Its A Wonderful Life Info

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Information Form

It’s A Wonderful Life

Important Dates and Information:
 Audition Forms are due at the audition 9.28.18
 Tech Application due 9.26.18 to be considered for the production
 Parent Meeting 10.3.18
Rehearsal times:
 10.17.18- 11.20.18: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 3:00-5:00pm
 10.26.18- Show Week: Monday- Friday 3:00-5:30pm
 Rehearsal schedule will be distributed after auditions and conflicts scheduled.
The Stage Crew
● Required Rehearsal (Beyond Tech): You should attend based on your team leads schedule.
● All Crew is required to attend the Read Thru Rehearsal on 10.17.18.
● Paper Tech (All leaders and crew) 11.26.18.
Tech Rehearsal Dates:
● 11.16.18, 11.30.18, 12.7.18 (3-6:00pm) Tech Work Call- All Tech Crew/Cast Called
● 12.10.18-12.15.18 All Crew called DRESS REHEARSAL/PERFORMANCE WEEK
● 12.18.18 (3-5pm) Run through All Tech Crew and Actors are required to attend.
● 12.20.18-12.22.18 18 All Crew called PERFORMANCE WEEK
● 1.2.19 STRIKE
● 12.11.18 Invitational Dress (PARENTS ONLY) Start time is at 4:00pm.
● 12.13.18/12.20.18: Cast and Crew called at 3:00. Curtain is at 7:00.
● 12.14.18/12.21.18: Cast and Crew called at 3:00. Curtain is at 7:00.
● 12.15.18/12.22.18: Cast and Crew called at 5:00. Curtain is at 7:00.
Expectations for Maintaining Academic Professionalism:
● The student will speak with teachers and plan for the demands of Tech Week.
● The student understands that teachers are not obligated to agree to defer homework and each
teacher will have their own homework policy.
● Students understand that they should strive to keep up with their education obligations, classwork and
● Student must maintain a 2.0 GPA to meet academic eligibility.
Attendance Policy:
● Theater only works if everyone is working together, being supportive and trying their best.
Commitment is key.
● If a member misses a rehearsal for an unexcused reason, their responsibilities will be taken by another
● If a member again misses a rehearsal for another unexcused reason, they may be asked to leave the
● If any member is late to a rehearsal twice the above policy will apply.
● Valid reasons to be absent from a rehearsal are: severe illness, injury, an agreed upon conflict or if the
member has been scheduled incorrectly.

Crew/Production/Manager Positions: “What do they really do?”
The Crew includes the following positions:
● Stagehands – The Stagehands move scenery and props during set changes. They run special effects,
operate the curtains and adjusts mics and other backstage gear as needed. They are backstage ninjas.
● Light Board Operator – Runs the light cues during the show.
● Sound Board Operator – Runs the audio cues during the show.
● Follow Spot Operator (when needed) – Runs the Follow Spot during the show.
● Makeup/Hair Artist (when needed) – Helps prepare the makeup before the show. Helps actors do
their makeup and hair during the show.
● Assistant Stage Manager (when needed) – Works for the Stage Manager and does whatever is needed:
run crews, fix props, put out fires, silently and surreptitiously sweep up broken pottery pieces during
blackouts, etc.

Production Team
● Everyone on the production team is expected to work 1-3 hours per week on the show. These hours
are flexible and can be scheduled week to week with Mrs. Pugh.
● Production Team members are NOT required at tech rehearsals or performances, but they are
expected to attend the Read Thru rehearsal.
● You can be on BOTH the Production Team and be in the Cast if you have a small role and have the
permission of Mrs. Pugh (and if you have the time!)
● Students who don’t put in enough hours will still be given credit as a crew member. For example, they
might receive credit as a member of the Light Crew, but not as the Master Electrician, etc.
● More than one student can hold each position. These Production “positions” are honors earned for
hard work!

The Production Team includes the following positions:

● Master Carpenters - Work primarily on scenic construction. Must be available on Load-In Day (TBA)!
Heaviest work load to be early in the process.
● Master Electricians – Work primarily on light hang and focus. Heaviest workload to be close to Tech.
● Audio Engineers – Work with the Director to select sound cues for the production and will make the
master Audio CD for the show. Will work on all audio aspects of the show.
● Scenic Artists – Work primarily on scenic painting and decorating. Heaviest workload to be closer to
● Costumers – Assist the Costume Designer with building, finding, altering and organizing the costumes.
● Prop Masters – Work with the Director and Stage Manager to create the Prop List for the show. Work
with the Director, Technical Director and Parent Volunteers to find props for the show. Help the TD
build necessary props. Work with the Stage Manager to organize and lay out the prop tables backstage.

Stage Manager
● The Stage Manager helps to organize and coordinate ALL aspects of the show!
● They are at ALL rehearsals and performances, including the Paper Tech.
● During performances, they run the show. They call all the cues and keep all the cast and crew members
organized and running on time.

Keep This Sheet for your Records

How to Complete the Conflict Chart

● List the Date and Time you ARE NOT AVAILABLE on the Conflict Chart for October 17- December 22.
● It is important to list all your conflicts, since the director will rely on this information when casting and
assigning rehearsal schedules. If you are cast and then a major conflict is revealed that keeps you from
rehearsing, it may affect your ability to do the show or stay in the part you’ve been cast as.
● In figuring out your availability, please take into account:
o Travel time (If you have karate at 5:30 on Wednesday and it takes 30 minutes to get there from
GMHS, list your available time as 4:00-5:00, because 5:00 is when you have to leave rehearsal.
o Sports activities or special classes (note if any activity can be skipped occasionally).
o Family commitments. Look at your family calendar and indicate all commitments.
o Factor in homework and project schedules.
● Rehearsals will not be scheduled after 5:00 on weekdays, except during Tech Week and Tech Fridays.
● Please indicate if you are flexible with any given commitment or if you can miss or skip an activity
(Here is one to practice with :)
Conflict Chart: 10.17.18- 12.22.18
Monday(3-6p) Tuesday(3-6p) Wednesday(3-6p) Thursday(3-6p) Friday(3-9p) Saturday
2.14.17: 3-4p

Dates to remember:

Keep This Sheet for your Records

Lighthouse Productions Actor’s Contract
Below is the contract that will need to be signed and turned in at auditions.

Welcome to Lighthouse Productions. I am glad that you have chosen to audition. I would like to familiarize you with some policies
before you commit to involvement in the production. Please read and sign at the bottom.
You may not audition without this form signed by parent or guardian.

1. No one shall use drugs or alcohol during rehearsals or work parties, or allow drugs or alcohol to inhibit
their performance. You shall be removed from the cast immediately if found in violation of this rule.

2. It is expected that you will attend all rehearsals for which you are scheduled, unless excused in
advance. Pre-excused absences must be arranged by both written or verbal contact between Mrs.
Pugh and a parent/guardian. Messages sent via another person, including the student, are not
excused. Actors may be recast at any time if the director feels the actor is limiting the ability of the
cast to progress at rehearsal.

3. Lines are to be memorized by the deadline indicated on the rehearsal schedule. If lines are not
memorized, expect to write them for the act(s) not memorized and submit them to the director the
following rehearsal. Other ways of ensuring line accuracy may also be employed at the director’s

4. Each cast member will be expected to sell at least one Business Advertisement for the program. Due
date will be determined by each production.

5. Rehearsal is a time for fun, while being focused on the task at hand. It is expected that cast members
will conduct themselves in a professional manner and focus on the rehearsal, even if they are not in a
particular scene. The use of cell phones or other electronic devices during rehearsal time (other than
breaks) is unprofessional and inappropriate.

6. All members of the cast are expected to be passing all of their classes. A minimum of a 2.0 GPA is
required to meet academic eligibility. If it is found that a cast member is in academic jeopardy, they
may be removed from the cast, on the director’s discretion.

7. Cast members may be asked to purchase their own make-up. See the director or make-up designer for
what make-up will be needed. Other expenses may occur (shoes, hair products, tights etc.)—you will
be notified in a timely manner if this is the case.

8. Cast and crew members are expected to attend, participate, and complete STRIKE. This is the time for
production closure and reflection. Failure to attend will affect director’s future casting choices.

Keep This Sheet for your Records

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