Arpeghis Avis de Tempete

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Avis de tempête

Georges Aperghis
Pubblishing Information

Managing director: Bernard Stiegler

Publishing director: Vincent Puig
Director of pedagogy: Andrew Gerzso
Director of production: Alain Jacquinot

This document is generated dynamically from the Ircam Technical Documentation Server. All the datas, media and other informations
were already inserted in relation with the Production service, by the musical assistant.
The server is administrated by the pieces technical documentation service.
Contact: [email protected].

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 France License.
You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work.
Attribution: You must give the original author credit.
Non-Commercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
No Derivative Works. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.

For any performance of the piece, the user must contact the publisher:

IRCAM - Centre Pompidou

1, place Igor Stravinsky
75004 Paris - France
Tel : +33 1 44 78 12 33
Fax : +33 1 42 77 29 47
Table of Contents
Presentation of "Avis de tempête" ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Version of the Version "Creation" ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Performance Elements ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Equipment List ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8
Instructions ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Audio Diagram.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Midi + Ethernet Diagram...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................11
Loudspeakers Setup.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................12
Installation Procedures..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Main Patch........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................16
Main Patch Initialization.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Score Following................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23
Presentation of "Avis de tempête"

Title: Avis de tempête

Creation: Georges Aperghis (Composer)

Date of creation: 17/11/2004

Discography: Cyprès CYP5621

Description/ "Avis de Tempete" is an opera by Georges Aperghis for ensemble and electronics. The libretto, written by Georges
Aperghis and Peter Szendy. this opera is mainly inspired by Melville's Moby Dick and Shakespeare's King Lear. The
electronics in "Avis de tempete" consists in nineteen sequences. These sequences have been created before the
instrumental composition, which is based on this electronic material.
Presentation of the Version "Creation"
Production team: Kurt D'Haeseleer (Video artist)
Peter Misotten (Scenographer)
Emilie Morin (Director assistant)
Sebastien Roux (Musical assistant)
Duration: 01:05:00
Date of creation: 17/11/2004

Score: To obtain the score, please contact the publisher or IRCAM if the piece is unpublished

Instrumentation: Flute - alto and piccolo (x1)

Horn (french) (x1)
Trumpet - alto and piccolo (x1)
Trombone (alto) (x1)
Clarinet (bass) (x1)
Cello (x1)
Viola (x1)
Guitar (electric) - + distorsion, delay and volume pedals (x1)
MIDI keyboard (x2)
Soprano (x1)
Baritone (x2)
Actor (female) - + choregraphy (x1)
Performance: Lille - Avis de tempête - 20/11/2004 - Opera de Lille
Conductor: Octors Georges-Elie
Ensemble: Ictus
Performer(s): Deppe Francois(Cello)
De Clerck Paul(Viola)
Schmid Michael(Flute)
Descheemaeker Dirk(Clarinet (bass))

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Pire Alain(Trombone (alto))
Fafchamps Jean-luc(MIDI keyboard)
Plouvier Jean-Luc(MIDI keyboard)
Michel-Dansac Donatienne(Soprano)
Peintre Lionel(Baritone)
Bischoff Romain(Baritone)
Saunier Johanne(Actor (female))
Ranallo Philippe(Trumpet)
Performance Elements
Media: ISO/DMG Image File
Media Information: ISO/DMG Image File
Last update: 2005-04-01
Physical location: Ircam production

1 .DMG compressed file (ISO) wich containt all the performance elements.
Size after.dmg file decompression: 1.5GO
aperghis.dmg [549.17 MB]

Media: Magnetic support

Media Information: Magnetic support
Last update: 2005-09-20
Physical location: Ircam Production

2 Syquest cartridges containing the sounds of the EMU 4X samplers.

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Equipment List

N.B.: The following list of equipment is often related to a specific performance. Equipment models and manufacturers are often specified as examples. Similarly,
quantities and locations concerning PA systems can be related to the characteristics of a specific venue.

Computer Equipment
(x2) Tower Case ; (ref. model: Macintosh G4 - Apple)
[RAM quantity: 512MB] [CPU number: 2] [CPU clock: 0.7GHz]
(x1) Tower Case ; (ref. model: Macintosh iBook - Apple)

Software Equipment
(x2) OS ; (ref. model: Mac OS - Apple)
[Type version: 9]
(x2) Audio Environment ; (ref. model: Max/MSP - Cycling74)
[Version: 4.1]

Audio Equipment
(x2) Sound Board ; (ref. model: Hammerfall - RME)
[Bit number: 16bits] [ADAT] [ASIO/Core Audio] [Max frequency: 44,1kHz]
(x8) Microphone ; (ref. model: generic)
[Dynamic] [Used for: instruments]
(x1) Mixing Console ; (ref. model: DM2000 - Yamaha)
[Input: 34] [Output: 8] [Mic input: 16] [Stereo input: 20] [Mono input: 16]
(x4) HF System ; (ref. model: generic)

MIDI Equipment
(x2) Keyboard ; (ref. model: KX 88 - Yamaha)
[Key number: 88] [Heavy touch] [Sustain pedal] [Volume pedal] [Port type: midi]
(x1) Mixer ; (ref. model: BCF 2000 - Behringer)
[Nb of channels: 8]
(x2) Interface ; (ref. model: Studio 5 - Opcode)
[I/O number: 2/1]
(x1) Interface ; (ref. model: MIDI booster - )
[I/O number: 2/4]
(x1) Interface ; (ref. model: YMM2 - Yamaha)
[I/O number: 2/2]
(x2) Sampler ; (ref. model: E4X Turbo - E-Mu)
[Firmware: emu] [Memory: 32Mo]
(x2) Sustain Pedal ; (ref. model: generic)
[Foot activation]
(x2) Volume Pedal ; (ref. model: generic)
[Foot activation]
(x1) Sustain Pedal ; (ref. model: generic)
[Foot activation]
used by the clarinet player as a trigger to start electronic sequences

P/A Equipment
(x8) Speaker ; (ref. model: generic)
(x2) Screen ; (ref. model: generic)

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Audio Diagram Audio/MIDI setup diagram

Figure: Audio diagram

Midi + Ethernet Diagram Audio/MIDI setup diagram

Figure: Midi and Ethernet diagram

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Loudspeakers Setup Audio/MIDI setup diagram

The loudspeaker setup used at the Lille Opera House is shown in the following picture.
Enter a new loudspeaker setup by following the instructions shown in the Loudspeaker Setup Initialization figure

Figure: Top View

Figure: Loudspeakers Setup Initialisation

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Installation Procedures Install

Macintosch G4
1. copy the folder called TEMPETE on your hard drive.
2. launch Max/MSP.
3. in the options menu, click on file preferences. Then add the folder TEMPETE (see figure Files Preferences).
4. quit MAX
5. launch the file called tempete-V23

Macintosch Ibook
1. copy the folder called COUNTER on your hard drive.
2. launch Max/MSP.
3. in the options menu, click on file preferences. Then add the folder COUNTER (see figure Files Preferences).
4. quit MAX
5. launch the file called counter 2004 - Avis#1

1. link the Syquest cartridge reader to the EMU sampler 1
2. load the Syquest cartridge labelled EMU1 into the sampler 1
3. repeat the operation with the Syquest cartridge labelled EMU2 and sampler 2
Figure: Files Preferences

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Main Patch Patch presentation

The concert patch is composed of 2 main subpatches: the Control subpatch (see figure control ) and the Spatialisation subpatch (see figure
The Control subpatch receives MIDI information from the pedal located on the stage. That allows the user to initialize the patch and to start a
sequence if the performer has missed a cue or if the MIDI connexion is not working. It contains a patcher called georgeselie which was used during
the rehearsals.
The concert patch uses 3 players of 8 channels files. One channel of a player call a source. Each source is spatialized thanks to a simple interface
(cf. figure source spatialization) in the patcher Spatialisation. For each sequence, a scene is stored in the patch. When the MIDI pedal is pressed, the
scene is recalled and the 8 channels sequence are played.

Figure: Control
Figure: Spatialisation

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Figure: Source spatialisation
counter Patch presentation

The patch counter is run on the ibook, on stage. It is used by the conductor to follow the score during the electronic sequences.
The counter is started by the main patch (run by a G4) when the MIDI pedal is pressed.
The communication between the two computers is done by OSC (Open Sound Control).

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Figure: Counter
Main Patch Initialization Initialization

1. in the main window, open the chrono subpatch .

2. in the chrono subpatch, set the IP address corresponding to the ibook.
3. in the control window, turn the toggle object which is above the patcher ready on.
4. turn dsp on

Figure: Initialization

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Figure: Udp initialization
Score Following Score following

All the sequences are started by the clarinetist.

At the end of 17th sequence, the musical assistant has to stop this sequence when the keyboards start to play. (Cf. figure sequence 17).

Figure: Manual Cues

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