Airbus Study Prep
Airbus Study Prep
Airbus Study Prep TAFs
Bcmg - Expected to occur at an unspecified time during the stated period
Tempo - expected fluctuation expected to be less than an hour in effect.
ERA location - diagram using total trip of 500nm - ERA must lie in a circle iaw:-
Circle radius must be max 20% of total trip
Circle centre must lie within 25% of trip length (or 20% + 50nm) - Special fuel procedures - reduced contingency fuel (RCF) with Decision Point DP.
Block fuel the greater (of sum of):
(a) Taxi
Trip fuel to Dest 1 via the DP
5% Contingency from DP to Dest 1
Alternate fuel for Dest 1 alternate
Final Reserve Fuel
Additional / extra
(b) Taxi
Trip fuel to Dest 2 via the DP
Standard contingency fuel
Alternate fuel for Dest 2 alternate
Final Reserve Fuel
Additional / extra - LMCs
Must not exceed 500 kg
Must not exceed underload
CoG must remain within limits
Adult - charters 76 kg 83 kg 69 kg
Children 35 kg
Infants 0 kg - Slots
Delay < 60 mins ………. board and aim for STD
Delay > 60 mins ………. board and aim for halfway STD / CTOT
CTOT -5/+10
ECAMS actions present PTU off, to prevent overheat and loss of Yellow system.
Pump then selected OFF
Leads to HYD sys G OFF and associated failures.
Clear HYD brings up Status Page
May I read the status? - PAUSE - Checks APU / FUEL / OEB / Computer resets
Is there an OEB? - N/R
Is there a computer reset available? - N/R
Is there a normal checklist or procedure?….. Read Status
Status pages shows: Increased fuel consumption, 10% if L/R spoiler extended at time of fail.
Ref QRH inflight penalty fuel factors.
Considerations: Long final to allow more time for flaps and gear.
As soon as gear is down, penalty + 180% for gear stuck down.
Ergo: “Minimum fuel” call to accompany PAN PAN call
as div may not be reachable.
Ask for sterile runway and LVP protection to allow for Cat 3A
NITS brief, 10 minutes to landing, NITS style PA
Request fire truck inspection - hot fluid on brakes?
FCTM / FCOM notes - normal stuff
Preliminary checks
RCL pb for 3 seconds, brings cautions and warnings from previous flight
Tech log / MEL
DOOR pb to check OXY levels - ref is LIM-OXY Minimum Flight Crew Oxygen Pressure
Check slats / flaps / parking brake.
Check OEBs
ADIRS - Complete alignment IR mode selectors OFF for at least 5 seconds then on
Fast align, IR OFF then ON in less than seconds.
During before start checklist, crew checks that ADIRS are in NAV mode on the MCDU
Once the Prep is complete, crew may print PREFLIGHT DATA.
Scan - N/W STRG DISC memo - if pushback is required make sure it is there or check with GND crew.
Scan - Windows
Beacon on
Thrust lever Idle
Accumulator pressure - green band
N/W STRG DISC memo - if pushback is required make sure it is there or check with GND crew.
T/O Briefing
*Excellent section worth review*
Engine starting - SNIFENOS mnemonic.
Eng 2 usually started first - powers yellow hydraulics, that pressurises the parking brake.
If ECAM DUs are lost during start then abort by setting ENG MASTER lever to OFF
Then perform a 30s dry crank.
If engine start unsuccessful then avoid instinctive ‘MASTER OFF’
Keep your hand away from this switch as a guard against this pitfall.
Idle parameters
N1 around 19.5% 2
EGT around 390°C 4
N2 around 58.5% 6
Fuel Flow around 275 kg/hr 3
Control checks
CM1 stick: “Control check”
CM2: “Full up, full down, neutral. Full left, full right, neutral”
CM1 rudder: “Rudder”
CM2: “Full left, full right, neutral”
CM2 does stick checks silently
Balanced - Strong communication skills - Experienced - Disciplined - Diplomacy - Humility
Recovery from unplanned events & outcomes
Leadership and enable effective teamwork
Superior communication skills
Problem solving and decision making
Task and Workload management
Situational awareness
Threat and Error management
Leadership styles
Authoritarian - effective in critical / serious situations but can create resentment if used in
normal situations.
Participative - Involving others to maximise team strengths. Democratic / shared style.
Promotes effective CRM.
Delegative - Delegates tasks. Can be good if used when tasks can be done better by others,
freeing up thinking time etc, but can also be a ‘pass the buck’ lazy style.
Good leaders tend to use all three, with one dominant. Bad leaders tend to stick with just one.
Aviate - Navigate - Communicate - Manage
In that order!
Command gradient
Leader Focus Team Focus Follower Focus
When physically over the runway edge on A320/A321 smoothly initiate a full deflection.
Asymmetric thrust will be used during the turn. Anticipation is required to ensure that
asymmetric. Use between 30 - 35% N1
It is good practice that the other crewmember calls the GS from ND while in turn.
Braking anomalies
If on taxi you have braking problems - immediately select A/SKID N/W STR switch OFF.
Intermediate approach
Sequence flight plan (before arming APPR pb)
In the sim, NAV will engage…
Need to re-arm LOC / APPR
FINAL APP may be intercepted in NAV if GPS is primary or if nav accuracy is positive.
Final approach
If landing with manual thrust disconnect by 1000’ latest.
G/A altitude should be set when G/S or FINAL engages.
If on a selected NP approach it may be selected when a/c altiude < missed app altitude.
Discontinued Approach
Interrupts and approach when altitude < Missed Approach Altitude
Does not require TOGA thrust
Standard Call to initiate: “CANCEL APPROACH”
First action - disengage and disarm the AP/FD mode by pressing APPR / LOC pb
ILS approach
If glidepath > 3.5° steep or tailwind > 10 knots then use early stabilised approach technique.
G/S from above: Press APPR pb - check FMA
Wind the altitude window selector above present altitude
Use V/S minus 1500 fpm.
Key points:
LDG config
Request Landing Track set
AP/FD off
Reverse thrust
Not very effective < 70 knots
Below 60 knots with rev max, engine stall may occur.
At taxi speed, stow reversers to prevent FOD damage. *****
Must use REV MAX on contaminated runways
Landing with REV IDLE on WET runways
a calculation for MED-POOR should be carried out due to the variable nature of the runway co-
efficient with wet runways.
In strong x-wind conditions the aircraft may weathercock and drift downwind upon landing.
If so, reduce reverse thrust and release brakes to regain directional control.
This reduces side forces.
Reintroduce braking and reverse thrust later as required.
Go around
Cannot be initiated after the selection of thrust reversers
If bounce is experienced, delay flap retraction upon hearing ‘Go around flaps’.
Retract gear only when positive climb and no possibility of further contact.
After go around
Activate 2nd approach with ‘activate approach phase’.
Previous approach will be restrung into the FMGC.
‘Enable alternate’ - select from LAT REVISION at the ‘TO’ waypoint
If Altn Fpln is in SEC FPN then this can be activated and a DIR TO performed
Must be in HDG to activate the SEC.
If no alternate is stored, select LAT REVISION to ANY waypoint for new destination.
Brake fans
Due to oxidisation delay using brake fans till landing + 5 minutes.
Don’t use near the stand because they are a health hazard (carbon dust).
If brake temps are >500°C (or >350°C with fans on) then avoid using parking brake.
Ask for chocks before shutting down.
Check MEL for brake ground cooling time
Ref 32-07-01A ops procedure
Work out a brake energy level then translate to a time.
Abnormal Operations
Low speed engine failure
Reaction speed is critical - get on everything ASAP.
IDLE, Max REV, rudder and differential braking as necessary.
<72 knots the spoilers will not deploy and the autobraking is linked to them
So it may be manual braking required.
Overspeed protection
FCU selected speed and reduce
A/T should reduce thrust and stabilise speed.
If vector continues to run away, use speedbrake with care - caution Vls
Decision making
LAND ASAP - however, a poorly equipped airfield in poor weather is not ideal.
Extended flight in elec emer config is not too flash either.
Weigh up the risks and benefits and make an appropriate decision.
Fire Protection
Consider immediate diversion as soon as smoke is detected.
If smoke source is not obvious, accessible or extinguishable >> Immediate diversion
Fuel Leak
If leak is an engine leak, engine is shutdown. OK to use fuel Xfeed valve.
If leak is not an engine leak it is IMPERATIVE not to open the Xfeed.
Dual RA failure
Flare law active when gear down and AP disconnected. “USE MAN PITCH TRIM”.
Ground law active when main gear compressed and aircraft attitude < 2.5°
Cannot use APPR pb for ILS
pb LOC is available - ILS must be flown to Cat 1 limits.
Final stages should be flown with AP out - raw data.
No auto callouts on approach, no retard callout, GPWS and “Speed x 3” warnings inop.
Emergency Descent
With idle, high speed and speedbrake ~ 7000 fpm is achievable.
39000 to 10000 takes ~ 4 minutes and 40 nm.
MORA on ND is highest MORA within 40nm radius.
Overweight landing
High weights - Vfe Conf 1 may be very close to Vls
If so, disconnect A/THR, decelerate to Vls and select Conf 1 when below Vfe.
May then re-establish the A/THR and use managed speed.
Reduce speed to Vls at runway threshold
Check table “Max weight for go around Conf 3”
Taking off in turbulence, wait until F+20 knots to retract to flaps 1 (limited to Vfe -5 knots)
CB avoidance should be ideally 20 nm upwind
RNP-AR Approaches
Protected area x 2 either side of CL - ie 0.3nm = 0.6nm either side (1.2nm wide).
Radio Nav updating must be deselected
Pos monitor > selected navaids > deselect
Must be flown as an autopilot coupled approach
A/C database must be in date - no alleviations
Normal max lat deviation is 0.5 RNP, absolute is 1 x RNP
Max vertical deviation is ± 75 ft
Altimeter setting is crucially important
RNP-AR Approaches - LDEV and VDEV
Vertical deviation…
Lateral deviation…
RNP - AR continued…
X-TRK error must be displayed on ND and be to an accuracy of 0.01nm
ie 2 digits for RNP < 0.3nm
Legacy aircraft can only manage 1 digit, therefore RNP ≥ 0.3nm
Callouts at 1/2 dot (soft) - “VDEV”
Callouts at 1/2 dot (RNP0.1) or 1 dot (RNP0.3) - “LDEV”
RF - Radius to fix leg (curved)
Engine Failure - requires the use of FINAL APP
.˙. cannot be flown unless dire situation and x-trk error remains within limits
(single engine final app AP restriction has now been lifted I believe, but check **TODO)
AP may remain engaged for GA with engine failure
Worth having Prog page with distance to the threshold for track miles and / or gross error
height/alt check on approach.
A go around due to nav downgrade should be flown as per the FMGC, ie AP and NAV.
FM position will still be good enough for missed approach accuracy.
Some mnemonics…
Miscellaneous Items:
Get to aircraft > Tech Log
Check engine idle parameters 2 4 6 3
SE climb gradient - in QRH Normal Procedures NP-NP8
FDP Extension UK CAA CAP 126S
Airbus electrical - handy app
Monitoring Matters - CAA Doc ……….. NUTA: Notice, Understand, Think, Act.
Emergency PAs
Manual Braking RTO
Min Cabin Crew complement OMA or G47/15
Flight Summaries
Cockpit prep
Oxygen limits in LIM-35 if half amber box is present
Oil limits min 9.5 + estimated consumption (0.5 quarts / hour)
PF battery check - 10 secs after battery switch ON
Check ELEC SD page that current is <60A and decreasing
Once all complete call for “Before Start checklist to the line”
Take-Off procedure.
“Take off”
Thrust levers to 50% N1
No tailwind and xwind < 20 knots
Stable, set FLEX / TOGA and 1/2 fwd stick
Tailwind or crosswind > 20 knots
Set 70% initially then through to Flex / TOGA
Use full forward sidestick.
80 knots smoothly move stick to central to be neutral by 100 knots
Autopilot may be used above 100ft AGL.
Tyre burst
Advise ATC if you suspect tyre burst
Consider continuing to destination - allows burn to decrease LDG weight
unless a related ECAM occurs
ie Hydraulic / fuel leak or engine vibrations.
Consider keeping / setting gear down if the intention is to return to departure airfield. L-O-I.
Tailpipe fire
Fire extinguishing has no effect
Use QRH procedure - there is a reason it is not a memory drill.
Do not push engine fire button.
Only use extinguishing agents if fire persists.
2nd Loop PF
ALT Refine, FL100 or MORA (Obtain MORA information from the ND)
HDG Refine, ATC Head, div, airway.
SPD Vmo, or current if damage
Stall recovery
“STALL, I have control” - announce
Nose down pitch - apply
Wings level
Thrust increase - smoothly, (and when out of stall!)
Check speedbrakes retracted
If clean and below 20000 select flap 1
On takeoff, a damaged AoA sensor may cause a stall warning
Select TOGA and pitch to 15° wings level.
TCAS procedure
When TA “Traffic, Traffic” warning occurs:
Announce “TCAS, I have control” - adjust ND range, mentally prepare next calls / actions.
In alternate or direct law, stall is possible
Use max 17.5° nose up - Alpha Floor is not available.
At night or in IMC the procedure must always be applied immediately.
No delay to diagnose.
During VMC conditions in daylight, take positive corrective action until the alert stops.
..or a safe trajectory is ensured.
Bomb on board
If possible, land and evacuate aircraft immediately
If not possible to land within 30 minutes, apply QRH.
FMGC 1 + 2 Fault
Loss of single causes AP (1) / (2) to drop out - use the other side.
System will attempt 5 resets in 4 minutes, then revert to single mode
Loss of 2nd FMGC causes AP/FD and A/THR to fail
Navaids are tuned via RMP
“F/Ds OFF, Bird ON”, THR LK >>> Sort out thrust (manual setting)
Computer Reset QRH - only reset one at a time!
Select Backup NAV on MCDU
Video here.
RA 1 + 2 Fault
Direct law when gear down
Consider configuring Flap 3 before gear
APPR PB not avail - fly using LOC / FPA
Request long final, take AP and A/THR off before gear
Consult QRH landing distance for direct law
See flight controls section
No autocallouts - brief PM (maybe use baro?)
FAC 1 + 2 Fault
(Flight augmentation computers)
Loss of AP/FD and A/THR
PFD characteristic speeds are lost
Use QRH or FMGC for characteristic speeds
PAN and assured landing? Protect the runway?
Due to control issues and direct law.
FCU 1 + 2 Fault
PFD Baro Ref becomes STD! Use standby altimeter
Do not enter DA in Perf page
PM calls “100 above” and “Minimum” on standby
QRH reset for FCU should be completed.
Fuel leak
Regular fuel checks - before T/o, 10000’, TOC, every 30 minutes
No reversers to be used if fuel leak is suspected.
If suspected, try and confirm by visual inspection (from cabin, other aircraft)
If leak is definitely from the engine, and engine is shut down then may use X-bld.
If leak is not engine, or you are unsure, crossfeed must not be used.
Unreliable speed
Announce “Unreliable speed”
If safe conduct of the flight is affected
Autopilot / FD - OFF
Autothrust - OFF
Pitch / Thrust - Below THR RED ……. 15° / TOGA
Above THR RED ……. 10° / CLB
Above FL100 ……….. 5° / CLB
Flaps - Maintain config, unless Full (select F3)
Speedbrakes - Check retracted
Gear - Check UP
Above MSA, level off for troubleshooting. Don’t delay getting QRH out
Respect the stall warning.
Display GPS altitude on MCDU (from GPS monitor page).
Visual circuit
Downwind positioning 2.5 - 3nm from the runway
Flap 1 managed speed
45 seconds ± wind for a 1500’ AGL circuit
10 seconds to the base turn set Flap 2
3 seconds to the turn select runway track
Use 20° AoB initially and 400fpm
Increase towards 700fpm
Complete landing checks and fully stable by 500fpm.
Circling Approach
F-PLN should have STAR and Instrument appr with F-SPD constraint at FAF (Gear down, F3)
SEC F-PLN will have landing runway
Method: (1) Copy active (2) Change Runway (3) Retain the discontinuity.
ND in rose mode with low range good for situational awareness.
Key points:
LDG config
Request Landing Track set
AP/FD off
Anticipate MDA for level off (push V/S to level off about 100ft above - use the AP)
@ MDA for circling - select TRK / FPA
If minima is ok ie visual, make for the downwind leg, 45° turn, once wings level 30 seconds, turn
Remain within the protected area
CAT C is 4.2 / CAT D is 5.28
Source is GEN - Route Manual
Once on downwind leg, activate the SEC FPLN
(not too early, as you lose missed approach - have a plan for FCU selections…)
Rest of procedure is identical to visual circuit.
V-Prep -
If Beta target goes blue it is a sign aircraft is approaching its maximum thrust ability.
Don’t extend flaps full until on final descent to land
If level off is expected, use flap 3 for landing
S/E Go-Around
Choice of route - EFP can be used as well (or visual circuit)
Book says acceleration normally at platform, but you may decide to lower this.
Remember, one click back for MCT (not CLB!!)
Always check the speed.
G/S from above - held high
Use config and selected speed to manage energy
When descent is given select APPR, wind Alt window above, and select V/S 1500fpm
(Max 2000 fpm)
Discontinued approach
Announce “Cancel Approach”
Disarm APPR pb
If above platform alt, press LEVEL OFF, or climb to desired altitude.
If below, Set TOGA and immediately back to CLB
This gives you the go around modes and track
Can then request ATC vectors if preferable.
After landing
Disarm spoilers and set the lights as appropriate - rest is PM.
Turning onto stand “Lights off, APU Bleed on”
Park brake ON - check indications
Engine Masters OFF
Seatbelts OFF
Once all doors are disarmed
Beacon OFF
“Parking checklist”
Abnormals - management
Making it simpler…
From 70T to 90T take off mass, 5 degrees and 70% N1 will work initially for level flight…
Until the supporting pilot finds the QRH unreliable speed section.
A320 differences SEP
180 seats, 30 rows, 6 exits, 3 a side. Middle (overwing) exits have 2 doors.
Single lane slides at front and rear
Dual lane off wing ramp and slide for the middle exits.
Control panels for the cabin crew at Front Left and Rear Left
10.12.1 A Runway State Group may be added to the end of the METAR (or SPECI) when there is lying precipitation or other runway
contamination. It is composed as follows:
(a) Runway Designator
The format for the Runway Designator is Rnn[L], Rnn[C],Rnn[R] where nn is the runway direction in use and L,C ,R refer to left, centre and
right respectively. After the Runway Designator a slash (/) should be inserted.
R27L/ = Runway 27 left R09R/ = Runway 09 right
(b) Runway Deposits 0 = Clear and dry
2 = Wet or water patches
3 = Rime or frost covered (depth normally less than 1 mm) 4 = Dry Snow
5 = Wet Snow
(c) ExtentofRunwayContamination 1 = 10% or less
2 = 11% to 25% 5 = 26% to 50%
R88/= All Runways
R99/= A repetition of the last message received because no new information received
6 = Slush
7= Ice
8 = Compacted or rolled snow
9 = Frozen ruts or ridges
/ = Type of deposit not reported
(eg due to runway clearance in progress)
9 = 51% to 100%
/ = Not Reported (eg due to runway clearance in progress)
(d) Depth of Deposit
The quoted depth is the mean number of readings or, if operationally significant, the greatest depth measured.
00 = less than 1 mm
01 = 1mm etc through to 90 = 90 mm
91 = not used
92 = 10 cm
93 = 15 cm 94 = 20 cm 95 = 25 cm
99 = Runway(s) non-operational due to snow, slush, ice, large drifts or runway clearance, but depth not reported.
// = Depth of deposit operationally not significant or not measur- able.
(e) Friction Co-efficient or Braking Action
The mean value is transmitted or, if operationally significant, the lowest value. For example:
28 = Friction co-efficient 0.28 35 = Friction co-efficient 0.35 or
91 = Braking action: Poor
92 = Braking action: Medium/Poor 93 = Braking action: Medium
94 = Braking action: Medium/Good
95 = Braking action: Good
99 = Figures unreliable
// = Braking action not reported.
Note 1: Within the UK friction co-efficient measurements are only made on runways contaminated by ice (gritted or un-gritted) and compacted
snow. Where contamination is caused by water, slush or wet snow then the friction coefficient or braking action should be reported as //.
Note 2: It should be noted that runways can only be inspected as frequently as conditions permit, so that a re-issue of a previous half hourly
report does not necessarily mean that the runway has been inspected again during this period, but might mean that no significant change is
Note 3: It is emphasised that this reporting system is completely independent of the normal NOTAM system and these reports are not used by
AIS for amending SNOWTAM received from originators.
10.12.2 If a runway is being cleared of ice, snow, slush, etc., this shall be reported as follows: RDRDR///99//. Example: R14///99// = RWY 14
non-operational due to runway clearance in progress.
30 Mar 2017
10.12.3 If runways are contaminated but runway reports are not available or are not updated due to aerodrome closure or curfew, etc., this
should be reported as follows: RDRDR///////. Examples: R14///////; R88///////.
10.12.4 If contamination conditions on a single runway or on all runways at an aerodrome have ceased to exist, this should be reported as
follows: RDRDR/CLRD//. Examples: R14/CLRD//; R88/CLRD//.
10.12.5 If the aerodrome is closed due to contamination of runways, the abbreviation SNOCLO is used in place of a runway state group.
Example R/SNOCLO.