Recognition Julian Raba 90121A 474
Recognition Julian Raba 90121A 474
Recognition Julian Raba 90121A 474
Presented By:
Julian David Raba Moreno
Codigo: 1.049.638.516
Presented To:
a) How many quizzes are there in the course? Mention their names and where
can you find them?
In the course there are nine activities, Activity 1-2; preknowledge Quiz- Recognition
Forum, Activity 3; Writing Assignment. To write a text about a specific topic, Activity 4;
Quiz 1 Unit. To check your, in unit 1, Activity 5; Speaking Assignment. To have an
interview about an specific topic, Activity 6; Quiz 2 Unit check your advances in unit
2, Activity 7; Task –General Course Review. To assess your performance in the course,
activity 8; task -oral and written production review. To assess your performance in
activities and Activity 9; Final Exam. To identify your performance in activities.
c) Where can you find the Grades and how can it help you?
Initially we will enter course administration, there we can find the gradress in this way
you can know the performance that takes until the last moment
d) How many topics are there in the Unit 2? Mention the topics that belong to
Unit 2.
e) Explain with your own words the aim of the link Synchronic attention via
the link Synchronic attention via Skype. allows you to interact with the tutor and your
colleagues, during the course of the meeting questions are answered and the contents
of the course are explained.
Part 4: Make two (2) comments about your partners’ answers making
corrections if necessary.
Fellow Julian very good contributions, however in question C of part 3,he had to explain a bit
more, how you can help us know where the grades are?
Part 5: Each student provides two (2) ideas answering the following question and
supporting his opinion: