Ipa16 615 G
Ipa16 615 G
Ipa16 615 G
D. Cook*
D. Kurniawan*
I. Buldani*
G. Aquillina*
F. Prasetia*
* eni Indonesia
** eni S.p.A. Italia
outs. Grain size of the fill generally decreases A high resolution measurement, such as image log,
upward, in accordance with the upward change is also important to define bed boundaries. The
from more distributary-like channels to smaller resistivity image log resolution can identify thin
leveed channels. Internally, several stacking beds up to 1 cm thick while the density image has
patterns are possible, depending on the width and lower resolution of 10 cm. The sand count analysis
depth of the master channel, position within the has to be performed to estimate relative percentage
channel and internal sedimentary processes. of sand, silt and shale using synthetic resistivity
SRES of image log. The basic assumption in sand
Figure-3 shows the conventional log response and count analysis is that the clean and hydrocarbon-
example of the core features in the Jangkrik bearing sands have higher SRES values while shale,
reservoir. The existence of thin beds can be silt and wet sands have lower values. The sand
expected as observed from moderate gamma ray log count is used as quality check to laminar shale
value 30 – 45 API, relative low resistivity value volume from tensor resistivity.
between 3 to 5 ohmm and density neutron logs tend
to be closer to each other. These kind of logs Finally, to obtain reliable water saturation, the
response are then strengthened by visual core Laminated Sand Analysis is performed by utilizing
observation that confirmed the presence of thin beds both input data from image log and Rv-Rh
in the reservoir. resistivity. The term Laminated Sand Analysis
(LSA) is used by Schlumberger while Laminated
Jangkrik’s core section contains “small packages” Sand Shale Analysis (LSSA) is Baker Hughes
of Bouma sequence which might be recognized by product. The objective of the LSA/LSSA
characteristic sedimentary structures and lithology. petrophysical model is to evaluate rock properties in
In general, the reservoir rocks are characterized by sand – shale sequences using vertical and horizontal
medium to very fine grain laminated sandstones, resistivity (Mollison et al. 1999). The key
siltstones, shale and organic matter, friable to loose components in laminated sand analysis are the
(Figure-4). Porosity and permeability are mainly laminar shale fraction determination and laminar
relatively high in this reservoir. sand resistivity which can be solved by using
Thomas Stieber shale distribution model and a
The term thin beds itself has been used in a tensor resistivity model (Mollison et al. 1999, 2000;
qualitative sense to refer to formation beds Schoen et al. 1999). The analyst determines the
thickness below conventional vertical resolution appropriate sand fraction resistivity Rsand, sand-
logging tool (Figure-5). shale volume fraction to calculate sand fraction
water saturation by Archie’s equation.
The presence of shale especially as thin layers
within resistive hydrocarbon bearing sands affects Taking into account the importance of obtaining
conventional induction tool measurements where high quality data for reliable interpretation in thin
the values would be dominated by the shale beds environment, the logging acquisitions and
conductivity, hence it may cause an underestimation electric log post-processing have been planned
of the potential gas volume. Use of the 3-axial carefully with respect to safety, cost and operating
induction - resistivity tool may help eliminate the time optimization, well objectives and trajectory.
problem where it can deliver array induction data to
calculate vertical and horizontal resistivity (Rv and In all low deviated wells with an inclination less
Rh) from direct induction measurements. than 40 degree, the combination of 3-axial
resistivity and image tool have been considered as
In anisotropy condition, the Rv and Rh are not equal mandatory to be acquired in Jangkrik field. The
and the curves separation depends on the degree of possibility to use other tools to enhance quality of
anisotropy. Horizontal resistivity Rh is more formation evaluation and eventually improve
affected by shale resistivity and is actually reserves estimation was considered. The first
measured in the same way as conventional one potential candidate can be magnetic resonance tool
where the electric current flow parallel to the since it is able to identify pore size distribution and
formation bedding. The vertical resistivity Rv is free fluid. The method can be the first indicator of
derived resistivity perpendicular to the bedding the producible hydrocarbons in the intervals that
planes. Correct determination of sand layer look extremely shaly on conventional logs.
resistivity Rsand is achieved by doing multistep However, considering that the magnetic resonance
inversion from both horizontal and vertical tool requires very slow speed during acquisition (3
resistivity. meters/minute) and an extra run in the hole, it was
performed only in the wells where bottom hole core quality wireline and LWD data acquisition.
was cut. Different processing is applied for the highly and
low deviated wells (Figure-6).
In highly deviated well, between 40 – 70 degree, the
acquisition plan was modified. In fact, the modern In the wells with low (less than 40 degree)
3-axial resistivity tools can routinely perform in any inclination, the data from wireline 3-axial resistivity
highly deviated well bore (Wang et al., 2006), tool RTScanner and micro-resistivity image tool
however, the drilling/operational risks (tool stuck, OBMI were used together with density-neutron
borehole stability etc.) in such slanted wells are from LWD Lithotrak to analyze thin beds
very high for wireline acquisition especially in a formations. The RTScanner has 6 triaxial arrays,
deep water environment. That is why it wasn’t where each array consists of three collocated coils
planned in two highly deviated (up to 63 degree) orthogonal to each other, with the objective to
development wells, in spite of the apparent need for measure resistivity in the different directions while
the thin bed characterization. Logging with drill simultaneously solving formation dip at any
pipe conveyance is usually “safer” but also time deviation. In addition, formation dip and azimuth
consuming, giving a high impact on the cost of the are also calculated for structural interpretation. The
well/project, which is one of the key development RTScanner produces standard array resistivity, and
project factors. then inverted to obtain tensor resistivity (horizontal
Rh and vertical Rv).
Another acquisition option considered was use of
the wireline tractor which can be installed in the The mineralogy of Jangkrik Complex reservoirs is
tool string. It diminishing the hanging problems and simple hence a deterministic approach is acceptable
fishing risks as well as lowering the cost in for conventional analysis. While the LSA/LSSA
comparison with one associated to the drill pipe approach assumes bimodal formation models,
conveyance. But after an evaluation of the consisting of sand and shale layers only. Therefore,
formation’s compressive strength, which resulted determination of laminar shale volume and laminar
lower than the minimum requirement, the wireline sand resistivity is important by utilizing Thomas
tractor option was abandoned. Stieber and tensor resistivity models.
The best technical solution for highly deviated wells For the Thomas Stieber method, the analyst first of
was to perform resistivity post-processing from all defines end points of clean sand and shale with
traditional LWD propagation resistivity and density respect to iterative hydrocarbon correction by using
data. The 400 kHz and 2 MHz Ontrak LWD raw the Thomas Stieber porosity – Vshale cross-plot.
attenuation and phase resistivity data are processed Thomas Stieber laminar shale distribution describes
to obtain comparable Rv-Rh to wireline 3-axial the type of shale fraction inside the formation then
resistivity. To assess the feasibility of the resistivity distinguishes volume of disperses shale (Vdisp) and
inversion and density image processing, two LWD laminar shale (Vlam). After laminar shale volume is
data sets from exploratory wells have been analyzed known, the net sand volume can be calculated 1 –
and provided acceptable results. The relative dip is Vlam. The total porosity and effective porosity then
measured after Lithotrak density image post- can be obtained as well by the equations (1) and (2)
processing is done. (Mele, M. et al., 2005; Yared,K., et al., 2010):
This paper emphasizes the importance of the tsand = (t – (Vlam * sh)) / (1 - Vlam) (1)
Laminated Sand interpretation using a combination
of both: high resolution image log and Rv-Rh tensor effsand = tsand – [(Vdisp * sh) / (1 - Vlam)] (2)
resistivity (Ontrak - Lithotrak for LWD and
RTScanner - OBMI for wireline) for qualitative and The Rh and Rv then used to derive sand resistivity
quantitative interpretation versus the conventional Rsand, by the equation:
analysis. Rsand = 0.5*[Risd + Rshv) – {(Risd – Rshv) 2
(1+dR)}0.5] (3)
Reservoir targets of Jangkrik Complex wells were
drilled with OBM in 12.25in and 8.5in hole Risd = Rh*[(Rv-Rsh) / (Rh – Rsh)] (4)
sections. The borehole condition is good, rarely
washed-out and rugose condition that leads to good dR = 4*Risd [(Rshv – Rshh) / ((Risd – Rshv) 2)] (5)
Risd = disperse shale density image log.
dR = anisotropy shale correction
Rshv = vertical shale resistivity LWD resistivity processing is done using Baker
Rshh = horizontal shale resistivity Hughes MPRTEQ software. The program applies
fixed depth of investigation (DOI) processing on
With the tensor resistivity technique, the end point Multiple Propagation Resistivity (MPR) data.
shale and shale fraction are interpreted by using Rv- Unlike standard processing, MPRTEQ performs
Rh cross-plot (Klein plot, also known as butterfly two-stage inversions, where the 1st inversion is
plot). Once the horizontal shale resistivity Rshh and intended to remove shoulder bed effects and the 2nd
vertical shale resistivity Rshv is determined, the inversion to simultaneously correct for dielectric
volume of shale Fsh and sand resistivity Rsand can effect, anisotropy and invasion. The result is a series
be obtained directly from the cross-plot. The of fixed depth of investigation resistivity curves
example of shale distribution and Klein plot in one from 10, 20, 35, 60 inches, with option of 120
of the segment targets in Jangkrik can be seen in inches. In addition, MPRTEQ also enhanced the
Figure-7. The Rsand is then subsequently used to vertical resolution of array resistivity to 6 inches
determine sand fraction porosity and water hence it will be more reliable to represent possible
saturation LSA/LSSA using the Archie equation. thin bed features. Tensor resistivity is then derived
from those array resistivity and formation dip
Even though the qualitative LSA/LSSA analysis can (Figure-8).
be done simply by using low resolution 3-axial
resistivity, the combination with high resolution In parallel, the density image is processed from
OBMI sand count analysis should deliver more Lithotrak density log that has 16 separated sectors
robust interpretation. The four pads OBMI data are of density image-oriented, means the coverage area
combined to produce synthetic resistivity curve of each sector is 22.5 degrees. This resulted in
SRES. The SRES is a high resolution resistivity poorer resolution compare to the 120 image sectors
product which has a shallow DOI (Depth of on wireline log image. Additionally only 3 inch of
Investigation). The sand count module is used to vertical resolution can be obtained using LWD tools
split the SRES data into 4 classes of lithology. To which do not provide details such as micro-
help these class divisions, neutron - density porosity resistivity image. However the density image results
is also used as an indicator of low porosity intervals. can still be used to define bedding features, relative
dip angle of formation and sand count (net to gross)
Results of lithology identification from SRES are calculation. The sand count analysis is split into 4
then used together with Rv-Rh to better understand classes by defining density cutoff values, gamma
and distinguish the presence of thin beds in the ray and porosity computation as quality control.
Unlike OBMI log image, the dark color in the
In a highly deviated well, the LWD propagation image density is corresponding to low density
resistivity resolution needs to be enhanced by lithology representing lithology (more porous
applying several inversion steps. The relative dip lithology / related to sand) while the bright color is
angle plays an important role because the for high-density lithology.
anisotropy is enhanced when the borehole is no
longer perpendicular to the beds. When the relative Finally, the same conventional and LSSA analysis
dip is smaller than 35 degrees, the resistivity sensor with the same workflow (as above) is done in
mainly responds to horizontal component of highly deviated as in low deviated wells with the
resistivity. Once the relative dip increases, the same electrical properties as obtained from core
electromagnetic waves cross the bed boundaries, analysis.
hence are more sensitive to the vertical component
of resistivity. The resistivity inversion is suggested RESULTS
to be applied in apparent dip of 35 – 70 degree
(Yared, K., et al., 2010). Above 70 degrees, the In general, the quality of the logs are good as a
vertical resistivity component will be more consequence of in gauge bore hole condition. All
dominant and create high uncertainty on inversion pads of OBMI made good contact with borehole
process and results. Below 35 degrees, the wall while density image is also good as result of
resistivity anisotropy can’t be seen clearly hence it’s good drilling practice. Examples of analysis in
not recommended for inversion (Figure-6). several different types of reservoir segments are
Apparent dip can be obtained from dip picking on described below:
a. Segment – X1 model between core and log analysis.
In spite of gamma ray and neutron-density logs LSA result also reveals a potential hydrocarbon
show relative clean sand in Segment-X1, the high zone over laminated zone above Segment-X1 where
resolution OBMI image and sand count analysis are the T2 distribution also gives an indication of the
able to recognize thin beds, silt and shale between presence of bigger pore size with average LSA Sw
sands. Lamination and thin inter-bedding caused by of 50%. However, the sand count analyses only
siltstone, shale and organic matter can also be identified mainly silt-shale inter-bedding with a
observed and confirmed by the conventional core. negligible amount of sand in this interval. This
could happen when the thin sand lamination is
The SRES shows streaks of low value especially in thinner than the OBMI resolution itself.
the main sand reservoir, which means thin beds
features are expected in this reservoir. Based on No formation gas was obtained during coring
SRES and porosity cutoff, the computed sand count operations in this segment, but the presence of gas
confirm the present of lamina sand – silt with a few is confirmed by pressure gradient of 0.067 psi/ft.
amount of shale. This qualitative interpretation is The interpretation result can be seen in Figure-9.
also confirmed by T2 distribution obtained from
CMR-Plus. b. Segment – X2
The CMR-Plus T2 distribution indicates the From a textural point of view, the upper part of this
presence of small pore size within the reservoir that segment called “Interval X2-a” is represented by
can be related to some dispersed shale and silt as silty sand facies (Figure-10). The interpretation is
well as shale - siltstone thin beds. The bigger pores derived from cuttings description, relative high
are related to sandstones contain free fluid, gas in gamma ray/shale volume, small neutron-density
this case, while the small pores are occupied by crossover and moderate brown static-dynamic
bound fluid. The T2 cutoff 11 ms should, in theory, image color with thin laminated inside as seen from
be able to distribute respective shale and sand sand count interpretation. The array induction
fraction better (Cao Minh,C., et all, 2006). With this resistivity is showing low resistivity values up to 4
11 ms cutoff, some of small pore size (silt) might be ohmm only, but the Rv/Rh ratio indicates moderate
included as a part of sand fraction. - high resistivity anisotropy. The formation gas also
increases above background values.
The LSA was performed as well as conventional
interpretation. The separation between Rv and Rh is The lithology of the reservoir at “Interval X2-a” is
clear and in general showing low anisotropy. representing silty-sand reservoir as recognized from
Overall the sand porosity does not differ much from conventional log response with relative low
conventional one and core, which means the induction resistivity value. The sand count and
laminar shale is not the main issue in this segment tensor resistivity Rv-Rh also confirm the presence
as also identified by sand count analysis. While the of high anisotropy in this interval. Although
corrected CMR porosity result is slightly lower than penetrated in dirty facies, the formation gas data
other analysis but still within tolerance of minimum shows higher value than background gas.
porosity measured by core. The average LSA sand
porosity is 1.5% higher than conventional analysis. The “Interval X2-b” represents a channel axis
environment and is characterized by low gamma
The 19% average LSA Sw in sand fraction is lower ray, high up to 20 ohmm array resistivity, big
than average conventional Sw 31% and is mainly neutron density crossover, bright – moderate bright
lower than the irreducible water saturation (Swirr) image color, slower sonic transit time and formation
derived from capillary pressure (Pc) of core plug gas higher than background gas. The bright static
laboratory test. Unfortunately, the measured Swirr images provide a clear indication of good sand
cannot be compared easily with log analysis due to reservoir. No big deviation from SRES thus not
heterogeneity in core plugs. Shaly - silty rocks, with much shale - silt layers are expected in this interval.
their small pore throats and high capillary pressures, This is in line with the results of 3-axial log that
tend to have very high core irreducible water shows lower Rv/Rh ratio compare to the upper
saturations. In such a condition, the higher section.
centrifuge pressure on capillary pressure test might
give a solution in order to obtain a better saturation “Interval X2-c” of the segment is getting to be more
result in the future. More studies should be shaly and characterized by increasing of gamma ray
performed to have a proper comparison saturation value, lower induction resistivity compare to
“Interval X2-b” with moderate brown image color. LSSA water saturation and should be filtered from
Some high anisotropy observes at the top of this computation.
“X2-c” as confirmed by wide Rv/Rh separation.
Below this point, Rv-Rh doesn’t show big degree of The estimated sand porosity is 2% higher than
anisotropy while SRES indicates the possibility of conventional one and the average LSSA water
lithology variation in silty-shale interval. saturation resulted in 38% which is lower compare
to conventional 54%. Three successful pressure
After removing volume of shale, the sand fraction points provide gas gradient 0.059 psi/ft with
reservoir properties in all segment-X2 with the use mobility 43 – 2091 mD/cP.
of horizontal and vertical resistivity gives the
average porosity 3% higher than conventional one CONCLUSIONS
(mainly contribute from X2-a) with water saturation
20% which is 8% lower than conventional A logging acquisition master plan is important for
interpretation. The pressure tests data confirmed full the successful evaluation and characterization of
to base gas saturation with gradient 0.071 psi/ft and thin beds reservoirs. Some pay zones and
excellent mobility between 21.02 – 9996.47 mD/cP. hydrocarbon volumes could be missed or
underestimated from conventional analysis
c. Segment - X3 therefore it is important to use (at least) a
combination of high resolution image log for sand
The Segment-X3 was drilled with 12.25 inch bit count and 3-axial resistivity for qualitative
and found as clastic rock sequences with dominant interpretation model through LSA/LSSA. If
lithology sandstone inter-bedded with shale and possible, the magnetic resonance tool can also be
siltstone as confirmed by drilled cuttings and log planned to reinforce the interpretation.
response. Below is described upper part of the
segment separated from lower part by 70 meters The evaluation in highly deviated wells, between 40
MD shale. Due to high (up to 59o) inclination the – 70 degrees, can be solved by utilizing regular
well was logged with LWD Lithotrak + Ontrak. LWD propagation resistivity and LWD density
image log. MPRTEQ processing in Jangkrik wells
The processing density image log shows a typical is able to develop good array resistivity where the
thin-bedded reservoir. The dip is also analyzed to result is similar to propagation resistivity value.
understand true and relative apparent dip in the
borehole. The true dip magnitude is mainly between The LSA/LSSA interpretation gives reliable rock
2 – 15 degree and the apparent dip is about 50 – 70 properties compared to conventional ones, mainly
degrees, which is within the range for MPR due to the ability to distinguish and exclude the
processing. Sand-silt-shale lithology fraction is then laminar shale volume for proper sand fraction
calculated using density porosity cut-offs. interpretation. As a comparison with core data, it is
not straightforward analysis due to heterogeneity in
As expected, the resistivity anisotropy in sand core plugs.
layers is noticeable as the effect of high wellbore
inclination (up to 59o). In relatively thin sands, the Nevertheless, some further statistical and analytical
phase resistivity 2 MHz is noticeable higher than work should be done in order to define more
other frequencies. It’s quite understood because this reliable parameters for interpretation, e.g. for SRES
curve is the shallowest resistivity that is more computation and cutoff. Although the results of the
sensitive to borehole and lithology changes. The sand count analysis have been useful in calibrating
Rv/Rh separation in the sand intervals indicates the volume of sand - shale fraction, the match is not
possible low to moderate anisotropy. always perfect with resistivity anisotropy.
In some points, the post-processing vertical In conclusion, the LSA/LSSA interpretation in the
resistivity Rv seems to be too high compare to Rh Jangkrik field confirm an additional net pay and
e.g. at “Z depth” (Figure-11) where it can reach hydrocarbon pore volume in thin bedded reservoirs
about 100 ohmmeter. This happens when the over the results of conventional analysis.
relative dip angle is close to suggested MPRTEQ
processing limit of 70 degrees. If the relative dip is ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
close or above 70 degrees the vertical resistivity
become dominant, hence creates higher We would like to thank SKK Migas, Migas, Eni
uncertainties on inversion process, causes very low GICA department in HQ (especially Paola Cardola,
Maria Teresa Galli, Maurizio Mele), Eni Indonesia Indonesia - a Case Study: SPE Asia Pacific Oil &
(especially Viktor Lyutayev), ENGIE Muara Bakau Gas Conference.
B.V. and PT. Saka Energi Muara Bakau as partners
for data release and permission to publish this Mele, M., Galli, M.T., Borghi, M., Livraghi, L.,
paper. Also we would like to thank Baker Hughes ENI E&P ; Brambilla, F., Baker Atlas, Mollison, R.,
Inteq Indonesia (Gunawan Sucahyo, Adrian Samson, 2005, Interpreting Anisotropic Reservoirs
Manescu, Dhani Sanjaya) and Schlumberger (Tom with The Integration of NMR, Dielectric, Nuclear
Neville, Khrisna Pokhriyal, Hengky Ng, Restio and Borehole Image Log Data - A Case History
Adhyaksa, Herry Tandjung) for data processing and from Italy : Offshore Mediterranean Conference and
support during drilling campaign. Exhibition in Ravenna, Italy.
Figure 2 - Depositional Model in Jangkrik Complex Field. (Modified from Campion et all, 2005 in AAPG
studies Geology no.57 by Weimer, P. and Slatt, R.M.)
Figure 3 - Typical Log Response and Thin Beds Features from Core in Jangkrik Field.
Figure 4 - Bouma Sequence Model in Jangkrik Field which consist of several facies type.
Figure 5 - Thin Beds by Definition (Quinn Passey, 2011) and Illustration of Image Log with Core in
Jangkrik Field.
Figure 6 - LSA/LSSA Interpretation Workflow in low and highly deviated well. LWD anisotropy resistivity
can be observed in various apparent dip (Yared, K. et all, 2010)
Figure 7 - Example of Thomas Stieber Shale Distribution and Rv-Rh Klein Plot in Segment-X3. (Left)
Shale distribution mostly identify as laminar shale with minor disperse shale volume. The orange
color indicate reservoir with Vsh < 55% while the brown one represent non-reservoir interval.
(Right) Rv-Rv crossplot, where on the 45 degree line Rv equals to Rh. The blue line is
representing volume of shale Fshale while the red line is correspond to sand resistivity Rsand.
Pay zones are shown in the upper right wing of the plot while shale and water zones (if any) will
be plotted in the lower left wing.
Figure 8 - MPRTEQ Inversion Process will enhance the LWD Resistivity Resolution in to Fixed DOI to
Derive Rv and Rh.