Mechatronics and Manufacturing Automation: NPTEL Phase 2
Mechatronics and Manufacturing Automation: NPTEL Phase 2
Mechatronics and Manufacturing Automation: NPTEL Phase 2
NPTEL Phase 2
Dr. S. N. Joshi
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati,
Guwahati - 781 039
Assam, INDIA.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0361 258 2678
Module 1 Introduction
Lecture 1
1. What is “Mechatronics”?
Mechanical Engineering
Computer Electrical
Engineering Engineering
Control Engineering
With the help of microelectronics and sensor technology, mechatronics systems are
providing high levels of precision and reliability. It is now possible to move (in x – y
plane) the work table of a modern production machine tool in a step of 0.0001 mm.
Today’s customers are demanding more variety and higher levels of flexibility in the
products. Due to these demands and competition in the market, manufacturers are
thriving to launch new/modified products to survive. It is reducing the product life as
well as lead-time to manufacture a product. It is therefore essential to automate the
manufacturing and assembly operations of a product. There are various activities
involved in the product manufacturing process. These are shown in figure 1.1.3.
These activities can be classified into two groups viz. design and manufacturing
Using computer aided design (CAD) / computer aided analysis (CAE) tools, three-
dimensional models of products can easily be developed. These models can then be
analyzed and can be simulated to study their performances using numerical tools.
These numerical tools are being continuously updated or enriched with the real-life
performances of the similar kind of products. These exercises provide an approximate
idea about performance of the product/system to the design team at the early stage of
the product development. Based on the simulation studies, the designs can be
modified to achieve better performances. During the conventional design-
manufacturing process, the design assessment is generally carried out after the
production of first lot of the products. This consumes a lot of time, which leads to
longer (in months/years) product development lead-time. Use of CAD–CAE tools
saves significant time in comparison with that required in the conventional sequential
design process.
CAD-CAE generated final designs are then sent to the production and process
planning section. Mechatronics based systems such as computer aided manufacturing
(CAM): automatic process planning, automatic part programming, manufacturing
resource planning, etc. uses the design data provided by the design team. Based these
inputs, various activities will then be planned to achieve the manufacturing targets in
terms of quality and quantity with in a stipulated time frame.
3. Mechatronics system
A system can be thought of as a box or a bounded whole which has input and output
elements, and a set of relationships between these elements. Figure 1.1.4 shows a
typical spring system. It has ‘force’ as an input which produces an ‘extension’. The
input and output of this system follows the Hooke’s law F = –kx, where F is force in
N, x is distance in m and k is stiffness of the spring.
The input to the system is a force which can be sensed by suitable electro-mechanical
sensors viz. piezo-electric device or strain gauges. These sensors generate either
digital signals (0 or 1) or analogue signals (milli-volts or milli-amperes). These
signals are then converted into right form and are attenuated to a right level which can
properly be used by the microprocessor to take generate the actuation signals. Various
electronics based auxiliary devices viz. Analogue-to-Digital Converter (ADC),
Digital-to-Analogue Converter (DAC), Op-amps, Modulators, Linearization circuits,
etc. are used to condition the signals which are either received by the microprocessor
from the sensors or are sent to the actuators from the microprocessor. This
mechatronics based spring-mass system has the input signals in the digital form which
are received from the ADC and Piezo-electric sensor. The digital actuation signals
generated by the microprocessors are converted into appropriate analogues signals.
These analogue signals operate the hydraulic pump and control valves to achieve the
desired displacement of the piston-rod.
Assignment 1: Study the product life cycle diagram and elaborate the various design
and manufacturing activities for a product: four-wheel automobile (a passenger car) or
a mobile cell phone.
Module 1 Introduction
Lecture 2
Mechatronics: products and systems in manufacturing
Figure 1.2.1 Comparison between a conventional machine tool and a CNC machine tool
Computer numerical control (CNC) machines are now widely used in small to large
scale industries. CNC machine tools are integral part of Computer Aided
Manufacturing (CAM) or Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) system. CNC
means operating a machine tool by a series of coded instructions consisting of
numbers, letters of the alphabets, and symbols which the machine control unit (MCU)
can understand. These instructions are converted into electrical pulses of current
which the machine’s motors and controls follow to carry out machining operations on
a workpiece. Numbers, letters, and symbols are the coded instructions which refer to
specific distances, positions, functions or motions which the machine tool can
CNC automatically guides the axial movements of machine tools with the help of
computers. The auxiliary operations such as coolant on-off, tool change, door open-
close are automated with the help of micro-controllers. Figure 1.2.1 shows the
fundamental differences between a conventional and a CNC machine tool. Manual
operation of table and spindle movements is automated by using a CNC controllers
and servo motors. The spindle speed and work feed can precisely be controlled and
maintained at programmed level by the controller. The controller has self diagnostics
facility which regularly alarms the operator in case of any safety norm violation viz.
door open during machining, tool wear/breakage etc. Modern machine tools are now
equipped with friction-less drives such as re-circulating ball screw drives, Linear
motors etc. The detail study of various elements of such a Mechatronics based system
is the primary aim of this course and these are described at length in the next modules.
Direct methods deal with the application of various sensing and measurement
instruments such as micro-scope, machine/camera vision; radioactive techniques to
measure the tool wear. The used or worn-out cutting tools will be taken to the
metrology or inspection section of the tool room or shop floor where they will be
examined by using one of direct methods. However, these methods can easily be
applied in practice when the cutting tool is not in contact with the work piece.
Therefore they are called as offline tool monitoring system. Figure 1.2.2 shows a
schematic of tool edge grinding or replacement scheme based on the measurement
carried out using offline tool monitoring system. Offline methods are time consuming
and difficult to employ during the course of an actual machining operation at the shop
Figure 1.2.2 Off-line and on-line tool monitoring system for tool edge grinding
Indirect methods predict the condition of the cutting tool by analyzing the relationship
between cutting conditions and response of machining process as a measurable
quantity through sensor signals output such as force, acoustic emission, vibration, or
Figure 1.2.2 shows a typical example of an on-line tool monitoring system. It employs
the cutting forces recoded during the real-time cutting operation to predict the tool-
wear. The cutting forces can be sensed by using either piezo-electric or strain gauge
based force transducer. A micro-processor based control system continuously
monitors ‘conditioned’ signals received from the Data Acquisition System (DAS). It
is generally programmed/trained with the past recorded empirical data for a wide
range of process conditions for a variety of materials. Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools
such as Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Genetic Algorithm (GA) are used to train
the microprocessor based system on a regular basis. Based on this training the control
system takes the decision to change the tool or gives an alarm to the operator. Various
steps followed in On-line approach to measure the tool wear and to take the
appropriate action are shown in Figure 1.2.3.
A lot of academic as well as industrial research has been carried out on numerical and
experimental studies of design, development and analysis of ‘Tool Condition
Monitoring Systems’. Readers are suggested to browse various international journals
such as International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Springer),
International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture; International Journal of
Materials Processing Technology (Elsevier), etc. to learn more about these
A. Workstations
o CNC machine tools
o Assembly equipment
o Measuring Equipment
o Washing stations
B. Material handing Equipment
o Load unload stations (Palletizing)
o Robotics
o Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs)
o Automated Storage and retrieval Systems (AS/RS)
C. Tool systems
o Tool setting stations
o Tool transport systems
D. Control system
o Monitoring equipments
o Networks
It can be noticed that the FMS is shown with two machining centers viz. milling
center and turning center. Besides it has the load/unload stations, AS/RS for part and
raw material storage, and a wire guided AGV for transporting the parts between
various elements of the FMS. This system is fully automatic means it has automatic
tool changing (ATC) and automatic pallet changing (APC) facilities. The central
computer controls the overall operation and coordination amongst the various
constituents of the FMS system.
Benefits of an FMS
• Flexibility to change part variety
• Higher productivity
• Higher machine utilization
• Less rejections
• High product quality
• Reduced work-in-process and inventory
• Better control over production
• Just-in-time manufacturing
• Minimally manned operation
• Easier to expand
4. Industrial robots
Industrial robots are general-purpose, re-programmable machines which respond to
the sensory signals received from the system environment. Based on these signals,
robots carry out programmed work or activity. They also take simple independent
decisions and communicate/interact with the other machines and the central computer.
Robots are widely employed in the following applications in manufacturing [3]:
B. Parts processing: this may involves many manufacturing operations such as:
• Routing
• Drilling
• Riveting
• Arc welding
• Grinding
• Flame cutting
• Deburring
• Spray painting
• Coating
• Sand blasting
• Dip coating
• Gluing
• Polishing
• Heat treatment
A number of sensors and systems have been developed that can monitor quality
continuously with or without the assistance of the operator. These technologies
include various sensors and data acquisition systems, machine vision systems,
metrology instruments such as co-ordinate measuring machine (CMM), optical
profilometers, digital calipers and screw gauges etc. Now days the quality control
activities are being carried out right from the design stage of product development.
Various physics based simulation software is used to predict the performance of the
product or the system to be developed. In the manufacture of products such as
spacecrafts or airplanes, all the components are being critically monitored by using
the digital imaging systems throughout their development.
In the next module we will study the various sensors, signal conditioning devices and
data conversion devices which are commonly used in mechatronics and
manufacturing automation.
Assignment 1 Visit to your nearby tool room or CNC work shop and prepare a case
study on a real life example on tool wear monitoring system employed in the same.