Social Change and Women Nazhath Sara

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International Research Journal of Social Sciences______________________________________ ISSN 2319–3565

Vol. 4(12), 46-48, December (2015) Int. Res. J. Social Sci.

Social Change and Women

Nazhath Sara
DOS in Sociology, Manasagangotri, University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka, INDIA
Available online at:
Received 11th February 2015, revised 28 th October 2015, accepted 30th November 2015
Everyday in our life start with the word change, from beginning of the day we start with the discussion of what was the
situation in past one year, one decade, or in past twenty five years. How things have changed whether values, customs,
mores, norms, religion, culture, tradition, believes so on and so forth. Without doubt change has left no corner of society
and human life. Women are no exception to change. We find that if we start to write about the life of women there will be
shortage of ink and paper. One interesting thing is that in each corner of globe where we find human habitation there
women status is next to men, in almost all culture and community. This fact itself has become law of nature.

Keywords: Social change, status of women, education, empowerment, employment, women in politics.

Introduction Sharma K.L (2008) in his book “Indian Social structure and
change”, has explained that the concept of social change is a
“Change” refers to any deviation from accepted way of life or very broad one. It consists of constellation of process of change
established lives. Social change is the change in society at large. in human society in terms of place, time and context. Besides
Society has been defined by MacIver as “web of social the concepts of social change, the concepts of evolution,
relationships”. Change which has occurred in these social revolution, progress, development, social movements and
relationships is social change. Thus whatever perceptible process have also been discussed in his book2.
alterations or modifications taking place in the mutual behavior
between individuals is the sign of social change. Since society is Percy Cohen (1979) has said that one might also distinguish
a process not product. If it had been product then there would between minor changes and major or fundamental changes in a
not have been changes. Processes are ongoing change therefore society3.
they bound to change. Society is changeful and dynamic, it can
never remain static. We can say that change is a law of society Davis defined this process as “an alteration in and contentment
unchanging society is a myth 1. of a society.”

Women have been key agents of social change as well, and Jones said that “social change is nothing but variations in,
because of social change there is tremendous change in the lives modification of, any aspect of social process, social patterns,
of women. These women are not only the beneficiaries of social interaction, or social organization”.
change they are the key agents for change. Throughout India’s
long struggle for independence, women stood shoulder to Koenig S is of the opinion that “social change is modifications
shoulder with men. The Freedom Movement was their (women) which occur in the life patterns of a people”.
movement, and the battles were their(women) battles. In fact, it
was a woman- Rani of Jhansi who fired the first shot that began Above mentioned are the simplest definitions regarding social
the freedom struggle in 1857. change

While the women of India worked, fought and died for freedom, History of Women Status in India
few have been able to share the fruits of that freedom. They
remain subjugated, marginalized and disenfranchised, as they Change in the attitude of women is not from recent time but,
have been throughout history. Today, their struggle for bringing change has taken place many years ago. Chitkara (2001) in her
change is again the nation’s struggle. Freedom for India’s book “women and social transformation” mentions that, the
women means freedom for India to create a new future. major impetus in recent years, in bringing about a change in the
attitude of women has come from the national movement for
Review of Literature independence. The appeal to women ‘per se’ was a major plank
in Gandhi’s policy. Participation of women in the politics of the
Different Sociologist has different opinion about social change. national movement was an act of patriotism and political life
The major approaches for studying social change in India are: became a respectable vocation for a woman.
Evolutionary, Culture and Structural.

International Science Congress Association 46

International Research Journal of Social Sciences____________________________________________________ISSN 2319–3565
Vol. 4(12), 46-48, December (2015) Int. Res. J. Social Sci.

The reason of requirement of change among women is the have highest female literacy rate. We find improvement in
history of status of women itself. For example Manu the Hindu social and economical status of women in these two states
law giver has given both positive and negative statement about because of education6.
the status of women in particular family and in society as a
whole. He considered woman to be submissive to man in her Education in India has achieved amazing success during the last
entire life4. fifty- five years. Its achievements, both in absolute and relative
terms, have been remarkable. The fact becomes more visible
During Vedic period, women enjoyed good status by having when we compare the present situation with the one existing at
access to education. Later in Puranic period the status of women the time of independence. After independence, it was
got lowered. And in Buddhist period new discourses prepuberty recognized that education formed a vital aspect of the
marriages, participation in religious ceremonies etc. were modernization processes7.
imposed. In Medieval Period women were secluded and
educational opportunities were vanished. With efforts of many Social Change through Empowerment
saints education was again introduced to women.
The word ‘empowerment’ itself signifies the presence of
Under British rule social problems such as sati, infanticide, ‘power’. Women empowerment is nothing but enhancement of
slavery, child marriage, prohibition of widow remarriage, and their position in power structure of the society8. This is the most
lack of women’s rights were paid attention by Indian social important concept which brings about change in the womenfolk.
reformers and British. Women as an individual is said to be empowered when she has
the right and ability to make and influence decisions. She may
Gradually women started to take part in social movements and be economically, socially, or politically empowered. It is
freedom movements. Women’s quest for equality with men has necessary that women be politically empowered for the holistic
become universal. The history of women’s status has been of development of nation. Political empowerment of women has
ups and downs. Their status was influenced by social, economic, been defined by Datta as the “acquisition of the capacity as well
and political conditions at different times. as the adoption of needed strategy by women in order to
exercise their powers more effectively and professionally, for
In Indian constitution the concept of equality have been their own development in particular and of the society in
introduced through various provisions such as laws concerning general”9.
marriage, divorce, widow remarriage, prohibition of sati, dowry,
child marriage, etc., has helped in the foundation of present Social Change through Employment
status of women. It has also improved higher education,
economic status, empowerment and employment of women. In When it comes to the matter of employment of women, most of
this paper different dimensions or aspects have been used to them get employment in the unorganized/informal sector. The
analyze the social change amongst women5. They are education, reasons behind this, is that their work is invisible and unpaid in
empowerment, employment, politics have been discussed household. When women do house hold work it is considered
below: that she is not doing any extraordinary work but her duty for
which she is the most suitable one. Contrary to this men work is
considered as hard work which is dedicated for the family.
Social Change through Education Because of patriarchal followings women suffer from inequality
Education is a powerful aspect in modernization of Indian which is reflected in tasks assigned to them and lower wages
society. Education is the only institution which gives women paid to them. Addition to this there is a lack of support in
equal status, equal rights and equal opportunities etc. In pre- services such as hostels, crèches, maternity services etc.
independent India education was restricted to males of upper Illiteracy and close pregnancies further aggravate their position
strata, in the sense, male members of the Brahmin community. as employees along with this the several exploitation and
Even the Brahmin females were deprived of the opportunity of vulnerability from which they suffer which made them unequal
education. At present the change of scenario can be seen. When partners in the employment market and accordingly in economic
girl child take birth the members of the society suggest the development10.
parent to provide her with, level best education. That is why
even the government facilitating the parents of girl child with This also because of absence of awareness about social
bhagya laxmi scheme, mid day meals provision of free books legislation, Low economic status, lacuna and disparities in the
and uniform etc, now people are more interested to give personal laws governing marriage, divorce, maintenance,
education to their female children also6. inheritance etc., have contributed to the lower status of women
in Indian society. Coupled with this is the gender bias arising
Because of various governmental initiatives female literacy rate out of the patriarchal system which makes their position still
is increasing decade by decade but still it is less than male worse, girls are discriminated against in terms of health,
literacy rate. Kerala and Mizoram are first and second states to malnutrition, secretion and education inputs. This has resulted in

International Science Congress Association 47

International Research Journal of Social Sciences____________________________________________________ISSN 2319–3565
Vol. 4(12), 46-48, December (2015) Int. Res. J. Social Sci.

lower education, health and nutritional standards among girls, Thus aspects such as education, empowerment, employment,
with the result that women are not only deprived of and politics, economy, legislation, religion, etc play an
development inputs but this also, retards their active important role in bringing about social change in women.
participation in development10.
Social Change through Politics
1. Kumar, Social Change and Social Control, Lakshmi
Modern Indian women can be seen enjoying the high offices Narain Agarwal, Agra, 38, (2011)
such as President, Prime Minister, speaker in loksabha and
2. Sharma K.L., Indian Social Structure and Change, Rawat
leader of the opposition. But in Indian history we do not find Publications, Jaipur (2008)
that women have been given a respectable administrative or
political position. Even today when we look into the women’s 3. Cohen Percy S, Modern Social Theory, Heinemam
participation in politics, the number of women politician is Educational Books, London, (1968)
much more less than compared to the number of men politician. 4. Chitkara M.G., Women and Social Transformation,
This is because of lower percentage of participation in voting, in A.P.H., Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, 5, (2001)
public administration and in public debate and lack of
supporting atmosphere in political sphere. Significant changes 5. Chandra Suresh, Social Change in Modern India, Jnanda
occurred in the social, economic and political status of women Prakashan, New Delhi, 224, (2011)
during the 19th century in India11. 6. Chaudhary Vishwamitra Prasand, Society in India, ABD
Publishers, Jaipur, 66-68, (2011)
The women who are in politics they belong to the urban elite
group. The poorer women are restricted to domestic life. There 7. Atal Yogesh, Changing Indian Society, Rawat Publishers,
is also an irony that higher percentage voting women belong to Jaipur (2011)
the rural and poor background, when compared to the 8. Arunachalam P., Economic Impact of Political
percentage urban and educated background women are less12. Empowerment of Women in India, Global Research
Publication, New Delhi (2011)
Conclusion 9. Rao D. Pulla, Status of Women in Education, Employment
Women are making a difference against all odds; women are and Social Exclusion, Serials Publications, New Delhi
there in panchayati raj. There is change in the outlook of women (2011)
in contemporary Indian society. Variety of factors such as 10. Chowdhary Paul D., Women Welfare and Devlopment: A
modern education, high geographical and occupational mobility Source Book, Inter India Publication, (1992)
and most importantly emergence in the new economic patterns
11. Gandhiji C.M, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and women
are responsible for making women acquire a new status and a
Empowerment, ABD Publishers, Jaipur, India (2011)
new social stature. Thus, the social change for women in a
positive manner is the need of the hour. 12. Geetanjali, Social Change in Modern Society, Centrum
Press, New Delhi,144, (2011)

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