Coal Exploration SCI Rev1

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SBU Mineral
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Relationship – Exploration Results,

Resources, Reserves
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Coal Resources and Coal Reserves

„ A Coal Resource is that part of a deposit with
reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction.
The location, quantity, quality, geological characteristics
and continuity of a Coal Resource are known, estimated
or interpreted, from Points of Observation.

„ A Coal Reserve is the economically mineable part of a

Measured or Indicated Coal Resource.
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Stage of Coal Exploration

„ Exploration proceeds in stages. There is a “decision point”
between each stage: results are evaluated and a decision made
whether or not to continue. For example early reconnaissance may
show the area is too folded, with very steep dips; or that the rank
of the coal is too low.

„ The early stage is low cost, covering large areas

„ If exploration results are good, the target area becomes more

focussed and more expensive exploration methods are used.

„ Advanced coal exploration is costly, using drilling; but at this stage

the chances of success should be high, so risks are low.
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Research Stage
„ Base map of digital regional geology (1:250,000)
„ Petroleum exploration wells
„ Location of coal outcrops
„ Location of previous coal boreholes if any; with drilling results
„ Topographic data; digital terrain model if available
„ Remote sensing imagery
„ Regional geophysics
„ Infrastructure (roads; ports)
„ National parks or nature reserves;
„ Coal Tenements (KP, Coal COW, IUP)
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Research – GIS Model

„ Look for trends of coal quality or
„ Look for errors in regional mapping
„ Look for areas that are open (not held
by other companies) for the wrong
reasons; e.g because there has been
an error in the regional mapping.
„ There will then be a list of questions to
be solved by field work
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Location of Coal Basin

1. Meulaboh Basin 5. Kutai Basin

2. Central Sumatera Basin 6. Barito Basin
3. South Sumatera Basin 7. Pasir Basin
4. Tarakan Basin
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Sumatera - Coal Bearing Formation

„ Meulaboh Basin: Fm.
„ Central Sumatera
Basin: Fm. Sawahlunto
& Fm. Sihapas
„ South Sumatera
Basin: Fm. Kasai, Fm.
Muara Enim, Fm. Air
Benakat, Fm. Talang
Akar, Fm. Lahat
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Reconnaissance and Mapping Stages

„ to confirm the regional geology;

„ to locate and sample known coal

outcrops to determine the coal
rank and some aspects of the
quality; in some cases coal
thickness may be assessed. The
dips can be measured, so for
example if the area is too strongly
folded, that can be determined
immediately, without going into a
more detailed program.
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REMOTE SENSING before the mapping

„ Remote sensing
interpretation is done by
specialized consultants

„ Results are used to guide the

location and focus of field

„ The interpretation will usually

give more focussed detail in
the areas of interest, than the
regional geological maps.
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Field Mapping
„ In Indonesia, with heavy rainfall
and the typical coal measure
topography, reconnaissance &
field mapping will provide a lot of
detail on the local geology, and
coal outcrops may be located &

„ In drier areas, outcrop may be

limited to occasional road
cuttings. In these situations,
regional oil & gas drilling, or
stratigraphic boreholes, may be
initial regional sources of data
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„ Systematic channel sampling is done on good outcrops

„ The channel should be cut back into fresh coal
„ “Ply by ply” sampling
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Detailed Field Mapping

„ Detailed mapping is done over the main
target area; e.g at 1:10,000 or 1:5000

„ This mapping may use a remote sensing

interpretation as a guide.

„ Locations determined using GPS.

„ Coal outcrops should be recorded in

detail. Attempts should be made to follow
coal along strike if possible to check

„ Measure coal thickness; strike; dip; take


„ Record coal lithotypes; partings;

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Detailed Field Mapping

„ Mapping gives an initial
estimate of seam thickness;
seam correlation; and a
preliminary estimate of the coal
quality. However coking
properties may be unreliable.
Calorific value may be too low
and moisture too high. Vitrinite
reflectance is reliable.

„ There may be recognizable

marker beds such as limestone;
basalt; or even the top of
basement, that will be useful in
assessing the overall


results and maps.
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Test Pits
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„ In some areas trenching may be done, where the topography and

depth of weathering are suitable.
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End of the Mapping Phase – Scout Drilling

„ The mapping phase often ends with

a scout drilling program. The rig is
typically light weight and portable,
as access is difficult at this stage,
and the drilling is typically shallow
drilling near outcrops.

„ Several widely spaced boreholes

are drilled. They will:

1. Confirm the coal quality

2. Confirm seam thickness and the dip
3. Provide good information on drilling
conditions and costs, to help plan
the next phase, drilling.
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The Report
„ MAPS are prepared showing all the exploration results – outcrops, strikes, dips, coal
sample points; coal thickness; etc, and any revised interpretations on the regional
geology. A database is needed, in GIS format. A logical scale should be used. The
map should include the KP boundaries.

„ A REPORT is prepared. A checklist should be used, to ensure all points are covered. A
suitable check list is provided later in this report. It starts with previous work and
regional geology, and ends with the recommendations and work program for the
next phase.

„ Management needs to be aware of the most likely size and quality of the resource
target or the Base Case. However a potential range should also be provided – a
Worst Case and Best Case, for the potential tonnes of coal and for the coal quality.
Things like distance to a barge port are also important.

„ Exploration results including coal thickness, dips and quality, should be presented in
tables. All data and ranges should be provided – not just the good results, this will be
a biased report.

„ Management also needs to be aware of the likely Work Program and Budget for the
next phase, so that an informed “YES/NO” decision can be made at this point.
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Drilling Phase
„ Plan the program. It should continue to be staged, with initial wide-
spaced drilling; followed by a YES/NO decision point; Surveying and
topographic mapping; for large scale surface mining, reliable
topographic maps are needed for estimates of overburden volumes.

„ Drilling, on a grid or traverse pattern.

„ Good core recovery in coal is very important.

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Drilling Phase

„ Determine coal thickness and depth;

core the coal seam, which will be
sampled for analysis.

„ Downhole geophysical logging of all


„ Determine the location of the coal

subcrop by oxidation line drilling

„ GEOLOGICAL REPORT with all results

and maps.
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Drilling Phase
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Cutting Description
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Core Description
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Core Handling
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Core Recovery
„ Good core recovery is essential for reliable quality data

„ Use downhole geophysical logs to determine the location & amount of core

„ The Australian Guidelines to the JORC Code advise normally > 95% core

„ It starts with the selection of the drilling contractor; and with the drilling
contract itself.

„ Consistent high core recovery can be difficult in higher rank coals, which
can be more friable.

„ Consider moving to PQ core if recovery is poor with HQ / HMLC. This size

may be needed anyway for the volume and size needed for float / sink
testing of higher ash coals.

„ Triple tube core barrel for better undisturbed core

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Core Photography
„ Core should be photographed while in the core box or in split tubes
before sampling. This gives a permanent record of the appearance
of the coal and partings, and of fractures , cleats and dip planes,
and will be used by the Mining Engineer and geotechnical specialists
during the assessment of the resource.
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Sampling - Precautions
„ Coal should be sampled as soon as possible after logging the coal.

„ For low rank coals, great care must be taken to avoid the coal drying at all
before it gets to the laboratory. The coal must be stored in double sealed
plastic as soon as possible, and kept out of direct sunlight. If the coal is
allowed to dry, the as-received moisture will be too low; and the as-
received heating values will be too high. This can result in major errors
when estimating quality and therefore the likely sales price of the coal.

„ Coking coals can lose some coking properties quickly (especially fluidity).
Again coal with likely coking properties should be sampled as soon as
possible, and if there is a delay in transport to a laboratory for analysis,
should be stored on site in a freezer.

„ The Report on the drilling program should mention precautions taken to

ensure that the analysis is reliable, including the treatment of samples and
precautions taken to ensure against coal drying.
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Ply sampling
„ Coal properties tend to follow laterally Ply
along strike. Ply
Geological roof
Geological roof
„ There will typically be significant 1

quality differences within the seam. 2

Mining Bench Roof
Mining Bench Roof

„ After the initial drilling phase, the

project geologist will typically correlate 3

Mining Bench
Mining Bench
and name the seams; and will decide 4
Non‐coal Parting
Non‐coal Parting
a typical ply naming system also. 5
5 Parting
Later sampling will then follow these
plies. 6
Mining Bench Floor
Mining Bench Floor
„ This depends on accurate correlation 6
of the plies. 7
7 Geological Floor
Geological Floor
„ If plies are thick then sub-ply samples Mudstone  
can also be taken; but these should Mudstone  

also follow stratigraphic boundaries so

that they are consistent.
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Core Sampling
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Reconciliation with downhole
geophysical logs
„ The coal sample intervals must be reconciled
with the downhole geophysical logs. Before
doing this, we must be sure that the
geophysical depths are correct and that
there is no systematic depth error.

„ The geologists log is adjusted so that the

roof, floor and internal stone bands, match
the geophysical log anomalies.

„ The amount of core recovery is then

determined; and the location of the core loss
can be decided.

„ Core recovery should be estimated as soon

as possible. Most drilling contracts require a
re-drill if the core recovery is less than 95%
within the major coal seams.
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„ Data must be entered into a reliable database.

„ As the project advances and becomes larger,

with more data, it will be necessary to assign
responsibilities for database management e.g
the right to enter data; the right to make

„ As noted, original data is kept. This includes

original paper data entry sheets, as these can
be used to check for data entry errors later.
Original survey data and surveyors notes must
also be retained, and may be needed for an
audit of the survey.

„ Database validation will be needed

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Geological Modelling

„ Geological modelling is done within a

computerized modelling system such as
the Stratmodel system within the
Minescape software (Mincom).

„ The software allows the user to define

the seam names and seam relationships
(e.g splitting); minimum parting
thickness; location and orientation of
faults; depth of weathering.

„ The model can then be used as input to

a mineable reserve and quality
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Mine Engineering Process

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Coal Utilization
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Sub-bituminous -Anthracite

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