Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics: Maksym Gladskyi, Ali Fatemi
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics: Maksym Gladskyi, Ali Fatemi
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics: Maksym Gladskyi, Ali Fatemi
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Fatigue crack growth behavior of tubular specimens with a through thickness circular hole made of a
Available online 6 December 2013 carbon steel subjected to axial and torsional loads was investigate. Loading sequence effect on crack
growth rate was also studied by alternating between axial and torsion cycles in a loading block. Mode I
Keywords: crack growth was observed. Torsion fatigue crack growth lives were shorter and crack growth rates were
Fatigue crack growth higher than for axial loading. This is explained by a larger plastic zone size produced by a compressive tan-
Load sequence effect gential stress acting parallel to the crack growth path. In block loading with dominated torsion cycles crack
Notch effect
grown rate was slower in comparison with pure torsion, while in block loading with dominated axial
T-stress effect
cycles a faster crack growth rate occurred in comparison with pure axial loading. Effects of the stress state
on the plane of crack growth and of one pair of cracks on a second pair are considered to explain these
observations. Crack growth rates were correlated with stress intensity factor range with or without con-
sidering the T-stress effect. Short crack growth behavior near the threshold region is also discussed.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0167-8442/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
64 M. Gladskyi, A. Fatemi / Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 69 (2014) 63–70
assumption for torsional loading due to the presence of a biaxial region elastic–plastic stress/strain analysis where load-interaction
stress state and that applying the J-integral may be able to effects in a load spectrum was simulated by accounting for residual
account for the effect of biaxial loads on the crack tip plastic zone compressive stresses produced by the reverse plastic deformation.
size. They applied their model to crack growth rate analysis of speci-
Tanaka et al. [7] carried out fatigue crack growth tests using mens with a central through crack made of Al 7075-T6 alloy and
thin-walled tubular specimens with a circular hole made of showed good correspondence between experimental and pre-
low-carbon steel. The loading included cyclic uniaxial tension– dicted results.
compression, and cyclic torsion with or without superposed static Susmel and Taylor [14] used sharply notched low carbon steel
tension or with cyclic axial loading. In all cases cracks grew in specimens under in-phase mode I and II loading to study non-
mode I. They found crack growth rates for torsion and combined propagating crack behavior. They observed the early stage of crack
torsion with axial loading to be higher, as compared to uniaxial growth to be mixed-mode, whereas the subsequent growth was
loading. They attributed the acceleration of crack growth to larger mainly mode I dominated. They also observed the non-propagating
plasticity at the crack tip. The highest crack growth rate was crack length tended to increase as the mode II contribution to fati-
observed to be for the case of cyclic torsion with static tension gue damage increased.
loading. The J-integral range determined from the relation Makizaki et al. [15] investigated the effect of occasional mode II
between load and displacement was shown to be an appropriate loading on subsequent mode I fatigue crack growth behavior by
parameter for crack growth analysis in the presence of significant using thin-walled tubes made of 7075-T651 aluminum alloy. They
plasticity. found the occasional mode II loading has two contradictory effects
Endo et al. [8–10] studied crack growth behavior of 0.37% on crack growth behavior, a retardation effect associated with the
carbon steel and a chrome-molybdenum steel under in-phase plastic deformation near crack tip, and an acceleration effect
and out-of-phase axial-torsion loading. Smooth solid round speci- caused by mode II fatigue crack growth.
mens with a small drilled hole introduced into the surface were The overall goal of this study was to investigate fatigue crack
used. The diameter of the hole was either 100 or 500 lm and growth behavior of notched specimens made of a common carbon
was equal to the hole depth. No significant effect of loading phase structural steel subjected to axial and torsional loads. In addition,
was found on long crack growth rates. However, short crack behav- loading sequence effect on crack growth rate was studied by alter-
ior was more sensitive to non-proportionality of the loading. This nating between axial and torsion cycles in a loading block. In this
was attributed to the abrasion of crack surfaces which reduces paper, first the experimental program is described. Then, experi-
the level of crack closure and, thereby, increases the net driving mental results and observations are presented. This is followed
force under out-of-phase loading. To consider the effect of biaxial by crack growth rate correlations for different loading conditions.
loading, they defined a net crack driving force parameter for fati- Finally, conclusions based of the experimental observations and
gue crack propagation by modifying the expression for effective crack growth rate analyses are presented.
stress intensity factor range DKeff. The effect of biaxial loading in
this parameter is reflected in the values of amplitudes ratio of
applied stress normal to the crack and applied stress parallel to 2. Experimental program
the crack. This parameter was found to correlate in-phase and
out-of-phase short crack growth rate data. The material used in the present study was a low-carbon steel
Nalla et al. [11] studied mixed-mode (mode I + II) fatigue crack used for piping in nuclear power plants. The chemical composition
growth thresholds for large and short through-thickness cracks in a of the material by weight is 0.24% C, 0.25% Si, 0.45% Mn, 0.2% Cr,
Ti–6Al–4V turbine engine alloy. They observed fatigue thresholds and the balance Fe. The microstructure of the material was com-
for through-thickness cracks which were large compared to micro- posed of ferrite and pearlite structure with ferrite grain size of
structural dimensions to be strongly influenced by mode-mixity. about 20 lm. The yield strength is 365 MPa, the ultimate strength
They concluded that although for large cracks fatigue cracking is 506 MPa, elastic modulus is 185 GPa, and the cyclic yield stress is
under mixed-mode loading is predominately a mode I phenome- 311 MPa.
non, mode-mixity influences thresholds by crack tip shielding Tubular specimens with a through thickness circular hole at
resulting from crack-surface interference. the middle of gauge section were used. The gauge section of the
Carpinteri et al. [12] examined the behavior of a part-through- specimen had an outer diameter of 24.2 mm, an inner diameter
cracked notched shell with different notch configurations using 3D of 22 mm, and a wall thickness of 1.1 mm. The hole diameter
FEA and concluded the effect of the stress concentrator on the was 3.4 mm and the hole geometry resulted in stress concentra-
value of stress intensity factor to be significant. Mikheevskiy and tion factors of 3.29 and 3.98 for axial and torsion loadings, respec-
Glinka [13] used a fatigue crack growth model based on crack tip tively [16].
M. Gladskyi, A. Fatemi / Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 69 (2014) 63–70 65
Load-controlled fully-reversed fatigue tests were conducted on in the ±45° direction to the transverse direction for torsion loading.
a servo-hydraulic testing machine at room temperature with inde- Crack initiation planes were observed to be on the maximum shear
pendent controls of push–pull and torsion loads and with frequen- plane(s) [16].
cies in the range of 0.5–3 Hz. The loading conditions consisted of Fig. 1(c–e) shows crack growth paths for block loading tests
constant amplitude axial and torsion loadings, as well as three under similar applied axial and torsion stress amplitudes
cases of sequential axial and torsion cycles in a load block. These contained in each block, resulting in nearly the same maximum
three loading cases included axial dominated case where 1000 principal stress amplitude during axial and torsion cycles. As can
axial cycles were followed by 100 torsion cycles, torsion domi- be seen from these figures, for block loading with dominant axial
nated case where 1000 (or 10,000) torsion cycles were followed cycles (A1000–T100), crack(s) grew in the same direction as for
by 100 (or 1000) axial cycles, and the case were equal number of pure axial loading. Similarly, for block loading with dominant
axial and torsion cycles were applied. The stress amplitude for each torsion cycles (A100–T1000), crack(s) grew in the same direction
load sequence was such that the maximum principal stress as for pure torsion loading. This cracking behavior was identical
amplitude was nearly the same during the axial and torsion cycles. to that observed for similar testing of 2024-T3 and 7075-T6
Table 1 lists the applied stress amplitudes, the maximum prin- aluminium alloys in [17].
cipal stress amplitudes, number applied of cycles to reach a crack For equal applied axial and torsion number of cycles (A1000–
length of 0.2 mm (N0.2), a crack length of 0.5 mm, (N0.5), as well as T1000), crack(s) grew along ±45° path, corresponding to mode I
the number of cycles to grow the crack from 0.5 to 5 mm (N0.55) growth direction for pure torsion loading. The reason for this
for each test. The number of cycles reported in the table for block behavior may be related to a higher crack driving force for torsion
loading cases are for the dominant load, except for the cases of cycles in comparison to axial cycles, resulting from a higher crack
equal axial and torsion cycles in a block for witch both axial tip plasticity due to the T-stress in torsion, as will be discussed
and torsion cycles are counted. Crack initiation location around later. This is in spite of the fact that the applied axial and torsion
the hole as well as crack orientation angles for each test is also stress amplitudes result in nearly the same maximum principal
listed in the table. stress amplitude.
The growth of fatigue cracks from the hole was continuously Crack growth histories for axial, torsion, and sequential block
monitored and recoded by using a digital video camera with 30X loadings, all at nearly the same maximum applied principal stress
optical zoom. Fatigue crack growth tests for most cases were amplitude, are shown in Fig. 2. Crack growth lengths in this figure
stopped when the total crack length (i.e. the lengths of the cracks are from an initial crack size of 0.5 mm to near fracture (overall
on the opposite sides of the hole plus the hole diameter) became crack length of about 7 mm, or about 10 mm if the hole diameter
larger than about 10 mm. It should be noted that crack initiation of 3.4 mm is included). As can be seen from the figure, torsion
and life prediction aspects of the material and notched specimen fatigue crack growth lives are shorter and crack growth rates are
geometry investigated was the subject of another publication higher than for axial loading. The same behavior was also observed
[16]. Also, some crack growth experiments similar to those in axial and torsion fatigue tests of 2024-T3 and 7075-T6 alumin-
reported in this paper were conducted on 7075-T6 and 2024-T3 ium alloys in [17]. For block loading cases with dominant or equal
aluminum alloys, the results and analysis of which are presented torsion cycles to axial cycles, crack growth rates are lower than
in [17]. pure torsion loading. This is surprising, as it implies addition of
axial cycles to the torsion load history has a beneficial effect on
3. Experimental results and observations crack growth behavior.
It should be noted that the choice of an initial crack size of
Fig. 1(a) and (b) illustrate examples of observed crack orienta- 0.5 mm does not significantly alter the aforementioned results or
tions emanating from the hole in axial and torsion loadings, crack growth curves in Fig. 2. For example, if an initial crack size
respectively. Cracks initiated at the edge(s) of the hole perpendic- of 0.2 mm is used, instead of 0.5 mm, the difference in fatigue lives
ular to the specimen axis under axial loading and at ±45° locations between these two crack sizes is less than 10%. Generally a crack is
around the hole under torsion loading. These are maximum stress considered to be out of the notch affected zone when the crack
locations (both shear stress and maximum principal stress) for length becomes longer than about 10–20% of the notch radius. This
both loadings. As expected, mode I crack growth is observed with corresponds to a crack length of about 0.17 to 0.34 mm for the
cracks in uniaxial loading growing in the transverse direction and notch radius used (1.7 mm). However, since crack nucleation is
Table 1
Stress levels, fatigue lives, and crack growth rate properties in constant amplitude and block loading fatigue tests.
Loading type ra (MPa) sa (MPa) Dr1/2 (MPa) A (m/cycle) n N0.2 N0.5 N0.55 Cracka initiation Crackb initiation
(cycles) (cycles) (cycles) location (°) orientation (°)
Axial 144 – 144 1 1010 2.8 20,900 24,040 26,700 0 2
Axial 106 – 106 4 1010 2.7 140,500 202,400 107,400 0 0
Torsion – 149 149 6 1012 6.8 5,407 5697 1275 42 45
Torsion – 149 149 8 1012 5.8 5,910 6820 2010 45 45
Torsion – 121 121 9 1011 6.1 34,700 37,500 26,850 145 45
Torsion – 87 87 5 1011 5.7 120,000 145,100 276,900 45 45
Torsion – 87 87 – – 276,000 298,260 325,040 40 48
Blocks (A1000–T100) 144 149 144–149 5 1011 4.0 23,610 23,970 6800 0 0
Blocks (A1000–T100) 144 149 144–149 9 1011 3.9 19,650 20,640 17,510 3 5
Blocks (A1000–T1000) 144 149 144–149 4 1012 5.1 14,800 15,010 2590 45 47
Blocks (A1000–T1000 144 149 144–149 3 1012 5.9 18,200 19,220 4980 138 48
Blocks A100–T1000) 144 149 144–149 7 1012 4.1 5220 5510 4690 136 45
Blocks (A100–T1000) 144 149 144–149 4 1011 4.5 6570 6715 2230 49 40
Blocks (A1000–T10000) 98 102 98–102 5 1011 4.4 112,300 119,200 61,100 38 49
Location of crack initiation around hole circumference with 0° and 180° being at the hole edges.
Orientation of surface crack initiation with ±90° being along the specimen axis.
66 M. Gladskyi, A. Fatemi / Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 69 (2014) 63–70
(a) (b)
σ σ
σ σ
Fig. 2. a–N curves for different loading condition at similar values of maximum principal stress amplitude of Dr1/2 = 144 MPa.
on maximum shear stress plane while crack growth is on maxi- component parallel to the crack. They argue that, although a paral-
mum principal plane, a transition between crack planes takes lel stress component does not change the magnitude of the crack
place. This transition was found to be complete at a crack length tip stress singularity, the increased plastic zone size produced by
of about 0.5 mm. A schematic representation of the transition a compressive parallel stress increases the crack driving force,
between maximum shear surface plane for crack formation and thereby increasing the growth rate. Similar observations and con-
through-the-thickness maximum shear plane for small crack clusions were reported in [2,5,6].
growth during crack initiation phase is shown in Fig. 3 for axial Another factor to consider is the effect of one pair of cracks on
loading. another, if more than one pair is present, such as in cyclic torsion.
As can be seen from Fig. 2, more than 20 times shorter crack As mentioned previously, two pairs of opposite cracks grew from
growth life is observed for torsion loading in comparison with uni- the hole under torsion loading, see Fig. 1(b). In order to estimate
axial loading. Such difference may be explained by a compressive the influence of the second pair of cracks on growth of the first pair,
tangential stress which acts parallel to the crack growth path. FEA was used. Analysis of cracked specimens with one and two
The stress states for mode I growth direction for axial and torsion pairs of cracks at ±45° orientations with 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and
loadings are shown in Fig. 4, where the compressive tangential 2.0 mm lengths was carried out using ABAQUS software [18]. The
stress is observed in torsion. Smith and Pascoe [4] attributed the maximum principal stress ratio, defined as the maximum principal
increase in torsion crack growth rate to the effect of this stress stress for two pairs of crack divided by the maximum principal
M. Gladskyi, A. Fatemi / Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 69 (2014) 63–70 67
Fig. 3. Schematic of through thickness crack initiation plane orientation under axial
Mode I
(a) (b)
Fig. 4. Normal stresses at the maximum stress location for (a) axial and, (b) torsion loading.
68 M. Gladskyi, A. Fatemi / Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 69 (2014) 63–70
72 MPa
(a) (b)
Fig. 6. Normal and shear stresses under torsion and axial loading with principal stress amplitude Dr1/2 = 144 MPa on (a) 45° plane and, (b) 0° plane.
Sander’s energy release rate integral for a circumferentially low-carbon steel in [8], where the authors reported about 2 times
cracked cylindrical shell loaded in both tension and torsion [19] higher crack growth rates for torsion and combined torsion with
was used to derive the mode I stress intensity factor solution based axial cyclic loading in comparison with uniaxial loading. As dis-
on AFGROW procedure as [20]: cussed earlier, this can be attributed to a higher crack tip plasticity
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi due to the T-stress in torsion, as well as a higher local stress due to
K I ¼ F 0 r1 pa ð2Þ existence of two pairs of cracks in torsion, as compared to typically
where F0 is energy release correction function, as given in the one pair under axial loading.
Appendix A. In order to consider the faster crack growth rate under torsion
Crack growth rate correlations plotted against the stress inten- loading, Brown and Miller [2] proposed an equation to correlate
sity range, DKI, are shown in Fig. 7(a). As can be seen from this fig- experimental data by considering adjustment of the plastic zone
ure, a factor of about 2.5 times higher crack growth rate is observed size at the crack tip. This adjustment is based on Dugdale’s model
for torsion or torsion dominated loading cases in block loadings, as extended to biaxial loading of a mode I crack by adding the T-stress
compared with axial loading. Similar observations were made for a term, resulting in:
Fig. 7. Crack growth rate versus stress intensity factor range (a) without considering biaxiality stress ratio and, (b) with considering biaxiality stress ratio.
M. Gladskyi, A. Fatemi / Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 69 (2014) 63–70 69
5. Conclusions
sec p= ð4ru =DrÞ2 3ðK 1Þ2 þ ðK 1Þ 1
da=dN1 secðpDr=4ru Þ 1 (1) Mode I crack growth was observed for both axial and torsion
ð3Þ loading conditions. For block loading with dominant axial
cycles crack(s) grew in the same direction as for pure axial
loading, while for block loading with dominant torsion
where da/dN1 is equibiaxial value of crack growth rate, K = rxx/ryy
cycles crack(s) grew in the same direction as for pure torsion
is a measure of biaxiality with ryy being normal to the crack plane,
and ru is ultimate tensile strength.
(2) Much shorter crack growth life (by a factor of 20) was
Fig. 7(b) shows results of crack growth rate correlations
observed for torsion loading in comparison to axial loading,
employing Eq. (3). Better correlations of crack growth rates are ob-
explained by a compressive tangential stress which acts par-
served for axial and torsion loadings. However, the slope A in Paris
allel to the crack growth path. Existence of a second pair of
equation for torsion loading is still somewhat higher than for axial
cracks increases the crack tip stress for the first pair of
loading. This may be due to the existence of two pairs of cracks in
cracks. This can further explain a higher crack growth rate
torsion, as opposed to one pair in axial loading. As discussed ear-
in torsion, as compared to axial loading at the same stress
lier, the second pair of cracks in torsion increase the stresses on
intensity factor range.
the first, therefore, increased crack driving force. This increase is
(3) For the loading block with dominated axial cycles a higher
not accounted for by the stress intensity factor used for data corre-
crack growth rate occurred in comparison to pure axial load-
lations in Fig. 7(a), or by Brown-Miller’s crack growth ratio (Eq. 3)
ing, attributed to the effect of stress state on the crack
accounting for the T-stress as shown in Fig. 7(b). It should also be
growth plane. For the loading block with dominated torsion
noted that a higher scatter is observed in Fig. 7(a) and (b) for crack
cycles, crack growth rate was lower in comparison to pure
growth rates in block loadings tests. This is due to the load se-
torsion, attributed to the tensile T-stress at the notch tip
quence effects discussed previously.
during subsequent axial cycles.
A clear threshold region at crack growth rates below 5 109 m/
(4) Short crack growth behavior with reduced crack growth
cycle may be observed in Fig. 7, corresponding to very slow growing
rates with increasing crack length (retardation) was
or non-propagating cracks. The threshold stress intensity factor va-
p observed near the threshold region, explained by a change
lue is about DKth = 8 MPa m. Fig. 8 shows crack growth data for
in fracture mechanism and crack orientation as the initiated
tests with data in the threshold region in an expanded scale. Short
crack at the notch root starts to growth through the notch
crack growth behavior with reduced crack growth rates with
plastic zone and out of the notch affected zone.
increasing the short crack length (retardation) is observed, before in-
creased crack growth rates with further increase in crack length
(acceleration). This transitional change in growth rate may be
explained by the change in fracture mechanism and crack orienta-
tion, as the initiated crack at the notch root starts to growth through
This research was conducted under the Fulbright Scholar
the notch plastic zone (see Fig. 3). Once the crack grows out of the
Program with financing of the U.S. Department of State and
notch affected zone, a switching of the critical plane occurs, which
technical support of National Technical University of Ukraine ‘‘Kyiv
slows down crack growth rate. A similar observation regarding a
Polytechnic Institute’’.
transition between tensile and shear mode crack growth resulting
from an overload was made in [5] for Al-alloy sheet and plate
Appendix A. Stress intensity factor calculation
specimens subjected to biaxial loading.
Fig. 8. Relation between crack growth rate and stress intensity factor range near
threshold region.
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