Map 2008

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10 Pillars of Knowledge

Map of Human Knowledge


1. Theory 1. Theory 1. Theory 1. Theory 1. Theory 1. Theory 1. Theory 1. Thought 1. Theory 1. Theory
Philosophy of Knowledge Religious Studies Philosophy of Physics Cosmological Theory Philosophy of Biology Philosophy of Life Philosophy of Social Sciences 1. Reason (Theory) Philosophy of Technology Philosophy of History
Philosophy of Science Philosophy of Space & Time Bioethics Philosophy of Mind Social Philosophy Philosophy
2. Mysticism 2. Space Bioethics 2. Representation 2. Professions 2. General Memory
2. Context Mysticism 2. Principles Astronomy 2. Basic Sciences 2. Society at-large Philosophy of Language Engineering History
History of Science Physics Biology 2. Basic Sciences 1. General Philology Archeology
Sociology of Knowledge 3. Religions 3. Earth Human Biology Sociology 3. Relations 3. Technologies
1. Ancient 3. Substances 1. Surface & Substance 3. Health & Wellbeing Psychology Anthropology Logic 1. Sciences 3. Relations
3. Methodology Egyptian Mythology Chemistry Physical Geography Veterinary Medicine Neuroscience Human Geography Mathematics Artificial intelligence Genealogy
Methodology of Science Greek Mythology Geology Cognitive Science Demography Statistics Biotechnology
2. Monotheism Soil Sciences 2. Area-Based Computer Science
4. Mediation Judaism 2. Interrelations 3. Health & Wellbeing Area Studies 2. Arts - Literature Materials Science
Information Science Christianity Agriculture 1. Medical Sciences (Classified by Area ) 1. Theory Nanotechnology
Museology Islam Environmental Sciences Medicine Literary Theory Nuclear Technology
Scientometrics 3. Asian Natural Hazards Dentistry 3. Domains 2. Forms 2. Needs & Activities
Buddhism 2. Paramedical Studies 1. Community Poetry Educational Technology
Hinduism Audiology 1. Communication Prose Food Technology
Jainism Clinical Psychology Semiotics Drama Information Technology
Sikhism Midwifery Linguistics Essay 3. Materials
Confucianism Nursing Languages Ceramic Technology
Taoism Nutrition Communication Studies 3. Arts - Non-Literary Glass Technology
Shinto Occupational Therapy 2. Contract 1. Theory Iron Technology
Bahaism Optometry Political Science Philosophy of Art Mineral Technology
Zoroastrianism Pharmacy 3. Codes History of Art Wood Technology
4. Modern Physical Therapy Ethics 2. Forms 4. Processes
Scientology Public Health Law Conceptual Art Cutting Technology
5. Ethnic Speech Therapy 4. Conduct Drawing Freezing Technology
Shamanism 3. Complementary Medicine Social Psychology Painting
Voodoo Ayurvedic Medicine Criminology Sculpture
x ‫סגירת‬ Chinese Medicine 2. Needs & Activities Photography
Homeopathy Cultural Studies Printmaking
Economics Tapestry
Education Dance
Public Health Music
Recreation Theater
Social Work Opera
Sport Entertainment
Tourism Cinematography
Urban Planning Digital Arts
3. Management Applied & Design Arts
Management studies Architecture

4. Social Groups
1. Gender
Men's Studies
Women's Studies
2. Age
Youth Studies
3. Ethnicity
Ethnic Studies
(Classified by Ethnicity)
4. Interest
Family Studies
Gay & Lesbian Studies



Our knowledge is growing while we conquer new horizons. New fields Foundations studies human knowledge. Supernatural concerns mysticism Categories vs. fields. Every pillar is composed of relevant categories. Theory – Embodiment. Human knowledge follows a Theory – At the field level, the “theory” section is implemented in the theory of the
emerge as we conceive innovative ideas, improve our scientific methods, and and religion. Matter and Energy explores the basics of the physical world. Every category presents the relevant fields. For example, Matter and Energy Embodiment structure. It is implemented within the map level, the pillar field (for example, Philosophy of Medicine is part of the "theory" section of
invent new technologies. Yet, we fail to capture the whole picture and the Space and Earth explores our planet and outer space. Non-Human is composed of three main categories, Theory, Principles, and Substances. level, and the field level. Medicine). The other sections embody our knowledge of the relevant
logical relations among the various parts of knowledge. Organisms explores the non-human living world, or fauna and flora; while The Theory category presents two fields, Philosophy of Physics, and phenomena. In the example of Medicine, these are Internal Medicine,
Body and Mind is focused on the human body and mind. Society deals with Philosophy of Space and Time. Principles presents Physics, and Substances At the map level, pillar 1 is the “theory” part of human knowledge and pillars Pediatrics, Surgery, and the like. Note that the map above does not zoom on
10 Pillars of Knowledge is a systematic map of human knowledge. It the various aspects of human social life. Thought and Art studies the products presents Chemistry. The distinction between categories of the map and fields 2 through 10 are the “embodiment” part. Pillar 1 includes meta-knowledge the field level.
presents, at a glance, the structure of knowledge and the meaningful relations of the human intellect, and the arts. Technology explores the products of of knowledge is essential. (i.e., knowledge about knowledge), or rather the “theory” of human
among the main fields. Human knowledge is composed of 10 pillars: human creativity, which are designed to achieve practical aims. History knowledge. Pillars 2-10 embody our knowledge of the supernatural, the Knowledge maps. Knowledge maps shape the way we perceive the
encompasses human history. Library of human knowledge. Imagine that the Map mirrors a library. universe, and human phenomena, which are the center of human exploration. world and act in it. They are expected to be systematic and comprehensive.
- Foundations The pillars are bookcases, the categories are shelves, and the fields are books. 10 Pillars of Knowledge is systematic and comprehensive. It seems obvious
- Supernatural Knowledge – Supernatural – Universe – Humans. The 10 pillars The Library of Human Knowledge has an impressive collection of hundreds At the pillar level, the first category, Theory, is the “theoretical” part of the and reflects the way most of us conceive our knowledge. This simplicity is a
- Matter and Energy are organized into four groups, which explore four general phenomena: of books (i.e., fields). They are stored in ten bookcases (i.e., pillars), which pillar. It presents fields that are focused on the theoretical aspects of the product of an ongoing study aimed at mapping contemporary human
- Space and Earth knowledge (pillar 1), supernatural (pillar 2), universe (pillars 3-4-5), and are divided into relevant shelves (i.e., categories). explored phenomena (e.g., Philosophy of Knowledge, Philosophy of knowledge – a study that started nearly ten years ago.
- Non-Human Organisms humans (pillars 6-7-8-9-10). Science). The other categories embody our knowledge of the explored
- Body and Mind Human knowledge is constantly growing. New books are written. Old books phenomena. All the pillars share the Theory – Embodiment structure, with
- Society Living world. Non-Human Organisms (pillar 5) and Body and Mind are revised. This is the nature of our cultural heritage. one exception. Pillar 8, Thought and Art, is divided into three sections,
- Thought and Art (pillar 6) belong, from cultural and religious perspectives, to different Thought, Literature, and Non-Literary Arts; each one of them has its own Author: Chaim Zins, PhD.
- Technology phenomena. Non-Human Organisms is part of the universe, while Body and Theory – Embodiment structure. Design: Chaim Zins (research and concept), Maya Natan-Gorelick (graphical design), Amir Gur (consultant).
- History Mind is part of humanity. However, from a scientific perspective, Images: courtsey of the Library of Congress, NOAA, NASA, NASA, NASA, US Army, Fairfax County,
Non-Human Organisms and Body and Mind are interrelated. They are part of
Brian Hillegas (The Thinker by Auguste Rodin), NASA, and Liberty Leading the People by Eugène Delacroix.
the same general phenomenon, the Living World.
© Chaim Zins, 2008. URL:

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