, the turbo-generator and the working fluid do not present the same
market maturity. The former requires an ad hoc design for each specific application. The latter affects
the selection of the proper thermodynamic parameters and, hence, the performance of the system.
Literature studies show that there is no single working fluid that is optimal for every ORC
application. Drescher and Brüggemann [15], in their work on fluid selection for the ORC in
biomass applications, found out that the family of alkylbenzenes offers the highest cycle efficiencies.
Tchanche et al. [16] investigated working fluids for solar applications. They found out that the R134a
outperforms the other fluids analysed.
Expanders have a strong impact on the system performance and can be categorized as
turbomachines or volumetric. Turbo expanders generally offer higher efficiencies at the cost of
a more complex technology, while volumetric expanders are less expensive, but also have reduced
performance. Imran et al. [17] provided a comprehensive review of volumetric expanders for low-grade
heat recovery. Manfrida and Fiaschi [18] compared the performance of volumetric and turbo expanders
suitable for small-scale ORC.
The aim of this paper is two-fold. Firstly, the maximum specific cost of production is quantified.
This is defined as the production cost that ORC companies should not exceed to become competitive
in the energy market. Furthermore, the mathematical models employed in the literature for the design
of the thermodynamic cycle and expanders of ORCs are listed with particular emphasis to articles that
combine technical and economical aspects in the design process. In conclusion, the authors suggest
a direction to take in the development of ORC for small-scale applications to make this technology
successful at a commercial level.
5000 Solar PV
Cost [€/kW]
4000 Hydro
Gas turbine
3000 ICE
5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000
Unit power output [kW]
The trend line in Figure 1 is representative of the average specific cost among all of the technologies
considered. It is a good approximation to consider ORC competitive whenever the specific cost of
the plant falls below this trend line. Based on the results shown in Figure 1, the specific cost of ORC
units should not exceed the value of 3500 e/kW and 2500 e/kW, respectively, in the power range of
5–10 kW and 10–100 kW. Notice that the technologies that have a specific cost that is lower than the
average value are ICEs, gas turbines and solar. Arguably, all of them present some weaknesses with
respect to the ORC technologies, for example: gas turbines and ICEs burn fuel to produce electricity,
emitting CO2 . The purchase of the fuel represents an additional cost to operate such plants, while the CO2
emissions deny access to incentives and increase the emissions of green house gases. On the other hand,
PVs do not guarantee a continuous production of electricity during the day and throughout the year.
Generally, an important catalyst for the widespread dissemination of the ORC technology is the
price of electricity, i.e., the price at which industries buy electricity from the grid. In fact, those countries
in which the specific price of the electrical energy is higher guarantee a more attractive payback period.
Figure 2 displays the cost of electricity in European countries for the period 2014–2016 [25].
Figure 2. Electricity price for industries in European countries in the years 2014–2016 [25].
Italy, Malta, Germany and the United Kingdom are among the countries in which electricity costs
are highest, whilst Sweden and Finland are listed among those countries in which the cost of electricity
is lowest. Additionally, it is evident from Figure 2 that the fluctuation of the price of electricity has
not been high in the last three years. Given the situation depicted with respect to the energy market,
the incentive to invest in ORC technology can be related to the actual incentive scenario in European
countries, presented in Section 2.1.
The European Union is devoted to complying with the Kyoto Protocol in order to control the
energy consumption, to increase the share of renewable energy and to improve energy efficiency.
According to the 2009/28/EC directive, it is favourable to support the demonstration and
commercialization phase of decentralized renewable energy production due to multiple benefits
occurring with such an investment. The European Council set a binding target of 20% final energy
consumption from renewable sources by 2020. To this end, each of the Member States is required to
develop national action plans (for example, the National Renewable Energy Action Plan, the National
Energy Efficiency Action Plan) tailored to their own resources.
The European incentive scheme [26] provides the following incentive systems:
A Feed-in Tariff (FiT) is an energy supply policy to encourage the spreading of renewable energy
technologies. FiT ensures a pre-defined sale agreement for the electricity produced and fed to the
grid for a defined contract period (typically 10–25 years), which compensates for the extra costs
incurred in regards to investments in renewable technologies. FiTs are independent of market price
and ensure a revenue stream to those who install power plants based on the production of energy
from renewable sources. The financial support provided is differentiated by technology type, project
size and country. For instance, incentives for biogas and biomass are granted based on several factors
(e.g., quality, composition, installed capacity). Figure 3 provides the spectrum of FiTs for different
European countries for the year 2016 [27].
Figure 3 shows bars that represent the range of incentives provided by different European
countries for those who install plants based on technologies eligible for FiTs. Taller bars refer to those
countries that provide incentives sorted by renewable technology adopted and plant size. Smaller
bars refer to those countries in which the incentives are not differentiated. Notice that the taller bars
correspond to the European countries in which the support from FiTs is higher. As can be observed from
Figure 3, some countries present more complex subsidies plans (e.g., Germany and Italy) than others (e.g.,
UK and Poland). The overall amount dedicated to feed-in tariff schemes is recalculated annually.
Premium tariffs offer a premium on top of the market price to those who produce electricity
from renewable sources. As opposed to FiT, which guarantee a predictable return on investment
Energies 2017, 10, 413 6 of 26
regardless of fluctuations in electricity prices, premium tariffs are still susceptible to price variation
and consequently stimulate the production of electricity when demand and consequently price is highest.
Green certificates are issued to eligible renewable energy producers based on the energy produced
and supplied to the grid. Such energy is sold to the grid at a price that is the sum of the green certificate
value and of the current price of the electricity. Energy suppliers are obliged to include a specific
amount of renewable electricity (quotas) in their portfolio. By purchasing green certificates from
renewable energy generators, they can fulfill this requirement.
Investment incentives include subsidies, as well as low-interest, long-term loans paid up front for
renewable projects. Table 1 reports the investment incentives awarded by different European countries [28].
Auctions represent an alternative to FiTs. New power plants that are based on renewable
technologies (e.g., biomass, solar, geothermal, etc.) can benefit from FiTs. Existing power plants
can receive subsidies via auctions. Operators simultaneously submit sealed bids to obtain subsidies for
a certain allocated capacity. The lowest bidder wins, ensuring an extra reward, which sums up with
the price at which the grid pays its electricity. This way, the most cost-effective projects are awarded.
Net-metering [29] is a support scheme for which the generated electricity is fed back to the grid
and offsets the consumption. In the case of excess production, there is no reimbursement, but it might
be carried forward to the next billing period.
Figure 4 shows the cost of electricity and the price at which the owner of a power plant can sell the
electricity generated to the grid in absence of incentives in the year 2016 in several European countries [25].
The benefits of installing ORC technology can be two-fold. There is the option for those factories
that consume electricity to produce it through an ORC plant as opposed to buying it from the grid at
its market price. Alternatively, there exists the opportunity to install an ORC plant with the objective to
obtain an income from selling the electricity produced back to the grid. In the former case, the investor
can calculate the return on investment based on the savings on the energy bill plus the incentives from
feed-in tariffs (if any). In the latter case, the investor covers his/her expenses through the earnings of
selling the energy and the subsidies resulting in a reduced investment cost (see Table 1).
The ORC technology attractiveness depends on the Payback Period (PBP) offered to the end user.
In this study, it has been assumed that a three-year PBP guarantees the diffusion of a technology.
Different possible commercial scenarios are analysed to provide an overview of the convenience
for ORC companies to run businesses in this sector, assuming that the production cost lies on the
trend line presented in Figure 1. For the sake of simplicity, it has been assumed that the ORC plant is
produced and sold from an ORC company directly to an end user (i.e., an industrial company, an engine
operator, etc.). The revenue that an ORC company can achieve has been evaluated, considering
a three-year PBP for the end user. As a worst case scenario, the absence of investment incentives has
been considered. Specifically, three different business cases are investigated:
1. Case 1: An industrial company invests in the installation of an ORC system to produce the
electrical energy demand of its factory. The ORC plant is coupled to process waste heat.
The investment is paid back from the savings on the energy bill since the electricity is not
purchased any more at the market price from the grid.
2. Case 2: A stationary engine operator installs an ORC unit to generate additional power by
recovering the thermal energy in the exhaust gasses to sell it to the grid at the actual market price.
In this case, the income depends on the price at which the grid purchases the energy produced by
the ORC plant (see Figure 4).
3. Case 3: An ORC plant is installed to produce electrical energy from a renewable energy source,
such as biomass, solar or geothermal energy. Such a plant is eligible for the feed-in tariff.
Notice that Cases 1 and 2 refer to the ORC technology applied to waste heat recovery
systems, which is not considered as a renewable energy. In this circumstance, incentives are not
provided. Case 3, instead, takes advantage of the incentives for the production of electricity from
a renewable source.
Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom and France have been investigated in this work. However, the
reasoning can be easily extended to different countries. As concerns case 3, an average value for the feed
in tariffs has been considered for each country analysed among those presented in Figure 3. Specifically,
20 ect/kWh, 17 ect/kWh, 7.92 ect/kWh and 9.745 ect/kWh have been selected respectively for
Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom and France. In addition, the United Kingdom provides an extra
5.78 ect/kWh benefit to the end users who export energy to the grid, which has been included in
the calculations. The ORC plant has been assumed to operate 85% of the time, which corresponds to
7446 h/year. The operation and maintenance (O&M) costs have been considered equal to 3 ect/kW.
The time value of the money and the opportunity cost have been evaluated applying a 4% discount
rate [30]. Furthermore, a 2% inflation rate has been considered. Therefore, the calculated nominal
discount rate is 6.08%. Lemmens [6], in his cost analysis for a 375-kW ORC system, considers that the
integration costs are 11% of the total cost of the plant. The impact of the installation costs decreases
with the size of the plant. It must be noted that the integration costs have not been included in
this study, primarily because they depend highly on the plant and heat source whereat the ORC
will be coupled. ORC companies are aiming at creating semi-independent ORC systems for low
power outputs, effectively minimizing installation costs. A high level of commercial maturity for
small-scale ORC systems is likely to come from applications that require low customization and
enable high volume sales. Such applications include waste heat recovery from ICEs and gas turbines,
where integration costs are likely to be lower. Instead, typical large-scale ORC systems have been
Energies 2017, 10, 413 8 of 26
applied to applications that require high levels of customization such as geothermal and industrial
wasted heat, where integration costs are inevitably considerably higher. For the aforementioned
reasons, although such costs for commercial systems can be as high as 10%, installation costs are not
considered in the current analysis.
It has been considered that the ORC companies install the plant at the specific cost identified in
Figure 1 and that they sell it at a price that guarantees a payback period of three years to the end user.
Therefore, the revenue for the ORC companies is calculated as the difference between the price at which
they sell the ORC plant to the end user and the cost of production determined using the data in Figure 1.
Figure 5a–d reports the results of the analysis.
Italy Germany
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
3000 2500
2000 1500
Revenue [€/kW]
Revenue [€/kW]
1000 1000
0 0
-1000 -1000
-2000 -1500
-3000 -2500
5 10 20 50 100 200 5 10 20 50 100 200
Specific Power [kW] Specific Power [kW]
(a) (b)
Revenue [€/kW]
-500 -1000
-2500 -2500
5 10 20 50 100 200 5 10 20 50 100 200
Specific Power [kW] Specific Power [kW]
(c) (d)
Figure 5. Revenues from the installation of an ORC plant in Italy (a); Germany (b); United Kingdom (c)
and France (d) with a three-year payback period for the end user.
As expected, the revenue for the ORC companies is greater in those countries where the price
of the electricity and the incentives are higher. Figure 5 highlights the minimum plant size at which
an income is guaranteed to the ORC company, in case it succeeds in producing the system at the
specific cost identified by the trend line of Figure 1. Each case will now be analysed independently:
in Case 1, the revenue obtained by the ORC company is calculated considering an initial investment
cost, based on the data depicted in Figure 1. Assuming that the ORC plant operates 7446 h/year and
that the end-user saves an amount of money that depends on the cost of the electricity in the country of
interest (see Figure 4), the revenue is calculated as the difference between the actualized savings in the
energy bill in the first three years of operation of the plant and the initial investment cost. For example,
in Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom, an ORC company would benefit from producing ORC
plants with a power output above 10 kW (see Figure 5a–c), while in France, an ORC company would
make no profit for the installation of ORC plants of power output below 100 kW (see Figure 5d). In fact,
the cost of electricity in France is lower with respect to that of the other countries under investigation
(see Figure 4), which leads to lower savings on the energy bill.
Case 2 considers the installation of an ORC plant to produce electricity from the exhaust gas
of a stationary engine. It has been assumed that the electricity produced is sold back to the grid
Energies 2017, 10, 413 9 of 26
at the price indicated in Figure 4. Considering that the ORC plant operates 7446 h/year during
the three-year pay-back period, the revenue for the ORC company is calculated as the difference
between the actualized income generated by selling the electricity produced to the grid and the initial
investment cost. None of the analysed countries allow the ORC companies to obtain a revenue from
the investment scheme as described in Case 2, when the power output of the ORC is below 200 kW
(see Figure 5a–d). It can be concluded that the current scheme of incentives needs to be improved to
push ORC companies to invest in the recovery of wasted heat for the production of energy to sell to
the grid. For example, the revenue from selling the electricity to the grid could be augmented with
respect to the current values, shown in Figure 4.
Case 3 investigates the installation of ORC systems coupled to renewable energy sources.
When an ORC system is used to exploit the energy produced from a renewable source, the end-user
benefits from the FiTs. Therefore, it is possible to calculate the revenue for the ORC company as
the difference between the income obtained in the first three years and the initial investment cost.
As illustrated in Figure 5a–d, the installation of ORC systems for applications that make them eligible
for FiTs results in the highest revenue for the ORC companies, among the options analysed. In Italy and
Germany, where the cost of electricity is high (see Figure 4), the installation of ORC systems guarantees
the company an income when the power output is above 5 kW. In the United Kingdom, it is convenient
to install an ORC, under the incentive scheme of FiTs, if the power production of the plant is above 20 kW.
Finally, in France, the option is not cost effective for a power production below 100 kW.
Company Name Country Power (kW) Expander Type Heat source T (°C) Notes
Exergy [33] IT 100–240,000 Radial - Commercial
Triogen [34] NLD 160 Axial 200–300 Patent on expander coupled with the pump
Enogia [35] FR 10–20–40–100 Radial 90–160–400 Commercial, turbine coupled with high speed generator
Rainbow [36] FR 100 Axial - Expander 12–15 krpm, efficiency > 80%
Entropea Labs [37] UK 20–300 Radial 400–500 Prototype
ElectraTherm [38] USA 35–65–110 Screw 77–122 Commercial, induction asynchronous generator brushless
Zuccato Energia [39] IT 30–40–50 Radial Water T > 94 Commercial, synchronous generator 15 krpm, ceramic bearings
GE clean energy [40] USA 125 Radial 143 Commercial, R 245fa, rotational speed 26.5 krpm, magnetic bearings
Infinity turbine [41] USA 5–50–100 Radial <110 fluid R 245fa, magnetic bearings
Pratt and Whitney [42] USA 80–260 Radial 91–149 Fluid R 245fa, 2 pole induction machine
Termo 2 Power [43] PL <300 Rotary lobe - Prototype, 1.5–3 krpm, self exciting synchronous generator
Calnetix [44] USA 125 Axial Low 24.5 krpm, magnetic bearings
Mattei [45] IT 3 Vane 80–150 -
Rank [46] SP 50–100 Radial 85–140 2–5 years payback period
EXA [47] IT 15–150 Piston/screw 70–350 Fluids R 134, R 245fa, Toluene, Induction generator
NewComen [48] IT 3–120 - - -
Orcan [49] GER 20 Radial 550 -
ConPower [50] GER 13–75 - - Prototype
Clean power [51] USA 77 Scroll 270 Expander speed 1.5–1.8 krpm, fluid R 245fa
ZE [52] UK 95–130 Multi stage radial - Permanent magnet generator
ICENOVA [53] IT 10–30 Eneftech scroll 150 R 245fa, Regenerated cycle
Climeon [54] SWE 150 Turbine 70–120 -
Exoes [55] FR 15 Piston swashplate - Transport applications
E-rational [56] BEL <500 Single screw 105–150 Asynchronous generator
Opcon [57] SWE <800 SRM Turbine 250 -
Energies 2017, 10, 413 11 of 26
Temperature increase
320 K 500 K
Figure 6. The optimal working fluid selection as a function of the heat source temperature [58].
The aim of this section is two-fold. Firstly, the most common methodologies used by ORC experts
to tackle the problem of working fluid selection are outlined. Subsequently, the effect of the fluid
thermo physical parameters on the design of the ORC components is discussed.
The optimal organic fluid has to be selected among dozens of different options available.
As a first step, it is useful to categorize fluids into different groups. A first categorization can be based
on chemical composition. Organic compounds can be classified as alkanes, fluorinated alkanes, ethers,
fluorinated ethers, aromatics, linear siloxanes, PFCs, HFOs, HFCs, etc. Another major classification is
based on the slope of the saturated vapour curve, whereby fluids are categorized as wet, isentropic
and dry. Wet fluids, isentropic fluids and dry fluids present, respectively, a negative, an infinite and
a positive slope of the saturated vapour curve.
According to Bao and Zhao [59], dry and isentropic working fluids are to be preferred in ORC
applications. This is for multiple reasons. As opposed to wet fluids, dry and isentropic fluids can
remain in the vapour phase throughout the expansion process, thus avoiding the erosion of the
blades. Furthermore, dry and isentropic fluids allow one to minimize the level of de-superheating,
hence reducing the overall heat transfer surface, which in turn lowers the cost of the system. Bao and
Zhao [59] underline that the use of an extremely dry working fluid implies the need for a regenerated
cycle to improve the performance of the system, which might increase the size and cost of the plant. It
can be concluded that there exists a trade-off between performance and cost that strongly depends on
the selection of the type of organic fluid.
An additional categorization of organic fluids is dictated by government regulators. The increase
in popularity of organic compounds in several applications led to the phasing-out of fluids
that are dangerous for people and the environment. GWP (Global Warming Potential) and ODP
(Ozone Depletion Potential) measure the impact of fluids to the environment [60]. The National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) developed a system to quantify the equivalent health, flammability
and reactivity for chemicals commonly used in industry [61]. ASHRAE (American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) published several handbooks offering guidelines for
the selection of proper engineering fluids [62].
The first step in the process of fluid selection is to pinpoint a limited number of fluids that
meet the requirements dictated by government regulators. Then, thermo-physical properties, such as
autoignition temperature, deterioration temperature and freezing point, are typically checked to
Energies 2017, 10, 413 12 of 26
shortlist a few fluids that could be suitable for the thermodynamic conditions of the heat source.
In particular, the deterioration temperature plays a crucial role in the determination of the reliability
of the system. In fact, when deterioration occurs, the organic fluid needs to be replaced in the ORC
plants, which constitutes a non-negligible cost. Erhart et al. [63] pointed out that the recovery of the
used working fluid that did not experience deterioration can significantly reduce the operating cost of
ORC systems. The application sets the maximum temperatures that the working fluid will see and
the thermal capacity of the heat source. Following a preliminary screening of the fluids based on the
aforementioned properties, the remaining candidates are studied in detail to make a final decision on
the fluid that best suits the specific requirements of an application. Tchanche et al. [16] compared the
performance of twenty working fluids in solar applications, considering thermodynamic performance
and environmental properties. They highlighted that flammability is a key factor in the selection
process of the working fluid. Papadopoulos et al. [64] introduced the CAMD (Computer-Aided
Molecular Design) technique to select the optimal working fluid for ORC applications. They took into
account technical, economic and safety aspects in ranking conventional and non-conventional fluids.
The performance of the working fluid in an ORC system is evaluated by means of the
thermodynamic analysis. Different methods have been proposed to perform the thermodynamic
analysis of the ORC. Those are based on steady or unsteady (dynamic) models. The reader is referred
to the work of Ziviani et al. [65], who presented an extended review of the modelling tools employed in
the design of ORC systems. Linke et al. [66] reviewed the approaches developed by researchers for the
systematic selection of working fluids and the design, integration and control of ORCs. Mago et al. [67]
investigated four different dry fluids in basic and regenerative ORC configurations. They ranked the
fluids combining first and second law efficiency. Saleh et al. [68] investigated 31 different organic
fluids for low temperature ORCs. Drescher et al. [15] discussed ORC fluid selection in biomass
applications, based on the efficiency of the system. Rayegan and Tao [69] proposed a procedure to
compare ORC working fluids. He screened them in terms of thermal efficiency, net power generated,
vapour expansion ratio and exergy efficiency. Dai et al. [70] used a genetic algorithm to compare
organic fluids using exergy efficiency as the objective function. They demonstrated that organic
fluids perform better than water in exploiting energy from waste heat sources at low temperature.
In particular, R236ea resulted in being the best performing among the ten fluids considered. Qiu [71]
introduced the bucket effect and the spinal point method to select the proper working fluid for
ORC applications. Some authors investigated zeotropic mixtures through steady state analysis to
understand if they can offer any advantage. Angelino and Di Paliano [72] investigated fluid mixtures
for ORC applications. They pointed out that the use of mixtures complicates the design of components
in that fluid fractionation (i.e., the separation of a chemical compound into components) should be
avoided in the heat exchangers during phase change. It is important to note that the state of the art in
the modelling of ORC systems is based on steady state conditions.
Dynamic models characterize the behaviour of the system under transient conditions. This type
of analysis is extremely important for applications in which the duty cycle of the heat source presents
fluctuating behaviour such as vehicle or solar applications. The dynamic behaviour of ORC systems
depends on the working fluid considered. In particular, the heat transfer properties of the organic fluid
play a crucial role in the definition of the dynamics of the system. In fact, the heat transfer properties of
the working fluid affect the design of the heat exchangers, which are the components with the highest
time constant in an ORC system. The working fluids with good heat transfer properties allow for the
design of more compact heat exchangers, which in turn enhances the ability of ORC to both reduce
cost/weight and to react faster to varying conditions of the heat source. Fast reacting systems are
crucial in applications where the heat source is subject to a duty cycle and therefore does not have
constant thermodynamic conditions (e.g., temperature and/or mass flow rate). Several works aim
at defining a proper control strategy to maximize the performance of the ORC over the whole duty
cycle of the heat source. Quoilin et al. [73] proposed a dynamic model to study the behaviour of a
small-scale ORC for waste heat recovery applications. Particular emphasis was given to the transient
Energies 2017, 10, 413 13 of 26
behaviour of the heat exchangers to design a proper control system. Desideri et al. [74] compared the
moving boundary and finite volume techniques in the design of heat exchangers for ORC applications.
Zhang et al. [75] studied a multi-variable control strategy for a 100-kW ORC system.
Some works consider a “black box” analysis, in which the ORC system is studied at the
process level. Maizza and Maizza [76] considered fixed values for the efficiency of the components.
Sciubba et al. [77] used a black box analysis to simulate a dual loop ORC for marine applications.
This implies that the thermodynamic parameters selected might affect negatively the design of
the components. For this reason, some authors have proposed methods in which the selection
of the thermodynamic parameters is bound by constraints that arise from practical limitations in
the component design [78,79]. Furthermore, some works considered thermo-economic optimization
models [80,81]. In such models, researchers identify which components are more responsible for
the high specific cost of small-scale ORC systems. Only a few papers deal with fluid selection
procedures based on simultaneous optimization of thermodynamic performance and component
design. Quoilin et al. [82] compared screening methods and operating map methods as the most
common ones considered in the literature. They state that screening methods are the most commonly
used in the literature and that they can be misleading in the process of fluid selection. The operating
map methods deal with the interaction between working fluid and expander type. He considered a
radial inflow turbine, a screw and a scroll expander. Franchetti et al. [83] considered the operating
map method to select the proper working fluid for an ORC in which a radial inflow turbine is selected
as the expander.
Based on the literature survey, the authors provide general guidelines to underline those properties
of the working fluid that have an impact on the specific cost of small-scale ORCs:
• Price: Since organic fluids are expensive (20–30 e/kg), it is important to find the correct trade-off
between cost and performance [71]. Generally, fluids used in operating ORC plants are extensively
used in other fields, which lowers their price.
• Density: Chen et al. [84] underline that low density leads to a high volumetric flow rate of
the working fluid. This has an impact on different components of the system. The higher the
volumetric flow rate, the bigger the size of the components and, in turn, their cost. However, a high
volumetric flow rate allows for the reduction of the rotational speed of the expander, which has
a positive impact on the reliability of turbo-expanders.
• Condensation pressure: Ideally, the condensation pressure should be as close as possible to
atmospheric. In fact, a high condensing pressure leads to an increase in the overall system
pressure, which requires more resistant and therefore more expensive materials. Condensing
pressures below 0.5 bar leads to an increase in the sealing costs to prevent air from entering the
system. Moreover, lower pressures increase the size of the condenser. [14].
• Freezing point: The freezing point needs to be well below the minimum ambient temperature
in the site in which the system is installed, to avoid solidification of the working fluid during
periods of inactivity of the ORC plant [85].
• Cycle top pressure: It is important to keep the cycle top pressure well below the fluid critical
pressure [86]. This is necessary to prevent the formation of liquid droplets during the expansion
process and to overcome instability during vaporization. Low pressure allows for the use of
less expensive materials, which has a positive impact on system costs. High pressure implies
high fluid density, which in turns lowers the system size. A trade-off has to be found through
a techno-economic analysis.
• Heat transfer coefficient: The heat transfer coefficient plays a crucial role in the definition of
the size and cost of the heat exchangers [87]. The selection of an organic compound with good
heat transfer properties would lead to the reduction of the heat transfer surface, which, in turn,
lowers the overall size, weight and cost of the ORC system [88].
Energies 2017, 10, 413 14 of 26
• Fluid decomposition temperature: Organic fluids suffer from chemical decomposition at high
temperature [89]. For this reason, it is important that the temperature of the heat source in the
evaporator does not overcome the decomposition temperature of the working fluid.
• Molecular weight: Fluids with high molecular weight allow for a smaller rotational speed of the
expander [90], which in turn affects positively its efficiency and typically diminishes the cost of
the generator.
4. Expander Selection
The choice of the appropriate expander for small power ratings represents an unresolved problem.
Literature reviews on small-scale expanders propose different configurations [86]. The options
available present both pros and cons that complicate the selection of a single “ideal” expander.
As is clear from Table 2, ORC companies are trying to develop their expanders in house. As testified
by Qiu et al. [86], the commercial market lacks appropriate expanders for small-scale applications.
The expander is certainly the ORC component for which the highest drop in performance arises
when downsizing ORC plants from the MW to the kW power range. Efficiencies reported in the
literature [17] show values below 70%.
Expanders can be categorized into two main groups: volumetric and turbo expanders. Scroll,
screw and vane expanders are the most common machines among the volumetric ones [91–93].
Li et al. [94] recently proposed a piston expander with the aim of reducing the component complexity
and cost. A detailed explanation of the available mathematical models goes beyond the scope of
this work. For an in-depth analysis, the interested readers can refer to the work of Imran et al. [17]
who reviewed the published mathematical models for the design of volumetric expanders.
Radial inflow, radial outflow and axial turbines are the most common turbo-machines in the
literature [95–97]. As opposed to volumetric machines, turbo-machines are convenient in the high
power output range, while they become inefficient for low power production. The reason for this is
mainly related to very high rotational speeds leading to bearing failures. Imran et al. [17] suggest
that their high rotational speed and their cost are the reasons for which radial inflow turbines are not
suitable for power ratings below 50 kW. Qiu et al. [86] state that turbine expanders are used for power
outputs greater than 50 kW, because the efficiency substantially drops below this value. Models for
the design of turbines are available in the literature. Rahbar et al. [98] and Fiaschi et al. [99] proposed
detailed models for radial turbines. Palumbo et al. [100] published the mathematical model of a radial
outflow turbine. Jubori et al. [101] and Lazzaretto and Manente [102] derived a model for the design
of axial turbines in ORC applications. However, the aforementioned studies have not been validated
against experimental data. Kang [103] presented a model coupled to an experiment of a radial turbine
for ORC applications using R 245fa as the working fluid. The maximum efficiency achieved during the
experimental campaign was 78.7%, and the maximum power output was 32.7 kW.
Generally, volumetric expanders are considered when the power output is low. In fact, when the
power output exceeds a certain level, the performance lowers and the size increases exponentially,
increasing its cost and reducing its practicality. Leibowitz et al. [104] in their analysis on cost-effective
small-scale ORC systems identify that in the range of 20–50 kW, twin screw expanders are the most
promising. They also state that this kind of volumetric expander offers efficiencies of 70% during low
speed operation. Such small-scale ORC systems can be installed at a cost of about 1500–2000 e/kW.
Kenneth and Nichols [105] presented a graph that provides a guideline to select the proper
expander based on the specific speed (Ns ) and the specific diameter (Ds ); see Figure 7.
In Figure 7, the parameters Ns and Ds are calculated as a function of the volumetric flow rate
(V3 ) and the adiabatic expander enthalpy drop (Had ). Different types of expanders present optimal
operation performance in certain ranges of the non-dimensional parameters Ns and Ds . For instance,
piston expanders perform well when designed for low values of a specific speed (0.01–0.1), while the
optimal Ns for radial turbines is in the range of 30–300.
Energies 2017, 10, 413 15 of 26
Notice that the graph presented in Figure 7 has been derived using experimental data of existing
machines, which adopt steam or air as the working fluids. Therefore, the values reported may differ
when considering the use of organic compounds. However, it can be generally concluded that piston
expanders are characterized by big specific diameters and low rotational speeds, while radial turbines
by high rotational speeds and small specific diameters.
Several works include an experimental investigation of small-scale ORCs. Figure 8 shows the
characteristics of the experimental setups installed worldwide.
Figure 8a–c underline that the majority of the test rigs are in the 1–10-kW range. In accordance
with Figure 7, most of the experimental setups have volumetric expanders. The top pressure of the
cycle and the volumetric expansion ratio are low in most of the cases. The results reported testify that
the efficiency of volumetric machines lies in the 60%–80% range.
Figure 9 classifies the experimental test rigs of Figure 8 and the commercial units of Table 2 based
on the type of expander. Note that the data have been drawn by the publications referenced in the
equivalent captions. The interested reader is referred to the equivalent publications for further details
on the data collection.
0 50 100 150 200
Figure 8. Cont.
Energies 2017, 10, 413 16 of 26
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Power output [kW]
Radial Axial
Screw Vane Piston Scroll
turbine turbine
The choice of the expander, as described in Figure 9, is a strong function of the power output
of the system. Based on the data analysed, it can be concluded that volumetric expanders tend to
cover the power range of 0–20 kW, while turbo machines are chosen when the power output exceeds
70 kW (see Figure 9). At power outputs exceeding 70 kW, volumetric machines are bulky, and their
performance is strongly affected by leakage losses. In the power range of 20–70 kW, the performance
of the two types of expanders (i.e., turbo and volumetric) is comparable. Therefore, the experience
of the designer plays a crucial role in the selection of the machine. It can also be noticed that there
is discordance between the power output of experimental setups and commercial units. Generally,
in academia, the trend is to investigate smaller scale units (see Figure 8) and then extrapolate the
results to higher power outputs, while ORC companies are keen to look into the development of power
units above 30 kW (see Table 2).
Sections 4.1–4.3 will describe the advantages and drawbacks of the selection of different expanders
respectively in ORC systems of power output in the ranges of 1–20 kW, 20–70 kW and 70–100 kW.
Section 4.4 will clarify the results depicted in Figure 9.
According to Imran et al. [17], scroll expanders represent the best choice when the power output of
the system is in the range of 1–25 kW. These expanders show higher performance when the expansion
is slightly wet and the volumetric ratio between the inlet and the outlet sections of the machine is
limited (see Figure 8).
In the 1–10-kW power range, rotary vane expanders represent another suitable solution for ORC
applications. Some recently-published papers present experimental measurements and evaluations
of rotary vane machines [112,113]. Vane expanders can work with fluids at low temperature and
pressure, e.g., Qiu et al. [86] proposed a vane expander that can handle 120 °C and 7 bar. Rotary vane
expanders result in low rotational speeds, the ability to work in the presence of liquid and minimal
maintenance cost [59]. The interested reader may refer to the following studies, among others,
for details on the design of rotary vane expanders: [114–116].
Lemort et al. [117], in their work on the comparison of piston, screw and scroll expanders, state
that screw expanders cover the power range above 20 kW. Qiu et al. [86] in their work explain that
screw expanders in the power range below 10 kW are hard to find on the market, due to difficulties in
their sealing.
At a commercial level, EXA, Enogia and Mattei developed ORC systems in the range of 1–10 kW
(see Table 2). Qiu et al. [86] provide an overview of the prices of different types of ORC expanders.
the expander with an off-the-shelf electric generator. The size and weight of volumetric expanders
increase exponentially for power outputs above 70 kW. This implies an increase in leakages, which
in turn lowers the efficiency of the machine. Fiaschi et al. [119] stated that radial turbines and screw
expanders represent the only options in the power range of 70–100 kW. The majority of the ORC
companies involved in the development of ORC units in the power range of 70–100 kW offer radial
turbines. Finally, a few companies developed volumetric expanders (see Table 2).
5. Conclusions
This paper provides an overview of the state of the art in ORC technology for low power
applications. The objective of the analysis is two-fold. Firstly, an economic investigation has been
developed to determine the specific cost that would make ORC technology competitive in small-scale
power production. Secondly, a technical overview on the methodologies employed in the literature for
the selection of the expander and of the working fluid has been presented.
The conclusions drawn from this study are:
• The specific cost of ORC units should not exceed the value of 3500 e/kW and 2500 e/kW in the
power range of 5–10 kW and 10–100 kW, respectively.
• The main reason why ORC technology is not widely available at a commercial level in small-scale
power production is its high specific cost. Therefore, efforts should tend towards the optimization
of the system to reduce the specific cost, which in turn lowers the payback period.
• With the objective of reducing the specific cost of the technology for small-scale applications,
it is important that research pursues the goal of performing a more holistic analysis, in which
all indicators that influence the specific costs are optimized at the same time. Thermodynamic,
economic and technical aspects should be optimized together to guarantee the dissemination of
small-scale ORC plants.
• The literature lacks experimental data of ORC systems in the power range of 10–100 kW, which
are required to facilitate the diffusion of the ORC technology in the small-scale power range.
• The expander plays a crucial role in the definition of the system’s performance. Much effort has
been put into the investigation of volumetric expanders. However, it is important to highlight
that the efficiency, compactness and power-to-weight ratio of turbo expanders overcome those
of volumetric machines, particularly when the power output is above 10 kW. The reduction
in cost of high speed electric generators together with the use of working fluids that do not
require an unreasonably high turbine rotational speed could rapidly make small-scale ORC
units cost-effective.
ORC systems for the production of power outputs in the range of 1–100 kW still experience
little market absorption. The advances in technology together with further government incentives on
investments are essential to fill in the existing market gap.
Energies 2017, 10, 413 21 of 26
Acknowledgments: The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support for this research from Entropea Labs.
Author Contributions: Lorenzo Tocci performed the literature review. Tamas Pal performed the economic
analysis and collected the information related to the European incentives scenario. Ioannis Pesmazoglou and
Benjamin Franchetti contributed to the development of the structure of the work. Lorenzo Tocci wrote the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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