Rules of Thumb (UK 4th Edition) Guidelines For Building Services
Rules of Thumb (UK 4th Edition) Guidelines For Building Services
Rules of Thumb (UK 4th Edition) Guidelines For Building Services
BG 14/2003
Space and weight allowances
TABLE 1: Floor space allowance for services 2
TABLE 2: Space allowances for plant rooms 3
TABLE 3: Miscellaneous services 6
TABLE 4: Space allowances for services 7
TABLE 5: Space allowances for service ducts and shafts 8
TABLE 6: Space allowances for catering facilities 9
TABLE 7: Floor space allowance per occupant 9
TABLE 8: Plant weight allowances 10
Comfort factors
TABLE 1: External conditions 14
TABLE 2: Ventilation and air conditioning 14
TABLE 3: Room air movement 15
TABLE 4: Noise levels 16
TABLE 5: Comfort data sheet 17
System features
TABLE 1: Sizing and operating characteristics of plant 18
Water consumption
TABLE 1: Hot water demand – daily 40
TABLE 2: Water demand – daily 41
Electrical systems
TABLE 1: Electrical supplies and loads 44
Cost data
TABLE 1: Mechanical and electrical services costs 45
TABLE 2: Cost data as a percentage of total services costs 46
TABLE 3: Services costs as a percentage of total construction cost 50
TABLE 4: Capital costs 50
TABLE 5: Office fit-out costs 53
TABLE 6: Annual service charges 55
TABLE 7: Annual mechanical and electrical costs 55
TABLE 8: Annual utility costs 57
TABLE 9: Whole life costs (air conditioning) 58
Readers are advised to use this new edition in place of the previous one,
and to transfer over any personal rules of thumb they have compiled in
the light of experience.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including
photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the publisher.
BSRIA Guide 14/2003 August 2003 ISBN 0 86022 626 3 Printed by The Chameleon Press Ltd
Howto use
to usethis
HowHow to
to use use
this this
to use this guide
What this guide will do
Rules of Thumb has been written to help engineers in the initial stages of
designing a building and its services. By gathering many of the most
common rules of thumb into one document, BSRIA has provided a
powerful source of initial design data that every engineer should find
Thumb rules (or heuristics as they are more properly known) are
extremely useful values to inform the early process of design, such as
project inception and outline briefing, feasibility planning, the
assessment of global loads and space requirements. They are also useful
for getting a initial grasp of services costs.
Rules of Thumb will help engineers carry out “what if” calculations, and
assist senior engineers in checking the work of more junior engineers.
The data in this book have been derived from a wide variety of
authoritative sources, all of which are clearly referenced. Users will find
rules of thumb for many different building types and building services
systems arranged as tables, and in alphabetical order.
The essential services data were originally assessed for usefulness and
relevance by a panel of experienced, practising services engineers. Any
data which were remotely questionable, or which might mislead users of
the information, were carefully vetted.
Roderic Bunn
BSRIA 2003
When to use: During the early stages of design prior to system analysis or plant selection
Where to use: Plant room sizes, riser cupboard locations and plant capacities
Space and weight allowances
Watch out for: Poor information that fails to allow for installation, commissioning or maintenance
TABLE 1: Floor space allowance for services (as a percentage of floor area)
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Refrigeration (excluding
cooling towers) Central plant 1 – 2% 26
Without extract/
recirculation 5 m2 per m3/s 29
Horizontal (1 m3) 25 m2 x 3 m 29
Horizontal (5 m3) 30 m2 x 3 m 29
Horizontal (10 m3) 45 m2 x 3 m 29
Horizontal (15 m3) 60 m2 x 3 m 29
Table 2 continued
For references see page 60
Space and weight allowances
TABLE 2: Space allowances for plant rooms (floor area) continued
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Cold water storage Single cold water tank FA: Floor area
Includes space for V: gross storage m3
installation and 1 m high FA: 10 + V/0 75 m2 29
maintenance but add 2 m high FA: 10 + V/1 6 m2 29
space for 3 m high FA: 10 + V/2 4 m2 29
pressurisation plant
or circulation pumps
Restaurant 7 litres/meal 20
Children’s home or
residential nursery 135 litres/bed space 20
Nursing or
convalescent home 135 litres/bed space 20
Children’s home,
elderly sheltered and
elderly care home 25 litres/bed space
Offices, shops
and factories 5 litres/person 21
Schools: nursery,
primary, secondary 5 litres/person 21
Hospitals: district
general, surgical ward
Sports changing:
sports hall and
swimming pool 20 litres/person 21
Sports changing:
field and all-weather pitch 35 litres/person 21
Table 2 continued
For references see page 60
Space and weight allowances
TABLE 2: Space allowances for plant rooms (floor area) continued
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Control panels and distribution Front panel controls, Fixing height range 1200 – 1800 mm 18
boards wall-mounted or (above finished floor
floor standing or operating platform
LTHW boiler plant Oil storage tanks, If tank fails, walls and
component criteria for distillate and doors treated to
leakage containment residual fuel oils contain spillage Tank contents + 10% 19
VRV 450 mm 16
Space and weight allowances
TABLE 5: Space allowances for service ducts and shafts
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Space and weight allowances
TABLE 8: Plant weight allowances
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
When to use: During the early stages of design
Where to use: When setting inernal environmental conditions based on known or assumed loads Comfort factors
Watch out for: Specific client requirements, and contexts that allow greater latitude in design settings
Rate of lowering
outdoor design temp.
with altitude above
sea level -06 C/100 m 37
Table 2 continued
Television and
broadcasting studios 02 – 0 3 m/s 2
Comfort factors
TABLE 4: Noise levels
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
External noise level criteria for If more than 10 dBA Complaints expected 37
new noise (above background noise)
If less than 5 dBA Marginal 37
Cinemas (sedentary role) 21-23C 19-21C 05 ac/h 8 l/s/person 300 lux NR25-NR30
Computer rooms (general) 21-23C 19-21C 1 ac/h 8 l/s/person 300 lux NR35-NR45
Education (teaching spaces) 21-23C 19-21C 2 ac/h 8 l/s/person 300 lux NR25-NR35
Exhibition hall/conference facilities 21-23C 19-21C 025-05 ac/h 8 l/s/person 300 lux NR40
Factory/warehouse 21-23C 11-21C 025-25 ac/h 8 l/s/person 750-1000 lux NR45-NR65
Fitness/health clubs (equipment rooms) 18C 12-18C 075 ac/h 10 – 12 ac/h 300 lux NR30-NR40
Hospitals (ward and patient areas) 23-25C 22-24C 2 ac/h 8 l/s/person 50-100 lux NR30-NR35
Hotels (bedrooms) 21-23C 19-21C 1 ac/h 8 l/s/person 50-100 lux NR20-NR30
Libraries (reading rooms) 24-25C 22-23C 025-075 ac/h 8 l/s/person 300 lux NR30-NR35
Museums and galleries (display, storage) 21-23C 19-21C 1 ac/h 8 l/s/person 200 lux NR30-NR35
Offices (general, BCO data) 24C 22C 025-05 ac/h 8-12 l/s/person 300-500 lux NR25-NR40
Retail (shops/stores) 21-23C 19-21C 05-1 ac/h 8 l/s/person 500-750 lux NR35-NR45
Swimming pools (pool halls) 23-26C 23-26C 05 ac/h 0-15 l/s/m (of wetted area) 300 lux NR40-NR50
Various sources including CIBSE Guide
British Council for Offices
When to use: During outline design before the architect has finalised space planning
Where to use: For determining the spatial and operational characteristics of main plant System features
Watch out for: The rules for boiler and cooling plant are based on unit floor area or unit volume
Air distribution
From source Ceiling diffusers Limit of throw 8m 36
Surface projections Not to exceed
50 mm within 1m
of diffuser outlet 36
Boiler plant capacity Power per unit area 120 W/m2 floor area 36
40 W/m3 volume 36
Table 1 continued
For references see page 60
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Boiler plant
Typical seasonal Standard size radiators
efficiencies (continued) variable temperature
circuit Weather compensated 87% 22
Standard fixed-
temperature emitters 83/72C flow/return 85% 22
boilers High efficiency boilers 80 – 82% 22
Typical duct velocities Low velocity systems 3 – 5 m/s 36
High velocity systems 7 5 – 15 m/s 36
Table 1 continued
For references see page 60
System features
TABLE 1: Sizing and operating characteristics of plant continued
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Fans (continued)
Fan capacity of ventilated space Offices 1 4 litres/s per m3 23
Restaurants 35 litres/s per m3 23
Retail stores, halls, theatres 2 1 litres/s per m3 23
Heating systems
Total system volume Domestic systems Approximate value 6 x boiler size (kW)+10% 3
(system size, in litres) Commercial systems Approximate value 10 x boiler size (kW)+10% 3
Capacity per unit length of 15 mm diameter pipe 0 25 litres/m 36
of steel pipe 20 mm diameter pipe 0 4 litres/m 36
25 mm diameter pipe 0 6 litres/m 36
32 mm diameter pipe 1 2 litres/m 36
Water velocity 15 – 50 mm
pipe diameter 075 – 1 5 m/s 36
Water pressure Conventional pipe systems Over 50 mm diameter 100 – 300 Pa/m 16
Table 1 continued
For references see page 60
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Capacity per unit of finned area Finned tube coils 49 litres/m2 36
Head pressure (pump head) Pressure (in kPa),
length (m) 036 x index
circuit length 36
Water treatment
Additives required Copper pipework With steel pipework Add 10% to water 36
IT facilities
Sizing guidelines for Net sensible cooling 3-12 kW Width 700 mm
downflow units Depth 400-700 mm
Height 2000 mm 53
Table 1 continued
For references see page 60
System features
TABLE 1: Sizing and operating characteristics of plant continued
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
IT facilities continued
When to use: When determining total building energy consumption
Where to use: From briefing onwards through to design and operation (See also CIBSE TM22) Energy and carbon issues
Watch out for: Change to the carbon conversion ratios which are continually being updated
Naturally ventilated (cellular) Energy costs over Good practice £3.50 m2 tfa 1
Type 1, simple relatively treated floor area (tfa) Typical £6.00 m2 tfa 1
small building, sometimes
converted residential, Gas or oil Good practice 79 kWh/m2 1
100 – 3000 m2 (delivered) Typical 151 kWh/m2 1
Naturally ventilated (open plan) Energy costs over Good practice £4.50 m2 tfa 1
Type 2, purpose-built, sometimes treated floor area Typical £7.00 m2 tfa 1
converted industrial space,
500 – 4000 m2 Gas or oil Good practice 79 kWh/m2 1
(delivered) Typical 151 kWh/m2 1
TABLE 3: Energy benchmarks for local authority buildings (annual consumption for net lettable area)
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Table 3 continued
For references see page 60
Energy and carbon issues
TABLE 3: Energy benchmarks for local authority buildings (annual consumption for net lettable area) continued
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Table 3 continued
For references see page 60
Energy and carbon issues
TABLE 3: Energy benchmarks for Local Authority buildings (annual consumption for net lettable area) continued
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
TABLE 4: Energy benchmarks for hospitals (annual consumption for heated volume)
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Lightweight construction
over 5000 m2
Good practice 92 kWh/m2 42
construction up to
5000 m2 Good practice 130 kWh/m2 42
construction over
5000 m2 Good practice 125 kWh/m2 42
TABLE 6: Energy benchmarks for industrial buildings (annual consumption for gross floor area)
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Fans, pumps,
Fans, pumps,
controls(electricity) Good practice 10 kWh/m2 43
Table 6 continued
For references see page 60
Energy and carbon issues
TABLE 6: Energy benchmarks for industrial buildings (annual consumption for gross floor area) continued
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Fans, pumps,
controls (electricity) Good practice 6 kWh/m2 43
Fans, pumps,
controls (electricity) Good practice 5 kWh/m2 43
Energy and carbon issues
TABLE 8: Energy benchmarks for hotels (annual consumption)
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
TABLE 9: Energy benchmarks for banks and agencies (annual consumption for gross floor area)
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Table 9 continued
For references see page 60
Energy and carbon issues
TABLE 9: Energy benchmarks for banks and agencies (annual consumption for gross floor area) continued
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
TABLE 11: Energy benchmarks for further and higher education (annual consumption for gross floor area)
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Energy and carbon issues
TABLE 12: Energy benchmarks for MOD establishments (annual consumption for treated floor area)
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Workshops Electricity
consumption 29 kWh/m2 54
Unheated Electricity
consumption 9 kWh/m2 54
Officers’/sergeants’ Electricity
combined mess consumption 21 kWh/meal 54
Energy and carbon issues
TABLE 13: Lighting systems benchmarks (annual consumption)
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
When to use: When determining user water needs and storage
Where to use: From briefing onwards through to design and operation
Water consumption
Watch out for: Extraneous loads that may increase required pumping capacity/hours of operation
Student accommodation,
nurses , childrens and
sheltered home 70 litres/bedroom 21
Surgical and
medical wards 110 litres/bed 21
Table 2 continued
For references see page 60
Water consumption
TABLE 2: Water demand, daily continued
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Secondary 20 litres/pupil 21
Boarding 90 litres/pupil 21
When to use: To determine electrical supply requirements in buildings
Where to use: When assessing the connected capacity in terms of unit floor area
Electrical systems
Watch out for: Allowances for expansion, particularly for on-floor communications rooms
TABLE 1: Mechanical and electrical services costs (£/m2 of total floor area)
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Cost data
TABLE 2: Cost data as a percentage of total services cost
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Table 2 continued
For references see page 60
Cost data
TABLE 2: Cost data as a percentage of total services cost continued
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
TABLE 3: Services costs per square metre as a percentage of total construction cost
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Arenas Sanitary fittings 1999 data 2% 7
(indoor) Disposal installation 1% 7
Water installation 1% 7
Cost data
TABLE 4: Capital costs (for gross area)
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Comfort cooling,
two-pipe variable
refrigerant volume Office over 3000 m2 £93 – £113/m2 25
Comfort cooling,
two-pipe VRV Office up to 3000 m2 £93 – £113/m2 25
including ventilation two-pipe fan coil Office over 3000 m2 £108 – £124/m2 25
Comfort cooling,
two-pipe variable
refrigerant volume Office over 3000 m2 £93 – £113/m2 25
Comfort cooling,
two-pipe VRV Office up to 3000 m2 £93 – £113/m2 25
Table 4 continued
For references see page 60
Cost data
TABLE 4: Capital costs (for gross area) continued
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
ventilation No heating £20 – 30/m2 52
a/c system £125 – 150/m2 52
Extension of control/
BMS into general
office areas £10 – 20/m2 52
Luminaires to
ceiling and wall
washers to cores £25 – 30/m2 52
Table 5 continued
For references see page 60
Cost data
TABLE 5: Office fit-out costs continued
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Public address
system £3 – 8/m2 52
Warehouses £550/100 m2 48
air conditioned £1800/100 m2 48
non air conditioned £1050/100 m2 48
Table 7 continued
For references see page 60
Cost data
TABLE 7: Annual M&E maintenance costs (gross floor area) continued
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
Shopping centres,
non air-conditioned £550 / 100 m2 48
Factory/office £500/100 m2 51
Warehouses £550/100 m2 51
Supermarkets £3100/100 m2 51
Universities £1050/100 m2 51
Museums £1450/100 m2 51
Libraries £1050/100 m2 51
Cost data
TABLE 9: Whole life costs for air conditioning systems (gross floor area)
Design area Application Other information Rule of thumb Ref Your notes and comments
23 Energy efficiency in buildings, Table 6.2 basic fan capacity benchmarks CIBSE Guide F 1998 CIBSE 0-900953-861
24 Energy efficiency in buildings, Table 7.1 chiller plant capacity CIBSE Guide F 1998 CIBSE 0-900953-861
25 Spon’s Mechanical and Electrical Services Price Book 2003 2003 Spon Press 0-415-30122-X
26 Space allocation for services, Table 2: floor space Rules of Thumb, 2nd Edition 1995 BSRIA 0-86022-419-8
27 Space allocation for services, Table 3: depth of ceiling space Rules of Thumb, 2nd Edition 1995 BSRIA 0-86022-419-8
28 Space allocation for services, Table 4: depth of floor space Rules of Thumb, 2nd Edition 1995 BSRIA 0-86022-419-8
29 Space allocation for plant rooms, Table 6: floor area Rules of Thumb, 2nd Edition 1995 BSRIA 0-86022-419-8
30 Space allocation for service ducts and shafts, Table 7 Rules of Thumb, 2nd Edition 1995 BSRIA 0-86022-419-8
31 Space allocation for catering facilities, Table 9 Rules of Thumb, 2nd Edition 1995 BSRIA 0-86022-419-8
32 Cost of m&e services by type of building and service, Table 10 Rules of Thumb, 2nd Edition 1995 BSRIA 0-86022-419-8
33 System capital and maintenance costs, Table 11 Rules of Thumb, 2nd Edition 1995 BSRIA 0-86022-419-8
34 Thermal loads, Table 12 Rules of Thumb, 2nd Edition 1995 BSRIA 0-86022-419-8
35 Electrical loads by type of load, Table 14 Rules of Thumb, 2nd Edition 1995 BSRIA 0-86022-419-8
36 Sizing and operating characteristics of air system plant, Table 16 Rules of Thumb, 2nd Edition 1995 BSRIA 0-86022-419-8
37 Design requirements or rules of thumb for air systems, Table 17 Rules of Thumb, 2nd Edition 1995 BSRIA 0-86022-419-8
38 Guide to the Accommodation and Operating Environment
for Information Technology (IT) Equipment BS 7083, 1996 1996 BSI 0-580-26705-9
39 Facade Engineering: Fun with Facades Building Services Journal, August 1997 1997 The Builder Group ISSN 1365-5671
40 Preliminary guidance on Best Value Performance Indicator 180 Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (To be published as an energy consumption guide by Action Energy)
41 Energy consumption in hospitals Energy Consumption Guide 72 1999 Energy Efficiency
Best Practice Programme
42 Benchmarking tool for industrial buildings:
heating and internal lighting Energy Consumption Guide 81 2002 Energy Efficiency
Best Practice Programme
Ref Title Publication Year Publisher ISBN
50 Energy efficiency in further and higher education: Energy Consumption Guide 54 1999 Energy Efficiency
cost effective low energy buildings Best Practice Programme
51 Review of Occupancy Costs 2003 BMI Special Report 2003 RICS 1-90085- 8932
52 Cost models Building 17 April 2003 2003 The Builder Group ISSN 0007-3318
53 Cooling Solutions for IT:
A Guide to Planning, Design and Operation BG 5/2003 2003 BSRIA 0-86022-616-6
54 Energy use in Ministry of Defence Establishments Energy Consumption Guide 75 1999 Energy Efficiency
Best Practice Programme
55 School Buildings Building Services Journal January 2002 2002 The Builder Group ISSN 1365-5671
56 Hospitals Building Services Journal March 2002 2002 The Builder Group ISSN 1365-5671
57 Sports and Leisure Centres Building Services Journal June 2002 2002 The Builder Group ISSN 1365-5671
58 University Buildings Building Services Journal September 2002 2002 The Builder Group ISSN 1365-5671
59 Space and weight allowances for building services plant,
inception stage design TN 9/92 1992 BSRIA 0-86022-345-0