Annex C C3 Future Operations Cell (FOPS) Chapter C-3 OPERATIONS A
Annex C C3 Future Operations Cell (FOPS) Chapter C-3 OPERATIONS A
Annex C C3 Future Operations Cell (FOPS) Chapter C-3 OPERATIONS A
A. Purpose. The C3 Future Operations (FOPS) is responsible for future operations' planning that occurs within
the 24 - 96 hour time frame. FOPS represents C3 in the CTF planning process to ensure continuity between
current operations and C5 Future Plans (PLANS) regarding plans and orders, continuity, CCTF's intent,
approved end states, and operational objectives. FOPS plans operations within the current phase and
accomplishes the final coordination of plans developed by PLANS., The plans are based on updated
situational awareness and ongoing refinements required to synchronize all factors involved in the pending
1. Plans developed by C5 Future Plans are modified based on the current situation, developed into operation
orders, fragmentary orders, or warning orders (OPORDs, FRAG Orders, or WARNORDs) and passed to
the C3 Current Operations (COPS) for execution.
2. FOPS develops and assesses the current operation and projects future status of friendly forces for the next
three days. These projections, in conjunction with Command and Control (C2) projections for enemy
actions, are used to determine the need for modifications and development of branches to current and
projected operations to achieve the CCTF intent and end states. They are also used to provide input to the
targeting and collections boards to aid in the prioritization process.
3. FOPS is organized into: (1) an Operational Planning Team (OPT) composed of a small group of focused
planners tailored for the operation with the applicable integrated component liaison officers; and, (2) a
larger group of staff, functional, and subject matter experts including members from the CTF HQs and
4. CTF Planning Process. See Figure C3-B1; refer to Chapter B-6 for a detailed outlined of the CTF Planning
B. Responsibilities
1. Coordinate and receive the operation plans and operation orders from the C5 Future Plans during the CTF
planning process.
2. Provide COPS with draft orders for operations within the 24 - 96 hour planning window prior to execution.
3. Develop projections of friendly forces for the next 24 - 96 hours.
4. Assist C3 in developing targeting and collection guidance.
5. Synchronize future maneuver with fires and intelligence collections.
6. Meet with C3 and CCTF daily to receive intent and guidance.
7. Lead the C3 Future Operations OPT.
8. Prepare briefing inputs for C3 approval.
9. Maintain awareness of ongoing C5 Future Plans actions for the next phase or sequel. Maintain liaison with
the C5 Future Plans Coalition / Combined Planning Group (CPG) or OPT.
10. Provide representation to the following CTF boards and cells (this is a notional list; more boards and cells
may exist):
CTF: 96 Hrs /
Next Phase
Transition, CAP Products
or Termination CTF: 24-96 Hrs CTF: 0-24 Hrs
C3 Future C3 Current
C5 Future “Hand-Off” “Hand-Off”
Plans Operations of Plan Operations
of Plan
Initial OPLAN / OPORD Issues OPORDS,
& Campaign Plan Collaboration Refines, Adjusts & FRAGO,WARNO,
Follow-on Modifies Monitors, Assesses,
Phase - Plans Tools OPORDs-OPLANs Directs & Controls
(Based upon Current Execution of Plans.
“What’s Next” Situation)
CAP Products
OPORD-OPLANS // Campaign
Campaign Plan
•• Sequel
Sequel plans
plans for
for future
future phases
phases • Situational Awareness (SA) /
–Concept •• Branch
Branch plans
plans with
with triggers
–Concept ofof operations
operations •• Cmdr’ COP / Monitor Plan Execution
–Draft Cmdr’s
Cmdr’s Intent
Intent Cmdr’ Estimate
Estimate -- • Briefings / Cmdr’s SITREP
•• Initial
Initial Cmdr’s
Cmdr’s guidance
guidance • SITREP/ Near Term FRAGO)
•• Orders
Orders (WARNO,
•• Wargaming
Wargaming •• Recommend • Message Draft & Release
Recommend CCIR,
ROE • Track Actions / Suspenses12
. •• Pol-Mil
Pol-Mil Issues
C. Information and coordination flow. FOPS assimilates information received from C5 Future Plans, COPS, and
the Coalition / Combined Assessment Team to plan operations occurring within the next 24 - 96 hours. FOPS
develops detailed plans, warning orders, and FRAG Orders for sustainment of current and future operations to
C3 for CCTF guidance and approval.
D. Preparing and Issuing Orders and Reports. FOPS prepares and coordinates draft CTF orders using the
standard five paragraph format: Situation, Mission, Execution, Administration and Logistics, Command and
Signal. COPS is responsible for final modifications to the orders and subsequent issuing of the approved order.
E. Plans Hand-off. There are three methods of conducting the plans hand off from the C5 Future Plans through
FOPS, and, in turn, to COPS. The first method is a transition brief conducted by the C5 Future Plans when the
operations plan or order is ready for execution. The second method is a planner from the FOPS (the FOPS
Continuity Officer) to become fully integrated into the planning process at the inception of the plan. This
continuity officer coupled with a C5 Future Plans Continuity Officer stays with the plan until it is issued (C5
Future Plans, to FOPS, and eventually to COPS). The third method is a combination of the C3 and C5
Continuity Officers staying with the plan from inception to endstate and a plans hand off brief at each stage of
the plan as it moves from C5 Future Plans, to FOPS, and COPS. The third method is this SOP's preferred
process if there are adequate personnel resources to allow individual officers the ability to remain tied to one
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F. Members of FOPS. The following personnel constitute the members of FOPS Cell:
1. Future Operations Officer
2. Deputy Future Operations Officer
3. Long Range Plans Officer
a. Serves as the liaison between C3 Current and Future Operations and C5 Future Plans to support the
crisis action planning process.
b. Coordinates with COPS to remain cognizant of end state goals and objectives.
c. Ensures plans developed by the CPG process reflect the CCTF's intent and are a logical extension of
current end state goals and near-term friendly and enemy force projections and assessments as
provided by the C3 Combat Assessment Cell.
d. Provides updates to FOPS and COPS regarding the status of planning for future operations and
operational details associated with those plans.
e. Serves as a member of the Rules of Engagement Planning Cell to ensure near-term operational plans
are achievable within the existing ROE or supplemental measures are requested as needed.
4. Operations and Plans Assistant
5. Operations Intelligence Officer
6. Air Future Operations Officer
a. Conducts appropriate air operations coordination with theSupported Strategic Commander's Air
Operations Planning Cells, and the CTF components.
b. Follows the COPS situational picture through close coordination with the COC battle watch and COPS
air battle watch officer to modify and refine orders.
c. Monitors air assets, air munitions, and equipment shortfalls to identify potential impacts on orders and
plans being executed and developed. Ensures FOPS liaison to the Disaster Management Team)
(DMT) is informed of priority transportation requirements for force flow validation for strategic air and
sea deployment planning lists.
d. Balances deployment status of air assets with developing plans and orders
e. Attends COC morning and evening briefs and Logistics Opereation Center briefs.
f. Monitors and coordinates FOPS issues with the Integrated Tasking Order (ITO).
c. Conducts appropriate ground operations coordination with the Supported Strategic Commander,
ground liaison officers, and amphibious forces.
e. Maintains a current status map depicting friendly forces, enemy forces, and coordination and control
f. Reports any ground forces contact with the enemy to the COPS officer and the Combat Operations
Center (COC) Chief.
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g. Passes appropriate information to the ground forces commander.
b. Provides information to support basic tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) of SOF
d. Represents SOF issues outside of FOPS as required and or directed by the C3 FOPS officer.
(2) Liaising with supported and supporting component commands to coordinate and deconflict asset
(4) Coordinating and deconflicting with the Coalition / Combined Fires Element.
(6) Liaising with the Coalition / Combined Forces Air Component Commander (CFACC) during
preparation of the Integrated Tasking Order (ITO).
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