Effective Parameters On Fatigue Life of Wire-Wound Autofrettaged Pressure Vessels
Effective Parameters On Fatigue Life of Wire-Wound Autofrettaged Pressure Vessels
Effective Parameters On Fatigue Life of Wire-Wound Autofrettaged Pressure Vessels
First and foremost, I would like to thank Dr. A. Kumaraswamy, Head of the
Department of Mechanical Engineering at DIAT, Pune for his continuous
I would like to thank my seminar guide Dr. Sunil Nimje, Assistant Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, DIAT, Pune for giving me this
opportunity to present a seminar on the subject of Fatigue, Fracture and Failure
Analysis. This would not have been possible without his constant support and
continuous guidance.
Last but not the least I would like to thank each and every one who has been
instrumental in helping me to complete this seminar successfully.
Wire-winding, autofrettage and shrink fit are three common techniques used in
order to increase fatigue life and maximum allowable working pressure in thick-
walled pressure vessels. In all of them, residual compressive hoop stress is
introduced in inner part of vessel cylinder.
The combination of these techniques could increase this desirable residual stress
and also the advantages of pressure vessel reinforcement. The mutual and
simultaneous effects of cylinder thickness, autofrettage pressure, number of wire
layers, wire winding stress, and working pressure are studied in several cases.
The vessel cylinder is made of high strength steel, DIN1.6959.
In wire-winding process, steel wires with rectangular cross section are wound
around a cylinder with tension stress which causes to introduce residual
compressive hoop and radial stresses in cylinder. Moreover, preventing rapid
failure is one of the most important advantages of wirewinding technique.
Fig shows that by increasing the winding stress, infinite life is available with less
autofrettage pressure. But it should be noted that this increasing would cause to
more difficulty in winding process and also less safety factor in wires. Optimum
autofrettage pressure and winding stress could be obtained by considering
mentioned points. Also similar to previous case, optimum autofrettage pressure
has a significant role.
According to Fig, after accessing to infinite life, the range and amount of
optimum autofrettage pressure would increase by increasing of the cylinder
thickness. So, excessive cylinder thickness in addition to financial issues, would
increase required autofrettage pressure which is not desirable.
In this paper, the effects of design parameters were studied on fatigue life of wire-
wound autofrettaged vessels. Autofrettage pressure, thickness of cylinder,
number of wire layers, wirewinding stress and working pressure were five
effective factors which were investigated mutually. The vessel cylinder material
was considered as high strength steel, DIN1.6959, and actual behaviour in
loading, unloading and reloading was applied.
According to obtained results, the following conclusions are yielded:
- By increasing the winding stress, less autofrettage pressure is needed for infinite
life, although it would cause more difficulty in winding process and also less
safety factor in wires.
So, increasing the number of wire layers is advised based on aspect of the work.
[3] Circular Cylinders and Pressure Vessels Stress Analysis and Design, Vincenzo Vullo