Design of 250 W AC Series Motor

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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(34), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i34/100833 September 2016 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

Design of 250 W AC Series Motor

S. Arjun1*, P. Ramesh1, N. Sathyanarayanan2, R. Elavarasan2, R. Hemantha Kumar2 and N. C. Lenin2
Power Electronics and Drives, VIT University - Chennai Campus, Chennai - 600127, Tamil Nadu, India,

[email protected], [email protected].
School of Electrical Engineering, VIT University - Chennai Campus, Chennai - 600127, Tamil Nadu, India;
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].

Objectives: This article is aimed at providing a detailed design of a 250 W AC series motor. Analytical design of the motor
is performed to determine the armature winding design, commutator diameter, magnetic circuit analysis. The motor is
simulated to estimate its performance. Methods/Statistical Analysis: To estimate the performance of the motor, the
motor is simulated and finite element analysis is implemented to determine the flux density, electromagnetic torque under
different operating speeds. The results of magnetic circuit design and commutator design are used in the finite element
method to simulate the motor accurate to practical conditions. Form the obtained results the losses are determined.
Findings: The results obtained include the flux density plot and the electromagnetic torque for different speeds. From the
obtained results the performance of the motor is evaluated and the losses are tabulated. Applications/Improvements:
The motor is designed to run a washing machine. Other general applications of the motor are mixers, drilling machines,
vacuum cleaners, water sprinklers.

Keywords: AC Series Motor, Commentator, Finite Element Analysis, Magnetic Circuit, Silicon Steel

1. Introduction armature having 18 slots. As the machine is a two pole

machine, we use double layer progressive lap winding
The universal motor is widely used due to its power rating wound around the armature. Since we use double layer
in the range of fractional kilowatts, very high speeds in the winding, the number of commutator segments is equal to
range of 20 rpm to 20000 rpm which is not provided by the number of coils which is 18 for which the back pitch
any conventional motors. The advantage of its availability is taken to be 19 and the front pitch as 17.
in small sizes makes it useful in the field of agriculture; Let C – the number of coils on the armature periphery.
other major applications of this motor are washing p - The number of poles.
machines, vacuum cleaners, drilling machines, mixers etc.
Many design structures have been incorporated for the 2.2 Magnetic Circuit Design
ac series motor to improve its performance for meeting Magnetic circuit analysis is performed in order to
the consumer requirements. One such design is the use determine the distribution of magnetic flux density
of soft magnetic composites. The motor being useful in at different parts of the machine and to calculate the
many day to day domestic applications requires refining necessary ampere turns (mmf) required to establish the
its performance and its design1-4.The analytical design of same all across the machine. The total mmf fed to the
the motor is performed in which the commutator design machine is split into five parts each for the stator back
is dealt in detail. iron, stator tooth, rotor back iron, rotor tooth and the
air gap. The output power of the motor and the main
2. Analytical Design dimensions are related as,
P = π 2 B (ac) D 2 LN kW
2.1 Armature Winding Design
The armature and stator are built of silicon steel with the Where,

* Author for correspondence

Design of 250 W AC Series Motor

N- Speed of the motor in rps, Segment thickness

P- Output power,
D- bore diameter, t = π Dc /18 mm (5)
Bav - specific magnetic loading, Commutator bar thickness
ac - specific electric loading, d = t-0.4 mm (6)
L – Stack length. Area of brush = I / δ; mm2 (7)
δ - Current density of the brush material.
The specifications of the motor are given in Table 1. Generally taken to be 10 A/cm2,
I – rated current at the brush.
Table 1. Motor specifications
Brush width b = d = t-0.4mm (8)
Parameters Proposed model
Voltage 230V Table 3. Commutator parameters
Speed 14000rpm Parameters Calculated values
Output power 250W Diameter of Commutator 25 mm
Efficiency 68.88% Segment thickness 4.36 mm
Commutator bar thickness 4.03 mm
The air gap flux is determined from specific magnetic Brush Area 0.258 cm2
loading as, Brush Width 4.36 mm
φ = Bav D L Wb (2) Brush Height 8.7 mm

From the value of air gap flux the flux densities at different
parts of the machine such as air gap, stator back iron, 3. Finite element analysis
stator tooth, rotor back iron, rotor tooth are determined
for which the necessary ampere turns are tabulated in To optimize and predict the performance of the motor
Table 2. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is adopted. The numerical
technique is used to compute the developed torque,
Table 2. Magnetic circuit analysis current drawn by the machine and the magnetic flux
Machine parts Ampere turns(A/m) density distribution. The finite element model of the
Air gap 332.904 motor is shown in Figure 1. The transient 2-D analysis is
Stator back iron 3779.597 performed on the motor for different speeds to compute
Stator tooth 96.289 the electromagnetic torque. To simulate the actual motor,
Rotor back iron 70.3268 the commutator and brushes were designed in the
Rotor tooth 510.340 software and motion analysis was performed to evaluate
the performance of the motor under transient conditions.
2.3 Commutator Design
The diameter of the commutator is limited by the
peripheral velocity given as

π Dc N ≤ 15 m / s (3)
The diameter of the commutator is chosen to be half of
the bore diameter and the brush width equal to the width
of the commutator segment. The dimensions of the brush
are computed in proportion to the width of commutator Figure 1. Finite element model of the motor.
bars accordingly the brush angle is determined. The
designed values of the commutator and brushes are 4. Results
tabulated in Table 3.
Dc = 0.5 D mm (4) The results of 2–D Transient motion analysis are depicted

2 Vol 9 (34) | September 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
S. Arjun, P. Ramesh, N. Sathyanarayanan, R. Elavarasan, R. Hemantha Kumar and N. C. Lenin

and described in this section. All the results show the

variation of rotor current and the electromagnetic torque
with time. The model is simulated for a minimum of 3
cycles and the starting performance of the motor at
different speeds are Shown. The flux density plot shows
the distribution of magnetic flux density with a maximum
flux density of 2.5 Tesla which is shown in Figure 2. The
results of source current and torque at 14000 rpm are
shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. They show a peak current
of 1 A when run at rated rpm. Form these results the losses Figure 4. FEA result-torque at 14000 rpm.
are computed and it is compared with the existing model.
The total copper loss of the designed model is computed 5. Conclusion
through FEA as 19.418 W and the iron losses summing to
A Universal motor rated for 250 W was designed to
2.1415 W. The total losses together being 21.559 W.
function under the operating conditions provided by
a washing machine. The designed motor provides an
efficiency of 68.88%. Further by providing certain design
modifications in the shape of the stator structure we
will be able to obtain better performance with improved

6. References
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of flux density at different parts. The maximum flux density CO’99 ICEEE; 1999. p. 314-9.
is shown by the dark red portion. 2. Cros J, Viarouge P, Chalifour Y, Figueroa J. A new struc-
ture of universal motor using soft magnetic composites.
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3. Liu H, Woodburn D, Lin S, Wu TX, Wei J, Cao K. Design
of a high speed universal motor for organic agriculture ap-
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p. 314-7.
4. Di Gerlando A, Perini R. The universal motor: A classic
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Figure 3. FEA result-source current at 14000 rpm.

Vol 9 (34) | September 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3

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