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Journal of Edupres, Volume 1 September 2011, Pages 100-108

Learners’ Motivation And Learning Strategies In English

Foreign Language (EFI) In Indonesian Context
Karim Mattarima ¹ & Abdul Rahim Hamdan ²
Fakulti Pendidikan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 Johor, Malaysia

ABSTRACT: This paper focuses on the field of individual differences in English Foreign
Language (EFL) teaching and learning. Both motivation and language learning strategies in
individual differences of students are emphasized among other factors. Motivation and
language learning strategies are important to be understood as parts of student differences in
English Foreign Language (EFL) learning in the context of learner-centered instruction. The
issue of individual differences becomes important to develop the quality of EFL teaching and
learning process. It summarizes the concept of motivation and language learning strategies,
constraints in current English curriculum implementation, the importance of understanding
motivation and language learning strategies in EFL teaching and learning, and poses those
issues for further research on motivation and language learning strategies.

Keywords: Motivation, language learning strategies, EFL teaching and learning, School-based curriculum

ABSTRAK : Penulisan ini menfokuskan tentang perbezaan di kalangan individu pelajar dalam
pengajaran dan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris. Motivasi dan strategi pembelajaran bahasa
dalam perbezaan individu adalah ditekankan selain daripada faktor-faktor lain. Motivasi dan
strategi pembelajaran adalah sangat penting untuk difahami dalam konteks arahan bagi
kaedah pemusatan pelajar. Isu perbezaan menjadi sangat penting untuk mencapai kualiti
dalam proses belajar bahasa asing. Penulisan ini menyimpulkan tentang konsep motivasi dan
strategi pembelajaran bahasa, halangan dalam implementasi kurikulum bahasa Inggeris,
kepentingan pemahaman motivasi dan strategi pembelajaran, serta pelbagai isu tersebut untuk
kajian lebih lanjut mengenai motivasi dan strategi pembelajaran bahasa.
Kata Kunci : Motivasi, strategi belajar bahasa, EFL pengajaran dan pembelajaran, School-based curriculum,
kurikulum berasaskan sekolah.


There is a major and prominent shift within the field of language learning and teaching. The
shift greatly focuses on learner-centered instruction than teacher-centered instruction. The
shift influences sub-components in language teaching and learning. In parallel to this shift,
language teachers with school-based curriculum in Indonesian nowadays are suggested to
understand students’ individual differences as confirming contribution to design their well
syllabi, lesson plans, material designs, and strategies in order to gain the quality of their
teaching and learning process. How students are motivated and what kinds of learning
strategies they choose and employ to understand, learn, and process new information has been
the primary emphasis of this investigation with the area of teaching and learning in EFL.
Students’ achievement and competence may differ in EFL learning because of differences in
motivation and strategy how to learn.
Some researchers proved the importance of understanding students’ individual
differences (e.g. motivation and learning strategies) in their study. Moni’s (2007) research on
Karim Mattarima & Abdul Rahim Hamdan / Journal of Edupres 101

motivation in an Indonesian EFL context found that high school students were more
integrative and instrumental than university students who had a stronger intensity of
motivation and more positive attitude toward learning English. Moni further suggested to
broad his research to other contexts, the need to examine certain other level of school context,
the need to study the relationships between motivation and other constructs such as other
individual differences, and the requirement to more fully understand students’ learning
strategies and related teaching approaches to better model the complexity of the EFL learning
process. Kamarul Shukri, (2009) stated that motivation and learning strategies have a
major role in language learning process in which can influence the outcome of language
learning. These two learner characteristics can be modified by the teacher through improved
pedagogical practices to facilitate the leaning. It is important in language learning instruction
design to motivate students in order to maximize the choice and use of learning strategies.
Muhammad Thalal’s (2010) conclusion in his paper also stated that in creatively preparing
teaching content and making the classroom situation as communicative as possible, it is
extremely crucial for teachers to comprehend their students’ characteristics and cultural
This paper paints a very previous preliminary picture of motivation and language
learning strategies as the important individual differences in English Foreign Language (EFL)
learning in broad-brush strokes. Its aim is to provide a general portrait of why and how the
field is important and where it appears in shift of learner-centered instruction, and where it is
believed to influence teaching and learning process and the learning outcome in Current
English Curriculum in Indonesia especially in senior high schools context.

2.0 Constraints of current English curriculum implementation

The English curriculum as a part of school based-curriculum (SBC), that endorsed by the
Department of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia (Depdiknas, 2006) has
recently been widely implemented from elementary to high schools in Indonesia. It is a
compulsory subject to be taught for three years at junior high schools and for three years in
senior high schools although it is still an optional subject in elementary schools. (Lauder,
2008).The teaching of English has become increasingly important as a first foreign language
in Indonesia.
The school-based curriculum is basically the application of the principles of
competency-based education and learner-centered instruction in language teaching and
learning process. It focuses more on learner-learning rather than teacher-teaching. In
conjunction with this shift, language teachers with school-based curriculum in Indonesian
nowadays are suggested to understand students’ individual differences as confirming
contribution to design their teaching preparation in order to gain the quality of their teaching
and learning process. Therefore, it is a performance-based instruction with which the goal is
to address what the learners are expected to do with basic competence in the language.
Consequently, SBC greatly focuses on what students can do with basic competence in the
target language than what they know about it. Richards and Rodgers (2001) stated that
competencies comprise essential skills, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors required for
effective performance of “a real-world task or activity”.
To shift the focus more on learner-learning rather than teacher-teaching in English
Language Teaching and Learning based on school-based curriculum of English is not easy.
Teachers’ dominance of the class is quite obvious and is difficult to be avoided. They spent
most of the class time explaining their materials to their students. Students just listened and
had less opportunity to respond teacher’s instruction with independent tasks in large mixed
Karim Mattarima & Abdul Rahim Hamdan / Journal of Edupres 102

ability class. Bjrok (2005) stated that teacher-centered class instruction is deeply embedded in
Indonesian school settings. Marcellino (2005) also stated that teachers still cling to the old
paradigm, in which they play a significant role in class as a model. In SBC, teachers are
expected to shift their role, not as a model, but as a facilitator, co-communicator, or advisor so
that the class has ample time and opportunities to actively participate in class interaction.
Teachers also repeatedly and monotonously employ a particular teaching technique in class.
Students have less chance to learn various ways to express different thoughts and feelings.
It is claimed that by improving the curricula, syllabi, materials, and activities or by
putting a more emphasis on learners’ autonomy, more effective language learning will take
place (Richards and Rodgers, 2001). However, to create learners’ independence is not easy
for language teachers. While well designing teaching and learning preparation, teachers are
expected to understand individual differences among their students. Teachers are obliged not
only to be knowledgeable of the teaching topics, but they are also to be skillful in the
language and in transferring their knowledge to the students. In addition, teachers have to be
creative and innovative in preparing the teaching materials and making the teaching aids that
meet and reflect the nature and the authenticity of learning tasks. (Dardjowidjojo, 2003).
Confirming whole teachers’ preparations with understanding learners’ differences become a
key factor to success learning process. Understanding individual differences among students
like motivation and strategies is necessary as the constructive contribution to design well-
designed curriculum, syllabus, lesson plan, and teaching materials.
The motivation of EFL learners is still a problem in Indonesian schools context. The
problem is that many students in Indonesia show low motivation in learning English. They
come to class to fulfill their attendance list. Most of them are passive in teaching and learning
process. Only some are brave to communicate in English. They are shy to speak English.
Suyuti (1985), Samad (1989), Sri Lestari (2007) overall concluded that students in
studying English still have low motivation and low achievement without deeply clarifying the
causes based on students’ learning differences and students’ background. Marcellino’s (2005)
study in five outstanding Senior High Schools involving 258 students in the metropolitan city
of Jakarta concluded that students remained passive in class and had no interest in challenging
their teachers because teachers still used a lockstep approach that consumes the whole class
Many other related problems are encountered in SBC’s implementation in Indonesian
classrooms in junior and senior high schools and universities such as authentic materials,
large class with mixed ability, teaching techniques, and teacher roles. When learning process
becomes central to English Foreign Language (EFL) learning, teaching preparation including
teaching aids is fundamental for class success.

3.0 The concept of motivation

Broadly, motivation is defined as "some kind of internal drive which pushes someone to do
things in order to achieve something" (Harmer, 2001). As stated by Brown (2001), motivation
is the extent to which you make choices about goals to pursue and the effort you will devote
to that pursuit. Motivation is thought to be responsible for "why people decide to do
something, how long they are willing to sustain the activity and how hard they are going to
pursue it" (Dörnyei, 2001). Ryan and Deci (2000) stated that "to be motivated means to be
moved to do something". Unlike unmotivated people who have lost impetus and inspiration to
act, motivated people are energized and activated to the end of a task.
In more specific definition, Wlodwoski (1985) explained motivation as “the processes
that can arouse and instigate behavior, give direction or purpose to behavior, continue to
Karim Mattarima & Abdul Rahim Hamdan / Journal of Edupres 103

allow behavior to persist, and lead to choosing or preferring a particular behavior”. Ruesch
(2009) stated that motivation to achieve is tied to individuals’ personal, scholastic, and
professional goals, as well as to their self-concept and identities, both imagined and real. The
following are learning motivation models.

4.0 Gardner’s Model

Gardner was one of the pioneering researchers in second language acquisition (SLA) to focus
on motivation. He chose to define motivation by specifying a goal, effortful behavior to reach
the goal, a desire to attain the goal, and positive attitudes toward the goal as four aspects of
motivation. (Gardner, 1985, citied in Root, 1999)
A goal, however, was not necessarily a measurable component of motivation. Instead,
a goal was a stimulus that gave rise to motivation. Gardner focused on classifying reasons for
second language study, which he then identified as orientations (Gardner, 1985, citied in
Root, 1999). He found two main orientations through his research:
1. integrative: a favorable attitude toward the target language community; possibly a
wish to integrate and adapt to a new target culture through use of the language.
2. instrumental: a more functional reason for learning the target language, such as job
promotion, or a language requirement.

Gardner’s socio-educational model of motivation focused on the integrative motive.

Motivation was the central concept of the model, but there were also some factors which
affected this, such as integrativeness and attitudes.

5.0 Dörnyei’s Model

Dörnyei was also concerned with exploring the model of motivation, specifically in a FL
setting. Dörnyei’s (1994) model has three different levels of factors. The first level in
Dörnyei’s model is the language level, which encompasses both integrative and instrumental
motivational subsystems focusing on reactions and attitudes toward the target language. The
second level is the learner level, which focuses on the individual’s reaction to the language
and the learning situation. The third level is the learning situation level, which takes into
account specific motivational factors connected with the teacher, the course, and the group of
language learners with which an individual interacts. This level consists of extrinsic and
intrinsic motives in different areas. Extrinsic motivation is a construct that pertains whenever
an activity is done in order to attain some separable outcome. Extrinsic motivation constructs
with intrinsic motivation, which refers to doing a simply activity for the enjoyment of the
activity itself, rather that its instrumental value (Ryan and Deci, 2000). These two motives are
not necessarily mutually antagonistic. However, extrinsic motivation can undermine intrinsic
motivation. Traditional school settings often cultivate extrinsic motivation (Brown, 2001), but
under certain circumstances classroom rewards can be combined with or lead to intrinsic
Motivational variables can correlate with other variables in research of educational
fields although motivation itself is an extraordinarily complex, multifaceted, and important
construct. One specific area in which motivational factors can be investigated is in the use of
different learning strategies. Studies by Oxford and Nyikos (1989) showed that the degree of
motivation is the most powerful influence on how and when students use language learning
Karim Mattarima & Abdul Rahim Hamdan / Journal of Edupres 104

strategies. However, it is important to first distinguish specifically what learning strategies


6.0 Language learning strategies

Many researchers have defined the term language learning strategy. Wenden and Rubin
(1987) define learning strategies as "... any sets of operations, steps, plans, routines used by
the learner to facilitate the obtaining, storage, retrieval, and use of information." Richards at.
al. (1992) state that learning strategies are "intentional behavior and thoughts used by learners
during learning so as to better help them understand, learn, or remember new information."
According to Stern (1992), "the concept of learning strategy depends on the assumption that
learners consciously engage in activities to achieve certain goals and learning strategies can
be regarded as broadly conceived intentional directions and learning techniques." Either
consciously or unconsciously, language learning strategies are employed when language
learners are processing new information and performing tasks in the language classroom.
Since teaching and learning activity is like a problem-solving process, using language
learning strategies is inescapable for students to find the quickest or easiest way to do new
input and difficult tasks given by their instructors. The following is some different taxonomy
of language learning strategies.

6.1 Rubin's (1987) taxonomy

According to Rubin’s classification, there are three types of learner strategies that contribute
directly or indirectly to language learning. They are learning strategies, communication
strategies, and social strategies.
She divides learning strategies into two main types; cognitive learning strategies and
metacognitive learning strategies. These strategies are contributing directly to the
development of the language system constructed by the learner. Cognitive learning strategies
refer to the steps or operations used in learning or problem-solving that requires direct
analysis, transformation, or synthesis of learning materials. She further identifies 6 main
cognitive learning strategies contributing directly to language learning (clarification/
verification, guessing/ inductive inference, deductive reasoning, practice, memorization, and
monitoring). Metacognitive learning strategies are used to oversee, regulate or self-direct
language learning. They involve various processes as planning, prioritizing, setting goals, and
self-management. Communication strategies are used by speakers when faced with some
difficulties due to the fact that their communication ends outrun their communication means
or when confronted with misunderstanding by a co-speaker. Social strategies are those
activities learners engage in which afford them opportunities to be exposed to and practice
their knowledge. Although these strategies provide exposure to the target language, they
contribute indirectly to learning since they do not lead directly to the obtaining, storing,
retrieving, and using of language (Rubin and Wenden 1987).

6.2 Oxford's (1990) taxonomy

Oxford (1990) sees the aim of language learning strategies as being oriented towards the
development of communicative competence. Oxford divides language learning strategies into
two main classes, direct and indirect, which are further subdivided into 6 groups. Oxford’s
Karim Mattarima & Abdul Rahim Hamdan / Journal of Edupres 105

direct strategies are memory (creating mental linkages, applying images and sounds,
reviewing well, employing action), cognitive (practicing, receiving and sending messages
strategies, analyzing and reasoning, creating structure for input and output), and
compensation (guessing learner’s learning, overcoming limitations in speaking and writing).
Indirect strategies are metacognitive strategies (centering your learning, arranging and
planning learner’s learning, evaluating learner’s learning), affective strategies (lowering
learner’s anxiety, encouraging learner himself, taking learner’s emotional temperature) and
social strategies (asking questions, cooperating with others, empathizing with others).

6.3 O'Malley's (1985) taxonomy

O'Malley et al. (1985) divide language learning strategies into metacognitive, cognitive, and
socioaffective Strategies. Metacognitive is a term to express executive function, strategies
which require planning for learning, thinking about the learning process as it is taking place,
monitoring of one's production or comprehension, and evaluating learning after an activity is
completed. Among the main metacognitive strategies, it is possible to include advance
organizers, directed attention, selective attention, self-management, functional planning, self-
monitoring, delayed production, self-evaluation. Cognitive strategies are more limited to
specific learning tasks and they involve more direct manipulation of the learning material
itself. Repetition, resourcing, translation, grouping, note taking, deduction, recombination,
imagery, auditory representation, key word, contextualization, elaboration, transfer,
inferencing are among the most important cognitive strategies. Socioaffective strategies are
related with social-mediating activity and transacting with others. Cooperation and question
for clarification are the main socioaffective strategies (Brown, 2001).

6.4 Stern's (1992) taxonomy

According to Stern (1992), language learning strategies are divided into five main categories.
They are management and planning, cognitive, communicative-experiential, interpersonal,
and affective strategies. Management and planning strategies are related with the learner's
intention to direct his own learning. A learner can take charge of the development of his own
program when he is helped by a teacher whose role is that of an adviser and resource person.
Cognitive strategies are steps or operations used in learning or problem solving that require
direct analysis, transformation, or synthesis of learning materials. Communicative -
Experiential strategies, such as circumlocution, gesturing, paraphrase, or asking for repetition
and explanation are techniques used by learners so as to keep a conversation going. The
purpose of using these techniques is to avoid interrupting the flow of communication.
Interpersonal strategies refer the efforts to monitor their own development and evaluate their
own performance. Learners should contact with native speakers and cooperate with them.
Learners must become acquainted with the target culture. It is evident that good language
learners employ distinct affective strategies. Language learning can be frustrating in some
cases. In some cases, the feeling of strangeness can be evoked by the foreign language. In
some other cases, foreign language (L2) learners may have negative feelings about native
speakers of L2. Good language learners are more or less conscious of these emotional
problems. Good language learners try to create associations of positive affect towards the
foreign language and its speakers as well as towards the learning activities involved. (Stern,
Karim Mattarima & Abdul Rahim Hamdan / Journal of Edupres 106

6.5 Importance of Motivation and Language Learning Strategies (LLSs) in

Language Learning and Teaching

It seems that motivation and language learning strategy use have a strong correlation. Oxford
and Nyikos (1989) found that motivation proved to have the most powerful influence on the
use of learning strategies. Highly motivated students tended to use more strategies from
formal rule-related practice strategies, functional practice strategies, general study strategies,
and conversational strategies. Kamarul Sukri et. al. (2009) in their study proved that language
learners with higher motivation level possess a richer repertoire of strategies and employ
strategies more frequently than less motivated language learners. Motivation is one of the
most important factors in language learning and is the key determinant of frequency and type
of strategy. So, motivation affects how hard learners are willing to work on a language
activity, and how much they will persevere when they are challenged.
The motivation and learning strategies have a major role in language learning process
in which they can influence the outcome of language learning. Therefore, it is important in
language learning instruction to develop learners’ motivation to use learning strategies, and in
return, the use of learning strategies can influence learners’ motivation for language learning
activities (Kamarul Sukri et. al. (2009). In receiving, processing new information and
performing the tasks in language classroom, students perform motivation and use different
language learning strategies. Motivation and Language learning strategies are good indicators
of how learners approach tasks or problems encountered during the process of language
Being aware of how teacher-student interaction (relations) can promote motivation
may provide implications in a variety of areas for educators. Teachers can likely restructure
the teaching and learning environment by providing different strategies to students, finding
ways to motivate student to learn and engage them in active learning, and understanding their
students’ learning strategies. Without knowing and understanding how teacher-student
interaction influences motivation, teacher may limit their abilities to improving instruction.
Students engage in learning through behaviors and motivation, and those learners who are
highly motivated remain engaged, enthusiastic and are more likely to participate in learning
activities. On the contrary, the less motivated the students are, the less they remain engaged in
learning (Rugutt and Caroline, 2009).
Understanding of students’ motivation and language learning strategies (LLSs) as
individual differences is crucial for all target language teachers in order to help development
of their students' competence and language learning. Teuku Zulfikar (2009) in his article
suggested that the first attribute of successful teachers is their understanding of their students’
attitude to learning because having knowledge of students’ learning and factors that affect
their learning attitudes are necessary for effective teaching. He further stated that teachers
need to look closely at their students’ learning styles and other related factors such as family
background and social status. Understanding students’ learning styles and other factors like
learning strategies and motivation that influence students’ learning enables teachers to
develop the most appropriate ways of interacting with their students in and out of the
classroom. They would also be more conscious of their students’ social circumstances.

7.0 Conclusion

Motivation and learning strategies are unavoidable students’ differences in teaching and
learning process. Understanding both individual differences among learners is a must for
teachers in shift from teacher-teaching to learner-learning. How teachers judge by giving their
Karim Mattarima & Abdul Rahim Hamdan / Journal of Edupres 107

students the different or similar chance to learn, if they don’t understand the similarities and
differences among them. The more teachers understand about students’ individual differences,
the more ready they prepare and implement their instructional design (syllabi, lesson plan,
strategy and others) and the more flexible they facilitate and assess their students in learning.
It seems to be a very fertile time for unraveling the issues that relate how students in
different motivation and different learning strategies learn a foreign language, and how and
why students succeed to study and teachers undertake to teach.
The issues become important in the implementation of school based curriculum as
current curriculum with focusing on learner centered instruction in large class and in other old
paradigms in Indonesia especially in English Foreign Language (EFL) teaching and learning.


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