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SPE 140625

Using Integrated Production Modeling (IPM) as an Optimization Tool for Field

Development Planning and Management
E.A. Ageh, SPE, A. Adegoke, O.J. Uzoh, SPE, Shell Nigeria E&P

Copyright 2010, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 34th Annual SPE International Conference and Exhibition held in Tinapa – Calabar, Nigeria, 31 July–7 August 2010.

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Abstract facilities to sales or export. For deepwater subsea

IPM offers a cost effective technique for assessing and systems this includes all the subsea infrastructure and
optimizing field development concepts, it allows for topsides processing facilities. The components of the
evaluation of various scenario plays whether they be model should be sufficiently accurate to represent the
well pairing, well count, well phasing, subsea layout, behaviour of the system at least in terms of pressure and
pipeline sizing, flow stream scheduling or process rate.
configuration to achieve maximum recovery of any
particular fluid stream. IPM can also be used as a The Modeling Challenge
change management tool during the execution phase of
a development project to understand the impact of The Bonga assets pose a complex system with two
change on the system. subsea tie-backs and an injection system. The modelling
The petroleum experts (PETEX) modeling tool has been challenge with such a system includes:
employed for the evaluation of the Bonga North - Managing pressure loss in the integrated
deepwater subsea tie-back development, the software production system
enables the integration of flow assurance with - Managing flow assurance issues
subsurface deliverability and the topside constraints - Handling of combined flow streams of dissimilar
(both envisaged and existing) for all considered options. fluids
The tieback development was designed as a haulage - Production optimization of the overall system
filler to an existing Bonga FPSO and hence the IPM against common system constraints
model was built to provide answers to pertinent Using a model of a complete production system
development and production concerns such as the best improves the understanding of complex systems and
timing for bringing the tie-back development on stream provides an analysis tool to assist optimization of the
and the impact of the tie-back on the host field total system.
production and recovery. The PETEX IPM suite was used for modelling of the
Bonga Assets. The PETEX suite has applications such
This paper describes the structure of the IPM model and
The modelling strategy for Bonga assets couples the
its various components, it also highlights some of the
network systems platform of GAP with Shell’s proprietary
benefits and challenges of deploying IPM for field
reservoir simulator – MoReS.
development optimization using the PETEX GAP
The Bonga GAP-MoReS Integrated Production Model
production modeling tool coupled with an in-house
(IPM) was constructed to provide a robust tool for
reservoir simulator.
generation of production profiles for the Bonga North
tieback to the Bonga FPSO. More specifically it was
design to help:
- Determine the range of likely rates and ultimate
An Integrated Production System Model (IPSM) is a recovery expected from the Bonga North Field taking
model which simulates a field (or group of fields) from into account the subsurface, subsea and surface
reservoir through the wells, pipelines and process facility constraints.
2 Adegoke, .A., Ageh, E.A., Uzoh, O.J. SPE 140625

- Achieve a ‘go-forward’ development scenario - Max total liquid capacity is 280 MBPD
supported by economics (NPV, VIR) and robust in - Max gas handling is 220 MMSCFD
most likely geologic scenarios. - Uptime: Injection is 86%, and production is also
- Propose a realistic drilling sequence capable of 86%
achieving the goal of keeping the Bonga FPSO full - Max available for RB gas lift is 60 MMSCF/D
while taking into account geologic risks and - The Bonga North Specific assumptions are:
appraisal during development drilling. - 160,000 BBL/d water injection (WI/P = 1.6
- Investigate the need and requirement for riser base assumed)
gaslift - Riser base gas lift at 40% water cut
- Explicitly model the water injection system - 2x10” single-loop production pipeline
- Model the impact of smart wells - 1x12” water injection pipeline
- Flexibility in well routing depending of line
pressure load
- Help determine an optimum pressure rating for - 4x6 slot daisy-chained production drill centers
the Bonga North injection pump. - 3x6 slot branched water injection manifolds
- 5500 psi water injection pressure at topside
dedicated to Bonga North
IPM Tool
Going by the share size of the components, the model is
Figure 1 attempts to describe the structure of the IPM not only very large but also very complex (Figure 3). For
tool. As mentioned in the previous section, an IPM tool all assets, water flooding is required for pressure
must be able to integrate models from the reservoir level maintenance and voidage replacement. The modelling
to the surface level. strategy adopted was to couple GAP to MoReS, this was
The Bonga IPM adopts a full field numerical model in done for the following reasons:
MoReS and uses GAP for the wells, subsea and surface
networks (for wells, PROSPER models are used). - Explicit modeling of the water injection network
All of these models are tied together on the RESOLVE - The GAP/Prosper imbedding which allowed
platform. In RESOLVE, for a particular time step, the seamless integration of the well models
simulation models are initialized and reservoir generated by Production Engineers into the
production/injection data is transmitted to the network network model
models (in form of a three phase IPR look up tables for - Imbedded fluid blending functionality in GAP
each well). This data point is solved and optimized - Smart well modeling functionality
against preset objective functions in GAP. GAP solves - Ease of use of the GAP model building interface
the network for operating points for each well. RESOLVE - Ease of obtaining support from PETEX when
then transmits the optimized result (either as a fixed flow needed.
rate for each well or a fixed flowing bottom hole
pressure) back to the simulator which treats it as Modeling SMART Wells
constraints for the next time step. The whole process is
repeated until completion of the prediction time. The The Bonga North field is to be developed with Smart
data flow process is illustrated in figure 2. wells GAP provides a better platform for modelling smart
The Bonga GAP-MoReS Model All Smart wells were designed for dual zone control and
modelled in GAP as shown in Figure 4 and 5
The model includes the Bonga Main producing asset, The inflow elements (purple) are linked to the inflow
the Bonga Northwest (BNW) tie-back, Infield performance response (IPR) in the dynamic simulator
Opportunities (IFO) Reservoirs and the Bonga North (MoRES).
subsea tie-back development. Two modelling approaches were explored based on the
The model premise and input data are as listed below: options of well layouts for the smart well, whether siphon
string configuration (Figure 6a) or concentric
- 14 Reservoirs – All Bonga Field Reservoirs configuration (Figure 6b).
(BM+BNW+BN) For Option A, the bottom zone flows through a pipe
- 50 producers – All Bonga Field Reservoirs element (modeling tubular flow) to the bottom Interval
(BM+BNW+BN) Control Valve (ICV). Another pipe element is added at
- 44 injectors – All Bonga Field Reservoirs the point of commingling. The upper zone flows through
(BM+BNW+BN) a pipe element added to model annular flow from the
- Max oil rate 225 MSTBD (Nameplate Capacity) upper zone to the ICV.
- Max produced water 100 MSTBD updated to A check valve is also added to prevent backflow. After
160 MSTBD on 1/1/2012 the connection, where pressure equilibrium is reached,
- Max injection capacity of 340 MSTBD the model
upgradedable to 360 MSTBD
SPE 140625 Using Integrated Production Modeling (IPM) as an Optimization tool for Field Development Planning and Management 3

is hooked up to an outflow model (green element). Here - Max Gas rate: 220 MMscf/d.
the outflow, based on pressures of the previous element, The production system is depicted in Figure 7.
is modelled.
This outflow model has a fixed PVT input, which will not Injection System Model
be an issue for sand bodies within the same reservoir. In
the case of a smart well completed across two distinct For all of Bonga development, water injection is required
reservoirs with fluid commingling, the input PVT data for
could be a hybrid of both zones. For the Bonga North reservoir pressure maintenance and sweep efficiency
models, there was no significant variation in the fluid through
properties. Thus one of the PVT tables from either of the waterflood. A series of studies indicated that natural
two zones was used. The outflow is modelled from the aquifer
point of commingling flow (top of upper ICV) to the support is inadequate to sustained planned production
wellhead and is reflected in the subsurface equipment rates of over 15,000 bbls/day. Thus pressurized
input data in Prosper. seawater is conditioned at the water injection plant
When the total model is optimized, the inflow models can topsides to meet water injection requirements
be maintaining reservoir pressures above the bubble point.
choked. The optimum pressure difference (dP, psia) is In GAP the injection system (Figure 8) comprises water
calculated at the inflow element (purple). injection elements (wells or sinks) that are connected via
The model option (b) is similar to (a) except that it has common injection drill centres, manifolds and pipelines
two to a fixed pressure system, in this case a topsides water
check valves. This is particularly suitable for intra- injection manifold.
reservoir smart wells where it is assumed that the zones Specification for the water injection manifold is as given
can be within the same pressure regime and crossflow below:
can occur in any direction. Both model approaches yield - Water Injection Rate: 340 Mbbl/d (upgraded to
about the same result when tested. Modelling smart 360 Mbbl/d by 2009)
injectors is similar to the description for the producers. - Water Salinity: 35,000 ppm
For the injectors, however, the check valves are not - Injection Temperature: 80°F
included since crossflow is not considered to be so much - Injection Pressure: 5,500 psia
of an issue.
Model Verification
Production System Model
The Bonga Asset IPM model was built to mirror the
The production system in GAP comprises producing subsea
elements layout for all the fields involved. A model verification
(wells or sources) that are connected via common exercise was carried out to ascertain the validity,
manifolds and pipelines to a fixed system pressure (the accuracy and functionality of the model. This involved
separator). The separator in GAP does not have to be comparing a history matched production trend of the
the physical separator in the field; it is simply a point of Bonga Main asset that is already on-stream and
fixed pressure in the network. producing for more than four years with the simulated
To a great extent, the model attempts to mirror the result from the model.
subsea layout for all the fields involved (Bonga Main-, The history matched Bonga Main models used in this
Bonga NW IPM
and Bonga North). The BN and BNW fields were model were completed in November 2007. This provided
modelled as tie-backs to the Bonga infrastructure. All an
three fields produce into a single FPSO with the opportunity to verify the accuracy of the model in
following design capacities: predicting
- Oil Production: 225 Mbbl/d (gross production Bonga Main production. To do this the water production
capacity of 280 Mbbl/d) rate
- Water Handling: 100 Mbbl/d (upgradeable later for 3/2009 was compared with rate predicted by the
in field life to 160 Mbbl/d) model.
- Water Injection: 300 Mbbl/d The results are shown in Figure 9
- Lift Gas: 65 MMscf/d
- Gas Export: 170 MMscf/d. For subsea engineering purposes, an independent
Thus the production separator in the GAP model is model of the
assigned production system was built using UNISIM and PIPESIM
the following constraints: for the Bonga North field. An exercise was conducted in
- Max Oil rate: 225 Mbbl/d which the UNISIM and PIPESIM inputs and results were
- Max Water rate: 100 Mbbl/d changed to 160 compared with those from the IPM model. The purpose
Mbbl/d after 1/1/2012 of this exercise was to assure alignment and model
- Max Liquid rate: 280 Mbbl/d consistency, thus improving the confidence level of the
4 Adegoke, .A., Ageh, E.A., Uzoh, O.J. SPE 140625

predictive capability of the IPM (GAP-MoReS model). Six An integrated resource will be required for the
cases of results from UNISIM, PIPESIM, and IPM were development, maintenance of the model and
evaluated. Early life, mid life, and late life scenarios management of any asset for which this tool is deployed.
corresponding to the flow rates in years 2018, 2025, and See Figure 11.
2034 respectively were considered. Tables 1 and 2 list
the results from this benchmarking exercise.
The tables show a strong corroboration between the Conclusion
PIPESIM, and IPM results. Pressures at the manifolds The Bonga GAP-MoReS Integrated Production Model
are all within +/- 10% deviation between models, proved to be an effective and robust tool for
validating the accuracy of each independent calculation development planning and management of a complex
of multiphase flow system. It help in the development strategy and selection
hydraulics. Furthermore, manifold temperature of a most profitable development scenario for a
predictions between all three models are all within 6°F. deepwater subsea tie-back project.
The inputs to the different software models were In addition the following was also observed:
carefully aligned before running the cases and analyzing - GAP-MoReS IPM Workflow encourages cross-
the results. functional ownership
Each software model used the same flowline elevation - Allows for modeling of injection networks
profiles, dimensions, compositional fluid models, heat - The systems is also good for modeling smart
transfer properties, etc. wells

Use of Tool for Field Development Optimization

Haven built and validated the model, a number of
simulation runs were carried out to test various scenarios 1. Welte, K.A, Jager, J. 1996. IPSE: A Production
on the development options for the Bonga North subsea System Modelling Toolkit for Shell Expro. Paper
tie-back development. The results yielded a number of SPE 35557, presented at the European
production profiles and forecasts for which project Production Operations Conference and
economics were evaluated to determine NPVs and VIRs. Exhibition, Stavanger, 16-17 April.
The model also enabled the well creaming exercise to 2. Sadegh, A., et al, 2009. Bonga Integrated
arrive at the optimum well count for the ‘go-forward’ Production Model, An effective tool for complex
development scenario supported by economics. The asset development planning. Shell EPJT 2009
cartoon in figure 10 illustrates the workflow for optimizing (8): 40-46
the development concept. 3. Howel, A., 2006. From Reservoir Through
The model also enabled the investigation on the need for Process, From Today to Tomorrow – The
riser base gaslift for the project. The study show that Integrated Asset Model. Paper SPE 99469,
riserbase gaslift will be required at water cut level of 40% presented at the Intelligent Energy Conference
this represents the optimum watercut value to introduce and Exhibition, Amsterdam, 11-13 April.

Benefits of the GAP-MoReS Model

Besides the user friendliness of the model, the tool lends

itself to use by users from different disciplines and
encourages cross functional ownership of the models
and data. It allows for explicit modeling of the Water
Injection System and allows for optimization of both the
injection and production systems
There’s industry expertise on the PETEX suite of
applications and thus a broad spectrum of the support
system is readily available.
SPE 140625 Using Integrated Production Modeling (IPM) as an Optimization tool for Field Development Planning and Management 5


IPM Tool
Schema tic of RESO LVE Setup
RESOLVE: Master Controller

Excel, etc

Surface and Process


GAP, UniSim, Olga, Pipesim

Wells and Gathering Networks:

Wells: WePs, PROSPER
Gathering Network: GAP

None Physical Model: Decline Curve
Material Balance Tank Models: MBAL
Full Field Numerical Models: MoReS, Eclipse, IMEX, REVEAL, CMG, etc

Figure 1: Schematic description of the IPM tool

M oReS to GAP via RESO LVE: Da ta flow

IPR tables passed to GAP GAP solves network
GAP Well Models for operating point
of each well
Gathering Network Models
Some Subsea/ Surface Equipment


Reservoirs Model

MoReS generates Full Field Numerical Models:

MoReS receives
Three phase IPR table MoReS Operating Point
of each well
of each
MoReS treats the OP as Well
Constraints for next TS

Figure 2: Dataflow process between MoReS and RESOLVE

6 Adegoke, .A., Ageh, E.A., Uzoh, O.J. SPE 140625

Figure 3. The Bonga GAP-MoReS Model- One of the Largest IPM models ever

Figure 4. GAP Modeling alternatives for Smart Producer Wells

SPE 140625 Using Integrated Production Modeling (IPM) as an Optimization tool for Field Development Planning and Management 7

Figure 5. GAP Modeling alternatives for Smart Injector Wells

(a) (b)
Figure 6. Completion Schematics of Smart Well layout options
8 Adegoke, .A., Ageh, E.A., Uzoh, O.J. SPE 140625

Figure 7. GAP representation of the Bonga IPM Production System

Figure 8. GAP representation of the Bonga IPM Injection System

SPE 140625 Using Integrated Production Modeling (IPM) as an Optimization tool for Field Development Planning and Management 9


Figure 9. History Matched actual field data vs IPM Model generated data

A) Build Model B) Production Profile


C) Run Economics

D) FIDÆExecutionÆFirst Oil

Figure 10. Concept Development Optimiztion Process

10 Adegoke, .A., Ageh, E.A., Uzoh, O.J. SPE 140625

Voidage Monitoring
Discipline Principals
Business Plan
PE/ T Subsea/
Asset/ Project Process Eng
Lift Curves Subsea Layout/ Network -
Smart Well Modelling UNISIM
Flow Assurance

Well Sequence / Pre-drills

Govt Drill Centres External
Regulatory Stakeholders

Figure 11. Integration required to manage an Integrated Production System

SPE 140625 Using Integrated Production Modeling (IPM) as an Optimization tool for Field Development Planning and Management 11

Table 1. Comparison of pressure (figures show psia) results at manifolds on flowline A

Table 2. Comparison of pressure (figures show psia) results at manifolds on flowline B

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