Perkins 1506D Engine Manual
Perkins 1506D Engine Manual
Perkins 1506D Engine Manual
December 2015
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Important Safety Information
Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to
observe basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially
hazardous situations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This
person should also have the necessary training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and
could result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have
read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.
Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard
warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons.
The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol” and followed by a “Signal Word” such as
“DANGER”, “WARNING” or “CAUTION”. The Safety Alert “WARNING” label is shown below.
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UENR4511-01 3
Table of Contents
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4 UENR4511-01
Table of Contents
Index Section
Index................................................................ 177
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UENR4511-01 5
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Fuel Priming Pump - Remove Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
and Install
Removal Procedure
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 1 g03778539
Typical example
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6 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 3 g03778700
Typical example
1. Turn the fuel supply to the “OFF” position.
2. Place a suitable container below the fuel filter base 3. Disconnect harness assembly (4) from fuel
in order to catch any fuel that might be spilled. pressure sensor (3) and fuel temperature sensor
4. Disconnect hose assembly (5) and hose assembly
(6). Remove O-ring seal (7) (not shown) and O-
ring seal (9) (not shown). Plug the open hose
assemblies and open port on the connections
secondary fuel filter base (10).
5. Use a suitable tool in order to remove secondary
fuel filter (11). Remove the O-ring seal. Refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System
Secondary Filter - Replace” for more information.
6. Remove bolts (1) and washers (2). Support the
fuel filter base (10) as the bolts are removed.
Remove fuel filter base (10).
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UENR4511-01 7
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 4 g03780793
Typical example
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8 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 6 g06013549
Typical example
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UENR4511-01 9
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Disassembly Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the fuel filter base. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel Filter Base -
Remove (Option 2)” for the correct procedure.
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10 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
7. Remove plug (7) from fuel filter base assembly 3. Install a new O-ring seal (14) to elbow connection
(15). Remove the O-ring seal (8) from the plug. (12). Install the elbow connection into fuel filter
base assembly (22). Align the elbow connection
i05986289 with the temporary marks. Tighten locking nut (13)
to a torque of 50 N·m (37 lb ft). Ensure that the
Fuel Filter Base - Assemble elbow connection remains align after the locking
nut is tightened.
Assembly Procedure 4. Install a new O-ring seal (7) to adapter (8). Install
the adapter into fuel filter base assembly (22).
Tighten the adapter to a torque of 50 N·m (37 lb ft)
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
5. Install a new O-ring seal (9) to elbow connection
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened (11). Install the elbow connection to adapter (8).
component life. Align the elbow connection with the temporary
marks. Tighten locking nut (10) to a torque of
1. Ensure that the all components of the filter base 50 N·m (37 lb ft). Ensure that the elbow
are clean and free from damage. If necessary, connection remains align after the locking nut is
replace any component that is worn or damaged tightened.
6. Install a new O-ring seal (15) to fuel check valve
(16). Install the fuel check valve into fuel filter base
assembly (22). Tighten the fuel check valve to a
torque of 65 N·m (48 lb ft).
7. Install a new O-ring seal (1) to fuel check valve (2).
Install the fuel check valve into fuel filter base
assembly (22). Tighten the fuel check valve to a
torque of 65 N·m (48 lb ft).
8. Install a new O-ring seal (5) to adapter (8). Install
the adapter into fuel filter base assembly (22).
Tighten the adapter to a torque of 50 N·m (37 lb ft)
9. Install fuel pressure sensor (4) to adapter (8).
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel
Pressure Sensor - Remove and Install” for the
correct procedure.
10. Install fuel temperature sensor (6) to fuel filter
base assembly (22). Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Fuel Temperature Sensor - Remove
and Install” for the correct procedure.
11. Install fuel priming pump (17) to fuel filter base
assembly (22). Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Fuel Priming Pump - Remove and
Install” for the correct procedure.
Illustration 9 g03779438
Typical example
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UENR4511-01 11
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 10 g06015010 1. Ensure that all components of the fuel filter base
Typical example are free from wear or damage. If necessary,
replace any component that is worn or damaged.
2. Install a new O-ring seal (8) to plug (7). Install the
plug into fuel filter base assembly (15). Tighten
plugs to a torque of 40 N·m (30 lb ft).
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12 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 11 g03780793
Typical example
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UENR4511-01 13
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 14 g06013383
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14 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. Illustration 15 g03780720
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UENR4511-01 15
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 17 g03780742
Typical example
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16 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 18 g03780742
Typical example
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UENR4511-01 17
Disassembly and Assembly Section
End By:
a. Remove the air from the fuel system. Refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel
System - Prime” for the correct procedure.
Removal Procedure
Table 1
Required Tools
Start By:
a. Remove the valve mechanism cover. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve
Mechanism Cover - Remove and Install” for the
correct procedure.
Illustration 20 g03780720
Typical example NOTICE
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
6. Position the assembly of primary fuel filter (5) onto tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
the mounting bracket. Position bracket (4) to the Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
assembly of primary fuel filter (5). ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
7. Install washers (2) to bolts (1). Install bolts (1) to bling any component containing fluids.
the assembly of primary fuel filter (5). Tighten the Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
bolts to a torque of 55 N·m (41 lb ft). and mandates.
8. Connect hose assembly (3) to the assembly of
primary fuel filter (5). NOTICE
9. Turn the fuel supply to the ON position. Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
10. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the ON Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
position. component life.
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18 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 23 g03774346
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UENR4511-01 19
Disassembly and Assembly Section
(Table 2, contd)
F T401080 Seal Installer 1
H T401077 Reamer 1
J T401078 Tube Brush 1
M - Tap Wrench 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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20 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
• Service Menu
• Calibration
The correct procedures and tooling specifications 5. The correct installation of the electronic unit
must always be used. Failure to follow any of the pro- injector is important. Damage to the upper high-
cedures may result in damage, malfunction, or possi- pressure seals can cause excessive oil leakage
ble engine failure. under the valve cover. The incorrect installation of
the electronic unit injector may cause the engine
not to start due to a low actuation pressure.
The O-ring seals and the backup rings must be in- Damage to the lower high-pressure seals may
stalled in the correct orientation. Damaged seals will allow high-pressure oil to leak into the fuel supply
result in excessive oil consumption or excessive leak- passage. Damage to the lower high-pressure
age under the valve cover. Use care to prevent nicks seals will result in excessive oil consumption.
or damage to the seals.
6. Use Tooling (E) and Tooling (F) to install backup
ring (6) to electronic unit injector (4).
Note: Do not hit or strike the electronic unit
injector during installation. Do not use a wire 7. Lubricate a new O-ring seal (7) with clean engine
brush to clean the tip of the electronic unit oil. Install the O-ring seal to electronic unit injector
injector. Damage to the electronic unit injector (4).
will occur.
8. Use Tooling (E) and Tooling (F) to install backup
ring (10) to unit injector (4).
9. Lubricate a new O-ring seal (9) with clean engine
oil. Install the O-ring seal to electronic unit injector
10. Lubricate a new O-ring seal (8) with clean engine
oil. Install the O-ring seal to electronic unit injector
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UENR4511-01 21
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 26 g03774936
Illustration 28 g03775306
15. Connect harness assembly (3) to electronic unit T401087 Hard Washer 1
injector (4). T401088 Thrust Bearing 1
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22 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Start By:
a. Remove the unit injectors. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Unit Injector -
Remove” for the correct procedure.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates.
Illustration 29 g03775999
Illustration 30 g03776048
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UENR4511-01 23
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Table 4
Required Tools
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 32 g03776078
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24 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates.
Illustration 34 g03782499
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UENR4511-01 25
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 35 g03782516 Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
10. If necessary, follow Step 10.a through Step 10.i in
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
order to disassemble unit injector hydraulic pump ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
(2). bling any component containing fluids.
a. Use a suitable tool in order to prevent unit Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
injector hydraulic pump gear (21) from and mandates.
rotating. Ensure that the gear is not damaged
as nut (19) is loosened. 1. Ensure that all the components of the unit injector
hydraulic pump are free from wear or damage.
b. Remove nut (19) and washer (20).
Replace any component that is worn or damaged.
c. Use a suitable tool to remove unit injector
hydraulic pump gear (21).
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26 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 36 g03782516
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UENR4511-01 27
Disassembly and Assembly Section
8. Install a new O-ring seal (12) (not shown) and a 13. Install breather (3) and hose assembly (4). Refer
new O-ring seal (14) (not shown) to fuel transfer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankcase
pump (5) and the cylinder head. Ensure that the Breather - Remove and Install” for the correct
O-ring seals are correctly seated into the recess of procedure.
the connections.
9. Install tube assembly (13) to fuel transfer pump (5)
and the cylinder head. Tighten the tube nuts for Air Cleaner - Remove and
the tube assembly to a torque of 65 N·m (48 lb ft).
10. Install tube assembly (8) to unit injector hydraulic Install
pump (2) and elbow connection (15). Tighten the
tube nuts for the tube assembly to a torque of
100 N·m (74 lb ft). Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 38 g03782498
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28 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 41 g03749680
Typical example
b. Remove bolts (11) and bolts (12) from bracket d. Tighten bolts (11) to a torque of 55 N·m
(7). (41 lb ft).
Tighten bolts (12) to a torque of 100 N·m
c. Use the suitable lifting device in order to (74 lb ft).
remove bracket (7) from the cylinder head.
Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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UENR4511-01 29
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Turbocharger - Remove
Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Illustration 42 g03749679 Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
Typical example ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
3. If necessary, install service indicator (6) to air
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
cleaner assembly (1). Hand tighten the service and mandates.
4. If necessary, install rain cap (4) onto air cleaner
assembly (1). Tighten hose clamp (5) to a torque
of 7 N·m (62 lb in).
5. Attach a suitable lifting device to air cleaner
assembly (1). The weight of the air cleaner is
approximately 23 kg (51 lb).
6. Use the suitable lifting device in order to position
air cleaner assembly (1) onto bracket (7).
7. Install clamp (2) onto air cleaner assembly (1).
Align the clamp to the original marks. Install bolts
(3) to the clamp and install new nuts. Hand tighten
the nuts and bolts.
8. Install hose assembly (9) onto air cleaner
assembly (1) and the turbocharger. Ensure that air
cleaner assembly (1) is correctly aligned in the
vertical position.
9. Tighten hose clamp (10) to a torque of 11 N·m
(97 lb in).
Illustration 43 g03781905
Tighten hose clamp (8) to a torque of 7 N·m Typical example.
(62 lb in).
Some engines may have a different configuration.
Some engines are equipped with a wastegate
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30 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 45 g03781908
Typical example.
Some engines may have a different configuration.
Some engines are equipped with a wastegate
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UENR4511-01 31
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 46 g03781908
Typical example.
Some engines may have a different configuration.
Some engines are equipped with a wastegate
a. Install a new O-ring seal (15) (not shown) to 10. Position tube assembly (12) onto turbocharger (9)
adapter (16). and the cylinder block. Ensure that the tube
assembly is correctly installed onto the
b. Install adapter (16) to turbocharger (9). turbocharger and the cylinder block. Install bolts
Tighten the adapter to a torque of 30 N·m (11) and bolts (14) to the tube assembly.
(266 lb in). 11. Tighten bolts (11) and bolts (14) to a torque of
28 N·m (248 lb in).
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32 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
12. Lubricate the turbocharger bearings with clean 19. Tighten hose clamp (4) to a torque of 11 N·m
engine oil through the oil inlet port. Rotate the (97 lb in).
wheel of the compressor several times to lubricate
the bearings. i05986470
13. Install a new O-ring seal (8) (not shown) onto the
adapter. Ensure that the O-ring seal is correctly
Exhaust Manifold - Remove
installed into the recess of the adapter. and Install
14. Connect hose assembly (7) to turbocharger (9).
Tighten the tube nut for the adapter to a torque of
30 N·m (266 lb in). Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the turbocharger. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Turbocharger -
Remove” for the correct procedure.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 48 g03781905
Typical example.
Some engines may have a different configuration.
Some engines are equipped with a wastegate
Illustration 49 g03780721
15. Install exhaust elbow (3). Refer to Disassembly Exhaust manifold tightening sequence
and Assembly, “Exhaust Elbow - Remove and
Install” for the correct procedure.
16. Install tube assembly (1) and tighten hose clamps
(2) to a torque of 7 N·m (62 lb in).
17. Install hose assembly (5). Ensure that hose
assembly is correctly located onto the
turbocharger and the air filter assembly.
18. Install hose clamp (4) and hose clamp (6).
Tighten hose clamp (6) to a torque of 7 N·m
(62 lb in).
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UENR4511-01 33
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Table 6
Required Tools
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 50 g03780412
1. Ensure that all components of the exhaust
manifolds are free from wear or damage. Replace
1. Loosen nuts (2) and nuts (3) for the exhaust
any component that is worn or damaged.
manifold in the reverse sequence shown in
Illustration 55 .
2. Remove nuts (1), nuts (3), and spacers (2).
3. Remove exhaust manifold assembly (4) from the
cylinder head.
4. Remove gaskets (5) (not shown).
Illustration 52 g03780741
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34 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 53 g03780746
Illustration 54 g03780412
Illustration 55 g03780721
Exhaust manifold tightening sequence
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UENR4511-01 35
Disassembly and Assembly Section
1. Remove the Original Equipment Manufacture
(OEM) exhaust system (1) from exhaust elbow (7).
Exhaust Elbow - Remove and Refer to OEM for the correct procedure
Install 2. Remove the nuts and bolts (2) from bracket (3).
Remove the bracket from exhaust elbow (7).
3. Loosen V-band clamp (6) and remove exhaust
Removal Procedure elbow (7) and the V-band clamp. Support the
exhaust elbow as the V-band clamp is loosened.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. 4. Remove exhaust elbow (7) and V-band clamp (6)
from turbocharger (5).
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life. 5. If necessary, follow Step 2.a through Step 3 in
order to remove bracket (4).
Installation Procedures
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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36 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
Table 7
Required Tools
Start By:
Illustration 57 g03780322
a. Remove the electronic unit injector. Refer to
2. If necessary, follow Step 2.a through Step 2.b in Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit
order to install bracket (4). Injector - Remove” for the correct procedure.
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UENR4511-01 37
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Table 8
Required Tools
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 58 g03781637
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38 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
Table 9
Required Tools
Start By:
1. Place a temporary identification mark on the heads
a. Remove the cylinder head. Refer to of valves (7) in order to identify the correct
Disassembly and Assembly, “Cylinder Head - position.
Remove” for the correct procedure.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Personal injury can result from being struck by
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened parts propelled by a released spring force.
component life.
Make sure to wear all necessary protective
Follow the recommended procedure and use all
recommended tooling to release the spring force.
The valve spring keepers can be thrown from the
valve when the valve spring compressor is re- 2. Use Tooling (A) to compress valve springs (3) and
leased. Ensure that the valve spring keepers are
valve springs (4). Remove valve keepers (1).
properly installed on the valve stem. To help pre-
vent personal injury, keep away from the front of Note: Do not compress the springs so that valve
the valve spring keepers and valve springs dur-
spring retainers (2) touches valve stem seals (5).
ing the installation of the valves.
3. Remove Tooling (A). Remove spring retainers (2)
and valve springs (3) and valve springs (4).
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UENR4511-01 39
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Table 10
Required Tools
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 61 g03781634
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40 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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UENR4511-01 41
Disassembly and Assembly Section
End By:
a. Install the inlet and exhaust valves. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Inlet and
Exhaust Valves - Remove and Install” for the
correct procedure.
Removal Procedure
Table 13
Required Tools
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates.
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42 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 67 g03777559
Illustration 66 g03777558
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UENR4511-01 43
Disassembly and Assembly Section
b. Remove cap (13) from valve (12). Remove the Guide Studs
A - 2
valve from elbow connection (10). Remove O- M8 by 60 mm
ring seal (11).
d. Remove adapter (20) from engine oil filter Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
base (4). Remove O-ring seal (24).
e. Make temporary marks on elbow connection 1. Ensure that all components are free from wear,
(14) and engine oil filter base (4) for damage, and restriction. Replace any component
installation purposes. that is worn, damaged, or not free from restriction.
f. Loosen locking nut (21) and remove elbow
connection (14). Remove O-ring seal (23).
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44 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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UENR4511-01 45
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 72 g03778436
Illustration 70 g03778397
3. Install Tooling (A) in position (X) in the cylinder
4. Position a new gasket (8) onto the cylinder block.
Ensure that the gasket is correctly orientated.
5. Install oil cooler core (9) to the cylinder block.
6. Install a new gasket (6) (not shown) and ensure
that the gasket is correctly orientated. Install
engine oil filter base (4) and install bolts (5) hand
7. Remove Tooling (A) from the cylinder block. Install
remaining bolts (5) hand tight.
8. Tighten bolts (5) to a torque of 28 N·m (248 lb in)
in the numerical sequence that is shown in
Illustration 72 .
Illustration 71 g03777558
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46 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Start By:
a. Remove the engine oil pan. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pan -
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates.
Illustration 73 g03777557
9. Install a new oil filter (5) to engine oil filter base (4)
10. Install a new O-ring seal (2) (not shown) to elbow
connection (3). Connect hose assembly (1) to
elbow connection (3). Tighten the tube nut for the
hose assembly to a torque of 80 N·m (59 lb ft).
Use a suitable tool to hold the elbow connection as
the tube nut is tightened.
11. Fill the engine with coolant to the correct level.
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Cooling System Coolant - Change”.
Illustration 74 g03779762
Engine Oil Pump - Remove
1. Remove bolts (3) from suction pipe (4). Remove
the suction pipe from the engine oil pump (1).
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UENR4511-01 47
Disassembly and Assembly Section
B - Combination Puller 1
Start By:
a. Remove the engine oil pump. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pump
- Remove” for the correct procedure.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Illustration 76 g03779764
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates.
7. If necessary, follow Step 7.a through Step 7.d in
order to disassemble engine oil pump (1).
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48 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
1. Remove bolt (5) and the washer from idler gear 5. Remove bolts (9) from front cover (10). Remove
(4). Remove the idle gear from idler hub (2). the front cover from the body of engine oil pump
2. Remove idler hub (2) from engine oil pump (1).
3. Use Tooling (B) to remove drive gear (6). NOTICE
Before removing the drive shaft from the pump hous-
4. If necessary, follow Step 4.a through Step 4.b in ing, be sure that no burrs exist on the drive shaft. If
order to remove bushing (3) from idler gear (4). the drive shaft has burrs on it, the bores in the pump
housing may be scratched.
a. Place idler gear (4) on a suitable support.
b. Use Tooling (A) and a suitable press to 6. Remove inner rotor (8) from the body of engine oil
remove bushing (3) from idler gear (4). pump (1).
7. Remove outer rotor (8) from the body of engine oil
pump (1).
8. Remove shaft assembly (8) and shaft assembly
(11) from oil pump body (9).
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UENR4511-01 49
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 79 g03779792
10. Remove plug (13) from engine oil pump (1). As Improper assembly of parts that are spring
the plug is removed from the engine oil pump, the loaded can cause bodily injury.
spring force will be released.
To prevent possible injury, follow the established
11. Remove spring (13) and oil pressure relief assembly procedure and wear protective
plunger (12) from engine oil pump (1). equipment.
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50 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 82 g03779790
Before removing the drive shaft from the pump hous-
ing, be sure that no burrs exist on the drive shaft. If
the drive shaft has burrs on it, the bores in the pump
housing may be scratched.
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UENR4511-01 51
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Engine Oil Pump - Install b. Install idler hub (12) into engine oil pump (1).
Ensure that the idler hub is correctly located
into the engine oil pump.
Installation Procedure c. Install idler gear (15) to engine oil pump (1).
Ensure that the idler gear is correctly
Table 18
orientated onto idler hub (12).
Required Tools
d. Install Allen head bolt (15) and the washer to
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
engine oil pump (1). Tighten the bolt to a
A 27610275 Driver Gp 1 torque of 55 N·m (41 lb ft).
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 84 g03779775
Illustration 83 g03779764
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52 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
End By:
a. Install the engine oil pan. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pan - Remove and
Install” for the correct procedure.
7. Install new O-ring seal (5) (not shown) and O-ring Remove cooling system pressure cap slowly to
relieve pressure only when engine is stopped and
seal (8) (not shown) into the recess of tube cooling system pressure cap is cool enough to
assembly (9). Ensure that the O-rings are correctly touch with your bare hand.
located into the recess of the tube assembly.
Do not attempt to tighten hose connections when
8. Install tube assembly (9) engine oil pump (1) and the coolant is hot, the hose can come off causing
the cylinder block. burns.
9. Install bolts (6) and bolts (7) to tube assembly (9). Cooling System Coolant Additive contains alkali.
Tighten the bolts hand tight. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
10. Tighten bolts (6) and bolts (7) to a torque of
55 N·m (41 lb ft). Ensure that the tube assembly is NOTICE
not strained as the bolts are tightened. Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
11. Position a new gasket (2) (not shown) onto nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
suction pipe (4). Position the suction pipe onto Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
engine oil pump (1) and install bolts (3) hand tight. ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
12. Tighten bolts (3) to a torque of 55 N·m (41 lb ft).
Ensure that the suction pipe is not strained as the Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
bolts are tightened. and mandates.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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UENR4511-01 53
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Start By:
a. Drain the coolant from the cooling system into
a suitable container for storage or disposal.
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Cooling System Coolant (ELC) - Change” for
the correct procedure.
b. Remove the alternator bracket. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Alternator -
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.
c. Remove the V-belt from the water pump. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “V- Belts -
Remove and Install (Water Pump Drive Belt)”
or refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
“Alternator Belt - Remove and Install” for the
correct procedure.
Removal Procedure
Illustration 87 g06015544
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54 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Start By:
a. Remove the water pump. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Water Pump - Remove” for the
correct procedure.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 89 g03783243
Assembly Procedure
Table 20
Illustration 88 g03783238
Required Tools
1. Remove bolts (1) from cover (2). Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
2. Remove cover (2) and gasket (3) from water pump A 27610275 Driver Gp 1
B T401071 Seal Driver 1
3. Use a suitable tool to hold pulley (5) and remove
bolts (6). Remove the pulley from the water pump
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
4. Remove bolts (7) and remove inlet elbow (8) from
water pump (4). Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
5. Remove gasket (8) (not shown).
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UENR4511-01 55
Disassembly and Assembly Section
1. Use Tooling (A) and a suitable press in order to 5. Position a new gasket (9) (not shown) onto inlet
install shaft assembly (12) in water pump housing elbow (8). Ensure that the gasket is correctly
(4). After installation, the bearing on the shaft orientated onto the inlet elbow.
assembly should be flush with the face of the
6. Install inlet elbow (8) to water pump housing (4).
water pump housing. Refer to Specifications,
Install bolts (7) to the inlet elbow. Ensure that the
“Water Pump” for further information.
inlet elbow is correctly orientated.
2. Use Tooling (B) to install seal (11) over shaft
7. Tighten bolts (7) to a torque of 28 N·m (248 lb in).
assembly (12) and into water pump housing (4).
Install the seal to the correct working height. Refer 8. Position a new gasket (3) onto cover (2). Ensure
to Specifications, “Water Pump” for the correct that the gasket is correctly orientated onto the
working height. cover.
3. Use Tooling (A) and a suitable press in order to 9. Position cover (2) onto water pump housing (4).
install impeller (10) onto shaft assembly (12). Install bolts (1) to the cover. Hand tighten the bolts
Install the impeller until the distance between the and ensure that the bolt holes for the water pump
impeller and the machined surface of the water retaining bolts are correctly aligned.
pump housing is 0.75 ± 0.25 mm
10. Tighten bolts (1) to a torque of 28 N·m (248 lb in)
(0.030 ± 0.010 inch). Refer to Specifications,
“Water Pump” for further information.
11. Install pulley (5) to the water pump (4). Install
4. Use Tooling (A) to install hub (13) to shaft
bolts (6) to the pulley.
assembly (12). Install the hub to the correct
distance from the front of the hub to water pump 12. Use a suitable tool to hold pulley (5) and tighten
housing (8). Refer to Specifications, “Water Pump” bolts (6) to a torque of 28 N·m (248 lb in).
for the correct distance.
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56 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
End By: 6. Tighten hose clamp (5) for hose assembly (4) to a
torque of 7 N·m (62 lb in).
a. Install the water pump. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Water Pump - Install” for the
correct procedure.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 93 g06015537
Typical example
Illustration 92 g06015544
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UENR4511-01 57
Disassembly and Assembly Section
End By:
a. Install the V-belt to the water pump. Refer to Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
Disassembly and Assembly, “V- Belts - nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Remove and Install (Water Pump Drive Belt)” Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
or refer to Disassembly and Assembly, ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
“Alternator Belt - Remove and Install” for the bling any component containing fluids.
correct procedure.
b. Install the alternator bracket . Refer to Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
Disassembly and Assembly, “Alternator - and mandates.
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.
c. Fill the cooling system with coolant. Refer to 1. Drain the coolant from the cooling system into a
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Cooling suitable container for storage or disposal. Refer to
System Coolant (ELC) - Change” and Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Cooling
Operation and Maintenance Manual, System Coolant (ELC) - Change”.
“Capacities (Refill)”.
Removal Procedure
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58 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Table 21
Required Tools
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 96 g03783817
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UENR4511-01 59
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 97 g03783785
Illustration 99 g03783784
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60 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Start By
Start By:
a. Remove the alternator and the alternator
bracket. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
Alternator - Remove and Install for the correct
b. Remove the belt tensioner. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, Belt Tensioner - Illustration 101 g06019376
Remove and Install for the correct procedure.
2. Follow step 2.a through step 2.d to remove the
c. Remove the idler pulley. Refer to Disassembly front engine lifting bracket.
and Assembly, Idler Pulley - Remove and
Install for the correct procedure. a. Remove bolts (6) and washers (5) from
bracket (4).
Removal Procedure
b. Remove bracket (4)
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UENR4511-01 61
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
1. Follow step 1.b through step 1.c to install rear
engine lifting bracket (1).
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62 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
End By:
a. Install the idler pulley. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Idler Pulley - Remove and
Install for the correct procedure.
b. Install the belt tensioner. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, Belt Tensioner - Remove and
Install for the correct procedure.
c. Install the alternator and the alternator bracket.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
Alternator - Remove and Install for the correct
Removal Procedure
Table 22
Required Tools
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations 2. Remove the assembly of the vibration damper and
and mandates. the crankshaft pulley. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Vibration Damper and Pulley -
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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UENR4511-01 63
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Table 23
Required Tools
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened 2. Use a suitable lifting device to support the engine
component life. in order to install engine support (8). The weight of
the engine is approximately 1202 kg (2650 lb).
1. Ensure that all components of the engine support 3. Install Tooling (A) into Position (X).
are free from wear or damage. Place any
component that is worn or damaged. 4. Install engine support (8) onto the cylinder block.
The weight of the engine support is approximately
33.5 kg (74 lb).
5. Install bolts (7) hand tight.
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64 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates.
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UENR4511-01 65
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Installation Procedure
Removal Procedure
NOTICE Table 24
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Required Tools
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life. Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
Guide Stud
A - 2
M16 x 2 by 12inch
1. Ensure that the engine support brackets are free
from wear or damage. Replace any component
that is worn or damaged.
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66 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Start By:
a. Remove the electric starting motor. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Electric Starting
Motor - Remove and Install” for the correct
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Use a suitable tool to lock the flywheel. Loosen b. Use a hammer and a punch in order to remove
bolts (1). ring gear (3) from flywheel (2).
2. Attach a suitable lifting device to flywheel (2).
Support the weight of the flywheel. The weight of
the flywheel is approximately 50 kg (110 lb). Flywheel - Install
3. Remove two bolts (1). Install Tooling (A).
4. Remove the remaining bolts (1). Use the lifting
device in order to remove flywheel (2). Installation Procedure
Table 25
Required Tools
B - Loctite 242 1
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UENR4511-01 67
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Always wear protective gloves when handling 4. Install Tooling (A) on the crankshaft.
parts that have been heated. 5. Align the arrows on flywheel (2) and the
crankshaft. Use the lifting device in order to
1. If flywheel ring gear (3) was removed, follow Steps position the flywheel onto Tooling (A).
1.a through 1.c in order to install a new ring gear to
flywheel (2). 6. Apply Tooling (B) to the threads of new bolts (1).
a. Identify the orientation of the teeth on the new 7. Install bolts (1). Remove Tooling (A). Install
ring gear (3). remaining bolts (1).
8. Use a suitable tool to prevent the flywheel from
Note: The chamfered side of the ring gear teeth
rotating. Tighten bolts (1) to a torque of 300 N·m
must face toward the starting motor when the
flywheel is installed. The chamfered side of the ring (221 lb ft).
gear teeth will ensure the correct engagement of 9. Remove the lifting device from flywheel (1).
the starting motor.
10. Check the run out of the flywheel. Refer to
b. Heat flywheel ring gear (3) in an oven to a Systems Operations, Testing and Adjusting,
maximum temperature of 316 °C (600 °F) “Flywheel - Inspect” for the correct procedure.
prior to installation.
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68 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
End By:
a. Install the electric starting motor. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Electric Starting
Motor - Remove and Install” for the correct
Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the flywheel. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Flywheel - Remove” for the
correct procedure.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Illustration 117 g03770396
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates. 1. Remove the bolts and washers (1) from crankshaft
rear seal (4).
NOTICE 2. Remove crankshaft rear seal (4) from crankshaft
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. (2) and flywheel housing (3).
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened 3. Remove O-ring seal (5).
component life.
4. If the crankshaft is installed with a crankshaft wear
sleeve, use a suitable tool in order to remove the
crankshaft wear sleeve from the crankshaft.
Ensure that the crankshaft and the flywheel
housing are not damaged.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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UENR4511-01 69
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
Table 26
Required Tools
Guide Studs
A - 2
M12 x 1.75 by 5 inches
This document has been printed from SPI2. NOT FOR RESALE
70 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Guide Bolts
A - 2
NOTICE M12 x 1.75 by 5 inches
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
B CH10879 Sealant 1
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
1. Use a suitable lifting device and cribbing to support
the rear of the engine. Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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UENR4511-01 71
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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72 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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UENR4511-01 73
Disassembly and Assembly Section
4. If necessary, follow Step 4.a through Step 4.c to 2. If necessary, follow Step 2.a through Step 2.c to
disassemble the assembly of crankshaft vibration assemble the assembly of crankshaft vibration
damper (3). damper (3).
a. Place the assembly of crankshaft vibration a. Place adapter (7) in a suitable support.
damper (5) in a suitable support.
b. Install damper (6) and pulley (7) onto adapter
b. Remove bolts (4). (7). Align the bolt hole in the damper and the
c. Remove pulley (5), damper (6) from adapter
(7). c. Install bolts (4). Tighten the bolts to a torque of
55 N·m (41 lb ft).
Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Thoroughly inspect the viscous damper for signs of
leakage or for signs of a dented or damaged to the
case. Either of these conditions can cause the weight
to contact with the case. The weight contacting with
the case can affect the viscous damper operation.
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74 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
Table 28
Required Tools
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UENR4511-01 75
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
This document has been printed from SPI2. NOT FOR RESALE
76 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life. Illustration 132 g03781238
This document has been printed from SPI2. NOT FOR RESALE
UENR4511-01 77
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Start By:
a. Remove the front housing. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Housing (Front) -
Remove” for the correct procedure.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
Illustration 133 g03781240 component life.
Front cover tightening sequence
1. Set the No. 1 piston to top center on the
2. Clean the gasket surfaces of the front housing (6), compression stroke. Refer to Testing and
front cover (2), and blanking plate (5). Adjusting, “Finding Top Center Position for No. 1
3. Position a new gasket (4) (not shown) onto front Piston” for the correct procedure.
cover (2).
4. Install front cover (2) and in stall bolts (1). Support
the front cover as the bolts are installed.
5. Apply Tooling (B) to front housing (6) as shown in
Illustration 132 .
6. Install blanking plate (5) onto front housing (6).
Install the nuts and bolts (3) hand tight.
7. Tighten bolts (1) for front cover (2) to a torque of
28 N·m (248 lb in) in the tightening sequence
shown in Illustration 133 .
8. Tighten the nuts and bolts (3) for blanking plate (5)
to a toque of 100 N·m (74 lb ft).
Removal Procedure
Table 30
Required Tools
A 27610275 Driver Gp 1
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78 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Table 31
Required Tools
Illustration 134 g03781421
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A 27610275 Driver Gp 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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UENR4511-01 79
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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80 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
End By:
a. Install the front housing. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Housing (Front) - Install” for
the correct procedure.
Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. If necessary, remove the air compressor. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, Air
Compressor - Remove and Install for the
correct procedure.
b. Remove the unit injector hydraulic pump. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Unit Injector
Hydraulic Pump - Remove” for the correct
c. Remove the camshaft. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Camshaft - Remove” for the
correct procedure.
d. Remove the speed timing sensor. Refer to Illustration 138 g03781615
Disassembly and Assembly, “Speed/Timing
Sensor - Remove and Install” for the correct
e. Remove the V-Belt adjuster and the bracket.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “V-Belts -
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.
f. Remove the crankshaft front seal. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft Front
Seal - Install” for the correct procedure.
g. Remove the engine oil pan. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pan -
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates. Illustration 139 g03781617
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UENR4511-01 81
Disassembly and Assembly Section
4. Inspect dowel (6) and dowel (7) for damage. If 3. Install Tooling (A) in Positions (X) of the cylinder
necessary, remove the dowels from the cylinder block.
Installation Procedure
Table 32
Required Tools
Guide Studs
A - 2
(1/2 - 13 UNC by 6 inch)
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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82 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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UENR4511-01 83
Disassembly and Assembly Section
End By:
a. Install the unit injector hydraulic pump. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Unit Injector
Hydraulic Pump - Install” for the correct
b. Install the camshaft. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Camshaft - Install” for the correct
c. Install the speed timing sensor. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Speed/Timing
Sensor - Remove and Install” for the correct
d. Install the crankshaft front seal. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft Front
Seal - Install” for the correct procedure.
e. Install the engine oil pan. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pan - Remove and
Install” for the correct procedure.
f. Install the V-Belt adjuster and the bracket. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “V-Belts -
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.
g. If necessary, install the air compressor. Refer
to Disassembly and AssemblyAir Compressor
- Remove and Install for the correct procedure.
Illustration 144 g03758497
1. Loosen hose clamp (4) and disconnect hose
Crankcase Breather - Remove assembly (5) from crankcase breather (1).
2. Remove bolt (1) from crankcase breather (1).
and Install Remove the breather from cylinder block cover
3. Remove O-ring seal (6) (not shown).
Removal Procedure
4. Remove sealing washer (3) (not shown) from bolt
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte- 5. If necessary, remove the nut and bolt (8) from clip
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. (9). Remove hose assembly (5) from the bracket.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem- Installation Procedure
bling any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations NOTICE
and mandates. Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
1. Ensure that all components of the crankcase
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened breather are free from wear or damage.
component life.
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84 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the electronic control module. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic
Control Module - Remove and Install” for the
correct procedure.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
Illustration 145 g03758497 and mandates.
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UENR4511-01 85
Disassembly and Assembly Section
1. Loosen hose clamp (4) and disconnect hose 6. Loosen tube nut (11) from connection (10) for tube
assembly (5) from crankcase breather (1). assembly (12).
2. Remove bolt (1) from crankcase breather (1). 7. Disconnect tube nut (13) from elbow connection
Remove the breather from cylinder block cover (14) for tube assembly (12).
8. Cut cable straps (15) from the clips.
3. Remove O-ring seal (6) (not shown).
9. Disconnect harness assembly (18) from engine oil
4. Remove sealing washer (3) (not shown) from bolt pressure sensor (17) (not shown). Position the
(1). harness assembly away from cylinder block cover
5. Remove the nut and bolt (8) from clip (9). Remove
hose assembly (5) from the bracket. 10. Remove bolts (16) from cylinder block cover (7).
Support the cylinder block cover as the bolts are
11. Remove cylinder block cover (7) from the cylinder
12. Remove gasket (19) (not shown).
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86 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
13. If necessary, follow Step 2.a through Step 2.d in 2. If necessary, follow Step 2.a through Step 2.f in
order to disassemble cylinder block cover (7). order to assemble cylinder block cover (7).
a. Make temporary marks on elbow connection a. Install a new O-ring seal (24) onto connection
(14) and cylinder block cover (7) for (23).
installation purposes.
b. Install connection (23) to cylinder block cover
b. Loosen lock nut (20) on elbow connection (7). Tighten the connection to a torque of
(14). Remove the elbow connection from 30 N·m (266 lb in).
cylinder block cover (7).
c. Install a new O-ring seal (22) to connection
c. Remove O-ring seal (21) from elbow (23). Install engine oil pressure sensor (17) to
connection (14). the connection. Tighten the engine oil
pressure sensor to a torque of 10 N·m
d. Remove engine oil pressure sensor (17) from (89 lb in).
connection (23). Remove O-ring seal (22).
d. Install a new O-ring seal (21) to elbow
e. Remove connection (23) from cylinder block connection (14).
cover (7).
e. Install elbow connection (14) to cylinder block
f. Remove O-ring seal (24) from connection cover (7) and align with temporary makes.
(24). Tighten lock nut (20) hand tight.
Installation Procedure f. Tighten lock nut (20) on elbow connection (14)
to a torque of 65 N·m (48 lb ft). Ensure that
NOTICE the elbow connection does not move as the
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
locking nut is tightened
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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UENR4511-01 87
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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88 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
End By:
a. Install the electronic control module. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “ Electronic
Control Module - Remove and Install” for the
correct procedure.
Removal Procedure
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates.
Illustration 152 g03770738 Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
11. Position hose assembly (5) and clip (9) onto the Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
bracket. Ensure that the hose assembly and the component life.
clip are correctly positioned onto the bracket.
12. Install the nut and bolt (8) to clip (9). Tighten the
nut and bolt hand tight.
13. Install a new O-ring seal (6) (not shown) onto
crankcase breather (1).
14. Install crankcase breather (1) onto cylinder block
cover (7). Install a new sealing washer (3) (not
shown) onto bolt (2). Loosely install the bolt to the
crankcase breather.
15. Connect hose assembly (5) to crankcase
breather (1).
16. Connect hose assembly (5) to crankcase
breather (1).
17. Tighten bolt (2) to a torque of 15 N·m (133 lb in).
18. Tighten hose clamp (4) to a torque of 7 N·m
(62 lb in).
19. Tighten the nut and bolt (8) to a torque of 28 N·m
(248 lb in). Ensure that clip (9) is not strained as
the nut and bolt is tightened.
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UENR4511-01 89
Disassembly and Assembly Section
1. Loosen bolts (1) and bolts (2) in the reverse Installation Procedure
numerical tightening sequence. Refer to the Table 33
Illustration 154 . Note the position of different types Required Tools
of bolts for installation purposes.
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
2. Remove valve mechanism cover (3) from valve
mechanism base (4). Loctite 5940 Black RTV Sili-
A - 1
cone Sealant
3. Remove seal (5) (not shown).
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90 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Apply Tooling (A) to both sides of seal (5) (not 2. Install seal (5) (not shown) to the recess of valve
shown). mechanism cover (3). Ensure that the seal is
correctly installed to the recess of the valve
mechanism cover.
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UENR4511-01 91
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
Illustration 157 g03783103
Start By:
1. Disconnect harness assembly (1) from all
a. Remove the valve mechanism cover. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve electronic unit injectors (2).
Mechanism Cover - Remove and Install” for the 2. Remove Allen head bolts (3) and bolt (4) from
correct procedure.
harness assembly (1).
NOTICE 3. Disconnect harness assembly (7) from connection
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte- (8) on valve mechanism cover base (5).
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. 4. Disconnect harness assembly (9) from
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem- atmospheric pressure sensor (10).
bling any component containing fluids. 5. Remove bolts (4), the washers, and the springs
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations from valve mechanism cover base (5).
and mandates. 6. Remove valve mechanism cover base (5) from the
cylinder head. Ensure that the harness assembly
is not damaged as the valve mechanism cover
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. base is removed.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened 7. Remove seal (6) (not shown).
component life. 8. If necessary, remove atmospheric pressure sensor
(10) from valve mechanism cover base (5). Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Atmospheric
Pressure Sensor - Remove and Install”for the
correct procedure.
Installation Procedure
Table 34
Required Tools
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92 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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UENR4511-01 93
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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94 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Disassembly Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the rocker arm and shaft. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Rocker Arm and
Shaft - Remove” for the correct procedure.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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UENR4511-01 95
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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96 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
End By:
a. Install the rocker arm and shaft. Refer to
Improper assembly of parts that are spring Disassembly and Assembly, “Rocker Arm and
loaded can cause bodily injury. Shaft - Install” for the correct procedure.
To prevent possible injury, follow the established
assembly procedure and wear protective i05986455
Rocker Arm and Shaft - Install
2. If necessary, use a suitable tool to install plugs (6)
to rocker shaft (1). Installation Procedure
3. If necessary, install adjuster (3) to exhaust rocker
arm (7). Install nut (1) to the adjuster.
4. If necessary, install adjuster (4) to inlet rocker arm NOTICE
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
(9). Install nut (2) to the adjuster.
5. Install exhaust rocker arm (7), spring (8), inlet Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
rocker arm (9), and stand (10) to rocker shaft (1).
6. Repeat Step 1 through Step 5 in order to install the
remaining components to the rocker shaft.
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UENR4511-01 97
Disassembly and Assembly Section
1. Clean push rods (5). Inspect the push rods for Note: Ensure that the push rods are installed in the
wear and damage. Replace any push rods that are original location. Ensure that the ball end of each
worn or damaged. push rod is correctly seated in the valve lifters.
2. Lubricate to both ends of push rods (5). Install the
push rods into the engine with clean engine oil.
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98 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
3. Clean valve bridges (2). Inspect the valve bridges Start By:
for wear and damage. Replace any valve bridges
that are worn or damaged. a. Remove the air cleaner and the bracket. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Air Cleaner -
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.
Failure to ensure that ALL valve bridges are correctly b. Remove the fan drive. Refer to Disassembly
seated onto the valve stems will cause interference and Assembly, “Fan Drive - Remove” for the
between the pistons and the valves, resulting in dam- correct procedure.
age to the engine.
c. Remove the rocker arm and shaft. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Rocker Arm and
4. Install valve bridges (2) onto the valves. Shaft - Remove” for the correct procedure.
Note: Install used valve bridges in the original d. Remove the valve mechanism cover base.
location and in the original orientation. Ensure that Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve
the valve bridges are correctly seated on the valves. Mechanism Cover Base - Remove and Install”
New valve bridges may be installed in either for the correct procedure.
5. Position rocker shaft (4) on the cylinder head. Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
Install bolts (1) hand tight. nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
6. Tighten bolts (1) in the sequence shown. Tighten Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
bolts (1) to a torque of 100 N·m (74 lb ft). ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
7. Lubricate each of the bottom faces of the rocker
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
arms with clean engine oil.
and mandates.
8. Position rocker arm adjustment screws (3) into
each push rods (5).
Note: Ensure that the adjusting are correctly seated Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
in ends of the push rods.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
9. Adjust the valve lash of the rocker arms. Tighten component life.
nuts (4) to a torque of 30 N·m (266 lb in) after the
engine valve lash has been adjusted. Refer to 1. Turn the fuel supply to the OFF position.
Testing and Adjusting, “Engine Valve Lash -
2. If necessary, remove the coolant out tube
Inspect/Adjust” for the correct procedure.
assembly for the thermostats housing and the
End By: radiator. Refer to the Original Equipment
Manufacture (OEM) for the correct procedure.
a. Install the valve mechanism cover. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve 3. If necessary, remove the tube assembly from the
Mechanism Cover - Remove and Install” for the
correct procedure. turbocharger out connection and the air to air
charge cooler. Refer to the OEM for the correct
4. If necessary, remove the tube assembly from the
Cylinder Head - Remove inlet manifold connection and the air to air charge
cooler. Refer to the OEM for the correct
Removal Procedure 5. If necessary, remove the OEM exhaust tube
Table 35 assembly from the exhaust elbow. Refer to the
OEM for the correct procedure.
Required Tools
6. If necessary, remove the radiator support brackets.
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
Refer to the OEM for the correct procedure.
A T401089 Link Bracket 2
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UENR4511-01 99
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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100 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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UENR4511-01 101
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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102 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Table 36
Required Tools
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UENR4511-01 103
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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104 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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UENR4511-01 105
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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106 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
17. Install a new O-ring seal (17) (not shown) and a 27. Connect harness assembly (12) to rail pressure
new O-ring seal (25) (not shown) to the sensor (13) (not shown).
connections on turbocharger (18) the engine oil
28. Install all new cable strap (14) onto the harness
cooler. Ensure that the O-ring seals are correctly
assemble. Ensure that the new cable straps are
installed into the connections.
installed in the original position.
18. Install the hose assembly onto the turbocharger
(17) and the connection on the engine oil cooler. Note: Ensure that the cable straps meet Original
Tighten tube nut (16) and tube nut (23) to a torque Equipment Manufacture (OEM) specification.
of 45 N·m (33 lb ft). Ensure that the hose 29. If necessary, install the coolant out tube assembly
assembly is not strained or come into contact with for the thermostats housing and the radiator. Refer
other engine components to the OEM for the correct procedure.
30. If necessary, install the tube assembly to the
turbocharger out connection and the air to air
charge cooler. Refer to the OEM for the correct
31. If necessary, install the tube assembly to the inlet
manifold connection and the air to air charge
cooler. Refer to the OEM for the correct
32. If necessary, install the OEM exhaust tube
assembly to the exhaust elbow. Refer to the OEM
for the correct procedure.
33. If necessary, install the radiator support brackets.
Refer to the OEM for the correct procedure.
34. Fill the cooling system with coolant. Refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Cooling
System Coolant (ELC) - Change” and Operation
and Maintenance Manual, “Capacities (Refill)”.
Illustration 179 g03773232 35. Turn the fuel supply to the ON position.
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UENR4511-01 107
Disassembly and Assembly Section
End By:
a. Install the valve mechanism cover base. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve
Mechanism Cover Base - Remove and Install”
for the correct procedure.
b. Install the rocker arm and shaft. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Rocker Arm and
Shaft - Install” for the correct procedure.
c. Install the fan drive. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Fan Drive - Install” for the correct
d. Install the air cleaner and the bracket. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Air Cleaner -
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.
Removal Procedure 1. Use a suitable tool to remove valve lifter (2) from
the cylinder block.
Start By:
Note: Make a temporary mark on each lifter in order
a. Remove the cylinder head. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Cylinder Head - to identify the lifter of installation purposes.
Remove” for the correct procedure.
2. Remove guide spring (1) from valve lifter (2).
3. Repeat Step 1 through Step 2 for the remaining
Personal injury can result from being struck by
parts propelled by a released spring force. Installation Procedure
Make sure to wear all necessary protective
Follow the recommended procedure and use all Personal injury can result from being struck by
recommended tooling to release the spring force. parts propelled by a released spring force.
Make sure to wear all necessary protective
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. Follow the recommended procedure and use all
recommended tooling to release the spring force.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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108 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Start By:
a. Remove the rocker arm and the shaft. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Rocker Arm and
Shaft - Remove” for the correct procedure.
b. Remove the lifter from the cylinder block. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Lifter Group-
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.
c. Remove the front cover. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Front Cover - Remove and
Install” for the correct procedure.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Camshaft - Remove
Removal Procedure
Table 37
Required Tools
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UENR4511-01 109
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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110 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Camshaft - Install
Installation Procedure
Table 38
Required Tools
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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UENR4511-01 111
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Do not damage the lobes or the bearings when the End By:
camshaft is removed or installed.
a. Install the front cover. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Front Cover - Remove and
NOTICE Install” for the correct procedure.
When installing the camshaft, make sure the number
one cylinder is at top center of the compression b. Install the lifter to the cylinder block. Refer to
stroke with the timing bolt installed in the flywheel. Disassembly and Assembly, “Lifter Group-
The camshaft timing is very important. The timing Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.
mark on the camshaft drive gear must line up with the c. Install the rocker arm and the shaft. Refer to
timing mark on the idler gear. Refer to the Specifica- Disassembly and Assembly, “Rocker Arm and
tions Manual for more information. Shaft - Install” for the correct procedure.
d. Calibrate the speed/timing sensor. Refer to
Note: During the installation of the camshaft, rotate Troubleshooting, “Engine Speed/Timing
the camshaft in both directions in order to prevent Sensor - Calibrate” for the correct procedure.
binding in the camshaft bearing bores.
1. If necessary, install camshaft gear (2) to the
camshaft. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
“Camshaft Gear - Remove and Install” for the
Camshaft Gear - Remove and
correct procedure. Install
2. If necessary, use Tooling (A) in order to rotate the
crankshaft so that number one piston is at top
dead center. Refer to Testing and Adjusting, Removal Procedure
“Finding Top Center Position for No 1 Piston” for
the correct procedure. Start By:
3. Lubricate camshaft (7) lobes and camshaft bearing a. Remove the camshaft. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Camshaft - Remove” for the
journals with a clean lubricating engine oil. Apply
correct procedure.
clean lubricating engine oil onto camshaft
bearings (6). NOTICE
4. Carefully install camshaft (7) to the cylinder block. Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Ensure that camshaft bearings (6) are not Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
damaged as the camshaft is installed. component life.
5. Align the timing marks on camshaft gear (2) and
idler gear (1) are aligned.
6. Install thrust plate (4) to camshaft (5).
7. Install bolts (3) to thrust plate (4). Tighten the bolts
to a torque of 28 N·m (248 lb in).
8. Use Tooling (B) to check that the maximum
permissible end play for a worn camshaft is
0.46 mm (0.018 inch). The maximum permissible
end play for a new camshaft is 0.13 ± 0.08 mm
(0.005 ± 0.003 inch).
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112 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Table 39
Required Tools
A - Hot Plate 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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UENR4511-01 113
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Start By:
a. Remove the camshaft. Refer to Disassembly Installation Procedure
and Assembly, “Camshaft - Remove” for the Table 41
correct procedure.
Required Tools
b. Remove the flywheel housing. Refer to Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
Disassembly and Assembly, “Flywheel
Housing- Remove and Install” for the correct A T401074 Camshaft Bearing Tool Group 1
Note: Note the oil hole orientation in each camshaft NOTICE
bearing prior to removal for assembly purposes. Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
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114 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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UENR4511-01 115
Disassembly and Assembly Section
End By:
a. Install the flywheel housing. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Flywheel
Housing - Remove and Install” for the correct
b. Install the camshaft. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Camshaft - Install” for the correct
Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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116 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Table 42
Required Tools
1. Ensure that all components of the engine oil pan b. Tighten locking nut (8) to a torque of 40 N·m
are free from wear or damage. If necessary, (30 lb ft). Use a suitable tool to hold the drain
replace any component that is worn or damaged. valve as the locking nut is tightened. Ensure
that the drain valve is still aligned to the
temporary marks.
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UENR4511-01 117
Disassembly and Assembly Section
3. Clean the gasket surface of engine oil pan (1) and 7. Tighten the remaining bolts (2) starting in Position
the cylinder block. Apply Tooling (A) to four areas (Z) to a torque of 31 N·m (274 lb in) in a
on the sealing surface of the engine oil pan. The counterclockwise sequence.
areas are Marked Location (Y).
4. Place a new gasket (3) onto engine oil pan (1).
5. Install assembly of engine oil pan (1). Install bolts
(2) to the assembly of engine oil pan hand tight.
6. Tighten four bolts (2) in Position (X) to a torque of
31 N·m (274 lb in).
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118 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
Table 43
Required Tools
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 199 g03774280
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UENR4511-01 119
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Table 44
Required Tools
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. Illustration 200 g03774280
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120 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
End By: 2. Remove bolt (1) and remove piston cooling jet (2)
from the cylinder block.
a. Install the pistons and connecting rods. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Pistons and Installation Procedure
Connecting Rods - Install” for the correct
procedure. Table 46
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
Piston Cooling Jets - Remove A CH11148 Engine Turning Tool 1
and Install
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Removal Procedure Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
Table 45 component life.
Required Tools
Start By:
a. Remove the engine oil pan. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pan -
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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UENR4511-01 121
Disassembly and Assembly Section
End By:
a. Install the engine oil pan. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pan - Remove and
Install” for the correct procedure.
Removal Procedure
Table 47
Required Tools
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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122 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Illustration 206 g03781749
Disassembly Procedure
Table 48
Required Tools
Start By:
a. Remove the pistons and connecting rods.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Pistons
and Connecting Rods - Remove” for the
correct procedure.
Illustration 207 g03781750
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Note: This engine has fractured connecting rods.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened Fractured connecting rods must be handled with
component life. care. When possible, the connecting rod assembly
should be kept bolted together in order to protect the
fractured surface when the connecting rod is out of
the engine.
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UENR4511-01 123
Disassembly and Assembly Section
The connecting rod must be heated for the installa-
tion of the piston pin bearing. Do not use a torch.
Assembly Procedure
Table 49
Required Tools
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124 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
5. Inspect bearings (7) in piston crown (6). The piston Failure to use a soft jawed vise and a soft faced ham-
crown must be replaced if the piston crown is worn mer may result in damage to the connecting rod
or damaged. assembly.
Part Description Qty 3. Position the piston rings so that the end gaps are
Tool Part Number
located 120 degrees from each other. Use Tooling
A CH11148 Engine Turning Tool 1 (C) to compress the piston rings.
B - Plastic Cap 2
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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UENR4511-01 125
Disassembly and Assembly Section
7. Apply clean engine oil to the surface of the upper A CH11148 Engine Turning Tool 1
half of connecting rod bearing (4). Use a soft faced
hammer in order to tap the piston and connecting
Start By:
rod assembly further into the cylinder bore while
you guide connecting rod (3) onto the crankshaft. a. Remove the engine oil pump. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pump
8. Place the lower half of connecting rod bearing (5) - Remove” for the correct procedure.
in corresponding connecting rod cap (1). Ensure
that the bearing tab engages with the groove in NOTICE
connecting rod cap (1). Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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126 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Table 52
Illustration 213 g01139029
Required Tools
1. Use Tooling (A) to turn the crankshaft until the Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
connecting rod bearing caps are accessible.
A CH11148 Engine Turning Tool 1
2. Check connecting rod (3) and connecting rod caps
(1) for identification and for the location. B 21825607 Degree Wheel 1
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UENR4511-01 127
Disassembly and Assembly Section
5. Install connecting rod cap (1) and connecting rod Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
cap bolts (2). component life.
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128 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
If the crankshaft is turned in the wrong direction, the
tab of the crankshaft main bearing will be pushed be-
tween the crankshaft and the cylinder block. this can
cause damage to either or both the crankshaft and
the cylinder block.
This procedure must only be used to remove and in-
stall the main bearing shells with the crankshaft in po-
sition. Main bearing shells removal procedure and
the installation procedure must be completed for
each pair of main bearing shells before the next pair
of main bearing shells are removed.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
Illustration 216 g03769536 component life.
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UENR4511-01 129
Disassembly and Assembly Section
1. Use Tooling (A) and install the upper halves of the Illustration 218 g03769536
crankshaft main bearings in the cylinder block. Do
not put oil on the back of the crankshaft main 5. Install thrust washers (3) to number 6 main bearing
bearing. in the cylinder block.
Note: The upper main bearing shell has a groove 6. Repeat Step 1 through Step 4 in order to install the
and two oil holes. remaining main bearing shell, main bearing caps,
and bolts.
2. Install the lower halves of the crankshaft main
bearings in crankshaft main bearing caps (2). Do
not put oil on the back of the crankshaft main
Note: The lower main bearing shell is a plain bearing
that has no oil holes.
Crankshaft main bearing caps should be installed
with the part number toward the front of the engine.
Crankshaft main bearing caps are to be identified by
stamped numbers 1 through 7 that are located on the
bottom surface of the bearing cap. The thrust plate is
used on the number 6 main bearing.
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130 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
Table 55
Required Tools
A T401076 Bracket As 2
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UENR4511-01 131
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Start By:
a. Remove the front housing. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Housing (Front) -
Remove” for the correct procedure.
b. Remove the flywheel housing. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Flywheel
Housing - Remove and Install” for the correct
c. Remove the engine oil pump. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pump
- Remove” for the correct procedure.
d. Remove the piston cooling jets. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Piston Cooling
Jets - Remove” for the correct procedure.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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132 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Crankshaft - Install
Installation Procedure
Table 56
Required Tools
A T401076 Bracket As 2
21825617 Dial Indicator 1
- Magnetic Base and Stand 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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UENR4511-01 133
Disassembly and Assembly Section
5. Install upper main bearing shell (9) into the cylinder 10. Install main bearing shells (6) into main bearing
block. Ensure that the locating tabs for the upper caps (4). Ensure that the locating tabs for the
rear main bearing shells are seated in the slots in lower main bearing shells are correctly seated into
the cylinder block. the slots in the bearing caps.
Note: The upper main bearing shell has a groove Note: The lower main bearing shells are plain
and two oil holes. bearings that do not have oil holes.
6. Lubricate upper main bearing shells (9) with clean 11. Lubricate main bearing shells (6) and lubricate
engine oil. the journals of the crankshaft with clean engine oil.
Install main bearing cap (4) to the cylinder block.
7. Attach Tooling (A) and a suitable lifting device to
crankshaft (7). The weight of the crankshaft is Note: Ensure the correct location and orientation of
approximately 79 kg (175 lb). the main bearing caps. The locating tabs for the
upper and the lower main bearing shells should be on
8. Use the suitable lifting device to install crankshaft
the same side of the engine.
(7) to the cylinder block. Ensure that the
crankshaft bearing surfaces are not damaged 12. Lubricate the threads of bolts (2) with clean
as the crankshaft is installed. engine oil. Lubricate the underside of the heads of
9. Apply clean engine oil to thrust washers (8). Install bolts (2) with clean engine oil.
the thrust washers to number No. 7 main bearing. 13. Install bolts (2) to main bearing cap (4). Evenly
tighten the bolts in order to pull the caps into
position. Ensure that the caps are correctly
seated. Repeat Step 10 through Step 13 to install
remaining main bearing shells, main bearing cap,
and bolts.
Note: Do not tap the main bearing caps into position
as the bearing shells may be dislodged.
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134 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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UENR4511-01 135
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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136 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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UENR4511-01 137
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
Table 57 Illustration 229 g03781900
Required Tools
1. Make temporary marks on crankshaft gear (2) for
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
installation purposes.
- Bearing Puller 1
2. Use Tooling (A) in order to remove crankshaft gear
- Screw 1 (2) from crankshaft (1).
- Crossblock 1 3. If necessary, remove key (3) from crankshaft (1).
- Puller Leg 2
Installation Procedure
Table 58
Required Tools
B - Hot Plate 1
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138 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
End By:
a. Install the crankshaft. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Crankshaft - Remove” for the
correct procedure.
Measurement Procedure
Table 59
Required Tools
Plastigauge (Green)
- 0.025 to 0.076 mm 1
(0.001 to 0.003 inch)
Plastigauge (Red)
Illustration 230 g03781900
- 0.051 to 0.152 mm 1
(0.002 to 0.006 inch)
2. If necessary, install a new key (3) to crankshaft (1). A
Plastigauge (Blue)
- 0.102 to 0.229 mm 1
(0.004 to 0.009 inch)
Note: The crankshaft gear may be a sliding fit on the Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
crankshaft or an interference fit on the crankshaft.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
3. Use Tooling (B) to heat crankshaft gear (2) to component life.
150° ± 50°C (302° ± 90°F).
4. Align the keyway on crankshaft gear (2) with key Note: Perkins does not recommend the checking of
(3) in the crankshaft. Install crankshaft gear (2) to the actual clearances of the bearing shells
crankshaft (1). Ensure that the crankshaft gear is particularly on small engines. Checking of the actual
correctly orientated. clearances of the bearing shells is because of the
possibility of obtaining inaccurate results and of
damaging the bearing shell or the journal surfaces.
Each Perkins bearing shell is quality checked for
specific wall thickness.
Note: The measurements should be within
specifications and the correct bearings should be
used. If the crankshaft journals and the bores for the
block and the rods were measured during
disassembly, no further checks are necessary.
However, if the technician still wants to measure the
bearing clearances, Tooling (A) is an acceptable
method. Tooling (A) is less accurate on journals with
small diameters if clearances are less than 0.10 mm
(0.004 inch).
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UENR4511-01 139
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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140 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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UENR4511-01 141
Disassembly and Assembly Section
4. Remove the alternator belt. Refer to Disassembly 7. If necessary, follow Step 7.a through Step 7.b to
and Assembly, “Alternator Belts - Remove and remove bracket (5) for the refrigerant compressor
Install” for the correct procedure. from the cylinder block.
5. Remove bolts (6) and bolts (7) from refrigerant a. Remove bolts (8) from bracket (5).
compressor (4).
b. Remove bracket (5) from the water pump.
Note: Support the weight of the refrigerant
compressor on removal of the bolts. Installation Procedure
6. Remove refrigerant compressor (4) from bracket
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142 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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UENR4511-01 143
Disassembly and Assembly Section
1. Cut cable strap (3) from harness assembly (1). 1. Install a new O-ring seal (4) (not shown) onto
atmospheric pressure sensor (2).
2. Disconnect harness assembly (1) from
atmospheric pressure sensor (2). 2. Install atmospheric pressure sensor (2). Tighten
the atmospheric pressure sensor to a torque of
3. Remove atmospheric pressure sensor (2).
10 N·m (89 lb in).
4. Remove O-ring seal (4) (not shown) from
3. Connect harness assembly (1) to atmospheric
atmospheric pressure sensor (2).
pressure sensor (2).
Installation Procedure 4. Install a new cable strap (3) to harness assembly
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. Note: Ensure that the cable strap meets Original
Equipment Manufacture (OEM) specifications.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Removal Procedure
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates.
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144 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates.
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UENR4511-01 145
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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146 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
1. Slide the locking tab into the unlocked position. 1. Install a new O-ring seal (3) on fuel pressure
Disconnect harness assembly (1) from fuel sensor (2).
pressure sensor (2).
2. Install fuel pressure sensor (2) to fuel filter base
2. Remove fuel pressure sensor (2) from fuel filter (4). Tighten the fuel pressure sensor to a torque of
base (4). 10 N·m (89 lb in).
3. Remove O-ring seal (3) from fuel pressure sensor 3. Connect harness assembly (1) to fuel pressure
(2). sensor (2). Slide the locking tab into the locked
Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. Fuel Pressure Sensor -
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life. Remove and Install
(Option 2)
Removal Procedure
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product.
Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable contain-
ers before opening any compartment or disassem-
bling any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations
and mandates.
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UENR4511-01 147
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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148 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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UENR4511-01 149
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened a. Make temporary marks on elbow connection
component life. (4).
Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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150 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Speed/Timing Sensor -
Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Start By:
Illustration 252 g03781888
a. If necessary, remove the air compressor. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, Air
Compressor - Remove and Install for the
correct procedure.
Removal Procedure
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UENR4511-01 151
Disassembly and Assembly Section
1. Disconnect harness assemblies (2) from speed/ 1. Apply Tooling (A) to new O-ring seals (6) prior to
timing sensors (1). installation. Install new O-ring seals (6) to speed/
timing sensors (1).
2. Remove bolt (5), washer (4), and bracket (3).
2. Install speed/timing sensors (1) to the front
Note: Make a note of the orientation of the bracket. housing.
3. Carefully remove speed/timing sensors (1) from 3. Install bolt (5) to washer(4). Position bracket (3) to
the front housing. the front housing. Install bolt (5) to bracket (3).
4. Remove the O-ring seals (6) from speed/timing 4. Tighten bolt (5) to a torque of 28 N·m (248 lb in).
sensors (1).
5. Connect harness assemblies (2) onto speed/timing
Installation Procedure sensors (1).
Table 60 End By:
Required Tools
a. If necessary, install the air compressor. Refer
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty to Disassembly and Assembly, Air
Compressor - Remove and Install for the
A - Loctite 575 1 correct procedure.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. Inlet Manifold Temperature
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life. Sensor - Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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152 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
1. Disconnect harness assembly (2) from inlet 1. Install a new O-ring seal (3) to inlet manifold
manifold temperature sensor (1). temperature sensor (1).
2. Use a deep socket to remove inlet manifold 2. Use a deep socket to install inlet manifold
temperature sensor (1). temperature sensor (1). Tighten the inlet manifold
temperature sensor to a torque of 20 N·m
3. Remove O-ring seal (3) from inlet manifold
(15 lb ft).
temperature sensor (1).
3. Connect harness assembly (2) to inlet manifold
Installation Procedure temperature sensor (1).
NOTICE i05986301
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened Inlet Manifold Pressure Sensor
component life.
- Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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UENR4511-01 153
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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154 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
1. If necessary, remove the engine fan guards. Refer Illustration 263 g03778318
to the Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM) for Typical example
the correct procedure.
2. Loosen bolt (1) and bolt (2). Loosen nut (3).
Note: Mark the direction of rotation of the belt if the
belt is to be reused. 3. Loosen bolt (4). Loosen nut (5) and nut (6).
4. Remove alternator belts (7).
Installation Procedure
1. Ensure that the pulleys are clean. Ensure that the
pulleys are free from dirt and build up from the old
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UENR4511-01 155
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the V-Belts for the charging alternator.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “V-Belts -
Remove and Install (Charging Alternator Drive
Belts)” for the correct procedure.
1. If necessary, remove the engine fan guards. Refer
to the Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM) for
the correct procedure.
Illustration 265 g03778318
Typical example 2. Mark the direction of rotation of the belt if the belt is
to be reused.
2. Position alternator belts (7). Used belts should be
installed in the original direction of rotation.
3. Adjust nut (5) and nut (6) in order to increase or
decrease the tension of belts (7). Refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Belts -
Inspect/Adjust/Replace” for the correct tension.
4. With the correct applied tension on belts (7),
tighten nut (5) and nut (6) securely.
5. Tighten bolt (1) to a torque of 89 N·m (65 lb ft).
6. Tighten bolt (2) to a torque of 89 N·m (65 lb ft).
7. Tighten the bolt and nut (3) to a torque of 89 N·m
(65 lb ft).
8. Tighten bolt (4) to a torque of 100 N·m (73 lb ft).
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156 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
6. Release the pressure on the 1/2" square drive tool 7. If the engine has guards, install the guards. Refer
and remove the 1/2" square drive tool from Hole to the OEM for the correct procedure.
Installation Procedure
Alternator Belt - Remove and
Removal Procedure
1. If the engine has guards, remove the guards. Refer
to the Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM) for
the correct procedure.
Note: Mark the direction of rotation of the alternator
belt if the belt will be reused.
Note: The ribs on the belt must be located into the Illustration 268 g06016831
grooves of all pulleys. Typical example
4. From the front of the engine, turn the 1/2" square 2. Install a 1/2" square drive tool into Hole (X) in
drive tool in a clockwise direction in order to adjust tensioner (2). From the front of the engine, turn the
pulley assembly (1). tool in a clockwise direction.
5. Release the pressure on the 1/2" square drive tool 3. Remove alternator belt (1).
until the belt is tensioned. Remove the 1/2" square
drive tool from Hole (X). 4. Release the pressure on the 1/2" square drive tool
and remove the 1/2" square drive tool from Hole
6. With the correct tension on the belt, tighten bolt (2) (X).
and bolt (4). Tighten bolts to a torque of 28 N·m
(248 lb in).
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UENR4511-01 157
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure 6. If the engine has guards, install the guards. Refer
to the OEM for the correct procedure.
Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the alternator belt. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Alternator Belt -
Remove and Install”.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
Illustration 269 g06016831 component life.
Typical example
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158 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
2. Position idler pulley (2) onto bracket (3). Tighten
bolt (1) hand tight. 1. Ensure that all components of the belt tensioner
are clean and free from wear and damage. If
3. Tighten bolt (3) to a torque of 55 N·m (41 lb ft). necessary, replace any components that are worn
End By: or damaged.
Removal Procedure
1. If the engine has guards, remove the guards. Refer
to the Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM) for
the correct procedure.
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UENR4511-01 159
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
1. If necessary, remove the engine fan guards. Refer
to the Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM) for
the correct procedure. Illustration 275 g03780757
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160 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Remove and Install (Charging Alternator Drive f. Install V-belts belts (7). Refer to Disassembly
Belts)” for the correct procedure. and Assembly, “V-Belts - Remove and Install
(Charging Alternator Drive Belts)” for the
b. Remove bolts (3) from adapter (4). Support correct procedure
the fan adapter as the bolts are removed.
Installation Procedure
1. Ensure that all the components are free wear or
damage. If necessary replace any component that
is worn or damaged.
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UENR4511-01 161
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Disassembly Procedure
Table 61
Required Tools
A 27610275 Driver Gp 1
Illustration 278 g03780784
Start By:
2. Make temporary marks on fan drive (2) and
bracket (3) for installation purposes. a. Remove the fan drive. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Fan Drive - Remove” for the
3. Remove bolts (1) from fan drive (2). Support the correct procedure.
fan drive as the bolts are removed.
4. Remove fan drive (2) from bracket (3). Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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162 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
3. Remove plate (12) and bearing (11). Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
4. Remove hub assembly (9) and pulley (3).
5. Remove spacer (5) from hub assembly (9)
6. Use a suitable tool to remove seal (4) from hub
assembly (9). Remove bearing (6) and spacer (8).
7. Position hub assembly (9) on a suitable press. Use
Tooling (A) and the press to remove bearing cup
(7) and bearing cup (10) from the hub assembly
8. If necessary, remove spring pin (2) from shaft (1).
Assembly Procedure
Table 62
Required Tools
A 27610275 Driver Gp 1
B - Bearing Lubricant 1
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UENR4511-01 163
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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164 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
End By:
a. Install the fan drive. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Fan Drive - Install” for the correct
1. If necessary, follow Step 1.a through Step 1.e in Electronic Control Module -
order to install bracket (3). Remove and Install
a. Position bracket (3) onto the cylinder head.
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UENR4511-01 165
Disassembly and Assembly Section
3. Cut cable strap (1), cable strap (3), cable strap (5), 10. If necessary, follow Step 2.c through Step 10.c in
and cable strap (7). order to disassemble ECM (11).
4. Loosen Allen head screw (9) until harness a. Remove spacers (17) and isolator mounts (18)
assembly (4) can be disconnected from the ECM from ECM (11).
b. Remove bolt (14) (not shown) and bracket
5. Position harness assemblies (4) away from ECM
6. Loosen Allen head screw (10) until Original c. Remove bolt (16) and bracket (16).
Equipment Manufacture (OEM) harness assembly
(6) can be disconnected from the ECM (11). Installation Procedure
7. Position OEM harness assembly (4) away from 1. Ensure that all components for the ECM are free
ECM (11). from wear or damage. Replace any component
that is worn or damaged.
8. Remove bolts (12) and the washers from ECM (11)
ensure that ground strap (2) is not damaged as the
bolts are removed. Remove brackets (8). Support
the ECM as the bolts are removed.
9. Remove ECM (11) from the cylinder block.
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166 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
2. If necessary, follow Step 2.a through Step 2.d in 3. Position electronic control module (4) onto the
order to assemble ECM (11). cylinder block. Install the washers and bolts (12)
and brackets (8) to ECM (11). Support the ECM as
a. Install isolator mounts (18) to ECM (11). Install the bolts are installed. Ensure that the brackets
spacers (17) to the isolator mounts. are installed into the correct positions.
b. Position bracket (13) onto ECM (11). Install 4. Tighten bolts (12) to a torque of 28 N·m (248 lb in)
bolt (14) (not shown) hand tight. Ensure that . Ensure that ground strap (2) is not damaged as
the bracket is correctly orientated. the bolts are tightened.
c. Position bracket (15) onto ECM (11). Install 5. Position harness assemblies (4) onto ECM (11).
bolt (16) (not shown) hand tight. Ensure that 6. Tighten Allen head screw (9) until harness
the bracket is correctly orientated. assembly (4) is connected onto ECM (11).
d. Tighten bolt (16) and bolt (14) (not shown) to a Note: Care must be taken in order to avoid damage
torque of 6.5 N·m (57 lb in). to the connector pins during installation of the
harness assembly.
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UENR4511-01 167
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the belt. Refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Belts - Inspect/Replace”
for the correct procedure.
Personal injury can result from failure to discon- Illustration 288 g03749697
nect the battery.
First, disconnect the negative battery cable. 2. Remove the guard from the radiator in order to
Then, disconnect the positive battery cable. gain access to alternator (3). Refer to the Original
Equipment Manufacture (OEM) for the correct
A positive power lead can cause sparks if the bat- procedure.
tery is not disconnected. Sparks can possibly re-
sult in battery explosion or fire. 3. Place identification marks on all of the harness
assemblies. Disconnect the harness assemblies
from alternator (3).
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. 4. Remove bolt (1) and spacer (2) from the alternator
belt adjuster.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life. 5. Remove the nut and bolt (5) and bolt (7). Support
the alternator (3) as the nut and bolt and the bolt
1. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the OFF are removed.
position. 6. Remove alternator (3) from bracket (6).
7. If necessary, remove pulley (4) from alternator (3).
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168 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
8. If necessary, follow Step 2.c through Step 8.c to 2. If necessary, follow Step 2.a through Step 2.d to
remove bracket (6). install bracket (5).
a. Remove the spacer and bolts (9) and the a. If necessary, install ring dowels (7) from the
spacer and bolt (10) from bracket (6). water pump. Ensure that the ring dowels are
correctly seated into the water pump.
b. Remove bracket (6) from the water pump.
b. Install bracket (5) from the water pump.
c. If necessary, remove ring dowels (8) from the Ensure that the bracket is correctly seated
water pump. onto ring dowels (7).
Installation Procedure c. Install the spacer and bolts (8) and the spacer
and bolt (9) to bracket (5).
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. d. Tighten bolts (8) and bolt (9) to a torque of
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened 55 N·m (41 lb ft).
component life.
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UENR4511-01 169
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the belt. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Alternator Belt - Remove and
Install” for the correct procedure.
3. If necessary, install pulley (4) on alternator (3). First, disconnect the negative battery cable.
Then, disconnect the positive battery cable.
Install the nut and tighten the nut to a torque of
127 N·m (94 lb ft). A positive power lead can cause sparks if the bat-
tery is not disconnected. Sparks can possibly re-
4. Position alternator (3) onto bracket (6). sult in battery explosion or fire.
5. Install the nut and bolt (5) and bolt (7). Support the
alternator (3) as the nut and bolt and the bolt are
installed. NOTICE
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
6. Install bolt (1) and spacer (2) to the alternator belt
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
7. Connect the harness assemblies from alternator
(3). 1. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the OFF
Tighten the nut to a torque of 4 N·m (35 lb in). position.
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170 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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UENR4511-01 171
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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172 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
Table 63 Illustration 298 g03774291
Required Tools
A - Lifting Sling 2
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UENR4511-01 173
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
1. Ensure that all components for the electric starting
motor are free from wear or damage. Replace any
component that is worn or damaged.
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174 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Removal Procedure
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UENR4511-01 175
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Installation Procedure
Table 64
Required Tools
A - Loctite 242 1
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
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176 UENR4511-01
Disassembly and Assembly Section
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UENR4511-01 177
Index Section
A Installation Procedure .................................... 137
Removal Procedure ....................................... 137
Air Cleaner - Remove and Install ..........................27 Crankshaft Main Bearings - Install (Crankshaft
Installation Procedure ......................................28 in Position)...................................................... 128
Removal Procedure .........................................27 Installation Procedure .................................... 128
Air Compressor - Remove and Install.................. 174 Crankshaft Main Bearings - Remove
Installation Procedure .................................... 175 (Crankshaft in Position).................................... 127
Removal Procedure ....................................... 174 Removal Procedure ....................................... 127
Alternator - Remove and Install .......................... 167 Crankshaft Rear Seal - Install...............................68
Installation Procedure .................................... 168 Installation Procedure ......................................68
Removal Procedure ....................................... 167 Crankshaft Rear Seal - Remove ...........................68
Alternator - Remove and Install (High Mounted Removal Procedure .........................................68
Alternator)....................................................... 169 Cylinder Block Cover - Remove and Install............84
Installation Procedure .................................... 170 Installation Procedure ......................................86
Removal Procedure ....................................... 169 Removal Procedure .........................................84
Alternator Belt - Remove and Install.................... 156 Cylinder Head - Install ....................................... 102
Installation Procedure .................................... 157 Installation Procedure .................................... 102
Removal Procedure ....................................... 156 Cylinder Head - Remove......................................98
Atmospheric Pressure Sensor - Remove and Removal Procedure .........................................98
Install ............................................................. 142 Cylinder Liner - Install ........................................ 119
Installation Procedure .................................... 143 Installation Procedure .................................... 119
Removal Procedure ....................................... 142 Cylinder Liner - Remove .................................... 118
Removal Procedure ....................................... 118
Bearing Clearance - Check ................................ 138 D
Measurement Procedure ................................ 138 Disassembly and Assembly Section .......................5
Belt Tensioner - Remove and Install.................... 158
Installation Procedure .................................... 158
Removal Procedure ....................................... 158 E
Electric Starting Motor - Remove and Install ........ 172
C Installation Procedure .................................... 173
Removal Procedure ....................................... 172
Camshaft - Install .............................................. 110 Electronic Control Module - Remove and Install... 164
Installation Procedure .................................... 110 Installation Procedure .................................... 165
Camshaft - Remove .......................................... 108 Removal Procedure ....................................... 164
Removal Procedure ....................................... 108 Electronic Unit Injector - Install .............................19
Camshaft Bearings - Install ................................ 113 Installation Procedure ......................................19
Installation Procedure .................................... 113 Electronic Unit Injector - Remove..........................17
Camshaft Bearings - Remove ............................ 113 Removal Procedure .........................................17
Removal Procedure ....................................... 113 Electronic Unit Injector Sleeve - Install ..................23
Camshaft Gear - Remove and Install .................. 111 Installation Procedure ......................................23
Installation Procedure .................................... 112 Electronic Unit Injector Sleeve - Remove ..............21
Removal Procedure ....................................... 111 Removal Procedure .........................................21
Connecting Rod Bearings - Install....................... 126 Engine Lifting Bracket - Remove and Install ..........60
Installation Procedure .................................... 126 Installation Procedure ......................................61
Connecting Rod Bearings - Remove ................... 125 Removal Procedure .........................................60
Removal Procedure ....................................... 125 Start By...........................................................60
Coolant Temperature Sensor - Remove and Engine Oil Filter Base and Oil Cooler - Install ........43
Install ............................................................. 143 Installation Procedure ......................................43
Installation Procedure .................................... 144 Engine Oil Filter Base and Oil Cooler - Remove.....41
Removal Procedure ....................................... 143 Removal Procedure .........................................41
Crankcase Breather - Remove and Install .............83 Engine Oil Pan - Remove and Install................... 115
Installation Procedure ......................................83 Installation Procedure .................................... 116
Removal Procedure .........................................83 Removal Procedure ....................................... 115
Crankshaft - Install ............................................ 132 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor - Remove and
Installation Procedure .................................... 132 Install ............................................................. 144
Crankshaft - Remove......................................... 130 Installation Procedure .................................... 145
Removal Procedure ....................................... 130 Removal Procedure ....................................... 144
Crankshaft Front Seal - Install ..............................75 Engine Oil Pump - Assemble................................49
Installation Procedure ......................................75 Assembly Procedure ........................................49
Crankshaft Front Seal - Remove ..........................74 Engine Oil Pump - Disassemble ...........................47
Removal Procedure .........................................74 Disassembly Procedure ...................................47
Crankshaft Gear - Remove and Install ................ 137
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178 UENR4511-01
Index Section
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UENR4511-01 179
Index Section
Speed/Timing Sensor - Remove and Install ......... 150
Installation Procedure .................................... 151
Removal Procedure ....................................... 150
Table of Contents ..................................................3
Turbocharger - Install ..........................................30
Installation Procedure ......................................30
Turbocharger - Remove.......................................29
Removal Procedure .........................................29
Unit Injector Hydraulic Pump - Install ....................25
Removal Procedure .........................................25
Unit Injector Hydraulic Pump - Remove.................24
Removal Procedure .........................................24
V-Belts - Remove and Install (Charging
Alternator Drive Belts)...................................... 154
Installation Procedure .................................... 154
Removal Procedure ....................................... 154
V-Belts - Remove and Install (Water Pump
Drive Belt)....................................................... 155
Installation Procedure .................................... 156
Removal Procedure ....................................... 155
Valve Mechanism Cover - Remove and Install .......88
Installation Procedure ......................................89
Removal Procedure .........................................88
Valve Mechanism Cover Base - Remove and
Install ...............................................................91
Installation Procedure ......................................91
Removal Procedure .........................................91
Vibration Damper and Pulley - Remove and
Install ...............................................................72
Installation Procedure ......................................73
Removal Procedure .........................................72
Water Pump - Assemble ......................................54
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All Rights Reserved
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