Inkai Operation South Kazakhstan Oblast, Republic of Kazakhstan
Inkai Operation South Kazakhstan Oblast, Republic of Kazakhstan
Inkai Operation South Kazakhstan Oblast, Republic of Kazakhstan
Technical Report
Effective Date: December 31, 2009
1 SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Operation Overview.............................................................................................................1
1.2 Location and Site Description..............................................................................................1
1.3 Exploration and Development .............................................................................................2
1.4 JV Inkai Funding..................................................................................................................3
1.5 Geology and Mineralization .................................................................................................3
1.6 Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves ..........................................................................4
1.7 Current Exploration..............................................................................................................7
1.8 Mining ..................................................................................................................................7
1.9 Processing ...........................................................................................................................9
1.10 Environmental Assessment and Licensing..........................................................................9
1.11 Production Plan and Mine Life ..........................................................................................10
1.12 Economic Analysis ............................................................................................................11
1.12.1 Payback................................................................................................................13
1.13 Project Risks......................................................................................................................13
1.14 Conclusions and Recommendations.................................................................................13
1.14.1 Blocks 1 and 2 ......................................................................................................13
1.14.2 Block 3..................................................................................................................14
2 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................15
2.1 Introduction and Purpose ..................................................................................................15
2.2 Report Basis ......................................................................................................................16
3 RELIANCE ON OTHER EXPERTS ...............................................................................................17
4 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION .............................................................................18
4.1 Location .............................................................................................................................18
4.1.1 Exploration and Mining Licences..........................................................................20
4.1.2 2007 Memorandum of Understanding..................................................................20
4.1.3 The Subsoil Law ...................................................................................................21
4.1.4 Strategic Deposits ................................................................................................22
4.1.5 Assignment and Transfer of Subsoil Use Rights..................................................23
4.1.6 Draft Subsoil Law .................................................................................................23
4.1.7 Work Programs.....................................................................................................25
4.2 Mine and Infrastructure......................................................................................................25
4.3 Tax and Royalties..............................................................................................................25
4.4 Known Environmental Liabilities........................................................................................26
4.5 Permitting...........................................................................................................................28
4.6 Procurement Requirements...............................................................................................28
4.7 Local Content Requirements .............................................................................................28
5.1 Access ...............................................................................................................................30
5.2 Climate...............................................................................................................................30
5.3 Physiography.....................................................................................................................31
5.4 Local Resources................................................................................................................31
5.5 Infrastructure .....................................................................................................................31
6 HISTORY........................................................................................................................................37
6.1 Ownership .........................................................................................................................37
6.2 Exploration and Development History ...............................................................................37
15.1.1 General.................................................................................................................79
15.1.2 Geology ................................................................................................................79
15.1.3 Mines ....................................................................................................................79
16 MINERAL PROCESSING AND METALLURGICAL TESTING ....................................................80
16.1 Metallurgical Testwork.......................................................................................................80
16.1.1 Laboratory Testwork.............................................................................................80
16.1.2 Hydrogeological Studies.......................................................................................82
16.1.3 Field Tests ............................................................................................................83
16.2 Commercial Production .....................................................................................................89
16.2.1 Leaching ...............................................................................................................92
16.2.2 Ion Exchange Resin Loading ...............................................................................92
16.2.3 Resin Elution (Stripping).......................................................................................92
16.2.4 Denitrification........................................................................................................93
16.2.5 Precipitation..........................................................................................................93
16.2.6 Yellowcake Product Thickening and Dewatering .................................................93
16.2.7 Filter Press Operation...........................................................................................93
16.2.8 Drying ...................................................................................................................94
16.2.9 Packaging.............................................................................................................94
17 MINERAL RESOURCE AND MINERAL RESERVE ESTIMATES ...............................................95
17.1 Definitions ..........................................................................................................................95
17.2 Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves ........................................................................96
17.2.1 Key Assumptions..................................................................................................96
17.2.2 Key Parameters....................................................................................................96
17.2.3 Key Methods.........................................................................................................97
17.2.4 Resource Classification ........................................................................................98
17.2.5 Cut-off...................................................................................................................99
17.2.6 Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimates ............................................101
17.3 Discussion on Factors Potentially Affecting Materiality of Resources and
PROPERTIES AND PRODUCTION PROPERTIES ....................................................................104
18.1 Mining ..............................................................................................................................104
18.1.1 Mining Method ....................................................................................................104
18.1.2 Production Objectives.........................................................................................106
18.1.3 Well Field Design and Development ..................................................................106
18.1.4 Well field Development.......................................................................................107
18.2 Recoverability ..................................................................................................................108
18.3 Production Plan and Mine Life ........................................................................................108
18.4 Uranium Markets .............................................................................................................109
18.5 Uranium Sales Contract and Price ..................................................................................111
18.6 Contracts .........................................................................................................................112
18.7 Environmental Considerations ........................................................................................112
18.7.1 Legislation ..........................................................................................................112
18.7.2 Permitting ...........................................................................................................113
18.7.3 Environmental Impact Assessment ....................................................................114
18.7.4 Restoration .........................................................................................................115
18.8 Taxes and Royalties ........................................................................................................116
18.9 Capital and Operating Cost Estimates ............................................................................116
18.9.1 Economic Analysis .............................................................................................118
18.9.2 Payback..............................................................................................................120
Table 1-1: Summary of Mineral Resources – December 31, 2009.........................................................5
Table 1-2: Summary of Mineral Reserves – December 31, 2009...........................................................6
Table 6-1: Historical Drilling ..................................................................................................................38
Table 6-2: Historical Kazakh Reserves for Block 1 as of November 1993 ...........................................38
Table 6-3: Historical Kazakh Reserves for Block 2 as of February 1996 .............................................39
Table 6-4: Reconciliation of Classifications of Mineral Reserves and Resources ................................39
Table 7-1: Hydraulic Conductivity..........................................................................................................50
Table 9-1: Mineralized Zones in Blocks 1 and 2 ...................................................................................57
Table 11-1: Delineation Drilling at Inkai .................................................................................................68
Table 16-1: Chemical Composition of the Test Samples, %...................................................................81
Table 16-2: Composition of the Test Samples, %...................................................................................81
Table 16-3: Chemical Composition of Pregnant Solution ......................................................................82
Table 16-4: Results of Well Fields Testwork through the end of October 2007 .....................................86
Table 16-5: Past Inkai Uranium Production ............................................................................................89
Table 17-1: Additional Estimation Parameters........................................................................................97
Table 17-2: Kazakh Reserves for Block 2 as of January 1, 2007 ...........................................................98
Table 17-3: Summary of Mineral Resources – December 31, 2009.....................................................101
Table 17-4: Summary of Mineral Reserves – December 31, 2009.......................................................102
Table 18-1: Projected Uranium Sales Prices ........................................................................................112
Table 18-2: Estimated JV Inkai Taxes and Royalties............................................................................116
Table 18-3: Summary of Estimated Capital Costs ...............................................................................117
Table 18-4: Summary of Estimated Operating Costs............................................................................118
Table 18-5: Economic Analysis .............................................................................................................119
Figure 1-1: Production Plan (100% basis)..............................................................................................11
Figure 1-2: NPV sensitivity estimates.....................................................................................................12
Figure 4-1: Location Map........................................................................................................................19
Figure 5-1: General Location Map..........................................................................................................33
Figure 5-2: Blocks 1 and 2 – Infrastructure General Arrangement ........................................................34
Figure 5-3: Location Map of Block 1 Main Processing Plant..................................................................35
Figure 5-4: Location Map of Block 2 Satellite 1 Plant ............................................................................36
Figure 7-1: Schematic Cross-section of the Chu-Sarysu Basin – Looking West ...................................42
Figure 7-2: Schematic Stratigraphic Cross-section, Inkai Operation .....................................................46
Figure 9-1: Inkai Uranium Roll Fronts ....................................................................................................58
Figure 9-2: Roll-Front Morphology of Mineralization ..............................................................................61
Figure 9-3: Typical characteristics of a roll-front deposit........................................................................63
Figure 11-1: Drill Hole Collar Location Map .............................................................................................69
Figure 16-1: Test Block 2 Well Field Layout.............................................................................................85
Figure 16-2: Injection and Production Well Schematics for Test Block 2.................................................86
Figure 16-3: Graph of Historical Recovery from Test Block 2..................................................................87
Figure 16-4: Graph of Head Grade from Test Block 2 .............................................................................87
Figure 16-5: Graph of Flow from Test Block 2 .........................................................................................88
Figure 16-6: Flowsheet Based on Annual Production of 5.2 million Pounds U3O8 ..................................91
Figure 17-1: Blocks 1 and 2 - Kazakh Mineral Resources Map .............................................................100
Figure 18-1: Production Plan (100% basis)............................................................................................109
Figure 18-2: Uranium Price History ........................................................................................................111
Figure 18-3: NPV sensitivity estimates...................................................................................................120
To discharge this legal obligation, this technical report has been prepared for
Cameco by internal Qualified Persons (QP) in support of the disclosure of
scientific and technical information relating to Inkai that is material to Cameco
contained in Cameco’s Annual Information Form for 2009, Cameco’s
Management Discussion and Analysis filed with securities regulators on February
25, 2010, and a Cameco press release dated February 24, 2010.
All monetary references in this technical report are expressed in United States
The Inkai operation is an in situ recovery (ISR) mine in the Central Asian
Republic of Kazakhstan. Inkai comprises three contiguous licence blocks: two
production areas (Blocks 1 and 2) and one exploration area (Block 3). Block 1 is
an area about 16.6 square kilometres. Block 2 is an area about 230 square
kilometres. Block 3 is an area about 240 square kilometres.
Inkai is owned and operated by Joint Venture Inkai Limited Liability Partnership
(JV Inkai), an entity which is owned by Cameco (60%) and National Atomic
Company KazAtomProm JSC (KazAtomProm) (40%). The Republic of
Kazakhstan owns KazAtomProm. JV Inkai’s mineral reserves and resources are
located at Blocks 1 and 2. Block 3 is currently being drilled in order to estimate its
mineral resources. Potential future profits from Block 3 production will be shared
on a 50-50 basis, instead of based upon ownership interests in JV Inkai.
The main processing plant is located on Block 1 and a satellite plant is located on
Block 2. The main processing plant has an ion exchange capacity of 2.6 million
pounds of U3O8 per year and a product recovery drying and packaging capacity
of 5.2 million pounds per year.
The satellite plant has an ion exchange capacity of 2.6 million pounds of U3O8
per year. The satellite plant produces uranium loaded ion exchange resin which
is taken to the main processing plant at Block 1 for processing.
Exploration on Inkai began in the 1980s and continued into the 1990s until the
breakup of the former Soviet Union. A pilot test using the ISR mining method in
the northeast area of Block 1 started in December 1988. The test lasted for 495
days and recovered approximately 85% of the uranium in the test area (92,900
pounds U3O8). The test was a technical success, achieving a high uranium
recovery rate from the test area in a relatively short time frame.
Test mining commenced in April 2002 at Block 2 and an expansion of the test
mine was completed in 2006.
In 2008, JV Inkai received initial approval for a mining licence for Block 2 to
replace its exploration licence. Final approval was received in 2009 when
Amendment No.2 to the Resource Use Contract was signed by JV Inkai and the
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Kazakhstan (MEMR). (Until March
12, 2010, the MEMR was the ministry designated as the "Competent Authority"
under the Subsoil Law (as defined in Section 4.1.3 below). The current
Competent Authority is the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies). The
Block 1 mining licence expires in 2024 and the Block 2 mining licence expires in
During the fourth quarter of 2008, commissioning of the front half of the main
processing plant was completed and the processing of solutions from Block 1
In February 2010, JV Inkai filed an application with the MEMR declaring that it
had made a potential commercial discovery at Block 3 and requesting an
extension of the licence term.
Cameco has agreed to provide all funds required by JV Inkai in connection with
work on Block 3 until completion of a feasibility study.
and active uranium ISR mines are located at these regional oxidation roll-fronts,
developed along a regional system of superimposed mineralization fronts. The
overall stratigraphic horizon of interest in the basin is approximately 200 to 250 m
in vertical section.
The Inkai deposit is one of these roll-front deposits. It is hosted within the
Inkuduk and Mynkuduk Formations which comprise feldspathic sandstones or
sub-arkoses, typically containing 50% to 60% quartz and 10% to 15% feldspar.
Clay content is in the range of 5% to 10%. The redox boundary can be readily
recognised in core by a distinct colour change from grey on the reduced side to
yellowish stains on the oxidized side, stemming from the oxidation of pyrite to
limonite. In cross-section, the redox boundary is often “C” shaped forming the
classic roll-front.
Hydrogeological parameters of the deposit play a key role in ISR mining. Studies
and mining indicate Inkai has favourable hydrogeological conditions for ISR
Seven mineralized zones have been identified on Blocks 1 and 2 of the Inkai
operation, including three zones in the Mynkuduk horizon and four zones in the
Inkuduk horizon. The bulk of the uranium mineralization in Block 1 is contained in
the Mynkuduk horizon, of Turonian age, that unconformably overlays Permian
argillites. This horizon is at a depth of about 500 m and consists of fine to
medium sands with occasional layers of clay or silt. Above the Mynkuduk
horizon, the lower part of the Inkuduk horizon is also locally mineralized.
Mineralization in Block 2 is contained primarily in the Middle and Lower Inkuduk
horizons between 350 m to 420 m below surface.
The estimated mineral resources and reserves at Inkai are located in Block 1 and
Block 2. The resource models follow the Kazakhstan “State Committee of Mineral
Reserves (GKZ)” guide. They were created by Volkovgeology Joint Stock
Company (Volkovgeology), using the Grade Thickness (GT) estimation method
on 2-dimensional blocks in plan. Volkovgeology is a subsidiary of KazAtomProm
The Block 1 mineral resources and reserves are based on 944 surface drillholes.
The Block 2 mineral resources and reserves estimates are based upon 1,052
drillholes. No mineral resources or reserves have been estimated for Block 3.
A summary of the estimated mineral resources for Inkai with an effective date of
December 31, 2009 is shown in Table 1-1. Alain G. Mainville, P.Geo. of Cameco,
is the QP within the meaning of NI 43-101 for the purpose of the mineral
resource and mineral reserve estimates.
Notes: (1) Cameco reports mineral reserves and mineral resources separately. Reported mineral resources
do not include amounts identified as mineral reserves.
(2) Cameco’s share is 60 % of total mineral resources.
(3) Inferred mineral resources have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence and as to
whether they can be mined economically. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of the inferred
mineral resources will ever be upgraded to a higher category.
(4) Mineral resources have been estimated at a minimum GT (grade-thickness) of 0.130 m% U3O8.
(5) The geological model employed for Inkai involves geological interpretations on section and plan
derived from surface drillhole information.
(6) Mineral resources were estimated on the assumption of using the in-situ recovery extraction
(7) Mineral resources were estimated with the GT (grade-thickness) method using 2-dimensional
block models.
(8) No known environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-economic, political, marketing or
other issues are expected to materially affect the above estimate of mineral resources, other than a
possible permitting issue. This possible permitting issue is discussed below Table 1-2 and in Section
(9) Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
(10) Totals may not add up due to rounding.
A summary of the estimated mineral reserves for Inkai with an effective date of
December 31, 2009 is shown in Table 1-2.
Notes: (1) Pounds U3O8 are those contained in mineral reserves and are not adjusted for the estimated
metallurgical recovery of 80 %.
(2) Cameco’s share is 60 % of total mineral reserves.
(3) Inkai mineral reserves have been estimated at a GT (grade-thickness) cut-off of 0.130 m%U3O8.
(4) The Inkai geological model involves geological interpretations on section and plan derived from
surface drillhole information.
(5) Mineral reserves have been estimated with no allowance for dilution, as dilution is not applicable
to mining a deposit using the ISR extraction method.
(6) Mineral reserves were estimated based on the use of the ISR extraction method. The production
rate is planned for 5.2 million pounds U3O8 per year based on 80 % recovery.
(7) Mineral reserves were estimated with the GT (grade-thickness) method using 2-dimensional block
(8) An average price of $54 per pound U3O8 was used to estimate the mineral reserves.
(9) No known environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-economic, political, marketing, or
other issues are expected to materially affect the above estimate of mineral reserves other than a
possible permitting issue. This possible permitting issue is discussed below this table and in Section
(10) Totals may not add up due to rounding.
The mineral reserve estimates of Inkai assume annual production of 5.2 million
pounds of U3O8. JV Inkai has regulatory approval to produce 2.6 million pounds,
and intends to increase production to 5.2 million pounds per year. Cameco
expects JV Inkai will receive all permits and approvals required for this level of
production and will seek regulatory approvals for an increase in production to 3.9
million pounds per year in 2010 and thereafter for a further increase to 5.2 million
pounds per year in 2011. The approval process for the initial production increase
to 3.9 million pounds per year is under way and has the support of
KazAtomProm. Once the initial approval is received, the subsequent application
for an increase to 5.2 million pounds per year will be commenced. If JV Inkai
does not receive approval to increase production, half of Inkai’s mineral reserves
will be re-categorized as mineral resources.
Mineral resources in the indicated and inferred mineral resource categories have
not been included in the current mine plan. Mineral resources have no
demonstrated economic viability.
The exploration work conducted on the northern flank (Block 3) of the Inkai
deposit resulted in the identification by JV Inkai of an extensive zone of
mineralization hosted by several horizons in the lower and middle parts of the
Upper Cretaceous stratigraphic level and traced along approximately 25 km from
Block 2 in the southwest through to the Mynkuduk deposit in the northeast. The
mineralization thus identified is a potential commercial discovery that requires
further assessment of its commercial viability.
The licence for Block 3 expires in July 2010. JV Inkai has filed an application with
the Competent Authority declaring that it has made a potential commercial
discovery at Block 3. In accordance with Kazakh regulatory procedures, JV Inkai
has also applied for an extension of the licence term. See Section 19.2.3 for
more information.
JV Inkai spent $7.0 million on exploration at Block 3 in 2009 and plans to spend
$31.3 million at Block 3 in 2010.
1.8 Mining
Mining at Inkai is based on the ISR process. ISR mining of uranium is defined by
the International Atomic Energy Agency as:
“The extraction of ore from a host sandstone by chemical solutions and the
recovery of uranium at the surface. ISR extraction is conducted by injecting a
suitable leach solution into the ore zone below the water table; oxidizing,
complexing and mobilizing the uranium; recovering the pregnant solutions
through production wells; and finally, pumping the uranium bearing solution to the
surface for further processing.”
• Determination of the cut-off grades for the initial design and the operating
period. The design cut-off sets a lower limit to the pounds per pattern
required to warrant installation of a pattern before funds are committed,
and the operating cut-off grade applies to individual producer wells and
dictates the lower limit of operation once a well has entered production;
• The above factors are used to estimate the number of operating well
fields, well field patterns and well field houses over the production life;
At Inkai there will be ongoing well field development in both Blocks 1 and 2 to
support the current production plan. In order to maintain the planned annual
production of 5.2 million pounds from the current mineral reserves of these two
Blocks, two additional satellite processing plants are required. The economic
analysis includes the estimated construction capital of $100 million for these two
plants. The current plan is for the engineering design and construction of one
plant at Block 1 to commence in 2011 and the second plant in the next decade.
1.9 Processing
Inkai is designed to produce a dry uranium product that meets the quality
specifications of uranium refining and conversion facilities.
In recent years, Kazakhstan has amended its environmental protection laws and
adopted environmental regulations that require industrial companies, such as JV
Inkai, to initiate programs to reduce, control or eliminate various types of
pollution. The regulations are enforced primarily through the imposition of
payment obligations on an entity based on the entity’s levels of emissions,
discharges and waste storage. JV Inkai is liable to pay an annual fee (payable on
a quarterly basis) for specified levels of emissions, discharges and waste
storage. Exceeding these specified levels for emissions, discharges and waste
storage may result in additional fees being required to be paid to the Kazakh
JV Inkai holds the following additional material licences with regard to its mining
“Licence for performance of works connected with stages of life cycle of objects
of use of atomic energy”, issued on January 18, 2010, by the Committee of
Atomic Energy of the MEMR;
“Licence for operation of mining production and mineral raw material processing”,
issued on December 23, 2009, by the Committee of State Energy Supervision of
the MEMR;
“Licence for dealing with radioactive substances” issued on August 29, 2008, by
the Committee of Atomic Energy of the MEMR.
JV Inkai’s production plan is based on current mineral reserves that are expected
to produce 107.9 million pounds U3O8 recovered by the mill. Based on maximum
annual production of 5.2 million pounds U3O8, there are more than enough
mineral reserves to produce the expected 107.9 million pounds through the
current term of each of JV Inkai’s licences (2024 for Block 1 and 2030 for Block
2). The projected mine life is 21 years.
The Inkai production plan over its mine life is presented on Figure 1-1.
Production Plan (M lbs U3O8)
The financial projections set forth herein do not contain any estimates relating to
the potential mining and milling of mineral resources, as only mineral reserves
have demonstrated economic viability. Accordingly, expenditures required to
bring any of the mineral resources into production or to identify additional mineral
reserves and mineral resources, have not been included.
Average operating costs over the mine life, excluding taxes and royalties are
estimated to be $17.55 per pound U3O8. This includes mining costs, processing
costs, site administration, and corporate overhead (includes marketing and
transportation costs).
Mineral Extraction Tax (MET) estimates have been provided by JV Inkai. The
MET rate is assumed to be 22% over the life of the mine.
Estimated corporate income taxes have been calculated as 20% of income after
depreciating the capital investment over the life of the Inkai operation. The
corporate tax rate is assumed to be 20% for the life of the mine as there is
uncertainty if the 15% rate contemplated by the new Tax Code will take effect in
2014. See Section 4.3 for more information.
The analysis assumes no excess profits tax is payable. JV Inkai’s current view is
that under the new Tax Code, which took effect January 1, 2009, it will not be
liable to pay any excess profits tax.
The analysis results in an estimated after tax NPV (at a 12% discount rate) of
$1.03 billion to JV Inkai as at January 1, 2010.
Figure 1-2 shows estimates of the sensitivity of the after tax NPV to changes in
revenue, operating costs and capital costs over a range of -10% to +10% from
the base case shown as 0%. Changes to either the uranium price or the grade of
solution presented to the mill will have an equivalent impact on the revenue
stream. Consequently, the sensitivity to revenue illustrates the sensitivity of the
NPV to each of these variables. Capital already invested has been treated as a
sunk cost and is not accounted for in arriving at the NPV estimate.
The sensitivity analysis further demonstrates that Inkai can withstand financially
negative events, such as increasing costs, or decreased prices and ore grades,
and still continue to deliver strong cash flows.
NPV Sensitivity
USD Millions
$1,044.6 $1,012.1
-10% 0% 10%
Revenue Capital Costs Operating Costs
1.12.1 Payback
Payback for JV Inkai, including all 2009 and prior costs, would be achieved
during 2012 on an undiscounted, after tax basis.
There are a number of project risks relating to Inkai. These include availability of
sulphuric acid required for ISR mining, the need for regulatory approvals to
achieve planned production and retain Block 3, compliance with requirements of
the Resource Use Contract and Kazakh laws and regulations, the need for
ongoing support, agreement and cooperation from KazAtomProm and the
Kazakh government, and political risk. Cameco believes that while operating in
Kazakhstan today is challenging, it is manageable.
The economic analysis shows a projected after tax NPV, as of January 1, 2010,
using a 12% discount rate, to JV Inkai of $1.03 billion for Blocks 1 and 2 mineral
reserves. The sensitivity analysis demonstrates that Inkai can withstand
financially negative events, such as increasing costs, or decreased prices and
ore grades, and still continue to deliver strong cash flows.
showing a strong after tax NPV that is resilient to changes in capital cost and
operating cost, and to a lesser extent revenue.
1.14.2 Block 3
Cameco is of the opinion that Block 3 has the potential to support a commercial
JV Inkai plans to include a diamond drilling program within Block 3 with the goal
of supporting the declaration of a commercial discovery. JV Inkai plans to spend
$31.3 million on Block 3 in 2010. In anticipation of receiving the licence
extension, JV Inkai commenced its 2010 Block 3 exploration program.
The authors of this technical report concur with, and recommend that JV Inkai
proceed with, the foregoing plans.
Cameco has concluded that Inkai is now a material property for Cameco under
Canadian securities laws. Cameco is therefore required to file a technical report
on Inkai prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 with Canadian securities
To discharge this legal obligation, this technical report has been prepared for
Cameco in support of the disclosure of scientific and technical information
relating to Inkai that is material to Cameco, contained in Cameco’s Annual
Information Form for 2009, Cameco’s Management Discussion and Analysis filed
with securities regulators on February 25, 2010 and a Cameco press release
dated February 24, 2010
The report has an effective date of December 31, 2009 and has been prepared in
compliance with NI 43-101 by the following individuals.
The individuals noted above are QPs within the meaning of NI 43-101
responsible for the content of this technical report. They are also considered
“internal” qualified persons, not “independent” of Cameco within the meaning of
NI 43-101. Both QPs have visited Inkai. The date and duration of each QP’s most
recent inspection of Inkai are included in their respective Certificate of Qualified
Persons filed with this technical report under Cameco’s profile on SEDAR.
Alain G. Mainville has visited the Inkai site on three occasions, the latest being
on November 20-23, 2009. The scope of his last personal visit to the Inkai site
included meetings with JV Inkai and Volkovgeology personnel and field
inspections of drilling, sampling, core logging, sample preparation and assaying,
geological and geophysical modelling. Mr. Mainville has been involved with Inkai
since 2002.
Charles J. Foldenauer is the Deputy General Director, Operations and his work
location is at the mine itself. Mr. Foldenauer has been employed by JV Inkai in
the position since January 2009. He is usually present at the Inkai site every
second month for a period of a month. His most recent personal inspection of the
Inkai Operation started on March 13, 2010 for a planned duration of one month.
This technical report has been prepared with available internal Cameco and JV
Inkai data and information and data and information prepared for Inkai. The
principal technical documents and files relating to Inkai that were used in
preparation of this technical report are listed in Section 22.
All monetary references in this technical report are expressed in United States
In the context of Form 43-101F1, Item 5, the authors have relied, and believe
they have a reasonable basis to rely, upon the following individuals who have
contributed the legal, social, environmental, marketing and taxation information
stated in this technical report, as noted below:
4.1 Location
JV Inkai received a licence for mineral resource use and a licence for geological
exploration in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Licence Series AY 1370D, dated April
20, 1999, is for extraction of uranium in the area defined as Block 1 near the
town of Taikonur. Licence Series AY 1371D, dated April 20, 1999, is for
exploration and further mining in the areas designated as Blocks 2 and 3, also
near the town of Taikonur (Figure 4-1).
The associated subsoil use contract (Resource Use Contract), covering both
licences, was signed by the government and JV Inkai in July 2000.
Licence Series AY 1370D is a mining concession and allows for the mining of
uranium in a 16.58km2 area designated as Block 1 in the Suzak District of the
Republic of Kazakhstan. Mining is to be conducted in the Inkuduk and Mynkuduk
zones, which are at depths ranging from 300 to 520 m from the surface.
The April 20, 1999 Licence AY 1370D includes an Attachment 2 which provides a
list of geographical coordinates of 14 points delimiting the licence area. These
coordinates in degrees, minutes and seconds have been correlated with a list of
coordinates that are in the same system of coordinates as the one used by
Volkovgeology. These coordinates have been used to plot the limits of the
licence area.
The licence for Block 3 expires July 13 2010. JV Inkai has filed an application
with the Competent Authority declaring that it has made a commercial discovery
at Block 3 and is seeking an extension of its Block 3 licence. See Section 19.2.3
for more information.
to implement this production increase. The MOU also contemplates studying the
feasibility of constructing a uranium conversion facility as well as considering
other collaboration in uranium conversion. Cameco is currently in discussions
with KazAtomProm regarding these initiatives.
Until amendments to the Subsoil Law in August 1999, both a licence and a
contract were required for exploration and production. Combined licences (both
exploration and production) were granted for a period that included exploration
and production licence periods (up to six and twenty-five years respectively),
including any permitted extensions. Both exploration and production licences
were required to contain, among other things, information concerning the
licensee, the boundaries of the contract area, the term of the licence and the date
of commencement of work, the type of contract (exploration or production), the
minimum work program, environmental and safety obligations and conditions for
extending the licence term.
In August 1999, the Government of Kazakhstan abolished the licence regime for
subsoil use rights granted after September 1999. Thus, from September 1999
onward, subsoil use rights have been granted on the basis of a subsoil use
contract alone. However, all licences previously issued remain valid. An entity
which obtained its subsoil use right prior to August 1999 holds such rights on the
basis of a subsoil use licence and a subsoil use contract. An entity which
obtained a subsoil use right after August 1999 holds its rights on the basis of a
subsoil use contract alone.
The subsoil use rights held by JV Inkai came into effect upon the issuance of its
two licences (1999), the conclusion of its Resource Use Contract (July 2000),
and approval of the Resource Use Contract by applicable State entities.
In accordance with the August 1999 amendments to the Subsoil Law, Cameco
believes the licences held by JV Inkai are governed by the version of the Subsoil
Law in effect at the time of their issuance in April, 1999.
While the Subsoil Law contains guarantees providing that changes to legislation
(except legislation involving national defence or security, ecological safety and
public health) which worsen the position of the subsoil user are not applicable,
the government has gradually weakened this stabilization guarantee, particularly
in relation to new projects, and the national security exception is applied broadly
to encompass security over strategic national resources.
Under the Subsoil Law, if a subsoil user's actions in the performance of subsoil
use operations with respect to strategic deposits result in a significant adverse
change to the economic interests of Kazakhstan, which create a threat to
national security, the Competent Authority is entitled to require an amendment to
the contract for the purpose of restoring the economic interests of Kazakhstan.
The Subsoil Law prescribes strict deadlines for the parties to negotiate and
execute any such required amendments
The Subsoil Law also allows the Competent Authority, with the consent of the
State, to unilaterally refuse to perform its obligations under a contract if it
determines that the subsoil use operations conducted thereunder will result in a
material adverse change in the economic interests of Kazakhstan, which create a
threat to national security. In such circumstances, the Competent Authority must
provide not less than two months prior notice of such refusal. Under this
provision, the Competent Authority also has the right to unilaterally terminate a
contract without having to comply with the civil law provisions requiring a party to
apply to a court or arbitration panel for termination.
The stated basis for exercise by the Competent Authority of any of the aforesaid
powers is a “significant change in the economic interests of the State”, but so far
no clear definition of "significant change" and "economic interests" have been
developed under Kazakhstan law.
Amendments to the Subsoil Law of December 2004 and October 2005, provide
the Republic of Kazakhstan with a pre-emptive right to acquire subsurface use
rights and equity interests in entities holding subsoil use rights and in any entity
which may directly or indirectly determine or exert influence on decisions made
by a subsoil user, if the main activity of such entity is related to subsoil use in
Kazakhstan, when such entity wishes to transfer such rights or interests. This
pre-emptive right permits the Republic of Kazakhstan to purchase any such
subsoil use rights or equity interests being offered for transfer on terms no less
favourable than those offered by other purchasers. The Competent Authority has
the right to terminate a subsoil contract if a transaction takes place in breach of
this law. According to the Subsoil Law requirements, these provisions apply both
to Kazakhstan and overseas entities, including publicly traded companies.
Also, Article 14 of the Subsoil Law requires that assignments and transfers of
subsoil use rights may be made only with the prior consent of the Competent
Authority. During its tenure as the designated Competent Authority, MEMR
customarily interpreted this requirement very widely, to include any alienation of
rights, including, for example, in bankruptcy or by merger or amalgamation.
The Draft Subsoil Law, if enacted in its currently proposed form, will introduce
significant changes in terms of the regulation of the activities of subsoil users.
The current Subsoil Law contains a stabilization clause, Article 71, which
provides that amendments and changes in legislation that worsen the position of
the subsoil user shall not apply to subsoil use contracts concluded prior to the
introduction of such amendments and changes. The guarantees expressly do not
The dispute resolution procedure set forth in the Draft Subsoil Law does not
permit exclusive submission of a dispute for resolution by international
arbitration. Instead it provides that if the disputes related to the performance,
amendment or termination of a subsoil use contract cannot be resolved by
means of negotiations, the parties may submit the dispute for resolution to a
court in accordance with the laws of Kazakhstan. JV Inkai’s Resource Use
Contract provides for international arbitration. The Draft Subsoil Law does not
address which of these conflicting provisions will prevail.
The Draft Subsoil Law does not change the existing provisions regarding the
State’s pre-emptive right as discussed in Section 4.1.5; however, it provides for
certain exemptions which include: (i) the transfer of shares or other securities
which are traded on an organized securities market and are issued by a subsoil
user legal entity if such legal entity's core activities relate to subsoil use in the
Republic of Kazakhstan; and (ii) the transfer, in full or in part, of the subsoil use
right between legal entities in which not less than 99% in the participatory interest
(shareholding) is owned by one entity. An initial placement of shares in a subsoil
user would still be subject to obtaining a waiver of the State's pre-emptive rights.
The current Subsoil Law provides for a judicial procedure for setting aside
termination or renewal of a subsoil use contract in applicable circumstances.
Under the Draft Subsoil Law, the Competent Authority has the power to renew a
subsoil use contract that was earlier terminated by the Competent Authority
without the need for recourse to the courts, provided an application for renewal is
made within 6 months of the termination and the Competent Authority believes
that the decision to terminate the contract was made on the basis of inaccurate
or unreliable information or the failure to perform or duly perform contractual
obligations due to force-majeure circumstances.
The Draft Subsoil Law does not contemplate the concept of combined subsoil
use contracts for both production and exploration. Since the Resource Use
Contract is a combined contract for exploration and production of uranium, there
may be a risk that the State may require JV Inkai to negotiate a new production
contract to replace its existing combined exploration and production contract.
In addition to following its obligations under its licences and the Resource Use
Contract, JV Inkai, like all subsoil users, is required to abide by the work program
appended to its Resource Use Contract, which relates to mining operations over
the life of the mine (Work Program), as well as the annual work programs which it
must submit to the Competent Authority for approval each year. Such annual
work programs cover, inter alia, the introduction of new technologies or
processes and define the levels of production volumes anticipated by the subsoil
user in each coming year.
All current mineral reserves and mineral resources for Blocks 1 and 2 are
contained within Licences AY 1370D and AY 1371D.
The Resource Use Contract lists the taxes, duties, fees, royalties and other
governmental charges that are payable by JV Inkai.
The most significant changes to the tax regime previously applicable to the
Resource Use Contract now introduced by the Tax Code are:
• The rate of the corporate income tax on aggregate income was set at 20%
during the period January 1, 2009 to January 1, 2010; 17.5% during the
period January 1, 2010 to January 1, 2011; and 15% commencing January 1,
2014. However, these rates have been suspended until 2014, with
government setting the corporate income tax rate at 20%. In 2007, JV Inkai
became subject to income tax. Under the Resource Use Contract the
corporate income tax rate was 30%.
• The Tax Code has replaced the previous royalty regime with a new tax – the
Tax on Production of Useful Minerals, a mineral extraction tax previously
defined as MET. MET must be paid on minerals and certain other substances
extracted. Under the prior law, JV Inkai would pay royalties, calculated on a
graduated scale, based on the sales price of production in each year.
• The Tax Code changes the calculation of excess profits tax from that
contained in the Resource Use Contract. However, JV Inkai is currently of
the view that it will not be liable to pay any excess profits tax for the
foreseeable future.
Both under the prior and the existing legislative regime, a subsoil user, such as
JV Inkai, is obliged to comply with environmental requirements during all stages
The Ecological Code requires that the subsoil user obtain environmental permits
to conduct its operations. A permit certifies the holder’s right to discharge
emissions into the environment, provided that it introduces the “best available
technologies” and complies with specific technical guidelines for emissions as set
forth by the environmental legislation. Government authorities and the courts
enforce compliance with these permits and violations may result in civil or
criminal penalties, the curtailment or cessation of operations, orders to pay
compensation, orders to remedy the effects of violations and orders to take
preventative steps against possible future violations. In certain situations, the
issuing authority may modify, renew or revoke the permits. JV Inkai has applied
for and received a permit for environmental emissions valid until December, 2010
and emission permit(s) for drilling activities valid until December 2012.
If JV Inkai’s emissions were to exceed the specified levels, this would trigger
additional payment obligations. Moreover, in the course of, or as a result of, an
environmental investigation, regulatory authorities in Kazakhstan have the power
to issue an order reducing or halting production at a facility that has violated
environmental standards.
The Ecological Code and the Resource Use Contract set out requirements with
respect to environmental insurance. Legal entities carrying out environmentally
hazardous activities are required to obtain insurance to cover these activities, in
addition to the civil liability insurance which must be held by owners of facilities,
the activities of which may cause harm to third parties. JV Inkai currently
maintains both the required environmental insurance and the civil liability
4.5 Permitting
Under Kazakhstan law, all subsoil users, including JV Inkai, must procure goods,
works and services for subsoil use operations under prescribed statutory
In particular, subsoil users are required not later than 30 calendar days from the
date of approval of an annual work program, to approve an annual procurement
program for the following year. JV Inkai has approved annual procurement
programs for 2009 and 2010.
Under the Local Content Policy, subsoil users are obliged to purchase local
goods, works and services (GWS) in such percentages as may be specified in
their subsoil use contracts. The Resource Use Contract obligates JV Inkai to use
GWS unless specifically approved to the contrary by the applicable regulatory
authorities. As a result, at least 40% of the costs of equipment and material must
be for equipment and materials purchased of Kazakh origin and 90% of the
contract work must be of Kazakh origin.
5.1 Access
The Inkai operation is located near the small town of Taikonur, approximately
370 km north of the city of Shymkent and approximately 125 km east of the city
of Kyzl-Orda in the south-central region of Kazakhstan. Taikonur can be reached
from Almaty by flying to one of the regional cities of Shymkent or Kyzl-Orda and
then driving on paved and gravel roads (Figure 5-1).
The road to Taikonur is currently the primary access road for transportation of
people, supplies and uranium product for Inkai. The road is constructed of gravel
and crosses the Karatau Mountains.
Major airline service is available to Almaty from Europe, Russia and other
regional countries. From Almaty, commercial airline services are available to the
cities of Shymkent and Kyzl-Orda. The flight from Almaty to Kyzl-Orda is a two-
hour trip. The four-hour drive from Kyzl-Orda is on paved road for 120 km to the
town of Shieli and then for 160km on gravel roads to Taikonur. The total trip time
through Shymkent from Almaty is about ten hours.
5.2 Climate
The Inkai operation lies in the Betpak Dala Desert, which is characterised by an
arid climate with minimal precipitation and relatively high evaporation. Major
hydrographic systems in the area include the Shu, Sarysu and Boktykaryn
Rivers. These rivers typically exhibit surface water flow in May and June and
revert to isolated reaches with salty water during the rest of the year.
The average precipitation varies from 130 to 140 mm/y with snow accounting for
22 to 40% of this amount. The average air humidity is typically in the range of 56
to 59%.
The region is also characterized by strong and almost uninterrupted winds. The
prevailing direction of the wind is north-east averaging 3.8 to 4.6 m/sec. Dust
storms are common.
Site operations are carried out throughout the year despite the cold winter and
hot summer conditions.
5.3 Physiography
The surface elevation at Inkai ranges from 140 to 300 m above mean sea level.
The Inkai deposit is sub-divided into two morphologically diverse regions:
The sandy-brackish intercontinental deltas of the Shu and Sarysu rivers are
located in the hollow between the elevation of the Betpak Dala plateau and the
Karatau mountain range. This plain has numerous brackish and lacustrine
basins, dry river-beds, former river-beds, and Aeolian relief of various
configurations. The Betpak Dala is a slightly sloping and slanted north to south
plain with deflationary basins and rare arched elevations.
Currently, Taikonur has a population of about 450 people who are mainly
employed in uranium development and exploration. Whenever possible, JV Inkai
hires personnel from Taikonur and surrounding villages. The town has a school,
medical clinic and small store. Most of the food is purchased in Shymkent or
5.5 Infrastructure
Inkai is a developed mineral property with sufficient surface rights to meet future
mining operation needs for the current mineral reserves as well as site facilities
and infrastructure. A site plan of the existing infrastructure general arrangement
is shown in Figure 5-2. Site facilities include a camp for 400 employees with
catering and leisure facilities. The camp area has a perimeter fence for security
and adequate yard space for recreation activities. There is no garage or
administrative facilities in Taikonur. At the Block 1 mine site there is an
administrative office, shops, garage, main processing plant, holding ponds, waste
The electrical supply for Inkai is from the Kazakh power grid. Inkai is connected
to the grid via a 35kV power line which is a branch of the circuit that supplies the
Stepnoye mine east of Inkai.
Inkai has access to sufficient water from ground water wells for all planned
industrial activities. Potable water for use at the camp is supplied from shallow
wells on site. Sewage disposal at the camp is in a standard septic tank and leach
field system. The water systems include well houses, pump stations, storage for
reserve demands and fire protection and distribution to points of use and fire
protection mains.
A fire protection system has been installed that includes a water storage tank and
6.1 Ownership
JV Inkai was first registered by the Kazakhstan Ministry of Justice on March 21,
1996, under registration number 1032-1900-TOO (YO) as a Kazakh-German-
Canadian joint venture, established by and among Cameco, Uranerzbergbau-
GmbH and National Joint Stock Company Atomic Power Engineering and
Industry “KATEP” (KATEP). The participating interest of each founder was 33
In Blocks 1 and 2, the main exploration grid was developed along fence lines 400
m to 800 m apart with drillholes centered 50 m apart. In several areas it was
increased to 200 by 50 m. In contrast, Block 3 was characterized by significantly
lower densities of drilling, ranging from 800 m by 50 m to 1600 m - 3200 m by
100 m - 800 m. All historic exploration and delineation drilling, as listed in Table
6-1, was carried out prior to JV Inkai obtaining its licences for Inkai. A map of the
location of the historical and current drill holes is presented in Section 11, on
Figure 11-1.
Block Number of holes
1 17 1368
2 230 2294
3 240 510
Regional and local hydrogeology studies were completed on Inkai dating back to
1979. Numerous borehole tests characterize the four aquifers within the Inkai
deposit: the Uvanas, Zhalpak, Inkuduk and Mynkuduk.
The QP responsible for this Section has verified the historical resources and
reserves for Block 1 and considers them reliable but not relevant, given that
uranium extraction from Block 1 has occurred since January 1998. The historical
resources and reserves for Block 2 as presented in this Section are not reliable
and not relevant since they have been updated in 2007. More recent estimates
for Blocks 1 and 2 are presented in Section 17, where they are classified in
accordance with NI 43-101.
A pilot test, using the ISR mining method, was performed in the northeast area of
Block 1 starting in December 1988. The test lasted for 495 days and recovered
approximately 92,900 pounds U3O8 of the estimated uranium in situ. This test
was a technical success in achieving a high uranium recovery rate from the test
area in relatively short time frame.
Economic uranium mineralization within the Chu-Sarysu basin has been studied
extensively for 20 years, during the period between 1971 and 1991. Fifteen
uranium deposits have been identified across the Chu-Sarysu and its neighbour,
the Syr-Darya basin, separated by the Karatau Range uplift. These deposits
have been grouped into the Chu-Syr Darya ore region. They include the Zhalpak,
Mynkuduk, Akdala, Inkai and Budyonovskoe deposits that form the Zhalpak-
Budyonovskoe ore belt.
These deposits are all hosted within Cretaceous and Palaeogene sediments
associated with large fluvial systems. Soviet geologists established the spatial
relation for uranium ore between the boundaries of the yellow oxidized sand
sediments of aquifers and unoxidized grey sand sediments in Uzbekistan in
1956, named “bed oxidation zones” by Soviet geologists. These are
characterised by:
The Inkai deposit is located in the north-western part of the Suzak artesian basin
that comprises two hydrogeological stages, an upper platform stage and a lower
basement stage.
domestic and livestock water supply. In the nearest vicinity of the deposit,
in the town of Taikonur, there are six domestic water supply boreholes
operated on the Uvanas aquifer (KAPE, 2006). Additionally, outside Inkai,
but in its vicinity, there are a few free-flowing artesian boreholes tapping
groundwater from the Uvanas aquifer for livestock watering.
• Zhalpak aquifer: contains slightly brackish water which can be used for
watering livestock. The aquifer is accessed by wells in the proximity to
Inkai. Groundwater from the Zhalpak aquifer is used for industrial and
partial drinking water supply in the vicinity of the deposit site (production
well 2021н, south from the town of Taikonur).
• Inkuduk aquifer: contains brackish and slightly brackish water and is not
suitable for drinking.
The lower aquifers have a common recharge area (Karatau Mountains) and
discharge into topographic depressions of the region-saline lands of Ashikol,
Askazansor, and Lake Arys. Regional groundwater flows to the north-north-west.
Permian claystones and siltstones underlay Mynkuduk aquifer and appear to be
a regional aquitard. Elsewhere in the region, the groundwater is tapped by
numerous boreholes for livestock watering. Groundwater of lower aquifers is not
used at Inkai or in the surrounding area.
The underlying Upper Cretaceous strata are divided into three horizons, listed
from youngest to oldest (1) the Zhalpak horizon; (2) the Inkuduk horizon; and (3)
the Mynkuduk horizon.
Zhalpak horizon
Inkuduk horizon
Sediments of the Mynkuduk horizon represent an alluvial cycle of the first order
where several (up to 8-10) elementary rhythms with a thickness up to several
meters can be identified, each of them begins with coarse poorly sorted rocks –
gravel, inequigranular sands with gravel and pebble and ends with small clastic
rocks, sometimes interbeds (up to 10 to 20 cm) of dense sands on carbonaceous
cement. In some areas in the basal part of the horizon there develop mottled
sandy clays and siltstones of floodplain facies.
The depth to the Paleozoic unconformity increases to the west and south. At the
east end of Mynkuduk the unconformity is at a depth of about 250 m, deepening
to 350 to 400 m at the Mynkuduk – Inkai boundary, to 500 to 600 m at the south
end of Inkai, and to more than 700 m at Budyenovskoye.
• Uvanas & Betpak Dala fresh water (0.6-0.8 g/l TDS) aquifer;
The confined Upper Cretaceous aquifers produce artesian conditions where the
topography is depressed below the piezometric surface of about 135 – 140
meters above sea level. The general water table is at a depth of 8 to 10 meters at
Inkai. A full breakdown of water geochemistry is not available for Mynkuduk;
however, the water quality is expected to be similar to that at Inkai. The water
table is typically at a depth of around 80 meters at Mynkuduk.
The Inkai deposit includes the lower hydrogeological sub-stage (Paleocene and
Upper Cretaceous) particularly within Block 2. The hydrogeological conditions for
the Quaternary-Upper Eocene sediments are not described here because
aquifers of the upper sub-stage, with rare exception, are not hydraulically
connected to the Inkai deposit.
The typical feature of the Upper Cretaceous aquifers (Zhalpak, Inkuduk and
Mynkuduk) is a quasi-uniform lateral structure, i.e. high heterogeneity but in a
very local scale. Thus, in a scale of pumping tests, hydraulic properties vary
laterally very little even though borehole logs reveal sediments of very different
grain sizes. All these aquifers present a vertical anisotropy due to low-permeable
lenses and thin layers between the aquifers and sub-horizons.
Uvanas aquifer
The Uvanas aquifer pinches out in the north of the site and increases in
thickness up to 70 to 80 m in the south and south east, beyond the site
boundary. At Inkai, the aquifer occurs at the depths of 170 to 280 m and has a
thickness from 20 m to 30 m. Water bearing sediments are fine to medium grain
Zhalpak aquifer
The Zhalpak aquifer is logged at the depths of 220 to 270 m in the north of the
mine and at the depths of 280 to 355 m in the south. The aquifer thickness is 40
to 60 m. Water bearing sediments are fine and medium grained sands with
gravels. In the top of the Zhalpak Formation, there is a 1 to 10 m layer of clays
and fine sands that separates the Zhalpak aquifer from the overlying Uvanas
aquifer. This layer is assumed to be the Upper Zhalpak aquitard (Geolink, 2003).
There are clays and argillaceous sands underlying the Zhalpak aquifer that serve
as local aquitards. Those low-permeable sediments are somewhat
discontinuous; therefore, some hydraulic connection between the Zhalpak and
underlying aquifers is possible.
Within Block 2, the hydraulic properties of the Zhalpak aquifer were characterized
by ten pumping tests. From their interpretation (Volkovgeology, 1991), the
estimated transmissivity varies from 226 m2/day to 575 m2/d with an average
value of 413 m2/d. Elsewhere in the mine transmissivities of the Zhalpak aquifer
were estimated within a similar range for Block 2. Horizontal hydraulic
conductivities on Block 2 were estimated at the range 5.5 to 11.4 m/d with an
average value of 8.9 m/d.
Inkuduk aquifer
The top of the Inkuduk aquifer is located at an approximate depth of 250 to 380
m; with an average thickness between 110 and 130 m. The aquifer contains fine-
to-coarse granular sands with gravels and pebbles. Three sub-layers are
identified (listed from top to bottom as): sands with clay lenses; fine and medium-
grained sands; and sands with gravels and pebbles. These sub-layers are not
always present and there are no clear boundaries between them. Towards
northeast of Block 2 and the entire site, the clay content is slightly increasing in
all sub layers. Clay lenses separate the Inkuduk aquifer from the upper and lower
horizons. This aquifer hosts a portion of the ore zone of the mine. In Block 2,
uranium mineralization develops within the middle and the lower parts of the
Inkuduk aquifer, down to the depths of 270 to 370 m depending on local
Borehole yields for the Inkuduk aquifer in Block 2 vary between 3.2 and 18.30
L/sec and specific borehole yields vary between 0.8 and 2.44 L/sec. Generally,
hydrogeological tests revealed that horizontal hydraulic conductivities of the
Inkuduk aquifer were consistent through the whole cross-section. Hydraulic
conductivity of the lower sub-horizon was estimated in the range of 9.2 to 16.1
m/d; for the middle sub-horizon 11.8 to 15.8 m/d; and for the upper sub-horizon–
approximately 13 m/d. Transmissivities for different sub-horizons were estimated
in average as 472 m2/d, 613 m2/day and 336 m2/d for the lower, the middle, and
the upper horizons, respectively.
Mynkuduk aquifer
The top of the Mynkuduk aquifer is encountered at depths of 360 to 370 m with a
thickness increasing from northeast to south-west from 30 to 40 m to 70 to 90 m.
The average thickness of the aquifer at Block 2 is 47.7 m. The aquifer lies on the
Paleozoic argillaceous sediments that are recognized as a regional aquitard. The
water bearing sediments are sands of various grain sizes with clays, gravels and
pebbles. Generally, coarse sand and gravel fractions are associated with the
upper part of the aquifer, while more clayish fractions are associated with the
lower part of the aquifer. Towards north-east of Block 2 and the entire site, the
clay content is slightly increasing in all sub layers and especially in upper sub-
horizon of the Mynkuduk aquifer. The Mynkuduk aquifer hosts a portion of the
ore zone. In Block 2, the lower boundary of uranium mineralization is found for
Horizontal hydraulic conductivities at the deposit area vary from 7.1 m/d to 13
m/d with the average value of 10.9 m/d. Site transmissivities vary between 394
and 694 m2/d with the average value of 564 m2/d. Block 2 was characterized by
20 borehole tests prior to 1991.
Resulting horizontal hydraulic conductivities are generally higher for Block 2, than
that for Block 1 with values varying between 7.4 m/d and 17.3 m/d and an
average value of 13 m/d. Block 2 transmissivities obtained from pumping tests
were in the range 460 m2/day to 755 m2/d.
However, Geolink (2003) data analysis and the modeling study revealed an
insignificant leakage of groundwaters of the Uvanas aquifer into the overlying
Betpak Dala aquifer for the northern flank of Block 1. The reason for this leakage
appears to be open exploration wells that allow some hydraulic connection.
The hydraulic connection of the Uvanas aquifer with the underlying aquifers is
complicated by the presence of thin (1 to 10 m) layer of low-permeable deposits
in the upper part of the Zhalpak aquifer. Previous site studies (Volkovgeology,
1991; KAPE, 2002) conclude that these two aquifers are considered hydraulically
isolated. However, this conclusion was based on the presence of low-conductive
sediments between these two aquifers and the results of one pumping test in the
Uvanas aquifer when no drawdown was observed in the underlying aquifers.
Subsequent site studies (Geolink, 2003) indicate that this conclusion may be
Piezometric levels of the Uvanas aquifer are very close to that of the Zhalpak
aquifer (the difference may run to less than 10 to 20 cm) and piezometric level
data for both aquifers show a synchronous decrease over the last 20 years. This
evidence suggests a hydraulic connection between the aquifers in the lower
hydrogeological sub-stage. However, the degree of interconnection between the
Uvanas aquifer and Zhalpak aquifer is significantly less than between the
Zhalpak and Inkuduk, and Inkuduk and Mynkuduk aquifers.
The majority of water level measurements were taken in Block 1 and most of
those concerned the Mynkuduk aquifer (Volkovgeology, 1991; KAPE, 2002).
Overall, piezometric data indicate that the Uvanas, Zhalpak, Inkuduk and
Mynkuduk aquifers are confined, with piezometric levels varying from
approximately 20 m above ground surface on the southeast to about 20 m below
ground surface on the north and north-west. The horizontal hydraulic gradients at
Inkai are relatively small (e.g., 2 to 3 x 10-4). Estimated lateral groundwater
movement is approximately 0.5 to 3 m/y.
Between 2001 and 2004, piezometric levels of the Upper Cretaceous complex
continued to decline, but at a slower rate (0.11 to 0.3 m/y–KAPE (2006)). Decline
of piezometric levels is expected to continue to slow down due to abandonment
of free-flowing boreholes within and adjacent to the mine.
Apart from upper zones of the Zhalpak aquifer, the groundwaters are not suitable
for drinking due to high TDS, but up to certain depth (usually top of the Inkuduk
aquifer) can be used for livestock watering.
TDS of the Inkuduk aquifer vary between 1.2 and 3.6 g/L, increasing with depth
of burial. The groundwaters of the upper sub-horizon with TDS less than 1.6 g/L
are suitable for industrial needs. TDS of the Mynkuduk aquifer is quite high: 2.7
to 4.7 g/L and it increasing from north to south with deepening of the layer. The
groundwaters from both aquifers are of a SO4-Cl-Na type. Uranium mineralization
in Block 2 occurs in the middle and upper parts of the Inkuduk aquifer. In Block 1,
uranium mineralization generally associates with Mynkuduk aquifer.
The Inkai uranium deposit is a roll-front type deposit. Roll-front deposits are a
common example of stratiform deposits that form within permeable sandstones in
localised reduced environments. Microcrystalline uraninite, coffinite and pyrite
are deposited during diagenesis by ground water in a crescent-shaped lens that
cut across bedding and form at the interface between oxidized and reduced
ground. Sandstone host rocks are medium to coarse grained; highly permeable
at time of mineralization, subsequently restricted by cementation and alteration.
Oxidized iron minerals occur in rock up-dip, with reduced iron minerals in rock
down-dip from redox interface. Common ore controls include:
• Permeability;
• Sulphur species;
Fifteen economic uranium deposits have been discovered within Cretaceous and
Palaeogene sediments of the Chu-Sarysu and Syr-Darya basins across
Kazakhstan. These are grouped into the Chu-Syr Darya ore region, and situated
within the two basins that are separated by the Karatau Range uplift.
Soviet geologists established the spatial relation for uranium ore between the
boundaries of the yellow oxidized sand sediments of aquifers and unoxidized
grey sand sediments in Uzbekistan in 1956. These were named bed oxidation
zones (BOZ) deposits by Soviet geologists, and characterised by:
The geochemical properties of the host rocks are determined by their primary
composition and particle size distribution, as well as by their permeability and
other hydrologic characteristics. The reduced chemical state of the host rocks
develops during diagenesis following deposition, or possibly as the result of
some event or events taking place later in the geologic history, such as
introduction of hydrocarbons and/or hydrocarbon gases.
The mineralized zone within the Middle Inkuduk horizon averages 300 m wide, 7
m thick, and is located between 320 m to 350 m below surface. The mineralized
zone within the Lower Inkuduk horizon averages 350 m wide, 6.5 m thick, and is
located between 350 m to 420 m below surface. The mineralized zone within the
Mynkuduk horizon averages 280 m wide, 6.6 m thick, and is located between
430 m and 490 m below surface.
Mineralization in Block 3 has been identified in the Middle and Lower Inkuduk
horizons and in the Lower Mynkuduk horizon.
Different lithologic and geochemical types have been studied for the content of
their organic carbon, total iron, and iron contents. No significant correlation has
been established between uranium content, lithologic types or specific classes of
From brief observations of core, the redox boundary can be readily recognized
by a distinct colour change from gray on the reduced side to yellowish stains on
the oxidized side, stemming from the oxidation of pyrite to limonite. In cross-
section, the redox boundary is often “C” shaped forming the classical roll-front.
9.3 Geometry
The mineralized fronts trend northwest and comprise prominent, long, east-west
limbs with highly sutured, short, north-south limbs. It is the long-limb segments of
the deposit that contain most of the reserves. The short-limb segments contain
less than 10% of the total reserves. The Inkuduk mineralization shows broadly
similar uranium distribution features.
In the Inkuduk II horizon, the mineralization is found in coarse sands of the main
channel or streambed facies. Here the mineralized fronts are the farthest
advanced to the northwest in the direction of groundwater flow. In the Inkuduk I
and Mynkuduk horizons, mineralization lags somewhat behind along a complex
system of superimposed suturing oxidation tongues. This results in a variety of
roll morphologies, represented in Figure 9-2 and are classified in five major
groups shown below:
9.4 Mineralogy
The main uranium minerals are sooty pitchblende (85%) and coffinite (15%).
Sooty pitchblende occurs as micron-sized globules and spherical aggregates,
while coffinite forms tiny crystals. Both uranium minerals occur in pores on
interstitial materials such as clay minerals, as films around and in cracks within
sand grains, and as pseudomorphic replacements of rare organic matter, and are
commonly associated with pyrite. The latter seems to have formed after the
growth of pitchblende as it often coats or rims the uraniferous films and
aggregates. No other potentially deleterious trace elements have been detected.
All potential contaminants such as molybdenum, selenium and vanadium occur
in background levels consistent with average values for the earth’s crustal rocks.
The uranium mineralization is essentially clean and monometallic. Vanadium and
molybdenum show elevated values where occasional organic debris has
accumulated. The general distribution of the potential contaminants in the roll-
fronts is represented in Figure 9-3.
Poor and rich ores are distinguished not by the composition of uranium minerals
but by nature of their distribution; poor ores are more dispersed than rich ores.
Trace elements
Quantitative methods of analysis in ore and waste sands were used to study the
content of rhenium, scandium, yttrium, and the total of rare earths with yttrium,
selenium and molybdenum.
Selenium was studied by X-ray spectral analysis on the grid 800 х 100-50 m (the
total number of samples comprised about 30,000). Selenium is almost absent in
uranium ore. It is located only along the margins of grey sands, where it is fixed
in the sub-zone of radium enrichment of up to 2 m thick. The average selenium
bodies are 1 to 2 m thick and grades 0.01 to 0.03%. They typically do not
coincide with the contours of uranium ores.
The requirements for geophysical logging, data processing, analytical work, and
topographic work must follow corresponding subordinate guidelines specifying
the standards for equipment performance, QA/QC protocols etc.
There are two editions of the guidelines. The first one came into effect in 1986,
was developed by the Soviet State Reserve Commission, and was to be applied
for all types of uranium deposits. The second Guideline was developed by the
State Reserve Commission of Kazakhstan specifically for the roll-front
(sandstone) uranium deposits in Kazakhstan, was published and came into effect
in December 2008. The key differences between the two guidelines are:
The guidelines are thus significantly more detailed and prescriptive set of
documents in comparison to NI-43-101 and CIM Definition Standards.
As of the end of February 2010, the following activities have been carried out
under the Licence Series AY 1371 (Blocks 2 and 3) of Inkai deposit:
• $133.7 million has been invested into the exploration and the development
of mineral processing infrastructure during the pilot test mining period.
• the mineral reserves have been estimated and put on the Kazakh State
balance sheet of mineral reserves.
o 726 exploration drillholes have been drilled between 2006 and end
of February 2010; more than 6000 samples have been analyzed. It
is the opinion of Cameco that the minimum requirements set out in
the current work program have been fulfilled. See Section 4.1.7 for
more information;
o Mineralization zones have been delineated and a significant
increase in their extent (while compared with the predecessors’
results) has been established in the more densely drilled south-
western part of Block 3;
o The additional drilling has allowed for tracing the presence of
mineralization throughout the whole Block 3 with a greater degree
of certainty;
o The density of exploration drilling performed in the south-western
part of Block 3 will allow for the estimation of mineral resources in
the inferred category later in 2010, once assay results are
10.1.1 Groundwater Flow and Plume Migration Modeling Study (Geolink, 2003)
Core samples were studied in the field and in the laboratory. Water samples
were collected and analyzed. The observed contamination plume was localized
within an area of 110 x 80 m and with a thickness of 32 m. Laboratory
investigations showed attenuation of contaminants (e.g., approximately neutral
pH) in the upper part of ISR profile and partial attenuation in the lower part of the
profile. In analogy with other uranium ISR sites in the region, the study concluded
that the majority of contamination caused by ISR Test Block 1 will be attenuated
in 39 years.
Vertical holes are drilled with a triangular drill bit for use in unconsolidated
formations down to a certain depth and the rest of the hole is cored. A relatively
large number of core holes are drilled, although the host rocks are relatively
unconsolidated. At the Inkai deposit, approximately 30% of all exploration holes
are cored through the entire mineralized interval and 70% core recovery is
recommended. Radiometric probing, hole deviation, geophysical and hole
diameter surveys are done by site crews and experienced contractors.
As the mineralized horizons lie practically horizontally and the drill holes are
nearly vertical, the mineralized intercepts represent the true thickness of the
The approximate total number of holes drilled at Inkai per concession block is
listed in Table 11-1. The locations of the drillholes are shown in Figure 11-1. No
new delineation drilling was carried out on Blocks 1 and 2 by JV Inkai; rather, the
historic data was reviewed and validated.
As of the end of February, 2010, 1236 holes have been drilled in Block 3,
including 510 prior to 2006, and the 45 in 2006, and 681 in the 2008-2010 period
drilled by JV Inkai.
Where core recoveries are better than 70%, and radioactivity is greater than 40
micro-roentgens per hour, core samples are taken at irregular intervals of 0.2m to
1.2m. Sample intervals also are differentiated by barren or low permeability
material. The average core sample length is 0.4m. The sampling is conducted
sectionally from the half of core divided along its axis and cleared from the clay
The split core is also tested for grainsize analysis and carbonate content
following the same procedure.
The QP responsible for this Section has witnessed core handling, logging and
sampling at Inkai and considers that the methodologies are very satisfactory and
the results representative and reliable.
Composites of the mineralized horizons use gamma probe surveys that are
converted to grade equivalent %U3O8. The composite lengths represent the true
widths of the mineralization as the surface drill holes are vertical and the
mineralization is generally flat lying. The following true widths and their
respective grades are from Block 2 and are considered representative of the
Inkai deposit. The true widths vary in thickness from a maximum of 20.05m to a
minimum of 0.30 m with an average thickness of 6.25 m. The composite grades
Drill core is logged and representative core samples are selected for the
following surveys: determination of the content of uranium, radium and
associated elements; determination of bulk density, ore humidity and acid-base
balance of monolith rocks; determination of ore and host rock physical
composition, rock grading and carbonate content; and ore geotechnical tests for
uranium leachability.
When core samples are being analyzed for geochemistry, they are primarily
analyzed for grain size and assayed for uranium, radium, thorium, potassium,
and carbon dioxide. On selected fence lines, a more extensive study of
geochemistry is undertaken.
The core samples for uranium and radium determination are taken from
representative intervals based on their quantity and quality. The sampling is
conducted in sections from the half of core divided along its axis. The maximum
sample length is 1.0 - 1.2 m and a minimum of 0.2 m (the average core sample
length is 0.4 m). To control the sampling quality, a sample is collected from the
second half of core. The core samples are ground down to 1.0 mm grain size
and are further sub-divided by one or three times quartering until the final
representative weight of samples and duplicates is reached (0.2 kg).
13.2 Assaying
The laboratory tests for uranium and radium were performed by the Central
Analytical Laboratory (CAL) of Volkovgeology. The laboratory is certified and
licensed by the Kazakh Government. The uranium content was determined by
using the X-ray spectrum. The radium content was determined by the complex
gamma-X-ray spectrum.
• Gamma logging;
• Electric logging (resistivity and spontaneous potential methods);
• Caliper; and
• Hole deviation.
Gamma and electric logging is conducted in all drillholes over their entire length
and is performed with no casing in the drillholes.
Every drillhole at Inkai is logged for total count gamma radiation, which is used
as the primary uranium measurement in resource estimation. Therefore, the
quality of the grade calculations is thoroughly controlled. The probes use
sodium-iodine crystals which are 30x70mm in size and are shielded by lead
filters 0.9-1.1mm in thickness. The preparation of devices and equipment for
operation, methods, and techniques of logging are kept in strict compliance with
the requirements from the instruction manuals on operation and gamma-logging.
The readings are measured in micro-roentgen per hour and are taken at 10 cm
intervals down the length of the drillhole.
The source materials for logging calibration are considered to be of good quality
and are used to test the probing equipment both prior to and after logging. The
variation in gamma logging estimates, based on basic control and check logging,
does not exceed +/- 5% GT (grade-thickness) and the variation in recording
electrical logging parameters does not exceed +/- 7%.
The data from the gamma logging is processed and interpreted using the
AtomGeo software which uses an algorithm of differential interpretation
Further comparisons have been made between gamma logging data and neutron
logging data to confirm the absence of systematic errors. Prompt Fission Neutron
Logging (PFNL) was performed for a number of drillholes as a direct method for
logging uranium and to check comparisons with gamma log determinations of the
uranium grade.
Calliper logging is performed over the entire length of a drillhole but is only
conducted on 10% of the drillholes. Callipers are calibrated before and after each
logging run by using reference rings. When comparing the results of the calliper
logging to the corresponding nominal diameters of the drillhole intervals, the
difference was insignificant and the standard deviations did not exceed the
allowable values indicated by the instruction manual. On this basis, it was
concluded that for the calculation of the gamma-ray absorption coefficient, the
nominal diameter of drillhole could be used.
Directional surveys are carried out on every drillhole at Inkai to determine the
actual position of the well in three-dimensional space. This is carried out by
measuring the zenith and azimuth angles for the deviation of the well from
vertical. Measurements are made every 20m down the length of the drillhole.
During the deviation survey, every fifth point is re-measured as a check
measurement. These check measurements are conducted 2-3m above the
original key point. Similar check measurements are conducted in cases where
serious changes to the zenith angle occur when compared to the previous point.
The drift indicator is calibrated at least once per month.
These methods are used on all holes to identify the lithologies and stratigraphic
features, and to assess the permeability of the rocks in place.
All drilling, logging, core drilling, and subsequent core splitting and assaying,
were completed under the direction various geological expeditions of the USSR
Ministry of Geology and later under the supervision of Volkovgeology, Sampling
and analysis procedures have been examined by an independent consultant and
found to be quite detailed and thorough.
The QP responsible for this Section is satisfied with all aspects of probing,
sample preparation, assaying, and QA/QC. The QP believes that the security
measures taken to handle, store and ship samples are very acceptable.
The data relevant to Block 1 of the Inkai deposit as well as some of the data
relevant to Block 2 of the same deposit have been used to produce the “Report
of the Expedition No 7 on the First Stage of the Detailed Prospecting of the Inkai
Uranium Deposit for the Period 1979-1991” (also known as RDP-7) issued by
Volkovgeology in 1991.
In July - August 2002, Cameco obtained access to the detailed drillhole data
which consisted of:
• Assay results (radium and uranium) from individual drill hole log and from
binders No. 186 and 187; and
Graphic documents from the report were also sent to Cameco after JV Inkai
obtained the necessary export authorizations.
The following information was digitized from reports, sections and maps and
validated by Cameco with available Volkovgeology reports:
The available information as of March 2003 was more than sufficient to allow for
a comprehensive data verification and for validating the historic Kazakh mineral
resource and reserve estimate.
Part of the assay results has also been computerized by Cameco to validate the
uranium grade calculations by Volkovgeology.
All the 1,294 drill holes shown on the Volkovgeology cross-sections were studied
and coded.
All of the drill hole core that could be recovered (and according to the drill logs,
this recovery was very good) was sampled and assayed for uranium and radium
content. The location of each sample and the assay results were recorded on the
drillhole log, referred to as a passport.
Each drill hole has been entirely gamma probed and the graphs (originals and
copy on passport) were found in the individual drillhole files. In the anomalous
zones and their vicinity, the graphs were digitized and computerized. The result
was a list of radioactivity measures in micro-Roentgen per hour at 10 cm
The conversion of radium grade into uranium grade is dependant on the radium-
uranium equilibrium. A disequilibrium factor related to the interpreted location of
the mineralized intervals in the roll-front is applied.
Over the last years, the exchange of digital drillhole information between the site
and Cameco is very good. All of the drillhole information in use at Inkai site is
15.1.1 General
South Inkai is an operating ISR mine, whose land position is contiguous with, and
south of, Inkai. It is owned 100% by the Betpak-Dala JV, which is in turn owned
by Uranium One Inc. (70% interest) and KazAtomProm (30% interest).
Information in Sections 15.1.2 and 15.1.3 is based upon information from
Uranium One Inc.’s website.
The authors of this technical report have not verified this information on South
Inkai. The information is not necessarily indicative of the mineralization contained
at Inkai which is the subject of this technical report.
15.1.2 Geology
The South Inkai deposit is located at the southern end of the Inkai deposit, which
extends over a strike length of 55 km and a width of 17 km. The South Inkai
deposit covers a 17 km length of the trend. There are eight mineralized beds
identified to date; three are in the Mynkuduk horizon and five are in the overlying
Inkuduk horizon.
Two resource areas have been delineated in the Mynkuduk horizon and
mineralization is found at depths of 450 to 510 m below surface. The
mineralization in the Mynkuduk horizon is in the form of pitchblende and coffinite
occurring interstitially in the sandstones and to a lesser extent, the clay layers.
The main roll fronts can reach a thickness of 20 metres, but more commonly they
average 7 m to 10 m at their thickest and 1 m to 2 m on the limbs. The grade
ranges from 0.080% U3O8, averaging 0.048% U3O8, for the deposit.
Mineralization has also been found in the Inkuduk horizon at depths of 425 to
450 metres below surface but to date insufficient drilling has been completed to
establish resources. The grades are similar to that in the Mynkuduk horizon.
15.1.3 Mines
The South Inkai mine is an operating ISR mine which produces a wet yellowcake
uranium product. Commercial production commenced on January 1, 2009,
following a 15-month pilot plant program conducted during the period from
October 2007 to December 2008. A plant with production capacity of 5.2 million
pounds U3O8 per year was substantially complete in December 2008.
Uranium in situ recovery has a long and successful history in Kazakhstan. The
first field test work started in 1970’s. By the end of the 1990’s all main process
parameters for the Inkai deposit had been determined. It was decided that
uranium would be leached with sulphuric acid without the addition of an oxidant.
The pregnant solution is pumped to the treatment plant where uranium is
recovered via ion exchange (IX), followed by precipitation with hydrogen
peroxide. If necessary a solvent extraction purification stage can be added.
Numerous process and equipment options are available for uranium extraction
and purification from ISL solutions. The optimum design is often unique for each
ISL operation. The key features of Inkai are described below.
The detailed metallurgical laboratory testwork for Block 2 was performed in 1989.
The tests were conducted by VNIIHT (Moscow) and Volkovgeology. The results
of these studies are summarized in the report “Feasibility Study Block 2”
(Volkovgeology, 2007).
During the exploration drilling, eleven composite samples were derived from core
materials of individual samples from the Test Block 2 area. Eight of them were
taken from different areas of the Inkuduk horizon and three from the Mynkuduk
horizon. Each composite sample with a total mass of 25-72 kg was derived from
10 to 50 individual core subsamples from the Block 2 area. Tables 16-1 and 16-2
represent average chemical and mineralogical analyses of the samples.
Based on the chemical content, the ores are of the silicate type with
comparatively homogeneous content of rock-forming components. The uranium
mineralization is developed in all lithologic members; however, the fine-grained
and medium-grained members (27% - 60% of the rock mass) predominate. The
uranium mineralization is represented by pitchblende and coffinite in the
proportions of 75% and 25% (for ores of Mynkuduk horizon) and 84% and 16%
(for ores of Inkuduk horizon).
• Specific consumption of acid per ton of ore is 2.2 kg/t - 18.8 kg/t;
Pregnant solutions obtained from the leaching tests were analyzed to identify the
concentration of elements that can reduce permeability of the leaching zone (via
precipitation of secondary minerals). Table 16-3 shows the composition of
typical pregnant solution.
Concentration, g/L
Ca Mg Al Fe (total)
Pregnant solution 0.56 0.45 0.5 0.66
Simultaneously with sulphuric acid leach tests, a selected sample was studied
using a bicarbonate leaching system. The leach solution containing 5 g/L
NH4HCO3 and 2 g/L NH4S2O8 (as an oxidant) was used in a column test. A high
recovery of uranium of 93% - 95% was achieved at the end of the test. However,
an economic analysis of this option showed that an acid system would be more
Based on the laboratory testwork, it was concluded that acid leaching would be
used for further field pilot test work.
On the basis of these studies, there are a number of positive factors for the
mining of uranium deposits in the Inkuduk and Mynkuduk horizons by in-situ
• Abundance of water within the horizon – the specific yield varies from 0.8 to
17 L/sec;
• Rock transmissivity is high and varies from 330 m2/d to 755 m2/d; and
• Low total dissolved solids, up to 3.0 g/L, with favorable chemistry, and high
groundwater temperatures of 27 °С - 29.5°С.
The first field test was performed for Block 1. The test commenced in 1988 and
included three production and six injection wells on a three row well pattern.
Eight monitoring wells were also installed. The pilot production was successful
and within a relatively short time a high uranium recovery was achieved.
Construction of the facilities for the second pilot mine in Block 2 commenced in
1995, whilst the pilot test was started in 2002. Three field tests were conducted in
Block 2 of the Inkai deposit for the purpose of testing various wells patterns, acid
consumption and other production parameters. The Test Block 2 site is located in
the northeast section of Block 2, approximately 15 km north of the town of
Presently, test Block 2 operates with Well fields 1, 2, 3 and 7 and those layouts
are shown in Figure 16-1. Injection and production well schematics are shown in
Figure 16-2. The borehole screens were set up at a depth of approximately
340 m. Leaching solutions are being injected into the developed horizon through
a system of injection wells screened over 5 m to 15 m (thickness of a producing
In situ leaching at Well field 1 (WF1) started in April 2002 with a row scheme of
development wells. In this scheme, a row of production wells is located between
two rows of injection wells. The spacing between the rows of injection and
production wells is about 60 m to 70 m, whilst the spacing between wells in a row
is 20 m to 30 m. In August 2003, Test Block 2 was expanded to Well field 2
(WF2) with eight production wells. The well field was designed in a hexagonal
pattern, where a production well is located in the middle of a hexagon with six
injection wells in included angles of a hexagon. The spacing between injection
wells was 40 m to 45 m. The same hexagonal scheme with a similar well spacing
is used at Well Field 3 that started to operate with 12 production boreholes in
March 2006.
There are multiple pattern geometries possible for ISR mining. Typical examples
are a five-spot pattern (a producer in the center surrounded by four injectors at
the corners of a square), a seven-spot pattern (a producer in the center
surrounded by six injectors in a hexagonal pattern), or line drives (a line of
producers next to a line of injectors). The test patterns employed at Inkai used a
hybrid of the five-spot (WF1), while a seven-spot was employed at WF2 and Well
field 3.
Figure 16-2: Injection and Production Well Schematics for Test Block 2
Table 16-4 summarizes the results of uranium extraction from Well fields 1, 2 and
3 for Test Block 2 through the end of October 2007.
Table 16-4: Results of Well Fields Testwork through the end of October 2007
A series of graphs showing the historical recovery, head grade and flow from the
three ell fields of Test Block 2 are presented in Figures 16-3, 16-4 and 16-5.
As can be seen from Figures 16-3 and 16-4, there is no appreciable difference
apparent in the head-grade or recovery behaviour between the line well pattern
used in WF1 as compared to the hexagonal patterns used in WF2 and 3.
However, there is difference in the number of wells required to cover a given
area, and well field development represents a significant proportion of the capital
costs of operation. Therefore, the seven-spot hexagonal pattern with sides of 40
m was adopted as standard for future production development.
As can be seen from Figure 16-3, the recovery curves are reasonably consistent,
following a roughly exponential curve, with production starting after a month or so
of acid application.
The following key parameters of the uranium recovery were determined during
the wells field tests:
The uranium rich solution (lixiviate) is pumped to the processing facilities for
uranium extraction.
In 2005, JV Inkai started construction of commercial facility, now called the main
processing plant at Block 1.. In 2008, the front half of the main processing plant
was commissioned and the processing of solutions from Block 1 was started.
The full plant was commissioned in 2009 and State acceptance of the
commissioning was received in February 2010.
The present Inkai facility consists of a main processing plant with an ion
exchange IX capacity of 2.6 million pounds U3O8 per year, a product recovery
drying and packaging capacity of 5.2 million pounds U3O8 per year, and a
satellite plant with an IX capacity of 2.6 million pounds U3O8 per year. The
satellite plant produces uranium loaded ion exchange resin which is taken to the
main processing plant for processing.
The key result of the testwork and operational experience is a very efficient
process of uranium recovery from uranium leach solutions.
The general flowsheet of Inkai process facility is shown in Figure 16-6. The
process flowsheet is divided into major unit processing areas within the uranium
recovery facility as follows:
• Main Processing Plant or Satellite Plant IX: The ion exchange unit is
employed to extract soluable uranium from the well field lixivant. It is the
first step in the uranium recovery process and operates as a continuous
• Elution Section: This unit strips uranium from saturated IX resin and, in
sequence regenerates the ion form and loading capabilities of the resin.
A relatively concentrated aqueous uranium solution (eluate) is produced
Inkai is designed to produce a dry uranium product that meets the quality
specifications of uranium refining and conversion facilities.
For control and monitoring of the processing circuits, two separate control
systems are provided in the main processing plant and satellite plant. Each
system is designed and instrumented to accommodate the steady state or batch
flow characteristic of particular process flow streams or unit operations. The
control systems employ state-of-the-art hardware and software programs with
proven as well as demonstrated process logic. The design of the instrumentation
and controls are based on modern practices with proven techniques.
Figure 16-6: Flowsheet Based on Annual Production of 5.2 million Pounds U3O8
16.2.1 Leaching
Solution of 10 g/L - 20 g/L sulphuric acid is injected into ore horizon through
injection wells and uranium rich solution is recovered through production wells.
The use of ion exchange for recovery of uranium from leach solutions is based
on the existence of uranyl sulphate complexes. The uranyl sulphate anions are
selectively but reversibly adsorbed onto solid synthetic ion exchange resin beads
with fixed ionic sites.
Well field acid solution, containing the solubilised uranium, is pumped from the
selected well field(s) via a settling pond to the ion exchange IX circuits for
adsorption of the contained uranium.
Once the resin in an IX column is fully loaded with uranium, the column is
isolated from the continuous IX circuit and the resin is transferred with push
water to an empty elution vessel. After the IX column has been emptied, a batch
of regenerated barren resin from an elution vessel which has completed the
elution cycle is transferred back into the empty IX column. At this time, the
column is put back into service as the tail vessel in the set of three to restart the
uranium loading cycle.
Six trains of three IX columns are necessary to treat the uranium loaded well field
As the barren solution is recycled to the well field for leaching, it is refortified with
sulphuric acid before injection. The effluent (barren) solution from each train
should contain 4 mg/L U3O8 for an overall recovery efficiency of 96%. Each
vessel will collect about 2,600 lb U3O8 per loading cycle.
Uranium that is adsorbed onto the IX resin during the loading cycle is removed
from the resin using ammonium nitrate and sulphuric acid solutions during the
elution or stripping process.
During the elution process, the loaded resin is contacted with ammonium nitrate
solution in four batch stages. The elution section yields a pregnant eluant, which
is stored in pregnant eluant tanks.
16.2.4 Denitrification
After the uranium has been stripped from the resin in the elution process, the
resin is left in a nitrate form. The resin must be denitrified and converted to a
sulphate form for re-use in the IX circuit. Two tanks are used for denitrification.
Each batch of 28.6 m3 of resin is treated with 2.3 bed volumes of circulating
denitrification solution. The denitrification solution is a strong sulphuric acid
solution comprising recycled barren solution, 93% sulphuric acid and process
16.2.5 Precipitation
Pregnant eluant tanks are sampled for uranium content as the feed to the
precipitation circuit. Hydrogen peroxide is added to the precipitation tanks at a
rate indicated by the uranium content. The pH of this stream is adjusted in the
precipitation tank by the addition of anhydrous ammonia.
Five agitated precipitation tanks in a cascade are provided to obtain the required
retention time for the precipitation reaction to proceed to completion. The final
precipitation stream is discharged from the last tank and is pumped into a
thickener at a target pH of 2.0.
The precipitated slurry from the five stage precipitation circuit flows into a
thickener. The contained yellowcake slurry is thickened and is pumped to one of
two filter presses for additional washing and then dewatering.
The yellowcake slurry contained in the yellowcake thickener underflow is the feed
to the filter press. The slurry density in the thickener will build up continuously,
while the withdrawal of slurry from the underflow will be a batch process. The
filter press operation usually commences when the thickener yellowcake sludge
inventory is greater than the capacity of one filter press.
Two automatic filter presses are provided. Only one filter press may operate at
any one time. After thickening, the thickener underflow slurry at about 35% solids
is pumped using an automatic cycle to one of two filter presses for further
washing to remove undesired dissolved salts and to dewater the uranium solids
to approximately 60% solids.
16.2.8 Drying
The dewatered yellowcake from the filter press is then pumped into one of three
rotary vacuum dryers where the finished yellowcake product is produced.
The vacuum dryers are totally enclosed during the drying cycle to assure zero
emissions. The off-gases and steam generated during the drying cycle will be
filtered and condensed to collect entrained particulates within the process
16.2.9 Packaging
There are three identical packaging systems, each handling the discharge from a
dedicated dryer. The system is operated on a batch basis. When the yellowcake
is dried, it is discharged from the drying chamber through a bottom valve,
metered by the rotary valve, and weighed into a package drum.
The estimated mineral resources and reserves at Inkai are located in Block 1 and
Block 2. No mineral resources or reserves have been estimated for Block 3. The
resource models were created in accordance with the Kazakhstan GKZ
guidelines. They were prepared by Volkovgeology using the Grade-Thickness
estimation method on 2-dimensional blocks in plan. Throughout this technical
report, references to Kazakh resource and/or reserve estimates generally include
the non-compliant combination of NI 43-101 mineral resources and mineral
Methodologies, assumptions and parameters used for the current Inkai mineral
resources and mineral reserves are described in this Section.
17.1 Definitions
Stated mineral reserves and resources are derived from estimated quantities of
mineralized material recoverable by in situ recovery methods. Only mineral
reserves have demonstrated economic viability during the term of the mining
licences. The Inkai mineral reserves and mineral resources do not include
allowances for dilution and mining recovery.
The Inkai mineral reserve and mineral resource estimates have been reviewed
under the supervision of Alain G. Mainville, Professional Geoscientist and QP,
Director, Mineral Resources Management at Cameco.
The key assumptions used in the mineral resource and mineral reserve
estimates for Inkai are:
• Dilution and mining loss are factors which are not relevant to the uranium
extraction method of in situ recovery. The recovery obtained from the in
situ leaching process is included in the metallurgical recovery;
• An average uranium price of $54 per pound U3O8 was used to estimate
the mineral reserves; and
The key parameters used in the mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates
for Inkai are:
Parameter Value
The key methods used in the mineral resource and reserve estimates for Inkai are:
later validated by Cameco and independent consultants. This model was the
basis for a number of feasibility studies. The historical Kazakh reserves for Block
1 are listed in Section 6.3. Following the results of the leach test on Block 2 by JV
Inkai and the confirmation of technical parameters, the mineral resource estimate
for Block 2 was updated in 2007 by JV Inkai geologists and Volkovgeology. Table
17-2 presents the Kazakh reserves for Block 2 as of January 1, 2007, not
categorized in accordance with NI 43-101. They were approved by the Kazakh
State Reserves Commission and validated by Cameco and an external consulting
Historic drilling pattern densities over Blocks 1 and 2 were sufficient to satisfy the
Kazakh State Reserve Commission requirements in defining reserves in the C2,
C1 and B categories within Block 1 and C2 and C1 categories within Block 2.
17.2.5 Cut-off
The results of the leach tests conducted on Block 2 determined parameters used
in the conversion of mineral resources to mineral reserves. The minimum GT
(grade-thickness) for individual reserve blocks was determined by the Kazakh
State Reserves Commission to be 0.130 m%U3O8. Cameco is also reporting
mineral reserves for Inkai at a GT cut-off of 0.130 m%U3O8.
A summary of the estimated mineral resources for Inkai with an effective date of
December 31, 2009 is shown in Table 17-3.
Alain G. Mainville, P.Geo., of Cameco, is the QP within the NI 43-101 for the
purpose of the mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates.
Notes: (1) Cameco reports mineral reserves and mineral resources separately. Reported mineral resources
do not include amounts identified as mineral reserves.
(2) Cameco’s share is 60 % of total mineral resources.
(3) Inferred mineral resources have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence and as to
whether they can be mined economically. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of the inferred
mineral resources will ever be upgraded to a higher category.
(4) Mineral resources have been estimated at a minimum grade thickness of 0.3 m%U3O8
(5) The geological model employed for Inkai involves geological interpretations on section and plan
derived from surface drillhole information.
(6) Mineral resources were estimated on the assumption of using the in-situ recovery extraction
(7) Mineral resources were estimated with the grade-thickness method using 2-dimensional block
(8) No known environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-economic, political, marketing or
other issues are expected to materially affect the above estimate of mineral resources, other than the
possible permitting issue discussed in Section 17.3.
(9) Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
(10) Totals may not add up due to rounding.
A summary of the estimated mineral reserves for Inkai with an effective date of
December 31, 2009 is shown in Table 17-4.
Notes: (1) Pounds U3O8 are those contained in mineral reserves and are not adjusted for the estimated
metallurgical recovery of 80 % .
(2) Cameco’s share is 60 % of total mineral reserves.
(3) Inkai mineral reserves have been estimated at a GT (grade-thickness) cut-off of 0.13 m%U3O8.
(4) The geological model employed for Inkai involves geological interpretations on section and plan
derived from surface drillhole information.
(5) Mineral reserves have been estimated with no allowance for dilution as this is not applicable for
ISR mining.
(6) Mineral reserves were estimated based on the use of the in-situ recovery extraction method. The
production rate is planned for 5.2 million pounds U3O8 per year based on 80 % recovery.
(7) Mineral reserves were estimated with the GT (grade-thickness) method using 2-dimensional block
(8) An average price of $54 per pound U3O8 was used to estimate the mineral reserves.
(9) No known environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-economic, political, marketing, or
other issues are expected to materially affect the above estimate of mineral reserves, other than the
possible permitting issue discussed in Section 17.3.
(10) Totals may not add up due to rounding.
Mineral resources in the indicated and inferred mineral resource categories have
not been included in the current mine plans. Mineral resources have no
demonstrated economic viability.
The QP responsible for Inkai’s mineral resources and mineral reserves estimate
is satisfied with the high quality of data and considers them valid for use in the
estimate of mineral resources and mineral reserves. This is supported by the
results of the leach test done on Block 2 and production results over the last 2
As in the case for most mining projects the extent to which the estimate of
mineral resources and mineral reserves may be affected by environmental,
permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-economic, political, marketing or other
issues could vary from major gains to major losses of mineral resources and
mineral reserves. Other than the risk of not obtaining approvals to increase
annual production described in the following paragraph, the QP is not aware of
any pending issues that could materially affect the Inkai mineral resource and
mineral reserve estimates.
The mineral reserve estimates of Inkai assume annual production of 5.2 million
pounds of U3O8. JV Inkai has regulatory approval to produce 2.6 million pounds,
and intends to increase production to 5.2 million pounds per year in 2011.
Cameco expects JV Inkai will receive all permits and approvals required for this
level of production and will seek regulatory approvals for an increase in
production to 3.9 million pounds per year in 2010 and thereafter for a further
increase to 5.2 million pounds per year in 2011. The approval process for the
initial production increase to 3.9 million pounds per year is under way and has
the support of KazAtomProm. Once the initial approval is received, the
subsequent application for an increase to 5.2 million pounds per year will be
made. If JV Inkai does not receive approval to increase production, half of Inkai’s
mineral reserves will be re-categorized as mineral resources.
The extent to which the estimate of mineral resources and mineral reserves may
be materially affected by mining, metallurgical, infrastructure and other relevant
factors could also vary from major gains to major losses of resources and
reserves. The QP is not aware of any scientific or technical issues that, at this
time, could materially affect the Inkai mineral resource and reserve estimates.
Unexpected geological or hydrogeological conditions or adverse in situ recovery
conditions could negatively affect the mineral resource and mineral reserve
estimates. Given the term of the licences, once plant capacity or approved
maximum production rate is reached, any shortfall in annual production could
likely not be regained. The operation risks are discussed further in Section 19.2 .
18.1 Mining
• Determination of the cut-off grades for the initial design and the operating
period. The design cut-off sets a lower limit to the pounds per pattern
required to warrant installation of a pattern before funds are committed,
and the operating cut-off grade applies to individual producer wells and
dictates the lower limit of operation once a well has entered production;
• The above factors are used to estimate the number of operating well
fields, well field patterns and well field houses over the production life;
ISR mining of uranium is defined by the International Atomic Energy Agency as:
“The extraction of ore from a host sandstone by chemical solutions and the
recovery of uranium at the surface. ISR extraction is conducted by injecting a
suitable leach solution into the ore zone below the water table; oxidizing,
Two basic types of leaching systems are used in the world today, acid leach
and alkaline leach. In an acid leach system, dilute sulphuric acid is normally
used as the complexing agent and to generate an oxidant from iron in the
deposit. In an alkaline system, bicarbonate, either as a direct addition or as
librated from the reaction of carbon dioxide and carbonates in the formation, is
used as the complexing agent. Oxygen is added in some cases, like when there
is low carbonate in the formation.
• Limited seepage beyond the well field due to the formation of low
permeable chemical precipitates that block flow;
• The risk of pore plugging (blocking the formation with gas or chemical
Leaching at Inkai will be done near a pH between 1.5 and 2.5. The use of ion
exchange for recovery of uranium from leach solutions is based on the existence
of uranyl sulphate complexes. The uranyl sulphate anions are selectively but
reversibly adsorbed onto solid synthetic ion exchange resin beads with fixed ionic
The annual production specification is 5.2 million pounds U3O8, derived from a
combined flow of 2,840 m3/h (12,500 gal/min). By calculation, this implies an
average head grade of 100ppm-U delivered to the IX columns. Therefore, the
rate of installation of new patterns, coupled with appropriate well field
management and consideration of depletion of mineral reserves, must be
balanced to provide the requisite IX feed.
While considerable variation exists within the flow capacity of any production
well, combined statistics indicated that patterns yield approximately 10.2 m3/h
(45 gal/min). Assuming the average, approximately 278 patterns will need to
be operating at any one time to provide flow to the Block 1 and Block 2 IX
Within any mining method, there is a fundamental unit of production that is the
basis for all design and scheduling. For an open pit operation, this unit would be
a blast pattern while for underground mining, it would be a stope. For ISR
mining, the basic unit is a ‘pattern’ with a production well (also called an
extractor), and its associated injector wells.
The pattern drives the mine operation at a number of levels. At the design
level, the pattern governs the economics. A pattern that is economic must cover
the cost of well installation, connection of the wells to a piping system to carry the
lixivant to and from the IX plant, the operating cost of the chemicals needed to
leach the uranium, the operating cost of the pumps and maintenance on the
pumps, the down-stream plant costs (elution, precipitation, filtering and drying),
post-processing costs, and administrative overhead. Any pattern that cannot
demonstrate an economic benefit should not be installed unless there is some
compelling reason to do otherwise.
For long-range planning purposes, scheduling assumes that the average flow
from historical test blocks will apply to the future. While not strictly true, (the flow
is a function of screened length and local permeability, among numerous other
factors), the approximation is sufficient for predicting the behaviour of large
numbers of patterns.
There are a number of approaches to ISR mining, and as with any mining
technique, there is a substantial degree of customization applied depending on
the local conditions. Factors affecting the design of the pattern are numerous,
As part of the Kazakh mining regulations, JV Inkai was required to install and
operate a test mine for the Block 2 area. The first of these tests was Well field
1, which served as the basis for demonstrating that at least 80% of the Kazakh
estimated reserve could be recovered. Test Block 2, Area 1 was producing in
May of 2002, and reached 75% recovery by April 2006. At the end of February 2010,
production from Well field 1 continues to the present March 2010 with a
cumulative recovery of over 99%.
Testing was continued during the construction phase of the initial main
processing plant and satellites through the test facility, which was upgraded to
accept up to 35m3/h (1,200gal/min). Subsequent tests were directed at pattern
geometry and were useful in identifying potential problems in the new plants.
Well fields 2, 3 and 7 remain in production as well. As of the end of February
2010, the recovery of Well field 2 amounted to 87%; Well field 3, 75%; and Well
field 7, 55%. Well field 7 was included into Test Block 2 plant throughput after
completion of ISR test works and after the preparation of the geological report
submitted to the Kazakhstan State Reserves Committee.
With the completion and subsequent testing of the leached Area 1, Volkovgeology
prepared and submitted reserves estimate to the Kazakh State Reserves Committee
for review and approval. Approval was granted on December 12, 2007.
Currently at Block 1, Well fields 4, 6, 8-0, 8-1, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18 are in
operation. All utilize hexagonal patterns. The present combined flowrate for
The satellite plant at Block 2 is located southeast of Test Block 2,. This is the
first phase of commercial mining with no production in 2008, and negligible
production in 2009. The production is captured on IX resin at the satellite and
the resin is periodically transported by speciality trailers to the Main
Processing Plant for final processing. The barren resin is returned to the
Satellite plant for further loading and re-use.
18.2 Recoverability
Actual field results from Inkai indicated that uranium recovery of at least 80% is
achievable. That is in agreement with Kazakh mining regulations.
JV Inkai’s production plan is based on current mineral reserves that are expected
to produce 107.9 million pounds U3O8 recovered by the mill. Based on maximum
annual production of 5.2 million pounds U3O8, there are more than enough
mineral reserves to produce the expected 107.9 million pounds through the
current term of each of JV Inkai’s licences (2024 for Block 1 and 2030 for Block
2). The projected mine life is 21 years. The Inkai production plan over its mine life
is presented on Figure 18-1.
Production Plan (M lbs U3O8)
The Inkai operation will produce a uranium concentrate nominally in the form of
U3O8, or yellowcake. Nuclear plants around the world use uranium to generate
electricity. The following is an overview of the uranium market.
Uranium Demand
The demand for U3O8 is directly linked to the level of electricity generated by
nuclear power plants. World uranium consumption has increased from
approximately 75 million pounds U3O8 in 1980 to about 169 million pounds in
Uranium Supply
Uranium supply sources include primary mine production and secondary sources
such as excess inventories, uranium made available from the decommissioning
of nuclear weapons, re-enriched depleted uranium tails, and used reactor fuel
that has been reprocessed.
Mine Production
An estimated 88% of the world production of 130 million pounds U3O8 was
provided by ten producers. In 2009, over 90% of estimated world production was
sourced from eight countries:
By Company % By Country %
Areva 17% Kazakhstan 26%
Cameco 16% Canada 20%
Rio Tinto 16% Australia 16%
Kazatomprom 13% Namibia 9%
ARMZ 9% Russia 7%
BHP 6% Niger 6%
Navoi 5% Uzbekistan 5%
Uranium One 3% United States 3%
Paladin 2% Other 8%
General Atomics 1%
Others 12%
The industry average spot price (TradeTech and UxC) on December 31, 2009
was $44.50 per pound U3O8, down 15% from $52.50 per pound U3O8 at the end
of 2008.
The industry average long-term price (TradeTech and UxC) on December 31,
2009 was $61.00 per pound U3O8, down 13% from $70.00 per pound U3O8 on
December 31, 2008.
There is a uranium sales contract between JV Inkai and a Cameco subsidiary for
a portion of 2010 Inkai mine production. JV Inkai currently has no other forward-
sales commitments for its uranium production.
A spot price projection, as of March 3, 2010, has been incorporated into the
realized price projection for the purpose of the economic analysis. The spot price
projection is consistent with various independent forecasts of supply and demand
fundamentals and price projections at that time. To the extent the independent
forecasts did not extend their projections to cover the entire expected mine life of
Inkai, the projections have been extrapolated forward to the end of the
anticipated mine life.
Table 18-1 outlines the projected uranium sales prices, taking into account
Kazakhstan’s transfer pricing law and the independent spot price projections.
The price projections are stated in constant 2010 dollars.
18.6 Contracts
Of the type of contracts listed in item 25 (f) of Form 43-101F, JV Inkai only has
transportation contracts and a short term uranium sales contract (see Section
18.4 above). The transportation contracts are for the shipment of uranium
JV Inkai has a number of important supply contracts for reagents and fuels. One
supplier provides sulphuric acid from three sources (See Section 19.2.1)
JV Inkai believes rates and charges for these contracts reflect industry norms.
18.7.1 Legislation
The Ecological Code is the principal legislation dealing with the protection of the
environment. Although it does not specifically refer to uranium, there are general
provisions regulating production waste which apply to uranium. More specific
provisions are provided in other applicable Kazakhstan regulations and State
18.7.2 Permitting
JV Inkai is required to hold certain permits and licences to operate the mine, as it
is a nuclear facility. With regard to environmental protection requirements, JV
Inkai has applied for and received a permit for environmental emissions from the
operation valid until December, 2010, permits for emissions from drilling activities
valid until December, 2012, and water use permits valid through August and
December, 2011.
JV Inkai currently holds the following additional material licences relating to its
mining activities: (i) “Licence for performance of the works connected with stages
of life cycle of objects of use of atomic energy”; (ii) “Licence for operation of
mining production and mineral raw material processing”; (iii) “Licence for
transportation of radioactive substances within the territory of the Republic of
Kazakhstan”; and (iv) “Licence for dealing with radioactive substances”. These
licences are in force and are of indefinite unlimited term.
JV Inkai received a mining licence for Block 1 and an exploration licence for
Blocks 2 and 3 from the government of Kazakhstan in April 1999. The Subsoil
Use Agreement, or Resource Use Contract, between JV Inkai and the Kazakh
government was signed in 2000.
In 2009, JV Inkai received initial approval for a mining licence for Block 2, to
replace the existing exploration licence. An extension of the licence for Block 3
has been approved to July 2010.
Prior to commencing subsoil operations under the Resource Use Contract and
obtaining emission and water use permits, JV Inkai had to conduct approved
OVOSs. The issuance of emission and water use permits by the relevant
authorities confirms that JV Inkai conducted approved OVOSs as required.
18.7.4 Restoration
Surface reclamation following the completion of mining will include the removal of
all buildings, re-contouring of all disturbed areas of the mine site, and removal of
any contaminated material based on a detail post-mining gamma radiation
survey. Material exceeding baseline conditions will be removed and replaced
with clean material. Contaminated material will be removed to an approved waste
facility for permanent disposal.
Section 4.3 contains a discussion of taxes and royalties under the new Tax Code
applicable to production from Inkai.
Table 18-2 below sets out the estimated taxes and royalties that JV Inkai will pay
based upon projected Inkai production. The actual taxes and royalties paid could
differ from the estimate as there is uncertainty how the new Tax Code will be
interpreted and applied by the Kazakh government. The projected taxes and
royalties are stated in constant 2010 dollars.
MET estimates have been provided by JV Inkai. The MET rate is assumed to be
22% over the life of the mine.
current plan is for engineering design and construction to commence in 2011 for
one plant and in the next decade for the other plant.
Table 18-3 shows the annual capital cost estimate for Inkai from 2010 to 2030.
• Payroll
• Mining Pipes & Fittings
• Wire / Cable
• Valves
• Switch gear
• Gasoline and Diesel Fuel
• Miscellaneous Production Supplies
• General Maintenance Supplies
o Sulphuric Acid
o Other Reagents
o Yellow Cake Drums
• Almaty office
• Finance department
• Legal department
• Marketing and transportation
Table 18-4 shows the annual operating cost estimate for Inkai from 2010 to 2030.
The following economic analysis as shown in Table 18-5 for Inkai is based upon
the current mine plan which contemplates mining Inkai’s mineral reserves to
The financial projections set forth herein do not contain any estimates relating to
the potential mining and milling of mineral resources, as only mineral reserves
have demonstrated economic viability. Accordingly, expenditures required to
bring any of the mineral resources into production or to identify additional mineral
reserves and mineral resources, have not been included.
The analysis assumes no excess profits tax is payable. JV Inkai’s current view is
that under the new Tax Code, which took effect January 1, 2009, it will not be
liable to pay any excess profits tax.
The analysis results in an estimated after tax NPV (at a 12% discount rate) of
$1.03 billion to JV Inkai, as of January 1, 2010.
Figure 18-3 shows estimates of the sensitivity of the after tax NPV to changes in
revenue, operating costs and capital costs over a range of -10% to +10% from
the base case shown as 0%. Changes to either the uranium price or the grade of
solution presented to the mill will have an equivalent impact on the revenue
stream. Consequently the sensitivity to revenue illustrates the sensitivity of the
NPV to each of these variables. Capital already invested has been treated as a
sunk cost and is not accounted for in arriving at the NPV estimate.
The sensitivity analysis further demonstrates that Inkai can withstand financially
negative events, such as increasing costs, or decreased prices and ore grades,
and continue to deliver strong cash flows.
NPV Sensitivity
USD Millions
$1,044.6 $1,012.1
-10% 0% 10%
Revenue Capital Costs Operating Costs
18.9.2 Payback
Payback for JV Inkai, including all 2009 and prior costs, would be achieved
during 2012 on an undiscounted, after tax basis.
Cameco has agreed to provide all funds required by JV Inkai in connection with
work on Block 3 until completion of a feasibility study.
ISR mining at Inkai requires large quantities of sulphuric acid due to the relatively
high levels of carbonate in the ore bodies.
The availability of sulphuric acid required for ISR mining was restricted due to a
fire at one sulphuric acid plant in Kazakhstan in the third quarter of 2007 and
delays in the start-up of a new plant. As a result, Inkai and other ISR operations
in Kazakhstan were subject to reduced acid allotments. This shortage continued
throughout 2008, though it was resolved by the end of that year. JV Inkai
received sufficient supply during 2009 to acidify the well fields as planned. This
was due, in part, to an increase in the number of supply sources from two to four.
This increase in acid supply contributed to JV Inkai exceeding expected 2009
The Resource Use Contract was signed by the Republic of Kazakhstan and JV
Inkai in July, 2000. Under the Subsoil Law, JV Inkai holds its rights to Blocks 1, 2
and 3, on the basis of the licences it received for those Blocks and the Resource
Use Contract. JV Inkai also has obligations under those licences and the
Resource Use Contract with which it must comply in order to maintain rights to
Blocks 1, 2 and 3.
In 2007, Amendment No, 1 to the Resource Use Contract was signed to extend
the period for exploration at Blocks 2 and 3.
In October 2009, Amendment No. 2 to the Resource Use Contract was signed to:
• Extend the exploration period for Block 3 until July 13, 2010;
• Adopt the new Tax Code that took effect January 1, 2009;
• Reflect current Kazakh legal and policy requirements for subsoil users,
like JV Inkai, to procure goods, works and services under certain
prescribed procedures and foster great local content. As a result, at least
40% of the cost of equipment and materials purchased must be for
equipment and materials of Kazakh origin and 90% of the contract work
must be of Kazakh origin; and
In addition to complying with its obligations under its licences and the Resource
Use Contract, JV Inkai, like all subsoil users, is required to abide by the work
program appended to its Resource Use Contract, which relates to mining
operations over the life of the mine (the Work Program), as well as the annual
work programs which it must submit to the Competent Authority for approval
each year. Such annual work programs cover, inter alia, the introduction of new
See Section 17.3 for a discussion of the regulatory approvals JV Inkai needs in
2010 and 2011 to increase production.
On October 19, 2009, JV Inkai and the Competent Authority (then MEMR) signed
Amendment No.2 to the Resource Use Contract whereby a two-year extension of
its licence for Block 3 to July 13, 2010 was granted.
Most legal relations in Kazakhstan are governed principally by the Civil Code of
the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Civil Code broadly recognises, inter alia, the
rights of foreign companies and citizens to enter into transactions and to own
property in Kazakhstan. These rights are established in the Constitution of the
Republic of Kazakhstan and may be limited only by those restrictions set forth in
the legislation of Kazakhstan.
In addition to the Civil Code, there are a number of statutes which are materially
applicable to JV Inkai’s operations. They include, principally, Subsoil Law, the
Law on Limited Liability Partnerships, the Tax Code, the Ecological Code, the
Law on Competition, the Law on Transfer Pricing and the Law on Currency
The recent worldwide trend of resource nationalism has also been embraced by
Kazakhstan in recent years, as previous benefits accorded foreign investors have
been whittled away in the subsoil use sector, changes have been negotiated by
the government into existing subsoil use contracts and new laws granting
preferences to the state, state enterprises and domestic concerns have been
In 2009, Blocks 1 and 2 of Inkai produced 1.83 million pounds uranium (100%
basis). JV Inkai believes that Blocks 1 and 2 have the potential to significantly
increase production to an annual rate of 5.2 million pounds, as outlined in this
technical report.
The economic analysis shows a projected after tax NPV, as of January 1, 2010,
using a 12% discount rate, to JV Inkai of $1.03 billion for the Block 1 and 2
mineral reserves. The sensitivity analysis demonstrates that JV Inkai can
withstand financially negative events, such as increasing costs, or decreased
prices and ore grades, and continue to deliver strong cash flows.
Based on exploration to date, Cameco and JV Inkai are of the opinion that Inkai
Block 3 has the potential to support a commercial discovery. Therefore JV Inkai
requested the Competent Authority to approve an extension of its Block 3 licence
for five years, the period required for an appraisal of a potential commercial
discovery under the Subsoil Law. Without this approval, JV Inkai’s rights to Block
3 expire on July 13, 2010.
The remaining capital costs, as of January 1, 2010, for JV Inkai are estimated to
be $359.2 million.
JV Inkai plans to include a diamond drilling program within Block 3 with the goal
of supporting the declaration of a commercial discovery. JV Inkai plans to spend
$31.3 million on Block 3 in 2010. In anticipation of receiving extension of the
Block 3 licence, JV Inkai has commenced its 2010 Block 3 exploration program.
The authors of this technical report concur with, and recommend that JV Inkai
proceed with the foregoing plans.
Power Resources Inc., Inkai ISL Uranium Project Feasibility Study Volume 1,
November 2003, revised September 2004 and December 2004
Volkovgeology, Detailed Prospecting of the Inkai Uranium Deposit for the Period
1979- 1991, 1991