Mesoporous Materials: Presented by Mannu Kaur M.Tech NST 1 Year (2 Sem) 00740801015
Mesoporous Materials: Presented by Mannu Kaur M.Tech NST 1 Year (2 Sem) 00740801015
Mesoporous Materials: Presented by Mannu Kaur M.Tech NST 1 Year (2 Sem) 00740801015
Mx/nSi1-xAlxO2 · yH2O
Where M = e.g. Na+, K+, Li+, Ag+, NH4+, H+, Ca2+, Ba2+
• These are three dimensional structure built from tetrahedra. Some silicon atoms have
been replaced by aluminium.
5/5/2016 Mannu Kaur 3
• The synthesis of porous material started in late 1940’s with synthesis
of synthetic Zeolites by Barrer, Breck, Milton and Co-workers.
1. Surfactants.
2. Formation of Micelles.
3. Inorganic precursor .
4. Interaction of Micelles with inorganic precursor.
5. Hydrothermal treatment followed by separation and drying
6. Removal of template.
7. Proposed mechanism