Siemens Fpso Offshore Production PDF
Siemens Fpso Offshore Production PDF
Siemens Fpso Offshore Production PDF
41 Sida 2
Power on board
Gas turbine modules for FPSO´s
(Floating Production, Storage and Offloading vessels)
The oil & gas industry exercises strict re- around two or more gas turbine units nominal emission down to 15 ppm NOx
quirements for safety and reliability no- satisfies these interests. Furthermore, the (15% O2). The DLE system is simple and
where more than in the offshore business. module design conforms to classification robust and insensitive to variations in
With the move to deeper waters in search requirements for floating production and ambient conditions. SGT-600 units alone
for oil and gas, floating production facilit- meets market standards. have accumulated more than 4 million
ies like semi-submersibles and floating operating hours with the DLE system
production, storage and offloading vess- The module is designed for topside locat- since 1991.
els (FPSO’s) have become the solution. ion. It consists of 2 to 4 gas turbine units
suitable for the roll and pitch require- There is no substitute for availability
Fits like a glove ments imposed on a floating production The design offers 8 meters between
Siemens’ program of lightweight heavy- facility like an FPSO. center lines, providing for a 4-meter dist-
duty, industrial gas turbines is the perfect The module suits both power generation ance between enclosure walls, which is
fit for these demanding applications. and mechanical drive and is based on sufficient space for easy sideways rollout
For decades the oil and gas industry has conditions in DNV-OSS-102 “Rules for of the gas turbine for (or during) service.
utilized Siemens engines for power gen- classification of floating production and A gas generator is exchanged in less than
eration and compressor drive. The key storage units”. 24 hours. With long times between over-
factors for success are high plant availa- This module design is in line with custom- hauls, high availability, hence maximum
bility and an ability to provide the sup- er requirements for compact installation uptime, is ensured. The spare engine
port required by the environment, on- on vessels and platforms and meets comes in a standard size 20-foot offshore
shore or offshore. Siemens has to date stringent HSE specifications. container.
sold more than 300 gas turbine modules Availability is of key importance for all
in the 17–30 MW power range, the major- Dual-fuel flexibility production equipment, never more so
ity of them to the Oil and Gas industry. The SGT-600 and SGT-700 gas turbines than in an offshore environment. So re-
are equipped as standard with dual-fuel sponsiveness, coordination with other
Meeting present requirements systems. This is particularly important for platform activities and quick, safe and
and future demands FPSO service since operation on liquid is on-time execution are key factors in our
Fast and efficient installation of a power required at initial operation and after offshore service business. As an Original
or compressor plant on board an FPSO shutdown, pending gas fuel production. Equipment Manufacturer with a global
saves time and money for the operator. All engines also have dry low NOx presence, Siemens offers unique service
Our introduction of complete modules systems for gas fuel as standard with a for all equipment supplied. We are your
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• Compact, only 8 m between the Exhaust Gas Flow (Kg/s) 80.4 91.0
centerline of the gas turbines. Exhaust Gas Temperature (°C) 543 518
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Siemens AG
Energy Sector
47053 Duisburg, Germany