The Historical and International Foundations of The Socialist Equality Party Sri Lanka
The Historical and International Foundations of The Socialist Equality Party Sri Lanka
The Historical and International Foundations of The Socialist Equality Party Sri Lanka
Adopted by the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) at its 2011 founding
congress in Colombo, this document depicts the 75-year struggle of the
Fourth International in South Asia for Trotsky’s theory of Permanent
The World Socialist Web Site is publishing The Historical and it into competition in the Indian Ocean with Japan, India and above all,
International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) the US. Every corner of Asia, including Sri Lanka, is caught up in this
which was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in rivalry that is leading inexorably to a catastrophic conflict. Unlike the first
Colombo, 27–29 May, 2011. It will be posted in 12 parts. two world wars that focussed on the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, a new
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 conflagration is likely to be centred in the Indian Ocean.
Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 1-5. Asia is destined to become a vast arena not only of inter-imperialist
rivalries but also of the social revolution. Economic expansion has created
1. Introduction huge new battalions of the working class. China alone has an urban
1-1. The Socialist Equality Party is the Sri Lankan section of the workforce of 400 million. Moreover, the social gulf between rich and
International Committee of the Fourth International, the world party of poor has widened in every country. China, which has the second largest
socialist revolution founded by Leon Trotsky in 1938. The ICFI number of billionaires in the world, also has at least 250 million people
represents the continuation of the political and theoretical struggles waged living below the poverty line. In India, obscene wealth exists alongside
by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky for the political independence of the the world’s greatest concentration of poverty. None of these immense
working class. It is the only political party seeking to mobilise, educate social contradictions can be resolved on the basis of capitalism. The sharp
and unite workers internationally for the overthrow of the outmoded deterioration of living standards since 2008, as governments imposed the
capitalist system and the reconstruction of society on a socialist basis. costs of the crisis on working people, has already propelled millions into
1-2. The onset of the greatest economic breakdown since the Great struggle in Europe and in Tunisia, Egypt and the Middle East. It will drive
Depression of the 1930s, which began with the global financial crash in workers throughout Asia and internationally to fight for decent living
2008, signifies that capitalism has entered into a new period of systemic standards and democratic rights and against militarism and war. These
crisis. In every country, the ruling class seeks to shore up its position by struggles must be integrated into a global counteroffensive by the working
undermining its international rivals, on the one hand, and by imposing class to abolish the bankrupt profit system and its outmoded nation- state
new burdens on the working class, on the other. The former is greatly system and replace it with a world-planned socialist economy.
exacerbating global tensions, conflicts and the drive to war, while the 1-6. The bitter lesson of the twentieth century, however, is that the
latter is fuelling the class struggle and opening up a new period of working class cannot spontaneously take power. That requires the
revolutionary upheavals. building of revolutionary leaderships based on an assimilation of all of the
1-3. The global crisis is centred in the heart of world capitalism—the critical historical experiences of the working class. The International
United States. The advanced decay of American capitalism and the rise of Committee of the Fourth International is the embodiment of the lessons
new powers in Asia—especially China—have dramatically sharpened derived from the protracted struggle of Trotskyism against Stalinism and
inter-imperialist rivalries. The reckless attempts by the US to offset its all forms of opportunism. That rich legacy is summed up in The
economic decline through the use of military force have already produced Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party
a series of wars, including the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, aimed at adopted by the SEP (United States), which also constitutes the basis of the
establishing an American stranglehold over the energy-rich regions of political work of the SEP in Sri Lanka.
Central Asia and the Middle East. These conflicts arise out of the
fundamental contradictions of the profit system—between the world 2. The Theory of Permanent Revolution
economy and the outmoded nation-state system and between socialised 2-1. Central to a scientific, that is a Marxist, revolutionary perspective is
production and private ownership of the means of production. The Leon Trotsky’s Theory of Permanent Revolution—an integrated
globalisation of production has raised these contradictions to a new pitch conception of world socialist revolution that encompasses the backward
of intensity. colonial and semi-colonial countries as well as the advanced ones. First
1-4. The rise of China, and to a lesser extent India, over the past two formulated in the wake of the 1905 revolution in Russia, the Theory of
decades has dramatically shifted the centre of gravity of world politics Permanent Revolution was developed in opposition to the two-stage
towards Asia. China has risen from the world’s 10th largest economy in perspective of the Menshevik faction of Russian Social Democracy. The
1990 to overtake Japan in 2010 and become the second largest after the Mensheviks held that Russia must first undergo a prolonged period of
US. China’s burgeoning industries compel it to import vast quantities of capitalist development before the socialist revolution was possible. They
raw materials, including oil and gas from the Middle East and Africa. concluded therefore that the proletariat had to ally itself with the liberal
China is building a blue-water navy to secure its shipping lanes, bringing bourgeoisie in carrying out the basic tasks of the democratic
The World Socialist Web Site is publishing The Historical and from fascism. All the classes and peoples must rally around the
International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) ‘peaceful’, ‘democratic’ governments so as to repel fascist aggressors.
which was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in The ‘democracy’ will be saved and peace stabilised forever. This gospel
Colombo, 27–29 May, 2011. It appears in 12 parts. rests on a deliberate lie. If the British government were really concerned
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 with the flowering of democracy then a very simple opportunity to
Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 demonstrate this exists: let the government give complete freedom to
India.”[6] While not minimising the danger of fascism, Trotsky insisted
4. The LSSP’s turn to the Fourth International that the main enemy of oppressed classes and peoples was at home. In
4-1. The Fourth International was founded at a secret meeting held in India, that meant British imperialism whose overthrow would deliver a
Paris in September 1938 of 30 delegates from 11 countries. Although massive blow to all oppressors, including the fascist dictators.
unable to send delegates, three Asian parties—in China, French Indochina, 4-4. Trotsky was scathing in his appraisal of the Indian bourgeoisie:
and Australia—affiliated as sections of the Fourth International. The “They are closely bound up with and dependent upon British capitalism.
Transitional Program: The Death Agony of Capitalism and the Tasks of They tremble for their own property. They stand in fear of the masses.
the Fourth International written by Trotsky and adopted at the conference They seek compromises with British imperialism no matter what the
declared: “All talk to the effect that historical conditions have not yet price, and lull the Indian masses with hopes of reforms from above. The
‘ripened’ for socialism is the product of ignorance or conscious leader and prophet of this bourgeoisie is Gandhi. A fake leader and a false
deception. The objective prerequisites for the proletarian revolution have prophet! Gandhi and his compeers have developed a theory that India’s
not only ‘ripened’; they have begun to get somewhat rotten. Without a position will constantly improve, that her liberties will continue to be
socialist revolution, in the next historical period at that, a catastrophe enlarged, and that India will gradually become a Dominion on the road of
threatens the whole culture of mankind. The turn now is to the proletariat, peaceful reforms. Later on, perhaps even achieve independence. The
i.e., chiefly to its revolutionary vanguard. The historical crisis of mankind entire perspective is false to the core.”[7]
is reduced to the crisis of the revolutionary leadership.”[3] The program 4-5. Turning to the role of Stalinism, Trotsky explained that as in other
outlined “a system of transitional demands, stemming from today’s countries, the Soviet bureaucracy subordinated the interests of the Indian
conditions and today’s consciousness of wide layers of the working class masses to its diplomatic manoeuvres with the “democratic
and unalterably leading to one final conclusion: the conquest of power by powers”—advocating the right to self-determination for peoples under
the proletariat.”[4] The transitional demands were to develop the fascist domination, but continued subjugation for the colonies of Britain,
revolutionary initiative and consciousness of the working class, not to France and America. To wage a struggle against British imperialism and
water down the program to the existing consciousness of workers. the approaching war meant a complete break with Stalinism. That was
4-2. The founding document succinctly summed up the perspective of precisely the issue that confronted the LSSP leaders who turned towards
Permanent Revolution based on the combined and uneven development of the Fourth International. Selina Perera was sent to Britain and the United
capitalism: “Colonial and semicolonial countries are backward countries States in 1939 to make contact with Trotskyist leaders in Europe and
by their very essence. But backward countries are part of a world North America and, though the attempt failed, to meet with Trotsky.
dominated by imperialism. Their development, therefore, has a combined 4-6. In December 1939, the Trotskyist faction threw down the gauntlet
character: the most primitive economic forms are combined with the last to supporters of Stalinism within the LSSP by moving the following
word in capitalist technique and culture. In like manner are defined the motion in the LSSP’s Executive Committee: “Since the Third
political strivings of the proletariat in the backward countries: the struggle International has not acted in the interests of the international
for the most elementary achievements of national independence and revolutionary working class movement, while expressing its solidarity
bourgeois democracy is combined with the socialist struggle against with the Soviet Union, the first workers’ state, the Lanka Sama Samaja
world imperialism. Democratic slogans, transitional demands, and the Party declares that it has no faith in the Third International.” The motion
problems of socialist revolution are not divided into separate historical was passed 29 to 5. The Stalinists and their supporters broke from the
epochs in this struggle, but stem directly from one another.”[5] party, forming the United Socialist Party in November 1940 and then the
4-3. In a letter to Indian workers in July 1939, Trotsky further Ceylon Communist Party in July 1943.
elaborated on the political issues they faced in the impending war. 4-7. Leslie Goonewardene wrote a critique of Stalinism entitled: “The
“Agents of the British government depict the matter as though the war Third International Condemned,” in which he highlighted the opportunist
will be waged for the principles of ‘democracy’ which must be saved shifts of the Communist parties in Britain and France in 1939 from
The World Socialist Web Site is publishing The Historical and Congress leaders including Gandhi in jail, the Congress Socialists
International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) assumed the leadership of the movement, but had no perspective for
which was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in taking power. They made no orientation to the working class and instead
Colombo, 27–29 May, 2011. It appears in 12 parts. indulged in futile acts of sabotage and peasant guerrillaism. The BLPI
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 threw itself into the protests, turning to sections of workers and students,
Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 and participating in or organising demonstrations in Bombay, Calcutta,
Madras and other cities. It paid a heavy price. Assisted by the Stalinists,
6. The Quit India movement who branded the BLPI as “criminals and gangsters who help the
6-1. The BLPI’s anticipation of a political upheaval in India proved Fascists”, the police arrested many BLPI members and senior leaders. The
correct. Within months of its formation, the tumultuous Quit India Quit India movement involved millions of people and continued for
movement erupted in August 1942. Congress had formally opposed the months in the face of brutal police repression. According to official
war and its ministers had resigned their posts in the autumn of 1939, but figures, more than 1,000 were killed and 60,000 were imprisoned during
its opposition had been limited to token individual civil disobedience. the period from August 1942 to March 1943. After the movement ebbed
Following the outbreak of war in the Pacific, Gandhi and the Congress and the British turned back the Japanese army, Congress effectively
leaders calculated that the imminent danger of a Japanese invasion of shelved its Quit India demand for the remainder of the war.
India gave them greater leverage with the British. Under conditions of 6-4. The BLPI’s tenacious struggle enhanced the stature of Trotskyism
mounting socio-economic dislocation caused by India’s subordination to throughout the region. Under difficult conditions of illegality, police
the British war effort, Congress sought to pre-empt the emergence of persecution and wartime isolation from the Fourth International, it had
mass unrest. On August 7, the Congress Working Committee deliberated oriented to the Quit India movement, above all to the working class,
before huge crowds at the Gowalia Tank Maidan, a large open area in without making the slightest political concession to Congress or the
central Bombay, on a resolution that called for mass non-violent struggle Congress Socialists. However, as the revolutionary wave ebbed, sharp
for “orderly British withdrawal.” In what became a major political blow political differences emerged inside the BLPI. The genesis of these
to the CPI, the Stalinist members of the Working Committee publicly differences lay in the transformation of the LSSP into the BLPI—a
opposed the resolution. transformation that had involved a fundamental shift on to a new
6-2. The BLPI circulated its leaflets at the Bombay meeting, supporting proletarian-internationalist axis and inevitably generated internal tensions.
any anti-imperialist struggle that Congress launched and calling for “a The initial disputes revolved around Philip Gunawardena’s hostility to
mass general political strike against British imperialism”, backed by rural Doric de Souza’s efforts to refashion the BLPI in Sri Lanka as a Leninist
no-tax and no-rent campaigns leading up to the seizure of land by peasant party. From Bombay, Gunawardena denounced the “petty bourgeois
committees. In doing so, the BLPI was following the advice contained in intellectuals” in Colombo who had turned the party into “a narrow
Trotsky’s letter to Indian workers: “In the event that the Indian conspiratorial sect entirely cut off from the masses.” In 1942, he and
bourgeoisie finds itself compelled to take even the tiniest step on the road N.M. Perera formed a Workers Opposition faction that gathered a layer of
of struggle against the arbitrary rule of Great Britain, the proletariat will trade unionists. De Souza, who led the BLPI’s underground work in Sri
naturally support such a step. But they will support it with their own Lanka during the war, responded by forming a Bolshevik Leninist faction.
methods: mass meetings, bold slogans, strikes, demonstrations, and more 6-5. While these factional differences were at first unclear, the end of
decisive combat actions, depending on the relationship of forces and the the Quit India movement brought more fundamental disagreements to
circumstances. Precisely to do this must the proletariat have its hands free. light. Impatient with the size and development of the BLPI, Philip
Complete independence from the bourgeoisie is indispensable to the Gunawardena and N.M. Perera issued a document from jail in 1943
proletariat, above all in order to exert influence on the peasantry, the entitled “The Indian Struggle—The Next Phase” that argued for an
predominant mass of India’s population.”[13] unprincipled fusion with various petty bourgeois formations, including the
6-3. Despite his rousing “Do or Die!” speech on August 8, Gandhi’s Congress Socialist Party, in a vaguely defined “United Revolutionary
expectation was that the resolution would force the viceroy to open talks. Front.” The scheme was a marked retreat towards the Samasamajist
However, the British responded by detaining the entire Congress tradition with which the BLPI had broken. At its 1944 congress in
leadership—a move that unleashed a wave of angry protests and strikes in Madras, the BLPI emphatically rejected the Gunawardena-Perera
many parts of the country. The Muslim League and Hindu Mahasabha document. The adopted resolution declared: “This proposal, we believe, if
joined the CPI in supporting the suppression of the protests. With top carried out, can only result in the dissolution of the only party (however
The World Socialist Web Site is publishing The Historical and Hindu Mahasabhites into its ranks.
International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) 9-3. The post-war anti-imperialist upsurge initially took the form of
which was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in opposition to the brutal repression of the Quit India movement and the
Colombo, 27–29 May, 2011. It appears in 12 parts. trials of leaders of the Indian National Army (INA). INA leader Subhas
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 Chandra Bose, a militant Congress leader, had opposed Gandhi, but
Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 sought to fight British rule not by turning to the working class, but to a
rival imperialist power. He agreed to head the INA, formed from Indian
9. The partition of India soldiers who had been captured by the Japanese army, and to fight against
9-1. In India, Congress, with the support of the Stalinist CPI, played the the British under Japanese leadership. Despite their misguided aims, the
central role in aborting the mass anti-imperialist movement that emerged INA leaders were widely regarded as heroes and patriots, and protests
immediately after the war and in restabilising capitalist rule across South calling for clemency began to mushroom across India, in the process
Asia. Terrified that a renewed Quit India movement would slip out of unifying Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs. In November 1945 and again in
their control and increasingly apprehensive before a rising tide of working February 1946, the BLPI was closely involved with student organisations
class and peasant struggles and growing unrest in the princely states, the in leading mass demonstrations in Calcutta against the INA trials. The
Congress leadership moved as quickly as possible to reach a settlement protests were violently suppressed by police and troops, while the CPI
with Britain, which had already recognised the unviability of clinging on joined hands with the Congress to disperse the crowds in the name of the
to its Indian empire. In doing so, Congress jettisoned key aspects of its struggle against indiscipline and disorder.
own program and sought a deal not only with the British but also with the 9-4. In February 1946, sections of the Indian navy in Bombay and
communal parties—the Muslim League and Hindu Mahasabha—and with Karachi mutinied over pay and conditions, while raising a series of radical
the zamindari landlords and the princes, who formed the conservative political demands, including the release of all political prisoners, the
base of the colonial state. withdrawal of British Indian troops from Indonesia and the slogan of
9-2. The Muslim League, which represented the interests of the Muslim “Quit India.” Their action triggered displays of solidarity and mutinies in
landlords and capitalists in India had put forward its demand for a other Indian military units and ultimately gave rise to mass worker actions
separate Pakistan comprising the Muslim majority provinces in 1940. The and street fighting in Bombay. The Congress and Muslim League fully
Muslim elites, whom the British had organised and cultivated as a supported the British use of force in putting down the rebellion. Gandhi
separate political force through the use of communal categories as a key was especially virulent in his denunciations of the Royal Indian Navy
instrument of their imperial rule, feared both their marginalisation within mutineers and the cross-communal unity that characterised their struggle,
a unified Indian state and growing social unrest. The demand for a saying he “would rather perish in the flames” than see the triumph of “the
separate Muslim state was the means for the Muslim elite to stake its rabble” and declaring that a “combination between Hindus and Muslims
claim to a substantial share of political power in the anticipated post-war and others for the purpose of violent action is unholy.” While the BLPI
reorganisation of South Asia and to whip up communalism so as to divert spearheaded calls for protests and a general strike in support of the
and divide the increasingly restless masses. The Hindu Mahasabha, based mutineers, the Stalinist CPI denounced the “mass hysteria”, and sought to
among sections of the Hindu princes, landlords and big business, justified break up popular support for the mutiny. As on every other occasion that
their own collaboration with the British in communal terms as the means Congress reined in the mass movement, communalism erupted in the
of resisting Muslim “domination.” The Hindu Mahasabhites railed against wake of the mutiny’s defeat. A Muslim League call for “direct action” in
the Congress for “appeasing” the Muslims and argued that Muslims were support of its “Pakistan” demand in August 1946 resulted in violent
alien to the “Hindu nation” and should be denied full citizenship rights. clashes with Hindus in Calcutta that left 6,000 dead and triggered Hindu
The only means of politically combating communalism was through the communal atrocities on Muslims in return.
mobilisation of the workers and rural masses around their common social 9-5. The post-war upsurge also produced a wave of industrial action into
needs. Organically hostile to such a strategy, as it threatened the which the BLPI intervened aggressively and made significant inroads. In
fundamental interests of the Indian bourgeoisie as a whole, Congress June 1946 and again in March–June 1947, the BLPI, which had won the
increasingly adapted to communalism while containing and suppressing leadership of the Madras Labour Union (MLU), led major strikes
social struggles in which the masses implicitly challenged the communal involving the Buckingham and Carnatic Mills in Madras, one of the
divide. In the 1945–46 elections, the Congress flirted with an electoral largest factories in India. The 1947 strike was a bitter three-month
pact with the Hindu Mahasabha in Bengal and elsewhere welcomed struggle during which mass rallies and a hartal involving more than
The World Socialist Web Site is publishing The Historical and revolutionary perspective would be fought for and close organisational
International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) collaboration maintained. Instead a de facto division emerged as most Sri
which was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in Lankan Trotskyists returned to the island, which became the focus of their
Colombo, 27–29 May, 2011. It appears in 12 parts. political activities at the expense of the party in India. As the political
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 difficulties created by the post-war restabilisation of capitalism came to
Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 bear, the BLPI was liquidated into petty bourgeois radical parties on the
false assumption that entrism and “left unity” offered a means of growing
11. The liquidation of the BLPI quickly.
11-1. The waning of the post-war revolutionary movements and the 11-3. It was the opportunists of the LSSP in Sri Lanka who initiated the
granting of formal independence to Britain’s South Asian colonies push for the BLPI in India to enter into the Socialist Party of India, the
generated enormous political pressures on the BLPI to adapt to the new party formed by the Congress Socialists in 1948 after they split from
national framework and state structures. For layers of the middle classes, Congress. The LSSP’s supporters inside the BLPI in India argued their
“independence” opened up opportunities in the political sphere of “entry tactic” corresponded to the method advocated by Trotsky in the
parliament and careers in the expanding state bureaucracy and 1930s to win over important layers inside the Socialist Party of America
state-owned corporations. The stabilisation of global capitalism and the (SPA) and the French Section of the Workers’ International (SFIO) to the
post-war boom led to rising prices for export commodities and enabled incipient Fourth International. Entry in the 1930s had taken place as a
the bourgeoisie in the former colonies to make concessions, albeit of a brief tactical manoeuvre under conditions in which, due to the rise of
limited character, to the working class. This was especially true in Sri fascism and the betrayals of Stalinism, these social democratic
Lanka where a weak capitalist class confronted a militant proletariat, organisations had become a pole of attraction for workers and young
sections of which were under the BLPI’s revolutionary leadership. people moving toward revolutionary politics. The Trotskyists retained
Temporary economic gains fostered reformist illusions that a socialist significant freedom inside these parties to fight for their revolutionary
revolution was not necessary and that the lot of workers could be internationalist perspective and won over important layers of workers and
improved piecemeal through a combination of parliamentary manoeuvre youth. None of these conditions applied to the Socialist Party of India,
and militant trade union action. which was evolving, not to the left, but along a rightward, nationalist
11-2. Central to the BLPI’s liquidation between 1948 and 1950 was its course to parliamentarism. Although the question of entering the
retreat into nationalism. The opening section of the BLPI’s “Program for Congress Socialists was debated and defeated at the BLPI’s 1947
Ceylon” published in 1946 had argued powerfully that the socialist conference, supporters of the tactic pressed the issue, arguing for
revolution in Ceylon and India were intimately entwined. “Even at its long-term entry into the Socialist Party in the hope of a future
highest point of mobilisation, the revolutionary mass movement in this radicalisation in its ranks. The BLPI ignored the warnings of the
island alone could not, unassisted from outside, generate the energies International Secretariat of the Fourth International in Paris against any
required to overcome the forces which the imperialists would muster in precipitous move and voted, at a special convention in Calcutta in
defence of their power in Ceylon, which is for them not only a field of October 1948, to proceed with entry.
economic exploitation, but a strategic outpost for the defence of the 11-4. Entry into the Socialist Party was a disaster from the outset. BLPI
Empire as a whole … On the other hand, the complete emancipation of members had to apply for membership on an individual basis, could not
India itself is unthinkable while Ceylon is maintained as a solid bastion of form a separate internal faction and could not circulate discussion
British power in the East. From this point of view, we may say that the bulletins. At the same time, the Socialist Party exploited the talents and
revolutionary struggle in Ceylon will be bound up with that on the prestige of former BLPI members to build up their party apparatus,
continent in all its stages, and will constitute a provincial aspect in particularly in cities like Madras where none previously existed. As the
relation to the Indian revolution as a whole.” Despite the BLPI’s critique Socialist Party leadership shifted further to the right, it increasingly
of the partition of India and the independence of Sri Lanka, the party blocked any criticism or debate. In 1952, the former BLPI members
began to draw back from its internationalist perspective and accommodate finally broke away from the Socialist Party, following its poor showing in
to the framework of the newly-formed states. While it was not an issue of the general election of that year and its merger with the bourgeois Kisan
principle that the BLPI in India and Sri Lanka remain organisationally Mazoor Praja Party. By that stage, however, an opportunist current led by
united, the formation of new sections of the Fourth International should Michel Pablo and Ernest Mandel had emerged within the Fourth
involve intensive discussion on the way in which the unified International reflecting political pressures similar to those to which the
The World Socialist Web Site is publishing The Historical and provided no leadership to the mass movement. It failed to take such
International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) elementary steps as to issue a call for action committees in factories,
which was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in suburbs and villages to prosecute the campaign and for workers defence
Colombo, 27–29 May. It appears in 12 parts. guards against state repression. Instead the LSSP leaders joined the CP
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 and VLSSP in calling for an end to the hartal, leaving those who
Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 continued to protest to face state violence alone. In a lengthy article,
Colvin R. de Silva declared the hartal to be a new stage of the class
13. The LSSP’s response to the Open Letter struggle that bore “the imprint of the worker-peasant alliance.” But he
13-1. The LSSP’s refusal to support the SWP and the ICFI in opposing concluded that the fight was now “to compel the UNP government to
Pabloite opportunism was the turning point in its history and greatly resign and hold a fresh general election.” The LSSP had all along viewed
accelerated its political degeneration. While critical of Pablo’s the hartal as nothing more than an adjunct to its parliamentary
pro-Stalinist orientation, the LSSP leadership strongly sympathised with manoeuvring. As a result Bandaranaike was able to capitalise on the mass
the underlying liquidationist orientation that sanctioned its own adaptation opposition sentiment and to gain influence, particularly among the
to national reformist politics—a combination of parliamentarism and trade Sinhala rural masses disillusioned by the lack of LSSP leadership.
union syndicalism. Both parliament and the trade unions are hostile arenas Bandaranaike’s political rise was further cemented when the LSSP
that the revolutionary party is obliged to use to fight for its perspective but backed his no-confidence motion in the UNP government. Shocked by the
inevitably they place strong pressures on the party to adapt to reformist scope of the hartal, significant sections of the Sri Lankan ruling elite
illusions in the working class. Although still espousing Trotskyism in swung their support behind the SLFP as an alternate means for propping
word, the LSSP leaders increasingly came to measure their success in up capitalist rule. While he had opposed the protests and his SLFP did not
terms of the number of their parliamentary seats and the size of their trade participate, the hartal was the making of Bandaranaike as a pivotal figure
unions. They viewed parliamentary combinations and strikes around for the Sri Lankan ruling class.
limited economic demands, rather than the independent political 13-4. In the wake of the Hartal, the clamour inside the LSSP for “left
mobilisation of the working class, as the path to socialism. unity” with the Stalinist CP and VLSSP intensified. After the 1952
13-2. The consequences of the LSSP’s opportunist orientation had election, a tendency had emerged that blamed the party’s losses on its
already been demonstrated in the events of August 1953—a major crisis for failure to reach a no-contest pact with the CP and VLSSP, which had
bourgeois rule on the island. In the 1952 general election, the UNP had demanded the LSSP drop its criticism of the Stalinist regimes in the
won a convincing majority, the unified LSSP had lost seats and a new Soviet Union and China. Encouraged by Pablo’s pro-Stalinist line at the
party—the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) formed by Third Congress, the “unity” faction put forward an amendment at the
S.W.R.D.Bandaranaike in 1951 made its first modest showing. Within a LSSP congress in October 1953 calling for the party to be “friendly
year, however, the UNP government all but collapsed under the impact of unconditionally” to the “socialist countries”. After the amendment was
a semi-insurrectionary movement of the working class and peasantry defeated, the pro-Stalinist grouping broke away, its adherents joining
provoked by government measures to stem the economic crisis created by either the CP or VLSSP.
the end of the Korean War. The LSSP, supported by the Communist 13-5. It was in this context that the LSSP leadership responded to the
Party, the VLSSP and the Federal Party, called a one-day hartal—a general Open Letter. Its rejection of Cannon’s appeal and refusal to join the
strike and closure of businesses—on August 12 to protest against price International Committee were all the more politically criminal as the
rises. The response took all of the parties, including the LSSP, by former BLPI leaders were well aware of the pro-Stalinist character of
surprise. The strike brought Colombo to a halt and protests spread through Pablo’s revisions. Moreover, it had just experienced firsthand the impact
the rural areas of the south and west. In many areas protesters defied of Pabloism in its own ranks. But the LSSP objected in legalistic terms to
police violence, blocked roads and tore up railway tracks. A panicked the manner in which the Open Letter was issued and refused to take a
UNP government met on a British warship in Colombo harbour, declared political stand. Cannon wrote to Leslie Goonewardene, noting that the
a state of emergency, called out the military, sealed the offices and press LSSP had expelled its own pro-Stalinist tendency, then pointedly added:
of working-class parties and imposed a curfew. Nine people were shot “As internationalists, it is obligatory that we take the same attitude toward
dead by police in protests that continued for two more days. open or covert manifestations of Stalinist conciliationism in other parties,
13-3. Subsequent LSSP mythology has seized on the 1953 hartal to and in the international movement generally.[29]
demonstrate the party’s revolutionary character. In reality, the LSSP 13-6. Belatedly, the LSSP Central Committee passed a resolution in
The World Socialist Web Site is publishing The Historical and approved, made major concessions to the MEP’s communal politics.
International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) Having dropped its demand for parity between the Sinhala and Tamil
which was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in languages in 1960, the LSSP now agreed to a common platform that
Colombo, 27–29 May. It appears in 12 parts. vaguely called for the existing Sinhala-only legislation to be made less
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 discriminatory. Within the LSSP Central Committee, a minority led by
Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 Edmund Samarakkody correctly condemned the ULF program as popular
frontism but did not call for the LSSP to break from the ULF.
16. The Great Betrayal in Sri Lanka Samarakkody’s stance was a typical centrist evasion—he was capable of
16-1. The entry of the LSSP into the government of Madame Sirima recognising the opportunist character of what was proposed, but not of
Bandaranaike in June 1964 was a watershed in the history of the Fourth drawing the necessary political conclusions and breaking with the Perera
International—for the first time a party claiming to be Trotskyist directly leadership. The only Trotskyist criticism came from the SLL in Britain
entered the service of the bourgeoisie. The political responsibility for the which denounced the ULF as opportunist and called on the “hundreds of
betrayal rested squarely with the United Secretariat (USec) and confirmed devoted communists in the LSSP” to reaffirm the “principles and
all of the SLL’s warnings about the unprincipled reunification of the program of the FI and purge the party of revisionism and the revisionist
SWP with the Pabloites just a year before. The leader of the British SLL, leaders.”[37]
Gerry Healy, explained that the LSSP’s betrayal was “the most complete 16-4. From its inception in 1960, the SLFP government had been in
example” of betrayal by Pablo, Mandel and Pierre Frank. “These people crisis. In response to widespread protests by Tamils over the Sinhala-only
must take responsibility, since they have been in constant communication policy, Bandaranaike proscribed the Federal Party and imposed a state of
with the LSSP in Ceylon, for the past 18 years. The answer [to the emergency for much of 1961. Amidst a rising strike movement over the
question of the LSSP’s degeneration] lies not in Ceylon, but in an government’s austerity measures, the government banned industrial
international study of the struggle against Pabloite revisionism. The real action and deployed the army on the docks. A failed coup attempt by
architects of the coalition reside in Paris.”[35] senior police and military officers in January 1962 reflected fears in
16-2. The road to the LSSP’s entry into the Bandaranaike sections of the ruling class about Bandaranaike’s ability to contain the
government—the United Left Front (ULF) of the LSSP with the Stalinist working class. Strikes were given further impetus by the formation of the
CP and Philip Gunawardena’s MEP—was encouraged and sanctioned by Joint Committee of Trade Unions Organisation (JCTUO) in September
the USec. The International Secretariat had called in 1960 for an electoral 1963 unifying all unions, including those of plantation workers, around 21
front of “working class parties” and the 1963 unification congress common demands. A 69-day strike by the LSSP’s Ceylon Mercantile
declared that the LSSP had “correctly raised the question of a United Left Union (CMU) defied a government ultimatum to return to work and
Front, both to arrest the movement to the right and to help these masses to forced significant concessions by January 1964. Uncertain of her
move towards an alternative left.”[36] The ULF, however, was precisely parliamentary majority, Bandaranaike prorogued parliament in February.
the type of Popular Front that Trotsky had opposed in the 1930s. 16-5. With her cabinet in crisis over how to deal with the mass
Moreover, it involved parties with a proven track record of class working-class movement, Bandaranaike opened talks with the ULF
collaboration—the racist MEP had participated in the 1956 SLFP parties. On March 21, as LSSP leaders were addressing a huge rally of the
government and the Stalinist CP had been part of the Ceylon National 21-demands movement on Galle Face Green, including large contingents
Congress during the war and would have joined the first UNP government of plantation workers, N.M. Perera held secret discussions with
if the UNP had been willing. Bandaranaike over the formation of a coalition government. When the
16-3. The ULF platform was formally signed on August 12, 1963—the talks became public knowledge, Bandaranaike, a class-conscious
10th anniversary of the 1953 hartal—amid great professions of working representative of the bourgeoisie, justified her actions by openly
class unity. This opportunist formation had nothing in common with the explaining the various options: “Some feel that these [strike] troubles can
united front tactic of Trotsky who had insisted on the political be eliminated by the establishment of a dictatorship. Others say that the
independence of the revolutionary party and no mixing of political workers should be made to work at the point of gun and bayonet. Still
programs, banners and slogans. The joint ULF platform was not “a others maintain that a national government should be formed to solve this
genuinely socialist program”, as the Pabloites declared, but a list of problem. I have considered these ideas separately and in the context of
limited reforms to be achieved through parliament and within the world events. My conclusion is that none of these solutions will help to
framework of capitalism. Moreover, the program, which the USec get us where we want to go … Therefore, gentlemen, I decided to initiate
The World Socialist Web Site is publishing The Historical and from the SLFP.”
International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) 18-4. The response of Keerthi Balasuriya and the RCL provides a
which was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in classic example of how a Marxist party makes a principled correction.
Colombo, 27–29 May. It appears in 12 parts. The party leadership first initiated an exhaustive inner party discussion of
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 Banda’s correspondence and the political implications of the error. In a
Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 statement published in July 1970 correcting the error, the RCL explained:
“A party capable of taking power can be built only in opposition to the
18. The RCL’s struggle against petty-bourgeois radicalism LSSP-CP leaders. Without a struggle against the coalition perspective of
18-1. The founding of the RCL took place at the onset of a wave of the LSSP-CP leaders on the basis of a perspective of a workers’ and
revolutionary struggles of the international working class that convulsed peasants’ government, we cannot mobilise the working class
much of the world from 1968 to 1975. The tumultuous May–June strike independently. To force the Samasamajist and Stalinist leaders to break
movement in France and the 1968 “Prague Spring” in Czechoslovakia from the coalition government and the coalition front is the form that the
were followed by a succession of upheavals including the 1969 “hot fight for class independence of the working class takes.”
summer” in Italy, the 1974 British miners’ strike that brought down the 18-5. The RCL’s new tactical orientation was not to encourage illusions
Heath government and the collapse of the fascist regimes in Portugal and in the LSSP and CP but was the political means for exposing their class
Greece. These struggles were a product of the economic turmoil produced collaborationist politics as part of the independent mobilisation of the
by the end of the post-war boom and the breakup of the Bretton Woods working class and rural masses for the seizure of power. As the
monetary system signalled by the termination of US dollar-gold Transitional Program of the Fourth International stated: “Of all the parties
convertibility in August 1971. The chief role in betraying these and organisations which base themselves on the workers and peasants and
revolutionary movements was played by the social democratic, Stalinist speak in their name we demand that they break politically from the
and trade union bureaucracies. However, as the ICFI had rightly bourgeoisie and enter upon the road of struggle for a workers’ and
recognised from the LSSP’s earlier betrayal in 1964, the various Pabloite farmers’ government. On this road we promise them full support against
organisations proved to be a vital secondary prop for capitalism in capitalist reaction. At the same time, we indefatigably develop our
blocking a political struggle by the working class against the treachery of agitation around those transitional demands which should in our opinion
its old parties and organisations. form the program for a workers’ and farmers’ government’.”[42]
18-2. In Sri Lanka, the capitalist class depended directly on the LSSP, 18-6. However, the RCL did not stop at correcting the immediate
which provided the vital “Trotskyist” camouflage for the second mistake. As a Marxist, Balasuriya understood that this error had to be the
Bandaranaike government that took power after a landslide election product of considerable political pressures being brought to bear on the
victory in May 1970 and ruled until its ignominious defeat in 1977. LSSP party—particularly via the agencies of petty-bourgeois radicalism and
leaders N.M. Perera, Colvin R. de Silva and Leslie Goonewardene all opportunism. The RCL statement declared that it was necessary to grasp
became ministers. Throughout this period, the LSSP (R) and its various “the roots of this error because the same hostile class pressure that acted
fragments—following their Pabloite counterparts internationally—assisted on the RCL can emerge in another form in other circumstances.” In the
in propping up the SLFP-LSSP-CP coalition government in the face of wake of the discussion, Balasuriya turned to a book-length critique of the
mounting working class opposition by promoting, in various guises, a party that was the epitome of middle-class radicalism—the JVP. The
renewal of the United Left Front and the illusion that the LSSP and CP program of the JVP drew from the fashionable theories of the day—the
could be pressured to defend workers’ interests. peasant guerrillaism of Castroism and Maoism, which were also being
18-3. In the 1970 election, amid overwhelming hostility in the working promoted by the Pabloites. In subjecting the JVP to detailed critical
class to the previous UNP government, the RCL called for a critical vote examination, Balasuriya deepened the class differentiation of the RCL
for the SLFP-LSSP-CP coalition. This serious tactical error was criticised from radical Sinhala populism and from all those parties, including the
by Michael Banda in a letter to the RCL, explaining that the policy was LSSP and LSSP (R) that adapted to it.
“an unwarranted concession to the reformists and the radical 18-7. In the preface to his book, Balasuriya declared: “Many elements,
bourgeoisie.” He continued: “Certainly, now the task must be not to open claiming to base themselves on the experiences of Mao Zedong and the
the door for another coalition (how many more coalitions do we need!) Chinese revolution, try to reduce the question of the revolution simply to
but to reject any support to the SLFP and to attempt to free the working one of carrying out, in one way or the other, a protracted ‘peoples war’ or
class from the capitalist trap by demanding the LSSP-CP leaders to break some other form of armed struggle. These attempts have nothing in
The World Socialist Web Site is publishing The Historical and overwhelming majority in the 1972 Constituent Assembly to arbitrarily
International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) extend its term of office by two years to 1977. It kept in place the state of
which was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in emergency, imposed during the JVP uprising, and used the emergency
Colombo, 27–29 May. It appears in 12 parts. regulations to muzzle the press and political opponents. Amid growing
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 differences over economic policy, Bandaranaike dismissed the LSSP
Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 ministers in 1975 and began to take the first steps towards opening up the
island to foreign investment.
20. The collapse of the second coalition government 20-5. The period from the expulsion of the LSSP from the government
20-1. In the wake of the 1971 JVP uprising, the SLFP-LSSP-CP in September 1975 to its devastating electoral defeat in July 1977 was one
government confronted a mounting economic and political crisis and of acute political crisis for the Sri Lankan bourgeoisie—part of the
responded by widening state repression and inflaming Sinhala revolutionary upheavals that had taken place internationally since 1968.
communalism. In 1972, Constitutional Affairs Minister Colvin R. de Bandaranaike’s austerity policies produced a mounting strike wave in
Silva, who in 1956 had opposed the “Sinhala Only” policy, played the which the RCL played an increasingly prominent role. Concerned at the
central role in devising a new constitution that formally enshrined RCL’s influence, the government publicly attacked the party in
Buddhism as the state religion and Sinhala as the only official language. parliament. The climax came in late 1976. In November, widespread
Discriminatory measures were enacted against Tamils in public sector student demonstrations over the shooting of a student at Peradeniya
employment and for university entrance. The Tamil parties—the Federal university were joined by tens of thousands of workers. From December
Party, the All Ceylon Tamil Congress and the main plantation workers’ 1976, a general strike movement began with a stoppage in the Ratmalana
organisation, the Ceylon Workers’ Congress—bitterly opposed the new railway workshops that quickly spread throughout the railways. The
constitution and formed the Tamil United Front (TUF), which was government banned the strike but this only fuelled further stoppages by
transformed in 1975 into the Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF). other public sector workers. For weeks, the fate of the Bandaranaike
20-2. The oil shocks and global recession of 1973–74 impacted heavily government hung in the balance.
on Sri Lanka. Soaring commodity prices, particularly for oil and food 20-6. The survival of bourgeois rule in the face of this determined
imports, produced an acute foreign exchange crisis. Finance Minister offensive by the working class rested on the LSSP, CP and LSSP (R)
N.M. Perera extended national economic regulation to include strict leaders who blocked any development of the mass movement into a
controls on food imports, a state monopoly of rice transport, and a wage struggle for power. The CP remained in the government and supported
freeze. These policies produced acute economic hardship among the police state measures against strikers, only leaving the ruling coalition in
working class and rural masses. In the plantations, unemployment, February 1977 after the strikes were crushed. The LSSP leaders declared
underemployment and soaring prices led to extreme poverty and hundreds that the strike movement was “non-political” and refused to support the
of deaths by starvation. Bandaranaike reacted by accelerating the forced striking workers or make any call for the bringing down of the
repatriation of plantation workers through an agreement with Indian Bandaranaike government. The Ceylon Mercantile Union, under LSSP
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1974. Widespread hostility to the (R) leader Bala Tampoe, refused to take part in the strike and opposed the
coalition government produced a rising tide of working-class militancy. RCL’s efforts to mobilise CMU members.
20-3. The clarification of the RCL’s political line in 1970 proved 20-7. The LSSP (R) and its various breakaway groups played the critical
critical for the party’s interventions in the developing mass movement. Its role in attacking the RCL’s demand for the LSSP and CP to fight for a
demand that the LSSP and CP break from the SLFP and fight for a workers’ and peasants’ government and socialist policies. Tulsiri
workers’ and peasants’ government and socialist policies met up with the Andradi criticised the RCL for creating illusions in the reformist
sentiments of significant layers of workers who were deeply hostile to the parties—the LSSP and the CP—by demanding they take power. The RCL’s
coalition government. The party was able to build significant trade union demand, however, was not aimed at promoting these parties, but rather at
factions in the Ratmalana railway workshops, the central bank, the breaking their grip over socialist-minded layers of the working class who
government press, the state-owned Thulhiriya textile factory, and, still grudgingly looked to the LSSP and CP for leadership. Andradi’s
reflecting the RCL’s fight to unify Sinhala and Tamil workers, the left-sounding denunciation was in fact an evasion of the essential political
Ceynor factory on the Jaffna peninsula. task of exposing the LSSP and CP and thus left workers in the hands of
20-4. As the government’s crisis worsened, Bandaranaike resorted to these parties. The betrayal of this mass movement by the LSSP, CP and
anti-democratic methods. The SLFP-led government had exploited its LSSP (R) paved the way for the UNP to return to power. At the July 1977
The World Socialist Web Site is publishing The Historical and represented at the meeting and was not informed about the discussion.
International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) 23-3. Following the defeat of the protracted British miners’ strike in
which was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in 1985, a crisis exploded inside the WRP that rapidly led to its break from
Colombo, 27–29 May. It appears in 12 parts. the ICFI and political disintegration. Keerthi Balasuriya travelled to
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 Britain and learned for the first time of David North’s criticisms of the
Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 WRP in October 1985. Along with representatives of the Australian SLL
and German BSA, he expressed his agreement with North’s analysis. On
23. The 1985–1986 split with the WRP October 25, 1985, the ICFI issued two statements: on the expulsion of
23-1. The Tenth Congress of the ICFI in January 1985 was dominated Gerry Healy and on the crisis in the British section. The latter statement
by two interrelated phenomena: first, a devastating political crisis inside identified the source of the political crisis in the “prolonged drift of the
the WRP and second, the suppression of fundamental political differences WRP leadership away from the strategic task of building the world party
that had been raised by the Workers League of the United States over the of socialist revolution towards an increasingly nationalist perspective and
preceding three years. Neither was discussed. As the WRP was practice.” The ICFI resolved that the WRP register its members on the
abandoning its previous principled struggle against Pabloism, the Workers explicit recognition of the political authority of ICFI and the
League had been moving in the opposite direction. In 1974, following the subordination of the British section to its decisions.
desertion of national secretary Tim Wohlforth, the Workers League made 23-4. On December 16, 1985, the ICFI received the report of its control
a deliberate turn to the working class and placed the fight against Pabloite commission on the WRP’s financial dealings. In response to the findings,
opportunism at the centre of the party’s work. The Workers League it passed a resolution declaring that the WRP had carried out a historic
played the leading role in the “Security and the Fourth International” betrayal of the ICFI and the international working class, which “consisted
investigation, which was bitterly opposed by all Pabloite groups. This of the complete abandonment of the theory of permanent revolution,
investigation exposed the network of Stalinist agents inside the Trotskyist resulting in the pursuit of unprincipled relations with sections of the
movement who had been responsible for Trotsky’s murder. It provided colonial bourgeoisie in return for money.” The ICFI resolved to suspend
conclusive evidence that SWP leader Joseph Hansen had been a Stalinist, the WRP pending an emergency ICFI Congress following the 8th
then FBI, agent. Congress of the WRP. A further resolution adopted the following day
23-2. In 1982, Workers League National Secretary David North reaffirmed the essential programmatic foundations of the ICFI and the
presented detailed criticisms of Gerry Healy’s Studies in Dialectical historic correctness of the struggle against Pabloism. The suspension of
Materialism, demonstrating that it represented an abandonment of the the WRP was decisive in reasserting the political authority of the ICFI
dialectical and historical materialism of Marx. North pointed out that “in and the central importance of the programmatic principles of the
the name of the struggle for dialectical materialism and against Trotskyist movement. The decision made clear that there would be no
propagandism”, there had been a steady drift away from the struggle for compromise on these fundamental issues and established a principled
Trotskyism, particularly the Theory of Permanent Revolution. The WRP basis for the resolution of the crisis within the WRP. Of the WRP
leadership responded by threatening to sever relations with the Workers delegates, only David Hyland, who led a minority inside the WRP that
League unless North withdrew his criticisms. In a letter to WRP General was to later form the British section of the ICFI, voted for the resolutions.
Secretary Mike Banda in January 1984, North made a further analysis of The opposition of the Banda-Slaughter faction demonstrated that, while
the WRP’s positions, particularly in relation to the Middle East, and they had fallen out with Healy, they shared the same underlying
stated that the Workers League was “deeply troubled by the growing opportunist and national perspective.
signs of a political drift towards positions quite similar—both in 23-5. In a letter to David North, Slaughter opposed the subordination of
conclusions and methodology—to those which we have historically the WRP to the ICFI asserting that internationalism consisted of “laying
associated with Pabloism.” In February 1984, North delivered a political down class lines and fighting them through.” In its reply, the Workers
report to the ICFI that began by analysing the significance of the League Political Committee asked: “But by what process are these ‘class
American SWP’s unambiguous renunciation of the Theory of Permanent lines’ determined? Does it require the existence of the Fourth
Revolution in December 1982. He highlighted the WRP’s adaptation not International?... The International Committee of the Fourth International
only to bourgeois regimes in the Middle East but to Labour lefts and the is the historical embodiment of the ‘whole programmatic base of
trade union bureaucracy in Britain. Again the WRP threatened to split Trotskyism and the Marxism of Marx and Lenin.’ The subordination of
with the Workers League and blocked any discussion. The RCL was not national sections to the IC is the organised expression of their agreement
The World Socialist Web Site is publishing The Historical and of the Palestinian intifada to the reactionary interests of the Arab
International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) bourgeoisie, and in the deal struck by the Nicaraguan Sandinistas with
which was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in right-wing Contra rebels.
Colombo, 27–29 May. It appears in 12 parts. 26-3. The ICFI insisted that the global integration of production, far
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 from opening up a new golden age of capitalism, had raised the
Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 fundamental contradictions between world economy and the outmoded
nation-state system, and between social production and private ownership,
26. The International Perspectives of the ICFI to a new peak of intensity. The resolution identified the driving forces for
26-1. The ICFI’s Perspective Resolution of August 1988, The World a new period of revolutionary upsurge, including the economic decline of
Capitalist Crisis and the Tasks of the Fourth International, provided the the United States and the rise of inter-imperialist antagonisms, the
first comprehensive analysis of world economy and world politics since emergence of huge new battalions of the working class, particularly in
the WRP abandoned such work in the early 1970s. The resolution laid the Asia, the impoverishment of the backward countries and the crisis of
basis for the closer integration of all of the sections of the ICFI. Central to Stalinism.
the document was its examination of the implications of the 26-4. Turning to its strategic tasks, the ICFI summed up the lessons of
unprecedented global integration of production processes, which marked a the struggle following the 1985–86 split to overcome residual nationalist
qualitative shift in world economic relations that objectively strengthened tendencies that were the legacy of the WRP’s degeneration.
the international unity of the working class and the basis for a world “Revolutionary internationalism is the political antipode of opportunism.
socialist economy. The ICFI concluded: “It has long been an elementary In one form or another, opportunism expresses a definite adaptation to the
proposition of Marxism that the class struggle is national only in form, but so-called realities of political life within a given national environment.
that it is, in essence, an international struggle. However, given the new Opportunism, forever in search of shortcuts, elevates one or another
features of capitalist development, even the form of the class struggle national tactic above the fundamental program of the world socialist
must assume an international character. Even the most elemental struggles revolution. Considering the program of world socialist revolution too
of the working class pose the necessity of coordinating its actions on an abstract, the opportunist hankers after supposedly concrete tactical
international scale ... The unprecedented international mobility of capital initiatives. Not only does the opportunist choose to ‘forget’ the
has rendered all nationalist programs for the labour movement of different international character of the working class. He also ‘overlooks’ the fact
countries obsolete and reactionary. Such programs are invariably based on that the crisis in each country, having its essential origin in global
the voluntary collaborations of the labour bureaucracies with ‘their’ contradictions, can only be resolved on the basis of an international
ruling classes in the systematic lowering of workers’ living standards to program. No national tactic, however significant its role in the political
strengthen the position of ‘their’ capitalist country in the world arsenal of the party … can preserve its revolutionary content if it is
market.”[61] elevated above or, what amounts to the same thing, detached from, the
26-2. The bankruptcy of nationally-based programs was reflected in the world strategy of the International Committee. Thus, the central historic
wave of “renunciationism” sweeping the old leaderships of the working contribution which the sections of the International Committee make to
class. The Stalinist and social-democratic parties and the trade unions the workers’ movement in the countries in which they operate is the
were repudiating “even the elementary conceptions that the proletariat collective and unified struggle for the perspective of world socialist
exists as a distinct class in society and that it must defend its independent revolution.”[62]
interests against capitalist exploitation.” The ICFI analysed in detail the
advanced degeneration of the Stalinist bureaucracies in the Soviet Union, 27. The Collapse of the Soviet Union
Eastern Europe and China. In opposition to all of the middle-class 27-1. The International Perspectives prepared the IC for the political
opportunist tendencies, the ICFI insisted that Gorbachev’s glasnost and crisis of Stalinism that erupted in 1989 with mass protests in China,
perestroika were the policies of capitalist restoration—as was rapidly followed shortly thereafter by the collapse of the Stalinist regimes in
verified. The document established that the crisis of the armed Tamil Eastern Europe, that culminated in December 1991 in the formal
groups in Sri Lanka was part of broader international processes stemming liquidation of the Soviet Union. The destruction of the Soviet Union was a
from the inability of the national bourgeoisie to wage a consistent struggle political blow against the international working class that produced
against imperialism. The LTTE’s capitulation to New Delhi found considerable disorientation and confusion. Against the triumphalism of
diverse parallels in the Palestine Liberation Organisation’s subordination the bourgeoisie, the International Committee was alone in insisting that
The World Socialist Web Site is publishing The Historical and and its offshoot, the United Socialist Party (USP), have remained as
International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) satellites of the Colombo establishment, entering into a series of
which was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in increasingly grotesque political marriages. In the mid-1990s, as hostility
Colombo, 27–29 May. It appears in 12 parts. to the PA government grew, the NSSP struck a deal with the JVP, whose
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 gunmen had been killing its members just a decade previously. The JVP,
Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 which had been legalised by Kumaratunga, used the NSSP as a stepping
stone to establishing a presence in the trade unions then broke off the
31. The Socialist Equality Party alliance. Throughout their various political twists and turns, the NSSP and
31-1. The transformation of the RCL into the Socialist Equality Party USP have maintained one constant: their visceral hostility to the SEP’s
(SEP) in 1996 flowed from the conclusions drawn by the ICFI about the fight for the political independence of the working class.
transformation of all the old organisations of the working class. In 31-4. The evolution of the trade unions in Sri Lanka paralleled that of
conditions of the post-war stabilisation and economic expansion of the union apparatuses in the advanced capitalist countries. Under the
capitalism, the various trade union, social democratic and Stalinist impact of globalised production, the union bureaucracies abandoned the
organisations had, within the framework of national economic regulation, defence of even the most basic rights of the working class and have been
been able to make limited immediate gains for the working class, while transformed into direct agents of management. In the wake of the unions’
betraying its long-term historical interests. The IC sections had taken the betrayals, particularly after the 1980 general strike, union membership
form of leagues in recognition that the social democratic and Stalinist plummeted. However, unlike their counterparts in the US and Europe, the
organisations still held the political allegiance of broad layers of unions in Sri Lanka, for the most part, lacked alternate sources of income
socialist-minded workers, intellectuals and youth. The RCL’s demand and rapidly decayed. As the unions were federated by party affiliation,
that the LSSP and CP break from the SLFP and take the road to the disgust with the old party leaderships compounded their precipitous
formation of a workers’ and peasants’ government based on socialist decline.
policies was aimed at exposing these parties and winning the most 31-5. The so-called plantation unions, in the first instance the Ceylon
advanced layers of the working class. However, the globalisation of Workers’ Congress (CWC), form a special case. The CWC always
production had destroyed any objective basis for national reformism and functioned more as a paternalistic benevolent society than a trade union. It
transformed the old organisations into direct agencies of the national retained a significant membership and resources due to its control, with
bourgeoisie in slashing jobs, conditions and living standards in the the support of management, over every aspect of life on the
never-ending race for “international competitiveness.” In no sense could plantations—from housing, health care and schooling to marriages,
these parties and trade unions any longer be considered organisations funerals and religious celebrations. Using its members as a captive vote
based on the working class or speaking in its name. bank, CWC leaders entered parliament and bartered for ministerial
31-2. The LSSP and CP entered a third SLFP-led coalition government positions and privileges. The various alternative unions such as the Up
in 1994 under prime minister, later president, Chandrika Kumaratunga. Country People’s Front (UPF) operated no differently. None of these
The two parties had never recovered from the profound hostility in the organisations, which together act to suppress one of the most oppressed
working class generated by their participation in the Bandaranaike sections of the working class, commands any significant positive support
government of the 1970s. By the time they joined the People’s Alliance among workers.
(PA), the LSSP and CP were hollow shells. No workers expected either 31-6. The establishment of the SEP was the pivotal first step in
party to fight for basic social reforms, let alone take up the revolutionary preparing for new movements of the working class. These movements
struggle for socialism. Any lingering illusions were quickly dispelled by will not take place through the old organisations, but in a revolt against
the LSSP and CP’s support for Kumaratunga’s escalating war and attacks them—a revolt that has to be politically prepared and organisationally led
on basic democratic rights and living standards. They have subsequently by the SEP. The Socialist Equality Party was adopted as the new name
functioned as virtual factions of the SLFP, rather than independent after extensive discussion in the International Committee to focus on the
parties. essential aim of socialism—to end social inequality—that had been obscured
31-3. The NSSP, whose leaders never opposed the first two coalition by decades of misuse of the term by Social Democracy, Stalinism and
governments, backed Kumaratunga’s election. One faction headed by Pabloism. In its 1996 perspectives document, the SEP concluded: “The
Vasudeva Nanayakkara drew the logical conclusion from the NSSP’s recognition of the changed relationship of the working class and the
program of class collaboration and joined the PA government. The NSSP oppressed masses to all the old parties and bureaucracies demand that the