A traditional aircraft is optimized for only one or two flight conditions, not for the entire flight envelope. In contrast, the
wings of a bird can be reshaped to provide optimal performance at all flight conditions. Any change in an aircraft’s config-
uration, in particular the wings, affects the aerodynamic performance, and optimal configurations can be obtained for
each flight condition. Morphing technologies offer aerodynamic benefits for an aircraft over a wide range of flight condi-
tions. The advantages of a morphing aircraft are based on an assumption that the additional weight of the morphing com-
ponents is acceptable. Traditional mechanical and hydraulic systems are not considered good choices for morphing
aircraft. ‘‘Smart’’ materials and structures have the advantages of high energy density, ease of control, variable stiffness,
and the ability to tolerate large amounts of strain. These characteristics offer researchers and designers new possibilities
for designing morphing aircraft. In this article, recent developments in the application of smart materials and structures
to morphing aircraft are reviewed. Specifically, four categories of applications are discussed: actuators, sensors, control-
lers, and structures.
smart materials and structures, morphing aircraft, review
Union, 1981-till date) (Barbarino et al., 2011a). The electrorheological and magnetorheological fluids, shape
most famous example is the Grumman F-14 Tomcat. memory alloys, shape memory polymers, electro-active
This aircraft, which was featured in the film ‘‘The Final polymers, and multifunctional nano-composites can be
Countdown,’’ was in service with the US Navy from considered smart materials (Sater and Crowe, 2000;
1974 to 2006. The wing structure was made of titanium, Vessonen, 2002). Smart structures include auxetic hon-
including the wing box, the wing pivots, and the wing eycombs, variable-stiffness tubes, multi-stable struc-
skins. The F-14’s wing sweep could be varied between tures, and corrugated structures. In general, smart
20" and 68" in flight to obtain the optimum lift-to-drag materials and structures comprise a smart system. To
ratio for the Mach number. This aircraft was retired by draw an analogy to humans, as shown in Figure 1,
the US Navy on 22 September 2006. The main reasons smart materials and structures can obtain information
given for the F-14’s retirement were the high number of from the environment around the skin (sensing), they
maintenance hours and the high costs resulting from then produce an internal chemical or physical effect
the heavy and complex sweep wing structure. delivered to the brain for decision making (control),
To overcome the problems with traditional materi- and finally, they implement actions through the mus-
als and structures, novel materials are required cles (actuation). The information passes through the
(Donadon and Iannucci, 2014; Lloyd, 2007). Smart nerves, and each part is linked by tendons and fibrous
materials and structures, which offer self-actuating, bands (structures).
self-sensing, self-healing, self-assembly, and self- Smart materials and structures have one or more of
adaptive capabilities, have great potential for applica- the three main features as follows:
tions in morphing aircraft (Rodriguez, 2007; Simpson
et al., 1998). A variety of morphing technologies 1. Self-actuating—the system produces an output
based on smart materials and structures will be such as force, displacement, heat, and light after
required to enable an aircraft to perform in-flight being stimulated (Chung, 2004; Kang et al.,
configuration changes for optimum performance 2006; Krstulovic-Opara et al., 2003; Song et al.,
(Colozza, 2007; NASA, 2001; Website). 2011b).
2. Self-sensing—in response to changes in the envi-
Smart materials and structures ronment, the system can generate electric or
magnetic signals or undergo strain that can be
It is difficult to define ‘‘smart’’ materials. Unlike static,
measured to describe the environment
or ‘‘dead,’’ materials, smart materials are ‘‘alive’’: they
(Kruusamäe et al., 2011; Moslehi et al., 2011;
can respond to changes in the environment (Bhavsar
Sodano et al., 2004).
et al., 2008; Tzou et al., 2004). Therefore, smart materi-
3. Self-adaptive—the system can change its geome-
als are not only structural materials but also active
try to adapt to the environment (this feature
materials. Sources of stimulation include stress, strain,
applies specifically to structures) (Rodrigues
electricity, magnetism, heat, light, and microwave
et al., 2010; Vos et al., 2011a, 2011b).
radiation (Bogue, 2012). Currently, piezoelectric, mag-
netostrictive, and ferroelectric materials, optical fibers,
Shape memory alloy (SMA) (Hartl and Lagoudas, 6.4–6.5 400–700 8 Slow ! !
2007; Nespoli et al., 2010; Wei and Sandström,
Piezoelectric ceramic (Craig, 1996; MEMSnet, 7.5–7.8 100 0.1 Fast ! !
2014; Website)
Piezoelectric composites (Bent and Pizzochero, 3.79 34–41 1.5 Fast ! !
2000; Smart Material Corp., 2014; Website)
Shape memory polymer (SMP) (Leng et al., 2011; 0.92 2–10 50–100 Slow ! ! ! !
Liu et al., 2009, 2014)
Elastic-active polymer (EAP) (Bar-Cohen, 2002; 1–2.5 10–30 300 Fast ! !
Shahinpoor et al., 1998)
Magnetostriction (Bar-Cohen, 2000) 9.2 100 2 Fast ! !
Electrorheological fluids (ER) (Hao, 2001) . 0.016 N/A Fast ! !
Magnetorheological fluids (MR) (Kciuk and 3–4 0.05–0.1 N/A Fast ! !
Turczyn, 2006; Park et al., 2010)
Here, ‘‘S’’ denotes nominal stress and strain, ‘‘E’’ denotes electric, ‘‘M’’ denotes magnetic, and ‘‘T’’ denotes temperature.
Table 1 presents the properties and the means of sti- and low speeds, which can reduce fuel consumption
mulation for various common smart materials. and improve the flight envelope dramatically. Aircraft
Generally, smart materials have a high energy density with variable-chord or variable-camber wings can have
(Tieck et al., 2004). According to the requirements of a shorter takeoff distances. Variable-span wings, flexible
particular application (e.g. stress, strain, weight, speed), winglets, and twisting wings can improve the aerody-
designers can select the best material. namic performance of low-speed aircraft.
Different levels of morphing require diverse types of
materials and structures to meet its various demands.
Morphing aircraft Some of the earliest research on smart materials and
The basic principle of an airplane can be described as structures for morphing aircraft mainly focused on
follows: gravity is overcome by the lift generated by the medium morphing, such as the research conducted by
flow of air over the aircraft’s wings, and the lift depends the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Spangler,
on the wing shape and size and the velocity of the air- 1989). In that research, a helicopter rotor blade
craft. Drag can be balanced by thrust. In one sense, for trailing-edge flap was actuated by piezoelectric materi-
a given airplane fuselage, or body, the aerodynamic als to control the aerodynamic force. In the 1990s, sev-
performance depends on the wing configuration. For a eral types of smart materials and structures were
given thrust and airspeed, there will be an optimal wing investigated, including piezoelectric materials, electro-
configuration for each mission (Joshi et al., 2004) strictive materials, magnetostrictive materials, shape
(Figure 2). memory alloys, and fiber optic sensors (McGowan
The degree of morphing in a wing can be classified et al., 1999; Martin et al., 1998). Several studies have
as large, medium, or small (Gomez and Garcia, 2011; focused on morphing rotor structures using piezoelec-
Jacob and Smith, 2009; Sofla et al., 2010) depending on tric materials (Barrett, 1996; Barrett et al., 1998;
the dimension that varies. Folding wings, variable- Barrett and Stutts, 1997; Ehlers and Weisshaar, 1990;
sweep wings, variable-span (telescoping) wings, and Giurgiutiu et al., 1994; Rodgers et al., 1997; Steadman
deployable wings comprise the large category. Twisting et al., 1994), shape memory alloys (Roglin et al., 1994;
wing, flexible winglets, variable-chord (telescoping) Roglin and Hanagud, 1996), and magnetostrictive
wings, and variable-camber wings comprise the materials (Giurgiutiu et al., 1995). Piezoelectric actua-
medium category. Variable-airfoil wings and bulging tors were used in morphing airfoil wings (Pinkerton
wings comprise the small category. Aircraft with and Moses, 1997) and in the control fins of a missile
morphing technologies has some advantages over (Barrett and Stutts, 1998). Since the late 1990s, a large
fixed-geometry aircraft, and these advantages are listed number of investigations on smart materials and struc-
in Table 2. A multi-mission aircraft can be designed for tures for morphing aircraft have been conducted, and
good performance in multiple flight conditions. For interest in the subject has been global (Barbarino et al.,
example, a fighter with folding wings or variable-sweep 2011a). Several studies have involved unmanned aerial
wings can have good performance at both high speed vehicles (UAVs) (Baier and Datashvili, 2011; Daynes
2292 Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 27(17)
Table 2. Advantages of morphing aircraft (Frommer and Crossley, 2005; Jha and Kudva, 2004; Previtali et al., 2014b; Roth et al.,
Figure 2. Comparing the predicted performance of a fixed-geometry wing, a morphing-airfoil wing, and a morphing wing for
various missions (Joshi et al., 2004).
Sun et al. 2293
and Weaver, 2013a; Gomez and Garcia, 2011; Kuder Texas A&M University and the Boeing Company
et al., 2013; Kudva, 2004; Thill et al., 2008), and several (Hartl et al., 2010a, 2010b; Oehler et al., 2012a, 2012b).
mature morphing technologies for helicopter rotor In August 2005, full-scale flight tests of variable-
blades and jet engines have already been flight-tested geometry chevrons, which were actuated using an SMA
with full-scale test articles (Calkins and Mabe, 2010; and installed on a 777-300ER with GE-115B engines,
Giurgiutiu, 2000b, 2011). In the next four sections, were completed (Mabe et al., 2007); photographs of the
applications of smart materials and structures in chevrons are shown in Figure 3. The results indicated
morphing aircraft will be described in detail. that noise in cruise was significantly reduced. The chev-
rons improve the mixing of the freestream air and the
fan stream. Other uses of SMA actuators in jet engines
including a morphing inlet internal wall (Pitt et al.,
Shape memory alloys 2002), a morphing intake (Song et al., 2011a), and a
A shape memory alloy (SMA) is a metallic alloy such morphing nozzle (Mabe, 2008) have also been investi-
as NiTi, NiTiCu, and CuAlNi that can recover from a gated. The morphing inlet internal wall was tested in a
deformation and return to its original shape when sub- wind tunnel.
jected to heat (Otsuka and Wayman, 1998) which is SMA actuators can be used to alter the wing geome-
known as shape memory effect. There is four transition try as well. A variable-sweep wing controlled by SMA
points known as the martensitic start and finish tem- ribbons on the spar has been investigated (Galantai
peratures (Ms and Mf) and the austenite start and fin- et al., 2012). In several other studies, SMA wire was
ish temperatures (As and Af). Through a training cycle, used to create a morphing trailing edge to enhance lift
an SMA acquires a stabilized strain that can be recov- (Kang et al., 2012; Karagiannis et al., 2014; Ko et al.,
ered when the temperature is higher than Ms. SMA has 2014; Senthilkumar, 2012). Several segmented morph-
the property of super-elasticity, which means it could ing trailing-edge concepts, which produce a larger
work even under high applied loads and large inelastic trailing-edge angle, have been investigated (Ameduri
deformations, or undergo large strains without plastic et al., 2011; Barbarino et al., 2009b, 2011c; Wang et al.,
deformation or failure (Barbarino et al., 2014). SMAs 2013). A similar approach can be used in the leading
are very desirable for actuators because of properties edge to increase the lift-to-drag ratio (Abdullah et al.,
such as high output forces, large recoverable strains, 2011). Cornell University designed a Hyper-Elliptic
high energy densities, controllability, and the capability Cambered Span (HECS) wing using SMA actuators
for one-way and two-way memory effects. SMAs are (Manzo et al., 2005). This morphing wingtip can mark-
already widely used in aerospace morphing structures. edly improve maneuverability by enhancing yaw con-
The most well-known application of SMAs is in an trol while in the furled state. Groups of SMA actuators
engine nozzle on a Boeing commercial airplane to have been used to create a morphing-airfoil wing for
reduce jet noise (Calkins et al., 2006). A large amount subsonic cruise flight conditions (Brailovski et al., 2010;
of theoretical work and simulations were performed by Georges et al., 2012), and wind tunnel tests showed
Figure 3. Full-scale flight tests of SMA-actuated variable-geometry chevrons on a Boeing 777-300ER with GE-115B engines (Mabe
et al., 2007).
2294 Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 27(17)
reductions in drag from 14.5% to 26.7% with an aver- were successfully used in a BK117 S7045 prototype air-
age value of 18.5% under quasi-constant lift condi- craft in Europe, as shown in Figure 4. The results
tions. SMA torque tube actuators have been used to showed that the vibrations were reduced as much as
provide near-optimum blade twist for helicopters in 90% (to less than 0.05 g) when the active-flap rotor
both hover and cruise flight conditions (Bushnell et al., was installed (Jaenker et al., 2008; Konstanzer et al.,
2008). SMA actuators have also been used in bionic 2008).
flapping wings. An artificial beetle hind wing produced Several researchers have designed piezoelectric
a flapping motion at 9 Hz with a 120" flapping angle actuators based on a ‘‘step and repeat’’ driving strategy
using cyclic heating with two SMA wires (Muhammad which means actuators produce displacement pulses by
et al., 2010). insistently repeated motions to generate larger linear
displacements and larger output forces (Loverich, 2004;
Paine et al., 2008) to control the configuration of a
Piezoelectric materials morphing structure rapidly and accurately.
A crystal with piezoelectric properties was discovered
by the Curie brothers in 1880. A maximum of 0.1%
Piezoelectric composites. Piezoelectric composites have
strain can be obtained by applying a voltage to a piezo-
been used to reduce vibration and noise from helicopter
electric material (Bogue, 2012; Vessonen, 2002). Layers
rotors. At the German Aerospace Center (DLR), piezo-
of these crystals can be stacked to form a piezoelectric
electric composites were integrated into rotor blades to
stack actuator. Piezoelectric fibers can be mixed with
control blade twist (Monner et al., 2011). Rotor blade
resin to produce piezoelectric composites. These com-
trailing-edge flaps with piezoelectric composites actua-
posites can produce larger strains and various types of
tors can achieve similar performance (Koratkar and
motion (e.g. extension, bending, and twisting). These
Chopra, 2000).
composites are generally referred to as active fiber com-
In several studies, the camber of the wings of a micro
posite (AFC), macro fiber composite (MFC), or light-
air vehicle (MAV) was altered using piezoelectric com-
weight piezo-composite actuator (LIPCA).
posites to change the lift, the drag, and the pitching
moment (Bilgen and Friswell, 2014; Heryawan et al.,
Piezoelectric ceramics. Because piezoelectric ceramics are 2005, 2006; Molinari et al., 2015; Paradies and Ciresa,
capable of producing large output forces and high- 2009; Prazenica et al., 2014) or to control the roll and
frequency responses, they have been used to drive hydrau- pitch by morphing the trailing edge near the wingtips
lic pumps. The principle of operation is as follows. A (Bilgen et al., 2007; Probst et al., 2012; Vos et al., 2007);
chamber with an inlet and an outlet is linked to a hydrau- the feasibility of these designs has been demonstrated in
lic system through one-way valves. The piezoelectric cera- flight tests (see Figure 5). An MAV in which the eleva-
mic actuator moves a metal membrane to change the tors were controlled by piezoelectric composites was
volume of the chamber cyclically according to a periodic constructed and tested in a wind tunnel (Yoon et al.,
voltage. Because of the pressure differential, the liquid 2006a, 2006b). In a biomimetic approach, piezoelectric
flows from the inlet to the outlet (Chapman et al., 2005; composites have been used to produce a flapping wing
Chaudhuri and Wereley, 2010; Kim and Wang, 2007; (Syaifuddin et al., 2005) that takes advantage of the
Oates et al., 2000; Sirohi and Chopra, 2002). These pumps high bandwidth of piezoelectric materials. In another
have achieved maximum flow rates of 2300 cc/min and study, the composites were installed in a flexible flap-
output pressures exceeding 200 bar in the stalled condi- ping wing to change the camber and increase the lift as
tion. A piezoelectric hydraulic pump was successfully used much as 20.8% at 8 Hz flapping frequency, 20" pitch
in a morphing wing on a remotely piloted vehicle (O’Neill angles, and 10 m/s flow velocity (Kim et al., 2008).
and Burchfield, 2007).
Piezoelectric ceramics have also been used in linear
actuators in helicopter rotor systems to improve vibra- Shape memory polymers
tion, noise, and aerodynamic performance (Straub A shape memory polymer (SMP) is a type of polymer
et al., 2004a). An important technological advancement that, like an SMA, exhibits the shape memory effect.
would be to increase the output of piezoelectric ceramic SMPs are capable of significant macroscopic recovery
actuators (currently, the maximum extension strain is after receiving an external stimulus (e.g. heat, electric-
only 0.1%). Several different types of piezoelectric ity, light, magnetism, microwaves, moisture, or a
actuators such as the O type (Grohmann et al., 2006), change in pH) (Leng et al., 2011). During this process,
the L-L type (Lee and Chopra, 2001), and the X type the material transitions between a glassy state, that is,
(Straub et al., 2004b) have been designed and tested. O- hard, with a high Young’s modulus (greater than
type actuators were used to drive trailing-edge flaps 3 GPa), and an elastic state, that is, soft, with a low
installed on MD900 rotor blades in whirl tower tests Young’s modulus (1–10 MPa), so there is a distinct
conducted by the Boeing Company. X-type actuators change in stiffness. Because of their low recovery forces,
Sun et al. 2295
Figure 4. BK117 S7045 flight test with active rotor trailing-edge flaps actuated by piezoelectric actuators (Konstanzer et al., 2008).
Figure 5. Micro air vehicle controlled by piezoelectric materials on the ground and in flight (Bilgen et al., 2007).
SMPs are frequently used as actuators in deployable resin, which enhances the mechanical performance of
space structures, that is, in a weightless environment the SMP. Morphing skins based on SMP composites
(Leng et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2014). However, SMPs have been designed and tested in telescoping wings
have great potential for applications requiring a morph- (Perkins et al., 2004; Reed et al., 2005; Yin et al., 2008),
ing skin because of their variable stiffness. SMP morph- variable-camber wings (Sun et al., 2013, 2014b; Yin
ing skins can withstand aerodynamic loads in the glassy et al., 2009), sweep wings (Keihl et al., 2005; McKnight
state and tolerate large deformations (up to 100% and Henry, 2008), deployable wings (Leng et al., 2015;
strain) in the elastic state, and thus, they can accommo- Yu et al., 2009), and folding wings (Bye and McClure,
date morphing structures (McKnight and Henry, 2005; 2007; Cantrell and Ifju, 2015). Figure 6 shows the
Sun et al., 2012). deployment of a wing with a morphing skin. The SMP
SMP composites have been fabricated by mixing composite skin alters its shape when heated and main-
carbon fibers, glass fibers, or elastic fibers with an SMP tains a smooth and seamless wing surface.
2296 Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 27(17)
Figure 6. Deployable wing with SMP composite skin (Yu et al., 2009).
Figure 8. Hydraulic and control systems for a morphing wing UAV (Sneed et al., 2007).
Optical fibers
In a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor, a grating is
etched into the core of an optical fiber. The refractive
index of the fiber will change in response to an axial Figure 9. Model of a flexible, variable-camber wing (skin
strain or a change in temperature. Strain caused by removed) monitored by an FBG sensor (Li et al., 2013a).
changes in the ambient temperature, stress (Yi et al.,
2012), pressure (Urban et al., 2010), or crack forma-
tion, among other factors, can be monitored by FBG The actual shape of a twisting wing actuated by SMAs
sensors. The strain distribution can be obtained accu- can be monitored with an array of FBG sensors and a
rately by temperature compensation (Kim et al., 2013). neural network (Mieloszyk et al., 2011a, 2011b). The
Embedded FBG sensors have been used in composite shape of an SMP can also be measured with FBG sen-
wings to monitor impact damage (Nakamura et al., sors, which have potential applications in a folding skin
2007; Takeda et al., 2007), cracks (Sekine et al., 2006), (Li et al., 2013b, 2013c).
and loads (Costa et al., 2014). These sensors can iden-
tify the locations and the shapes of fatigue cracks and
the time of failure. Furthermore, FBG sensors can
Piezoelectric materials
monitor the dynamic strains in a wing in flight (Cusano In piezoelectric materials, applying an electric current
et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2003). The wing root structure to the material causes the material to undergo a change
of an F/A-18 was tested under fatigue loading. Using in dimensions. Conversely, a change in dimensions
FBG sensors, the fatigue life and mechanisms and the (such as by an applied mechanical stress) generates an
failure locations could be monitored (Davis et al., 2012; electric charge in a piezoelectric material. This property
Schembri et al., 2013). can be used to create a sensor. Piezoelectric sensors can
FBG sensors can be used in morphing wings to be installed inside a structure or attached to the surface
monitor the shape of the wing. Deflections in variable- to detect internal structural damage based on sound
camber wings (Figure 9) have been determined from and ultrasound (Shang et al., 2008). In one study, a
the strain in a metal plate or a hinge measured using health monitoring system for a composite airframe
FBG sensors (Ciminello et al., 2013; Li et al., 2013a). (including the wings, the fuselage, and the empennage)
2298 Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 27(17)
Figure 11. EAP sensors on a flapping wing MAV (Yang et al., 2007).
Sun et al. 2299
Figure 12. Variable-span morphing wings based on zero-poisson’s-ratio honeycombs: (a) contracted state and (b) extended state
(Vocke et al., 2011).
2010b, 2011). A pressurized honeycomb has also been (Chen et al., 2012b, 2013a). Photographs of the out-of-
used as the actuator in a morphing wingtip structure plane deformation under uniform loading as the tube
(Sun et al., 2014a). Other honeycomb designs have was being heated are shown in Figure 13.
been used in wing boxes (Saito et al., 2011) and engine The third type of variable-stiffness tube is called a
fan blades (Lira et al., 2011). fluidic flexible matrix composite (F2MC) tube. The
stiffness of the tube is controlled by the pressure of a
fluid inside the tube. Pressurizing the fluid causes a
Variable-stiffness tube structures sharp increase in the stiffness because of the special
There is a contradiction in morphing structures, which anisotropic tube structure and the incompressibility of
means the structure must be both strong and deform- the fluid. The modulus ratio of a skin made with
able. A structure with variable stiffness is required. F2MC tubes can reach 55.5 (Shan et al., 2009), and the
Shape memory polymers are variable-stiffness materi- theoretical maximum modulus ratio can be 120 (Chen
als, as discussed in section ‘‘Shape memory polymers.’’ et al., 2012a). To obtain a larger modulus ratio, SMPs
This section discusses the use of variable-stiffness tubes can be used for the matrix to form F2MC-reinforced
and a flexible matrix to create a structure. There are SMP composites (Philen et al., 2009). The modulus
three types of variable-stiffness tubes. The first type is a ratio for these types can reach 140, which can allow
pneumatic tube, which is also called a pneumatic mus- the material to withstand conditions that could dam-
cle fiber. Pneumatic muscle fibers have been used as age an F2MC. This type of tube has been used as an
actuators (Vanderhoff and Kim, 2009) that shorten actuator to drive a morphing wing structure (Doepke
under air-pressure loads. In this process, the stiffness of et al., 2014).
the tube changes dramatically. Pneumatic muscle fibers
can be added to a flexible matrix to form a morphing
skin, where the transverse stiffness ratio can be as high
Multi-stable structures
as 120 (Chen et al., 2011). This morphing skin was also A multi-stable structure has two or more stable states,
used in a variable-camber wing structure as both actua- and the structure can transition rapidly from one to the
tor and skin (Feng et al., 2015). other when stimulated. Multi-stable structures have
The second type of variable-stiffness tube is the been used for morphing wing UAVs (Daynes and
SMP composite tube, a carbon fiber filament-wound Weaver, 2013b; Mattioni et al., 2008). Multi-stable
tube cured with SMP resin. In one set of studies, the structures have been used to construct variable-sweep
modulus ratio of a morphing skin created using SMP wings. In tests, the wings successfully transitioned from
composite tubes was 59.6 according to tensile tests straight to fully swept (Mattioni et al., 2006). A
2300 Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 27(17)
Figure 13. Deformation of a morphing skin with SMP composite tubes (Chen et al., 2013a).
twisting structure has been manufactured based on bi- that the PBP mechanism improves tip rotation up to
stable structures actuated by MFCs to control a UAV 40% compared to conventional antagonistically actu-
(Schultz, 2005). Morphing wing trailing edges have ated SMA plates (Sinn and Barrett, 2010).
been designed to control four states by changing the
upper surface and the lower surface, both of which are
made of bi-stable structures (Mattioni et al., 2007). An Corrugated structures
adaptive morphing-airfoil wing has been designed with Corrugated structures can undergo a large expansion
a bi-stable structure that switches between stiff and or contraction in one direction. These structures are
compliant modes (Arrieta et al., 2014). A morphing additionally suited for folding or bending (Dayyani
wingtip structure based on a bi-stable structure can et al., 2015; Previtali et al., 2014a). Within a specified
provide the optimal wing configurations for takeoff range of Reynolds numbers, eddies form over the cor-
and cruise (Friswell et al., 2006), which can be deter- rugated surface, similar to streamlined airfoils (Xia
mined from wind tunnel tests (see Figure 14). A morph- et al., 2014). Morphing trailing-edge structures can be
ing air inlet using multi-stable structures that switches covered with corrugated skins (Shaw et al., 2015).
between the open and closed positions to either create There are two methods to make corrugated structures
a flush surface or form a submerged air duct with a smooth. One method is to fill the structure with flexible
divergent–convergent channel has been constructed rubber (Yokozeki et al., 2006, 2014), and the other
(Daynes et al., 2011). An actuator is designed to oper- method is to cover it with a segmented skin similar to
ate at a first working temperature while in a preceding fish scales (Thill et al., 2010). Figure 15 shows a morph-
manufacturing process the first layer of material is ing winglet with a corrugated structure in which a
structurally connected to a support beam at a second 0.52 rad change in dihedral angle and 0.055 rad change
temperature wherein the second temperature is higher in twist angle were achieved (Ursache et al., 2008).
than the first temperature so as to cause that at the first Corrugated structures have been used in a flapping
temperature the support beam is in compression with- artificial insect wing whose aerodynamic behavior was
out causing flexure thereof (Barrett and Tiso, 2011). analyzed (Meng et al., 2010).
SMA-actuated post-buckled pre-compressed (PBP) Smart structures are distinct from the traditional
plates are capable of tip deflection of up to 45", and bearing structures, since smart structures emphasize
Sun et al. 2301
Figure 14. Wind-tunnel test rig for a winglet incorporating bi-stable structures (Mattioni et al., 2007).
Figure 15. Demonstration of extension and canting of a morphing winglet with a corrugated structure (Ursache et al., 2008).
more the feature of deformability and designability. for example, by twisting the blades or controlling a
For different deformation structures of morphing air- trailing-edge flap (Chen and Chopra, 1997; Giurgiutiu,
craft, a structure capable of carrying and deforming is 2000a). Aircraft engine rotor vibrations and bearing
the base of actuator and sensors. These current designs forces can be reduced using piezoelectric actuators
of lightweight deformation structure have good perfor- (Leboi et al., 2010). Vibrations in the wings (Munteanu
mance on the bearing and deformation capacity, but and Ursu, 2008) and the vertical stabilizer (Chen et al.,
there are still some problems about the relationship 2013b; Gao et al., 2013) can be reduced dramatically
between deformation structures and smooth configura- using piezoelectric actuators as active dampers. An
tion to be solved. There are two potential solutions as active buffet alleviation system has been tested on a 1/
follows. First one, smooth configurations could be rea- 16th-scale model of a vertical stabilizer in a wind tunnel
lized by finding a valid method to connect flexible skin (Hanagud et al., 2002). Active vibration control has
to deformation structures. Second, searching for theo- been used for buffet load alleviation on a full-scale F/
retical support build unsmooth configurations which A-18 vertical stabilizer (Chen et al., 2006); the test rig is
also have good performance on some special aerody- shown in Figure 16.
namic efficiency. To achieve a comfortable environment in an air-
plane, the interior broadband noise can be reduced
Controllers using smart actuators (Dimino and Concilio, 2010;
Guigou and Fuller, 1998; Konstanzer et al., 2006; Rose
Active vibration control et al., 2011). Piezoelectric actuators were used to reduce
Vibration and noise significantly affect the comfort and engine noise and unsteady flow over an aft fuselage
the safety of an aircraft. Smart materials and structures panel during takeoff on a Boeing B-1B high-
have been used to reduce the vibration of rotor blades, performance combat aircraft (Larsona et al., 1998).
2302 Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 27(17)
In this article, applications of smart materials and
structures in morphing aircraft were reviewed. These
materials are already being used in several micro air
vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, and full-size air-
craft, suggesting the great potential of smart materials
and structures in morphing aircraft. However, smart
Figure 16. Active vibration control of an F/A-18 vertical materials and structures are not currently suitable for
stabilizer with piezoelectric actuators (Chen et al., 2006). production aircraft. To realize the full potential of
these devices, multi-scale design and multi-disciplinary
research should be considered, and the following five
Airflow control challenges should be addressed:
The aerodynamic behavior of a body can be improved 1. Material modification. At the molecular scale,
through small changes in its surface. Piezoelectric cera- amputation, grafting, or recombination technol-
mic actuators have been used with a compliant upper ogy could be used to improve the performance
wing surface to create an active wall that can be made of current smart materials.
to oscillate to reduce skin friction (Pätzold et al., 2013). 2. Functional additives. Additives (e.g. carbon
Transonic drag has been reduced using a morphing nanotubes, carbon black, graphite, ferrous pow-
wing airfoil driven by SMAs (Barbarino et al., 2009a). ders, and nickel powders) could be incorporated
An active vibrating surface can reduce drag and into smart composites to make them multifunc-
increase lift, as was demonstrated on a 1/10-scale V-22 tional. For example, SMPs can be heated elec-
model in a wind tunnel (Calkins and Clingman, 2002). trically by incorporating conductive additives
The use of a linear array of micro-flaps on a delta wing (Leng et al., 2007, 2008, 2009; Lu et al., 2010).
to generate rolling moments to control a tailless aircraft 3. Structure optimization. Optimized structures can
has been demonstrated in a wind tunnel (Liu et al., be designed using topology optimization meth-
1995). A novel wing with smooth, hingeless morphing ods (Vasista and Tong, 2013). Moreover, novel
ailerons that increase the chordwise aerodynamic effi- structures may be discovered by applying new
ciency has been developed (Pankonien and Inman, concepts (Chen et al., 2013c; Fischer et al., 2011;
2013), as shown in Figure 17. The capability of this Wu et al., 2014).
type of control surface to maintain stability and 4. Hybrid applications. Novel structures can be
increase efficiency has been demonstrated in wind tun- constructed using various smart materials; for
nel tests and in flight tests (Bilgen et al., 2013). example, honeycombs constructed using SMAs
At this point, the smart materials are not applied as (Hassan et al., 2008; Okabe and Sugiyama,
real controllers but actuating units. Controllers based 2009) or SMPs (Rossiter et al., 2014), bi-stable-
on smart materials put more emphasis on the active structure actuators constructed from MFCs
Figure 17. Discrete aileron controlled by MFC (Pankonien and Inman, 2013).
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