Resides in The People and All Gov't Authority Emanates From Them."
Resides in The People and All Gov't Authority Emanates From Them."
Resides in The People and All Gov't Authority Emanates From Them."
Phil Bill of 1902, the Phil Assembly was created in 1907 to sit with the Phil
Commission is a bicameral legislature.
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW I – a study of the structure and powers of the gov’t of 5. Sept 21, 1972 Pres. Marcos issued Proclamation No. 1081 placing
the Republic of the Phil. It also deals with certain basic concepts of Political Phil under Martial Law.
Law such as the Nature of the State, the Supremacy of the Constitution, the
Separation of Powers and the Rule of the Majority. 6. Nov. 30, 1972 the draft of 1973 Consti was formally approved by the
Constitutional Convention.
Every citizen, REGARDLESS OF CALLING, should understand the mechanics 7. Jan 17,1973, Marcos issued Proclamation NO. 1102 announced that
and motivations of his government. This must be so because “sovereignty Constitution of 1973 had been ratified.
resides in the people and all gov’t authority emanates from them.”
8. Jan 17, 1981 Macros issued Proclamation No. 2045 lifting martial
The fundamental law provides that “all educational institutions shall include 9. SNAP election happened on Feb 7, 1986 Pres-Marcos VP- Arturo
the study of the Constitution as part of the Criteria.” Tolentino.
10. Feb 22, 1986, Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile and Gen Fidel V.
Ramos lead people power revolution to oust Marcos. Pres – Cory
Aquino VP – Salvador H. Laurel inducted on Feb 25, 1986.
1. Biak na Bato
In habitants of the Phil. originally consisted of DISPARATE tribes, they are 3. Malolos
generally free and were each governed by a system of laws promulgated by
the datu or council of elders. Except when they fell under Madjapahit and Sri- 4. 1935 - Commonwealth
Vishayan empires.
5. 1971
Magellan discovered Phil. in 1521brought the people of the territory under the
common rule of Spain which lasted for 300 years. Rizal and other 6. 1973
propagandists were later to ignite the spirit of nationalism that was to fuel the
7. 1987
Started by Bonifacio and won under the generalship of Emilio Aguinaldo. On
June 12, 1898, Philippine Independence was proclaimed; and on Jan 21, CHAPTER 2
1899, the 1st Republic was established with Aguinaldo as its President.
Malolos Constitution was established – the 1st democratic constitution ever THE CONSTITUTION OF THE PHILIPPINES
to be promulgated in Asia. Significantly it established a parliamentary system,
but with the President and not the Prime Minister as head of the gov’t.
The 1st Republic was to be shortlived as US was already planting the seeds of Pres. Corazon Aquino in Proclamation No. 9 created a Constitutional
another sovereign in our country. The Treaty of Paris on Dec. 10,1898 was Commission composed of 50 members.
provided for the cessation of the Phil Islands by Spain to the US.
2. Substituted by the Taft of Commission (2nd Phil Commission), which Consists of 18 Articles and is EXCESSIVELY LONG compared to the
took over all legilative powers and some executive and judicial Constitutions of 1935 and 1973. Independence of Judiciary has been
powers of the military governor. strengthened, with new provisions for appointment thereto and an increase in
its authority, which now covers even political questions formerly beyond its
jurisdiction. 1973 provisions were retained like those on the Constitutional
Commission and local governments. The bill of right of the Commonwealth and
Marcos Constitutions has been considerable improves and bolstered with the b. Maritime and Fluvial Domains - the inland and external
creation elsewhere in the document of a COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS. waters
c. Aerial Domain – the air space above the land and waters
The sheer length of the document has deterred people form reading ARTICLE 1 OF THE CONSTITUTION PROVIDES:
it, much less trying to understand its contents and motivations.
“The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the
THE SUPREMACY OF THE CONSTITUTION islands and waters embraced therein, and all other territories over which the
Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial
The Constitution is the basic and paramount law to which all other and aerial domains, including its territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the
laws must conform and to which all persons, including the highest officials of insular shelves, and other submarine areas. The waters around, between, and
the land, must defer. The Consti must EVER REMAIN SUPREME. All must bow to connecting the islands of the archipelago, regardless of their breadth and
the mandate of this law. Right or wrong, the Consti must be upheld as long as dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the Philippines.”
it has not been changed by the sovereign people lest its disregard result in the
usurpation of the majesty of law by the pretenders of illegitimate power.
3. GOVERNMENT – agency or instrumentality through which
the will of the State is formulated, expressed and realized. (US v.
Dorr, 2 Phil 332) Our Consti requires however requires our gov’t to
PROSPECT OF THE CONSTITUTION be democratic and republican.
The Consti must be quintessential rather than superficial, the root A. Functions:
and not the blossom. It must grow with the society to re-structure and march
apace with the progress of the race, drawing from the vicissitudes of history
the dynamism and vitality that will keep it, far from becoming a petrified rule, i.Constituent – compulsory because constitutive of the
a pulsing, living law attuned to the heartbeat of the nation. society
The State must also be distinguished from the gov’t. The gov’t is
C. De Jure and De Facto Governments
only an element of the State. The State is the principal, the gov’t is the agent.
The State itself is an abstraction; it is the gov’t that externalizes the State and
articulates its will. De Jure – has a rightful title but no power or control,
wither because the same has been withdrawn from it or
because it has not yet actually entered into the exercise
2. TERRITORY – fixed portion of the surface of the earth II. Government of paramount force –
inhabited by the people of the State. It must be neither too big as to
established and maintained by military forces who
be difficult to administer and defend nor too small as to be unable to invade and occupy a territory of the enemy in the
provide for the needs of the population.
course of war; and
A. Kinds
B. Internal or External