Bag-Ong Lamdag August 2018

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as Ministry of
Pastoral Charity

see on page 2
Volume 10 Number 10 [email protected] | [email protected] August 1-31, 2018

Papal Nuncio Visits Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro

of Jesus washing
Sr. Teresita C. Espina, FSP
the feet of his
Most Rev. Gabriele disciples.
Giordano Caccia, DD, Papal He noted
Nuncio to the Philippines, the two elements
visited the Archdiocese of that are essential
Cagayan de Oro on August in evangelization.
7, 2018 at Chali Conference First, to bring
Center, Cugman, Cagayan de Jesus to the life
Oro City. Earlier, the clergy, men of the people.
and women religious gathered And one cannot
for a recollection facilitated give what one
by Fr. Julius Clavero, SSJV who does not have.
expounded on “Shepherding as Evangelization
Ministry of Pastoral Charity.” is not planning.
Archbishop Ledesma “Evangelization
personally invited the is being filled by
Nuncio when he learned the presence of
that he was going to the Christ whom we
Benedictine Monastery of the want to share as
Transfiguration in Malaybalay good news, so
City. The papal nuncio said this year is a time
that he brought with him a to rediscover our
personal letter that the Holy call as disciples
Father writes for each one: who are filled
“Rejoice and be Glad” (Gaudete with the presence
et Exsultate). It is an Apostolic of Jesus Himself,” Most Rev. Gabriele Giordano Caccia, DD and Abp. Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ,DD
Letter on the Call to Holiness in the nuncio said.
Today’s World. “When we preach, when of Jesus, the One who gives the stress is on the leader or service.”
He is happy because in we baptize, when we celebrate joy. “Gaudete et Exsultate in a servant. Sometimes the He observed that Filipino
the Philippines, the Church the Holy Eucharist, Jesus is is a presence that fulfill our real matter is to be a leader people, when they meet priests,
is celebrating the Year of present. We are at the service profound desires, for peace, who is nice, and authoritarian. they take his hand, kiss his ring,
the Clergy and Consecrated of Jesus. Now, can we ask for justice, for truth so this According to him, the stress is and ask for a blessing by taking
Persons with the theme: ourselves, “ Is Jesus truly the year is a grace to renew our on the servant who happens his hand to their forehead.
Renewed Servant Leadership Lord of my life? Or do we have commitment to follow the Lord, to be a leader. It is Jesus who They respect a person. “It’s
for the New Evangelization. The other interests now? Are we and to rediscover our profound is washing the feet. Jesus came very touching when you feel the
people are praying, reflecting doing a job or a mission?” identity,” he added. to serve but not to be served. faith of the simple people. This
and meditating on this special He stressed the A second aspect that is in We are in the service of the is a blessing because people see
grace for them. The theme is importance of being disciples the theme is renewed servant people of God. “We have also in us what we sometimes do
enhanced by a beautiful image who accept the presence leaders. He doesn’t know if the power and we use power in Continued to p.5

RP-NFP Team Conducts Training of Trainers AWRACO Holds General Assembly

By Ana Lea C. Pielago which the participants were the team members, afterwhich
The Responsible transported to the venue. Upon a creative recap of each topic
Parenthood and All Natural registration, each participant was made.
Family Planning (RP-NFP) was given a kit, pen, laminated The Solidarity night
team in the Archdiocese of name tag, program design. was filled with laughter and
Cagayan de Oro organized Ana Lea C. Pielago, childlike joy. It was an evening
and conducted NFP Training program director gave the of talents, unique games, songs,
of Trainers on July 12-15, welcome remarks, and she dances plus a lot of prizes. The
2018 at the Pearlmont Hotel, likewise discussed the topic creative presentation of each
Lim Ket Kai Drive, Cagayan Human Fertility. The Most Rev. group made the celebration
de Oro City. Participants Antonio J. Ledesma, S.J., D.D. wonderful. The games and
were from the Dioceses of presented and discussed the short speeches were all
Kidapawan, Surigao, Talibon, Pastoral Guidelines and Core heartwarming. It was indeed a
and the Archdiocese of Values in promoting NFP. He night to remember.
Ozamis. There were also also presided the Eucharistic Since most of the Religious Sisters in the archdiocese
participants from the ACDO Celebration at 6:00 PM. participants were from outside
Abp. Ledesma thanked the the Archdiocese, a pilgrimage The General Assembly existence, for He created us
Prison Ministry and LGU-City of the Association of Women for true life and happiness.”
Improvement Division. participants and wished them to the Archdiocesan Shrine of
all the best of the three-day the Divine Mercy was included Religious in the Archdiocese Abp. Ledesma pointed
The participants of Cagayan de Oro (AWRACO) out that holiness is not
were welcomed at the training. in the schedule on the last day.
The methods were Sunday Mass was celebrated was held on July 28, 2018 achieved alone. There is “a
Archbishop’s House with
presented and discussed by at Hijas de Jesus Convent, cloud of witnesses” that lead
a sumptuous lunch. After Continued to p.5
Divine Mercy Hill, Ulaliman, by example. They “may not
El Salvador City, Misamis always have been perfect, yet
Orientral. even amid their faults and
Most Rev. Antonio J. failings they kept moving
Ledesma, SJ, DD, the guest forward and proved pleasing
speaker, talked about Gaudete to the Lord.” He also speaks of
Et Exsultate (Rejoice and “the middle class of holiness,”
be Glad), the Apostolic parents with their children,
Exhortation of Pope Francis on sick, elderly religious, our
the call to holiness in today’s next-door neighbors who
world. He said that Pope display God’s presence,
Francis reminds everyone of and the martyrs who are
the call to holiness “for our persecuted or killed for their
own time.” The call to holiness Christian faith.
lies at the heart of every He said that the Holy
Christian. “The Lord wants us Father stresses the “genius
to be saints and not to settle of women” which is “seen in
Participants from different dioceses for a bland and mediocre Continued to p.5
August 1-31, 2018
Archbishop’s Page
Shepherding as Ministry of Pastoral Charity (A talk given by Fr. Julius Clavero, SSJV at the Clergy and Religious Recollection
on August 7, 2018, at the Chali Convention Center, Cugman, Cagayan de Oro City).

Obviously, there are two very important words in our theme today: shepherding Principle # 5: The Staff of Direction
– to tend, guide, and lead the flock; and pastoral charity - defined as “a - Represents your responsibility to your people. To bring to greener pasture a
particular form of charity which arises from the priest’s union with Christ as flock of more than a hundred sheep? The art of leadership.
Head and Shepherd of the Church. Through this virtue, the people experience - To keep the sheep together.
the love of the Good Shepherd through the instrumentality of the shepherd - To rescue the stranded sheep. When you get your sheep out of trouble, you will
who stands in their midst and exercises priestly ministry. Through this virtue, be amazed with their ingenuity and loyalty.
the priest feeds and guides the flock, tends the injured sheep with the balm of - To encourage the flock. Nothing reassures the sheep more than the presence of
sacramental mercy and unction, seeks out the lost sheep, and lays down his life the shepherd.
for the sheep.”
Principle # 6: The Rod of Correction/Protection
My sharing today will have two parts: first, the nature of shepherding from a - Iwisi-Africa; Shebet-Middle East;
petite management book entitled The Way of the Shepherd by Dr. Kevin Leman - Represents the responsibility to correct. “Wield this fairly and wisely and your
William Pentak; and second, on pastoral charity from Nicholas Cachia’s The people will respect you. Use it poorly and they will look for another shepherd.”
Image of the Good Shepherd as a Source for the Spirituality of the Ministerial - To protect sheep from predators. To protect the sheep from themselves.
Priesthood. (wandering sheep)
- Sometimes hurting the sheep is necessary in order for them to grow.
We all share in the ministry of shepherding. We are all shepherds and at the
same time being shepherded by our Divine Shepherd. Here are the typical Principle # 7: The Heart of the Shepherd
duties of a shepherd: - Great leadership is hard work. Sheep may be dumb animals but they can
recognize the voice of their shepherd and will follow no other.
“In the early morning he led forth the flock from the fold, marching at its head to
the spot where they were to be pastured. Here he watched them all day, taking Jesus is the Good Shepherd par excellence. As the Gospel of John proclaims:
care that none of the sheep strayed, and if any for a time eluded his watch and “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
wandered away from the rest, seeking diligently till he found and brought it The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees
back. In those lands sheep require to be supplied regularly with water, and the the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks
shepherd for this purpose has to guide them either to some running stream or the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares
to wells dug in the wilderness and furnished with troughs. At night he brought nothing for the sheep.
the flock home to the fold, counting them as they passed under the rod at the
door to assure himself that none were missing. Nor did his labours always end “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me — just as the
with sunset. Often he had to guard the fold through the dark hours from the Father knows me and I know the Father — and I lay down my life for the sheep.
attack of wild beasts, or the wily attempts of the prowling thief.” (see 1 Sam I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They
17:34) too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. (Jn:
In the Old Testament, God as shepherd is characterized mainly into the following
roles: leading, feeding, guarding-presence, gathering-searching, tenderness-
healing, and knowing-alliance. The classic Psalm 23 exemplifies this: “He leads
me beside still waters; he restores my soul. He leads me in right path for his
name’s sake. Your rod and your staff – they comfort me.”

The prophet Ezekiel would add: “You are my sheep, the sheep of my pasture,
and I am your God, says the Lord.”

In the New Testament, Jesus Christ embodies the perfect shepherd prophesied
in the Old Testament. He is the Great Shepherd who leads his flock to truth
and eternal life. He searched out for the lost and wandering sheep. He showed
compassion and unconditional love to all. Such is beautifully enunciated in the
Gospel of John: “I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down his life
for the sheep.” (Jn 10:11)

There are seven principles of the Way of the Shepherd. Each principle is an
invitation for us, priests and nuns, to reflect on our own style of service and
leadership to our people – in our parishes, schools, and different communities.
Also, let it be an invitation to look within and face our own selves honestly on
how we have allowed God to shepherd us in our life as priests and consecrated Fr. Julius Clavero, SSJV

Principle # 1: Know the condition of your flock

- “A manager cannot manage what he doesn’t know.”
- Treat every individual as a person. (staff, workers, parishioners, volunteers,
- You have to really care about your people.

Principle # 2: Discover the shape of your sheep

- Strength – Bring out the best in people
- Heart – Reflects your passion. Bright + Talented but unmotivated?
- Attitude – Talent vs. Attitude?
- Personality – to put a person in a task that reflects his/her personality
- Experiences – each person is a product of their life experience.
This is not only for other people but also for us – what is your own profile or
your SHAPE?

Principle # 3: Help your sheep identify with you.

- Putting tags in the ear of the sheep. It is painful but necessary for them to
belong to their flock. Putting your mark on the sheep.
- Sheep can be stupid creatures but their flocking instinct are very strong.
They rarely cry in pain because they know it will draw the attention of the
- Great leaders instill a sense of meaning and belonging in their followers – who
they are and what they stand for.
- True mark of a great leader: Authenticity, Integrity, and Compassion.
- As their Pastors, what mark do we want to imprint to our people? Builder?
Motivator? Compassion? Efficiency?

Principle # 4: Make Your Pasture a Safe Place

- Flies, gnats, and bugs infestation can lead to disease and death of the sheep.
- It is the duty of the Pastor to make the pasture a safe place so the sheep could
- Keep your sheep informed. Transparency.
- Be visible. Nothing reassures the sheep more than the presence of the
Continued to p.3
Archdiocesan News LAMDAG
August 1-31, 2018

Continued from p.2

Reflecting on the seven the example of Christ. Christians, priests through renewal and charity. It is also and in hope. We are to bring
principles of the Way of the their life of witnessing are to an expression of the priest’s hope and become signs of
Shepherd, I said to myself: It Pastoral charity in the life and become inspiration and source love for Christ and the Church hope to our countless and
is not easy to be a shepherd. ministry of the priests is the of emulation for the flock that his gift of self may be made diverse flock. Let us re-live our
We realize how daunting the key to holiness and the unifying because more are expected more fully and relevant. initial generosity and self-gift
work of the shepherd can be, element between their life from them. Pastoral charity to the flock entrusted to us.
add to it our personal issues, and ministry. Looking at the then being an expression of the From this we can conclude Why? Because God has always
our woundedness, and the essential content of pastoral priest’s love for Christ and the that: been our faithful and steady
challenges of being a pastor charity, we can go back to John Church becomes “the synthesis 1) Christ remains always Shepherd who stirs up hope
nowadays, where do I draw 10 - the highest point of the which unifies the values and the Great Shepherd of and love in our hearts.
inspiration, “green pastures,” development of the shepherd virtues contained in the Gospel the flock; he associates to
and “still waters”? image in the Bible. Here we see and likewise a power which himself some chosen ones Let us end with this prayer
some key characteristics of this sustains their development who remain completely from a Capuchin brother:
Pope John Paul II offered a pastoral charity. towards Christian perfection.” dependent on him.
beautiful reflection on this This pastoral charity is 2) The minister always Lord God, I sometimes wonder
view of pastoral charity in his First, the compassion by which expressed and enhanced in remains as a member of the why and how you have called
encyclical Pastores Dabo Vobis. the priest identifies himself a particular manner in the flock, thus underlining the me, one of your sheep, to
The Pope explained that priestly with the people he serves. Eucharist, the source and fact that he is to continue serve you and your people as
ministry is distinguished by The heart of the priest must summit of the Christian life. to follow Jesus, the Good a shepherd, a pastor. But here
pastoral charity as an amoris be burning with compassion The priest, entrusted by Christ Shepherd. I am. As you have called me to
officium, an office of love. The as Jesus was moved with to celebrate the sacrament of 3) A very close relationship lead others to pasture, lead me
unifying principle of all these compassion “for they are like love and unity is to make his is created between the when I am tired and hungry to
duties of the ecclesial shepherd sheep without a shepherd” own Christ’s sacrifice for the shepherd and the sheep, places of rest and nourishment.
is pastoral charity which (Mt. 9:36; Mk. 6:34). In John 10, good of the Church. Prayer is so that one does not exist As you have called me to seek
springs from one’s communion Jesus is presented as the Good what unites the Eucharistic without the other. out the lost, come after me
with Christ. Pope John Paul Shepherd who calls His sheep offering of the priest to his own My dear brothers and sisters, when I don’t know where I am
II affirms the relevance of by name and enters into an self-offering and manifests his the ministry of shepherding or what I should do, when I feel
pastoral charity in the life and intimate personal communion love for the Church. Personal is never easy. There is no road alone. As you have called me
ministry of the priests: with each one. (Jn. 10:3, 14- prayer and the Liturgy of the map and we cannot rely on to bring back those who have
15) The ecclesial shepherd Hours are to have a privileged our own strengths. In the field, strayed, bring me back when I
The internal principle, the force must also strive to know his time in the daily life of the anything can happen. But our wander off, when I forget who I
which animates and guides flock intimately with their priests as a sign of a true and radical commitment to share am, Whose I am, and whom you
the spiritual life of the priest, spiritual well-being as its end. faithful shepherd. in the shepherding of Christ have called me to be. As you
inasmuch as he is configured to The quality of their apostolic to bring about God’s flock can have called me to bind up the
Christ the Head and Shepherd, presence and availability Finally, pastoral charity must make a difference. We are to injured, put me back together
is pastoral charity, as must go beyond liturgical lead the priest to recognize remain open to the God of when I am hurting. As you have
participation in Jesus Christ’s celebrations notwithstanding the magnitude and various surprises whose plan is always called me to heal those who
own pastoral charity. This is a the wide gap of proportion challenges of becoming a better and bigger than ours, are sick, send your holy and
gift freely bestowed by the Holy between the priests and the shepherd and thus submit and who asks us to do things healing balm to mend my body,
Spirit which is likewise a task parishioners of today. himself to a continuing that we never imagined. mind and soul. I ask this in the
and a call that demands a free integration with his life and name of your Son and our Good
and committed response on the Secondly, the ecclesial shepherd ministry in what is commonly The process is never finished; Shepherd, Jesus, who lives and
part of the priest. The essential is called to become a model of referred to nowadays as it is always calling us to greater reigns with you and the Holy
content of this pastoral charity the Gospel-oriented life, which “ongoing formation.” It is a sign unity, a greater generosity, a Spirit, one God forever and
is the gift of self, the total gift is to live a holy and exemplary of openness to the workings of greater zeal. To be shepherds ever. Amen.
of self, to the Church following life. Though demanded of all the Holy Spirit in the spirit of of today we journey in faith

Interview with Sr. Patricia Anne Fox

Christian and priest. He came and laws which are making I would hope is that it becomes to the Philippines. We have
from a Jewish family that was the situation even worse, more a challenge for young people continued our involvement
economically secure but most than ever we need to speak to really commit themselves to there and as we had young
of the Jewish people at that out for justice, peace and love. bringing about a society where women join, opened a house in
time were poor and in ghettos. And from our perspective as a there are no more who have no Quezon City. Most of our young
He always had a concern to congregation we know that God food to eat, who die because sisters were studying and
uplift his people from poverty was first known to the Hebrews they can’t afford the medicines, only recently 2 have finished.
and respected their religion, the when they were oppressed in who can’t study because they One is still studying nursing.
religion of most of his family. He Egypt. God heard their cry and have to supplement the family We will have an international
always encouraged the sisters called Moses to liberate them. income, who are mourning meeting in September to decide
to read the whole bible. From All through the bible God is their love ones who have been priorities for the congregation,
his inspiration we express our with the people, hearing the extrajudicially killed, who are but one is the situation of
charism as a biblical spirituality cries of the poor and raising up not able to practice their culture Indigenous peoples. We will
where we remind the church prophets to remind the leaders religion, practices in their then discern a new foundation
that her roots are in Judaism of the covenant they made with own lands, where the earth is which is inserted among the
Sr. Patricia Anne Fox, and to work for the kingdom God and call them to listen to respected and where there is poor.
Superior of the Notre Dame of justice, peace and love first the poor and act justly. This is genuine peace based on justice. 4. B. Lamdag: Does
de Sion congregation in the promised to the Jewish people where we see our role now, to 3. B. Lamdag: Here in being engaged in helping
Philippines was arrested for all. We decided to start a witness that God is always with the Philippines, where are impoverished farmers and
for allegedly joining political foundation in the Philippines the people in their struggles you communities? Will you indigenous peoples pose
activities in the Philippines. She as the response to the call of a to bring about a society where be taking on other concerns challenges? Which ones do
has been released for further general chapter to see the world there is justice, peace and love in the light of the plight of you see will continue and
investigation after authorities through the eyes of the poor. and to work with the people more poor people? escalate in the future?
found she holds a valid We were not in Asia where the towards this biblical promise. Sr. Fox: Bishop Labayen Sr, Fox: The basic problem
missionary visa. In this issue of majority of the people live and 2. B. Lamdag: How who promoted a church of the of the farmers is that they do
Bag-ong Lamdag (BL) Sr. Fox where the majority are poor. many vocations do you have poor, invited us to the Prelature not own the land they till, they
shares about her congregation’s After a process of discernment, at present? (perpetual, of Infanta when we first came Continued to p.5
charism and mission, vocations, we decided to come to the Juniors, novices, postulants/
their communities’ presence Philippines to be among the aspirants). Do you think your
in the country, the challenges poor and where the church recent experience will have
of working with the poor and can have a real role in bringing a positive impact in your
rebuilding Marawi. Discover about the kingdom which Jesus numbers?
the feisty woman behind the proclaimed out of his Jewish Sr. Fox: As a Congregation
controversy, and be inspired by faith we are small internationally.
the missionary inflamed by the Given the situation Here in the Philippines we are
love of God and his people. of increasing poverty, only 8, 4 perpetually professed,
1. B. Lamdag: How do increasing killings, increasing including one Filipina who
you see your Congregation’s militarization in the was the first Filipina to
Charism being applied in the countryside, a culture of make perpetual vows in the
current turbulent situation impunity, the unjust system of congregation. We have 3 Filipina
in the Philippines? contractualization for workers, juniors and one Indonesian.
Sr. Fox: Our Congregation, lack of genuine agrarian reform At present we have no one in
Notre Dame de Sion, was for the farmers, displacement formation. I am not sure if my
founded in France in1847 of lumads from their ancestral experience will have a positive
by a Jew who had become a lands and the proposed policies impact on our numbers. What Sr. Fox and Women Religious of CDO
August 1-31, 2018
RP-NFP Team Conducts Training in Butuan Diocese
were open to new learnings. appreciation and gratitude
The appointment of Most for the new learnings about
Rev. Antonio J. Ledesma as the program and the methods
Apostolic Administrator of of the RP-NFP. Although
the diocese paved the way for most of the participants have
the Archdiocese of Cagayan de been family workers in the
Oro Responsible Parenthood parish and in the diocese
and All-Natural Family for a long time, they easily
Planning program to enter the understood and openly
diocese. Orientation seminars accepted the methods.
for the clergy, religious and There were questions raised
pastoral workers were well- which the team properly
attended. clarified and answered. There
The Christ the King were extended sharing of
parish, Tungao, Butuan City experiences and impressions
through Rev. Fr. Lito Clase, that the training has to
RP-NFP team with participants parish priest requested continue even after dinner.
trainings for the parish Family Part of the training is how
By: Ana Lea C. Pielago The schedules were priests who attended the NFP and Life workers and chapel to start the program in the
arranged: parishes that Orientation given to the clergy leaders. These two groups parishes and the monitoring
The ACDO-NFP Team belong to Agusan del Sur of the Diocese of Butuan underwent the trainings held system of ACDO was shared
has scheduled to conduct were the first group while the approached the Program at their parish formation to the participants. They were
trainings organized by Rev. Fr. second group were parishes Director for input. center. enthusiastic to share their
Michael M. Abellanosa, STL, of Agusan del Norte, and the Two trainings were The support of the learnings and that in turn they
Family and Life Apostolate participants selected by the already conducted. The POPCOM – Caraga Region was wanted the program to be
Diocesan Director of the parish priest are actively participants were all active also a big help. Numerous established in their respective
Diocese of Butuan. involved in the parish. Parish parish workers and they participants expressed their parishes.

Kapistahan ni Señora Santa Ana Malipayong Gisaulog

Ni Kent Philip Eduave tungod niini, siya nahimong
Ang Sta. Ana sub-parish maayo, masinugtanon ug
nga anaa sa Santa Ana, mapaubsanong inahan sa
Tagoloan, Misamis Oriental Ginoo.
malipayon ug malampusong Human sa Santos nga
nagsaulog sa Kapistahan ni Misa, natigayon ang usa
Señora Santa Ana, ang mahal ka dako nga programa nga
nga patrona sa maong parokya giulohan ug “Fiesta sa Nayon
sa Hulyo 26, 2018. ni Señora Santa Ana” diin duha
Ang selebrasyon na ka tuig karon nga gibuhat sa
gibuksan pinaagi sa Santos parokya aron nga mahiusa ang
nga Misa nga gipangunahan tanang mga parokyano nga
ni Fr. Daniel Reno L. Alema, sakop sa 13 ka mga kapilya. Sa
SSJV uban nila ni Fr. Joel Oga, pagsugod sa maong programa,
Fr. Raul Magracia, Fr. Enerio giabiabi sa banda sa Sta. Ana
Mga batan-on mipasundayag sa sayaw ug dula
C.Tacastacas ug ni Fr. Allan National High School ang mga
B. Chabit, ang sub-parish partisipante padulong sa ilang pang fiesta. Pipila usab sa mga nagkadaiya nga mga balon nga Gitapos ang maong
administrator. Gitambungan nagkadaiya nga mga lamesa kapilya ang nagpasundayag gisalohan sa tanan. Ang tanan programa sa usa ka Sayawan
sa gatusan ka mga parokyano ug natigayon usab ang chapel sa ilang nagkadaiya nga malipayon nga nangabusog. sa Nayon diin ang mga
ug mga bisitang dumuduong pictorial sa giandam nga photo mga talent sa pagsayaw, ug Sa pagkahapon gihimo ang partisipante malipayon nga
gikan sa mga kasikbit nga booth isip handurawan sa ang uban nagpasiugda sa awarding of winners sa misayaw sa wala pa mibalik sa
dapit. Diha sa iyang homiliya, matag kapilya. mga laro nakapahugyaw nagkadaiya nga mga contest ilang tagsa-tagsa ka kapilya.
gipasabot ni Fr. Alema ang Sulod sa maong ug nakapasadya sa mga diin migawas nga mga Ang Sta. Ana Sub-Parish
dakong kalambigitan ni programa, natigayon usab parokyano ug mga bisita nga mananaog sa Lamesa sa Nayon mapasalamaton sa tanan nga
Santa Ana sa pag-umol ug ang contest nga gitawag ug mitambong. Contest ang kapilya sa Divine nahimong kabahin sa maong
pagpadako kang Maria nga ” Lamesa sa Nayon” diin ang Sa pagka-udto, gihimo Mercy, 2nd prize ang kapilya selebrasyon, ilabina sa mga
usa ka boutan nga anak ug mga kapilya mapasigarbohon ang salo-salo sa nayon sa mohon ug 3rd prize ang parokyano nga walay puas nga
mahadlokon sa Diyos ug nga nagpresentar sa ilang diin ang matag kapilya abli kapilya sa Bontong ug lower nagsuporta sa mga kalihukan
nagkadaiya nga mga putahi nga nga nagpaambit sa ilang Sta. Ana. ug programa sa parokya.

Sto. Niño parishioners pay homage to Fr. Elcon

by Ma. Pureza Neri of Rev. Fr. Elcon Magtrayo, 1959 in El Salvador, Misamis the priests, Sisters of Paul
SSJV on June 10, 2018. At the Oriental to proud parents, Chartres, parishioners, family,
S a n t o thanksgiving mass held at Our relatives and friends turned
Mr. Gregorio Magtrayo, Sr.
Niño de Oro Lady of Manaoag Chapel, Fr. up for simple and meaningful
and Mrs. Loreta Villastique.
parishioners Elcon was the main celebrant dinner and fellowship at
He was assigned as parish
headed by with co- celebrants Rev. Fr. Rosario Pavilion, Limketkai
priest in Medina; Baliwagan,
Rev. Fr. Roel Eddie Magtrayo, his brother, Center. In his speech Fr. Elcon
Balingasag; Jasaan, Villanueva
V. Buntol, Rev. Fr. Erdman Pandero said “Ako mapasalamaton sa
and Sugbongcogon and Bulua
J C L , S S J V and Msgr. Tex Legitimas, the Ginoo kay gipaabot pa ako
and Lumbia as Assistant Priest
warmly rolled homilist. niining ika 25 ka tuig, ang
and Sto. Niño de Oro Parish as
out the red Fr. Elcon V. Magtrayo was uban wala na nakaabot kay
Parochial Vicar.
carpet in ordained to the priesthood nangamatay na.”
Fr. Elcon is the present
celebration on June 7, 1993 by then Fr. Roel on behalf of the
chaplain of Maria Reyna -
of the 25th Archbishop Jesus Tuquib at parish congratulated Fr. Elcon
Xavier University Hospital.
Sacerdotal St. Augustine Metropolitan for his humble and faithful
More than 200 guests and
Anniversary Cathedral. Born on August 18, service to the people of God.
Fr. Elcon Magtrayo, SSJV well-wishers who included
August 1-31, 2018

“Speaking in tongues” a sign of demonic possession, exorcist says

By: Cleb B. Calimutan parochial formation initiated and the most spectacular is not judging anybody but, to who is going to discern the
This line surprises, if by Fr. Julius Clavero, the demonic possession. be safe, clarify your words, gift and how reliable is the
not shocks, many people parish priest. When Fr. Balsamo like: ‘I praise you, Oh, Lord…’ discernment of anybody. God
especially those who claim Fr. Balsamo presented a presented the list of the rather than saying something gives gifts for His glory and for
to have this gift and feel holy lot of Church documents on signs of being possessed, you don’t understand.” He the salvation of souls and not
or holier than other church- the existence of demons, their one of them which made reminded everybody that on as an ornament only.
goers. This striking statement powers and how their hatred the audiences’ eyes wide Pentecost day, people from Lastly, Fr. Jun exhorted
was one of the highlights for God turned them to harm open was the so-called “gift different origins understood the audience to be active in
of the talk of no other than mankind whom God loves of tongues.” We know a lot the words of the apostles in their sacramental life like
our very own exorcist, Fr. so much. Our sins somehow of charismatic groups, both their own languages. Penance and the Eucharist. He
Roberto Balsamo, Jr. SSJV in become an opening to Catholic and Protestant Gifts are given with a exhorted everybody to pray the
the Archdiocese of Cagayan de demonic spirits - it is like we alike, claim to have this kind purpose and not just for the rosary or other sacramentals
Oro. He made this thing clear welcome them - allowing them of gift, and it even became sake of the gift. On the other heartily for these things work
to all those who attended to harm us. The exorcist also the highlight of some group hand, the gift of tongues is ex opere operantes where the
the theological hour at Jesus presented the different levels fellowship. But Fr. Balsamo a recognized gift of the Holy disposition of the person is
Nazareno Parish on July 11, of demonic attack which are insisted, “When you start Spirit. Even the Saints, like very important. He ended the
2018. The theological hour is sometimes in the mind and to speak something you do St. Vincent Ferrer and others, talk by blessing water, salts
held every second Wednesday heart, on things, imaginations, not understand, stop it! Be experienced this phenomenon. and oils so that the audience
of the month as a way of visions, in the physical body safe!” he exclaimed. “It is But the problem now is that may bless their own homes.

Papal Nuncio Visits Archdiocese...from p.1

not see, the people recognize don’t I recognize that this is a get out of the sacristy, who Christianity in the Philippines. communion as we journey
you as a disciple of Christ. You profound and most important will reach out to people like a In 2021 the Church will to become better disciples of
offer Jesus and they bow and and deep personality that I field hospital where they can celebrate the year of Missio ad Jesus.
they ask a blessing. They see have?” find peace, reconciliation, and Gentes. After the sumptuous
you not because you deserve it He pointed out that this hope. The goal of the Church is Lastly, he invited each one dinner with the clergy and
and not because you are clever, year is very important for to be a Church in mission. He to renew one’s commitment religious, the papal nuncio
intelligent, rich or powerful but the renewal of one’s life. The noted that the Filipino Church in a joyful way, to be grateful proceeded to the Divine Mercy
because you are a Minister of Holy Father insists that the is preparing in view of the to God for one’s vocation Shrine in Ulaliman, El Salvador
God. Why don’t I see that? Why Church is missionary, who will centenary of the presence of and mission and to live in City, Misamis Oriental.
RP-NFP Team Conducts Training...from p.1
and then the participants which included the giving The impressions were filled closing message. earlier in their marriage.
took time to go around for of certificates of attendance with gratitude, admiration, With the knowledge they Everyone was happy and
picture taking and to savor to the participants appreciation for the learnings earned from the training- grateful for the learnings and
the spiritual air and enjoy the handed by Abp. Ledesma. and to the ACDO team as workshop they are confident the experiences.
ambiance at the Shrine. Representatives from each organizer and commitment to promote the program.
The closing activity diocese were asked to give to promote RP NFP in their Many said they wish they have
was held at the venue their feedback of the training. milieu. Abp. Ledesma gave his learned about this program
AWRACO Holds General Assembly...from p.1
feminine styles of holiness,” for justice, the merciful and everyone with prayer, the The Eucharistic Sr. Vingie Dumaluan, MSHF
like St. Bridget, St. Catherine peacemakers. Word of God, the celebration celebration followed with Treasurer: Sr. Florida
of Siena, St. Theresa of Avila, He also mentioned the of Mass, Eucharistic adoration, Abp. Ledesma as main Cadenas, SFCC, Asst.
St. Therese of Liseux, and St. signs of holiness in today’s sacramentals, reconciliation, presider. It was followed by Treas.: Sr. Teresita Espina,
Edith Stein. The Beatitudes world: a) perseverance; b) works of charity, etc. There is a the oath-taking of new leaders FSP
are Jesus’ portrait of what it joy and a sense of humor; need to discern the Holy Spirit of AWRACO for Pastoral Year As-Intra Rep: Sr. Velly
means to be holy in our daily c) boldness and passion; to be able to interpret the 2018-2020: Pedroso, UMSH, Asst. Ad-
lives. “Happy”, and “blessed” d) in community; and e) in inspirations from God’s own Chairperson: Sr. Ma. intra: Sr. Annabelle Galgao,
are synonymous with holy. constant prayer. light and to implore Mary’s Jacinta de Belen, RVM, EOV
Being holy is being poor in Lastly, he reminded guidance, our Mother, the saint Vice-Chair: Sr. Maria de la Ad-Extra Rep.: Sr. Merna
spirit, meek and humble, that the path to holiness is among saints, she who lived Luz Marquez, ODN Virtucio, FDCC, Asst.
those who mourn for others, a constant battle against the beatitudes of Jesus as none Secretary: Sr. Minerva Ad Extra: Sr. Elsie Nasayao,
those who hunger and thirst evil and the Lord equips other. Resare, CSSJB, Asst. Sec.: DC (Bag-ong Lamdag
Interview with Sr. Patricia Anne Fox...from p.3
are not given adequate services the people have adequate that they be the ones that take women of courage and hope; eliminate the structural causes
to help production and they do and healthy food, they are control of the rebuilding and men and women who know of poverty and to promote
not have the means to take their released from dependence on that they be respected as a that the light always overcomes integral development. Guided
produce to the market so they imported and environmentally people. This is the support they the darkness, that justice, by the Gospel of mercy and by
are trapped in the prices offered destructive pesticides and are asking from us. Without peace and truth will win but love for humankind, we must
by traders. A Genuine Agrarian fertilizers and are contributing their involvement peace will this does not come easily. Our hear the cry for justice and
Reform Bill has been proposed to the lessening of climate never come to Marawi. missionary task is a struggle respond to it with all our might
in Congress for several years change effects internationally. 6. B. Lamdag: What with those who are victims, to “(188).
now which seeks to answer 5. B. Lamdag:You have can you advice the laity and
these problems but to date has visited Marawi today. What consecrated people who
not been passed. Instead they,
like the indigenous peoples,
are your insights
and yearn to reach out to the
poor but are afraid to stick Bag-ong
continue to be displaced to Sr. Fox: Unfortunately, our out their necks?
make way for ecologically visit as part of the AMRSWP Sr. Fox: I think the
destructive projects such as Convention was limited. But challenge of Pope Francis in his
large-scale mining, dams and what I saw were young people, Encyclical Evangelii Gaudium
the expansion of plantations. Christian and Muslim reflecting is timely for our worsening Editorial Consultant Managing Editor
Mining, dams and plantations together on what happened situation today: “even if Abp. Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ, DD Sr. Teresita Espina, FSP
contribute to the devastating and committed to bring peace many are now involved in lay Writers
effects of typhoons and to Marawi and work for its ministries, this involvement
also the strength of these reconstruction together. We is not reflected in a greater Fr. Rufino Cabatingan, SSJV Fr. FerminTan, Jr., SSJV
through climate change. The visited a tent city where 3 penetration of Christian values Sr. Flor Bahan, RVM Cleb B. Calimutan
government is promoting all of families are living in each tent in social, political and economic
these projects and has targeted with limited opportunities to sectors. It often remains tied Ana Lea C. Pielago Kent Philip Eduave
another million hectares for earn a living and not allowed to tasks within the church, Ma. Pureza C. Neri Joan Frans R. Duapa
plantation expansion. Such to return to their homes on without real commitment to Lea N. Delute Mateth A. Cagas
policies can only increase the ground zero although they applying the gospel to the Br. Ian Michael Abad, SSS
number of displaced farmers see businessmen allowed in transformation of society. The
and indigenous communities, the area. We listened to the pastoral challenge I see now Lay-out and Graphic Design Marketing & Circulation
the number of poor, and impassioned plea of Maranao to the church and all people Banny E. Briones Association of Pauline Cooperators
threatens the food security women that they are not being of good will today – not to be Grace Fernan
of the nation. Militarization consulted on the reconstruction silent in the face of massive
Bag-ong Lamdag is a newsletter published monthly by the Social Communications
increases as people assert their of ground zero yet they are the human rights violations. We Apostolate of the Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro, whose aim is to link the various
rights yet we are challenged ones who have the historical must defend the dignity of parishes, ministries, and apostolates within this archdiocese. For inquiries and
both to oppose these anti- right to the land, that they are the human person and the feedback, send us an email at [email protected]. You may visit us online and leave a
people activities and encourage the ones who built the city common good. In the face comment at
organic and sustainable according to their religion, of the many injustices today,
methods of farming so that culture and needs. They asked we are called to be men and Find us on Facebook: Search for “Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro”
August 1-31, 2018
Salmo 145:10-11,15-16,17-18
Tagbaw sa mainit nga sabaw
sa lauyang kabaw ni Nong Tagbaw!?
Tagbaw sa maanindot nga tubaw
nga giputos sa iyang upaw tungod O Maria kahayag sa KAGABHION
sa katugnaw!? Tagbaw sa bahaw Ang mga nahisalaag sa kahayag imo untang PAKIT-ON
nga adto pang miaging pamahaw!? Mga inahan nga NAGMASALAYPON
Tagbaw sa siging panghupaw Batang gisabak dili unta PAGAPATYON.
tungod sa problema nga gaapaw- Kining ejk angay na gayod TINUD-ON
apaw!? Tagbaw sa pagpanan-aw sa Nga matud pa sa mga druglords gipaluyohan IGSOON
mga maanyag ug ambungang nilalang aron malingaw!? Tagbaw sa dugay’ng Kay kon kini MAGPADAYON
paghinulat sa sweldong ataw-ataw.!? Tagbaw sa kadaghan sa sapi nga tataw Kapukanan sa kasamtangang ADMINISTRASYON.
nga iyang kinawkaw!? Tagbaw sa pagpahilom sa iyang iro nga si Bawbaw nga Nga unta sila MAKASABOT NA
perting aw-aw!? Tagbaw si Pawpaw sa kinilaw nga hinimo sa iyang ig-agaw!? Batang gisabak sila dili TAG-IYA
Tagbaw sa tsismosang silingang perming tagawtaw!? Tagbaw sa pagpaminaw Sa Dios hukman SILA
sa mga magsasangyaw nga daw wala tay mataw-taw!? Kon ngano ang inosenting anghel ang gipatay NILA.
Galawgaw! Sakto na nang TAGBAW! Tungod kay bisan unsahon pa sa tawo Masulbad lang kining DRUGA
dili ug dili gyud siya maTAGBAW kay sige pa siyang mangita sa unsa gyud ang Kon ang mga druglords masampolan NA
mas mas mas makaTAGBAW kaniya. Bisan mukaon pa’g daghan kaayo karon Si Apan ang mga gagmay ngano kanunay mao ang BIKTIMA
Nong Tagbaw apan taud-taud mangita na pod siya’g lain nga pagkaon aron lang Hinilaka sa mga kabos sa daghang ESKINA.
makaTAGBAW pa’g samot niya. Balikbalik lang ug tuyoktuyok lang ang prosiso sa Ikaw nagtawag sa pagpahimugso gayod sa GISAMKON
pagtubag sa kaTAGBAWan sa tawo nga abi ni Nong Tagbaw nga naTAGBAW na Aron ang bata sa ikaduhang kinabuhi MAKA-ANGKON
gyud siya apan moingon man lang gihapon diay siya sa katapusan nga KULANG Kay ang makasulod sa kinabuhing DAYON
PA! DUGANGI PA! TAGAY PA! PAGSUKAD PA! Amaw! Kaluoy ni Nong Tagbaw Kadto lang ang nahimugso ang PAGABANHAWON.
nga wala maTAGBAW sa iyang grabing pagpaningkamot sa pagTAGBAW sa Mga estudyanti ang magtutudlo ayaw KONTRAHA
iyang kaugalingong walay kaTAGBAWan. Tungod kay siya ESTRIKTA
Nalibog na hinuon samot si Nong Tagbaw sa iyang kinabuhi. Nakapangutana O ang leksyon ba NIYA
siya nganong Tagbaw man ang iyang ngalan ug dayon dili siya maTAGBAW. Hilabihan man gung LISORA.
Siya ra man ang lahi’g ngalan sa ilang pamilya. Ang ngalan sa iyang inahan kay Usba ang mga gobierno sa KALIBUTAN
GUTOMA. Ang iyang amahan kay si REKLAMADOR. Ang iyang mga igsuon kay Nga gusto ang popolasyon PAGAMYAN
sila si BULAOS, HAKOG, BUAYA, BINTAHUSO UG KIATAN. Ang ngalan sa iyang Kay kuno ang pagkaon dili paigo kon MODAGHAN
mga lolo kay si TIKASAN ug si SUBO. Ang iyang mga lola sila ni UHAWA ug si Sa pagsalig sa Dios ang tawo NAWAD-AN.
PAITA. Si Nong Tagbaw ra gyud ang nakalahi. Positibo kaayo ang iyang ngalan O kay kanunay ka niyang TAWGON
nga NONG TAGBAW. Ang ngalan nga gusto gyud nga masinati sa tanang tawo Sa pagtubag daw KAKUYAPON
ang maTAGBAW. TAGBAW ang kinabuhi nga puno sa kalipay nga wala ka nay Ikaw nahimong MANGGIULAWON
lain pang pangitaon. TAGBAW ang kinabuhi nga kontento ka kon unsay anaa Unsaon di man gud ka GATOON.
kanimo karon. TAGBAW ang kinabuhi nga hilabihan ka malinawon ug hilabihan Dili man unta bugok ang GINOO
ka makahuloganon. TAGBAW ang kinabuhi nga busog kanunay. TAGBAW ang Nga magbuhat og kalibutan nga di paigo sa iyang mga TAWO
kinabuhi nga gapangdig-ab kanunay sa kalami. TAGBAW ang kinabuhi nga lami Sayod kami among Inahan ang kalibutan bastanti KAAYO
ipahiyom kanunay. TAGBAW ang kinabuhi nga kanunay gapitik ang kasingkasing Ang katawhan nagkulang lang sa pagsalig ug PAGTOO.
sa paghigugma. TAGBAW ang kinabuhi nga kanunay andam ang mga kamot sa Mga kabataan padayon PAGKAMABINANTAYON
pagpanghatag. Kay daghan kaayo ang TENTASYON
Si Nong Tagbaw baya nangitag pamaagi aron maTAGBAW. Busa ang Druga baya ang problima KARON
iyang gibuhat nangita siya sa makaTAGBAW niya. Ang una niyang gipangita Ang mga nabiktima daghan INTAWON.
ang KWARTA kay para niya mao ning magamit niya nga mapura siya sa tanan Nga kon sa kalibutan adunay gutom KARON
niyang gustong buhaton. Ug tuod man mao gyud nga iyang naangkon ang tanan Tungod kay kami dili KRISTOHANON
niyang gusto ug bisyo gikan sa pagkaon, pagbyahe sa tanang dapit sa kalibutan, Hakug mopaambit sa mga IGSOON
paghimamat sa mga sikat ug datong tawo sa tibuok kalibutan ug pagpamalit Nagpuyog kinabuhi nga madaugdaugon ug YAWAN-ON.
sa daghan kaayong butang kay lage gaawas-awas ang iyang kwarta. Apan Nga diha sa barkada
nakamatikod siya nga daw wala pa gihapon siya maTAGBAW. Alang kaniya dili Ang buotan gayod ang PILIA
gihapon siya malipayon kay adunay pay kulang. Busa nangita pa siya’g lain na Anga dakong gasto sa PAG-ESKWELA
pod nga makaTAGBAW niya. Iyang gipangita si GUGMA kay adunay nakaingon Intawon anak usab HUNAHUNAA.
niya nga GUGMA daw ang makaTAGBAW niya. Mao nang grabe gyud ang Sa kawad-on si kahakug ang HINUNGDAN
iyang paghiGUGMA. Iya nang gihiGUGMA ang tanan nga iyang magustohang Dili pasanginlan ang pagdaghan sa KATAWHAN
babaye. Kay dili man siya makontento sa usa mao nang iyang gipangasawa ang O tabangi kami among INAHAN
69 kabuok ug 101 kabuok ang iyang anak. Ang ngalan sa iyang unang asawa Aron sa sayop nga pagtulun-an dili MALIMBONGAN.
kay LAMIAN ug ang iyang katapusang asawa kay SUMO. Ang ngalan sa iyang Kay sakit kaayo sa GINIKANAN
kamagulangang anak nga liwat niya kay UWAGAN, ang ngalan sa tungatunga Sa trabaho, singot ug dugo GIPATULOAN
niyang anak kay si BISYUSO ug ang ngalan sa kinamanghuran kay KUNDATAN. Apan diha sa ESKWELAHAN
Giatiman ug gibuhi gyud niya ang iyang mga pamilya kay lage kwartahan man Ang kuartang gipadala imo lang GIUSIKAN.
siya. Apan wala lang gihapon maTAGBAW si Nong Tagbaw sa iyang GUGMA. Ug karon kanunay kang naghilak among INAHAN
Si Nong Tagbaw gibati na’g grabing kakapoy sa pagpangita sa Tungod sa wala pagpahimugso sa bata sa SABAKAN
makaTAGBAW kaniya. Tungod sa iyang kakapoy nakatulog siya ug dayon wala Himoa nga mokurog ang among KAUNORAN
madugay sa iyang paghinanok nagdamgo siya. Sa iyang damgo aduna siyay Sa dakong krimin nga ania sa KALIBUTAN.
nadungog nga tingog nga nagkanayon AKO ANG MAKATAGBAW KANIMO! Busa sa pag-eskwela gayod PAGBUOTAN
Kinsa ka? Nangutana si Nong Tagbaw. AKO SI JESUS! Ang tingog nagkanayon. Aron ang ugma mo may KALAUMAN
Unsa man ang akong buhaton aron ako maTAGBAW? Ang pangutana ni Nong Kalipay gayod sa GINIKANAN
MATAGBAW KA. Ang tubag sa maong tingog……….. (EHEHEHE! Damgo ra man Nga maundang na unta kining paghunos sa KINABUHI
diay ug naapil pa gyud ko!!!). Ang pagpahimugso dili na IMAKULI
Zzzzzzzz! Grabe ang hinanok ni Nong Tagbaw. Zzzzzzzz! Wala pa siya Sa kahayag kami na MOPILI
makamata. Pila na ka oras ang milabay ug sa dihang wala na maghagok si Pakatawhon na ang bata kay siya hamili ug PUTLI.
Nong Tagbaw. Gipukaw siya sa iyang ugangang babaye nga si HILABTUNON.
si Nong Tagbaw. TAGBAW! PAGMATA! TAGBAW! MATA NA! Dili gyud mumata si
Nong Tagbaw. Iyang gilihok ang lawas ni Nong Tagbaw apan wala lang gihapon
siya mimata. TAGBAW! HUHUHUH! TAGBAW! UHUHUHUHU! Hala! Patay na si Do you have something to announce?
Nong Tagbaw? Patay na gyud! Namatay si Nong Tagbaw sa iyang paghikatulog.
Kaluoy ni Nong Tagbaw nga namatay na lang siya nga wala pa maTAGBAW.
Agoy! Namatay na lang siya nga wala pa siya makapangutana kang Fr. Fermin.
will be more than happy to print greetings and announcements at reasonable rates.
AHAHAHAH! Mag-ampo na lang kita nga ang kaTAGBAWang dayonnnnn ihatag
unta kaninya sa Ginooooooo. Ameeeennn!
Nakapamalandong ako nga malisud nga mamatay kita nga wala ta
Soft copies are especially welcome.
maTAGBAW sa atong kinabuhi diri sa kalibutan. Tinuod tong damgo ni Nong To find out more, call the Social Communication Apostolate
Tagbaw nga si Jesus mao ra gyud ang moTAGBAW sa tawo. Unsahon man?
Ang PAGTOO SA DIOS mao ang una natong buhaton aron maTAGBAW kita.

Call for Articles

Ikaduha, ang PAGDAWAT Kaniya pinaagi sa Iyang mga PULONG. Ikatulo, ang
PAGSABOT O PAGTUON sa Iyang mga Pulong. Ikaupat, ang PAGDUMDOM NIINI
BUHAT nga mao gyuy makaTAGBAW sa kinabuhi sa tawo. Ang mga PULONG We invite parishioners, ministries, clergy and religious to submit
SA DIOS nga maoy gahatag kanato’g KATIN-AWAN sa unsay pagkahitabo
sa atong kinabuhi ug ang gaganoy sa LAWOM NGA KAHULOGAN sa atong news stories. Just send us the details, and we’ll give you proper
pagkinabuhing tawhanon ug espirituhanon. Ang PAGDAWAT kang Jesus diha credit for your article.
sa Balaang Sakramento nga maoy gahatag kanato’g kusog sa pagbuhat sa mga
butang nga ipabuhat kanato sa Dios. Ang PAGBUHAT SA TANANG GINABUHAT Email your submissions, along with your name, phone number, and
NI JESUS mao ang kinapungkayan sa kaTAGBAWan sa tawo. Og hingpiton sa parish/congregation to [email protected]
Dios ang atong kaTAGBAWan karon ug sa kinabuhing walay katapusan. AMEN!
Features LAMDAG
August 1-31, 2018

BEC- Selda Family Day 2018 Gipahigayon bulan nga mitapos niadtong diha sa pagtoo ang matag usa
Hulyo 14, 2018. Ang BEC nakiglambigit gayud, ug nga
Directory maoy giya sa mga sila nag-ampoay, nag-alagaray
lideres aron magpabiling ug nagtinabangay.
aktibo ug buhi ang Gagmay’ng Paghuman sa Santos nga
Simbahanong Katilingban Misa, adunay hamubo nga
(GSK). programa diin nag- Opening
Uban sa mga lideres nga Salvo ug giaghat ang tanan
gipangulohan sa Parish BEC sa pagsayaw sa Philippine
Coordinator nga si Mrs. Rocaya Geography nga sonata. Naay
C. Narciso ang nahimong BEC- tulo nga nagpaambit sa ilang
Selda Family Day gisugdan sa kasinatian mahitungod sa
Santos nga Misa sa 8:30 ang GSK, naay pakulo sama sa
takna sa buntag. Sa homiliya Bible Trivia, pagpanghatag
gikalipay ni Fr. Zayas nga sa mga awards sama sa Early
nahimo ang panagtigom kay Bird Award, Most Participative
kini nagpadayag nga buhi Selda, Most Festive Selda ug
ang Gagmay’ng Simbahanong uban pa. Gisundan kini sa
Katilingban (GSK). Ingon man salo-salo nga gipangunahan sa
Mga pamilya sa 75 ka selda
usab alang kaniya ang matag- pag-ampo ni Rev. Fr. Sanchito
Ni Joan Frans R. Duapa BEC SELDA maoy pamaagi N. Ricarde, SSJV.
Gitambongan kini sa 75 ka sa Padre Kura, Rev. Fr. Lyndon
Mahinangpon nga seldas sa 29 ka mga kapilya G. Zayas, SSJV, nakahimo aron mahiduol sa simbahan Gikalipay sa mga sakop
nagkatigum ang nagkalain- sa parokya. Inubanan kini sa kini og BEC Directory ang mga tawo nga talagsa rang sa matag-selda nga ingon ani
laing BEC- Selda sa tibuok tema, “BEC DAY 2018: Diha sa sa pagpaningkamot ni maabot tungod sa kalayo sa diay kasuod ang matag usa
parokya niadtong Sabado pagsandurotay sa matag selda, Seminarian Warren Tagupa ilang gipuy-an. diha sa kalihukan nga ilang
Hulyo 14, 2018 sa Our Lady of magkahiusa ang Kristohanong nga gipalihok samtang siya Sa pagpaambit usab ni gitambongan. Ug nanguli sila
the Snows Parish, El Salvador Pamilya.” nakig-uban sa mga magtotoo Seminarian Warren, ang BEC- nga puno sa kalipay sa maong
City, Misamis Oriental. Sa mainitong pagpaluyo sa parokya sulod sa tulo (3) ka “ is Faith Relationship” nga BEC- Selda Family Day 2018.

Sanctuario organizes 1st Parish BEC Family Day

By . Ian Michael Abad, SSS Ecclesial Community. Compound, Zone
In his homily, Fr. Briones 9, Oro Chain, and
The Eucharistic pointed out five characteristics Agoho which
celebration presided by Fr. of the renewed Church and the totalled to 64
Froilan Briones, SSS, the importance of the Basic Ecclesial participants.
parish priest opened the 1st Communities in the parish. Rev. Mrs. Alona
Parish BEC Family Day in Fr. Joel Oga, SSJV, Archdiocesan Balce, parish
Santuario Eucaristico – Sacred BEC Spiritual Director of BEC Coordinator
Heart Parish on July 22, 2018 Cagayan De Oro talked on the was thankful
with the theme: “Renewed role of evangelization which to everyone for
Servant-Leaders for the is to put Christ at the center of their selfless
New Evangelization towards one’s faith and daily life. contribution for
Strengthening Basic Ecclesial The event was participated the success of the
Communities.” This event by nine existing cells in the BEC Parish Family
aimed to increase awareness parish: St. Joseph, Zone 1, Zone Day.
on the existence of the Basic 2A, Zone 2B, Zone 3, Mendoza
Participants to the 1st BEC Family Day

S acred Heart parish holds youth assembly 2018

By: Mateth A. Cagas energy and communication
between participants.
On July 22, 2018, the In the afternoon, a
Eucharistic Youth of Santuario talk and sharing about the
Eucaristico – Sacred Heart theme: “Young People, Faith
Parish conducted a Parish and Vocational Discernment”
Youth Assembly with the (SYNOD 2018) was given by
theme: “Young People, Faith Ms. Jessica Sarah B. Palacio,
and Vocational Discernment” Parish Youth Animator who
(SYNOD 2018) and was blessed emphasized the Go, Glow, and
with 94 youth participants. Grow concept of service and
Many participated in this leadership. Being young, one
activity and this is another must always say GO with the
stepping stone towards will of the Lord, in faith one
gathering the youth who will must GLOW so that others
be officially members of the may see the light of Christ.
Eucharistic Youth Ministry. The presence of some
The program started religious congregations and
at 1:00 PM with a prayer their sharing highlighted the
and animations followed assembly and many came to
by welcome remarks from know the different charism
Rev. Fr. Froilan R. A. Briones, and mission in the Church.
SSS, rector and parish priest. It was indeed a fruitful
A fun getting-to-know-you event joining young men and
session was conducted by Br. women and leading them to
Clemence to fully bring out the Christ.
Ms. Jessica Palacio shares on Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment
AMRSWP Convenes Superiors at SEARSOLIN

Women Major Religious Superiors in the Philippines

SEARSOLIN, Cagayan de Oro City
July 7-13, 2018.

Sr. Flor Bahan, RVM

Cagayan de Oro the Phil. Context” by Lumads is a is hope to co-exist
Every two years, City last July 7-13, Fr. Samuel Canilang, continuous challenge in harmony, respect
the Association 2018. There were CMF 3). “Servant but there is hope for and understanding
of Women Major more than a hundred Leadership: Jesus’ peace and unity that with one another.
Religious Superiors participants of Praxis of Leadership” can be found in the The very
in the Philippines Women Religious by Sr. Niceta M. heart of everyone and m e m o r a b l e
(AWMRSP) come Superiors and their Vargas, OSA. this is the bridge for experience that
together to discuss representatives The participants reconciliation and the participants
matters pertaining who attended the were invited to understanding. encountered was
to the current 5-day convention. watch the stage play Another show was the visit to Marawi
situation as well as Several in-puts have showed by “BANGAW given in MSU Marawi City. The time was
some reports and been shared such MINDANAW” at Liceo by the Youth group so short that the
evaluation of the as 1). “Prophecy in University in July 11, “DUYOG MINDANAW” personal encounter
various activities Turbulent Times: 2018 at 7:00 p.m. It which manifested with the people
done by the The need for Servant has presented a story the reality during the has not been given
association and its Leaders in Phil. where the struggles Marawi siege. It was a ample time. The visit
mission partners. Context” by Fr. Patrick and relationships heart touching story was very enriching
This year, the Dominador Falguera, between and of the families and because everyone
convention was S.J. 2). “The Person of among the Muslims, people affected by has been there in
held at SEARSOLIN, a Servant Leader in Christians and the war. Again, there person.

August Birthday Celebrants

August 1 - Msgr. Cirilo Isnani
7 - Fr. Rhutenberge Develos
10 - Fr. Filomeno Cabulosan,
Fr. Rolando Gabutera
14 - Fr. Ricardo Dancela
Fr. Roberto Balsamo
16 - Fr. Sacris Recoleto
17 - Msgr. Abelard Cabillan
18 - Fr. Elcon Magtrayo
20 - Fr. Roy Barros
22 - Fr. Harnifer Godinez
23 - Fr. Renato Lomonsod
27 - Msgr. Elmer Abacahin
30 - Fr. Ismael Scott Escanilla

Sacerdotal Anniversaries
August 4 - Fr. Lino Macatol
Fr. Noel Carbayas
8 - Fr. Erdman Pandero
19 - Fr. Rosauro Valmores
31 - Abp. Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ,DD

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