Bulletin For September 16, 2018
Bulletin For September 16, 2018
Bulletin For September 16, 2018
his cross, and follow me." -- Mark 8:34
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
P.O. Box 70 Fr. Cory Sticha - Pastor Office: (406) 654-1446
Malta, MT 59538 RE Center: (406) 654-1311
[email protected] Fax: (406) 654-1467
September 16, 2018 — Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time www.SaintMarysMalta.org
Mass Schedule
9/17: Malta 8:30 AM: Repose of the soul of Jerry Hould r/b John & Terry McKeon
9/18: Malta 8:30 AM: Special Intentions r/b Lana Ulrich
9/19: Malta 8:30 AM: Repose of the souls of Mae & Gay LaFond r/b Bruce & Darlene
9/20: HiLine 10:00 AM: Repose of the soul of Barb Hould r/b John & Terry McKeon
9/21: Malta 8:30 AM: Special Intentions r/b Lana Ulrich
9/22: Malta 4:00 PM: Repose of the soul of Claris Darrah r/b The Howell's
9/23: Dodson 8:30 AM: Repose of the soul of Frank (Skip) Cole Sr. r/b Bobby Cole
Malta 10:00 AM: For the Parishioners
Saco 12:00 PM: Repose of the soul of Maxine Schwartz r/b Helen DePuydt
Knights of Columbus # 2124 Parish Council of Catholic Women
Meets First Tuesday of the month Meets Second Sunday of the Month
Weekly Eucharistic Adoration
Every Friday from 9 to 10 AM (following daily Mass)
Confessions: Saturdays Noon 1p.m., 1/2 Baptism: Normally celebrated at weekend
hour before daily Mass (Tues., Weds., and Masses. Parental sessions are required.
Fri.) or by appointment Marriages: Six month couple preparation
Anointing of the Sick: Please contact Fr. period required. Please meet with Fr. Cory
Cory as soon as possible for anointing. before scheduling marriage date.
Collections Totals For 9/2
Goal Remaining Past Due 9/2 Needed Online
Malta: $22,941.00 $16,135.75 $69,839.37 Malta: $1351.00 $2721.00 $445.00
Dodson: $2,684.00 $279.00 $0.00 Dodson: $326.00 $441.31 $0.00
Saco: $5,015.00 $4,560.00 $0.00 Saco: $215.00 $441.31 $225.00
Please send bulletin announcements to [email protected] by Thursday evening. Thanks!
Daily Scripture Readings
9/16 — TwentyFourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Isaiah 50:59; Psalm 116:16, 89; James 2:1418; Mark 8:2735
9/17 — St. Robert Bellarmine, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
1 Corinthians 11:1726, 33; Psalm 40:710, 17; Luke 7:110
9/18 — Tuesday of the TwentyFourth Week in Ordinary Time
1 Corinthians 12:1214, 2731; Psalm 100:15; Luke 7:1117
9/19 — St. Januarius, Bishop & Martyr
1 Corinthians 12:3113:13; Psalm 33:25, 12, 22; Luke 7:3135
9/20 — Sts. Andrew Kim Taegon, Priest, and Paul Chong Hasang, and
Companions, Martyrs
1 Corinthians 15:111; Psalm 118:12, 1617, 28; Luke 7:3650
9/21 — St. Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist
Ephesians 4:17, 1113; Psalm 19:25; Matthew 9:913
9/22 — Saturday of the TwentyFourth Week in Ordinary Time
1 Corinthians 15:3537, 4249; Psalm 56:1014; Luke 8:415
9/23 — TwentyFifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Wisdom 2:12, 1720; Psalm 54:38; James 3:164:3; Mark 9:3037
Please Pray For
Dallas Green, Lois Goodheart, Joyce Boos, Leona Keinenberger, Makayla WilkeHofeldt,
Michael Fred Ereaux, C.J. Bishop, Bruce Hould, Cleo Phillips & her daughter, Bobby Ereaux,
Janeen Brookie, Linda Berg, Myrtle Hould, Jeanie Engebretson, John Murray, Terry Stiles,
Payton Kill Eagle, Mary Kelly, Roberta Pospisil, and those from our area serving in the
For the repose of the souls of Richard McNamara, the Poor Souls in Purgatory, and for comfort
and peace for their families.
Anyone who needs to have prayers said for someone can call Dianne Salsbery at 6541443 or 6544675;
Jean Niebur at 6542822. Names will be listed in the bulletin for one month unless specified.
Everyday Stewardship at all. Offering best wishes to those in real
need without any action is worth little.
I must confess. I have not always prayed
Even if we think we are sincere, true faith
for someone if I told him or her I would. I
without works is dead.
have fallen victim to making the phrase,
"You are in my prayers," a sentence void of Good stewardship requires us to say what
real emotion or intent. It is like asking the we mean and mean what we say.
question, "How are you?" Do I always Stewardship is a way of living. It does ask
want to know how you are at the time? for sentiments of love. It asks for profound
Then follows the most common responses actions of love. We need to offer our gifts,
of "fine" or "good." I could have had the talents, time, and prayers to one another
worst day, but I still utter a response that and then follow through. This means we
does not reflect my true state. Many of us need to be more mindful of what we are
say things to be nice without really saying, more committed to following
thinking about it. At least, I hope I am not through, and more accountable for our
the only one. actions if we fail. If we practice this way of
living, not only will we be able to say we
The truth is that words are meaningless
are doing the right thing, but our integrity
without action. We sometimes make
will be intact and we will bear witness to
ourselves and others feel better by saying
the transforming power of Jesus Christ.
we will do things only to provide no action
Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS
Mass Intentions Please consider having Masses celebrated
for family and friends on special occasions
Mass Intentions: As Catholics, we have a
and anniversaries, as well as those who are
long tradition of having Masses celebrated
in need of prayers. Masses are also
for those we offer up in prayer. The Mass is
encouraged in memory of those loved ones
the ultimate form of prayer, and each Mass
who have died, especially on the
is celebrated for an intention. We ask $10.00
anniversaries of their deaths. Please contact
per mass intention.
Fr. Cory for more information.
Join the Knights of Columbus Today!
Catholic Men, are you ready to accept the challenge? Our communities need strong
Catholic men to answer the call to lead with faith, protect our families, serve others and
defend our values. For over 100 years, Knights of Columbus have done exactly that,
standing up for the Church, serving the least among us, and strengthening our parishes
and families. Eligible Catholic men can now join the KofC online in a simple,
streamlined process. As a member you join a worldwide community of nearly 2 million
men, including 5,000 members in Montana who stand together. Men have a duty to lead,
protect, serve and defend. The world needs more committed, unified Catholic men to
answer the call. Will you answer? Visit kofc.org/joinus to learn more about the many
benefits of membership in the KofC. Join the Knights of Columbus on line today!
Marriage Encounter
Married couples – consider doing something
great for yourselves and your marriage. A
Marriage Encounter weekend involves 15
20 couples. A series of presentations are
given by a team of Catholic couples and a
priest. The focus of the weekend is the
Trivia at Blue Ridge Brewing couple, not group sessions. The
Think you're a trivia expert? St. Mary's presentations allow each couple a rare
Parish and Blue Ridge Brewing is giving opportunity to look at themselves as
you the chance to prove it! Know a lot about individuals, then look at their marriage and
popular music from many eras and styles? relationship to each other, and finally to look
Show us! at their relationship to God, the church, and
the world. After each presentation, the
Join us on Thursday, September 20th at 5:30 husband and wife have time in the privacy
PM at Blue Ridge Brewing, 320 S 1st St E of their room for their own personal
(next to the car wash), for our next trivia discussion.
night. St. Mary's Parish is sponsoring this
evening of trivia, music, and fun. $5 will Upcoming Marriage Encounter Dates:
buy into two rounds of trivia, with Blue September 2830, 2018 Helena, MT
Ridge Brewing gift certificates available to November 24, 2018 UCross, WY
win in each round. January 2527, 2018 Billings, MT
Bring your friends and Contact Paul & Tracy McElvery @
plan for an evening of 3076892820
trivia fun! or visit www.wwme.org
New to the Parish?
Welcome! We’re glad you will be joining us. If you would like to register with the
parish, please fill out this form and drop it in the collection basket. You may bring it by
the parish office or send it to us.
Phone number:__________________________________________________________
Email address:__________________________________________________________
You may also use this form for a change of address.
Gospel Meditation predicts the Passion, "Peter took him aside
and began to rebuke him." Jesus' rebuke in
We know the signs of defeat: slumped
turn is stinging. While Peter's caution to
shoulders, downcast eyes, a chastened
Jesus is in private, Jesus intentionally turns
demeanor. For those of us sincerely trying to
back to the others as he declares, "Get
follow Jesus, defeat is inevitable. We
behind me, Satan. You are thinking not as
commit to spending more time with our
God does, but as human beings do."
kids, but that one project still looms. We
resolve to be a good person, but our Like Peter, we rarely get it right all the time.
selfishness strikes again. It can be easy to Peter understood that Jesus was the
get discouraged over our moral failures. Messiah, but he had a false concept of what
Today's Gospel is a small, intriguing look at that Messiah would accomplish. Jesus wants
this process in the life of St. Peter. to make sure the rest of the disciples don't
follow down the wrong road. The Christian
First, Jesus' questions get the Apostles
life is a difficult one, as Jesus later tells the
thinking about his true identity. This results
crowds. "'Whoever wishes to come after me
in a confession of faith from Peter: "You are
must deny himself.'" Yet the mercy of God
the Christ." Eager faith characterizes Peter's
is abundant. If we renew our trust and our
relationship with Jesus. First to follow, first
efforts after a fall, every defeat is
to leap out of the boat, and, we know, first to
transformed into redemptive grace.
deny. It's the latter tendency that manifests
"Whoever loses his life for my sake ? will
itself later in the Gospel. When Jesus
save it."
Why Do We Do That? - Catholic whole community, who by word and
Traditions Explained example, form young and new members in
the way of the Gospel. Parish programs
Question: Why do we celebrate Catechetical assist parents in teaching the basics of faith
Sunday? through liturgical experience, instruction,
Answer: The mission of the church reflects and faith formation. This ministry is
the mission of Jesus to teach, preach, heal, essential for the parish to grow, for
and forgive. Through these acts, Jesus individuals to develop as believers, and for
shares the good news of salvation and the ongoing spiritual formation of the whole
invites all people to share in the life and community. It reminds the church that
love of God. The church continues this preaching the Gospel and growing in faith
mission in all its ministries, but especially, are essential to our sacramental practice and
and perhaps most importantly, through our liturgical prayer.
catechesis. On this Sunday, we recognize those who are
Catechetical Sunday is celebrated on the called to be teachers and ask for God's
third Sunday of September. The task of blessing and grace.
handing on the Gospel is entrusted to the
Pope’s Universal Intention
For September: Young people in Africa. That young people in Africa may have access
to education and work in their own countries.
Live The Liturgy
Who do you say Jesus is? Some look to Jesus as the reliever of pain and suffering. We
want to believe in a God who will take away the discomfort we are feeling and make
things better. Frustration and even a lessening of faith can happen when we realize this is
not happening. Jesus is the Christ. As the Christ, he is the one who shows us how to keep
both the joys and sorrows of life in balance. There is no hopping, skipping, or jumping
over suffering. It is a part of life. In addition to the physical pain we are asked to endure,
living the Gospel can bring rejection and suffering as well. Jesus the Christ is the way, the
truth, and the life. Do we have the desire and faith to follow him?
Catholic Quotes
There can be no peace unless there is soul peace. For nothing happens in the external
world that has not first happened within a soul. Ven. Fulton Sheen
Parish Council
Regina Webb (Malta) Cliff Merriman (KofC) Leona Kienenberger (Dodson)
Charlie Mears (Malta) Wilma Mavencamp (PCCW)
Shawn Bleth (Malta) Tom DePuydt (Saco)
Sacred Heart in Dodson will be serving their annual Harvest Dinner on Oct. 7th from
11:30 to 1:00, All are invited. We have three prizes: 1st is a Linen Basket, 2nd is $200
gas card from Westside and third is a comforter. Any Altar Society member can sell you
a ticket. We hope to see you all there. The usual delicious ham dinner.
We also have a ongoing food drive at Sacred Heart that is currently serving the Harlem
Food Bank. We are calling this project Phillip DePew! We fill up the back pew of the
church with any non perishable food item and when the pew is full, we will take it over to
the Lutheran Church Lay Pastor, Jack Siemens, from Harlem, who is also the director of
their food bank. Whatever you can give, one can or a case, we receive with joy. Just a
little at a time and we will be able to Phillip DePew! (I must confess that this idea was
taken from a Helena church that has a similar program that they call Phillip DeCart.)
Catechists Needed
St. Mary's Religious Education is about to begin the 20182019 year!
While most positions are filled, youth ministers are still needed for both preK and 3rd
grades. Please consider volunteering your time to teach and model the importance of
Jesus and our Catholic Faith to and with our children.
Contact Brenda at 3010936 or [email protected] for more information!