TINA Interpreter Manual
TINA Interpreter Manual
TINA Interpreter Manual
© Copyright 1990-2010 DesignSoft, Inc. All rights reserved.
All programs recorded on the original release CD of TINA and the
accompanying documentation are copyrighted. TINA is provided
under a License Agreement and may be used or copied only in
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In no event will DesignSoft Inc., its distributor or dealer be liable to
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losses arising from the purchase of TINA or from use or inability to
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TINA is a registered trademark of DesignSoft, Inc.
Table Of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................5
2 GETTING STARTED..............................................................................................................................................6
2.1 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE INTERPRETER AND THE SCHEMATIC WINDOW .....................................................6
2.2 CALCULATIONS ..................................................................................................................................................6
2.3 SIGNAL PROCESSING ..........................................................................................................................................8
2.4 SIGNAL DEFINITION ..........................................................................................................................................10
2.5 PROBLEM SOLVING ..........................................................................................................................................10
3 CALCULATIONS USING THE INTERPRETER..............................................................................................11
3.1 SOLVING DC PROBLEMS ..................................................................................................................................11
3.2 SOLVING AC PROBLEMS ..................................................................................................................................13
3.3 EVALUATING INTEGRALS .................................................................................................................................15
3.4 SOLVING LINEAR SYSTEMS ...............................................................................................................................16
4 DIAGRAM DRAWING .........................................................................................................................................18
4.1 DRAWING TIME DIAGRAMS ...............................................................................................................................18
4.2 BODE DIAGRAMS..............................................................................................................................................20
4.3 DRAWING IMPEDANCES ....................................................................................................................................23
5 CALCULATIONS AND DIAGRAM DRAWING...............................................................................................25
5.1 AN EXAMPLE OF CONVOLUTION .......................................................................................................................25
5.2 SOLUTION ........................................................................................................................................................25
5.3 VERIFICATION ..................................................................................................................................................27
6 PROCESSING TINA’S RESULTS.......................................................................................................................28
6.1 CALCULATING AVERAGE POWER ......................................................................................................................28
7 SIGNAL DEFINITION..........................................................................................................................................31
10 INDEX ..................................................................................................................................................................38
The Interpreter
1 Introduction
The Interpreter is a powerful tool which extends TINA’s usefulness. It allows the evaluation of
mathematical expressions, the solution of equations and systems of equations, the calculation of derivatives
and integrals, the plotting of results, and much more.
You may liken the Interpreter to using paper and pencil for solving problems, except that you can have
TINA check the results. If you use the Interpreter after DC, AC or Transient analysis, it is extremely handy
for post processing the results.
Another interesting application of the Interpreter is the arbitrary definition of signals to be used as
excitation for a circuit. These signals can be assigned to analog generators.
For educational users, TINA has two special modes. In examination mode, the student has to solve a
series of problems (a problem set) either by traditional pencil-and-paper methods or by using the
Interpreter and analysis functions. When the student finds the answer, the program sends it immediately to
the teacher's machine, where it is promptly displayed by the TSuper supervision utility. In training
mode, operation is similar, except that TINA gives the student feedback about the correctness of his
answer, and the student may turn to the Advisor to get help prepared by the teacher.
The Interpreter can be activated from the Tools menu. Its interface is similar to that of TINA’s text editor:
you enter expressions as text and then execute it as a program or an expression to evaluate or plot.
2 Getting Started
In this chapter we will consider some simple examples to see the types of problems we can solve with
the Interpreter.
2.1 Relationship between the Interpreter and the Schematic Window
Although the Interpreter can be used entirely on its own with no schematic file open in the Schematic
Window, it gains in power when used in relation to an underlying schematic. When a schematic file is open
in the Schematic Window, you can access its circuit variables and component parameters.
Note that, in order to make component parameters accessible, you must enter a component reference
symbol in the Label field of each component’s properties window. The label for a 250 ohm resistor, for
example, could read R,250, R, or R=250. With any of these three labels, the Interpreter will use R as the
reference name and will pick up the value from the Value field. The labels showing the value aid in user
documentation on the schematic. In the case of components such as inductors or capacitors, additional
parameters (parallel resistance or series resistance, respectively) become available. In general, each
component reference symbol should be unique (an exception being where there are multiple components
all with the same values).
The various parameters of sources (e.g., for a sine wave, DC level, AC amplitude, frequency, and phase) in a
schematic are also available to you in the Interpreter. They appear in the symbol table under the heading
Circuit variables. Be sure to fill in the label field for sources.
Finally, the results of analyses run on the schematic are also available as functions (of time or frequency).
These appear in the Interpreter symbol table as External Functions, under the names they have been
assigned by the Diagram Window (e.g., AC_Ampli2, AC_Group_delay3
2.2 Calculations
In the following example we will see how to do simple calculations in the Interpreter. The Schematic Editor
will contain a basic RLC circuit.( e1.sch )
Run transient analysis with the given defaults. Click on the Tools menu and select the Interpreter. The
Interpreter window appears.
Note: To insert these TINA screen views into this manual (a MicroSoft Word document), we used the
PrintScreen key in TINA to copy the screen to the clipboard. You could also copy any windows of TINA to
the clipboard by selecting the window and pressing the Alt+PrintScreen keys. Then we pasted the clipboard
contents into this document.
To save these calculations, click the Save button on the toolbar, and follow the prompts. To recalculate
results, press the Run button on the toolbar or use the Run menu.
In this example, we will plot the instantaneous power in the resistor using the previous TINA transient
analysis result.
Before plotting this signal, we have to set the ending interval time value (right limit parameter) in the
Drawing Preferences dialog. Set this parameter to the value of the transient analysis end time, 2.0m.
2.4 Signal definition
Another interesting application of the Interpreter is the arbitrary definition of signals to be used as
excitation for a circuit. These signals can be assigned to analog generators. User defined waveforms
are extremely general and call up an equation editor window where the waveform may be defined as a
mathematical expression. To make signal definition even easier, a template which you can modify to
create your own signal is provided in the editor window. Note that while TINA’s Interpreter is utilized for
signal definition, you access signal definition via the Schematic Editor window, not the Tools/Interpreter menu.
As a simple example of this feature, pick up a voltage generator from the toolbar, place it in the
Schematic Editor window, and then double-click on it. The dialog box of the Voltage Generator will
appear. Click on Unit Step in the Signal field and then press the ... button that appears. A new dialog
box opens showing the available signals. Now press the rightmost button, User Defined, in the Signal
Editor window. The curve and the description of a simple linear time function will appear. To change
this into a quadratic function, replace t with t*t in the description on the right side and then press the
Test button. The waveform versus time diagram of the new function will appear. Now you can use this
new signal with any circuit during transient analysis. For more details of User defined excitations, refer
to Chapter 7.
TINA has two special modes for educational purposes. In examination mode, the student has to solve
a series of problems (a problem set), either using pencil-and-paper or the Interpreter and analysis
functions. When the student finds the answer, the program sends it immediately to the teacher's
machine, where it is promptly displayed by the TSuper supervision utility. Operation is similar in
training mode, except that TINA gives the student feedback about the correctness of his answer.
Furthermore, in training mode the student may turn to the Advisor to get help prepared by the
To solve a problem, you first create the “source code” that the Interpreter will compile and execute.
This code is structured in two parts: the first part contains function definitions, while the second part
contains executable commands. Functions help you to solve complicated problems.
Resistors R1, R2, R3 in the circuit below are connected in parallel. Calculate the total resistance.
i) We will solve the problem first by entering the equation for R. Write in the Interpreter
R := 1/( 1/R1+1/R2+1/R3 )
R =, Then press enter
R = [545.4545]
Since we have a schematic file open, we can access variables derived from the component name labels--R1,
R2, and R3, for example. Click on the menu to Settings/View Symbol Table to view which variables are
available to you.
ii) We will define a function to compute the total resistance of arbitrary parallel connected resistances
labeled R1, R2, R3. The Interpreter’s Function declaration is used to solve more complicated
problems. The syntax of the function declaration is:
Function FunctionName(parname1,...,parnamen);
function body
For a numerical solution based on the values of R1, R2, and R3 in the underlying schematic, type the
following and press Enter:
Consider the following circuit. Calculate the phase and absolute value and the time function of the
voltage named Out, when f=1MHz. The time function of the voltage generator is:
First we find the AC transfer function,
s ⋅C 1
W ( s) = =
1 1+ s ⋅ R ⋅C + s2 ⋅C ⋅ L
R+ s⋅L+
s ⋅C
V source = 10 ⋅ e j ⋅45°
Vout ( j ⋅ ω 0 ) = V source ⋅ W ( j ⋅ ω 0 )
In our program, we first define a variable s to hold the complex frequency value, s=jω0. Then we
calculate the transfer function W(s) using the complex peak value Vsource . By default, TINA gives us
the phase angle in radians. To present it in degrees, simply change the Settings/Numeric formats &
precisions/Angle to DEG
s := j*2*pi*1e6
W := 1/(1+R*C*s+C*L*s^2)
VSource := 10*exp(j*pi/4) {Complex peak value of the source}
VOut := VSource*W
VAbs := Abs( VOut ) {Abs. value of the output voltage }
VFi := Arc( VOut ) {Phase value of the output voltage}
VFiDeg := RadToDeg( VFi )
Another application of the Interpreter is numerical solution of arbitrary integrals.
∫π (sin 2 x + cos
Calculate x)dx
We define a function f(x) to hold the function to be integrated; then we compute the integral using
the help of TINA’s Integ function
Function f(x);
f := sin(2*x)+Sqr(cos(x));
Integ( f(s), -pi, pi, s )=[3.1416]
Expression(τ) is the expression to be integrated; the left and right limits are Limit1, Limit2; and the
variable of integration is τ.
There are a large number of built-in functions that you can use in the Interpreter. The formal
parameters of some functions (such as sin, cos, exp, etc.) are complex. See the Appendix for details.
3.4 Solving linear systems
One of the most powerful features of the Interpreter is the linear equation solver. With it, there is no
need to reduce the equations manually to achieve a solution. The syntax of the equation solver is:
sys name1,...,namen
where equationi is the ith equation, and namei is the ith unknown variable. If there is no solution, or
if there are multiple solutions, the Interpreter will present an error message.
Our linear system example will be the solution of a system of nodal equations.
Let’s consider the following circuit. Determine the nodal voltage at Φ1.
We need only enter the correct equations: the Interpreter will then solve them automatically.
The nodal equations are:
φ1 φ1 − U φ1 − φ 2
+ + =0
R1 R2 R2
φ 2 φ 2 − U φ 2 − φ1
+ + =0
R1 R1 R2
Note that we assume that the underlying schematic as shown, with component values, has already
been created. We will reference variables from the schematic.
Entering these as source code in the Interpreter:
Sys Fi1,Fi2
Fi1/R1+(Fi1-U)/R2+(Fi1-Fi2)/R2 = 0
Fi2/R1+(Fi2-U)/R1+(Fi2-Fi1)/R2 = 0
In this example, the system of equations of variables Fi1, Fi2 is solved assuming that U, R1, R2 are
already defined. In TINA, these parameters are automatically referenced by the labels of the
appropriate components. To help in documentation, we used TINA’s text editor to put the
Φ1,Φ2.node variable labels on the schematic as text items.
We use the Analysis/DC Analysis/Calculate nodal voltages to check the solution obtained by the
Interpreter. After choosing Calculate nodal voltages, the cursor changes into a pencil shape. Click with
the cursor on the Φ1 node to verify its voltage.
Using Calculate nodal voltages, we get 1.84V, which agrees with the value computed by the Interpreter.
4 Diagram drawing
When you use the Interpreter you can access the results of previous analyses. You can also define and
plot arbitrary functions and compare the theoretical solution with the analysis result.
Referring to the following RL circuit entered as a schematic diagram, run transient analysis with the given
defaults. Then use the Interpreter to plot the theoretical result.
− ⋅t
u (t ) = 1 − e L
Enter this response directly in the Interpreter, referring to the schematic parameters and using the
Draw command:
We can compare the computed result and the theoretical result (in this case, the results are almost the
ii) Changing the R parameter, we can see how the output signal changes. We use three instances of the
Draw command, each with a different R parameter, to place three curves on the diagram:
4.2 Bode diagrams
You can define arbitrary functions in the frequency domain and plot them.
Consider the following RC circuit. Draw the AC transfer function and calculate the amplitude and phase
for f=5kHz.
Run AC analysis with the given defaults. Using Symbolic Analysis we can get the AC transfer
Now let’s use the Interpreter to draw the AC transfer function with the given defaults. Before plotting the
result, we have to set some parameter in the Drawing Preferences dialog.
• Set the left and the right limit parameter in the Drawing Preferences dialog. Set these to the AC
analysis start and end frequency.
• Set the name of parameter to s in this dialog box also.
• Set the type to Bode.
Two new pages will be opened in the Diagram Window, for the amplitude and the phase diagrams of
the function.
The Interpreter provides a number of built-in functions that help in solving complicated problems.
Using the Abs and the Arc functions, we can solve this problem easily.
ZAbs := Abs( 1/(1+C*R*j*2*pi*f) )
ZAbs =[31.8149m]
Db( ZAbs )=[-29.9474]
In this example, we define a variable f for frequency and set it to the given value. Then, using the Abs
function we calculate the absolute value (magnitude) of the transfer function at the given frequency.
Next, using the Db function ( returns 20*log10(x), provided x>0 ), we get the amplitude in decibels.
We can check these results by running an AC Analysis on the circuit in the schematic window, going
to the diagram window, and placing a cursor over the amplitude or phase curves at 5kHz. Finally, we
use the Arc function to get the phase angle in radians per second.
4.3 Drawing impedances
The Interpreter can also draw impedance functions, with a choice of linear, log-lin or Bode diagrams.
Starting with the RL circuit shown below, we will use the Interpreter’s LOG-LIN diagram to draw the
impedance as a function of frequency. We are after the impedance that the source sees looking into
the network from its terminals. Note that we have two identically named and valued inductors and
two identically named and valued resistors If the resistors had different values, we would have to label
them with different reference designators in order for the Interpreter to pick up the correct values.
Before plotting the impedance function, we have to setup some parameters in the Interpreter’s Drawing
Preferences dialog.
• Set the left and the right limit parameter in the Drawing Preferences dialog. Set this parameter to the
AC analysis start and end frequency.( 10k and 10M )
• Set the name of parameter to s.
• Set the name of result to ZAbs.
• Set the unit of parameter to f
• Set the unit of result to Ohm
• Set the type to LOG-LIN.
Function Z(u);
Z := u*L+Replus( R, R+u*L );
At first we define a function to hold the impedance expression. Note in the function that u is a
parameter that is replaced with s when the function is actually “called” in the Draw statement. We
use here the built-in Replus function to calculate the impedance of two parallel connected impedances.
The Replus function accepts either complex or real arguments. Then, using this function in the Draw
statement, and relying on the current component values of the underlying schematic, we draw the
impedance function in the Diagram Window.
Two new pages are created in the Diagram Window--the amplitude and the phase diagrams of the
given function.
5.2 Solution
The theoretical response of this circuit in the time domain is,
− t
U R (t ) = 1 − e L
What does convolution mean and how can it be used to determine the response of this circuit in the
time domain? The convolution of two arbitrary signals is,
f 1 (t ) * f 2 (t ) = ∫f
1 (τ ) f 2 (t − τ )dτ
It can be proven that the time response of a circuit to a source s(t) is:
y (t ) = w(t ) * s (t ) = ∫ w(τ )s(t − τ )dτ
where w(t) is the response of the circuit to the Dirac impulse. In this case,
R −Lt
w(t ) = e
So, we have to define a function that computes the desired convolution integral.
Function Conv(u);
end; {Conv}
5.3 Verification
Let’s use Transient Analysis on the circuit to check the result just found using the theoretical
convolution function:
− t
U R (t ) = 1 − e L
We will check this result after running Transient Analysis by using the copy-paste functions in the
Diagram Window. Moving to the Transient Analysis window, TR_result1, by clicking on the tab, we
select the curve by clicking on it. We put it in the Clipboard by pressing the Ctrl+C key. Changing now
to the Resp tab of the Diagram Window, we copy the selected curve into this diagram by pressing the
Ctrl+V keys.
We can see that the results are the same—one overlays the other exactly.
Another interesting application of the Interpreter is post-processing the results of TINA analyses with
arbitrary functions. When you carry out DC, AC or transient analysis on a circuit in the Schematic
Window, the analysis results also appear in the Interpreter symbol table, so you can reference them
for additional processing.
Let’s consider the following circuit. Determine the average power appearing in the resistor R, sensed
by the voltage labeled Out, as a function of time.
The instantaneous power in the resistor is:
u 2 (t )
p(t ) = u (t ) ⋅ i (t ) =
P(t ) =
R ⋅t ∫ p( s)ds
P(t ) = ∫
R ⋅t 0
u 2 ( s )ds
We will compute and draw the power function with the Interpreter. The u(t) function in the integral
(the voltage across the resistor) will be picked up from a previous TINA result produced by transient
analysis if we reference it correctly, as TR_result1.
Function P(x);
P := Integ( Sqr( TR_result1( tau ) ), 0, x, tau );
end; {P}
Function Power(x);
Power := P(x)/(R*x);
For verification we will use the fact that in this case the instantaneous voltage across the resistor
settles down to an average amount with a ripple component, and the instantaneous and average values
come out very close.
Using the TINA transient analysis output, let’s check the result computed by the Interpreter.
In the TINA transient analysis time diagram, we see that after awhile, the voltage across the resistor
doesn’t change much. This will let us use an average value which we will read off the curve in the
Diagram Editor. Press the ‘Cursor a’ button, and the cursor will change into a +. Click this new
cursor on the output curve, position it to around 80m, and read the voltage:
u 2 (80m)
p(80m) = = 0.0705W = 70.05mW
7 Signal definition
Another application of the Interpreter is the arbitrary definition of signals to be used as excitation for
a circuit. These signals can be assigned to analog generators. User defined waveforms are extremely
general and call up an equation editor window where the waveform may be defined as a mathematical
expression. To make signal definition even easier, a template which you can modify to create your
own signal is provided in the editor window. Note that while TINA’s Interpreter is utilized for signal
definition, you access signal definition via the Schematic Editor window, not the Tools/Interpreter menu.
Clicking on a generator, we can establish the Signal properties. Choose type user defined and the Signal
Editor opens. In this editor, as in the Interpreter editor, we can edit, save and compile source code.
A separate window, visible just below the editor, contains a list of the symbols for pre-defined
variables, circuit variables, and other user defined functions. We can use these to create a new user
defined waveform. Here’s how we would define an amplitude modulated signal:
Function Signal(t);
Signal := 1*sin(wC*t)*(1+m*sin(wS*t));
If we continue and define more functions, the function named Signal will appear at the top of the
symbol list. In the body of the functions, we can define variables and use arbitrary assignments of the
built-in functions.
For educational user, TINA has two special modes. In examination mode, the student has to solve a
series of problems (a problem set) either by traditional pencil-and-paper methods or by using the
Interpreter and analysis functions. When the student finds the answer, the program sends it immediately to
the teacher's machine, where it is promptly displayed by the TSuper supervision utility. In training
mode, operation is similar, except that TINA gives the student feedback about the correctness of his
answer, and the student may turn to the Advisor to get help prepared by the teacher.
There are two ways to solve problems in TINA’s training & examination mode. The first is by using
the Result field in the Training & Examination panel, while the second is by using the Interpreter directly.
Using the Interpreter directly, we can use the Result and the Submit functions to pass the result value to
the training and examination module of TINA.
8.1.2 Submitting a solution from the Interpreter window
After clicking the Interpreter button, the Interpreter window opens. Remember that our example
problem is to calculate the voltage on the resistor R2. We define two variables (I and U2) to hold the
current and the voltage on R2 using Ohm’s law. Using the Submit function, we pass the result to the
examination module.
U2 := I*R2
Submit( 60 [V] )
The following is an example of an AC problem. Click on the AC problem entry in the examination
and training panel, and the circuit appears. Click the Interpreter button and the Interpreter window
AC problems are normally too complex to allow a one line solution in the result field, so we use the
Interpreter Window. But if the expression is small enough, we could use the result field also.
The problem is calculating the complex current through the inductor. First we define two complex
variables ( Z and I ) to hold the complex impedance and the complex current. Using the Submit2
function we pass the result to the examination module.
Z := j*VGw*L
I := VGA / Z
Submit2( 10[A], -1.5708 [rad] )
VGA stands for the voltage generator amplitude, while VGw stands for its radian frequency. It is
good practice to review the results carefully before adding the Submit command to your solution.
Once you press the Run button in a program containing the submit command, you are committed:
TINA will check your solution, tell you if it is right or wrong, and submit it.
9 Appendix
There are a large number of built-in functions that you may use in the Interpreter. The formal
parameters For some of these functions (identified with a C), the formal parameters accept complex
Calculates the cosine of x
Calculates the tangent of x
Calculates the arc tangent of x
Exp(x) C
Calculates the exponential function e x
Ln(x) C
Calculates the natural logarithm of x, x>0
Sqr(x) C
Calculates the square of x
Sqrt(x) C
Calculates the positive square root of x
Abs(x) C
Calculates the absolute value of x
1, if x > 0
Sign function: 0, if x = 0
-1, if x < 0
Re(x) C
Calculates the real part of x
Im(x) C
Calculates the imaginary part of x
Arc(x) C
Calculates the phase of x in radian
Integral of f(x) in the [0..x] interval
Integral of Expression(τ) in the [Limit1..Limit2] interval. The variable of integration is τ.
Function Con(t);
Con := t;
Where y is the period value. The function transforms x into the [0..y] interval according to y.
Calculates the bitwise negation of x
Converts x, in radians to degrees
Converts x, in degrees to radians
Unit step
0, if x ≤ 0
1, if x > 0
10 Index