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Literature Review 1. Analysis of Cost Overrun For Flyover Bridges Construction Project Using Fuzzy Logic

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1. Analysis of Cost Overrun for Flyover Bridges Construction Project Using

Fuzzy Logic
Bridges Construction industry is measured as one of the most dynamic and risky
industrial sector. Project failure takes place in terms of project delay, cost over runs and poor
quality. In this project, I aim to identify and analyze the major cost overrun factors in bridge
construction projects in Indore. The cost is measured as one of the most important success
parameter of any project. The cost overrun factors are identified based on questionnaire survey
and expert opinion which is ranked using Relative Important Index (RII) scale. Graphs showing
the variation of cost overrun for different combination of cost overrun factors are obtained. This
project work presents an application of fuzzy logic for developing cost overrun evaluation model
using Fuzzy toolbox of MATLAB Program Software. This project work aims to identify the main
factors affecting the construction cost overrun in the construction industries. A list containing 74
factors of cost overrun which are accountable for the cost overrun in the construction industries
was prepared based on data collection, questionnaire survey and by conducting interviews. Finally,
the model has been calibrated on real case study.

2. Causes of Delay in Construction of Bridge

The construction industry is the tool through which a society achieves its goal of
urban and rural development. Delays in construction are the most serious problems which even
slowly down the national development. It is one of the sectors that provides important ingredient
for the development of an economy. It is widely accepted that a project is successful when it is
finished on time. Unfortunately, due to many reasons, large number of construction projects fails
to follow the planned schedule and hence delayed. Construction delay is considered to be one of
the recurring problems in the construction industry and it has an adverse effect on project success
in terms of time, cost and quality. So, careful study and planning of each and every activity of a
construction project becomes important in order to minimize delays. This paper presents the causes
of delay occurring on an ongoing bridge construction project with respect to construction of bridge
girders of three spans of a Major bridge across river Sabarmati, Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat as a case

3. Study of Delay in Execution of Infrastructure Projects –Highway

Nowadays, highway construction suffers from delay and cost overruns,
which causes traffic problems, changes of design, poor planning, disputes, cost overruns, poor
safety practices and time delays. Researchers in developed countries have realized the seriousness
of this shortfall and suggested solutions to resolve it. Due to the inherent risks and increasing
complexity of modern construction projects, delays and cost overruns have become common facts
in the industry. Researchers and practitioners have used many techniques to assess project delays
and apportion delay responsibility among the parties involved. This research deals with the causes
which severely effect in delay of infrastructure projects in India. The delays and cost overruns
have become a hallmark of infrastructure projects in India, research in delay and cost overrun in
highway projects has not been popular researched yet. Any construction project success can be
realized by achieving its objectives within the planned time, budget and level of quality. One of
the major problems that face the construction projects in general and road projects in specific is
being behind the schedule, i.e., delay in submission. Delay can be defined as postponing the project
completion time due to predicted and unpredicted causes. Completion time is very essential in
construction; because “Time is Money”. In some cases, to the contractor, delay causes higher
overhead costs because of longer construction period. As well as that, material costs may increase
due to inflation. To the client, especially if he is investor, delay means losing profits that are
planned to be earned after starting the investment on the scheduled time.

4. Study of Delay Management in a Construction Project - A Case Study

The problem of delays in construction industry is a global phenomenon and there
is no exception. The main purpose of this study is to identify the delay factors and the effect on
the project completion by doing a case study in ongoing projects. By analyzing the reasons for
delay, possible recommendations are given. The major factors identified in this case study are
delays due to contractor, client and also due to nature’s act like rain. The most important causes
were delays in contractor's payments, shortage of material in construction, change in material, the
weather condition, shortage of manpower (skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labor), frequent
change of staffs, poor site management and improper management of the engineers. Some of the
delays are delay in submission of drawings, space constraints, and delay in payment by client,
delay in material supply and local problems like strikes. The major effects of delay are cost impact,
reduced labor productivity, postponement in work, change in labor allocation etc. Not all delays
can be rectified, but few of them can be overcome by improving management responsibilities.

5. Study on Time Delay Analysis for Construction Project Delay Analysis

Time delay is one of the biggest problems facing in many construction buildings
in India. Completing projects on time is the key factor of the project, but the construction process
is subject to many variables and unpredictable factors, which result from many sources such as
availability of resources, external factors, performance of parties and type of building. If there is a
delay in project it leads to loss of productivity, increased cost, contract termination and disputes
between contractor and owner. The aim of this project is to examine the causes and effects of delay
on building construction project during construction phase and to provide control measures for
time overrun in the project. A study carried out on construction schedule delays and various delay
analysis techniques and methods in order to evaluate the causes of delay and their impacts in the
construction project. Then a questionnaire survey is done to find the major causes of delay faced
by Client, Contractor, Consultant and Project manager. Population sample of 35 was used in which
30 was deployed. From the survey and study identified 67 causes of delay under 9 major groups
such as Project team, Owner, Contractor, Consultant, Architect, material, labor, equipment and
external factors. Then a ranking method is done based on relative importance index method to find
major cause of delay. It is found that the most common factors of delay which is repeated in most
of the project are lack of funds to finance the project to completion, labor shortage, material
shortage, lack of effective communication, lack of supervision and changes in drawings. The
outcome of the project is to provide recommendation to control delay in the project during
construction phase.
On studying the above journals and literature it gave me the knowledge of how delays are occurred
in the project and also gave the knowledge of how to overcome those delays. Above journals gave
the idea of how to schedule, track and allocate the resources to the project in a good and manner
full way to overcome or to avoid delays in the completion of the project and to make the project

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