Commonwealth Act No.108 - The Anti-Dummy Law - Mendoza & Pangan

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9/12/2018 Commonwealth Act No.

108: The Anti-Dummy Law | Mendoza & Pangan


Corporate Law DUMMY LAW
The Anti-Dummy Law punishes evasion of the laws on the nationalization of certain rights,
Labor franchises or privileges. Any citizen of the Philippines or of any other speci c country who
allows his name or citizenship to be used for the purpose of evading any constitutional or
legal provisions that requires Philippine citizenship as a requisite for the exercise or
enjoyment of a right, franchise or privilege, and any alien or foreigner pro ting thereby
(Section 1, Commonwealth Act No. 108, as amended).

Simulation of minimum capital stock – Falsely simulating the minimum stock or
capital requirement provided in the constitution or any other laws, which speci es
the minimum percentage ownership of Filipinos, for the purpose of evading said

 Unlawful use, Exploitation or enjoyment – The following acts of any person,

corporation, or association which, having in its name or under its control, a right,
franchise, privilege, property or business, the exercise or enjoyment of which is
expressly reserved by the Constitution or the laws to citizens of the Philippines or
of any other speci c country, or to corporations or associations at least 60% of the
capital of which is owned by such citizens, are violative of the Anti-Dummy Law and
punishable by law:

permits or allows the use, exploitation or enjoyment thereof by a person,
corporation or association not possessing the requisites prescribed by a the
Constitution or the laws;

leases, or in any other way, transfers or conveys said right, franchise, privilege,
property or business to a person, corporation or association not otherwise
quali ed under the Constitution, or the provisions of the existing laws;

permits or allows any person, not possessing the quali cations required by the
Constitution, or existing laws to acquire, use, exploit or enjoy a right, franchise,
privilege, property or business, the exercise and enjoyment of which are
expressly reserved by the Constitution or existing laws to citizens of the

to intervene in the management, operation, administration or control thereof,
whether as an o cer, employee or laborer therein with or without remuneration
except technical personnel whose employment may be speci cally authorized by
the Secretary of Justice;

any person who knowingly aids, assists or abets in the planning consummation 2/3

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