Effective Intelligent Home System Based On The Internet of Things

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International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),

Vol. 14, No. 6, June 2016

Towards the Development of an Efficient and Cost

Effective Intelligent Home System Based on the
Internet of Things
A. Imtar Chaudary Muhammad Usman Arshad Farhad Wajid Ullah Khan
Dept. of Computer Science Dept. of Computer Science Dept. of Computer Science Dept. of Computing and
CIIT, Sahiwal CIIT, Sahiwal CIIT, Sahiwal Technology, Abasyn
Sahiwal, Pakistan Sahiwal, Pakistan Sahiwal, Pakistan University
Peshawar, Pakistan

Abstract—Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology microcontrollers etc. Figure 1 demonstrates that IoT
which is covering everyday things from industrial machinery to applications are classified into three major categories as:
consumer goods in order to exchange information and complete  Society
tasks while involved in other work. IoT based smart home
 Environment
automation system is a system that uses PCs, mobile phones or
remote devices to control basic operations for home automatically  Industry
from anyplace around the world using internet. The proposed
intelligent home automation system differs from existing systems On the basis of classification the term “Things” can be
as it allows the user to operate the system from anywhere around distinguished in a different way and depends on the application
the world by using internet connection along with intelligent nodes domain in which it is used.
that can take decisions according to the environmental conditions.
We implemented a home automation system using sensor nodes
that are directly connected to Arduino microcontrollers.
Microcontroller is programmed so that it can perform some basic
operations on the basis of sensors data. e.g. fan is controlled on
basis of temperature value and light is controlled on the basis of
occurrence of motion in the room etc. Furthermore Arduino board
is connected to the internet using Wi-Fi module. An extra feature
this system provides is to monitor power consumption of different
home appliances. The designed system provides the user remote
control of numerous appliances locally as well as outside the home.
This designed system is expandable, allowing multiple devices to
be controlled. The objective of the proposed system is to provide a
low cost and efficient solution for home automation system by
using IoT. Results show that the proposed system is able to handle
all controlling and monitoring of home.

Keywords—Internet of Things (IoT), Wireless Sensor Network,

Home Automation System, Energy Monitoring. Figure 1: IoT Applications
I. INTRODUCTION In industry, IoT activities involve financial or commercial
Now a-days home and building automation systems are transactions between companies, manufacturing process of
taking place of manual systems. They provide increased industries, service sector, banking security, and intermediaries
comfort when employed in private homes [1]. On the other etc. As a whole the thing may be product itself, the equipment
hand they contribute an overall cost reduction and energy used or transportation means used, or we can say everything
saving, which is todays major issue. A typical home that participates in product lifecycle. In environment,
automation system allows to control house hold appliances applications are based on activities like security, protection,
from a centralized control unit. These appliances include fan, monitoring and development of all natural resources such as
lights, air conditioners, etc. For mostly commercial home energy management, agriculture, human body monitoring etc.
automation systems, all devices should be compatible with Lastly in the whole society the thing may relates to devices used
centralized control unit [2]. with in public places or devices used for assisted living. For
The capabilities offered by the IoT make it possible to example smart homes, smart cities and smart campuses etc.
develop various IoT based applications. All the applications The proposed system can be easily integrated into the
are build using many more smart things like sensors, actuators, home’s electrical system and allows one to wirelessly control

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International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 14, No. 6, June 2016

appliances that are plugged into specially designed wall smart objects. Smart home system using IOT is monitoring and
sockets. The designed system consists of Arduino Nano board, controlling basic home functions automatically or through
Arduino Mega 2560, NRF module, CC3000 Wi-Fi module, internet using mobile or PC. Intel Galileo board is capable of
relays, keypad and sensors. Sensors are directly connected integrating wireless communication, cloud networking and to
with Arduino microcontroller board in order to perform remotely control various devices and appliances. System is
automated functions on the basis of data provided by sensors. flexible depending on the type of sensors.
Firstly data is processed by sensors and then forwarded to In [5], the author states that by making your home
Arduino mega for further processing. Wi-Fi module is attached environment intelligent enough we can make life easy for
to Arduino mega to connect the whole system with internet. disabled and elderly personals. In last few years there is much
Sensors used in our system are DHT11 temperature and increase in home automation because of rapid increase in smart
humidity sensor, PIR motion sensor, Current sensor, phone usage. Introduction of Internet of Things boosted up the
electromagnetic door sensor and MQ5 gas sensor. research and implementation of smart homes. In [6], the author
The system is capable of detecting when the user enters or suggests his idea that In order to make smart home low cost
leaves the room. Electromechanical relays are used to control and flexible micro web server based on Arduino Ethernet,
light, fan and sockets on the basis of sensor’s data or hardware interface modules and android based application is
commands received. Number of relays depends on number of used. Using this system authorized users can remotely control
appliances to be controlled. A remote is made using NRF and monitor home devices connected through 3G/4G or Wi-Fi.
module with Arduino Nano. The remote is used to control the In [7], the main objective of the author is to provide Home
smart socket locally. Current sensor is used to monitor the automation system by integration of smart phones, cloud
power consumed by home appliances to whom it is attached. computing, wireless and power line communication (PLC). The
The power consumption can be monitored using internet and system will be capable of providing the remote access to switch
is shown on LCD attached to the system as well. on and switch off various home appliances with in home. This
Electromagnetic sensor is used to monitor the door status, system facilitate the user by consolidating hand held wireless
either the door is open or closed. remote, PC based application and android application. In [8],
The main challenges faced by smart home systems are high the author explains a system which is based on standalone
ownership costs, poor security, poor management, and embedded system Arduino Mega Android Accessory
inflexibility. Some systems provide complete solutions but Development Kit. ADK acts as intermediary between home
those are very costly. These complex systems usually need to appliances and android mobile or tablet as ADK put forwards
be integrated when the building is constructed and must be the coming signal from the mobile/tablet to the devices. The
planned in advance. They are also difficult to upgrade or author presents the design and implementation of the system
replace once installed. The overall investment adds up that is capable of monitoring and controlling the home devices.
considerably and is financially infeasible in most cases. These In [9] the author suggests to design and implement a flexible
drawbacks hinder the popularity of such systems. Secondly, and secure cell phone based home automation system. The
world is in the grip of serious power crisis since many years. design is based on a standalone Arduino BT board and the home
A reason behind these severe crisis is the wastage of energy. appliances are connected to the input/ output ports of this board
Normally it is seen that the electricity load shedding increase via relays. The communication between the cell phone and the
in busy hours. Therefore, our designed system is able to Arduino BT board is wireless. This system is intended to allow
overcome all the above mentioned problems efficiently and a number of devices to be controlled with minimum changes to
cost effectively. its core. Only authorized users are allowed to access the system
The remaining part of this paper is organized as follows; as system is password protected.
related works is discussed in section II, section III outlines the In [10] the author suggests an innovative, detached and
internet of things. Prototype of proposed system is presented flexible ZigBee based smart home system. The system is
in section IV. Section V describes the components of IoT flexible and scalable that allows extra home appliances
based home system. The results and its analysis is discussed in designed by multiple vendors to securely add to the home
section VI, whereas last section concludes this paper. network with the minimum amount of extra work. The system
allows its owners to monitor and control the connected devices
II. RELATED WORKS locally, through multiple controls like any Wi-Fi enabled device
This section presents the existing techniques of smart home which supports Java or using ZigBee based remote control.
system based on IoT, ZigBee, Bluetooth and smart phones. Moreover, in this system a common home gateway is used to
In [3], smart homes are described to introducing the integrate ZigBee based home automation system and Wi-Fi
technology in your home environment for comfort, security, network. The network is interoperable, simple and flexible due
convenience and to provide energy efficiency to its occupants. to common home gateway that provides user interface, and
In [4], author describes that with advancement in sensor remote access to the system.
networks there comes a rapid increase in automation. [11] Come up with an idea to control the home using
Everything going to be automated rather than manual. Due to Bluetooth technology. System provides convenient access and
rapid increase in internet users a technology named Internet of monitoring to the home appliances with in short range.
things (IOT) emerged. IOT is an emergent network of daily AT89C51 single chip microcontroller is used to control the

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International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 14, No. 6, June 2016

designed circuit. Different functions are performed based on internet connection along with intelligent nodes which can take
programming of the circuit. The system is suitable only for decisions according to the environmental situation. There are
ordinary household applications. Only short range control of other domains e.g. healthcare, industrial automation,
different devices is provided in this system. In [12] the author transportation, and natural and other disasters where IoT can
proposed a Bluetooth based energy management system in play incredible role and can help us to improve quality of our
which devices communicate with energy management system. lives.
The devices communicate using Bluetooth low energy IoT elements help us to better understand the real
technology. The proposed approach elaborates that devices importance and functionalities of the IoT. In IoT Identification
of each object helps to identify the objects uniquely. Objects
automatically goes to stand-by state in peak hours while small
may use public IP addresses instead of private for identification.
devices remain in working condition. This saves energy as well
For providing a clear identity to objects within the network
as reduces the electricity bills. different identification methods are used e.g. IPv4 and IPv6.
In [13] the author introduced the emerging technology of Sensing includes collection of information from different
IoT for the purpose of environmental monitoring in smart objects in the network and to send that information on the cloud,
homes. The system is designed by integrating wireless sensor local server, or database. Then the gathered data is analysed in
network and internet of things. Sensor nodes are responsible for order to take particular actions based on services and data. In
sensing the provided environment and send the data to central IoT data can be gathered from smart sensors, wearable sensing
node. Central node is connected with Wi-Fi router acting as a devices and actuators. In IoT heterogeneous objects are
gateway in this system. The user monitors the data through connected with each other to provide specific smart services.
webpage. In [14] the author proposed a smart home system IoT objects communicate on lossy and noisy links because of
based on Wi-Fi technology and IoT technology. In this system the low power operation. Communication in IoT takes place
a low cost Wi-Fi module is used with different sensors and using protocols IEEE 802.15.4, Bluetooth, WI-FI, Z-wave etc.
home appliances in order to monitor and control them. Power In IoT data is processed using dispensation units e.g.
line communication is used to control the devices. System can microcontrollers and software applications e.g. cloud services.
be locally accessed through mobile phone or tablets. For remote The processing units and software applications specifies the
access of the system, the system comes up with home proxy and computational ability of the IoT. Hardware platforms used for
remote server. They are communicating with the smart device IoT are i.e. Arduino, Raspberry PI, Intel Galileo, UDOO etc.
using XMPP protocol. Remote server is capable of controlling The other important calculation part of the IoT is Cloud
and communicating different smart homes. platforms which facilitates different objects in order to send
their collected information to the cloud. The received data on
In [15] the author designed a system in order to minimize
cloud is then processed in real-time and helps the user to benefit
transmission delay and to handle large data. A new protocol is from the knowledge extracted. IoT services are important for
used to assist living in smart homes. The protocol used is named improvement of our life-style; these services include Identity
as wellness sensor networks. This protocol was used in early related services, Information aggregation services,
smart homes in nineties. A local database server is used for Collaborative aware services and Ubiquitous services. These
building statistics of data and data is sent to webserver for services are improving our daily lives by providing Smart home
remote access. In [16] the author proposed an IEEE 802.15.4 systems, intelligent transportation systems, Industrial
based smart home and energy monitoring system by using automation, Smart health care, Smart grid and Smart city. In
CC2430 on chip technology. Main focus of this paper was to IoT semantics refers to the ability of extracting knowledge from
design a hardware which is capable of doing automatic load different objects for the provision of required services.
balancing and load prioritization results in bill saving. In [17] Semantics recognize and analyse the information to take
the author proposed to design a system based on ZigBee based decision in order to provide exact services.
wireless sensor network. The system can be remotely accessed
via home gateway designed based on a LM3S9B96 chip and a
RF CC2520 chip. The gateway software uses real time
operating system free RTOS embedding both TCP/IP and
Figure 2. IoT elements
ZigBee protocol stack on it.
III. INTERNET OF THINGS In IoT sensors are capable to sense, think and perform
actions by having them communicate together, to share records
In this section, we briefly discuss the IoT which is an and information to make decisions. The general IoT elements
emerging network of daily objects from industrial machinery to are shown in figure 2. The general idea behind IoT is that each
consumer things that can exchange information and complete domain precise software is interrelating with domain unbiased
tasks when you are busy in other activities. A basic example of submissions, while in each area devises and actuators
such objects is smart home automation which uses mobile interconnects with each other without delay. IoT is projected to
devices or computers to control home devices using internet be used in smart homes as it allows its users to routinely open
from anyplace around the world. An automated home is their garage when reaching at their gates, turn on the fan when
sometimes called a smart home. It is intended to save the human temperature is getting high, notify the users if there is a gas
energy and electric energy. The proposed home automation leakage in the kitchen, and control their appliances when away
system differs from other existing systems as it allows its users from home using internet.
to control the system from anywhere across the world using

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Vol. 14, No. 6, June 2016

The architecture of IoT is consisted of three basic layers, room, the alarm will notify you when there is a gas leakage in
first is Perception layer which signifies the physical objects the kitchen and the alarm will also notify you when the main
such as sensors and actuators to perform different actions or to gate remained open for certain time.
monitors objects such as motion, temperature, humidity, Energy monitoring: In this portion temperature and current
energy, etc. Second is Network layer which is responsible for sensors are connected to the controller (Arduino Mega)
the transfer of data produced by the sensors by means of Wi-Fi, temperature sensor is used to automates the fan in the room as
Bluetooth, Infrared, GSM, ZigBee, etc. This layer allows the the fan will automatically turned on when the temperature rises
IoT applications to work with various types of objects with to certain value and the fan speed will gradually increase with
different kind of specified hardware platform. Other processes
the increase in temperature. Current sensor is used to monitor
handled by this layer are data management process and cloud-
the energy consumption of the appliances at home. The Wi-Fi
computing. Network layer is mainly used to collect data from
perception layer and processing the data for application layer. module is used to send the data to the internet and is accessed
Third is the Application layer which directly interacts with the at web page. The values of energy consumption and
user to which it offers the requested services. For example, this temperature are shown on web page and the control of the
layer can provide gas and temperature measurements to the user appliance is also connected on the web page which can be
who demands for such data. The last layer has significant accessed globally.
importance in IoT because it provide high quality intelligent Smart Socket: In this portion we designed a remote in which
services to the users they need. This layer covers various keypad and wireless module (NRF) working as sender are
marketplaces such as smart HealthCare, smart homes, industrial connected with controller (Arduino Nano). On the other hand
automation, smart grid, etc. socket is comprised of controller (Arduino Nano) which is
connected with wireless module (NRF) working as receiver and
IV. METHODOLOGY relay. Remote is used to control the socket locally.
Smart Meter: In this portion smart meter is designed which
A. Prototype of Intelligent Home Systems
comprises of current sensor and LCD connected with controller
The designed IoT based intelligent home system comprises (Arduino Mega). Smart meter is designed to calculate the
of four major portions as follows, energy consumption and number of units consumed in a smart
Automation: In this portion sensors are connected with the home.
controller (Arduino Mega) and automates different objects as;
The detailed working of IoT based intelligent home system
the light will automatically turned on when someone enters the
is shown in figure 3.

Door Sensor

Gas Sensor

Relay Arduino Nano Arduino Nano

Motion Sensor
Arduino Mega

Sensor Internet
Wi-Fi Module
End User

Current Sensor

Current Sensor Arduino Mega LCD

Relay Module

Figure 3. Prototype of intelligent smart home system

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Vol. 14, No. 6, June 2016

B. The designed architecture is comprised of four folds: mean square voltage and root mean square current. Arduino
digital domain is used to make all calculations for this portion.
Automation part is built by using following components as
LCD display is attached to Arduino mega, we used it for energy
following: Arduino mega is used for controlling the whole
monitoring locally. Arduino mega is controlling the Wi-Fi
automation part of the project. It is connected with the other
module and other circuitry used in this part of the project. It gets
modules used in automation as shown in figure 4. It actuates
the data from current sensors, calculates desired values and
different devices on the basis of sensors data. Sensors attached
shows these values on web page and LCD as well.
to Arduino Mega are following: Temperature and humidity
Figure 6 represents the flow of smart socket. Smart
sensor, Motion Sensor, Electromagnetic door sensor, Gas
socket is designed to remotely control the appliances within the
Sensor, Electromagnetic Relays are used to control and
room by a specially designed remote. This part consists of
automate the electrical appliances on the basis of sensors data.
following modules: Arduino Nano is connected with NRF
We used 5 Volt to power supply for micro-controller.
module and electromagnetic relays in order to automate the
home appliances like light, fan etc. It also controls the specially
Door Sensor Temperature Sensor Gas Sensor Motion Sensor
designed smart socket using remote. NRF module is used at
both ends to wirelessly control socket using remote. Keypad is
attached to the microcontroller on remote side in order to
control the socket.

Relay Wireless Module

Arduino Mega

Buzzer Fan Control Buzzer Relay Control Arduino Nano Arduino Nano

Figure 4. Automation flow

Energy monitoring part is used to monitor and control

the energy consumption of home appliances especially heavy Wireless Module Keypad
appliances by using web page as shown in figure 5. This part
consists of following modules: CC3000 Wi-Fi module is Smart Socket Remote
attached to Arduino mega; we used this to send data to the
internet and to receive commands through web page. Figure 6. Smart socket flow

Smart meter is used to monitor energy consumption of

Internet Web Page
home, is shown in figure 7. This circuitry is used to measure
electrical energy consumption in your home. It measures
voltage with an AC to AC step down transformer acting as
adapter and current with CT013 clamp sensor. This makes the
system pretty safe as there is no interaction needed with high
Wi-Fi Router voltages.

Current Sensor

Wi-Fi Module

CT Sensor
Sensor Arduino Mega LCD/ Display

Arduino Mega

Figure 5. Energy monitoring flow

This circuitry can be used to measure the power consumption

of different home appliances. It measures voltage with an AC
to AC step down transformer acting as power adapter and LCD/ Display
current by using a CT013 clamp sensor. This makes the system
pretty safe as no high voltages are used in this circuit. This Figure 7. Smart meter flow
designed portion can calculate real power, apparent power, root

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International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 14, No. 6, June 2016

The energy meter can calculate real power, and the units 3. Smart Socket
consumed in KWH. Arduino digital domain is used for Smart socket is comprised of Arduino Nano microcontroller
calculating values for this smart meter. LCD display is attached boards with electromagnetic relay and NRF transceivers.
to Arduino mega, which displays power consumption at home Remote is also build of same components, the only
and the unit’s consumed. It gets the data from current sensors, differentiation is that relay is replaced with keypad in order to
and calculates desired values. send the commands to the socket. It provides easiness to elders
in order to control any device with in the room as NRF
communicates with in eight to ten meters. Figure 10 shows the
smart socket.
This section briefly describes the components of IoT
based home system.
1. Automation
The components used in automaton part of this system are
PIR motion sensor, DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor,
MQ5 gas sensor and electromagnetic door sensor as shown in
figure 8. On the basis of data coming from sensors different
functions are performed like fan speed is controlled according
to temperature values and light turns on when someone enters
the room. Their statistics is also build.

Figure 10. Smart socket

4. Smart Meter
Figure 11 shows the smart meter. Smart meter is designed with
almost same components as used in energy monitoring part of
the system. Only Wi-Fi module is not used in this part of the
system. It is programmed so that it cannot only show us power
consumption at home but also calculates the units consumed.
Figure 8. Home automation

2. Energy Consumption Monitoring

The components used in energy monitoring part are CT013
current sensor, a step down transformer, LCD, cc3000 Wi-Fi
module, capacitors and resistors are shown in figure 9. Current
sensor clamped on the positive wire of the appliance whose
power consumption we want to monitor. The values are shown
locally on LCD and remotely on the web page.

Figure 11. Smart Meter

Figure 9. Energy consumption monitoring

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Vol. 14, No. 6, June 2016


This section represents the performance evaluation of our
intelligent home system based on IoT. The results are only
shown for energy consumption, voltage monitoring, and
temperature monitoring.
The designed system is tested by installing it in home
environment. Interconnecting with the home router using IPv4
such that router worked as IoT application gateway for the
designed system. Integrated system is continuously used and
generated real time graphical representation of the sensed data.
The rest of this section presents the results.
Figure 12 shows the energy consumption of a 100W bulb
from 9am to 11am. Power is calculated by using ampere and
voltage as under:
Power = Voltage * Current (amperes)
Both these values are graphically represented on IoT webpage
Figure 13. Temperature observed with respect to time
working on the embedded static IP of the Wi-Fi module. If some
appliances is consuming more power and exceeding the
threshold (a maximum limit), the user can control the appliance
through IoT webpage.
The real time temperature observed on the webpage against
time is shown in figure 13. Thus, on the basis of temperature
data the fan speed is automatically controlled. On the other,
hand the user can control the socket from the IoT webpage to
turn the air conditioner ON or OFF after getting temperature
Figure 14 shows the input voltage fluctuation for a 100 watt
electric bulb from 9am to 9pm. It is observed that in busy hours
the voltage drops to the minimum limit. As voltage vary, the
power consumption of the appliances also vary.
Figure 15 shows the power consumption of 1.5 Ton air
conditioner from 9am to 11 am. The power consumption varies
as voltages fluctuates, this is because the power is calculated as
a product of voltages and amperes it consumes. Results are
verified by taking these values using multi meter. Figure 14. Voltage variations with respect to time

Figure 12. Energy consumption of 100W bulb with respect to Figure 15. Power consumption with respect to time

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International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 14, No. 6, June 2016

VII. CONCLUSION and Information Technologies (ISCIT), 2013 13th International

Symposium on, Surat Thani, 2013, pp. 549-554.
The designed system overcomes almost all the existing [17] W. Yiqi, H. Lili, H. Chengquan, G. Yan and Z. Zhangwei, "A ZigBee-
highlighted problems. This system not only monitors the Based Smart Home Monitoring System," Intelligent Systems Design and
sensors data but also actuates a process according to the Engineering Applications (ISDEA), 2014 Fifth International Conference
on, Hunan, 2014, pp. 114-117.
requirement. This system highlights almost all important
Areeb Imtar Chaudary
scenarios of smart home systems like: smart security, alarming, currently pursuing his
smart metering and energy monitoring. This efficient and cost bachelor’s degree in
effective model can be implemented in a real environment. In Telecommunication and
future, this work can be extended to monitor and control the Networking from COMSATS
Institute of Information
home on a cloud. Technology, Sahiwal, Pakistan.
His research interests include
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and sensing technology,
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