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1. Direction: What should come in place of 3 54 295 1180 3597 7198

question mark (?) in the following number A. 54 B. 295
series? C. 1180 D. 3597
100, 198, 294, 388, 480, 570, ? E. 7198
A. 652 B. 654 9. Direction: A number series is mentioned in
C. 656 D. 658 each of the below question. There is one
E. 662 wrong element in each series. Find out that
2. Direction: What should come in place of element.
question mark (?) in the following number 27 28 32 64 315 3440
series? A. 28 B. 32
7, 19, 37, 61, 91, 127, ? C. 64 D. 315
A. 147 B. 159 E. 3440
C. 169 D. 174 10. Directions: In the following number-series
E. 183 only one number is wrong. If the wrong
3. Directions: What should come in place of the number is corrected, the series gets
question mark (?) in the following number established following a certain logic. Below
series? the series a number is given followed by (a),
620, 632, 608, 644, 596, ? (b), (c), (d), and (e). You have to complete
the series following the same logic as in the
A. 536 B. 556
given series after correcting the wrong
C. 656 D. 646
number. What should come at the place of (e)
E. None of these
in the following question?
4. Directions: What should come in place of the
12162.15, 810.81, 62.37, 5.95, .63, .09
question mark (?) in the following number
148648.5, (a), (b), (c), (d), (e)
A. 1.1 B. 11
12, 14 , 32, 102, 416, 2090, ?
C. 1.21 D. 1.56
A. 15522 B. 12552 E. None of these
C. 13525 D. 17552
11. Direction: In the following number series, a
E. None of these
wrong number is given. Find out that wrong
5. Direction: In the following number series, a number.
wrong number is given. Find out that wrong
78, 123, 192, 298, 460, 673
A. 78 B. 298
3, 5, 8, 14, 24, 43, 70
C. 192 D. 460
A. 14 B. 24 E. 673
C. 43 D. 70
12. Directions: In the following number-series
E. 5
only one number is wrong. If the wrong
6. Which term doesn’t fit the given series number is corrected, the series gets
0, 3, 8, 15, 24, 36, 48 established following a certain logic. Below
A. 3 B. 8 the series a number is given followed by (a),
C. 15 D. 24 (b), (c), (d), and (e). You have to complete
E. 36 the series following the same logic as in the
7. Which term doesn’t fit the given series given series after correcting the wrong
15, 48, 105, 192, 315, 470 number. What should come at the place
A. 48 B. 105 of (d) in the following question?
C. 192 D. 315 16710, 2660, 468, 90, 25, 10
E. 470 21030, (a), (b), (c), (d), (e)
8. Direction: A number series is mentioned in A. 65 B. 54
each of the below question. There is one C. 34 D. 56
wrong element in each series. Find out that E. None of these


13. Directions: In the following number-series 17. Direction: What will come in place of the
only one number is wrong. If the wrong question mark (?) in the following number
number is corrected, the series gets series?
established following a certain logic. Below 10, 16.5, 35, 90, 273, ?
the series a number is given followed by (a), A. 954 B. 925
(b), (c), (d), and (e). You have to complete C. 959 D. 965
the series following the same logic as in the E. 975
given series after correcting the wrong
18. Direction: What will come in place of the
number. What should come at the place of (e)
question mark (?) in the following number
in the following question?
21, 23, 73, 364, 2605, 23455
18, (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) 1219, 1225, 1245, 1287, 1359, (?)
A. 20520 B. 21740 A. 1454 B. 1479
C. 20620 D. 21540 C. 1484 D. 1469
E. 22860 E. None of these
14. Directions: In the following number-series 19. Direction: What will come in place of the
only one number is wrong. If the wrong question mark (?) in the following number
number is corrected, the series gets series?
established following a certain logic. Below 17, 18, 26, 53, 117, ?, 458
the series a number is given followed by (a), A. 342 B. 142
(b), (c), (d), and (e). You have to complete C. 257 D. 262
the series following the same logic as in the E. 242
given series after correcting the wrong
20. Direction: What will come in place of the
number. What should come at the place of (d)
question mark (?) in the following number
in the following question?
1561, 1671, 1827, 2057, 2309, 2651
2152, (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) 8000 , 1600, 320, 64, 12.8, ?
A. 3100 B. 2165 A. 2.56 B. 3.5
C. 2258 D. 2900 C. 3.2 D. 2.98
E. 2300 E. None of these
15. Directions: In the following number-series 21. Direction: What will come in place of the
only one number is wrong. If the wrong question mark (?) in the following number
number is corrected, the series gets series?
established following a certain logic. Below 121 , ?, 81 , 64 , 49 , 36 , 25
the series a number is given followed by (a), A. 92 B. 114
(b), (c), (d), (e) and (f). You have to C. 98 D. 100
complete the series following the same logic E. None of these
as in the given series after correcting the
22. Direction: What will come in place of the
wrong number. What should come at the
question mark (?) in the following number
place of (f) in the following question?
882, 700, 568, 512, 490, 470, 464
642, (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) 20, 24, 36, 56, 84,?
A. 270 B. 266 A. 116 B. 124
C. 225 D. 224 C. 120 D. 128
E. None of these E. None of These
16. Direction: What should come in place of 23. Direction: What will come in the place of
question mark (?) in the following number question mark (?) in the following number
series? series?
4, 3, 3.5, 4.75, ?, 8.1875 3, 10, 24, 50, 120, ?
A. 6.75 B. 6.375 A. 130 B. 140
C. 5.25 D. 4.75 C. 150 D. 160
E. 7.50 E. 170


24. Direction: What will come in place of the A. 6 B. 11

question mark (?) in the following number C. 50 D. 392
series? E. 4.5
4000, 2008, 1012, ?, 265, 140.5, 78.25 32. Direction: What will come in place of the
A. 506 B. 514 question mark (?) in the following number
C. 520 D. 512 series?
E. None of these 0, 6, 24, 60, 120, 210, ?
25. Direction: What will come in place of the A. 336 B. 343
question mark (?) in the following number C. 322 D. 330
series? E. None of these
56, 55, 108, 321, ?, 6395 33. Direction: What will come in place of the
A. 1278 B. 1276 question mark (?) in the following number
C. 1274 D. 1292 series?
E. 1280 350, 365, 335, 380, ?
26. Direction: What will come in place of the A. 340 B. 310
question mark (?) in the following number C. 320 D. 345
series? E. None of these
3, 1, 5, -1, 7, -3, ? 34. 6, 31, 80, 161 , 282, (?)
A. 9 B. 8 A. 472 B. 479
C. 6 D. 4 C. 451 D. 432
E. 2 E. None of these
27. Directions: What should come in place of 35. 8, 8, 12, 24, ?
question mark (?) in the following number A. 28 B. 42
series? C. 32 D. 60
30, 35, 65, 100, 165, 265, ? E. None of these
A. 270 B. 520 36. Direction: What will come in place of the
C. 430 D. 395 question mark (?) in the following number
E. None of these series?
28. Direction: What will come in place of the 1, 2, 6, 21, 88, (?)
question mark (?) in the following number A. 360 B. 420
series? C. 340 D. 445
3, 5, 13, 43, 177, ?, 5353 E. None of these
A. 891 B. 713 37. Direction: What will come in place of the
C. 885 D. 899 question mark (?) in the following number
E. None of these series?
29. Direction: What will come in the place of 12, 8, 16, …, 184, 860
question mark (?) in the following number A. 32 B. 48
series? C. 128 D. 420
13 16 22 24 28 ? E. None of these
A. 27 B. 36 38. Direction: What will come in place of the
C. 30 D. 32 question mark (?) in the following number
E. None of these series?
30. Directions: The following number series has 21, 44, 129, 520, 2595, ?
a wrong number in it. Find out that wrong A. 15476 B. 15576
number and mark your answer accordingly: C. 15376 D. 15276
3,4,11,25,47,76,119 E. 15176
A. 3 B. 4 39. Direction: What will come in place of the
C. 25 D. 47 question mark (?) in the following number
E. 76 series?
31. Directions: The following number series has 51, 61, 84, ?, 165, 221
a wrong number in it. Find out that wrong A. 119 B. 115
number and mark your answer accordingly: C. 125 D. 128
6, 3.5, 4.5, 11, 50, 392 E. None of these


40. Direction: What will come in place of the A. 54 B. 240

question mark (?) in the following number C. 121 D. 72
series? E. 81
2, 0, -2, -8, -40, ? 46. Direction: What will come in place of the
A. -320 B. -105 question mark (?) in the following number
C. -336 D. -170 series?
E. -190 4, 6, 12, ?, 90, 315
41. Direction: What will come in place of the A. 25 B. 27
question mark (?) in the following number C. 30 D. 45
series? E. None of these
9, 13, 4, 20, ?, 31 47. Directions: What should come in the place of
A. 5 B. -5 question mark (?) in the following number
C. 25 D. -21 series?
E. None of these 1200 480 192 76.8 30.72 12.288 ?
42. Direction: What will come in place of the A. 4.9152 B. 5.8192
question mark (?) in the following number C. 6.7112 D. 7.6132
series? E. 8.5172
15, 26, 48, ?, 180, 356 48. Direction: In the following number series, a
A. 95 B. 78 wrong number is given. Find out that wrong
C. 65 D. 92 number.
E. None of these 48, 24, 24, 36, 72, 180, 540
43. Direction: In the following number series, a A. 24 B. 28
wrong number is given. Find out that wrong C. 36 D. 72
number. E. 180
221725, 8850, 549, 56, 9, 4 49. Direction: What will come in place of the
A. 4 B. 8850 question mark (?) in the following number
C. 56 D. 549 series?
E. 9 655, 439, 314, 250, 223, (?)
44. Direction: In the following number series, a A. 205 B. 210
wrong number is given. Find out that wrong C. 195 D. 190
number. E. None of these
24, 28.8, 40.32, 64.512, 118.1216, 232.2432 50. Direction: What will come in place of the
A. 40.32 B. 64.512 question mark (?) in the following number
C. 24 D. 118.1216 series?
E. 28.8 43 69 58 84 73 (?)
45. Direction: In the following number series, a A. 62 B. 98
wrong number is given. Find out that wrong C. 109 D. 63
number. E. None of these
81, 54, 54, 72, 121, 240



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