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Master Plan FOR Drainage of Storm Water IN Union Territory of Delhi

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Master Plan for Storm water drainage of the

Urban (NDMC) and cantonment areas
in the Union Territory of Delhi.

Drainage system of New Delhi Municipal Committee area.

The complete drainage systems of the New Delhi Municipal Committee

area lie between the ridge on the West, the river Yamuna on the East and the
Ring Road – Kushak Nalla on the South. A plan of this area showing catchments
is enclosed as Drg. No.MPO/NDMC1. According to topography, most of the
drainage channels in this area fall into the Kushak Nalla-Barapulla nalla system.
Only a part of the area to the North of India Gate- Connaught Place line falls
directly into the river Yamuna through the MCD systems 12,12-A and 14.

The catchments of N.D.M.C. area can be generally categorized into three

distinct parts. (1) System No.1 to 16, which were built prior to 1939 (2)
Chanakya Puri Complex, (3) Sarojini Nagar and Lodhi Colony complex.

The system Nos. 1 to 16 of New Delhi area that were constructed prior to
1939 were initially designed for quarter inch run off from their catchments.
Recently all these systems have been augmented by addition of pipe lines and
they are sufficiently improved to cater for a unit discharge of half cusecs per
acre. Only in some exceptional cases like National Stadium area, which are
considerably low in comparison to surrounding drains, occasional pumping is
required during the monsoon. It may also be noted that the effective catchment
of the NDMC system No.2 to 16 has been sub-divided into paved areas and green
lawns, from actual site condition. Since the storm water in the green areas
mostly gets absorbed underground, instead of coming into any drain, the runoff
co-efficient for such areas are assumed as 0.2 cusecs Acre.

The systems 1 to 16 have been examined one by one and their details and
remodeling proposals are given in the subsequent pages.

The Chanakya Puri complex which was constructed much later after 1939,
is having its drainage systems designed for half cusecs per acre run off. At one
or two places like the roundabout behind Ashoka Hotel and the neighboring
areas, water stagnation occasionally occurs, mainly due to relatively high bed of
Kushak nalla, into which such areas ultimately drain. The Kushak nalla bed in all
such reaches are proposed to be lowered substantially.


The Lodhi Colony complex, although constructed later is not serving the
area well. All the internal barrels in the Lodhi Colony are of 2 feet diameters
which are grossly inadequate. The outfall drain from Lodhi Colony, behind the
Khanna Market, which ultimately falls into Sunehri Pull Nalla, also requires

The Karballa Nalla which serves the outer periphery of Lodhi Colony, gets
scoured on the banks for a considerable length every monsoon. It is proposed to
be replaced by a barrel or covered conduit in this reach, for which proposed L-
section is enclosed as drg. No.MPO/NDMC/18.

The Kushak Nalla-Barapulla Nalla system, which is the main arterial drain
for the NDMC area although quite adequate in width, requires considerable
lowering of beds at different reaches, which are indicated as drawing
No.MPO/NDMC/2 (Sheet No. 1 to 4). The design of this arterial drain, based on
rational formula, with 5 years frequency of rainfall is enclosed as statement II.
The tail portion of the Barapulla drain, although under the maintenance of MCD
is designed in continuation of its upper reaches and included in this statement.

The following remodeling works are considered to be of urgent nature in

N.D.M.C. zone.

1. Increasing the internal drainage system in Lodhi Colony.

2. Remodeling Karballa Nalla.
3. Lowering of Kushak Nalla bed near Chanakya Puri area.


(Refer drg. No. MPO/NDMC/2)

The first system although called the Kushak Nalla is not the natural
Kushak Nalla but is artificially dug channel pitched with bricks/stones in its
Head reach. It starts from Punchkuin area, runs along the toe of the Delhi Rock
Ridge, crosses the Kitchner Road passing near the Race Course Road. It crosses
the local Railway line, Aurbindo Marg and joints the Barapulla Nalla which has its
outfall in to the river Yamuna. The drain takes run off from the Delhi Ridge,
which otherwise would have entered and flooded the level parts of New Delhi.
It is an open channel throughout its length. Its total length from the starting
point upto the outfall point in river Yamuna is 15,100 metres. The total
catchment area of this drain is 31,994 acres. At RD.4270M. Diplomatic Nalla
joins Kushak Nalla below the junction of Sardar Patel Marg and Willingdon
Cresent Road. At RD.8300 Metres Nauroji Nagar nalla meets kushak Nalla above


the junction of Ring Road and Aurobindo Marg. At RD.9630 AIIMS nalla joins
Kushak Nalla near INA Colony. At RD.11,625, Defence Colony nalla falls into
Kushak nalla near Ring way limit. Thereafter, Sunehri Pull Nalla joins at RD.12,

The system from RD.0 to RD.8650 (INA Bridge) is under jurisdiction of

N.D.M.C. and from RD.8650 upto the outfall point i.e. RD.15,100 is under the
jurisdiction of M.C.D. The existing waterways of the drainage found quite
adequate to accommodate the entire run off from its catchment. It is seen that
the existing bed of the Nalla has got flat slopes and at places the bed of the
Nalla has either silted up or even scoured.

In order to have a uniform and non-silting velocity in the drain, the bed
slopes have been regarded. L-section showing the proposed regarding along with
the existing section of the drain for its entire length are attached as drawing
Nos. The design discharge of the Kushak Nalla Barapulla system has been
calculated on the basis of rational formula, with five years rainfall intensity of
2.17 inches per hour. The run off co-efficient are assumed as 0.60 from the
plane and 0.70 from the hilly catchments. The calculations showing the design
discharges of this system are enclosed as statement II.

The Barapulla Nalla at its tail reach, is having the serious problem of
sullage and sewage water, entering the from the authorized and unauthorized
colonies by its sides, under maintenance of W.S.S.D.U. This nuisance is causing
serious health hazard to the areas like Nizamudin, Bhogal, Jangpura etc., it is
essential that W.S.S.D.U. makes all arrangements to stop discharging sullage and
sewage from their jhuggi jhomparis and other unauthorized colonies. As regards
the authorized colonies W.S.S.D.U. should be severely penalized, if they are
found to be connecting their sewage pipe lines into Barapulla Nalla.

It is also suggested that, an oxidation pond may be constructed in the open

space between Lodhi Colony and Jangpura, for separating out the sullage and
allowing only Clear water into Bara Paulla thereafter.

The Bara Pulla Nall at is tail reach is affected by the pond level of Okhla
weir. As a result, even during the dry weather, a slight back water creates
stagnation in its til reach. There is a proposal of constructing a new Okhla
Barrage about 1 ½ Kilometer downstream of the present Okhla weir. The pond
level of this proposed Okhla Barrage will be higher than the existing pond level.
Naturally the effect of stagnation will be more pronounced then. In order to
avoid this condition of stagnation at the tail end, it is necessary to construct a


temporary end sill at the tailend of Bara Pulla Nala, by means of intermediater
pillars and karries. A small pump house is to be constructed at this point, to
pump out throughout the dry season the collected weather flow from Bara Pulla
Nala, across these karries, into the river Yamuna. During the flood season,
these karries will be removed, to allow free flow of the Bara Pulla discharge.
Otherwise serious afflux will occur at the railway bridge point, very near to the
tail end of the Bara Pulla Nala. The bridge girders are already within the
allowable free board.

The cost of this additional construction of karries and pump house will have
to be borne by then U.P. Irrigation department, who are proposing to raise the
pond level of Okhla Barrage creating stagnation in the tail of Bara Pulla Nala.

SYSTEM NO.2 (Refer drg. No. MPO/NDMC/3)

This drainage line starts from Kitchner Road, travels southwards till it
reaches a point near Safdarjung Road. Then it turns North-East and running
along Aurangzeb Road, outfalls into system No.4 at the crossing of Janapth and
Aurangzeb Road. This system comprises an underground barrel with its
diameter ranging from 600mm to 1275mm. Its total length from starting point
to the outfall point is 9590 feet. The total effective catchment area of this
system is fully developed. It carries total discharge of 84 cusecs. There is
also another drainage pipe line running along the South of Tinmurty Marg, which
start from Teen Murti Point and runs parallel to system No.2 and outfalls into
system No.4 at the crossing of Janpath and Aurangzeb Road. This comprises an
underground barrel with its diameter ranging from 975mm to 1650mm. Its total
length is about 8246 feet. Its effective catchment area is 182 acres. It
carries an discharge of 91 cusecs.

SYSTEM NO.3 (Refer drg. No. MPO/NDMC/4)

This drainage line starts from Safdarjung tomb corssing and travels along
Prithivi Raj Road and joins system No.2 at the junction of Aurangzeb Road and
South end road. This system forms and underground barrel with its diameter
ranging from 24” inches to 48”inches. It covers an effective catchment area of
about 71 acres which is fully developed comprising 60% paved area. The length
of the drain is about 3850’.

There is another existing underground pipe with its diameter ranging

between 42 inches to 66 inches. It runs almost parallel to the old alignment and
caters for the discharge of 88 cusec from the northern side of the catchment


area of 176 acres. This system has been surveyed by the MPO and the adequacy
of this system has been found to be all right.

SYSTEM NO.4 (Refer drg. No. MPO/NDMC/5)

It starts from a point west of South Avenue, and then it runs along
Dalhousle Road, Hastings Road and Aurangzeb Road and ends in the Cemetery
Chamber near the crossing of Nehru Marg and Man Singh Road. This system is
an underground pipe with its diameter ranging between 33” to 87 inches. It
covers an effective catchment areas of 388 acres and its total length is 10,153

There is another drainage line for his catchment which starts from Tyag
Raj Marg and runs along Duplex Road, Hastings Road, Aurangzeb Road and
ultimately joins with the system No.2 near the crossing of Aurangzeb Road and
Janpath. The total length of this system is about 6440 feet and the size of this
underground pipe varies from 39 inches to 81 inches. This system caters for the
discharge from the part area of system No.2 & 3 which is about 606 acres i.e.
for system No.4 catchment area 153 acres for system 3 catchment area 176
acres and for system No.2 catchment area 277 acres.

SYSTEM NO.5 (Refer drg. No. MPO/NDMC/6)

This system starts from a point near the south block of secretariat. It
travels along Nehru Marg, Maulana Azad Road and ends at cemetery chamber
near the junction of Man Singh Road and Nehru Marg. This system comprises an
underground barrel with its diameter ranging between 12 inches to 16 inches. It
drains an effective catchment area of 242 acres and its total length is 7229

There is an additional pipe line laid for this system, which starts near the
crossing of Mulana Azad Road and Duplex Road. It runs along Maulana Azad
Road and Nehru Marg and ultimately joins with system No.4 near the crossing of
Nehru Marg and Man Singh Road. This system is also an underground barrel with
its diameter ranging from 21 inches to 36 inches. Its total length is 4450 feet
and serves for the catchment area of 54 acre. The catchment area drained by
both the drainage lines under system No.5 is fully developed having 60% paved
area and 40% green area. It carries the total discharge of 91 cusecs (run off
co-efficient taken for paved area 0.5 cuesc/acre and 0.2 Cuesc/Acre for green


SYSTEM NO.6 (Refer drg. No. MPO/NDMC/7)

This system starts from Mandir Marg and runs along Talkatora Road joins
system No.7 at the junction of Talkatora Road and Parliament Street. This
system comprises an underground barrel with its diameter ranging from 18
inches to 48 inches. The total length of the system from its starting point upto
the outfall point is 5057 feet and serves an effective catchment area of 200.00
acres. The catchment area drained by this drain is fully developed having about
60% paved area and 40% green area. It carries the total discharge of 76
cusecs. (run off co-efficient taken for paved area @ 0.5 Cusec/Acre and for
green area 0.20 cusec/Acre.

SYSTEM NO.7 (Refer drg. No. MPO/NDMC/8)

This drainage line starts near North Avenue runs along Church Road, Lok
Sabha Marg, Rajindera Prasad Marg and Mansingh Road and ends is in the
cemetery Chamber near Man Singh Road and Nehru Marg crossing. This system
covers an effective catchment area of 533 acres and the total length of this
system is 13935 feet. This system is also an underground barrel with its
diameter ranging from 42 inches to 105 inches. The system has been surveyed
by the MPO and the adequacy of the section has been checked which shows that
no further remodeling of the system is necessary.

SYSTEM NO.8 (Refer drg. No. MPO/NDMC/9)

It starts from the Mandir Marg and travels along Kalibari Marg and Ashoka
Marg and joins with system No.12 near India Gate. This system comprises an
underground barrel with its diameter ranging from 24 inches to 84 inches. It
total length to 10,000 feet and covers an effective catchment area of 545
acres. System no.11 joins with this system at the junction of Kalibari Marg &
Market Road.

There is another existing underground drainage line for the system which
starts from the junction of Kalibari Marg runs along Panth marg, Talkatora Road
and finally joins in system No.7 at Red Cross Road near Parliament house. This
system starts from the junction point of system No.11 along with system No.9

This system caters from an effective catchment area of 66.13 acres and
the length of the drainage line is about 430 feet. The dia meter of the
underground barrel is 42 inches throughout its length. The entire system both


new and old has been surveyed by the MPO and the adequacy of the drainage line
has been checked.

SYSTEM NO.9 (Refer drg. No. MPO/NDMC/10)

This system starts from the junction of Punchkuin Road and Ramakrishan
Ashram marg. It runs along Punchkuin Road, passed through Connaught Place and
Curzon Road and joins Q point (Cemetery chamber). This system comprises an
underground barrel with its diameter ranging from 33 inches to 105 inches. The
total effective catchment area of this system is 538 acres. Its total length
from starting point to the outfall point is 15,369 feet. The catchment area of
this drain is fully developed with 50% paved area. The existing section of the
drain is found adequate to manage the runoff from its catchment. System No.10
falls in this drain at the junction of Janpath Road and outer circle of Connaught
Place and system No.8 meets at the junction of Ashoka road and Man Singh
Road. The discharge of system No.8 is being carried out by the new line laid do
along with system No.9.

SYSTEM NO.10 (Refer drg. No. MPO/NDMC/11)

This system starts at the junction of Reading Road and Albert Road and
turns along Lady Hardinge Road and joins system No.9 at Janpath. This system
comprises an underground barrel with its diameter ranging from 39 inches to 63
inches. The total effective catchment area covered from starting point to the
outfall point is 7706 feet. The catchment area of this system is fully developed
with 70% paved. The section of the drain is adequate and needs no remodeling.

SYSTEM NO.11 (Refer drg. No. MPO/NDMC/12)

This system starts from junction of Reading Road and Pres-by-terian Road,
runs along Pres-by-terian Road and market Road and joins system No.8. This
system comprises of an underground barrel with its diameter ranging from 18
inches to 42 inches. The total area of this system is 102.12 acres. Its total
length from starting point to the outfall point is 3,368 feet. The effective
catchment area of this system is fully developed with 50 percent paved. The
existing section of the drain is adequate to cater for the existing run off from
its catchment area.

SYSTEM NO.12 (Refer drg. No. MPO/NDMC/13)

N.D.M.C. system no.12 which covers the area around India Gate and
National Stadium is having a physical catchment area of about 490 acres. Out of
this, about 326 acres are being served by a regular pipe system which starts


from India Gate, runs along Purana Quila Road joins the MCD system No.14 (in
exhibition ground) Which is an open drain, ultimately discharging into the river
Yamuna. At the junction point between NDMC system No.12 and MCD system
No.14, there is a culvert under Mathura Road, which is quite inadequate in size
and partly choked. This culvert is in charge of MCD (General Wing).

The N.D.M.C. system No.12 is a covered drain all through, which has been
recently improved and has been designed for a capacity of half cusec per acre
for paved area and 0.2 cusec/acre for green area for the 326 acres of
effective catchment out of which 50% paved and 50% green. It carries an
discharge of 114.10 cusecs.

The balance 164 acres of area within this system, which is not serve by the
above barrel, is actually being drained as below.

National Stadium and its surrounding area which covers about 74 acres is a
low-lying depression. The storm water from this area is pumped out directly into
Delhi –Mathura Road side drain, which ultimately gets collected at the culvert
point across the Mathura Road. Another triangular portion to the North Purana
Quila Road, covering about 90 acres of land also get directly drained by an open
drain along the left side of Purana Quila road and discharges into the above

The area being lightly paved and consisting of large open green fields
around India Gate, is quite adequate in its carrying capacity, at the rate of half
cusecs per acre. No distress has been observed in this system, except at the
tail end which is due to inadequacy of the culvert.

SYSTEM NO.13 (Refer drg. No. MPO/NDMC/14)

This system starts from North of Connaught Place near the corner of
Punchkuin Road and after crossing the railway line near the Electric Sub-Station
at Minto Road. It runs along Rouse Avenue till it meets sen Nursing Home Nalla,
at Tilak Bridge, which is open drain and ultimately joins in river Yamuna. This
system, comprises an underground barrel with its diameter of 72 inches
throughout its length. Its total length from starting point (N.D.M.C. limits
Connaught Place) is 2450 feet.

The total effective Catchment area of this system upto N.D.M.C. limits is
5250 acres. The catchment area of this system is fully developed with 90%
paved. The existing section is found adequate to discharge of this entire run off
from the Catchment area.


There is another existing system starts from round about Rani Jhansi Marg
& Link Road, Punchkuin Marg and joins in this system at the junction of outer
circle of Connaught Place and Punchkuin crossing. Its total length is about 2,100
feet and effective catchment area is 5,150 acres. The diameter of the pipe is
66 inches throughout its length.

SYSTEM NO.14 (Refer drg. No. MPO/NDMC/15)

The drainage system No.14 NDMC starts from Connaught Place runs along
Barakhamba Road, Sikandra Road and cross Tilak Marg, enters the Railway
Colony and ultimately joins the MCD drain No.12A through a railway culvert. The
total catchment area of this system is 320 acres. Out of this, 250 areas is
being served by two parallel underground barrels, one varying in dia from 225
mm to 1,350mm and the other varying from 900mm to 1,125mm. These barrels
run along Barakhamba & Sikandra Road and ultimately reach Tilak Marg. The
total length of this barrel system is 2158 metres upto the outfall point.

The balance area of 70 acres, which is surrounded by Lyutein Road,

Sikandra Road and Tilak Marg, is directly discharging into the Road-side drain
along the western side of the Tilak Marg.

The catchment area being 60% paved and 40% green is expected to
discharge maximum 95 cusecs through the barrel, at the rate of 0.5 cusec from
paved and 0.2 cusec from green area. The discharge from the 70 acres directly
falling into Tilak Road drain will be maximum 35cusecs.

After it crosses the Tilak Marg, the discharge from this system reaches
the Railway Colony, where it creates drainage congestion, on account inadequate
culvert capacity under the Railway bridge. This problem has already been
discussed in the MCD drain are problems under city zone.

SYSTEM NO.15 (Refer drg. No. MPO/NDMC/16)

The drainage system No.15 of NDMC (at present under maintenance of

W.S.S.D.U.) starts from Qutab Road, runs along Paharganj crosses the Railway
line near the New Delhi Railway station and runs along Rouse Avenue upto Tilak
Bridge. Here it joins NDMC system No.13 that comes from North of Connaught
Place near Chelmsford Road, crosses the Railway line near the electric sub-
station at Minto Road and runs along the Rouse Avenue parallel to system No.15.
System No.15 and System No.13 join together at the Tilak Bridge and forms the
MCD drain No.12 which is also known as the Sen’s Nursing Home Nalla.


The total length of the system No.15 upto Tilak Bridge is 3,915 metres. It
total effective catchment is about 904 acres and carries a discharge of 452
cusecs , for which its section is adequate at the outfall point.

The system being a very old one, the actual cross sections at different
reaches could not be ascertained, in spite of maximum efforts. The main-holes
had no facility for access below. Only the bottom levels could be obtained from
the top. Therefore, the longitudinal section prepared in the Master Plan
indicates the required cross sections of the drain at different reaches. The
W.S.S.D.U. has to verify that the existing cross-sections are not less, in their
waterway available, than the proposed sections from the conditions of the
manholes it is also clear, that silt clearance of this drain is not being done for a
considerable number of years. Immediate arrangement for providing ladder
rungs for the purpose of silt clearance of the system must be done and all the
checking in the system should be removed.

The catchment area of this system is fully developed. As per designs in

the MPO, the required diameter of the system is to vary from 2,250mm to
3,00mm or equivalent. Near the outfall however, the slope being steeper, the
diameter can be reduced.


The N.D.M.C. system No.16 has long been handed over to the W.S.S.D.U.
and is forming the upstream part of the Delhi Gate Delhi. It starts from the
junction of Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg and Minto Road. It travels along the
Jawahar Lal Nehru marg and falls at the starting point of Delhi Gate Drain near
junction of Bahadur Shah Zaffer Marg. The problems of this drain have been
described in the MCD drain under City Zone.

Chanakya Puri and Lodi Colony Complex:

The above drainage Complex is situated in the heart of the Delhi City and
receives discharges from Chanakya Puri, Jor Bagh, Lodi Colony and Safder Jung
Aerodrome Topographically it is almost a flat area but still there is a variation in
the ground levels upto 5 metres due to the presence of very small local ridges.
Most of the above areas is being drained by way of underground drainage system
in form of underground storm water pipes. Small open catchment drains have
been constructed by the side of the major roads which drain into the
underground pipes which ultimately lead to main open drain. Chanakya Puri area
mainly consists of Embassies and is thus very thickly populated. The average
population may be of the order of 40-50 persons per acre. On the other hand


Jor Bagh and Lodi Colony area having the averge density of 60-100 persons/acre.
Safdarjung aerodrome is almost a green belt and is very thinly populated with
the average population of 20 persons per acre. Uniform design criteria of ½
cusecs /acre has been adopted for the design of the drains in the above

Karbala Nala:

Karbala Nala starts from the Mehrauli Road near the Jor bagh Road and
after running into the Zig Zag route from North to South and from West to
East outfall into Kushak Nala at RD.10260 meters near the Sewa Nagar Colony.
It received discharges from the Safdarjung aerodrome area and Jor Bagh
through small open catch drains and underground storm water pipes. At present,
the whole reach is stone lined though it looks proper maintenance in certain

The drain passes through the congested area in most of its reach and there
is no land available on either side of its banks for its remodeling. In addition to
above, this drain received sewage water throughout the year in addition to storm
water and this creates unhygienic conditions for the people having their houses
very close to the drain. It is, therefore, suggested that the whole reach of the
drain should be covered and should be constructed as underground rectangular
barrel drain or underground pipe drain as feasible.

The total catchment area of the drain has been worked out as 392 acres.
Thus the total discharge at the outfall point will be about 196 cusecs @ the ½
cusecs/acre of the catchment of the catchment area. The total length of the
drain is 1600 metres. The drain has thus designed for 195 cusecs discharge at
its outfall point. The L-section and cross section along with other relevant
details of the drain is enclosed as Drg. No.MPO/NDMC/

Lodi Colony Nala:

This nala starts from North-East corner of Lodi Colony and outfall into
Sunehri Pull Nala just 70 meters D/s of its starting point. It is about 560
meters long and passes through very undeveloped land. It receives discharge
from almost whole Lodi colony area by way of underground pipe drains and in
thus meant for removing the drainage congestion of Lodi Colony. It has been
observed that the existing section of the drain/nala is having its bed level lower
than the bed level of Sunehri Pulla Nalla at its outfall point. It is therefore,
suggested to flatten its u/s slope by constructing bed bars at its outfall point.
The total catchment area of the nala has been found as 460 acres and the


discharge at the outfall point at the rate of ½ cusecs will be 230 cusecs. The
drain has therefore been designed for 230 cusecs throughout the reach and its
remodeled- section along with cross section and other relevant details in
enclosed as drg. No.MPO/NDMC/…………….. It has been observed that there are
only two culvert in the whole reach which needs remodeling. The remodeled
sizes of the culverts are also given in the L-Section.

Ashoka Hotel Drain (Refer drg. No. MPO/NDMC/17)

This drain starts from Kautalya Marg behind the Ashoka Hotel and outfalls
in Kushaknalla at RD…. The total length of the drain is only 85 meters. It
received discharges from almost all embassies by way of open catch water drains
and underground storm water pipe drain. Almost all major roads have been
provided with open small catch water drains which discharge into underground
pipe drains & it ultimately leads to above nala. The total catchment area of drain
is about 540 acres. Thus the discharge at the outfall point will be 270 cusecs at
the rate of ½ cusecs /acre. The existing section of the drain is having an
average bed width of 6 meters and is capable of taking the above discharge
except it is not maintained properly and thus needs slight regarding. The
remodeling L-section of the drain is enclosed at Appendix—as mentioned above
this drain passes through the diplomatic colony; it will be preferable if this drain
is converted into the covered one. The drain has also been designed as a
covered drain either of the two may be selected as feasible.

Master Plan for the drainage system of Delhi Cantonment.

Delhi cantonment is situated on the South-Western side of Delhi. It

covers an area of 26 Sq. Kms. Of which 3.2 Sq. Kms area is hilly, 19.6 Sq. Kms is
urbanized and 3.2 Sq. Kms is plain rural area. In the urbanized portion, the
cantonment area is very sparsely paved. About 20% to 25% is paved at present.
The average land slope in the hilly portion is 1 in 70. The drainage of area is
towards the eastern side and ultimately falls into the Najafgarh drain through
the Palam drain. The area near the Sadar bazaar main drain and Maudline drain
are relatively congested and practically 80% built up.

All the drains in the cantonment area are constructed and maintained by
the Engineering Department under the Chief Engineer, Delhi Cantt. Most of the
drains are lined and are found to be quite adequate in their carrying capacity.
The existing drainage system has been surveyed completely and their adequacy
has been checked with the unit discharge of half cusecs per acre from the
urbanized area and 50 cusecs per sq.mile for the hilly areas. A Catchment Plan


and the longitudinal sections of all these drains are enclosed (vide drg.
MPO/Cant/1 to 24) Only a few modifications are necessary which are also
indicated in the drawings.

At a point near the Loreto School, there is a low depression where water
logging takes place at times of heavy rain. Necessary drains from this pocket
are also indicated in the enclosed drawings.

The rainfall in the cantonment area is similar to that a city of Delhi. The
nearest rain gauge station is that at Palam Air Port. The design discharges
adopted for this catchment are similar to their adopted in urban Delhi. About 9
drains in the cantonment area requires widening or silt clearance. There are
cases of breaches on the banks of some of these drains, particularly in the
Railway station link Drain. The sections of these drains should be adequately
remodeled and their silt clearance must be carried out every year, after the

About 50% of the drains in the cantonment area falls into the Palam drain
across the Railway line. The other drains are falling directly into the Palam
drain. All these are ultimately flowing into the Najafgarh drain.

It has been gathered from the cantonment authorities that there is no

immediate possibility of increase in the building activities in the cantonment
area. As such the presement number of drains need not be increased.


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