Learning Contract Samples
Learning Contract Samples
Learning Contract Samples
The Council on Social Work Education created the ten Core Competencies for all social work students
in accredited programs. As described in the 2008 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards:
“Competencies are measurable practice behaviors that are comprised of knowledge, values, and
skills. The goal of the outcome approach is to demonstrate the integration and application of the
competencies in practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. “
As a result of this, the KU School of Social Welfare uses these Competencies and Practice
Behaviors to guide both the activities completed in practicum and to evaluate the social work
student’s progress in practicum. This supplement is meant to provide you with some additional
information to assist with the Learning Contract and the Evaluation.
Welcome to Practicum! Practicum is a time for blending classroom lecture and assignments to
actual practice in the social work field. The Learning Contract is intended to be a working
document that will guide your activities in practicum.
1. During agency orientation and your first few weeks of practicum, make a list of activities
that you and/or your Field Instructor have identified as potential practicum tasks.
2. During supervision meetings during your first 4-5 weeks of practicum, discuss the
Competencies and Practice Behaviors with your Field Instructor. Document specific activities
that connect with the Competencies and Practice Behaviors identified in the contract.
a. Please see the Sample Learning Contracts for examples of activities.
3. Complete your Learning Contract in Sonia.
a. You do not need to document at least one activity per Practice Behavior, but
remember that your Field Instructor will have to evaluate you on each behavior
based on the activities you complete.
b. We recommend completing the contract a week before it is due so your Field
Instructor can review it.
4. Submit your Learning Contract through Sonia.
5. Your Liaison will provide you with feedback and may request that you revise and re-
submit the Learning Contract.
1. Please use the rating scale below to evaluate the student’s level of accomplishment for each
Practice Behavior, considering the activities listed in the box next to the Practice Behaviors.
***Ratings of N/A at the Mid-Year Evaluation indicate a need for planned assignments to
provide experience with the particular practice behavior. It is important to write a brief
narrative about next steps for creating opportunities for completing assignments.
It is expected that over the course of the academic year the student will have multiple
opportunities to implement all of the practice behaviors included in this evaluation.
When completing the Mid-Year evaluation, please remember that often students will rate
relatively low in some Practice Behaviors. This is expected, as the student is still
learning and should be continually improving throughout the year.
You are welcome to consult with any Preceptor and the Field Liaison when completing the Evaluation.
2. It is important to write a brief narrative about the student’s performance in each of the Competencies.
Competency 2: Apply social work ethical principles to guide professional practice.
KUSSW Foundation Level Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Recognize and manage personal values in a way Read and routinely reference the NASW Code of Ethics and
that allows professional values to guide practice. IFSW/IASSW Ethics of Social Work.
Review in supervision ethically challenging cases I have
Make ethical decisions by applying standards of the NASW observed or directly been involved in.
Code of Ethics and, as applicable, of the IFSW/IASSW Utilize field supervision to discuss personal bias that arise
Ethics in Social Work, Statement of Principles. when working with clients.
Attend and participate in weekly social work staff meetings where social
Tolerate ambiguity in resolving ethical conflicts. workers discuss ethical issues and get feedback from coworkers.
Consult my Practice Class instructor about ethical frameworks for
Apply strategies of ethical reasoning to arrive at decision making and apply that framework to my direct practice.
principled decisions. Attend a spring workshop on ethical issues and hospice care
hosted by the area Aging Professionals Networking Group.
Competency 4: Engage in diversity and difference in practice
KUSSW Foundation Level Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Recognize the extent to which a culture’s structures and Work with my field supervisor and other chapter social
values may oppress, marginalize, alienate, or create or workers to ensure that my caseload is diverse.
enhance privilege and power. Together with the Diversity Outreach Coordinator, staff
tables at two community health fairs.
Gain sufficient self-awareness to eliminate the influence of With the Diversity Outreach Coordinator, discuss consideration
personal biases and values in working with diverse groups. for culturally sensitive practice, apply that knowledge to client
work, and review the outcomes during weekly supervision.
Recognize and communicate their understanding of the Work with my field supervisor to update intake forms to
importance of difference in shaping life experiences. be more inclusive of LGBTQ individuals and families.
Competency 6: Engage in research-informed practice and practice-informed research
KUSSW Foundation Level Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Use practice experience to inform scientific inquiry. Develop a brief Caregiver Satisfaction Survey to collect data
on agency care consultations.
Draft a summary of the Caregiver Satisfaction Survey results and
present it to all Chapter staff at the March monthly staff meeting.
Use research evidence to inform practice. Attend the Chapter’s November Alzheimer’s Research
Forum at Johnson County Community College. When
possible, apply what I learn to my client work.
Research wandering devices for individuals who are an
elopement risk. Create a handout with wandering reduction
devices and tips that can be distributed to families.
Competency 8: Engage in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being and to deliver
effective social work services
KUSSW Foundation Level Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Analyze, formulate, and advocate for policies that Assist in organizing and attend February Memory Day at the
advance social well-being. Missouri State Capitol.
Collect two letters from clients who are homebound and
share them with policy makers on Memory Day.
Read and become familiar with the Chapter 2015/16
public policy platform.
Collaborate with colleagues and clients for effective policy action. Send area policy makers invitations to Chapter organized
December Alzheimer Town Hall Meeting.
At Memory Day and at the Town Hall Meeting, speak to at
least three policy makers about issues facing my clients.
Review the Chapter’s Employee Policy Manual.
Once a month during supervision, discuss with my field
supervisor agency level policy/procedures that seem to
improve or hinder workers’ ability to practice.
Competency 9: Respond to contexts that shape practice
KUSSW Foundation Level Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Continuously discover, appraise, and attend to changing locales, Research wandering devices for individuals who are an
populations, scientific and technological developments, and elopement risk. Create a handout with wandering reduction
emerging societal trends to provide relevant services. devices and tips that can be distributed to families.
Once a month during supervision, discuss with my field
supervisor agency level policy/procedures that seem to
improve or hinder workers’ ability to practice.
Develop a brief Caregiver Satisfaction Survey to collect data
on agency care consultations.
Provide leadership in promoting sustainable changes in service
Draft a summary of the Caregiver Satisfaction Survey results and
delivery and practice to improve the quality of social services. present it to all Chapter staff at the March monthly staff meeting.
Attend the Chapter’s November Alzheimer’s Research
Forum at Johnson County Community College. When
possible, apply what I learn to my client work.
Competency 10b: ASSESS
Engage, assess, intervene, and evaluate with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities
KUSSW Foundation Level Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Collect, organize, and interpret client data. Conduct biopsychosocial assessments utilizing the
agency’s strength based approach.
Enter client notes into agency database within 48 hours of
Assess client strengths and limitations. seeing a client. Periodically have an MSW staff member
review and provide feedback on my documentation.
Read the agency’s Neuropsychiatric Guide for Dementia. Include
Develop mutually agreed-upon goal & objectives. suggestions from the guide in client intervention plans.
Review with clients the goals I document in the agency
database to ensure my interpretation of client goals are
Select appropriate intervention strategies. consistent with client wants, desires, & intentions.
Competency 10d: EVALUATE
Engage, assess, intervene, and evaluate with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities
Activities Related to this Competency:
Develop a brief Caregiver Satisfaction Survey to collect data
on agency care consultations.
Draft a summary of the Caregiver Satisfaction Survey results and
present it to all Chapter staff at the March monthly staff meeting.
Review client identified goals during field supervision to ensure
that they are measurable and can be effectively evaluated.
Competency 2: Apply social work ethical principles to guide professional practice.
KUSSW Advanced Level Clinical Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Apply ethical decision-making skills to issues specific to Research and utilize various ethical frameworks specific to the
clinical social work settings and practice. school social work setting to assist in ethical decision making.
Employ strategies of ethical reasoning to address During at least one supervision meeting, apply that framework to
the impact of technology and other advancements in a specific case I am observing/working.
clinical practice on client rights. Discuss with clients how specific legal obligations related to mandated
Identify and use knowledge of relationship dynamics, including power reporting in the school setting and limits of confidentiality of varying
differentials, to appropriately guide clinical interactions with clients. forms of communication, like texting or email.
Recognize and manage personal biases that may affect Reflect on and discuss with my field instructor any ethical issue
the clinical relationship and impact clients’ well-being. that may arise when interacting with clients and school staff.
Utilize active listening skills and empathy in interactions with
Utilize appropriate consultation and supervision to process clients understanding that client social history has profound
clinical situations involving ethical conflicts or decisions. impact on building relationships.
Reflect on and monitor my personal biases throughout
practicum and discuss with field instructor and process in
classroom reflection papers and classroom discussion.
Competency 3: Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments
KUSSW Advanced Level Clinical Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Articulate professional clinical impressions which integrate
research knowledge, experiential learning, and client self-report. Share information in multi-disciplinary school staff meetings
each week regarding work with clients that reflects the specific
Demonstrate the ability to evaluate clients' strengths and interventions used with each client and why they were chosen.
vulnerabilities while utilizing specific clinical practice models. Evaluate and monitor efficacy of interventions and resources
throughout the phases of the treatment plan with each student.
Critically evaluate, select, and utilize appropriate assessment, As is defined in the NASW Code of Ethics 1.02 Self-Determination,
diagnostic, intervention, and practice evaluation tools. respect clients’ self-determination in all interactions within the
parameters of the school setting. This includes seeking their input
Evaluate the applicability of relevant theoretical on behavior plans and other interventions, respecting the
perspectives to clients' conditions. guidelines and restrictions of the school setting.
Demonstrate the ability to communicate informed clinical
judgments, verbally and in writing, to other professionals.
Competency 5: Advance human rights and social and economic justice
KUSSW Advanced Level Clinical Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Integrate knowledge of the experience and effects of
oppression, marginalization, discrimination, or historical Develop an understanding of agency services and programs
trauma in treatment planning and interventions. currently utilized by students and their families by contacting
at least 10 agencies identified with my field instructor.
Identify disparities between the available resources and our students’
current needs, and attempt to seek out additional resources.
Demonstrate an understanding of the depth and breadth
of social and economic injustice, and integrate into Attend two (one in the fall and one in spring) District hosted
treatment plans advocacy efforts aimed at eliminating community meetings on reducing the achievement gap.
mental health, health, or income disparities. Participate in the implementation activities of an anti-school
violence program, including researching other programs
and defining a school social workers role in that program.
During staffing meetings, communicate to school staff the barriers to
academic success that include impact of oppression and discrimination.
Competency 7: Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment
KUSSW Advanced Level Clinical Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Synthesize and differentially apply theories of human Observe my field instructor completing at least five social histories of
behavior and the social students and discuss her theoretical approach to selecting interventions.
environment to guide clinical practice. Complete social histories of students to guide selection of
relevant and appropriate clinical interventions.
Use bio-psycho-social-spiritual theories and Attend and contribute suggestions to at least three 504
multi-axial diagnostic classification systems in planning meetings.
formulation of comprehensive assessments. Collaborate with the Community Mental Health Center’s WRAP
workers to develop appropriate IEP supported measures for
Consult with medical professionals, as needed, students with mental health concerns/diagnosis.
to confirm diagnosis and/or to monitor medication in the Consult with all relevant systems that impact students
treatment process. including family members, school staff, outside mental health
staff, medical staff and family service workers to complete a
comprehensive assessment of client need.
Reference the DSM V to understand diagnostic
impressions that will inform assessment and interventions.
Competency 8: Engage in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being and to deliver
effective social work services
KUSSW Advanced Level Clinical Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Understand the impact of policies on clinical service
delivery and the lives of clients and communicate this Seek knowledge and understanding of federal, state and local
knowledge to relevant stakeholders. legislation that hinders or enhances service delivery.
Demonstrate the ability to assemble appropriate Attend at least one school board meeting on the boundary
evidence in advocating for policies that improve changes that will impact the students I serve.
clinical services and advance client well- being. Identify specific legislation that hinders or enhances service delivery,
Engage in efforts to influence policies to promote improved and present information at a staff meeting in January 2016.
clinical services and enhanced client well-being. Collaborate with field instructor and clients to initiate project
that identifies gaps in agency resources and services.
Able to assess the effectiveness of advocacy efforts. Write a letter to a federal, state and local legislator on
legislation that impacts social service delivery.
Competency 9: Respond to contexts that shape practice
KUSSW Advanced Level Clinical Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Consider changing social conditions and emerging trends
to keep clinical services relevant to the experiences and Discuss with students/clients how social media impacts negatively
evolving social contexts of client populations. and/or positively school success and personal relationships.
Competency 10b: ASSESS
Engage, assess, intervene, and evaluate with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities
KUSSW Advanced Level Clinical Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Synthesize client data from a variety of sources utilizing bio-psycho- Observe my field instructor and Patty Smith, social worker at ABC school,
social-spiritual assessment in order to form diagnostic impressions. during meetings with at least ten students, and discuss the
Elucidate clients’ presenting problems and assess their use of the strengths perspective in their assessment process.
readiness for change. Attend the District’s February professional development on
Assess strengths and resources that are available to engaging and assessing student needs following a school crisis.
help address clients’ problems or circumstances. Utilize strengths perspective in conversation with clients to
Use clinical assessments or multi-axial diagnoses to help understand how they have addressed challenges in the past.
develop appropriate intervention strategies within the Consult DSM V in conjunction with other assessment tools to
context of the agency’s services. collaborate with client on appropriate interventions.
Review historical school records, discuss with school staff and field
instructor, and seek relevant historical records from outside agencies for
at least five students to develop an accurate assessment and diagnosis.
Competency 10d: EVALUATE
Engage, assess, intervene, and evaluate with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities
KUSSW Advanced Level Clinical Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Critically analyze, monitor and evaluate interventions. During supervision with my field instructor each week,
discuss and evaluate the interventions, successes, and
Document clients’ progress in agency records as required. challenges used with at least one student.
Use established research methods to evaluate clinical Document student/client progress in the database as required by policy.
and practice effectiveness and/or outcomes.
Competency 3: Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments
KUSSW Advanced Level Macro Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Engage diverse constituents in critical community and I will draft a policy brief on education & collective bargaining in
organizational analysis and problem-solving. Kansas that will be distributed electronically and as hard copy to
legislators and other key stakeholders.
I will assist in updating KPE’s social media with diverse content and images.
Competency 5: Advocate human rights and social and economic justice
KUSSW Advanced Level Macro Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Advocate for human and civil rights individually and collectively. I will assist in organizing 2 Public Educator Panel-Town Hall
Meeting in rural school districts.
Advance research that is participatory and inclusive of In addition to the readings pertaining to supervision in my course
community and organizational practice constituencies. work, I will read two recent peer reviewed articles regarding effective
supervision in social work settings. I will share the articles with my FI.
I will ask her opinion as to how the research relates to macro practice.
Competency 7: Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment
KUSSW Advanced Level Macro Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Incorporate a broad understanding of theories of change in I will apply to practicum work the principles of client-centered performance
planning and developing interventions within communities. management that I have newly learned in my fall semester course work. I will
discuss at least two examples in my weekly supervision.
Competency 8: Engage in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being and to deliver
effective social work services
KUSSW Advanced Level Macro Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Analyze policies by understanding the role of social, I will review and adhere to (KPE) policies and procedures for community
economic, and political forces on policy formulation, and organizing. If I perceive that a client or group may by negatively impacted
the implications for less powerful and oppressed group. by an agency policy, I will be forthcoming with my FI during supervision.
I will read KPE’s current and previous five years’ policy platforms. I
Actively use policy practice skills to advance policies that will review cited material and will formulate related questions to
improve the effectiveness of social services and the well- discuss during supervision.
being of people, especially the most vulnerable.
At least three times during my practicum, I will staff KPE information
booths at a community event- such as festivals and health fairs.
Competency 9: Respond to contexts that shape practice
KUSSW Advanced Level Macro Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Strategically plan organizational and community change I will include a KPE performance feedback form at the town halls. I will
and development in response to changing social, synthesize the collected information and provide it to my FI. I will work with
economic, and political conditions. my FI to share our findings with various community constituents; and where
appropriate, I will assist in addressing identified areas needing improvement.
Competency 10b: ASSESS
Engage, assess, intervene, and evaluate with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities
KUSSW Advanced Level Macro Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Assess and analyze client needs by integrating I will observe informal agency norms that may be strengthening diversity
empirical and community data to inform the of ideas & creativity in the workplace or conversely hindering them. I will
development of client-focused programs and services. openly discuss my observations with my FI during supervision.
Develop a program budget that reflects diverse funding I will profile a staff member, volunteer, or community constituent on
sources to meet client needs. the webpage monthly. I will forward the profile to staff members and
key community partners via email. When I am able I will use video.
Develop comprehensive program and policy designs that
reflect use of the best available research, client feedback,
and practitioner wisdom.
Competency 10d: EVALUATE
Engage, assess, intervene, and evaluate with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities
KUSSW Advanced Level Macro Practice Behaviors Activities Related to this Competency:
Evaluate key measurement indicators of program implementation I will assist my FI in drafting program reports, which include
and client outcomes to maintain and improve effective services. outcome measures, for major funders such as FPEF.