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Antifungal activity of oligochitosan against nine phytopathogens was investigated in vitro. Oligochitosan was more eVective than
chitosan in inhibiting mycelial growth of Phytophthora capsici and its inhibition on diVerent stages in life cycle of P. capsici was observed.
Rupture of released zoospores induced by oligochitosan was reduced by addition of 100 mM glucose. The eVects of oligochitosan on
mycelial growth and zoospore release, but not zoospore rupture, were reduced largely when pH value was above 7. The ultrastructural
study showed that oligochitosan caused distortion and disruption of most vacuoles, thickening of plasmalemma, and appearance of
unique tubular materials. Plasmalemmasomes in hyphal tip cells were not found in the presence of oligochitosan. These results suggest
polycationic nature of oligochitosan contributes only partly to its antifungal activity and multiple modes of action of oligochitosan exist
including the disruption of endomembrane system.
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0048-3575/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
J. Xu et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 87 (2007) 220–228 221
ammonialyase (PAL) and peroxidase (POD) [21], up-regu- 2.3. EVect of oligochitosan on mycelial radial growth
lation of genes transcription of -1,3-glucanase and chiti-
nase [20], formation of pisatin [22–24], and lignin Mycelial discs (6 mm in diameter) of test fungi grown on
deposition [21]. The mechanisms by which oligochitosan PDA plates were cut from the margins of the colony and
elicits the defense response of plant have not been fully elu- placed on PDA plates containing diVerent concentrations
cidated and octadecanoid pathway was suggested to play a of oligochitosan (0, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 g ml¡1). Stock
role in signaling by oligochitosan [25]. solution of oligochitosan was diluted with sterile distilled
Moreover, antifungal activity of oligochitosan has also water and added to sterile molten PDA to obtain the
been observed against several fungi [11]. Interestingly, olig- desired oligochitosan concentrations. After incubation at
ochitosan (hexamer unit) that elicited maximal pisatin for- 25 °C for 3–10 days, mycelial radial growth was measured
mation also exhibited higher antifungal activity against and activity was expressed as EC50 (the concentration
Fusarium solani than the lower DP (degree of polymeri- inhibiting growth by 50%) and MIC (the minimum concen-
zation) oligomers and chitosan [22]. Recently, penetration tration showing over 90% inhibition of mycelial growth)
of Xuorescent labeled chitosan oligomers with molecular estimated by probit analysis. EVect of chitosan (in 1% v/v
weight under 8000 into living cells of Escherichia coli were aqueous acetic acid) on mycelial radial growth of four
observed and oligochitosan was suggested to inhibit bacte- strains (F. graminearum, B. cinerea, P. capsici, V. dahliae)
ria from inside the cell [26,27]. This is clearly diVerent from was tested under the same condition as described above.
chitosan that adsorbed to bacterial walls leading to walls Results were analyzed statistically using the two-tailed
covering, membrane disruption and cell leakage [28–31]. At unpaired student’s t-test to determine diVerences with olig-
present, relative little attempt has been made to elucidate ochitosan (P< 0.05).
the mechanisms of antifungal activity of oligochitosan. EVect of pH on eYcacy of oligochitosan (1 mg ml¡1) was
We have previously reported the preparation of oligoch- tested on B. cinerea and P. capsici under the same condi-
itosan by enzymatic depolymerization [32] and its elicitor tions described above except medium pH values, from 4 to
activity [33–35]. This paper describes the antifungal activity 7 with one pH unit interval, were adjusted with 1 M NaOH
of oligochitosan against phytopathogens and more speciW- or HCl. All experiments were repeated two times with three
cally to Phytophthora capsici in vitro. The eVects of oligoch- replicates.
itosan on diVerent stages in the life cycle of P. capsici and
on hyphal ultrastructure were examined to gain more infor- 2.4. EVect of oligochitosan on zoosporangia production,
mation on its mode of action. zoospore release, zoospore motility, cystospore germination
of P. capsici
2. Materials and methods
For zoosporangia production test, Wve mycelial disks
2.1. Preparation of oligochitosan (6 mm in diameter) were cut from the edge of the actively
growing culture and immersed in 15 ml sterile distilled
Chitosan (minimum 95% deacetylated, molecular water containing 0.3, 1, 3, and 10 g ml¡1 oligochitosan in
weight (MW): 300,000–500,000 Da) was purchased from plates (
D 9 cm). Three replicate plates of each concentra-
Jinan Haidebei Marine Bioengineering Co., Ltd. (Shang- tion, in addition to control plates containing sterile distilled
dong, China). Oligochitosan with a degree of polymeri- water, were prepared. Following 36-h incubation under a
zation (DP) of 3–9 was prepared by enzymatic 25 W daylight lamp at 25 °C, zoosporangia along the mar-
hydrolysis of chitosan according to our previous method gins of each mycelial disk were observed with a light
[32,34]. Oligochitosan was prepared as a stock solution inverted microscope (COIC XSZ-D, Chongqing Optical
at 40 mg ml¡1 in sterile distilled water and stored in the Instrument Factory, China).
dark at ¡20 °C. EVect of oligochitosan (in sterile distilled water) on zoo-
spore release, zoospore motility, cystospore germination
2.2. Pathogens and cultures was tested in 96 well microtiter plates (MaxiSorp Nunc).
Zoosporangia suspension (2 £ 104 zoosporangia ml¡1) and
Fusarium graminearum, Phytophthora capsici, Verticil- zoospore suspension (1 £ 105 zoospore ml¡1) of P. capsici
lium dahliae were kindly provided by Dr. Xiaoming Zhao were obtained by the method of Young, D.H. [36]. Oligoch-
(Department of Plant Pathology, Northwest Agricultural itosan solution (50 l) was added to the well containing
University, Yangling, China); Alternaria solani, Botrytis 50 l zoosporangia suspension for zoospore release test.
cinerea, Colletotrichum orbiculare, Exserohilum turcicum, For zoospore motility and cystospore germination tests,
Fusarium oxysporum, Pyricularia oryzae by Dr. Xuerui Yan 50 l oligochitosan solution was added to the well contain-
(Department of Plant Pathology, Shenyang Agricultural ing 50 l zoospore suspension at the beginning of and
University, Shenyang, China). All nine isolates were main- 120 min after the incubation, respectively. Fifty microlitres
tained on potato dextrose agar (PDA) (potato infusion of sterile distilled water was added to the control well. After
from 200 g l¡1, 20 g l¡1 dextrose, and 15 g l¡1 agar) in the incubation at 25 °C for 240 min, approximately 150
dark at 25 °C. zoosporangia were observed with the light microscope and
222 J. Xu et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 87 (2007) 220–228
inhibition percentages of zoospore release of P. capsici were (C. orbiculare, E. turcicum, F. graminearum, F. oxysporum,
calculated. Zoospore motility and cystospore germination V. dahliae) showed weak sensitivity when exposed to olig-
were assessed after 60 min and 22 h incubation at 25 °C, ochitosan supplemented PDA (EC50 > 2 mg ml¡1). How-
respectively. ever, 6 mg ml¡1 oligochitosan could not completely inhibit
In some tests, ATP (an energy supplier) or glucose (an the growth of all nine strains (data not shown).
osmotic stabilizer) was added to the zoosporangia or zoo- Four strains with diVerent sensitivity to oligochitosan
spore suspension to gain more information on mode of were tested for comparison of the inhibition eYcacy of
action of oligochitosan by the method described by Mitani chitosan and oligochitosan. As shown in Fig. 1, only P. cap-
S. [37]. BrieXy, ATP in Tris–HCl buVer (pH 7.3), or glucose sici was more eVectively inhibited by oligochitosan at con-
in distilled water, was added to the zoosporangia or zoo- centrations below 2 mg ml¡1. Mycelial growth of B. cinerea
spore suspension at 10 min before addition of oligochitosan was more sensitive to oligochitosan than to chitosan at
to give Wnal concentrations of 20 M and 100 mM, respec- 2 mg ml¡1. There was no signiWcant diVerence between olig-
tively. All experiments were repeated two times with three ochitosan and chitosan on growth inhibition of F. grami-
replicates. EC50 and MIC values of oligochitosan on zoo- nearum. Although V. dahliae was most resistant to both
sporangia production, zoospore release, zoospore motility, chitosan and oligochitosan among the test fungi, it was
and cystospore germination of P. capsici were estimated by more sensitive to chitosan at tested concentrations.
probit analysis. On PDA medium with pH values from 4 to 6, inhibition
of oligochitosan on mycelial growth of P. capsici and B.
2.5. Transmission electron microscopy cinerea was not signiWcantly aVected (Fig. 2). When pH
value was adjusted to 7, eVect of oligochitosan on P. capsici
P. capsici mycelial tips (5 mm) from the margins of activ- dropped signiWcantly from 86% to 28%. While on the con-
ity growing colony on Erwin medium [38] amended with 0, trary, eVect of oligochitosan on B. cinerea was not changed.
10, and 100 g ml¡1 oligochitosan were cut down and Wxed Mycelial growth of both two strains in the absence of olig-
with 1% w/v OsO4 solution. After Wxation, samples were ochitosan was not signiWcantly aVected at all pH values
dehydrated with ethanol and embedded in Epon 112. Thin tested (data not shown).
sections were cut and double-stained with uranyl acetate
and lead citrate. The grids were examined with a JEM- 3.2. EVect of oligochitosan on diVerent stages in the life cycle
2000EX (JEOL, Japan) transmission electron microscope. of P. capsici
Fig. 1. EVect of chitosan and oligochitosan on mycelial growth of P. capsici, B. cinere, F. graminearum and V. dahliae. Measurement of mycelial growth
was performed three days after inoculation with P. capsici and B. cinerea and six days after inoculation with F. graminearum and V. dahliae. Vertical bars
within the same concentration with diVerent letters are signiWcantly diVerent according to two-tailed unpaired student’s t-test (P D 0.05).
Incubation with oligochitosan could lead to the rupture and 100 g ml¡1 oligochitosan inhibited growth of P. cap-
of zoospores. After 60-min incubation with 50 g ml¡1 olig- sici mycelium by 39% and 86%, respectively. Mycelial tips
ochitosan, 98% zoospores were ruptured. Glucose with the from the actively growing culture were examined by elec-
Wnal concentration of 100 mM protected zoospore from tron microscopy. Hyphae of P. capsici grown in the absence
rupture when concentrations of oligochitosan were of oligochitosan showed typical ultrastructural features of
50 g ml¡1 or below (Fig. 4). While on the contrary, pres- the genus (Figs. 5A and D). The hyphal cell was enclosed by
ence of 20 M ATP at pH 7.3 in Tris–HCl buVer showed no a distinct electron-opaque cell wall (CW) and an undulated
eVect on oligochitosan induced zoospores rupture. plasmalemma. Many organelles were observed such as vac-
After 22-h incubation, cystospore germination in control uole (V), lipid body (L), mitochondria (M) and dense body
was ca. 89% while oligochitosan at 150 g ml¡1 completely (DB). Vigorous hyphal tip growth was marked by plasma-
inhibited cystospore germination. The EC50 and MIC val- lemmasomes (Pl) between cell wall and plasmalemma (Figs.
ues of oligochitosan on cystospore germination were 36.5 6A and C). In the presence of 10 g ml¡1 oligochitosan, vac-
and 64.3 g ml¡1, respectively. uole distortion was the most pronounced ultrastructural
feature in the hyphal tip (Figs. 5B and E). Besides, plasma-
3.3. EVect of oligochitosan on ultrastructure of P. capsici lemmasomes were no longer observed. Distortion of cell
wall, although less frequently, was also observed in hyphal
Oligochitosan was more eVective on inhibiting mycelial tip (Fig. 5B). At a higher concentration of 100 g ml¡1, olig-
radial growth on a synthesis Erwin medium (Table 2). 10 ochitosan led to more conspicuous cytological changes. The
224 J. Xu et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 87 (2007) 220–228
Fig. 2. EVect of pH on antifungal activity of oligochitosan against P. cap- Fig. 4. EVect of glucose on zoospore rupture caused by oligochitosan.
sici and B. cinerea. Measurement of mycelial growth on pH-adjusted PDA 100 mM glucose in sterile distill water was added 10 min before addition
amended with 1 mg ml¡1 oligochitosan was performed three days after of oligochitosan. Zoospore rupture was measured after 60 min incubation.
inoculation with P. capsici and B. cinerea.
Fig. 5. Transmission electron micrographs of P. capsici hyphae. (A and D) – Longitudinal (A) and transverse (D) sections of P. capsici hyphae grown on
Erwin solid medium in the absence of oligochitosan (control), showing normal cell wall (CW), vacuoles (V), lipid bodies (L), mitochondria (M), dense
body (DB) and plasmalemmasome (Pl). (B and E) Longitudinal (B) and transverse (E) sections of P. capsici hyphae grown on Erwin solid medium con-
taining 10 g ml¡1 oligochitosan. Note distorted and disorganized vacuoles (arrowheads) and the distortion of cell wall (arrow). Plasmalemmasome is no
longer found. (C and F) Longitudinal (C) and transverse (F) sections of P. capsici hyphae grown on Erwin solid medium containing 100 g ml¡1 oligochi-
tosan. Note disruption of most vacuoles, thickening of plasmalemma (arrow) and appearance of tubular materials (arrowheads) in apical hyphae. Plasma-
lemmasome is also not found. Scale bar D 1 m.
Four strains with diVerent sensitivity to oligochitosan that both zoospore release and zoospore rupture of
were also tested for their sensitivity to chitosan in our study Phytophthora are connected to impairment of the energy gen-
and P. capsici was the only strain that showed more sensi- eration system [37,41] and osmotic pressure [42,43]. Addition
tivity to oligochitosan at low concentrations (Fig. 1). DiVer- of ATP (an energy supplier) or glucose (an osmotic stabi-
ence in sensitivity of B. cinerea to oligochitosan and lizer) prior to treatment with respiration inhibitor was able to
chitosan depended on the concentration. Oligochitosan reduce the inhibition on zoospore release and rupture of zoo-
(puriWed hexamer or synthesized octamer) has exhibited spore, respectively [37]. It is notable that addition of ATP
higher antifungal activity against Fusarium solani than the was not able to reduce the inhibition of oligochitosan on zoo-
lower DP oligomers and chitosan [22,24]. While our studies spore release (Fig. 3) and zoospore rupture (Fig. 4). On the
showed no diVerence between oligochitosan and chitosan contrary, zoospore rupture was greatly reduced by addition
on mycelial growth of F. graminearum. These diverging of 100 mM glucose prior to treatment with 15–50 g ml¡1
results may originate from the diVerence in degree of poly- oligochitosan (Fig. 4). Oligochitosan also induced leakage of
merization of oligochitosan used in the research. Because electrolytes from mycelium of P. capsici (Junguang Xu,
oligochitosan used in our research was a mixture of chito- unpublished data) which has been found on diVerent fungi
san oligosaccharides with DP of 3–9. treated with chitosan [5,8]. These observations indicate that,
Oligochitosan at low concentrations inhibited diVerent similar to chitosan, oligochitosan may act on the cell mem-
stages in the life cycle of P. capsici including zoosporangia brane by upsetting osmotic pressure.
production, zoospore release, cystospore germination, and Polycationic nature of chitosan is believed to be the key
induced the rupture of released zoospore. It is well known to its antimicrobial properties as has been shown in tests
226 J. Xu et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 87 (2007) 220–228
Fig. 6. Transmission electron micrographs of P. capsici hyphae tip. (A and C) Hyphal tip of P. capsici grown on Erwin solid medium in the absence of olig-
ochitosan (control). Plasmalemmasomes (Pl) between cell wall (CW) and plasmalemma, shown in detail in (C), are clearly visible. (B, D, E and F) Hyphal
tip of P. capsici grown on Erwin solid medium containing 100 g ml¡1 oligochitosan. (B) Vacuoles are not visible. Thickening of plasmalemma (arrow)
and appearance of tubular materials (arrowheads) in apical hyphae are notable. (D) Thickening of plasmalemma (arrow) compared with normal thin layer
plasmalemma (arrow in (C)). Tubular materials linked with plasmalemma (arrowhead in (E)) or vesicles (arrowheads in (F)) are clearly visible. Scale
bar D 0.2 m.
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