BOL Shane Adams Tips For Songwriting
BOL Shane Adams Tips For Songwriting
BOL Shane Adams Tips For Songwriting
1 Has the first melody note of my 6 Songwriters tend to start all their 11 Can my bridge have a unique
chorus been used already? melodies on the downbeat. starting note different from
my verse and chorus?
2 Don’t give away the “surprise” 7 Songwriters tend to start the
of that first note! melodies for each sections 12 Does my bridge have a
on the same beat. unique melody shape from
3 Does my chorus have a unique my verse and chorus?
melody shape from my verses? 8 Can my melodies avoid starting
or ending on the tonic or 13 Does the first note of my bridge
4 If the verse and chorus 5th degree of the scale? start from a unique rhythmic position
melodies are the same or very from my verses and chorus?
similar, this may be a perfect 9 Songwriters are drawn to the
opportunity for a pre-chorus. stability of the tonic (root) and 5th. 14 Can I better convey
prosody between my lyric
5 Does the first note of my chorus 10 Are you doing it “just because” and melody shapes?
start from a unique rhythmic position or is there a prosody reason?
from my verses and bridge? 15 Can I better convey prosody
between my lyric and
melody note choices?
1 Does my verse and chorus have 6 Uncle Shane Super Pro Tip: sus2 11 Can I better convey prosody
different harmonic rhythms? chord with the “3rd” of the chord between my lyrics and
in the bass, as in Csus2/E chord progressions?
2 Harmonic Rhythm is the
distance between chords (I.E.: 7 Can I substitute a different 12 Can I better convey
one chord per beat, per two chord for better prosody? prosody between my lyrics
beats, per measure, etc.) and chord voicings?
8 Use the downbeat melody
3 Would an asymmetrical harmonic note as the root, third, 5th, 7th, 13 Do my verses start on a different
rhythm work better? 9th, etc, of a new chord. chord than the choruses?
5 Pro tip: Substitute sus2 chords for 10 Can I highlight an important word
both major and minor chords. or thought with a “better” chord?
1 Do my verses have the 5 Do my verse closing lines sum 9 Can I find a better, more
same rhyme scheme? up the opening line of its verse? vibrant verb?
(Is there a better choice?)
2 Are my verse power positions 10 Is my perspective consistent?
(the opening and closing 6 Does each verse (and bridge) (me and him/her/you, etc.)
lines) working together? present the hook/chorus in a
different/unique perspective? 11 Does my character change
3 Does my verse opening line give emotions by the end of the song?
the best context for the other verse 7 Have I weeded out all unnecessary
lines? (Is there a better choice?) words (i.e. just, so, the, that, etc.?)