Up Taxation Law Reviewer 2017 PDF
Up Taxation Law Reviewer 2017 PDF
Up Taxation Law Reviewer 2017 PDF
TABLE OF CONTENTS O.6. EXEMPTION FROM TAXATION .............................. 25
TAXATION 1 O.8. COMPENSATION AND SET-OFF............................ 27
CORPORATIONS ........................................................ 96
M.3. TAX RULES AND REGULATIONS ........................... 20
M.4. PENAL PROVISIONS OF TAX LAWS ...................... 21
TAXPAYERS ................................................................ 21 D.5 EXEMPTION FROM TAX ON CORPORATIONS ....... 102
F.1. CONCEPT OF RESIDENCE .................................. 110 D. IMPACT OF TAX V. INCIDENT OF TAX .................. 144
G. GROSS ESTATE VIS-À-VIS NET ESTATE .............. 112 F. DESTINATION PRINCIPLE .................................. 144
LOCAL TAXES, FEES OR CHARGES ............................ 221
TRANSACTIONS ....................................................... 162 G.2. PROTEST OF ASSESSMENT ............................... 221
U. REFUND OR TAX CREDIT OF EXCESS INPUT TAX (CF CHARGE .................................................................. 221
V. INVOICING REQUIREMENTS ............................. 168 REVENUES ........................................................... 221
X. WITHHOLDING OF FINAL VAT ON SALES TO TAXES, FEES OR CHARGES ....................................... 221
GOVERNMENT ..................................................... 171 H.2. CIVIL REMEDIES, IN GENERAL........................... 221
IV. TAX REMEDIES UNDER THE NIRC ....... 182 I. REAL PROPERTY TAXATION ................................ 222
A. TAXPAYER‘S REMEDIES ................................... 182 I.1. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES (CAPUE) ................. 222
B. GOVERNMENT‘S REMEDIES ............................. 190 I.2. NATURE OF REAL PROPERTY TAX ........................ 223
I.3. IMPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY TAX .................. 223
BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE............ 199 TAX.......................................................................... 225
A. POWERS OF THE CIR ........................................ 199 I.5. DECLARATION OF REAL PROPERTY ..................... 225
ROLLS ..................................................................... 225
AMENDED ................................................ 209
I.8. ASSESSMENT OF REAL PROPERTY ..................... 226
A. LOCAL GOVERNMENT TAXATION ....................... 209
I.9. COLLECTION OF REAL PROPERTY TAX ................. 227
I.10. SPECIAL RULES ON PAYMENT .......................... 227
J. TAXPAYER‘S REMEDIES..................................... 228
MUNICIPALITIES WITHIN METRO MANILA.................. 216 J.1. ADMINISTRATIVE ............................................... 228
C.5. FEES AND CHARGES FOR REGULATION & AS AMENDED ........................................... 233
LICENSING .............................................................. 216
A. TARIFF AND DUTIES, DEFINED .......................... 233
C.6. SITUS OF TAX COLLECTED ................................. 216
D. TAXING POWERS OF BARANGAYS .................... 217 SUBJECT TO DUTY [SEC. 101, TCC; SEC. 104, CMTA]
E. COMMON REVENUE RAISING POWERS ............. 217 ........................................................................... 233
F. COMMUNITY TAX .............................................. 219 C. PURPOSE FOR IMPOSITION .............................. 233
F.1. TAX PERIOD AND MANNER OF PAYMENT ............ 220 D. FLEXIBLE TARIFF CLAUSE ................................. 233
F.2. ACCRUAL OF TAX ............................................... 220 E. REQUIREMENTS OF IMPORTATION .................... 234
F.3. TIME OF PAYMENT ............................................. 221 E.1. BEGINNING AND ENDING OF IMPORTATION....... 234
............................................................................... 221
F. IMPORTATION IN VIOLATION OF TCC ................. 238
F.1. SMUGGLING ..................................................... 238
INSPECTION OF BOOKS............................................ 221
F.2. OTHER FRAUDULENT PRACTICES ....................... 238
G. TAXPAYER‘S REMEDIES ................................... 221
G. CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS ............................ 239 B. JUDICIAL PROCEDURES ................................... 255
G.1. TAXABLE IMPORTATION .................................... 239 B.1. JUDICIAL ACTION FOR COLLECTION OF TAXES ... 255
G.2. PROHIBITED IMPORTATION ............................... 239 B.2. CIVIL CASES ..................................................... 256
G.3. CONDITIONALLY-FREE IMPORTATION ................ 239 B.3. CRIMINAL CASES ............................................. 258
H.1. ORDINARY/REGULAR DUTIES ........................... 244 MEASURES OR ACTS OF TAXING AUTHORITIES ...... 258
H.2. SPECIAL DUTIES ............................................... 247 C.1. TAXPAYER‘S SUIT, DEFINED .............................. 258
I. REMEDIES ........................................................ 247
I.1. GOVERNMENT.................................................... 247
I.2. TAXPAYER .......................................................... 248 TAXING AUTHORITY .................................................. 259
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1) Inherent in sovereignty – The power to tax is an (1) It is an enforced contribution for its imposition is in
attribute of sovereignty. It is a power emanating from no way dependent upon the will or assent of the
necessity. It is a necessary burden to preserve the person taxed. It is not contractual, either express or
State's sovereignty and a means to give the citizenry an implied, but positive acts of government.
army to resist an aggression, a navy to defend its shores
(2) It is generally payable in the form of money,
from invasion, a corps of civil servants to serve, public
although the law may provide payment in kind (e.g.
improvement designed for the enjoyment of the
backpay certificates under Sec. 2, R.A. No. 304, as
citizenry and those which come within the State's
territory, and facilities and protection which a
government is supposed to provide [Phil. Guaranty Co., (3) It is proportionate in character or is laid by some
Inc. v. Commissioner, G.R. No. L-22074 (1965)]. rule of apportionment which is usually based on
ability to pay.
―The rule of taxation shall be uniform and equitable.
2) Essentially a legislative function – The power to tax is
The Congress shall evolve a progressive system of
peculiarly and exclusively legislative and cannot be
taxation.‖ [Sec. 28 (1), Art. VI, 1987 Constitution]
exercised by the executive or judicial branch of the
government [1 Cooley 160-161]. Hence, only Congress, (4) It is levied on persons, property, rights, acts,
our national legislative body, can impose taxes. The privileges, or transactions.
levy of a tax, however, may also be made by a local
(5) It is levied by the State which has jurisdiction or
legislative body subject to such limitations as may be control over the subject to be taxed.
provided by law. It includes the authority to:
(6) It is personal to the taxpayer.
(a) Determine the nature, purpose, extent, coverage,
apportionment, situs, and method of collection of (7) It is levied by the law-making body of the State. The
the tax; power to tax is a legislative power but is also
granted to local governments, subject to such
(b) Grant tax exemptions or condonations; and
guidelines and limitations as law may be provided
(c) Specify or provide for the administrative as well as by law.
judicial remedies that either the government or the ―Each local government unit shall have the power to
taxpayers may avail themselves in the proper create its own sources of revenues and to levy taxes,
implementation of the tax measure. fees, and charges subject to such guidelines and
limitations as the Congress may provide, consistent
with the basic policy of local autnomy. Such taxes,
3) Subject to constitutional and inherent limitations –
fees, and charges shal accrue exclusively to the
The power to tax is said to be the strongest of all the
local governments.‖ [Sec. 5, Art. X, 1987
powers of government. It is unlimited, plenary,
comprehensive and supreme, in the absence of
constitutional restrictions, the principal check on its (8) It is levied for public purpose. Revenues derived
abuse resting in the responsibility of members of from taxes cannot be used for purely private
Congress to their constituents. However, the power of purposes or for the exclusive benefit of private
taxation is subject to constitutional and inherent persons. [Gaston v. Republic Planters Bank, G.R. No.
limitations [Mamalateo]. These limitations are those 77194 (1988)]. The ―public purpose or purposes‖
provided in the fundamental law or implied therefrom, of the imposition is implied in the levy of tax.
while the rest spring from the nature of the taxing power [Mendoza v. Municipality, G.R. No. L-7373 (1954)].
itself although they may or may not be provided in the A tax levied for a private purpose constitutes a
Constitution. taking of property without due process of law; and
(9) It is also an important characteristic of most taxes
that they are commonly required to be paid at
B.2 CHARACTERISTICS regular periods or intervals (see 1 Cooley 64) every
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D. THEORY AND BASIS OF TAXATION (4) Jurisdiction over subject and objects
The limited powers of sovereignty are confined to
objects within the respective spheres of
(1) Lifeblood theory
governmental control. These objects are the proper
Taxes are the lifeblood of the government and their
subjects or objects of taxation and none else.
prompt and certain availability is an imperious need.
[CIR v. Pineda, G.R. No. L-22734 (1967)]
Taxes are the lifeblood of the government and so E. PRINCIPLES OF A SOUND TAX
should be collected without unnecessary hindrance. SYSTEM
It is said that taxes are what we pay for civilized (1) Fiscal adequacy
society. Without taxes, the government would be The sources of tax revenue should coincide with, and
paralyzed for lack of the motive power to activate approximate the needs of, government expenditures.
and operate it [CIR v. Algue, G.R. No. L-28896 The revenue should be elastic or capable of
(1988)]. expanding or contracting annually in response to
variations in public expenditures.
(2) Necessity theory
The power of taxation proceeds upon theory that the (2) Administrative feasibility
existence of government is a necessity; that is Tax laws should be capable of convenient, just and
cannot continue without means to pay its expenses; effective administration. Each tax should be capable
and that for those means it has the right to compel of uniform enforcement by government officials,
all citizens and property within its limits to convenient as to the time, place, and manner of
contribute. payment, and not unduly burdensome upon, or
The power to tax, an inherent prerogative, has to be discouraging to business activity.
availed of to assure the performance of vital state
functions. It is the source of the bulk of public funds.
[Sison v. Ancheta, G.R. No. L-59431 (1984)] (3) Theoretical justice or equality
The tax burden should be in proportion to the
The obligation to pay taxes rests upon the necessity taxpayer‘s ability to pay. This is the so-called ability
of money for the support of the state. For this reason, to pay principle. Taxation should be uniform as well
no one is allowed to object to or resist the payment as equitable
of taxes solely because no personal benefit to him
can be pointed out. [Lorenzo v. Posadas, G.R. No. L- Note: The non-observance of the above principles
43082 (1937)] will not necessarily render the tax imposed invalid
except to the extent those specific constitutional
limitations are violated. (De Leon)
(3) Benefits-protection Theory (Symbiotic
This principle serves as the basis of taxation and is
founded on the reciprocal duties of protection and
support between the State and its inhabitants. TAXATION
Despite the natural reluctance to surrender part of F.1. INHERENT LIMITATIONS
one's hard earned income to the taxing authorities, (a) Public Purpose
every person who is able to must contribute his The proceeds of the tax must be used (a) for the
share in the running of the government. The support of the State or (b) for some recognized
government for its part is expected to respond in the objects of government or directly to promote the
form of tangible and intangible benefits intended to welfare of the community.
improve the lives of the people and enhance their
moral and material values. This symbiotic Test: Whether the statute is designed to promote the
relationship is the rationale of taxation and should public interest, as opposed to the furtherance of the
dispel the erroneous notion that it is an arbitrary advantage of individuals, although each advantage
method of exaction by those in the seat of power. to individuals might incidentally serve the public.
[CIR v. Algue, supra] [Pascual v. Sec. of Public Works, G.R. No. L-10405
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The protection and promotion of the sugar industry (i) General Rule: Delegata potestas non potest
is a matter of public concern; the legislature may delegari. The power to tax is exclusively vested in the
determine within reasonable bounds what is legislative body and it may not be re-delegated.
necessary for its protection and expedient for its
Judge Cooley enunciates the doctrine in the
promotion. [Lutz v. Araneta, G.R. No. L-7859
following oft-quoted language: "One of the settled
maxims in constitutional law is that the power
The public purpose of a tax may legally exist even if conferred upon the legislature to make laws cannot
the motive which impelled the legislature to impose be delegated by that department to any other body
the tax was to favor one industry over another. [Tio v. or authority. Where the sovereign power of the state
Videogram, G.R. No. L-75697 (1987)] has located the authority, there it must remain; and
by the constitutional agency alone the laws must be
made until the Constitution itself is charged.‖
Tests in Determining Public Purpose:
[People v. Vera, G.R. No. L-45685, November 16,
(1) Duty Test - Whether the thing to be furthered by
the appropriation of public revenue is something
which is the duty of the State as a government to Legislature has the power to determine the:
(1) nature (kind),
(2) Promotion of General Welfare Test - Whether the
(2) object (purpose),
proceeds of the tax will directly promote the
welfare of the community in equal measure. (3) extent (rate),
(3) Character of the Direct Object of the Expenditure (4) coverage (subjects) and
– It is the essential character of the direct object (5) situs (place) of taxation.
of the expenditure which must determine its
validity as justifying a tax and not the magnitude
of the interests to be affected nor the degree to (ii) Exceptions
which the general advantage of the community,
and thus the public welfare, may be ultimately (a) Delegation to local governments – This
benefited by their promotion. Incidental exception is in line with the general principle
advantage to the public or to the State, which that the power to create municipal corporations
results from the promotion of private enterprises for purposes of local self-government carries
or business, does not justify their aid with public with it, by necessary implication, the power to
money. [Pascual v. Sec. of Public Works, supra] confer the power to tax on such local
governments. (1 Cooley 190). This is logical for
after all, municipal corporations are merely
(b) Inherently Legislative instrumentalities of the state for the better
Stated in another way, taxation may exceptionally administration of the government in respect to
be delegated, subject to such well-settled matters of local concern. [Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co.
limitations as: of the Phil. Inc. v. Mun. of Tanauan, G.R. No. L-
31156 (1976)]. Under the new Constitution,
(1) The delegation shall not contravene any however, LGUs are now expressly given the
constitutional provision or the inherent
power to create its own sources of revenue and
limitations of taxation; to levy taxes, fees and charges, subject to such
(2) The delegation is effected either by the guidelines and limitations as the Congress may
Constitution or by validly enacted legislative provide which must be consistent with the basic
measures or statute; and policy of local autonomy. [Art. X, Sec 5, 1987
(3) The delegated levy power, except when the
delegation is by an express provision of the (b) Delegation to the President
Constitution itself, should only be in favor of the
(1) to enter into Executive agreements; and
local legislative body of the local or municipal
government concerned. [Vitug and Acosta] (2) to ratify treaties which grant tax
exemption subject to Senate
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The Congress may, by law, authorize the the protection for which a tax is supposed to be a
President to fix within specified limits, and compensation.
subject to such limitations and restrictions as it
may impose, tariff rates, import and export
quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and other Note: Where privity of relationship exists. It does not
duties or imposts within the framework of the mean, however, that a person outside of state is no
national development program of the longer subject to its taxing powers. The fundamental
Government. [Art. 6, Sec. 28(2), 1987 basis of the right to tax is the capacity of the
Constitution] government to provide benefits and protection to
the object of the tax. A person may be taxed where
(c) Delegation to administrative agencies –
there is between him and the taxing state, a privity
Limited to the administrative implementation
of the relationship justifying the levy. Thus, the
that calls for some degree of discretionary
citizen‘s income may be taxed even if he resides
powers under sufficient standards expressed
abroad as the personal (as distinguished from
by law or implied from the policy and purposes
territorial) jurisdiction of his government over him
of the Act.
remains. In this case, the basis of the power to tax is
(1) There are certain aspects of the taxing not dependent on the source of the income nor upon
process that are not legislative and they the location of the property nor upon the residence
may, therefore, be vested in an of the taxpayer but upon his relation as a citizen to
administrative body. The powers which the state. As such citizen, he is entitled, wherever he
are not legislative include: (1) the power may be, inside or outside of his country, to the
to value property for purposes of protection of his government.
taxation pursuant to fixed rules; (2) the
power to assess and collect the taxes;
and (3) the power to perform any of the (d) International Comity
innumerable details of computation, Comity – respect accorded by nations to each other
appraisement, and adjustment, and the because they are sovereign equals. Thus, the
delegation of such details. property or income of a foreign state or government
(2) The exercise of the above powers is may not be the subject of taxation by another state.
really not an exception to the rule as no Reasons:
delegation of the strictly legislative
(1) In par in parem non habet imperium. As
power to tax is involved. between equals there is no sovereign (Doctrine
(3) The powers which cannot be delegated of Sovereign Equality among states under
include the determination of the international law). One state cannot exercise its
subjects to be taxed, the purpose of the sovereign powers over another.)
tax, the amount or rate of the tax, the (2) In international law, a foreign government may
manner, means, and agencies of
not be sued without its consent → useless to
collection, and the prescribing of the
impose a tax which could not be collected.
necessary rules with respect thereto.
(3) Usage among states that when a foreign
sovereign enters the territorial jurisdiction of
(c) Territorial another, there is an implied understanding that
Rule: A state may not tax property lying outside its the former does not intend to degrade its dignity
borders or lay an excise or privilege tax upon the by placing itself under the jurisdiction of the
exercise or enjoyment of a right or privilege derived other.
from the laws of another state and therein exercise
and enjoyed. (51 Am.Jur. 87-88).
(e) Exemption of Government Entities, Agencies, and
Reasons: Instrumentalities
(1) Tax laws (and this is true of all laws) do not
operate beyond a country‘s territorial limits. If the taxing authority is the National Government:
General Rule: Agencies and instrumentalities of the
(2) Property which is wholly and exclusively within
government are exempt from tax.
the jurisdiction of another state receives none of
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Note: Unless otherwise provided by law, the The rule of taxation shall be uniform and equitable.
exemption applies only to government entities Congress shall evolve a progressive system of
through which the government immediately and taxation. [Art. VI, Sec. 28(1), 1987 Constitution]
directly exercises its sovereign powers. With respect
(1) Uniformity – All taxable articles or properties of
to government-owned or controlled corporations
the same class shall be taxed at the same rate.
performing proprietary (not governmental) functions,
[City of Baguio v. de Leon, G.R. No. L-24756
they are generally subject to tax in the absence of
tax exemption provisions in their charters or the law
creating them. (a) Uniformity of operation throughout tax unit -
The rule requires the uniform application and
Reasons for the exemption:
operation, without discrimination, of the tax
(a) To levy a tax upon public property would render in every place where the subject of it is found.
necessary new taxes on other public property for the This means, for example, that a tax for a
payment of the tax so laid and thus, the government national purpose must be uniform and equal
would be taxing itself to raise money to pay over for throughout the country and a tax for a
itself. province, city, municipality, or barangay must
be uniform and equal throughout the
(b) This immunity also rests upon fundamental
province, city, municipality or barangay.
principles of government, being necessary in order
that the functions of government shall not be unduly (b) Equality in burden – Uniformity implies
impeded. (1 Cooley 263). equality in burden, not equality in amount or
(c) The practical effect of an exemption running to equality in its strict and literal meaning. The
the benefit of the government is merely to reduce reason is simple enough. If legislation
imposes a single tax upon all persons,
the amount of money that has to be handled by the
properties, or transactions, an inequality
government in the course of its operations: For
these reasons, provisions granting exemptions to would obviously result considering that not
government agencies may be construed liberally in all persons, properties, and transactions are
favor of non-tax liability of such agencies. [Maceda v. identical or similarly situated. Neither does
Macaraig, Jr., G.R. No. 88291 (1991)]. uniformity demand that taxes shall be
proportional to the relative value or amount
Exception: There is no constitutional prohibition of the subject thereof. Taxes may be
against the government taxing itself. [Coll. v. Bisaya progressive.
Land Transportation, 105 Phil. 338 (1959)].
(2) Equity
If the taxing authority is a local government unit: RA
7160 expressly prohibits LGUs from levying tax on (a) Uniformity in taxation is effected through the
the National Government, its agencies and apportionment of the tax burden among the
instrumentalities and other LGUs. [Sec. 133 (o), taxpayers which under the Constitution must be
equitable. ―Equitable‖ means fair, just, reasonable
Local Government Code]
and proportionate to the taxpayer‘s ability to pay.
Taxation may be uniform but inequitable where the
amount of the tax imposed is excessive or
(b) The constitutional requirement of equity in
(a) Provisions Directly Affecting Taxation taxation also implies an approach which employees
(i) Prohibition against imprisonment for non- a reasonable classification of the entities or
payment of poll tax individuals who are to be affected by a tax. Where
No person shall be imprisoned for debt or non- the ―tax differentiation is not based on material or
payment of a poll tax. [Art. III, Sec. 20, 1987 substantial differences,‖ the guarantee of equal
Constitution] protection of the laws and the uniformity rule will
likewise be infringed.
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Taxation does not require identity or equality under shall be exempt from taxation.
all circumstances, or negate the authority to classify
(c) The tax exemption under this constitutional
the objects of taxation.
provision covers property taxes only and not
Classification, to be valid, must be reasonable and
other taxes [Lladoc v. Commissioner, G.R. No. L-
this requirement is not deemed satisfied unless:
19201 (1965)].
(1) It is based upon substantial distinctions which
make real differences;
In general, special assessments are not covered by
(2) These are germane to the purpose of the
the exemption because by nature they are not
legislation or ordinance;
classified as taxes. [Apostolic Prefect v. City
(3) The classification applies not only to present Treasurer of Baguio, G.R. No. L-47252 (1941)]
conditions but also to future conditions
substantially identical to those of the present;
and To be entitled to the exemption, the petitioner must
(4) The classification applies equally to all those prove that:
who belong to the same class. [Pepsi-Cola v. (1) It is a charitable institution
Butuan City, G.R. No. L-22814 (1968)]
(2) Its real properties are actually, directly and
The progressive system of taxation would place exclusively used for charitable purposes.
stress on direct rather than indirect taxes, on non-
essentiality rather than essentiality to the taxpayer
of the object of taxation, or on the taxpayer‘s ability Revenue or income from trade, business or other
to pay. Example is that individual income tax system activity, the conduct of which is not related to the
that imposes rates progressing upwards as the tax exercise or performance of religious, educational
base (taxpayer‘s taxable income) increases. A and charitable purposes or functions shall be
progressive tax, however, must not be confused with subject to internal revenue taxes when the same is
a progressive system of taxation. not actually, directly or exclusively used for the
intended purposes. [BIR Ruling 046-2000]
While equal protection refers more to like treatment
of persons in like circumstances, uniformity and
equity refer to the proper relative treatment for tax
Test of Use of the property, and not the
purposes of persons in unlike circumstances.
Exemption ownership
Actual, direct and exclusive use
(iii) Grant by Congress of authority to the President Nature of Use for religious, charitable or
to impose tariff rates educational purposes.
Delegation of Tariff powers to the President under
the flexible tariff clause [Sec. 28(2), Art. VI, 1987 Real property taxes on facilities
Constitution], which authorizes the President to which are
modify import duties. [Sec. 1608, Customs (1) actual,
Modernization and Tariff Act; previously, Sec. 401,
(2) incidental to, or
(3) reasonably necessary for the
accomplishment of said
(iv) Prohibition against taxation of religious, Scope of purposes such as in the case
charitable entities, and educational entities Exemption of hospitals, a school for
Art. VI, Sec. 28(3), 1987 Constitution: training nurses, a nurses‘
home, property to provide
(a) Charitable institutions, churches and
housing facilities for interns,
personages or convents appurtenant thereto,
resident doctors and other
mosques, non-profit cemeteries, and all lands,
members of the hospital staff,
buildings, and improvements,
and recreational facilities for
(b) Actually, directly, and exclusively used for student nurses, interns and
religious, charitable, or educational purposes residents, such as athletic
PAGE 9 OF 275
Art. VI, Sec. 28, par. 3 Art. XIV, Sec. 4, par. 3 conditions as they may deem necessary. [Sec.
192, LGC]
directly, and exclusively
used for religious, (2) The President of the Philippines may, when
charitable, or public interest so requires, condone or reduce
educational purposes. the real property tax and interest for any year in
any province or city or a municipality within the
Property taxes Income, property, and Metropolitan Manila Area. [Sec. 277, LGC]
donor‘s taxes and
custom duties.
(vii) Prohibition on use of tax levied for special
(vi) Majority vote of Congress for grant of tax All money collected on any tax levied for a special
exemption purpose shall be treated as a special fund and paid
Art. VI, Sec. 28, 1987 Constitution. No law granting out for such purpose only.
any tax exemption shall be passed without the
concurrence of a majority of all the Members of the If the purpose for which a special fund was created
Congress. has been fulfilled or abandoned, the balance, if any,
shall be transferred to the general funds of the
Government. [Gaston v. Republic Planters Bank,
Basis: The inherent power of the state to impose G.R. No. L-77194 (1988)].
taxes carries with it the power to grant tax
(viii) President‘s veto power on appropriation,
revenue, tariff bills
Exemptions may be created by: Art. VI, Sec. 27(2), 1987 Constitution. The President
shall have the power to veto any particular item or
(1) The Constitution, or items in an appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill, but
(2) Statutes, subject to constitutional limitations the veto shall not affect the item or times to which
he does not object.
Vote required for the grant of exemption: Absolute
majority of the members of Congress (at least ½ + 1
of ALL the members voting SEPARATELY)
(ix) Non-impairment of jurisdiction of the Supreme
Vote required for withdrawal of such grant of Court
exemption: Relative majority is sufficient (majority Art VIII, Sec. 2, 1987 Constitution. The Congress
of the quorum). shall have the power to define, prescribe, and
apportion the jurisdiction of the various courts but
The provision guaranteeing equal protection of the
may not deprive the Supreme Court of its
laws and that mandating the rule of taxation shall
jurisdiction over cases enumerated in Section 5
be uniform and equitable likewise limit, although
not expressly, the legislative power to grant tax hereof.
Grants in the nature of tax exemptions: Art. VIII, Sec. 5(2(b)), 1987 Constitution. The
Supreme Court shall have the following powers:
(1) Tax amnesties
(2) Review, revise, modify or affirm on appeal or
(2) Tax condonations certiorari, as the laws or the Rules of Court may
(3) Tax refunds provide, final judgments and orders of lower courts
(b) all cases involving the legality of any tax,
Note: impost, assessment or toll or any penalty
(1) Local government units may, through imposed in relation thereto.
ordinances duly approved, grant tax exemptions,
incentives or reliefs under such terms and
Even the legislative body cannot deprive the SC of
its appellate jurisdiction over all cases coming from
PAGE 11 OF 275
inferior courts where the constitutionality or validity Art. VI, Sec. 29, 1987 Constitution
of an ordinance or the legality of any tax, impost,
(1) No money shall be paid out of the Treasury
assessment, or toll is in question. [San Miguel Corp
except in pursuance of an appropriation made
v. Avelino, G.R. No. L-39699 (1979)]
by law.
(2) No public money or property shall be
Art. VI, Sec. 30, 1987 Constitution. No law shall be appropriated, applied, paid, or employed,
passed increasing the appellate jurisdiction of the directly or indirectly, for the use, benefit, or
Supreme Court without its advice and concurrence. support of any sect, church, denomination,
sectarian institution, or system of religion, or of
any priest, preacher, minister, other religious
Scope of Judicial Review in taxation: limited only to teacher, or dignitary as such, except when such
the interpretation and application of tax laws. Its priest, preacher, minister, or dignitary is
power does not include inquiry into the policy of assigned to the armed forces, or to any penal
legislation. Neither can it legitimately question or institution, or government orphanage or
refuse to sanction the provisions of any law leprosarium.
consistent with the Constitution. [Coll. v. Bisaya
(3) All money collected on any tax levied for a
Land Transportation, 105 Phil. 338 (1959)].
special purpose shall be treated as a special
fund and paid out for such purpose only. If the
purpose for which a special fund was created
(x) Grant of power to the local government units to
has been fulfilled or abandoned, the balance, if
create its own sources of revenue
any, shall be transferred to the general funds of
LGUs have power to create its own sources of
the Government
revenue and to levy taxes, fees and charges, subject
to such guidelines and limitations as the Congress
may provide which must be consistent with the basic
(b) Provisions Indirectly Affecting Taxation
policy of local autonomy. [Art. X, Sec. 5, 1987
(i) Due process
Art. III, Sec. 1, 1987 Constitution. No person shall
be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due
(xi) Flexible tariff clause process of law, nor shall any person be denied the
Delegation of tariff powers to the President under equal protection of the laws.
the flexible tariff clause [Art. VI, Sec. 28(2), 1987
(1) Substantive Due Process – An act is done under
Flexible tariff clause: the authority given to the the authority of a valid law or the Constitution
President, upon the recommendation of NEDA, to itself.
adjust the tariff rates under Sec. 1608 of the CMTA
(previously, Sec. 401, CMTA) in the interest of (2) Procedural Due Process – An act is done after
national economy, general welfare and/or national compliance with fair and reasonable methods or
security. procedure prescribed by law.
Due Process in Taxation requirements:
Instances of violations of the due process clause: civil and political rights.
(1) If the tax amounts to confiscation of property;
(2) If the subject of confiscation is outside the The free exercise clause is the basis of tax
jurisdiction of the taxing authority; exemptions.
(3) If the tax is imposed for a purpose other than a The imposition of license fees on the distribution
public purpose; and sale of bibles and other religious literature by a
(4) If the law which is applied retroactively imposes non-stock, non-profit missionary organization not
just and oppressive taxes. for purposes of profit amounts to a condition or
permit for the exercise of their right, thus violating
(5) If the law violates the inherent limitations on the constitutional guarantee of the free exercise and
taxation. enjoyment of religious profession and worship which
carries with it the right to disseminate religious
beliefs and information. [American Bible Society v.
(ii) Equal protection City of Manila, G.R. No. L-9637 (1957)] It is actually
Art. III, Sec. 1, 1987 Constitution. No person shall be in the nature of a condition or permit for the exercise
deprived of life, liberty, or property without due of the right. This is different from a tax in the income
process of law, nor shall any person be denied the of one who engages in religious activities or a tax on
equal protection of the laws. property used or employed in connection with those
activities. It is one thing to impose a tax on the
All persons subject to legislation shall be treated income or property of a preacher. It is quite another
alike under similar circumstances and conditions thing to exact a tax for the privilege of delivering a
both in the privileges conferred and liabilities sermon.
imposed. (1 Cooley 824-825; See Sison v. Ancheta, The Constitution, however, does not prohibit
supra). imposing a generally applicable tax on the sale of
The doctrine does not require that persons or religious materials by a religious organization.
properties different in fact be treated in laws as [Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance, G.R. No. 115455
though they were the same. Indeed, to treat them (1994)]
the same or alike may offend the Constitution. What
the Constitution prohibits is class legislation which
discriminates against some and favors others. As (iv) Non-impairment of obligations of contracts
long as there are rational or reasonable grounds for Art. III, Sec. 10, 1987 Constitution. No law
so doing, Congress may, therefore, group the impairing the obligation of contracts shall be
persons or properties to be taxed and it is sufficient passed.
―if all of the same class are subject to the same rate
and the tax is administered impartially upon them.‖
(1 Cooley 608). The Contract Clause has never been thought as a
limitation on the exercise of the State's power of
The equal protection clause is subject to reasonable taxation save only where a tax exemption has been
classification (See requisites for valid classification, granted for a valid consideration. [Tolentino v.
supra). Secretary of Finance, supra]
implemented (the manner of imposing and (b) It is assessed in accordance with some
collecting tax). It also involves the granting of tax reasonable rule of apportionment which
exemptions, tax amnesties or tax condonation. means that conformably with the
constitutional mandate for Congress to evolve
(2) Assessment and collection – This process
a progressive tax system, taxes must be based
involves the act of administration and
on taxpayer‘s ability to pay [Art VI, Sec 28[a],
implementation of tax laws by the executive
1987 Constitution]
through its administrative agencies such as the
Bureau of Internal Revenue or Bureau of (c) It is a pecuniary burden payable in money.
(d) It is imposed by the State on persons, property,
(3) Payment – this process involves the act of or exercise within its jurisdiction, in
compliance by the taxpayer in contributing his accordance with the principle of territoriality.
share to pay the expenses of the government.
(e) It is levied by the legislative body of the State.
Payment of tax also includes the options,
schemes or remedies as may be legally open or (f) It is levied for a public purpose.
available to the taxpayer. (g) It is personal to the taxpayer.
(4) Refund – A claim for refund must first be filed
with the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. A
suit or proceeding may be filed within two years I. REQUISITES OF A VALID TAX
from the date of payment of the tax or penalty
regardless of any supervening cause that may (1) For a public purpose;
arise after payment. The Commissioner may, (2) Rule of taxation should be uniform;
even without a written claim therefor, refund or
(3) The person or property taxed is within the
credit any tax, where on the face of the return,
jurisdiction of the taxing authority;
such payment appears clearly to have been
erroneously paid. [Sec. 229, NIRC] (4) Assessment and collection is in consonance
with the due process clause; AND
(5) The tax must not infringe on the inherent and
H. DEFINITION, NATURE AND constitutional limitations of the power of
(a) Are enforced proportional contributions from
persons and property levied by the law-making body
of the State by virtue of its sovereignty for the (1) Tariff
support of the government and all public needs. Taxes Tariff
(b) Are the enforced proportional and pecuniary All embracing term to A kind of tax imposed on
contributions from persons and property levied by include various kinds of articles which are traded
the law-making body of the state having jurisdiction enforced contributions internationally
over the subject of the burden for the support of the upon persons for the
government and public needs. attainment of public
(c) Are what we pay for civilized society. Without
taxes, the government would be paralyzed for lack of
the motive power to activate and operate it. [CIR v.
(2) Toll
Algue, supra]
Taxes Toll
Paid for the support of Paid for the use of
Essential Characteristics the government another‘s property.
(a) It is a forced charge, imposition or contribution. Demand of sovereignty Demand of
As such, it operates ad infinitum. proprietorship
PAGE 14 OF 275
Imposed regardless of Imposed because of an Governed by the special Governed by the ordinary
public improvements increase in value of land prescriptive periods periods of prescription
benefited by public provided for in the NIRC
improvement Does not draw interest Draws interest when it is
Contribution of a Contribution of a person except only when so stipulated or where
taxpayer for the support for the construction of a delinquent there is default
of the government public improvement Imposed only by public Can be imposed by
It has general Exceptional both as to authority private individual
application both as to time and locality
time and place
A tax is not a debt in the ordinary sense of the word.
imposed upon each person performing a (a) Specific Tax – a tax of a fixed amount
certain act or engaging in a certain business imposed by the head or number or by some
or profession are not, however, poll taxes. other standard of weight or measurement. It
(71 Am. Jur. 2d 357). requires no assessment (valuation) other
than the listing or classification of the
(b) Property Tax – tax imposed on property, real
objects to be taxed (e.g., taxes on distilled
or personal, in proportion to its value or in
spirits, wines, and fermented liquors; cigars
accordance with some other reasonable
and cigarettes)
method of apportionment (e.g., real estate
tax). The obligation to pay the tax is absolute (b) Ad Valorem Tax – a tax of a fixed proportion
and unavoidable and is not based upon the of the value of the property with respect to
voluntary action of the person assessed. which the tax is assessed. It requires the
intervention of assessors or appraisers to
(c) Privilege/Excise Tax – any tax which does not
estimate the value of such property before
fall within the classification of a poll tax or a
the amount due from each taxpayer can be
property tax. Thus, it is said that an excise
determined. The phrase ―ad valorem‖ means
tax is a charge imposed upon the
literally, ―according to value.‖ (e.g., real
performance of an act, the enjoyment of a
estate tax, excise tax on automobiles, non-
privilege, or the engaging in an occupation,
essential goods such as jewelry and
profession, or business. The obligation to pay
perfumes, customs duties (except on
the tax is based on the voluntary action of the
cinematographic films)).
person taxed in performing the act or
engaging in the activity which is subject to (c) Mixed
the excise. The term ―excise tax‖ is
synonymous with ―privilege tax‖ and the two
are often used interchangeably (e.g., income (4) As to purpose
tax, value added tax, estate tax, donor‘s tax). (a) General or Fiscal Tax – levied for the general
or ordinary purposes of the Government, i.e.,
to raise revenue for governmental needs (e.g.,
(2) As to burden or incidence income tax, VAT, and almost all taxes).
(a) Direct Taxes – taxes which are demanded
(b) Special/Regulatory/Sumptuary Tax – levied
from persons who also shoulder them; taxes
for special purposes, i.e., to achieve some
for which the taxpayer is directly or primarily
social or economic ends irrespective of
liable, or which he cannot shift to another
whether revenue is actually raised or not (e.g.,
(e.g., income tax, estate tax, donor‘s tax,
protective tariffs or customs duties on
community tax)
imported goods to enable similar products
(b) Indirect Taxes – taxes which are demanded manufactured locally to compete with such
from one person in the expectation and imports in the domestic market).
intention that he shall indemnify himself at
Tariff duties intended mainly as a source of
the expense of another, falling finally upon
revenue are relatively low so as not to
the ultimate purchaser or consumer; taxes
discourage imports.
levied upon transactions or activities before
the articles subject matter thereof, reach the
consumers who ultimately pay for them not (5) As to scope (or authority imposing the tax)
as taxes but as part of the purchase price. (a) National – taxes imposed by the national
Thus, the person who absorbs or bears the government (e.g., national internal revenue
burden of the tax is other than the one on
taxes, customs duties, and national taxes
whom it is imposed and required by law to imposed by laws).
pay the tax. Practically all business taxes are
indirect (e.g., VAT, percentage tax, excise (b) Municipal or Local – taxes imposed by local
taxes on specified goods, customs duties). governments (e.g., business taxes that may
be imposed under the Local Government
Code, professional tax).
(3) As to tax rates
PAGE 17 OF 275
(a) When the law itself expressly provides for a void. As a matter of policy, however, courts will
liberal construction, that is, in case of doubt, it declare a regulation or provision thereof invalid only
shall be resolved in favor of exemption; and when the conflict with the law is clear and
(b) When the exemption is in favor of the
government itself or its agencies, or of religious,
charitable, and educational institutions because Administrative interpretations and opinions
the general rule is that they are exempt from tax. The power to interpret the provisions of the Tax Code
and other tax laws is under the exclusive and
(c) When the exemption is granted under special
original jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Internal
circumstances to special classes of persons.
Revenue subject to review by the Secretary of
(d) If there is an express mention or if the taxpayer Finance [Sec. 4, par.1, NIRC].
falls within the purview of the exemption by clear
Revenue regulations are the formal interpretation of
legislative intent, the rule on strict construction
the provisions of the NIRC and other laws by the
does not apply. [Comm. v. Arnoldus Carpentry
Secretary of Finance upon the recommendation of
Shop, Inc., G.R. No. 71122 (1988)].
the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
General rule: The Commissioner has the sole
M.3. TAX RULES AND REGULATIONS authority to issue rulings but he also has the power
to delegate said authority to his subordinates with
General Rule: The Secretary of Finance, upon
the rank equivalent to a division chief or higher.
recommendation of the CIR, shall promulgate all
needful rules and regulations for the effective Exceptions: The Commissioner may not delegate the
enforcement of the provisions of the NIRC. [Sec. following:
244, NIRC] (a) The power to recommend the promulgation of
It is an elementary rule in administrative law that rules and regulations by the Secretary of
administrative regulations and policies enacted by Finance;
administrative bodies to interpret the law which they (b) The power to issue rulings of first impression or
are entrusted to enforce have the force of law and to reverse, revoke, or modify any existing ruling
entitled to great respect. They have in their favor a of the Bureau;
presumption of legality [Gonzales v. Land Bank, G.R.
No. 76759 (1990)] (c) The power to compromise or abate any tax
liability as provided by Sec. 204 and 205 of the
Requisites for validity and effectivity of regulations NIRC
(1) Reasonable
Exception to the exception: BUT assessments issued
(2) Within the authority conferred
by RDOs involving (a) Php500,000 or less, and (b)
(3) Not contrary to law and the Constitution [Art. 7, minor criminal violations as determined by the
NCC] Secretary of Finance as recommended by the
Commissioner, may be compromised by a Regional
(4) Must be published
Evaluation Board (CHAIRMAN: Regional Director;
Tax regulations whose purpose is to enforce of MEMBERS: Assistant Regional Director, heads of
implement existing law must comply with the the Legal, Assessment and Collection Divisions, and
following requisites to be effective [RP v. Pilipinas the Revenue District Officer having jurisdiction over
Shell Petroleum Corp., G.R. No. 173918 (2008)]: the taxpayer.) [Sec. 7, NIRC].
(1) Be published in a newspaper of general Decisions of the Supreme Court applying or
circulation [Art. 2, NCC]; AND interpreting existing tax laws are binding on all
subordinate courts and have the force and effect of
(2) Filed with the UP Law Center Office of the
law. As provided for in Article 8 of the Civil Code,
National Administrative Register (ONAR) [Ch 2,
they ―form part of the law of the land‖.
Book VII, EO 292]
The same is also true with respect to decisions of
Note: Administrative rules and regulations must
the Court of Tax Appeals. However, by the nature of
always be in harmony with the provisions of the law.
its jurisdiction, the decisions of this court are still
In case of conflict with the law or the Constitution,
the administrative rules and regulations are null and
PAGE 20 OF 275
The Secretary of Finance is vested with authority to been foreseen and understood by the taxpayer at
revoke, repeal or abrogate acts or previous rulings of the time of the transaction.
his predecessors in office because these are not
Exception: Tax laws may be applied retroactively
binding on their successors. [Hilado v. Collector of
provided it is expressly declared or it is clearly the
Internal Revenue, et al., 100 Phil 295]
legislative intent (e.g., increase taxes on income
already earned) except when retroactive application
(g) BIR Revenue Memorandu Circulars and Bureau
would be so harsh and oppressive. [Republic v.
of Customs Memorandum Orders
Fernandez, G.R. No. L-9141 (1956)]
These are administrative rulings or opinions which
are less general interpretations of tax laws being It is a cardinal rule that laws shall have no
issued form time to time by the Commissioner of the retroactive effect, unless the contrary is provided
Internal Revenue or Commissioner of the Bureau of (Art. 4, Civil Code). [Hydro Resources v. CA, G.R. No.
Customs, as the case may be. They are primarily 80276 (1990)]
intended to maintain uniform application of tax laws The language of the statute must clearly demand or
within the department or area of authority. press that it shall have a retroactive effect. [Lorenzo
v. Posadas, supra]
Memoranda have the status of advisory or sort of
information service. For this reason, they can be Exception to the exception:
reversed anytime. Collection of interest in tax cases is not penal in
nature; it is but a just compensation to the State.
Note: The Courts generally respect the The constitutional prohibition against ex post facto
interpretations made by the executive officer whose laws is not applicable to the collection of interest on
duty is to enforce the law. However, such back taxes. [Central Azucarera v. CTA, G.R. No. L-
interpretations are not conclusive and shall be 23236 (1967)]
disregarded if found erroneous by the Court. [Molina
v. Rafferty, 37 Phil 545]
Non-retroactivity of rulings [Sec. 246, NIRC]
(h) BIR Rulings General rule: Rulings do not have retroactive
BIR Rulings are expressed official interpretations of application if the revocation, modification, or
the tax laws as applied to specific transactions. reversal will be prejudicial to the taxpayer.
Unlike a Revenue Regulation, it is more limited in
application. Exceptions:
(1) Taxpayer‘s deliberate misstatement or omission
BIR Rulings are not the final interpreations of the tax of facts
laws. They are considered the best opinion or
advisory at the moment and are considered sound (2) BIR‘s gathered facts is materially different from
law until chagned by the court. [CIR v. Ledesma, the facts from which the ruling was based on
(1970)] (3) Taxpayer acted in bad faith
(i) Local Tax Ordinances Note: The rule on non-retroactivity of rulings may be
These are tax ordinances issued by the province, city, applied only if the parties in the ruling involve the
municipality and baranggay subjct to such taxpayer himself/itself. The taxpayer cannot invoke
limitations as provided by the Local Government the rulings granted in favor of the other taxpayers.
Code. [Valencia and Roxas]
on prescription should perforce be strictly construed. payment or duties, or upon completion of the post-
[Commissioner v. CA, G.R. No. 104171 (1999)] clearance audit. (Note: The same rule was provided
under Sec. 1603 of the TCC, but it was worded
Prescriptions found in statutes
(1) National Internal Revenue Code - statute of
(3) Local Government Code – prescribes
limitations in the assessment and collection of
prescriptive periods for the assessment from the
taxes therein imposed.
date they became due (5 years) and collection (5
Summary of prescription on assessment and years) of taxes (including Real Property Taxes) from
collection: the date of assessment by administrative or judicial
action. The prescriptive period is 3 years if the tax
Prescription of assessment AND
accrued before the effectivity of the Local
collection from the:
Government Code. [Sec. 194 and 270, RA 7160 or
a. prescribed last day of filing of the LGC]. In case of fraud or intent to evade the
returns (even if return was filed payment of taxes, fees, or charges, the same may be
earlier than the deadline); OR assessed from discovery of the fraud or intent to
b. the day when the return was evade payment (10 years).
actually filed if filed later than the
last day of filing [Sec. 203, NIRC]
The prescriptive period is tolled when:
Prescription of assessment in cases
(a) The treasurer is legally prevented from
making the assessment or collection
a. false or fraudulent return with
(b) The taxpayer requests for a reinvestigation
10 intent to evade tax; OR
and executes a waiver in writing before
YEARS b. failure to file a return [Sec. 222, expiration of the period within which to
NIRC] assess or collect; and
From the discovery of the fraud, (c) The taxpayer is out of the country or
falsity, or omission. otherwise cannot be located.
Prescription of collection of tax if:
a. assessed within the 3-year and O.3. DOUBLE TAXATION
10-year prescriptive periods
Means taxing twice the same taxpayer for the same
b. assessed within the extended tax period upon the same thing or activity, when it
5 YEARS period agreed upon by the should be taxed once, for the same purpose and
Commissioner and taxpayer (waiver with the same kind of character of tax.
of the prescriptive period)
(a) Strict sense (Direct Duplicate Taxation)
Collected by distraint, levy or by a (1) The same property must be taxed twice when it
proceeding in court. [Sec. 222, NIRC] should be taxed once;
Note: The prescriptive period from final liquidation is (2) Both taxes must be imposed on the same
three (3) years, except in cases of: (1) tentative property or subject matter;
liquidation; (2) payment under protest; (3) fraud;
(3) For the same purpose;
and (4) compliance audit.
(4) By the same State, Government, or taxing
(2) Customs Modernization and Tariffs Act (CMTA) –
(5) Within the same territory, jurisdiction or taxing
repealed the Tariff and Customs Code (TCC). Under
Sec. 430, it provides that ―[i]n the absence of fraud
and when the goods have been finally assessed and (6) During the same taxing period; and
released, the assessment shall be conclusive upon (7) Of the same kind or character of tax.
all parties three (3) years from the date of final
PAGE 23 OF 275
purchaser through the factors of distribution a tax. It is also known as ―tax dodging.‖ It is
to the factor of production. Example: punishable by law.
Consumer or purchaser may shift tax imposed
Example: Deliberate failure to report a taxable
on him to retailer by purchasing only after the
income or property; deliberate reduction of income
price is reduced, and from the latter to the
that has been received; overstatement of expenses.
wholesaler, and finally to the manufacturer or
(3) Onward shifting - When the tax is shifted two Elements of Tax Evasion
or more times either forward or backward. (1) The end to be achieved. Example: the payment
of less than that known by the taxpayer to be
legally due, or in paying no tax when such is due.
(ii) Taxes that can be shifted
(2) An accompanying state of mind described as
being ―evil,‖ ―in bad faith,‖ ―willful‖ or
(a) Value-added Tax
―deliberate and not accidental.‖
(b) Percentage Tax
(c) Excise Tax (3) A course of action (or failure of action) which is
(iii) Meaning of impact and incidence of taxation Since fraud is a state of mind, it need not be proved
Impact of taxation is the point on which a tax is by direct evidence but may be inferred from the
originally imposed. In so far as the law is concerned, circumstances of the case. Thus:
the taxpayer, the subject of tax, is the person who
(1) The failure of the taxpayer to declare for taxation
must pay the tax to the government. purposes his true and actual income derived
Incidence of taxation is that point on which the tax from his business for two consecutive years has
burden finally rests or settles down. It takes place been held as an indication of his fraudulent
when shifting has been effected from the statutory intent to cheat the government of its due taxes.
taxpayer to another. [Republic v. Gonzales, G.R. No. L-17962 (1965)]
Relationship between Impact, Shifting, and (2) The substantial underdeclaration of income in
Incidence of a Tax the income tax returns of the taxpayer for four (4)
The impact is the initial phenomenon, the shifting is consecutive years coupled with his intentional
the intermediate process, and the incidence is the overstatement of deductions justifies the finding
result. Impact is the imposition of the tax; shifting is of fraud. [Perez v. CTA and Collector, G.R. No. L-
the transfer of the tax; while incidence is the setting 10507 (1958)].
or coming to rest of the tax. (e.g. impact in VAT is on
the producer who shifts the burden to the customer
who finally bears the incidence of the tax) Other matter(s):
Transformation – method of escape in taxation
whereby the manufacturer or producer upon whom
b. Tax avoidance (Tax Minimization) the tax has been imposed pays the tax and
The exploitation by the taxpayer of legally endeavors to recoup himself by improving his
permissible alternative tax rates or methods of
process of production thereby turning out his units
assessing taxable property or income in order to of products at a lower cost. The taxpayer escapes by
avoid or reduce tax liability. It is politely called ―tax a transformation of the tax into a gain through the
minimization‖ and is NOT punishable by law. medium of production.
Example: A person refrains from engaging in some
activity or enjoying some privilege in order to avoid
the incidental taxation or to lower his tax bracket for O.6. EXEMPTION FROM TAXATION
a taxable year.
(a) Meaning of exemption from taxation
The grant of immunity to particular persons or
c. Tax evasion (Tax Dodging)
corporations or to person or corporations of a
Tax Evasion - is the use by the taxpayer of illegal or
particular class from a tax which persons and
fraudulent means to defeat or lessen the payment of
corporations generally within the same state or
PAGE 25 OF 275
taxing district are obliged to pay. It is an immunity or exemption may be challenged as violative of the
privilege; it is freedom from a financial charge or equal protection guarantee or the uniformity rule.
burden to which others are subjected. It is strictly
construed against the taxpayer.
(c) Kinds of tax exemption
Taxation is the rule; exemption is the exception. He (i) Express or Affirmative - either entirely or in part,
who claims exemption must be able to justify his may be made by provisions of the Constitution,
claim or right thereto, by a grant expressed in terms statutes, treaties, ordinances, franchises, or
―too plain to be mistaken and too categorical to be contracts.
misinterpreted.‖ If not expressly mentioned in the
(ii) Implied or Exemption by Omission - when a tax is
law, it must at least be within its purview by clear
levied on certain classes without mentioning the
legislative intent.
other classes. Every tax statute, in a very real
sense, makes exemptions since all those not
Grounds for Tax Exemption mentioned are deemed exempted. The omission
(1) It may be based on contract. may be either accidental or intentional.
(2) It may be based on some ground of public policy. Exemptions are not presumed, but when public
property is involved, exemption is the rule, and
(3) It may be created in a treaty on grounds of
taxation is the exception.
reciprocity or to lessen the rigors of international
or multiple taxation. (iii) Contractual - The legislature of a State may, in
the absence of special restrictions in its
But equity is NOT a ground for tax exemption.
constitution, make a valid contract with a
Exemption from tax is allowable only if there is a
corporation in respect to taxation, and that such
clear provision. While equity cannot be used as a
contract can be enforced against the State at the
basis or justification for tax exemption, a law may
instance of the corporation [Casanovas v. Hord,
validly authorize the condonation of taxes on
G.R. No. 3473 (1907)]. In the real sense of the
equitable considerations.
term and where the non-impairment clause of
the Constitution can rightly be invoked, this
(b) Nature of tax exemption includes those agreed to by the taxing authority
(1) Mere personal privilege - cannot be assigned or in contracts, such as those contained in
transferred without the consent of the government bonds or debentures, lawfully
entered into by them under enabling laws in
legislature. The legislative consent to the transfer
may be given either in the original act granting which the government, acting in its private
the exemption or in a subsequent law capacity, sheds its cloak of authority and waives
its governmental immunity.
(2) General rule: revocable by the government.
These contractual tax exemptions, however, are
Exception: if founded on a contract which is not to be confused with tax exemptions granted
protected from impairment. But the contract under franchises. A franchise partakes the
must contain the essential elements of other nature of a grant which is beyond the purview of
contracts. An exemption provided for in a the non-impairment clause of the Constitution.
franchise, however, may be repealed or [Manila Electric Company v. Province of Laguna,
amended pursuant to the Constitution [Art. XII, G.R. No. 131359 (1999)]
Sec. 11, 1987 Constitution]. A legislative
franchise is a mere privilege.
(3) Implies a waiver on the part of the government (d) Rationale of Tax Exemption
of its right to collect taxes due to it, and, in this Such exemption will benefit the body of the people
and not particular individuals or private interest and
sense, is prejudicial thereto. Hence, it exists only
that the public benefit is sufficient to offset the
by virtue of an express grant and must be strictly
construed. monetary loss entailed in the grant of the
(4) Not necessarily discriminatory, provided it has
reasonable foundation or rational basis. Where, Principles of Tax Exemption:
(1) As the power of taxation is a high prerogative of
however, no valid distinction exists, the
sovereignty, the relinquishment is never presumed
PAGE 26 OF 275
and any reduction or diminution thereof with respect the NCC, and both debts are extinguished to the
to its mode or its rate, must be strictly construed, concurrent amount. [Domingo v. Garlitos, G.R. No.
and the same must be couched in clear and L-18994 (1963)]
unmistakable terms in order that it may be applied.
[Floro Cement v. Gorospe, G.R. No. L-46787 (1991)]
(2) When granted, they are strictly construed against
the taxpayer [Luzon Stevedoring Co. v. CTA, G.R. No. COMPROMISE
L-30232 (1988)] (a) A contract whereby the parties, by making
reciprocal concessions avoid litigation or put an
(3) Tax exemptions are strictly construed against the
taxpayer, they being highly disfavored and may end to one already commenced. (Art. 2028, Civil
almost be said ―to be odious to the law.‖ [Manila Code). It involves a reduction of the taxpayer‘s
Electric Company v. Vera, G.R. No. L-29987 (1975)] liability.
(b) Requisites of a tax compromise:
(e) Revocation of Tax Exemption (1) The taxpayer must have a tax liability.
(2) There must be an offer (by the taxpayer or
General Rule: revocable by the government.
Commissioner) of an amount to be paid by
Exception: Contractual tax exemptions may not be the taxpayer.
unilaterally so revoked by the taxing authority
without thereby violating the non-impairment clause (3) There must be acceptance (by the
Commissioner or the taxpayer, as the case
of the Constitution.
may be) of the offer in settlement of the
original claim.
A claim for refund barred by prescription may be (a) Definition
allowed to offset unsettled tax liabilities. The A tax amnesty partakes of an absolute forgiveness
doctrine finds NO application in this jurisdiction. or waiver by the Government of its right to collect
what otherwise would be due it, and in this sense,
prejudicial thereto, particularly to give tax evaders,
O.8. COMPENSATION AND SET-OFF who wish to relent and are willing to reform a chance
General rule: Internal revenue taxes cannot be the to do so and become a part of the new society with a
subject of set-off or compensation [Republic v. clean slate. [Republic v. IAC, G.R. No. L-69344
Mambulao Lumber, G.R. No. L-17725 (1962)] (1991)]
Reasons: A tax amnesty, much like a tax exemption, is never
favored nor presumed in law. If granted, the terms of
(1) This would adversely affect the government the amnesty, like that of a tax exemption, must be
revenue system [Philex Mining v. CA, G.R. No.
construed strictly against the taxpayer and liberally
125704 (1998)]. in favor of the taxing authority. The State cannot
(2) Government and the taxpayer are not creditors strip itself of the most essential power of taxation by
and debtors of each other. The payment of taxes doubtful words. He who claims an exemption (or an
is not a contractual obligation but arises out of a amnesty) from the common burden must justify his
duty to pay. [Republic v. Mambulao Lumber, claim by the clearest grant of organic or state law. It
supra] cannot be allowed to exist upon a vague implication.
If a doubt arises as to the intent of the legislature,
Exception: If the claims against the government
that doubt must be resolved in favor of the state.
have been recognized and an amount has already
[CIR v. Marubeni Corp., G.R. No. 137377 (2001)].
been appropriated for that purpose. Where both
claims have already become (1) due and (2)
demandable as well as (3) fully liquidated, (b) Amnesty distinguished from tax exemption
compensation takes place by operation of law under
Tax amnesty is immunity from all criminal and civil
Art. 1200 in relation to Articles 1279 and 1290 of obligations arising from non-payment of taxes. It is a
PAGE 27 OF 275
general pardon given to all taxpayers. It applies to The Court has adopted the "direct injury test" to
past tax periods, hence of retroactive application. determine locus standi in public suits. In People v.
[People v. Castañeda, G.R. No. L-46881 (1988)] Vera, it was held that a person who impugns the
validity of a statute must have "a personal and
Tax exemption is immunity from all civil liability only.
substantial interest in the case such that he has
It is an immunity or privilege, a freedom from a
sustained, or will sustain direct injury as a result."
charge or burden of which others are subjected.
the "direct injury test" in public suits is similar to
[Greenfield v. Meer, C.A. No.-156 (1946)]. It is
the "real party in interest" rule for private suits
generally prospective in application (Dimaampao,
under section 2, Rule 3 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
2005, p. 111).
Procedure. [Planter‘s Products, Inc. v. Fertiphil
Corporation, G.R. no. 166006, (March 14, 2008)]
O.10. TAXPAYER’S SUIT As applied to taxation:
It is well-stated that the validity of a statute may be
a. Nature and Concept
contested only by one who will sustain a direct injury
Taxpayer‘s suit – refers to a case where the act
in consequence of its enforcement. Yet, there are
complained of directly involves the illegal
many decisions nullifying, at the instance of
disbursement of public funds derived from taxation.
taxpayers, laws providing for the disbursement of
[Kilosbayan v. Guingona, Jr. (1994)]
public funds, upon the theory that "the expenditure
of public funds by an officer of the state for the
b. As distinguished from a citizen‘s suit
purpose of administering an unconstitutional act
The plaintiff in a taxpayer's suit is in a different
constitutes a misapplication of such funds," which
category from the plaintiff in a citizen's suit. In the
may be enjoined at the request of a taxpayer.
former, the plaintiff is affected by the expenditure of
[Pascual v. Secretary of Public Works (1960)]
public funds, while in the latter, he is but the mere
instrument of the public concern. [De Castro v. A taxpayer is allowed to sue where there is a claim
Judicial and Bar Council (2010)] that public funds are illegally disbursed, or that the
public money is being deflected to any improper
c. Requisites of a taxpayer‘s suit challenging the purpose, or that there is wastage of public funds
constitutionality of a tax measure or act of a taxing through the enforcement of an invalid or
authority; concept of locus standi, doctrine of unconstitutional law. A person suing as a taxpayer,
transcendental importance and ripeness for judicial however, must show that the act complained of
determination directly involves the illegal disbursement of public
(1) Concept of locus standi as applied in taxation funds derived from taxation. He must also prove that
The doctrine of locus standi is the right of he has sufficient interest in preventing the illegal
appearance in a court of justice. The doctrine expenditure of money raised by taxation and that he
requires a litigant to have a material interest in the will sustain a direct injury because of the
outcome of a case. In private suits, locus standi enforcement of the questioned statute or contract.
requires a litigant to be a "real party in interest," In other words, for a taxpayer‘s suit to prosper, two
which is defined as "the party who stands to be requisites must be met:
benefited or injured by the judgment in the suit or
(1) public funds derived from taxation are disbursed
the party entitled to the avails of the suit." by a political subdivision or instrumentality and in
In public suits, this Court recognizes the difficulty of doing so, a law is violated or some irregularity is
applying the doctrine especially when plaintiff committed and
asserts a public right on behalf of the general public
(2) the petitioner is directly affected by the alleged
because of conflicting public policy issues. On one act. [Mamba v. Lara, G.R. no. 165109, (Dec. 14,
end, there is the right of the ordinary citizen to 2009)]
petition the courts to be freed from unlawful
government intrusion and illegal official action. At
the other end, there is the public policy precluding (2) Doctrine of transcendental importance
excessive judicial interference in official acts, which
may unnecessarily hinder the delivery of basic Recognizing that a strict application of the "direct
public services. injury" test may hamper public interest, this court
relaxed the requirement in cases of "transcendental
importance" or with "far reaching implications."
PAGE 28 OF 275
given, the books and records to be kept, the entries Provided, further, That the CIR can exercise this
to be made therein, the reports to be made to the power within six (6) years from the approval of
CIR, and the signs to be displayed in the business Republic Act No. 7646 or the completion of its
ort by the person for whom such denaturing is done comprehensive computerization program, whichever
or by whom, such alcohol is dealt in;
comes earlier:
(g) The manner in which revenue shall be collected Provided, finally, That separate venues for the
and paid, the instrument, document or object to Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao areas may be
which revenue stamps shall be affixed, the mode of designated for the filing of tax returns and payment
cancellation of the same, the manner in which the of taxes by said large taxpayers.
proper books, records, invoices and other papers
For the purpose of this Section, 'large taxpayer'
shall be kept and entries therein made by the person
means a taxpayer who satisfies any of the following
subject to the tax, as well as the manner in which
licenses and stamps shall be gathered up and
returned after serving their purposes; (1) Value-Added Tax (VAT) - Business establishment
with VAT paid or payable of at least P100,000 for
(h) The conditions to be observed by revenue
any quarter of the preceding taxable year;
officers respecting the enforcement of Title III
imposing a tax on estate of a decedent, and other (2) Excise tax - Business establishment
transfers mortis causa, as well as on gifts and such excise tax paid or payable of at least P1,000,000
other rules and regulations which the CIR may for the preceding taxable year;
consider suitable for the enforcement of the said
(3) Corporate Income Tax - Business establishment
Title III;
with annual income tax paid or payable of at least
(i) The manner in which tax returns, information and P1,000,000 for the preceding taxable year; and
reports shall be prepared and reported and the tax
(4) Withholding tax - Business establishment with
collected and paid, as well as the conditions under
withholding tax payment or remittance of at least
which evidence of payment shall be furnished the P1,000,000 for the preceding taxable year.
taxpayer, and the preparation and publication of tax
statistics; Provided, however, That the Secretary of Finance,
upon recommendation of the CIR, may modify or
(j) The manner in which internal revenue taxes, such add to the above criteria for determining a large
as income tax, including withholding tax, estate and taxpayer after considering such factors as inflation,
donor's taxes, value-added tax, other percentage
volume of business, wage and employment levels,
taxes, excise taxes and documentary stamp taxes and similar economic factors.
shall be paid through the collection officers of the
Bureau of Internal Revenue or through duly The penalties prescribed under Section 248 shall be
authorized agent banks which are hereby deputized imposed on any violation of the rules and
to receive payments of such taxes and the returns, regulations issued by the Secretary of Finance, upon
papers and statements that may be filed by the recommendation of the CIR, prescribing the place of
taxpayers in connection with the payment of the tax: filing of returns and payments of taxes by large
Provided, however, That notwithstanding the other
provisions of this Code prescribing the place of filing
of returns and payment of taxes, the CIR may, by
rules and regulations, require that the tax returns,
papers and statements that may be filed by the FUNCTIONS OF THE COMMISSIONER OF
taxpayers in connection with the payment of the tax. INTERNAL REVENUE
(3) To execute judgment in all cases decided in its a. DEFINITION, NATURE AND GENERAL PRINCIPLES
favor by the CTA and the ordinary courts; and
(4) To effect and administer the supervisory and
police powers conferred upon it by the Tax Code or
other special laws. Income Tax is defined as a tax on all yearly profits
arising from property, professions, trades, or offices,
or as a tax on the person‘s income, emoluments,
b. Power of the Commissioner to interpret tax laws profits and the like [Fisher v. Trinidad, G.R. No. L-
and to decide tax cases 2118643 (1924)].
(1) Shall be under the exclusive and original It may be succinctly defined as a tax on income,
jurisdiction of the CIR, subject to review by the whether gross or net, realized in one taxable year.
Secretary of Finance. (Sec. 4, NIRC)
(2) A ruling by the BIR Commissioner shall be
presumed valid unless modified, reversed or
superseded by the Secretary of Finance.
Income tax is generally classified as an excise tax. It
is not levied upon persons, property, funds or profits
(3) A taxpayer who receives an adverse ruling from
but upon the right of a person to receive income or
the CIR may, within thirty (30) days from the date of
receipt of such ruling, seek its review by the
Secretary of Finance, either by himself/itself or
though his/its duly authorized representative.
General Principles
(4) A reversal or modification of the BIR ruling shall
In the Philippines, income tax is imposed on the net
terminate its effectivity upon
the receipt by the income of citizens, resident aliens, domestic
taxpayer or the BIR of written notice of reversal or corporations, and nonresident aliens and foreign
modification, whichever came earlier.
corporations engaged in trade or business within the
**The Secretary of Finance may now also review the Philippines [Sec. 24 (A), Sec. 25 (A), Sec. 27 (A),
rulings MOTU PROPRIO. (DOF ORDER 7-02) Sec. 28 (A), NIRC]. It is also imposed on the gross
income of nonresident aliens and foreign
corporations not doing business in the Philippines
c. Non-retroactivity of rulings (Sec. 246, NIRC) [Sec. 25 (B), (C), (D), Sec. 28 (B), NIRC]. It is further
imposed as a final tax on certain passive income
General Rule: No retroactive application if the
(interests, royalties, prizes, and other winnings),
revocation, modification or reversal of rules and
cash and property dividends, capital gains from the
regulations, rulings or circulars will be prejudicial to
sale of domestic shares of stock and real property
the taxpayers.
classified as capital assets located in the
Exceptions: Philippines (Sec. 24 (B), Sec. 25 (A) (2), (3), Sec. 27
(a) Where the taxpayer deliberately misstates or (D), Sec. 28 (A), NIRC).
omits material facts from his return or any document Income Tax Law aims to mitigate the evils arising
required of him by the BIR; from the inequalities of wealth by a progressive
(b) Where the facts subsequently gathered
by the scheme of taxation which places the burden of
taxation on those best able to pay [Madrigal v.
BIR are materially different from
the facts on
which the ruling is based; or
Rafferty & Concepcion, G.R. No. L-12287 (1918)].
and personal and additional exemptions, if any, are global system of income taxation, although certain
reported in one income tax return, and one set of tax passive investment incomes and capital gains from
rates are applied on the tax base. sale of capital assets (namely: (a) shares of stock of
domestic corporations, and (b) real property) are
subject to final taxes at preferential tax rates.
(b) Schedular Tax System
Different types of incomes are subject to different
a.3. Criteria in Imposing Philippine Income Tax
sets of graduated or flat income tax rates. The
applicable tax rate(s) will depend on the (1) Citizenship or Nationality Principle
classification of the taxable income and the basis
A citizen of the Philippines is subject to Philippine
could be gross income or net income. Separate
income tax:
income tax returns (or other types of return
applicable) are filed by the recipient of income for (a) On his worldwide income, if he resides in the
the particular types of income received. Philippines; or
(b) Only on his income from sources within the
Philippines, if he qualifies as a nonresident
(c) Semi-schedular or Semi-global Tax System
All compensation income, business or professional
income, capital gain and passive income not subject
to final tax, and other income are added together to (b) Residence Principle
arrive at the gross income, and after deducting the A resident alien is liable to pay Philippine income
sum of allowable deductions, the taxable income is tax on his income from sources within the
subjected to one set of graduated tax rates or Philippines but is exempt from tax on his income
normal corporate income tax. With respect to such from sources outside the Philippines.
income the computation is global.
For those other income not mentioned above, they
(c) Source of Income Principle
remain subject to different sets of tax rates and
An alien is subject to Philippine income tax because
covered by different returns. he derives income from sources within the
Note: The Philippines, under EO 37 (1986) and RA Philippines. Thus, a non-resident alien or non-
8424 (1998), follows a semi-schedular and semi- resident foreign corporation is liable to pay
global tax system. Philippine income tax on income from sources
within the Philippines, such as dividend interest,
rent, or royalty, despite the fact that he has not set
a.2. Features of the Philippine Income Tax Law foot in the Philippines.
(1) Direct Tax – The tax burden is borne by the The income tax law adopts the most comprehensive
income recipient upon whom the tax is imposed. tax situs of nationality and residence of the taxpayer
and of the generally accepted and internationally
(2) Progressive – The tax rate increases as the tax
recognized income tax base [Tan v. De Rosario, G.R.
base increases. It is founded on the ability to pay
No. 109289 (1994)]. Resident citizens and
principle and is consistent with Sec. 28, Art. VI,
domestic corporations are subjected to income tax
1987 Constitution.
liability on their income from all sources within and
(3) Comprehensive – The Philippines has adopted without the Philippines. The law adopts the source
the most comprehensive system of imposing income rule with respect to income received by taxpayers
tax by adopting the citizenship principle, the other than resident citizens and domestic
residence principle, and the source principle. Any of corporations.
the three principles is enough to justify the
imposition of income tax on the income of a resident
citizen and a domestic corporation that are taxed on a.4. Types of Philippine Income Tax
a worldwide income.
(1) Graduated income tax on individuals
(4) Semi-Schedular or Semi-Global Tax System –
(2) Normal corporate income tax on corporations
The Philippines follows the semi-schedular or semi-
PAGE 32 OF 275
(3) Minimum corporate income tax on corporations iv. When the taxpayer dies.
(4) Special income tax on certain corporations "Taxable year" means the calendar year, or the
fiscal year ending during such calendar year, upon
(5) Capital gains tax on sale or exchange of shares
the basis of which the net income is computed
of stock of a domestic corporation classified as
under Title II (Tax on Income).
capital assets
Taxable year includes, in the case of return made for
(6) Capital gains tax on sale or exchange of real
a fractional part of a year under the provisions of
property classified as capital asset
Title II, the period for which such return is made
(7) Final withholding tax on certain passive [Sec. 22 (P), NIRC].
investment income paid to residents
(8) Final withholding tax on income payments
a.6. Kinds of Taxpayers
made to non-residents
(9) Fringe benefits tax on fringe benefits of
Taxpayer – any person subject to tax imposed by
supervisory or managerial employees
Title II of the Tax Code [Sec. 22(N), NIRC].
(10) Branch profit remittance tax
Person – means an individual, a trust, estate or
(11) Tax on improperly accumulated earnings of corporation [Sec. 22(A), NIRC].
For income tax purposes, taxpayers are classified
generally as follows:
a.5. Taxable Period (1) Individuals;
The accounting periods used in determining the (2) Corporations ;
taxable income of taxpayers are:
(3) Partnerships (Ordinary and General Professional
(1) Calendar Year - Accounting period of 12 months Partnerships);
ending on the last day of December. Instances
(4) Estates and Trusts;
when the Calendar Year is used for the
computation of income: (5) Co-ownerships
i. If the taxpayer's annual accounting period
is other than a fiscal year; or
ii. If the taxpayer has no annual accounting
period; or
iii. If the taxpayer does not keep books of
accounts; or
iv. If the taxpayer is an individual [Sec. 43,
(2) Fiscal Year - Accounting period of 12 months
ending on the last day of any month other than
December [Sec. 22(Q), NIRC].
(3) Short Period - Accounting period which starts
after the first month of the tax year or ends
before the last month of the tax year (less than
12 months). Instances whereby short accounting
period arises:
i. When a corporation is newly organized.
ii. When a corporation is dissolved.
iii. When a corporation changes accounting
PAGE 33 OF 275
Citizens of the Residents citizens
Philippines Non-resident citizens
Engaged in Trade or Business in the Philippines
Individuals Non-residents Not Engaged in Trade or Business in the
Special Classes of
Minimum Wage Earner
Domestic Corporations
Corporations Resident Corporations
Foreign Corporations
Non-resident Corporations
Estates and
General Business Partnership
General Professional Partnership
PAGE 34 OF 275
(a) Individual Taxpayers If the aggregate period of his stay in the Philippines is
more than 180 days during any calendar year.
(i) Citizens
(2) Not engaged in trade or business within the
(a) Resident Citizens (RC)
Philippines - If the aggregate period of his stay in the
(b) Non-resident Citizens (NRC) Philippines does not exceed 180 days.
(a) Citizen of the Philippines who establishes to the
satisfaction of the Commissioner the fact of his
(iii) Special class of individual employees
physical presence abroad with a definite
intention to reside therein. (a) Minimum Wage Earner
(b) Citizen who leaves the Philippines during the a. A worker in the private sector paid the statutory
taxable year to reside abroad, either as an minimum wage;
immigrant or for employment on a permanent
b. An employee in the public sector with
compensation income of not more than the statutory
(c) Citizen of the Philippines who works and derives minimum wage in the non-agricultural sector where
income from abroad and whose employment he/she is assigned.
thereat requires him to be physically present
abroad most of the time during the taxable year
(183 DAYS). (b) Corporations
(d) Citizen previously considered as non-resident Includes all types of corporations, partnerships (no
citizen and who arrives in the Philippines at any matter how created or organized), joint stock
time during the taxable year to reside companies, joint accounts, associations, or
permanently in the Philippines Treated as insurance companies, whether or not registered
NRC with respect to his income derived from with the SEC.
sources abroad until the date of his arrival in the
Excludes general professional partnerships (GPP),
joint venture or consortium formed for the purpose
of undertaking construction projects, joint venture
or consortium engaging in petroleum, coal,
(ii) Aliens
geothermal and other energy operations pursuant
(a) Resident Alien to an operating or consortium agreement under a
service contract with the government.
An alien actually present in the Philippines who is not a
mere transient or sojourner is a resident for income tax (i) Domestic corporations – A corporation created
purposes. and organized under its laws (the law of
incorporation test).
No/Indefinite Intention = RESIDENT: If he lives in the
Philippines and has no definite intention as to his stay, (ii) Foreign corporations – A corporation which is
he is a resident. A mere floating intention indefinite as not domestic.
to time, to return to another country is not sufficient to
(a) Resident foreign corporations – Foreign
constitute him a transient.
corporation engaged in trade or business within the
Definite Intention = TRANSIENT: One who comes to the Philippines.
Philippines for a definite purpose, which in its nature
Doing business – The term implies a continuity of
may be promptly accomplished, is a transient.
commercial dealings and arrangements, and
Exception: Definite Intention but such cannot be contemplates, to that extent, the performance of
promptly accomplished; If his purpose is of such nature acts or works or the exercise of some of the
that an extended stay may be necessary for its functions normally incident to, and in progressive
accomplishment, and thus the alien makes his home prosecution of commercial gain or for the purpose
temporarily in the Philippines, then he becomes a and object of the business organization (RA 7042,
resident. Foreign Investments Act).
(b) Non-resident Alien In order that a foreign corporation may be regarded
as doing business within a State, there must be
(1) Engaged in trade or business within the Philippines -
continuity of conduct and intention to establish a
PAGE 35 OF 275
continuous business, such as the appointment of a b.1. Definition, Nature and General Principles
local agent, and not one of a temporary character
[CIR v. British Overseas Airways Corporation, G.R.
No. 65773-74 (1987)]. Definition
(b) Non-resident foreign corporations – Foreign Income Tax is defined as a tax on all yearly profits
corporation not engaged in trade or business within arising from property, professions, trades, or offices, or
the Philippines as a tax on the person‘s income, emoluments, profits
and the like [Fisher v. Trinidad, supra]
(iii) Joint venture and consortium – Essential
factors of a joint venture or consortium:
(a) Each party must make a contribution, not Nature
necessarily of capital but by way of services, skill, Income tax is generally classified as an excise tax. It is
knowledge, material or money; not levied upon persons, property, funds or profits but
(b) Profits must be shared among the parties; upon the right of a person to receive income or profits.
(c) There must be a joint proprietary interest and
right of mutual control over the subject matter of General Principles
the enterprise;
(a) A resident citizen of the Philippines is taxable on all
(d) There is a single business transaction. income derived from sources within and without the
(c) Partnerships (b) A nonresident citizen is taxable only on income
derived from sources within the Philippines;
The Tax Code mandates that every other type of
business partnership (Ordinary Partnerships) is subject (c) An individual citizen of the Philippines who is
to income tax in the same manner and at the same rate working and deriving income from abroad as an
as an ordinary corporation. overseas contract worker is taxable only on income
derived from sources within the Philippines:
General Professional Partnerships (GPP)
A general professional partnership is a partnership Provided, That a seaman shall be treated as an
formed by persons for the sole purpose of exercising overseas contract worker if he is a:
their common profession, no part of the income of (1) citizen of the Philippines; and
which is derived from engaging in any trade or business.
(2) receives compensation for services rendered
Not considered as a taxable entity for income tax abroad as a member of the complement of a
purposes. The partners themselves, not the partnership,
vessel engaged exclusively in international trade
are liable for the payment of income tax in their
individual capacities. (d) An alien individual, whether a resident or not of the
Philippines, is taxable only on income derived from
sources within the Philippines;
(d) Estates and Trusts
(e) A domestic corporation is taxable on all income
Taxable estates and trusts are taxed in the same derived from sources within and without the
manner and on the same basis as an individual. Philippines; and
(f) A foreign corporation, whether engaged or not in
(e) Co-ownership trade or business in the Philippines, is taxable only
on income derived from sources within the
For income tax purposes, the co-owners in a co-
Philippines. [Sec. 23, NIRC]
ownership report their share of the income from the
property owned in common by them in their individual
tax returns for the year and the co-ownership is not Taxpayer Within Without
considered as a separate taxable entity or a corporation.
Resident Citizen
INCOME TAX Non-resident Citizen and OCW X
PAGE 36 OF 275
Taxpayer Within Without Mertens, Sec. 5.06) The increase in the value of
property is also known as appraisal surplus or
Resident and Non-resident Alien X
revaluation increment.
Domestic Corporation
Foreign Corporation X Income v. Capital {Madrigal v. Rafferty, supra]
Income Capital
B.2. INCOME Denotes a flow of wealth Fund or property existing
during a definite period at one distinct point in
b.2.1. Definition and Nature of time. time.
income. Without the rule, the taxpayer can Accrual method generally reports income when earned
conveniently select the year in which he will report and reports expense when incurred. If earned from sale
the income. (Dimaampao) of goods, income is to be reported in the year of sale,
irrespective of collection.
For a taxpayer using the accrual method, the
determinative question is, when do the facts present
themselves in such a manner that the taxpayer must Methods of accounting in reporting income and
recognize income or expense? The accrual of income expenses
and expense is permitted when the all-events test has [N.B. Not in syllabus; Additional matter]
been met. This test requires: (1) fixing of a right to
income or liability to pay; and (2) the availability of the
reasonable accurate determination of such income or Installment method vis-à-vis Deferred method vis-à-vis
liability [CIR v. Isabela Cultural Corporation, G.R. No. Percentage of completion method (in long- term
135210 (2001) ]. contracts)
The ―As If‖ Theory of Constructive Income is designed to Installment Method is a special method of accounting
prevent a cash basis taxpayer to delay reporting of whereby income on installment sales of property during
income. It also resumes the existence of income on the year is allowed to be reported in installments in
transactions supposedly not subject to tax. [Valencia proportion to the installment payments actually
and Roxas] received in that year, which the gross profit realized or
to be realized when payment is completed, bears to the
total contract price (Sec. 49, NIRC).
iii. Recognition of Income
Income realized pertains to the accrual basis of
accounting. Income may be reported on the installment basis in the
following cases:
Recognition of income in the books is when it is realized
and expenses are recognized when incurred. It is the
right to receive and not the actual receipt that
Sales of personal property by a dealer
determines the inclusion of the amount in gross income
A dealer who regularly sells or otherwise disposes of
personal property on the installment plan
(1) Interest or rent income earned but not yet
(2) Rent expense accrued but not yet paid Sales of real property (inventory) and casual sales of
(3) Wages due to workers but remaining unpaid
(1) casual sale or other casual disposition of personal
Generally, trade and manufacturing businesses use property (not of a kind which would be includible in
accrual method while servicing businesses use cash the inventory of the taxpayer if on hand at the close
method. If the service business opted to report on of the taxable year) where the selling price >
accrual basis, such method can only be applied when it P1,000 and the initial payments do not exceed 25%
comes to reporting of expense. To prevent tax evasion, of the selling price, or
individual taxpayers whose business consists of the
sale of inventories cannot use cash method. [Valencia (2) sale or other disposition of real property (inventory),
and Roxas] if the initial payments do not exceed 25% of the
selling price. Note: This sale is subject to creditable
withholding tax and normal tax which is 30% for
iv. Cash Method of Accounting versus Accrual Method corporate taxpayer or 5% to 32% for individual
of Accounting taxpayer.
Cash method generally reports income upon cash
collection and reports expenses upon payment. If
earned from rendering of services, income is to be Sales of real property considered as capital asset by
reported in the year when collected, whether earned or individuals
unearned. An Individual who sells or disposes of real property,
considered as capital asset, if initial payments do not
PAGE 38 OF 275
exceed 25% of the selling price, may pay the capital Personal Property Real Property
gains tax in installments (Sec. 49(C), NIRC). Note: This Dealer
sale is subject to a capital gains tax of 6% based on the Dealer in personal Installment method;
selling price or zonal value, whichever is higher. property who regularly Provided, initial
sells in installment payments do not
Note: Initial payments are the total payments received
plan: Installment exceed 25% of selling
in cash or property (other than evidences of
method price
indebtedness such as promissory notes, mortgages
*held as ordinary asset If exceeds 25%--
given) by the seller upon or before the execution of the
regardless of amount Deferred payment
instrument of sale during the taxable year of the
of percentage of initial method
disposition of the real property. Considered as initial
payments *held as inventory
payments are the downpayment and all other payments
Casual Sale
received by the seller during the year of sale, including
excess mortgage assumed by the buyer over the basis Installment method;
or cost of the property sold. It contemplates at least
one other payment in addition to the initial payment. If (1)Selling price
the entire purchase price is to be paid in a lump sum in exceeds php1,000
a later year, there being no payment during the first year, (2)Initial payments do
the income may not be returned on the installment not exceed 25% of
basis. selling price
If either of 2 or both
Selling price is the total amount or price of the sale conditions not met—
including the cash or property received and all notes of Deferred payment
the buyer or mortgages assumed by him. method
Contract price is the amount which the purchaser *personal property not
contracts to pay the seller in cash. It includes the considered inventory
excess of the mortgages assumed over the cost or other Sale by Individuals
basis of the property sold. Installment method;
Provided, initial
payments do not
Change from accrual to installment basis exceed 25% of selling
A taxpayer entitled to the benefits of a dealer in price
personal property may elect for any taxable year to *held as capital asset
report his taxable income on the installment basis. In
computing his income for the year of change or any Percentage of completion (in long-term contracts)
subsequent year, amounts actually received during any
such year on account of sales or other dispositions of Income from long-term construction contracts refers to
property made in any prior year shall not be excluded. the earnings derived from construction of a building,
[see Sec. 49(D), NIRC]. installation or other construction contract usually
covering a period in excess of one year. When income is
derived from long-term construction contracts, it is
Deferred Payment generally reported on the basis of percentage of
completion made every year that will be evidence by the
(a) If the initial payments exceed 25% of the selling certificates of engineers or architects. The reportable
price, the gain realized may be reported on a income is calculated by deducting from the contract
deferred payment method. price the actual cost of construction.
(b) The taxable gain or income returnable during the In recognizing realized revenue for long-term
year of sale is the difference between the selling or construction contracts, accountants usually follow two
contract price and the cost of the property, even methods:
though the entire purchase price has not been
actually received in the year of sale. (a) Completed contract method – requires recognition
of revenue only when the contract is finally
(c) The obligations of the purchaser received by the completed; and
vendor are to be considered as equivalent of cash.
PAGE 39 OF 275
(b) Percentage of completion method – requires v. All Events Test – Under the accrual method of
recognition of income based on the progress of work. accounting, expenses are deductible in the taxable year
in which: (1) all events have occurred which determine
Long-term contracts are no longer allowed to be
the liability; and (2) the amount of liability can be
reported based on the completed contract method
determined with reasonable accuracy.
basis beginning January 1, 1998 pursuant to RA
8424; hence, all long-term contracts must be ―All events test‖ requires:
reported using the percentage of completion
(a) Fixing a right to income or liability to pay; and
(b) The availability of reasonably accurate
determination of such income or liability.
b.2.3. Tests in Determining Whether Income is Earned
All of the above tests are followed in the Philippines for
for Tax Purposes
purposes of determining whether income is received by
i. Realization test – no taxable income until there is a the taxpayer or not during the year (Mamalateo).
separation from capital of something of exchangeable
value, thereby supplying the realization or
transmutation which would result in the receipt of b.2.4. Classification of Income
income [Eisner v. Macomber, 252 U.S. 189, 190 Income may be classified as follows:
(1920)]. Thus, stock dividends are not income subject
to income tax on the part of the stockholder when he
(1) Compensation Income
merely holds more shares representing the same equity The gain derived from labor, especially employment
interest in the corporation that declared stock
(earned form employer-employee relationship) such as
dividends [Fisher v Trinidad, supra]. salaries and commissions,. These earnings are subject
to normal tax.
ii. Claim of right doctrine (or Doctrine of Ownership,
(2) Profession or Business Income
command, or control) – a taxable gain is conditioned
The value derived from an exercise of profession,
upon the presence of a claim of right to the alleged gain
business or utiliation of capital including profit and gain
and the absence of a definite unconditional obligation
derived from sale or converstion of assets.
to return or repay that which would otherwise constitute
a gain. To collect a tax would give the government an
Examples are net income from business and gain from
unjustified preference as to the part of the money that
the sale of assets used in trade or business. These
rightfully and completely belongs to the victim. The
earnings are subject to normal tax.
embezzler‘s title is void.
(3) Passive Income
An income in which the taxpayer merely waits for the
iii. Economic benefit test, Doctrine of Proprietary
amount to come in. Examples are royalty, interest,
Interest – any economic benefit to the employee that
prizes, and winnings. Generally, passive income is
increases his net worth, whatever may have been the
subject to final tax.
mode by which it is effected, is taxable. Thus, in stock
options, the difference between the fair market value of
(4) Capital Gain
the shares at the time the option is exercised and the
An income derived from sale of assets not used in trade
option price constitutes additional compensation
or business. Examples are sale of family home and
income to the employee at the time of exercise (not
other sales of shares of stocks which are subject to final
upon the grant or vesting of the right).
taxes. Other sales of capital assets are subject to
normal tax. [Valencia and Roxas]
iv. Severance Test – under the doctrine of severance
test of income, in order that income may exist, is b.2.5. Situs of Income Taxation
necessary that there be a separation from capital of
something of exchangeable value. The income required
a realization of gain. Income Situs
Interest Residence of the debtor
PAGE 40 OF 275
private home and remuneration paid for services Forms of compensation and how they are assessed
performed therein is not exempted. Services of the
Cash – If compensation is paid in cash, the full amount
household nature in or about a private home include
received is the measure of the income subject to tax.
services rendered by cooks, maids, butlers, valets,
laundresses, gardeners, chauffeurs of automobiles for Medium other than money – If services are paid for in a
family use. The remuneration paid for the services which medium other than money (e.g., shares of stock, bonds,
are performed in or about rooming or lodging houses, and other forms of property), the fair market value
boarding houses, clubs, hotels, hospitals or (FMV) of the thing taken in payment is the amount to be
commercial officer or establishments is considered as included as compensation subject to tax. If the services
compensation. Remuneration paid for services are rendered at a stipulated price, in the absence of
performed as a private secretary, even if they are evidence to the contrary, such price will be presumed to
performed in the employer‘s home is considered as be the FMV of the remuneration received.
The term ―casual labor‖ includes labor which is Living quarters or meals
occasional, incidental or regular. ―Not in the course of
the employer‘s trade or business‖ includes labor that General Rule: The value to the employee of the living
does not promote or advance the trade or business of quarters and meals given by the employer shall be
the employer. added to his compensation subject to withholding.
The term ―remuneration paid for services performed as Exception: If living quarters/meals are furnished to an
an employee of a foreign government or an employee for the convenience of the employer, the
international organization‖ includes not only value need NOT be included as part of compensation
remuneration paid for services performed by income.
ambassadors, ministers and other diplomatic officers Facilities and privileges of a relatively small value -
and employees but also remuneration paid for services Facilities and privileges (such an entertainment,
performed as consular or other officer or employee of a medical services, or so called ―courtesy‖ discounts on
foreign government or as a non-diplomatic purchases), otherwise known as ―de minimis benefits‖
representative of such government. furnished or offered by an employer to his employees
Compensation income including overtime pay, holiday generally, are NOT considered as compensation subject
pay, night shift differential pay, and hazard pay, earned to income tax and therefore withholding tax if such
by MINIMUM WAGE EARNERS (MWE) who has no other facilities are offered or furnished by the employer
returnable income are NOT taxable and not subject to merely as means of promoting the health, goodwill,
withholding tax on wages [RA 9504]; Provided, however, contentment, or efficiency of his employees.
that an employee shall not enjoy the privilege of being a
MWE and, therefore, his/her entire earning are not
exempt from income tax and, consequently, from Convenience of the Employer Rule
withholding tax if he receives/earns additional Allowances in kind furnished to the employee for and as
compensation such as commissions, honoraria, fringe necessary incident to the performance of his duties are
benefits, benefits in excess of the allowable statutory not taxable [Valencia and Roxas].
amount of P82,000 [RA 10653], taxable allowance,
and other taxable income other than the statutory If meals, living quarters, and other facilities and
minimum wage (SMW), holiday pay, overtime pay, privileges are furnished to an employee for the
hazard pay and night shift differential pay. convenience of the employer, and incidental to the
requirement of the employee‘s work or position, the
MWEs receiving other income, such as income from the value of that privilege need not be included as
conduct of trade, business, or practice of profession, compensation [Henderson v. Collector]
except income subject to final tax, in addition to
compensation income are not exempted from income The amount of ―de minimis‖ benefits confirming to the
tax on their income earned during the taxable year. ceiling prescribed shall not be considered in
determining the P82,000 [RA 10653] ceiling of ―other
This rule, notwithstanding, the SMW, Holiday Pay, benefits‖ excluded from gross income under Section 32
overtime pay, night differential pay and hazard pay shall (b)(7)(e) of the Tax Code, Provided, that the excess of
still exempt from withholding tax. the ‗de minimis‘ benefits over their respective ceilings
prescribed by these regulations shall be considered as
PAGE 43 OF 275
part of ―other benefits‖ and the employee receiving it a) It is for ordinary and necessary traveling and
will be subject to tax only on the excess over the representation or entertainment expenses
P82,000 ceiling, Provided, further, that MWEs receiving, paid or incurred by the employee in the pursuit
‗other benefits‘ exceeding the P82,000 limit shall be of the employer‘s trade, business or
taxable on the excess benefits, as well as on his profession; and
salaries, wages, and allowances, just like an employee
b) The employee is required to account or
receiving compensation income beyond the SMW. Any
liquidate for the foregoing expenses.
amount given by the employer as benefits to its
employees, whether classified as ―de minimis‖ benefits The excess of actual expenses over advances made
or fringe benefits, shall constitute as deductible shall constitute taxable income if such amount is not
expense upon such employer. Where compensation is returned to the employer. The employee is required to
paid in property other than money, the employer shall account/liquidate for the expenses in accordance with
make necessary arrangements to ensure that the the specific requirements of substantiation for each
amount of the tax required to be withheld is available category of expenses pursuant to Sec.34 of the Tax
for payment to the BIR. Code.
Note: Reasonable amounts of
reimbursements/advances for traveling and
Classification of Gross Compensation Income
entertainment expenses which are pre-computed on a
Basic salary or wage daily basis and are paid to an employee while he is on
an assignment or duty are NOT subject to withholding
Salary – earnings received periodically for a regular
tax on wages and substantiation requirements.
work other than manual labor, e.g., monthly salary of an
Wages – earnings received usually according to Commission – usually a percentage of total sales or on
specified intervals of work, as by the hour, day, or week, certain quota of sales volume attained as part of
e.g., a carpenter‘s wage. incentive such as sales commission.
Backwages are subject to income tax and withholding
tax on wages [BIR Ruling No. DA-073-2008]
Fees – received by an employee for the services
rendered to the employer including a director‘s fee of
the company, fees paid to the public officials such as
Honoraria – payments given in recognition for services
clerks of court or sheriffs for services rendered in the
performed for which the established practice
performance of their official duty over and above their
discourages charging a fixed fee, e.g., honorarium of a
regular salaries.
guest lecturer
―For any cause beyond the control.‖ – Connotes Thirteenth month pay and other benefits - Not taxable if
involuntariness on the part of the official or employee. the total amount received is P82,000 [RA 10653] or
The separation from the service of the official or less. Any amount exceeding P82,000 is taxable. [Sec.
employee must not be asked for or initiated by him or it 32(7)e, NIRC]
was not of his own making. Such fact shall be duly
established by the employer by competent evidence
which should be attached to the monthly return for the Fringe Benefits and De Minimis
period in which the amount paid due to the involuntary Fringe Benefits – any good, service, or other benefit
separation was made. furnished or granted by an employer, in cash or in kind,
Amounts received by reason of involuntary separation in addition to basic salaries of an individual employee
[Sec. 33, NIRC]
remain EXEMPT from income tax even if the official or
the employee, at the time of separation, had rendered De Minimis – privileges of relatively small value as
less than ten (10) years of service and/or is below fifty given by the employer to his employees.
(50) years of age.
Fringe Benefits and De Minimis are not considered
Any payment made by an employer to an employer to an compensation subject to income tax and withholding
employee on account of dismissal, constitutes tax.
compensation regardless of whether the employer is
legally bound by contract, statute, or otherwise, to
make such payment. Overtime Pay – premium payment received for working
beyond regular hours of work which is included in the
PAGE 45 OF 275
computation of gross salary of employee. It constitutes withholding and remittance of FBT shall be made on a
compensation. calendar quarterly basis.
Managerial employee: one who is vested with the
powers or prerogatives to lay down and execute
Profit Sharing – the proportionate share in the profits of
management policies and/or to hire, transfer, suspend,
the business received by the employee in addition to his
lay-off, recall, discharge, assign or discipline
Supervisory employees: those who, in the interest of the
Awards for special services – awards for past services or employer, effectively recommend such managerial
suggestions to employers resulting in the prevention of actions if the exercise of such authority is not merely
theft or robbery, etc. are also compensations. routinary or clerical in nature but requires the use of
independent judgment.
All employees not falling within any of the above
Beneficial Payments – such as where employer pays the
income tax owed by an employee are additional definitions are considered rank-and-file employees.
compensation income. Fringe benefit tax is imposed on fringe benefits received
by supervisory and managerial employees. The fringe
benefits of rank and file employees are treated as part
Other forms of compensation – other forms received of compensation income subject to income tax and
due to services rendered are compensation paid in kind, withholding tax on compensation.
e.g., insurance premium paid by the employer for
insurance coverage where the heirs of the employee are
the beneficiaries is the employee‘s income. (b) Definition
Note: Any amount which is required by law to be Fringe benefit means any good, service, or other benefit
deducted by the employer from the compensation of an furnished or granted by an employer, in cash or in kind,
employee including the withheld tax is considered as in addition to basic salaries, to an individual employee
part of the employee‘s compensation and is deemed to (except rank and file employees) such as, but not
be paid to the employee as compensation at the time limited to the following:
the deduction is made. (This also applies to deductions
(a) Housing
not required by law.)
(b) Expense Account
(c) Vehicle of any kind
Withholding Tax on Compensation Income
(d) Household personnel, such as maid, driver and
The income recipient (i.e., EE) is the person liable to pay
the tax on income, yet to improve the collection of
compensation income of EEs, the State requires the ER (e) Interest on loan at less than market rate to the
to withhold the tax upon payment of the compensation extent of the difference between the market
income. rate and actual rate granted.
(f) Membership fees, dues and other expenses
borne by the employer for the employee in
ii. Fringe Benefits
social and athletic clubs and similar
(a) Special treatment of fringe benefits organizations
Persons liable: The Employer (as a withholding agent), (g) Expenses for foreign travel
whether individual, professional partnership or a
(h) Holiday and vacation expenses
corporation, regardless of whether the corporation is
taxable or not, or the government and its (i) Educational assistance to the employee or his
instrumentalities, is liable to remit the fringe benefit tax dependents; and
to the BIR once fringe benefit is given to a managerial
(j) Life or health insurance and other non-life
or supervisory employee.
insurance premiums or similar amounts on
The fringe benefit tax (FBT) is a final tax on the excess of what the law allows.[Sec. 33(B)]
employee‘s income to be withheld by the employer. The
PAGE 46 OF 275
Tax Rate and Tax Base (c) Taxable and non-taxable fringe benefits
Tax base is based on the grossed-up monetary value Fringe Benefits NOT subject to Tax
(GMV) of fringe benefits. Rate is generally 32%.
i. Fringe benefits not considered as gross
GMV represents: (a) the whole amount of income income – if it is required or necessary to the
realized by the employee which includes the net amount business of employer; if it is for the
of money or net monetary value of property that has convenience or advantage of employer
been received; and (b) the amount of fringe benefit tax
ii. Fringe Benefit that is not taxable under Sec.
due from the employee which has been withheld and
32 (B) – Exclusions from Gross Income
paid by the employer for and in behalf of his employee..
LEASE of residential property MV= 50% of lease Employee shoulders part of MV= amount
for the residential use of payments the purchase price, ownership shouldered by
employees in the name of employee employer
Employer owns and maintains MV= (AC/5) x 50%
where MV = monetary a fleet of motor vehicles for
PAGE 48 OF 275
gains tax (final tax). Also, sale of shares of stock of a b) Capital gains and losses are recognized to the
domestic corporation, held as capital assets, through extent of their full amount.
the stock exchange by either individual or corporate
c) Capital losses are deductible only to the extent
taxpayers, is subject to ½ of 1% percentage tax based
of capital gains.
on gross selling price.
d) Net capital losses are not deductible from
The following percentages of the gain or loss recognized
ordinary gain or income but ordinary losses are
upon the sale or exchange of a capital asset shall be
deductible from net capital gains.
taken into account in computing net capital gain, net
capital loss, and net income: Note: For sale, barter, exchange or other forms of
disposition of shares of stock subject to the 5% or 10%
a) If the taxpayer is an individual –
capital gains tax on the net capital gain during the
100% if the capital asset has been taxable year, the capital losses realized from this type
held for not more than 12 months; of transaction during the taxable year are deductible
and only to the extent of capital gains from the same type of
transaction during the same period. If the transferor of
50% of the capital asset has been the shares is an individual, the rule on holding period
held for more than 12 months and capital loss carry-over will not apply,
b) If the taxpayer is a corporation – notwithstanding the provisions of Section 39 of the Tax
Code. (RR 6-2008, c.4)
100%, regardless of the holding
period of the capital asset (Sec. (2) Actual gain vis-à-vis Presumed gain
39(B), NIRC) Presumed Gain: In the sale of real property located in
The tax rules for the gains or losses from sales or the Philippines, classified as capital asset, the tax base
exchanges of capital assets over ordinary assets are as is the gross selling price or fair market value, whichever
follows: is higher. The law presumes that the seller makes a gain
from such sale. Thus, whether or not the seller makes a
a) Net capital gain is added to ordinary gain but profit from the sale of real property, he has to pay 6%
net capital loss is not deductible from ordinary capital gains tax. In fact, he has to pay the tax, even if
gain. he incurs an actual loss from the sale thereof. (However,
b) Net ordinary loss is deductible from ordinary when the buyer is the government, the individual seller
gain. has the option whether to be taxed at the graduated
income tax rates or at 6% capital gains tax.)
c) Capital losses are deductible only to the extent
of the capital gain. Actual Gain: The tax base in the sale of real property
classified as an ordinary asset is the actual gain. If the
d) There is a net capital loss carry-over on the net seller incurs a loss from the sale, such loss may be
capital asset‘s loss in a taxable year which deducted from his gross income during the taxable year.
may be deducted as a short-term capital loss The ordinary gain shall be added to the operating
from the net capital gain of the subsequent income and the net taxable income shall be subject to
taxable year; provided that the following the graduated rates from 5% to 32% (if an individual) or
conditions shall be observed: to 30% corporate tax or to 2% MCIT (if a corporation).
e) The taxpayer is other than a corporation;
f) The amount of loss does not exceed the Computation of the amount of gain or loss
income before exemptions at the year when
the loss was sustained; and Amount realized from sale or other
disposition of property
g) The holding period should not exceed 12
months. (Valencia) Less: Basis or Adjusted Basis
When a capital gain or capital loss is sustained by a NET GAIN (LOSS)
corporation, the following rules shall be observed:
a) There is no holding period; hence, there is no Note: Amount realized from sale or other disposition of
net capital loss carry-over.
property = sum of money received + fair market value of
the property (other than money) received
PAGE 50 OF 275
(5) Income tax treatment of capital loss (7) Dealings in shares of stock of Philippine
(a) Capital loss limitation rule (applicable to both
corporations and individuals) Persons Liable to the Tax:
General Rule: Losses from sales or exchanges of capital (a) Individual taxpayer, whether citizen or alien;
assets shall be allowed only to the extent of the gains (b) Corporate taxpayer, whether domestic or
from such sales or exchanges (Sec. 39(C), NIRC). foreign; and
Exception for Banks and Trust Companies: If a bank or (c) Other taxpayers not falling under (a) and (b)
trust company incorporated under the laws of the
above, such as estate, trust, trust funds and
Philippines, a substantial part of whose business is the pension funds, among others.
receipt of deposits, sells any bond, debenture, note,
certificate or other evidence of indebtedness issued by Persons not liable:
any corporation (including one issued by a government (a) Dealers in securities
or political subdivision thereof) with interest coupons or
in registered form, any loss resulting from such sale (b) Investor in shares of stock in a mutual fund
shall not be subject to the foregoing limitation and shall company
not be included in determining the applicability of such (c) All other persons who are specifically exempt
limitation to other losses (Sec. 39(C), NIRC). from national internal revenue taxes under
(b) Net loss carry-over rule (applicable only to existing investment incentives and other
individuals) special laws.
If an individual sustains in any taxable year a net capital
loss, such loss (in an amount not in excess of the net (a) Shares listed and traded through the stock exchange
income for the year) shall be treated in the succeeding other than sale by a dealer in securities:
taxable year as a loss from the sale or exchange of a
PAGE 51 OF 275
½ of 1% of the gross selling price of the stock or gross prescribed return of his intention to avail the
value in money of the shares of stock sold, bartered, tax exemption;
exchanged or otherwise disposed which shall be
(5) Can only be availed of onlyonce every ten (10)
assumed and paid by the seller or transferor through
the remittance of the stock transaction tax by the seller
or transferor‘s broker. (6) The historical cost or adjusted basis of his old
principal residence shall be carried over to the
Note: In the nature of percentage tax and not income
cost basis of his new principal residence
tax; exempt from income tax per Section 127 (d):
(7) If there is no full utilization, the portion of the
―Any gain derived from the sale, barter, exchange or
gains presumed to have been realized shall be
other disposition of share of stock under this section
subject to capital gains tax.
shall be exempt from taxes imposed in Sections 24(C),
27(D)(2), 28(A)(8)(c), and 28(B)(5)(c) of this Code and (8) Portion of presumed gains subject to CGT:
from the regular individual or corporate income tax.‖ (Unutilized/GSP) x (higher of GSP or FMV)
Note: Percentage tax under Sec. 127 is NOT
DEDUCTIBLE for income tax purposes. vi. Passive Investment Income
Under Sec 24(B) of the Tax Code, a final tax is imposed
(b) Shares not listed and traded through the stock upon gross passive income of citizen and resident
exchange aliens. An income is considered passive if the taxpayer
merely waits for it to be realized.
Net capital gains derived during the taxable year from
sale, exchange, or transfer shall be taxed as follows (on
a per transaction basis): (a) Interest Income
An earning derived from depositing or lending of money,
Amount of Capital Gain Tax Rate goods or credits [Valencia and Roxas] e.g., interest
income from government securities such as Treasury
Not over P 100,000 5% Bills.
On any amount in excess 10% Unless exempted by law, interest income received by
of P 100,000 the taxpayer, whether or not usurious, is subject to
income tax.
(8) Sale of principal residence
Principal residence: the family home of the individual (b) Dividend Income
taxpayer (RR 14-2000) A form of earnings derived from the distribution made
Disposition of principal residence (capital asset) is by a corporation out of its earnings or profits and
exempt from Capital Gains Tax, provided: payable to its stockholders, whether in money or in
(1) Sale or disposition of the old principal
residence; In general, dividends are subject to final tax under the
Tax Code.
(2) By natural persons - citizens or aliens provided
that they are residents taxable under Sec. 24
of the Code (does not include an estate or a (1) Cash dividends
Dividends are subject to final tax under the NIRC.
(3) The proceeds of which is fully utilized in (a) However, dividends received by a domestic corporation
acquiring or (b) constructing a new principal from another domestic corporation, and a non-resident
residence within eighteen (18) months from foreign corporation from a domestic corporation is
date of sale or disposition; exempt from income tax.
(4) Notify the Commissioner within thirty (30) days
from the date of sale or disposition through a
PAGE 52 OF 275
the contract of lease, e.g., real estate tax on Lessor Tax Rate
the property leased assumed by the lessee
Domestic Corporation Net taxable income shall
(3) Advance payment be subject to 30%
Resident Foreign
If the advance payment is actually a loan to the lessor, corporate income tax or
its gross income will be
or an option money for the property, or a security
deposit for the faithful performance of certain subject to 2% MCIT
obligations of the lessee, such advance payment is not Non-resident Foreign Gross rental income
income to the lessor. Corporation from real property
However, a security deposit that is applied to rental is located in the
taxable income to the lessor. Philippines shall be
subject to 30%
If the advance payment is, in fact, a pre-paid rental, corporate income tax,
received by the lessor under a claim of right and without such tax to be withheld
restriction as to its use, then such payment is income to and remitted by the
the lessor. lessee in the Philippines
Pre-paid rent must be reported in full in the year of
receipt, regardless of the accounting method used by
the lessor. (3) Tax treatment of:
Rental income on the lease of personal property Rent Income from leasehold improvements:
located in the Philippines and paid to a non-resident (i) Outright method- lessor shall report as income
taxpayer shall be taxed as follows: FMV of the buildings or improvements subject
NRFC NRA-NETB to the lease in the year of completion.
(ii) Spread-out method- lessor shall spread over
Vessel 4.5% 25%
the remaining term of the lease the estimated
Aircraft, machineries 7.5% 25% depreciated (book) value of such buildings or
and other Equipment improvements at the termination of the lease,
and reports as income for each remaining term
Other assets 30% 25%
of the lease an aliquot part thereof.
estimated BV at the end of the lease
(2) Lease of real property contract/ remaining lease term = Income per
Lessor Tax Rate
If for any reason than a bona fide purchase from the
Citizen lessee by the lessor, the lease is terminated, so that the
Resident Alien Net taxable income shall lessor comes into possession or control of the property
be subject to the prior to the time originally fixed, lessor receives
Non-resident alien additional income for the year which the lease is so
graduated income tax
engaged in trade or terminated to the extent of the value of such buildings
business in the or improvements when he became entitled to such
Philippines possession exceeds the amount already reported as
Non-resident alien not Rental income from real income on account of the erection of such building or
engaged in trade or property located in the improvement. No appreciation in value due to causes
business in the Philippines shall be other than the premature termination of lease shall be
Philippines subject to 25% final included (Sec. 49, Rev. Reg. No. 2).
withholding tax unless a If the building or other leasehold improvement is
lower rate is imposed destroyed before the expiration of the lease, the lessor
pursuant to an effective is entitled to deduct as a loss for the year when such
tax treaty destruction takes place, the amount previously reported
as income because of the erection of the improvement,
PAGE 54 OF 275
less any salvage value, to the extent that such loss was (b) The recipient was selected without any action
not compensated by insurance (Sec. 49, Rev. Reg. No. on his part to enter a contest or proceedings;
2), and
(c) The recipient is not required to render
substantial future services as a condition to
(b) VAT added to rental/paid by the lessee
receiving the prize or award.
If the lessee is VAT-registered, treat VAT paid as input
(d) Prizes and awards granted to athletes in local
and international sports competitions and
If the lessee is not VAT-registered OR not liable to VAT, tournaments held in the Philippines and
treat VAT paid as additional rent expense deductible abroad and sanctioned by their national
from gross income. associations shall be EXEMPT from income tax.
(c) Advance Rental/ Long Term Lease ix. Pensions, Retirement Benefit, or Separation Pay
Pre-paid rent must be reported in full in the year of Paid for past employment services rendered.
receipt, regardless of the accounting method used by
A stated allowance paid regularly to a person on his
the lessor.
retirement or to his dependents on his death, in
consideration of past services, meritorious work, age,
loss or injury. It is generally taxable unless the law
vii. Annuities, Proceeds from Life insurance or Other
Types of Insurance states otherwise. [VALENCIA, Income Taxation 5th ed.
Annuities are installment payments received for life
insurance sold by insurance companies.
The aleatory contract of life annuity binds the debtor to x. Income from Any Source Whatever
pay an annual pension or income during the life of one Inclusion of all income not expressly exempted within
or more determinate persons in consideration of a the class of taxable income under the laws irrespective
capital consisting of money or other property, whose of the voluntary or involuntary action of the taxpayer in
ownership is transferred to him at once with the burden producing the gains, and whether derived from legal or
of the income. [Art. 2021, New Civil Code] illegal sources
The annuity payments represent a part that is taxable
and not taxable. If part of annuity payment represents
(a) Forgiveness of indebtedness
interest, then it is a taxable income. If the annuity is a
return of premium, it is not taxable.
The cancellation or forgiveness of indebtedness may
have any of three possible consequences:
viii. Prizes and Awards It may amount to payment of income. If, for example, an
A prize is a reward for a contest or a competition. It individual performs services to or for a creditor, who, in
represents remuneration for an effort reflecting one‘s consideration thereof, cancels the debt, income in that
superiority. amount is realized by the debtor as compensation for
personal services.
Contest prizes and awards received are generally
It may amount to a gift. If a creditor wishes merely to
taxable. Such payment constitutes gain derived from
labor. benefit the debtor, and without any consideration
therefore, cancels the debt, the amount of the debt is a
The EXCEPTIONS are as follows: gift to the debtor and need not be included in the
(a) Prizes and awards made primarily in latter‘s report of income.
recognition of religious, charitable, scientific, It may amount to a capital transaction. If a corporation
educational, artistic, literary or civic to which a stockholder is indebted forgives the debt, the
achievements are EXCLUSIONS from gross transaction has the effect of a payment of dividend.
income if:
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If a tax is not an allowable deduction from gross income From property located in the Philippines or from any
when paid (no reduction of taxable income, hence no interest in such property, including rentals or royalties
tax benefit), the refund is not taxable. for –
(a) The use of or the right or privilege to use in the
Philippines any copyright, patent, design or
(d) income from any source whatever
model, plan, secret formula or process,
goodwill, trademark, trade brand or other like
(e) Source rules in determining income from within and property or right;
(b) The use of, or the right to use in the Philippines
any industrial, commercial or scientific
The following items of gross income shall be treated as equipment;
gross income from sources WITHIN the Philippines:
(c) The supply of scientific, technical, industrial or
(1) Interests commercial knowledge or information;
Derived from sources within the Philippines, and (d) The supply of any assistance that is ancillary
interests on bonds, notes or other interest-bearing and subsidiary to, and is furnished as a means
obligation of residents. of enabling the application or enjoyment of,
Ultimately, the situs of interest income is the any such property or right as is mentioned in
(a), any such equipment as is mentioned in (b)
residence of the debtor.
or any such knowledge or information as is
(2) Dividends mentioned in (c);
Dividends received: (e) The supply of services by a nonresident person
from a domestic corporation; and or his employee in connection with the use of
property or rights belonging to, or the
from a foreign corporation, UNLESS less than 50% installation or operation of any brand,
of its gross income for the previous 3-year period machinery or other apparatus purchased from
was derived from sources within the Philippines [in such nonresident person;
which case it will be treated as income partly from
within and partly from without]. (f) Technical advice, assistance or services
rendered in connection with technical
management or administration of any
The income which is considered as derived from within scientific, industrial or commercial
the Philippines is obtained by using the following undertaking, venture, project or scheme; and
formula: (g) The use of or the right to use:
Philippine Gross Income* x Dividend = Income Within (1) Motion picture films;
Worldwide Gross Income*
(2) Films or video tapes for use in connection
NOTE: * of the corporation giving the dividend with television; and
As a rule, the situs of dividend income is the residence (3) Tapes for use in connection with radio
of the corporation declaring the dividend. broadcasting.
As a rule, the situs of rental income is the place where
the property is located. The situs of royalty income is
(3) Services
where the rights are exercised.
Compensation for labor or personal services performed
in the Philippines: As a rule, the situs of compensation
is the place of performance of the services. (5) Sale of Real Property
As a rule, the situs of the income from sale of real
property is where the realty is located.
(4) Rentals and Royalties
General Rule: Gains, profits and income from the sale Exclusions from gross income refer to income received
of personal property, subject to the following rules: or earned but is not taxable as income because it is
exempted by law or by treaty. Such tax-free income is
not to be included in the income tax return unless
Place of Place of Treatment** information regarding it is specifically called for.
PURCHASE SALE Receipts which are not in fact income are, of course,
excluded from gross income.
Philippines Abroad Income from
Without The exclusion of income should not be confused with
the reduction of gross income by the application of
Abroad Philippines Income from
allowable deductions. While exclusions are simply not
taken into account in determining gross income,
** in other words, the situs of the income from the sale deductions are subtracted from gross income to arrive
of personal property is the place of sale. at net income. [De Leon]
PAGE 58 OF 275
(a) They represent return of capital or are not b) Also, all assets and revenues of a non-stock,
income, gain or profit; non-profit private educational institution used
directly, actually and exclusively for private
(b) They are subject to another kind of internal
educational purposes shall be exempt from
revenue tax;
(c) They are income, gain or profit expressly
exempt from income tax under the
Constitution, tax treaty, Tax Code, or a general v. Exclusions Under the Tax Code (Sec. 32(b), NIRC)
or special law. [Mamalateo]
(a) Proceeds of life insurance policies.—
General rule: The proceeds of life insurance policies
ii. Taxpayers Who May Avail of the Exclusions paid to his estate or to any beneficiary (but not a
transferee for a valuable consideration), directly or in
trust, upon the death of the insured, are excluded from
Exclusion Taxpayer the gross income of the beneficiary. However, if such
amounts are held by the insurer under an agreement to
Return of capital All taxpayers since there is
pay interest thereon, the interest payments received by
no income.
the insured shall be included in gross income. The
Already subject to internal All taxpayers unless interest income shall be taxed at the graduated income
revenue tax provided that income is to tax rates.
be included.
Express exclusion As expressly provided. (b) Return of premium paid.—
General rule: The amount received by the insured as a
iii. Exclusions Distinguished from Deductions and Tax return of premiums paid by him under life insurance,
Credit endowment, or annuity contracts, either during the term
or at the maturity of the term mentioned in the contract
Exclusions from gross income refer to flow of wealth to or upon surrender of the contract is a return of capital
the taxpayer which are not treated as part of gross and not income.
income for purposes of computing the taxpayer‘s
taxable income, due to the following reasons: (1) it is This refers to the cash surrender value of the contract.
exempted by the Constitution or a statute; or (2) it does Exception: If the amounts received by the insured (when
not come within the definition of income. added to the amounts already received before the
Deductions, on the other hand, are the amounts which taxable year under such contract) exceed the aggregate
the law allows to be subtracted from gross income in premiums or considerations paid (whether or not paid
order to arrive at net income. during the taxable year), then the excess shall be
included in gross income.
Exclusions pertain to the computation of gross income,
while deductions pertain to the computation of net
income. (c) Amounts received under life insurance, endowment
Exclusions are something received or earned by the or annuity contracts.— Amounts received (other than
taxpayer which do not form part of gross income while amounts paid by reason of the death of the insured and
deductions are something spent or paid in earning interest payments on such amounts) under a life
gross income. insurance, endowment or annuity contracts are
excluded from gross income, but if such amounts (when
Tax Credit refers to amounts subtracted from the added to amounts already received before the taxable
computed tax in order to arrive at taxes payable. year under such contract) exceed the aggregate
premiums of considerations paid (whether or not paid
during the taxable year), then the excess shall be
iv. Exclusions Under the Constitution
included in gross income. However, in the case of a
a) Income derived by the government or its transfer for valuable consideration, by assignment or
political subdivisions from the exercise of any otherwise, of a life insurance, endowment , or annuity
essential governmental function contract, or any interest therein, only the actual value of
such consideration and the amount of the premiums
PAGE 59 OF 275
and other sums subsequently paid by the transferee are (f) Income exempt under tax treaty.— Income of any kind,
exempt from taxation. to the extent required by any treaty obligation binding
upon the Government of the Philippines.
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PAGE 61 OF 275
agricultural property covered by the law shall be exempt taxpayers spend adequate expenditures in order to
from capital gains tax. obtain a legitimate income.
Under R.A. 6938 (Cooperative Code of the Philippines),
as amended by R.A. 9520, cooperatives transacting
Types of deductions
business with both members and non-members shall
not be subject to tax on their transactions with There are three (3) types of deductions from gross
members. In relation to this, the transactions of income:
members with the cooperative shall not be subject to itemized deductions in Section 34(A) to (J) and (M)
any taxes and fees, including but not limited to final
available to all kinds of taxpayers engaged in trade or
taxes on members' deposits.
business or practice of profession in the Philippines;
Under R.A. 7916 (PEZA Law), as amended, PEZA- optional standard deduction in Section 34(L) available
registered enterprises are given income tax holidays of only to individual taxpayers deriving business,
six or four years from the date of commercial operations, professional, capital gains and passive income not
depending on whether their activities are considered subject to final tax, or other income; and
pioneer or non-pioneer.
the special deductions in Sections 37 and 38 of the
Under R.A. 9178 (Barangay Micro Business Enterprises
NIRC, and in special laws like the BOI law (E.O. 226).
Act of 2002), BMBEs shall be exempt from income tax
for income arising from the operation of the enterprise.
B.4.1. General rules
B.4. DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME (a) Deductions must be paid or incurred in
connection with the taxpayer‘s trade, business or
Deductions are items or amounts which the law allows
to be deducted from the gross of income of a taxpayer (b) Deductions must be supported by adequate
in order to arrive at taxable income. receipts or invoices (except standard deduction)
In general, deductions or allowable deductions are (c) Additional requirement relating to withholding
business expenses and losses incurred which the law
allows to reduce gross business income to arrive at net
income subject to tax. [Sec. 65, Rev. Reg. No. 2] B.4.2. Return of captial
Deductions are in the nature of an exemption from Income tax is levied by law only on income; hence,
taxation; they are strictly construed against the the amount representing return of capital should
claimant, who must point to a specific provision be deducted from proceeds from sales of assets
allowing them and who has the burden of proving that and should not be subject to income tax.
they falls within the purview of such provision. Thus, all Costs of goods purchased for resale, with proper
deductions must be substantiated, except when the law adjustment for opening and closing inventories, are
dispenses with the records, documents or receipts to deducted from gross sales in computing gross
support the deductions. income (Sec. 65, Rev. Reg. 2)
If the exemption is not expressly stated in the law, the (a) Sale of inventory of goods by manufacturers and
taxpayer must at least be within the purview of the dealers of properties:
exemption by clear legislative intent [Commissioner of
Customs v. Philippine Acetylene Co., G.R. No. L-22443 In sales of goods representing inventory, the
May 29, 1971] amount received by the seller consists of return of
capital and gain from sale of goods or properties.
However, if there is an express mention in the law or if That portion of the receipt representing return of
the taxpayer falls within the purview of the exemption by capital is not subject to income tax. Accordingly,
clear legislative intent, the rule on strict construction cost of goods manufactured and sold (in the case
will not apply. [Commissioner v. Anoldus Caprentry of manufacturers) and cost of sales (in the case of
Shop, G.R. No. 71122 March 25, 1988] dealers) is deducted from gross sales and is
The purpose of deductions from gross income is to reflected above the gross income line in a profit
provide the taxpayer a just and reasonable tax amount and loss statement.
as the basis of income tax. It is because many
PAGE 62 OF 275
(b) Sale of stock in trade by a real estate dealer and (iii) Rentals
dealer in securities:
(iv) Entertainment, recreation and amusement
Real estate dealers and dealers in securities are expenses
ordinarily not allowed to compute the amount
(v) Other expenses such as repairs or those
representing return of capital through cost of sales.
incurred by farmers and other persons in
Rather they are required to deduct the total cost
specifically identifiable to the real property or
shares of stock sold or exchanged.
(c) Sale of services: (1) Requisites for deductibility of business expenses.—
Their entire gross receipts are treated as part of
gross income. (a) Ordinary AND necessary;
ORDINARY - normal and usual in relation to the
B.4.3. Itemized Deductions taxpayer's business and surrounding circumstances;
need not be recurring
These are enumerated in Section 34 of the NIRC.
Additional deductions are granted to insurance NECESSARY - appropriate and helpful in the
companies in Section 37, while losses from wash development of taxpayer's business or are proper for
sales of stock or securities by a dealer in securities the purpose of realizing a profit or minimizing a loss
are provided for in Section 38 of the NIRC. Other
Paid or incurred during the taxable year;
itemized deductions could be granted under
general or special laws, e.g. additional training Others: (not in the SC syllabus)
expenses are allowed to enterprises registered with
(b) Paid or incurred in carrying on or which are directly
attributable to the development, management,
Timing of Claiming Deductions operation and/or conduct of the trade, business or
exercise of profession;
A taxpayer has the right to deduct all authorized
allowances for the taxable year. As a rule, if he does not
within any year deduct certain of his expenses, losses, (c) Substantiated by adequate proof – documented by
interest, taxes or other charges, he cannot deduct them official receipts or adequate records, which reflect the
from the income of the next of any succeeding year [Sec. amount of expense deducted and the connection or
76, Income Tax Regulations] relation of the expense to the business/trade of the
(a) Expenses Legitimately paid (not a BRIBE, kickback, or otherwise
contrary to law, morals, public policy);
Business expenses deductible from gross income If subject to withholding tax, the tax required to be
include the ordinary and necessary expenditures withheld on the expense paid or payable is shown to
directly connected with or pertaining to the taxpayer‘s have been properly withheld and remitted to the BIR on
trade or business. The cost of goods purchased for time;
resale, with proper adjustment for opening and closing Amount must be reasonable.
inventories, is deducted from gross sales in computing
gross income.
Includes: Note: The expenses allowable to a non-resident alien or
a foreign corporation consist of only such expenses as
(i) Salaries, wages, and other forms of are incurred in carrying on any business or trade
compensation for personal services actually conducted within the Philippines exclusively. [Sec. 77
rendered, including the grossed-up monetary RR 2]
value of fringe benefits furnished or granted by
the employer to the employee
(ii) Travel expenses
PAGE 63 OF 275
COHAN Rule: This relief will apply if the taxpayer has (j) Training expenses
shown that it is usual and necessary in the trade to
(k) Others
entertain and to incur similar kinds of expenditures,
there being evidence to show the amounts spent and
the persons entertained, though not itemized. In such a (2) Salaries, wages and other forms of compensation
situation, deduction of a portion of the expenses
for personal services actually rendered, including the
incurred might be allowed even if there are no receipts grossed-up monetary value of the fringe benefit
or vouchers. Absence of invoices, receipts or vouchers, subjected to fringe benefit tax which tax should have
particularly lack of proof of the items constituting the
been paid
expense is fatal to the allowance of the deduction
[Gancayco v. Collector, G.R. No. L-13325, (1961)] Given for personal services must be actually rendered
and reasonable.
For income payment to be allowed as deduction, the
Substantiation requirement – Sec. 34(A)(1)(b), NIRC: withholding tax must have been paid [RR No. 12-2013].
No deduction from gross income shall be allowed
unless the taxpayer shall substantiate with sufficient
evidence, such as official receipts or other adequate Bonuses are deductible when:
records: (1) the AMOUNT of the expense being
deducted, and (2) the DIRECT CONNECTION or relation (1) made in good faith
of the expense being deducted to the development, (2) given as additional compensation for personal
management, operation and/or conduct of the trade, services actually rendered
business or profession of the taxpayer.
(3) such payments, when added to the stipulated
salaries, do not exceed a reasonable
When to ACCRUE expenses: ―all–events test‖ states compensation for the services rendered
that under the accrual method of accounting, expenses
are deductible in the taxable year in which: (1) all
events have occurred which determine the liability; and (3) Traveling expenses
(2) the amount of liability can be determined with This include transportation expenses and meals and
reasonable accuracy. lodging [Sections 65 and 66, Rev. Reg. No. 2]
(1) Expenses must be reasonable and necessary.
Kinds of business expenses (2) Must be incurred or paid ―while away from
These are: home‖
(a) Salaries, wages and other forms of (3) Tax home is the principal place of business,
compensation for personal services actually when referring to ―away from home‖
rendered, including the grossed-up monetary (4) Incurred or paid in the conduct of trade or
value of the fringe benefit subjected to fringe business.
benefit tax which tax should have been paid
(Compensation for
(b) Travelling expenses Note: However, necessary transportation expenses of
the taxpayer (which are different from the
(c) Cost of materials transportation expenses included in the term ―travel
(d) Rentals and/or other payments for use or expenses‖) in its ―tax home‖ are deductible. Thus, a
possession of property taxpayer operating its business in Manila is allowed
transportation expenses from its office to its customers‘
(e) Repairs and maintenance place of business and back. But the transportation
(f) Expenses under lease agreements expenses of an employee from his residence to its office
and back are not deductible as they are considered
(g) Expenses for professionals personal expenses.
(h) Entertainment expenses
(i) Political campaign expenses (4) Cost of materials
PAGE 64 OF 275
Deductible only to the amount that they are actually depreciation reserves if such account is kept. [Sec. 68,
consumed and used in operation during the year for Rev. Regs. 2]
which the return is made, provided that their cost has
All maintenance expenses on account of non-
not been deducted in determining the net income for
depreciable vehicles for taxation purposes are
any previous year.
disallowed in its entirely. [RR No. 12-2012]
PAGE 65 OF 275
(3) The indebtedness is connected with the more than 50% of the outstanding stock of the
taxpayer‗s trade, profession, or business. corporation
(4) The interest must be legally due. (c) Except in the case of distributions in
liquidation, between two corporations where:
(5) The interest must be stipulated in writing.
(i) Either one is a personal holding
(6) The taxpayer is LIABLE to pay interest on the
company of a foreign personal
holding company with respect to the
(7) The indebtedness must have been paid or taxable year preceding the date of the
accrued during the taxable year. sale of exchange; and
(8) The interest payment arrangement must not be (ii) More than 50% of the outstanding
between related taxpayers stock of each is owned, directly or
(9) The interest must not be incurred to finance indirectly, by or for the same
individual; or
petroleum operations.
(10) In case of interest incurred to acquire property (d) Between parties to a trust – Grantor and
used in trade, business or exercise of Fiduciary; or
profession, the same was not treated as a (e) Fiduciary of a trust and fiduciary of another
capital expenditure, trust if the same person is a grantor with
respect to each trust; or
Limitation: The taxpayer's allowable deduction for (f) Fiduciary and Beneficiary
interest expense shall be reduced by an amount equal
to 33% of the interest income subjected to final tax (see
(3) Interest subject to special rules.
chapter on taxation of passive income for interest
income); effective January 1, 2009. (a) Interest paid in advance
No deduction shall be allowed if within the taxable year
an individual taxpayer reporting income on cash basis
(2) Non-deductible interest expense.—
incurs an indebtedness on which an interest is paid in
(a) Interest paid in advance by the taxpayer who reports advance through discount or otherwise.
income on cash basis shall only be allowed as
But the deduction shall be allowed in the year the
deduction in the year the indebtedness is paid.
indebtedness is paid
(b) If the indebtedness is payable in periodic
amortizations, only the amount of interest which
corresponds to the amount of the principal amortized or (b) Interest periodically amortized
paid during the year shall be allowed as deduction in
If the indebtedness is payable in periodic amortizations,
such taxable year.
the amount of interest which corresponds to the
(c)Interest payments made between related taxpayers. amount of the principal amortized or paid during the
year shall be allowed as deduction in such taxable year
(d) Interest on indebtedness incurred to finance
petroleum exploration.
(c)Interest expense incurred to acquire property for use
in trade/business/profession
Related Taxpayers
At the option of the taxpayer, interest expense on a
(a) Between members of the family, i.e. brothers
capital expenditure may be allowed as:
and sisters (whether by the whole or half-
blood), spouse, ancestor, and lineal A deduction in full in the year when incurred;
descendants; or
A capital expenditure for which the taxpayer may claim
(b) Except in case of distributions in liquidation, only as a deduction the periodic amortization of such
between an individual and a corporation, expenditure.
where the individual owns directly or indirectly
PAGE 67 OF 275
Should the taxpayer elect to deduct the interest i) Interest on delinquent taxes.
payments against its gross income, the taxpayer cannot
at the same time capitalize the interest payments. In
other words, the taxpayer is not entitled to both the (2) Non-deductible taxes
deduction from gross income and the adjusted General Rule: All taxes, national or local, paid or
(increased) basis for determining gain or loss and the
incurred during the taxable year in connection with the
allowable depreciation charge. [Paper Industries Corp. taxpayer's profession, trade or business, are deductible
v. Commissioner, 250 SCRA 434] from gross income
(d) Reduction of interest expense/interest arbitrage
a) Philippine income tax, except Fringe Benefit
The taxpayer's allowable deduction for interest expense Taxes;
shall be reduced by an amount equal to 33% of the b) Income tax imposed by authority of any foreign
interest income subjected to final tax; effective January
country, if taxpayer avails of the Foreign Tax
1, 2009. [RA 9337] Credit (FTC)
This limitation is apparently intended to counter the tax Exception to exception: When the taxpayer does NOT
arbitrage scheme where a taxpayer obtains an interest- signify his desire to avail of the tax credit for taxes of
bearing loan and places the proceeds of such loan in foreign countries, the amount may be allowed as a
investments that yield interest income subject to
deduction from gross income of citizens and domestic
preferential tax rate of 20% final withholding tax. corporations subject to the limitations set forth by law.
[Valencia and Roxas]
c) Professional/occupation tax;
d) Privilege and excise tax; (5) Tax credit vis-à-vis deduction.—
PAGE 68 OF 275
Taxes are deductible from Taxes are deductible from taxpayer's taxable income from sources within
the Phil. Income tax itself gross income in such country bears to his entire taxable
computing the taxable income for the same taxable year; and
income (b) [Worldwide Limit] The total amount of the
Effect: Reduces Philippine Effect: Reduces taxable credit shall not exceed the same proportion of
income tax liability income upon which the tax the tax against which such credit is taken,
liability is calculated which the taxpayer's taxable income from
sources without the Philippines taxable bears
Sources: Only foreign Sources: Deductible taxes to his entire taxable income for the same
income taxes may be (e.g. business tax, excise taxable year.
claimed as credits against tax)
Philippine income tax.
An amount subtracted from an individual's or entity's Limit #1
tax liability to arrive at the total tax liability. A tax credit Taxable
reduces the taxpayer's liability, compared to a Income Per Limit on
deduction which reduces taxable income upon which Foreign amount of
the tax liability is calculated. A credit differs from Phil. Income tax credit
deduction to the extent that the former is subtracted Country x =
Tax (Per
from the tax while the latter is subtracted from income Worldwide
before the tax is computed. [CIR v. Bicolandia Drug Country
Taxable Limit)
Corp. G.R. No. 148083, (2006)] Income
Note: Tax credits for foreign taxes are allowed only for FTC Limitations – lowest of the 3:
income derived from sources outside the Philippines. (a) Actual FTC
The above taxpayers are not entitled to tax credit; they
are taxable only on income derived from Philippine (b) For taxes paid to one foreign country
sources. (c) For taxes paid to 2 or more foreign countries
Limitations on Tax Credit.
(a) [Per Country Limit] The amount of tax credit (d) Losses
shall not exceed the same proportion of the tax
against which such credit is taken, which the (1) Requisites for deductibility.—
PAGE 69 OF 275
(1) Loss must be that of the taxpayer (e.g., losses Resulting from securities becoming worthless and
of the parent corp. cannot be deducted by its which are capital assets (considered loss from sale or
subsidiary); exchange) on last day of the taxable year;
(2) Actually sustained and charged off within the Losses from short sales of property;
taxable year;
Losses due to failure to exercise privileges or options to
(3) Incurred in trade, business or profession; buy or sell property.
(4) Of property connected with the trade, business,
or profession, if the loss arises from fires,
(b) Securities becoming worthless
storms, shipwreck or other casualties, or from
robbery, theft, or embezzlement; Loss in shrinkage in value of stock through fluctuation
in the market is not deductible from gross income. (To
(5) Sustained in a closed and completed
be deductible, the loss must be actually suffered when
the stock is disposed of.)
(6) Not compensated for by insurance or other
Exception: If the stock of the corporation becomes
form of indemnity;
worthless, the cost or other basis may be deducted by
(7) Not claimed as a deduction for estate tax its owner in the taxable year in which the stock became
purposes; worthless, provided a satisfactory showing of its
worthlessness be made, as in the case of bad debts.
(8) In case of casualty loss, filing of notice of loss
with the BIR within 45 days from the date of
the event that gave rise to the casualty; and
(c) Losses on wash sales of stocks or securities
(9) The taxpayer must prove the elements of the
Wash Sale - a sale or other disposition of stock or
loss claimed, such as the actual nature and
securities where substantially identical securities
occurrence of the event and amount of the loss.
(substantially the same as those disposed of) are
In case a non-depreciable vehicle is sold at a loss, the acquired or purchased (or there was an option to
loss incurred from the sale of non- depreciable vehicle acquire, and the acquisition or option should be by
is not allowed as a deduction. [RR No. 2-2013] purchase or exchange upon which gain or loss is
recognized under the income tax law) within a 61-day
period, beginning 30 days before the sale and ending
No loss is recognized in the following.— 30 days after the sale
(a) Merger, consolidation, or control securities General rule: Not deductible from gross income
(where no gains are recognized either);
Exception: If by a dealer in securities in the course of
(b) Exchanges not solely in kind; ordinary business, it is deductible.
(c) Related taxpayers (see above – (c) Interest
expense incurred to acquire property for use in
(d) Wagering losses
Losses from wagering (gambling) are deductible only to
(d) Wash sales;
the extent of gains from such transactions. A wager is
(e) Illegal transactions made when the outcome depends upon CHANCE.
(2) Other types of losses.— (e) Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO)
(a) Capital losses Net operating loss (NOL) is the excess of allowable
Incurred in the sale or exchange of capital assets deductions over gross income for any taxable year
(allowable only to the extent of capital gains, except for immediately preceding the current taxable year.
banks and trust companies under conditions in Sec. 39 NOLCO: The NOL of the business or enterprise which
of NIRC where loss from such sale is not subject to the had not been previously offset as deduction from gross
foregoing limitation); income shall be carried over as a deduction from gross
income for the next three (3) consecutive taxable years
PAGE 70 OF 275
immediately following the year of such loss, provided interrupted by the fact that the corporation is subject to
however, that any net loss incurred in a taxable year MCIT during such three-year period.
during which the taxpayer was exempt from income tax
shall not be allowed as a deduction. [Sec. 34(3)(D),
NIRC] Other Losses:
Exception: Mines other than oil and gas wells, where a (a) Abandonment losses in petroleum operation
net operating loss without the benefit of incentives and producing well.
provided for under EO No. 226 (Omnibus Investments (b) Losses due to voluntary removal of building
Code) incurred in any of the first ten (10) years of
incident to renewal or replacements are
operation may be carried over as a deduction from
deductible from gross income.
taxable income for the next five (5) years immediately
following the year of such loss. (c) Loss of useful value of capital assets due to
charges in business conditions is deductible
Requisites for NOLCO: only to the extent of actual loss sustained
(1) The taxpayer was not exempt from income tax (after adjustment for improvement,
the year the loss was incurred; depreciation and salvage value)
(2) There has been no substantial change in the (d) Losses from sales or exchanges of property
ownership of the business or enterprise between related taxpayers are not recognized,
wherein: but the gains are taxable.
(3) AT LEAST 75% of nominal value of outstanding (e) Losses of farmers incurred in the operation of
issued shares is held by or on behalf of the farm business are deductible.
same persons; or
(4) AT LEAST 75% of the paid up capital of the (e) Bad debts
corporation is held by or on behalf of the same
Debts resulting from the worthlessness or
uncollectibility, in whole or in part, of amounts due the
taxpayer actually ascertained to be worthless and the
Taxpayers Entitled to NOLCO
corresponding receivable should have been written off
(a) Individuals engaged in trade or business or in or charged off within the taxable year.
the exercise of his profession (including
estates and trusts);
(1) Requisites for deductibility.—
Note: An individual who avails of 40% OSD
shall not simultaneously claim deduction of (1) Valid and legally demandable debt due to the
NOLCO. However, the three-year reglementary taxpayer
period shall continue to run during such period (2) Debt is connected with the taxpayer's trade,
notwithstanding the fact that the aforesaid business or practice of profession;
taxpayer availed of OSD during the said period.
(3) Debt was not sustained in a transaction
(b) Domestic and resident foreign corporations entered into between related parties;
subject to the normal income tax (e.g.,
manufacturers and traders) or preferential tax (4) Actually ascertained to be worthless and
rates under the Code (e.g., private educational uncollectible as of the end of the taxable year
institutions, hospitals, and regional operating (taxpayer had determined with reasonably
headquarters) or under special laws (e.g., degree of certainty that the claim could not be
PEZA-registered companies) collected despite the fact that the creditor
took reasonable steps to collect); and
Note: Domestic and resident foreign
corporations taxed during the taxable year with (5) Actually charged off the books of accounts of
Minimum Corporate the taxpayer as of the end of the taxable year
Income Tax cannot enjoy the benefit of NOLCO. However, General rule: Taxpayer must ascertain and demonstrate
the three-year period for the expiry of the NOLCO is not with reasonable certainty the uncollectibility of debt
PAGE 71 OF 275
(a) Straight-line cost- salvage value (e) Youth and sports development
estimated life (f) Human settlements
(b) Declining balance (cost – depreciation) x (g) Science and culture, and
Rate (h) Economic development
estimated life (i) in accordance with a National Priority Plan
(c)Sum-of-the-year-digit nth period x cost- determined by NEDA (otherwise, subject to
(SYD) salvage statutory limit)
SYD (j) Donations to Certain Foreign Institutions or
International Organizations which are fully
Any other method which deductible in compliance with agreements,
may be prescribed by the treaties or commitments entered into by the
Secretary of Finance upon Government of the Philippines and the foreign
the recommendation of the institutions or international organizations or in
CIR pursuance of special laws
(k) Donations to Accredited Non-government
(g) Charitable and other contributions Organizations subject to conditions set forth in
RR No. 13-98 – NGO means a non-stock non-
(1) Requisites for deductibility.— profit domestic corporation or organization:
Actually PAID or made to the ENTITIES or institutions (l) Organized and operated exclusively for:
specified by law; (i) scientific,
Made within the TAXABLE year. (ii) research,
It must be EVIDENCED by adequate receipts or records. (iii) educational,
For Contributions Other than Money: The amount shall (iv) character-building and youth and sports
be BASED on the acquisition cost of the property (i.e., development,
not the fair market value at the time of the contribution).
(v) health,
For Contributions subject to the statutory limitation: It
must NOT EXCEED 10% (individual) or 5% (corporation) (vi) social welfare,
of the taxpayer‗s taxable income before charitable (vii) cultural or
(viii) charitable purposes, or
(ix) a combination thereof,
(2) Amount that may be deducted.—
No part of the net income of which inures to the benefit
Kinds of Contributions: of any private individual
(a) Contributions deductible in full; Directly utilizes contributions for the active conduct of
(b) Contributions subject to the statutory limit. the activities constituting the purpose or function for
which it is organized, not later than 15th day of the
Contributions Deductible in Full: month following the close of its taxable year in which
(a) Donations to the Government of the contributions are received, unless an extended period is
Philippines, or to any of its agencies, or granted by the Secretary of Finance, upon
political subdivisions, including fully owned recommendation of the CIR
government corporations – Administrative expense ,on an annual basis, must not
(b) Exclusively to finance, provide for, or to be exceed 30% of total expenses for the taxable year
used in undertaking priority activities in Upon dissolution, its assets would be distributed to
(c) Education another accredited NGO organized for a similar purpose
or purposes, OR to the State for public purpose, OR
(d) Health would be distributed by a competent court of justice to
PAGE 73 OF 275
another accredited NGO to be used in such manner as Contribution to a pension trust may be claimed as
in the judgment of said court shall best accomplish the deduction as follows:
general purpose for which the dissolved organization
(a) Amount contributed for the present/normal
was organized.
service cost – 100% deductible
(b) Amount contributed for the past service cost –
Contributions subject to the Statutory Limit 1/10 of the amount contributed is deductible
in year the contribution is made, the remaining
These contributions are not deductible in full as
balance will be amortized equally over nine
specified by the law or such deduction has not met the
consecutive years
requirements to be deducted in full.
General Rule: An employer establishing or maintaining
a pension trust to provide for the payment of
Those made to: reasonable pensions to his employees shall be allowed
as a deduction, a reasonable amount transferred or
(a) Government or any of its agencies or political
subdivisions exclusively for public purposes paid into such trust in excess of the contributions to
(contributions for non-priority activities) such trust made during the taxable year.
(j) Social welfare institutions The payment has not theretofore been allowed before
as a deduction.
(k) Non-government organizations: No part of the
net income of which inures to the benefit of
any private stockholder or individual (i) Deductions under special laws
PAGE 74 OF 275
If an individual opted to use OSD, he is no longer deductions claimed by the GPP and the items of
allowed to deduct cost of sales or cost of services. deduction claimed by the partners.
Amount: 40% of gross sales or gross receipts (under RA If the GPP avails of OSD in computing its net income,
9504, effective July 6, 2008) the partners comprising it can no longer claim further
deduction from their share in the said net income for
the following reasons:
(1) Taxpayer is a citizen or resident alien;
The partners‘ distributive share in the GPP is treated as
(2) Taxpayer‘s income is not entirely from his gross income not his gross sales/receipts and the
compensation; 40% OSD allowed to individuals is specifically
mandated to be deducted not from his gross income
(3) Taxpayer signifies in his return his intention to
elect this deduction; otherwise he is but from his gross sales/receipts; and,
considered as having availed of the itemized The OSD being in lieu of the itemized deductions
deductions; allowed in computing taxable income as defined under
(4) Election is irrevocable for the year in which Section 32 of the Tax Code, it will answer for both the
made; however, he can change to itemized items of deduction allowed to the GPP and its partners.
deductions in succeeding years. Since one-layer of income tax is imposed on the income
of the GPP and the individual partners where the law
had placed the statutory incidence of the tax in the
(b) Corporations, except non-resident foreign hands of the latter, the type of deduction chosen by the
corporations GPP must be the same type of deduction that can be
The option to elect Optional Standard Deduction availed of by the partners. Accordingly, if the GPP
granted is now granted to corporations (domestic and claims itemized deductions, all items of deduction
resident foreign corporations) by virtue of RA 9504. The allowed under Sec. 34 can be claimed both at the level
OSD is 40% of its gross income. of the GPP and at the level of the partner in order to
determine the taxable income. On the other hand,
The domestic and resident foreign corporation shall should the GPP opt to claim the OSD, the individual
keep such records pertaining to his gross income as partners are deemed to have availed also of the OSD
defined in Sec. 32 of the NIRC during the taxable year, because the OSD is in lieu of the itemized deductions
as may be required by the rules and regulations that can be claimed in computing taxable income.
promulgated by the Secretary of Finance upon
recommendation of the CIR. If the partner also derives other gross income from
trade, business or practice of profession apart and
Corporations availing of OSD are still required to submit distinct from his share in the net income of the GPP, the
their financial statements when they file their annual deduction that he can claim from his other gross
ITR and to keep such records pertaining to its gross income would follow the same deduction availed of
income. (RR 2-2010). from his partnership income as explained in the
foregoing rules. Provided, however, that if the GPP opts
for the OSD, the individual partner may still claim 40%
(c) Partnerships of its gross income from trade, business or practice of
General Co-Partnership profession but not to include his share from the net
income of the GPP. (RR 2-2010)
For purposes of taxation, the Code considers general
co-partnerships as corporations. Hence, rules on OSD
for corporations are applicable to general co- B.4.5. Personal and additional exemptions
General Professional Partnerships (GPP) (a) Basic personal exemptions
If the GPP availed of itemized deductions, the partners According to RA 9504 (Minimum Wage Earner Law,
are not allowed to claim the OSD from their share in the effective July 6, 2008) basic personal exemption is Fifty
net income because the OSD is a proxy for all the items thousand pesos (P50,000) for each individual taxpayer,
of deductions allowed in arriving at taxable income. regardless of status, i.e., whether single, married or
This means that the OSD is in lieu of the items of head of the family.
PAGE 75 OF 275
But note Sec 35(A) of NIRC – In the case of married (2) Chiefly dependent for support upon on the
individuals where only one of the spouses is deriving taxpayer
gross income, only such spouse shall be allowed the
(3) Living with the taxpayer
personal exemption.
(4) Not more than 21 years old, unmarried and not
gainfully employed or
(b) Additional exemptions for taxpayer with dependents
(5) Regardless of age, is incapable of self-support
An individual, whether single or married, shall be because of mental or physical defect. [Sec
allowed an additional exemption of P25,000 for each 35(B), NIRC]
qualified dependent child (QDC), provided that the total
Note: Only children (not parents) may be considered
number of dependents for which additional exemptions
―dependent‖ for purposes of additional exemptions.
may be claimed shall not exceed 4 dependents
(depends on the number of qualified dependent The definition of the term ―dependent‖ under Section
children) 35(B) of the NIRC now includes a ―Foster Child‖ or a
child placed under planned temporary substitute
Married Individuals: Additional exemptions for QDC are
parental care by a Foster Parent or a Foster Family.
claimed by only one spouse.
[RMC No. 41-20i3, Jan. 23, 2013]
Generally, the spouse who is the gross compensation
earner is the claimant of the additional exemptions.
Who may claim personal exemptions?
Where the husband and wife are both compensation
income earners: the husband is the proper claimant of Citizens (whether resident or non-resident) and resident
the additional exemptions EXCEPT if there is an express aliens
waiver by the husband in favor of his wife, as embodied Non-resident aliens engaged in trade or business are
in the application for registration (BIR Form No. 1902) entitled personal exemptions subject to reciprocity.
or in the Certificate of Update of Exemption and of
(See below)
Employer‘s and Employee‘s Information (BIR Form No.
2305), whichever is applicable.
When the spouses have business and/or professional (c) Status-at-the-end-of-the-year rule
income only: either may claim the additional Change of Status [Sec 35(C), NIRC]
exemptions at the end of the year.
(a) If taxpayer marries during taxable year,
The employed spouse shall be automatically entitled to taxpayer may claim the corresponding BPE in
claim the additional exemptions for children in the full for such year (i.e., no need to pro-rate the
following instances: exemption).
(a) spouse is unemployed (b) If taxpayer should have additional
(b) spouse is a non-resident citizen deriving dependent(s) during taxable year, taxpayer
income from foreign sources may claim corresponding AE in full for such
Legally separated spouses: Additional exemptions can
be claimed by the spouse with custody of the child or (c) If taxpayer dies during taxable year, his estate
children (but the total amount for the spouses shall not may claim BPE and AE as if he died at the
exceed the maximum of four). [Sec 35(B), NIRC] close of such year.
If the taxpayer should have additional dependents (d) If during the taxable year spouse dies; or any
during the taxable year, he may claim the of the dependents dies or marries, turns 21
corresponding additional exemption, as the case may years old or becomes gainfully employed,
be, in full for such year. taxpayer may still claim same exemptions as if
the spouse or any of the dependents died, or
Who is a dependent for purposes of additional married, turned 21 years old or became
exemptions? gainfully employed at the close of such year.
(1) A taxpayer‘s child, whether legitimate,
Note: When it comes to change of status, the status
illegitimate or legally adopted child beneficial to the taxpayer is used for purposes of
PAGE 76 OF 275
claiming deductions as long as the taxpayer achieved (g) Non-deductible interest – should the taxpayer elect
such status at any time during the taxable period. to deduct interest payments against its gross income,
he cannot at the same time capitalize such interest and
claim depreciation on the undepreciated cost which
(d) Exemptions claimed by non-resident aliens includes the interest. [PICOP v. Commissioner, G.R. No.
106949-50, Dec. 1, 1995]
Non-resident aliens engaged in trade or business are
entitled personal exemptions subject to reciprocity. (h) Non –deductible taxes
It means that NRA-ETB shall be allowed a personal (i) Non-deductible losses
exemption only if the income tax law in his country
(j) Losses on Wash Sales (except if by dealer in
grants allowance for personal exemptions to the
securities in ordinary course of exempt corporations)
citizens and residents of the Philippines as stipulated in
These are:
the reciprocity tax treaty with the Philippine Government.
(1) Proprietary Educational Institutions and
Limit of PE Allowed to NRAETB: An amount equal to the
exemptions allowed by the non-resident alien‘s country
to Filipino citizens not residing therein but deriving (2) Government owned and controlled
income therefrom, but not to exceed the amount fixed corporations
by NIRC.(In other words, whichever is lower)
(3) Others
Summary Table for Taxation of Individuals (all individual taxpayers, including non-resident aliens)
PAGE 78 OF 275
A Filipino resident citizen is taxable on income from A resident alien is an individual whose residence is
all sources (within and without the Philippines) in the Philippines and who is not a Filipino citizen.
An alien actually present in the Philippine who is not
a mere transient or sojourner is a resident of the
(ii) Non-resident Citizens Philippines for purposes of the income tax. Whether
A non-resident citizen is taxable only on income he is a transient or not is determined by his
derived from sources within the Philippines. intentions with regard to the length and nature of his
stay. A mere floating intention indefinite as to time,
A non-resident citizen is a Filipino citizen who: to return to another country is not sufficient to
(a) Establishes to the satisfaction of the CIR constitute him a transient. If he lives in the
the fact of his physical presence abroad Philippines and has no definite intention to stay, he
with a definite intention to reside therein is a resident.
(b) Leaves the Philippines during the taxable One who comes to the Philippines for a definite
year to reside abroad (as immigrant or for purpose which, in its nature, may be promptly
employment on a permanent basis) accomplished is a transient. But if his purpose is of
such a nature that an extended stay may be
(c) Works and derives income from abroad and necessary for its accomplishment, and to that end
whose employment requires him to be the alien makes his home temporarily in the
present abroad most of the time during the Philippines, he becomes a resident, though it may
taxable year be his intention at all times to return to his domicile
(d) Has been previously considered as a non- abroad when the purpose of which he came has
resident and arrives in the Philippines at been consummated or abandoned. [Sec. 5, RR No.
any time during the taxable year to reside 2]
here permanently (only with respect to his
income from sources abroad until the date
of his arrival in the country) C.1.2. Coverage – Taxation on Compensation
Other considerations:
Income arising from an ER-EE relationship. It means
(a) A Filipino citizen working and deriving all remuneration for services performed by an EE for
abroad as an Overseas Contract Worker is his ER, including the cash value of all remuneration
taxable only on income from sources paid in any medium other than cash. [Sec. 78(A)] It
WITHIN the Philippines. includes, but is not limited to salaries and wages,
(b) OCW refers to Filipino citizens in foreign commissions, tips, allowances, bonuses, Fringe
countries, who are physically present in a Benefits of rank and file EEs and other forms of
foreign country as a consequence of their compensation.
employment in that country. Their salaries
and wages are paid by an employer abroad
and is not borne by an entity or person in i. Inclusions
the Philippines. They must be duly
registered with the Philippine Overseas
PAGE 79 OF 275
(a) Monetary compensation – If compensation is (3) Bonuses, 13th month pay, and other benefits not
paid in cash, the full amount received is the exempt
measure of the income subject to tax.
Tips and Gratuities – those paid directly to the
employee (usually by a customer of the employer)
which are not accounted for by the employee to the
(1) Regular salary/wage
employer. (taxable income but not subject to
Salary – earnings received periodically for a regular withholding tax) [RR NO. 2-98, Sec. 2.78.1]
work other than manual labor, such as monthly
Thirteenth month pay and other benefits - Not
salary of an employee
taxable if the total amount received is P82,000 or
Wages – all remuneration (other than fees paid to a less. Any amount exceeding P82,000 is taxable.
public official) for services performed by an [Sec. 32(7)(e), NIRC]
employee for his employer, including the cash value
Overtime Pay – premium payment received for
of all remuneration paid in any medium other than
working beyond regular hours of work which is
cash. [Sec. 78A, NIRC]
included in the computation of gross salary of
employee. It constitutes compensation.
(2) Separation pay/retirement benefit not otherwise
(4) Directors‘ fees
Retirement pay – a lump sum payment received by
Fees – received by an employee for the services
an employee who has served a company for a
rendered to the employer including a director‘s fee
considerable period of time and has decided to
of the company, fees paid to the public officials
withdraw from work into privacy. [RR 6-82, Sec. 2b]
such as clerks of court or sheriffs for services
General rule: Retirement pay is taxable rendered in the performance of their official duty
over and above their regular salaries.
(a) SSS or GSIS retirement pays.
(b) Nonmonetary compensation - If services are paid
(b) Retirement pay (R.A. 7641) due to old age
provided the following requirements are for in a medium other than money, the fair market
met: value of the thing taken in payment is the measure
of the income subject to tax.
(1) The retirement program is approved by
the BIR Commissioner;
(1) Fringe benefit not subject to tax
(2) It must be a reasonable benefit plan.
(fair and equitable) (See Chapter on Gross Income for the discussion of
(3) The retiree should have been Taxable and Non-taxable fringe benefits)
employed for 10 years in the said If the recipient of the fringe benefits is a rank and
company; file employee, and the said fringe benefit is not tax-
(4) The retiree should have been 50 years exempt, then the value of such fringe benefit shall
old or above at the time of retirement; be considered as part of the compensation income
and of such employee subject to tax payable by the
employee. [Domondon]
(5) It should have been availed of for the
first time.
Separation pay – taxable if voluntarily availed of. It ii. Exclusions
shall not be taxable if involuntary i.e. Death, (a) Fringe benefit subject to tax
sickness, disability, reorganization /merger of
(See Chapter on Gross Income for the discussion of
company and company at the brink of bankruptcy or
Taxable and Non-taxable fringe benefits)
for any cause beyond the control of the said official
or employee Where the recipient of the fringe benefit is not a rank
and file employee, and the said benefit is not tax-
exempt, then the same shall not be included in the
PAGE 80 OF 275
compensation income of such employee subject to According to RA 9504 (effective July 6, 2008) basic
tax. The fringe benefit [tax] is instead levied upon personal exemption is Fifty thousand pesos
the employer, who is required to pay. [Domondon] (P50,000) for each individual taxpayer, regardless
whether single, married or head of the family.
PAGE 81 OF 275
All income obtained from doing business and/or (See summary table)
engaging in the practice of a profession shall be
included in the computation of taxable income. (5-
32% For citizens, resident aliens & NRA Engaged in (c) Dividends from domestic corporation
trade or business; 25% in case of NRANETB) (a) cash and/or property dividends actually or
constructively received by an individual
C.1.4. Taxation of Passive Income
(b) a domestic corporation
Passive Income Subject to Final Tax
(c) a joint stock company
―Final tax‖ means tax withheld from source, and the
amount received by the income earner is net of the (d) insurance or mutual fund companies
tax already. The tax withheld by the income payor is (e) regional operating headquarters of
remitted by him to the BIR. The income having been multinational companies
tax-paid already, it need not be included in the
income tax return at the end of the year. These (f) share of an individual in the distributable
passive income items are as follows: net income after tax of a partnership
(except a general professional partnership)
(a) Interest income of which he is a partner
(b) Royalties (g) share of an individual member or co-
(c) Dividends from domestic corporations venturer in the net income after tax of an
association, a joint account, or a joint
(d) Prizes and other winnings
venture or consortium taxable as a
(a) Interest income
(a) on any currency bank deposit, yield or any RATE:
other monetary benefit from deposit
(a) 10%for residents (RC, RA) and non resident
substitutes, trust funds and similar
citizens (NRC);
arrangements - 20% final tax
(b) 20% for NRAETB(non-resident aliens
(b) under the expanded foreign currency
engaged in trade or business)
deposit system (EFCDS) - 7.5% final tax for
residents, exempt if non-residents
A stock dividend representing the transfer of surplus
to capital account shall not be subject to tax.
Treatment of income from long-term deposits
However, if a corporation cancels or redeems stock
On long-term deposit or investment certificates
issued as a dividend at such time and in such
(LTDIC) in banks (e.g., savings, common or
manner as to make the distribution and cancellation
individual trust funds, deposit substitutes,
or redemption, in whole or in part, essentially
investment management accounts and other
equivalent to the distribution of a taxable dividend,
investments, which have maturity of 5 years or more)
the amount so distributed in redemption or
– exempt
cancellation of the stock shall be considered as
Should LTDIC holder pre-terminate LTDIC before the taxable income to the extent that it represents a
5th year, a final tax shall be imposed on the entire distribution of earnings or profits. [Sec. 73B, NIRC]
income based on the remaining maturity:
In other words, stock dividends are generally not
4 years to less than 5 years 5% subject to tax as long as there are no options in lieu
of the shares of stock.
3 years to less than 4 years 12%
less than 3 years 20%
On the other hand, a stock dividend constitutes
income if it gives the shareholder an interest
(b) Royalties
PAGE 82 OF 275
(d) Prizes and other winnings Interest income from long-term deposit or
investment in the form of savings, common or
(a) Winnings, except Philippine Charity individual trust funds, deposit substitutes,
sweepstakes / lotto winnings – 20% investment management accounts and other
investments evidenced by certificates in such form
(b) Prizes exceeding P10,000 – 20%
prescribed by the BSP shall be exempt from tax
Prize, differentiated from winnings
A prize is the result of an effort made (e.g., prize in a
But should the holder of the certificate pre-
beauty contest), while winnings are the result of a
terminate the deposit or investment before the 5th
transaction where the outcome depends upon
year, a final tax shall be imposed on the entire
chance (e.g., betting).
income and shall be deducted and withheld by the
depository bank from the proceeds of the long-term
For interest from foreign currency loans granted by deposit or investment certificate based on the
FCDUs to residents other than Offshore Banking remaining maturity thereof:
Units (OBUs) or other depository banks under the Four (4) years to less than five (5) years - 5%;
expanded system – tax rate is 10% if payors are
Three (3) years to less than four (4) years - 12%; and
RESIDENTS, whether individuals or corporations.
Less than three (3) years - 20%.
For interest from foreign currency loans granted by
OBUs to residents other than OBUs or local Any income of nonresidents, whether individuals or
commercial banks, including branches of foreign corporations, from transactions with depository
banks that may be authorized by the BSP to transact banks under the expanded system shall be exempt
business with OBUs - tax rate is 10% if payors are from income tax.
RESIDENTS, whether individuals or corporations.
Under Sec. 24(A), NIRC, at the option of the Cost to acquire new principal XXX
taxpayer. residence
In case of the sale of or disposition of their principal Less: Gross selling price of old (XXX)
residence by natural persons principal residence
(d) Prizes (except prizes amounting to Ten (1) Alien individuals employed by:
thousand pesos (P10,000) or less which shall be (a) Regional or Area Headquarters (RAHQ) and
subject to graduated tax) and other winnings (except Regional Operating Headquarters (ROHQ)
Philippine Charity Sweepstakes and Lotto winnings) established in the Philippines by multinational
(1) The following Royalties shall be subject to a final Multinational company: a foreign firm or
tax of ten percent (10%) on the total amount entity
engaged in international trade with
affiliates or subsidiaries or branch offices in
(a) On books as well as other literary the Asia-Pacific Region and other foreign
works; and
(b) On musical compositions markets.
(2) Cinematographic films and similar works shall
be subject to twenty-five percent (25%) of the gross (b) Offshore Banking Units established in the
(3) Interest income from long-term deposit or
investment in the form of savings, common or (2) Alien individuals who are permanent residents
individual trust funds, deposit substitutes, of a foreign country but who are employed and
investment management accounts and other assigned in the Philippines by a foreign service
investments evidenced by certificates in such form contractor or by a foreign service subcontractor
prescribed by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) engaged in petroleum operations in the Philippines.
shall be exempt from the tax
But should the holder of the certificate pre-
terminate the deposit or investment before the fifth Tax Rate and Base - 15% of gross income received
(5th) year, a final tax shall be imposed on the entire as salaries, wages, annuities, compensation,
income and shall be deducted and withheld by the remuneration and other emoluments, such as
depository bank from the proceeds of the long-term honoraria and allowances.
deposit or investment certificate based on the
remaining maturity thereof: The same tax treatment shall apply to Filipinos
employed and occupying the same positions as
(i) Four (4) years to less than five (5) years - 5%;
those of aliens employed by these multinational
(ii) Three (3) years to less than four (4) years - 12%; companies, offshore banking units and petroleum
service contractors and subcontractors.
(iii) Less than three (3) years - 20%.
Note that the coverage of the special classification
Capital gains (and the corresponding tax rate) is limited to income
Capital gains realized from sale, barter or exchange received as wages. Hence, any income earned from
of shares of stock in domestic corporations not all other sources within the Philippines by the alien
traded through the local stock exchange, and real employees shall be subject to the pertinent income
properties shall be subject to the similar tax tax (example: sale of real property in the Philippines
prescribed on citizens and resident aliens. is subject to 6% capital gain tax, imposed on the
(a) Sale, barter or exchange of Shares of stock in gross selling price or fair market value of the
domestic corporation not traded – property at the time of the sale, whichever is higher)
(1) Net over P100,000 – 5% of net capital gains
(2) On any amount in excess of P100,000 – 10% FROM INCOME TAX
of net capital gains realized
(b) Sale, barter or exchange of real properties – 6% Individual Taxpayers exempt from income tax are:
of gross selling price or current FMV whichever is (1) Senior Citizens
(2) Minimum wage earners
(3) Exemptions granted under international
PAGE 86 OF 275
All individuals and entities claiming exemption from The minimum wage shall be exempt from the
imposition of taxes on income and, consequently, payment of income tax on their taxable income:
from withholding taxes are required to provide a Provided, further, That the holiday pay, overtime pay,
copy of a valid, current and subsisting tax exemption night shift differential pay and hazard pay received
certificate or ruling, as per existing administrative by such minimum wage earners shall likewise be
issuances and any issuance that may be issued from exempt from income tax
time to time, before payment of the related income.
(3) Income also subject to tax exemption: holiday
The tax exemption certificate or ruling must explicitly
pay, overtime pay, night shift differential, and
recognize the grant of tax exemption, as well as the
hazard pay
corresponding exemption from imposition of
withholding tax. Failure on the part of the taxpayer Compensation income including overtime pay,
to present the said tax exemption certificate or holiday pay and hazard pay, earned by minimum
ruling as herein required shall subject him to the wage earners who has no other returnable income
payment of appropriate withholding taxes due on are NOT taxable and not subject to withholding tax
the transaction. [RMC No. 8-2014] on wages [RA 9504]
PAGE 87 OF 275
PAGE 88 OF 275
PAGE 89 OF 275
But, when the head office of a foreign corporation Gross Income xxx
independently and directly invested in a domestic Less: Allowable Deductions xxx
corporation without the funds passing through its Taxable Income xxx
Philippine branch, the taxpayer, with respect to the
tax on dividend income, would be the non-resident
foreign corporation itself and the dividend income D.1.2. Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT)
shall be subject to the tax similarly imposed on non- Applies to domestic corporations and RFCs
resident foreign corporations.
whenever such corporations have zero or negative
taxable income or whenever the MCIT is greater than
Definition of ―doing business‖ under the Foreign the normal income tax due from such corporations.
Investment Act of 1991
The phrase "doing business" shall include soliciting
orders, service contracts, opening offices, whether Domestic Corporations
called "liaison" offices or branches; appointing
representatives or distributors domiciled in the (1) Imposed upon any domestic corporation
Philippines or who in any calendar year stay in the beginning the fourth taxable year in which such
country for a period or periods totaling one hundred corporation commenced its business operations.
eighty [180] days or more; participating in the For purposes of the MCIT, the taxable year in which
management, supervision or control of any domestic business operations commenced shall be the year
business, firm, entity or corporation in the when the corporation registers with the BIR (not in
Philippines; and any other act or acts that imply a which the corporation started commercial
continuity of commercial dealings or arrangements
PAGE 90 OF 275
(2) Tax rate: 2% of the Gross Income
relation to the revenue realized by the sellers of
services. These refer to costs which are considered
Imposition of MCIT indispensable to the earning of the revenue such
Gross Sales xxx that without such costs, no revenue can be
Less: Sales Returns xxx generated.
Sales Discounts xxx
Allowances xxx MCIT is in the nature of a tax credit, not an allowable
Cost of Goods Sold xxx xxx deduction. Its purpose is to prevent corporations
MCIT GI xxx from escaping being taxed by including frivolous
expenses in their statement of income.
Computation of gross income
The term ―Gross Income‖ shall be equivalent to Is the Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) an
gross sales less sales returns, discounts and addition to the regular or normal income tax?
allowances and cost of goods sold. ―Cost of goods No, the MCIT is not an additional tax. The MCIT is
sold‖ shall include all business expenses directly compared with the regular income tax, which is due
incurred to produce the merchandise to bring them from a corporation. If the regular income is higher
to their present location and use. than the MCIT, then the corporation does not pay
the MCIT.
If apart from deriving income from core business
activities there are other items of gross income Who are covered by MCIT?
realized or earned by the taxpayer which are subject The MCIT covers domestic and resident foreign
to the normal corporate income tax, they must be corporations which are subject to the regular
included as part of gross income for computing income tax. The term ―regular income tax‖ refers to
MCIT. [Sec. 27 (E), NIRC; RR 12-2007] the regular income tax rates under the Tax Code.
Thus, corporations which are subject to a special
This means that the term ―gross income‖ will also corporate tax system do not fall within the coverage
include all items of gross income enumerated under of the MCIT.
Section 32(A) of the NIRC, except: (a) income
exempt from income tax, and (b) income subjected These special corporations are:
to FWT. (1) Corporations that are subject to ten percent
(10%) preferential tax rate: Proprietary educational
Computation by type of business institutions, nonprofit hospitals, Offshore Banking
(a) Merchandising/Manufacturing Concerns Units (OBUs) on their income from foreign currency
transactions which has been subjected to a final
Net Sales xxx income tax at 10% of such income, and depository
Less: Cost of Goods Sold xxx banks under the expanded foreign currency deposit
Gross Income xxx system on their income from foreign currency
transactions which has subjected to final income tax
(b) Service Concerns at 10%; RFCs engaged in business as Regional
Operating Headquarters
Gross Receipts/Revenue xxx (2) Firms under special income tax regime such as
Less: Direct Cost of Services xxx those under the PEZA law [RA 7916], the Bases
Gross Income xxx Conversion Development Act [RA 7227] and forms
enjoying Income Tax Holiday (ITH) under EO No. 226;
Net Sales is gross sales less sales returns, discounts
and allowances (3) International carriers subject to tax at 2 ½ % of
their gross Philippine billings;
Direct cost of services includes salaries of personnel
rendering the services, expenses on the facilities Note: For domestic corporations whose operations
directly utilized, cost of supplies, and the like. or activities are partly covered by the regular income
―Direct costs and expenses‖ shall only pertain to tax and partly covered under a special income tax
those costs exclusively and directly incurred in
PAGE 91 OF 275
system, the MCIT shall apply on operations covered corporate income tax returns whether this be MCIT
by the regular corporate income tax system. or normal income tax.
MCIT gross income differentiated from the normal In the computation of annual income tax due, if the
tax gross income
normal income tax due is higher than the computed
The latter would include other incidental income annual MCIT, the following shall be allowed to be
items, such as rent income, interest, gain on sale of credited against the annual income tax: (a) quarterly
assets, certain tax refunds, etc. MCIT payments, (b) quarterly normal income tax
payments, (c) excess MCIT in the prior year/s
What amount of income tax is paid by the (subject to the prescriptive period allowed for its
corporation to the BIR?
creditability), (d) CWTs in the current year, (d) excess
Whichever is higher between the normal tax and the CWTs in the prior year.
minimum corporate income tax
If in the computation of annual income tax due, the
Illustration: computed annual MCIT due is higher than the
E Co., a domestic trading corporation, in its fourth annual normal income tax due, the following may be
year of operations had a gross profit from sales of credited against the annual income tax: (a) quarterly
P300,000 and net taxable income of P100,000. MCIT payments of current taxable quarter, (b)
How much was the income tax paid by the quarterly normal income tax payments in current
corporation for the year? year, (c) CWTs in the current year, (d) excess CWTs in
the prior year.
MCIT (P300,000 x 2%) P6,000
Normal Income Tax (P100,000 x P30,000 Excess MCIT from the previous taxable year/s shall
30%) not be allowed to be credited against the annual
Income Tax to be paid for the P30,000 MCIT due as the same can only be applied against
year (whichever is higher) normal income tax.
PAGE 92 OF 275
*Cannot carry forward an amount higher than the NT, Tax effort ratio 20% of GNP
hence the excess of 60K from Year 4 was reduced to Ratio of income tax collection 40%
40K. The unused P20,000 cannot be used in Year 8 to total tax revenues
because Year 8 was beyond three years from Year 4. VAT tax effort 4% of GNP
Ratio of Consolidated Public 0.90%
Relief from the MCIT under certain conditions (Sec. Sector Financial Position
27 (E)(3), NIRC)
The Secretary of Finance, upon the (CPSFP) to GNP
recommendation of the Commissioner, may Ratio of the corporation‘s Cost Does not exceed
suspend the imposition of the MCIT upon of Sales to Gross Sales 55%
submission of proof by the applicant- corporation
that the corporation sustained substantial losses on
account of the following Gross Sales xxx
(LMB): Less: Sales Returns xxx
(1) Prolonged labor dispute (losses from a strike Sales Discounts xxx
staged by employees that lasts for more than 6
Allowances xxx
PAGE 93 OF 275
ii. Optional Standard Deductions (OSD) Capital gains realized from the sale, exchange, or
Before RA 9504, effective July 6, 2009, OSD only disposition of lands and/or buildings
applied to individuals except non-resident aliens.
On the sale, exchange or disposition of lands and/or
But by virtue of RA 9504, it now also applies to buildings which are not actually used in the
corporations, except non-resident foreign business of a corporation and are treated as capital
corporation. assets On the gross selling price, or the current
Moreover, the rate was increased from 10% to 40%. fair market value at the time of the sale, whichever is
higher, a final tax of 6%
D.1.5. Taxation of Passive Income
Note: Tax treatment is the same as that of
Domestic Corporations individuals.
Passive Income Subject to Tax The capital gains tax is applied on the gross selling
(1) Interest from deposits and yield or any
other price, or the current fair market value at the time of
monetary benefit from deposit substitutes and from the sale, whichever is higher. Any gain or loss on the
sale is immaterial because there is a conclusive
trust funds and similar arrangements and royalties
presumption by law that the sale resulted in a gain.
(2) Capital gains from the sale of shares of stock
not traded in the stock exchange (3) Income derived Passive Income Not Subject to Tax
from depository bank under the expanded foreign (1) Income derived by a depository bank under the
currency deposit system
expanded foreign currency deposit system from
(4) Inter-corporate dividends
foreign currency transactions with nonresidents,
(5) Capital gains realized from the sale,
exchange, offshore banking units in the Philippines, local
or of lands and/or buildings
commercial banks, including branches of foreign
banks that may be authorized by the Bangko Sentral
Interest from deposits and yield or any other ng Pilipinas (BSP) to transact business with foreign
monetary benefit from deposit substitutes and from currency depository system units and other
trust funds and similar arrangements and royalties depository banks under the expanded foreign
On any currency bank deposit, yield or any other currency deposit system shall be exempt from
monetary benefit from deposit substitutes, trust income exempt from income tax
funds and similar arrangements - 20%
Except: Net income from transactions specified by
Capital gains from the sale of shares of stock not the Secretary of Finance upon recommendation by
traded in the stock exchange
the Monetary Board
On sale, barter, exchange or other disposition of
shares of stockof a domestic corporation not listed BUT: Interest income from foreign currency loans
and traded through a local stock exchange, held as granted by such depository banks under said
a capital asset: expanded foreign currency deposit system to
residents, other than offshore banking units in the
PAGE 95 OF 275
Philippines, shall be subject to a final tax at the rate On the sale, exchange or disposition of lands and/or
of 10%. buildings which are not actually used in the
business of a corporation and are treated as capital
(2) Any income of nonresidents, whether individuals assets On the gross selling price, or the current
or corporations, from transactions with depository fair market value at the time of the sale, whichever is
banks under the expanded system shall be exempt higher, a final tax of 6%
from exempt from income tax.
Note: Tax treatment is the same as that of
Resident Foreign Corporations individuals.
The capital gains tax is applied on the gross selling
Interest from deposits and yield or any other price, or the current fair market value at the time of
monetary benefit from deposit substitutes, trust the sale, whichever is higher. Any gain or loss on the
funds and similar arrangements and royalties sale is immaterial because there is a conclusive
On any currency bank deposit, yield or any other presumption by law that the sale resulted in a gain.
monetary benefit from deposit substitutes, trust
funds and similar arrangements – Final tax of 20% Resident Foreign Corporations
Income derived from a depository bank under the Capital gain from sale of shares of stock not traded
expanded foreign currency deposit system
in the stock exchange
Under the expanded foreign currency deposit system On sale, barter, exchange or other disposition of
(EFCDS) – Final tax of 7.5% shares of stock of a domestic corporation not listed
and traded through a local stock exchange, held as
Intercorporate dividends a capital asset:
Dividends received from a
corporation liable to tax
under the NIRC- exempt On the net capital gain:
(a) First P100,000: Final Tax of 5%
Exclude: (b) On any amount in excess of P100,000: plus 10%
(1) International carrier
Final tax on the excess
(2) Offshore banking units
(3) Branch profits remittances
(4) Regional or area headquarters and
operating headquarters of multination companies
PAGE 96 OF 275
(1) on foreign loans contracted on or after August 1, Tax Rate and Base – 10% on net income (except on
1986 – 20% income subject to capital gains tax and passive
(2) under the expanded foreign currency deposit income subject to final tax) within and without the
system (EFCDS) - exempt Philippines
PAGE 97 OF 275
can doubt its wisdom. [Mactan Cebu Airport v (c) The test of taxability is the source, and the
Marcos, 1996] source is that activity which produced the income.
If the taxing authority is the local gov‘t unit In the case of International Shipping, GPB means:
RA 7160 expressly prohibits LGUs from levying tax Gross revenue whether for passenger, cargo or mail
on the Nat‘l Gov‘t, its agencies and instrumentalities originating from the Philippines up to final
and other LGUs. destination, regardless of the place of sale or
payments of the passage or freight documents.
iv. Depositary Banks (Foreign Currency Deposit
Units) ii. Off-shore Banking Units
Income derived from a depository bank under the Coverage of the Rule
expanded foreign currency deposit system
Only income derived by offshore banking units from
Under the expanded foreign currency deposit system foreign currency transactions with:
(EFCDS) – Final tax of 7.5% (1) non-residents,
(2) other offshore banking units
D.3.2. Resident Foreign Corporations
(3) local commercial banks including branches
i. International Carrier Doing Business in the foreign banks that may be authorized by the Bangko
Philippines Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) to transact business with
Tax Rate and Base – 2.5% on Gross Philippine offshore banking units.
Billings (GPB)
Tax Rate
What is GPB Exempt from all taxes, except net income from such
In the case of International Air Carriers, GPB refers transactions as may be specified by the Secretary of
to the amount of: Finance, upon recommendation by the Monetary
(a) gross revenue derived from carriage of
persons, Board to be subject to the regular income tax
excess baggage, cargo and mail originating from the payable by banks.
Philippines in a continuous and uninterrupted flight,
irrespective of the place of sale or issue and the Exception: Interest income derived from foreign
place of payment of the ticket or passage document currency loans granted to residents other than
offshore banking units or local commercial banks,
including local branches of foreign banks that may
(b) gross revenue from tickets revalidated, be authorized by the BSP to transact business with
exchanged and/or indorsed to another international offshore banking units, shall be subject only to a
airline if the passenger boards a plane in a port or final tax at the rate of 10%. [Sec. 28(A)(4), NIRC]
point in the Philippines
(c) for flights which originate from the Philippines, iii. Resident Depositary Banks (Foreign Currency
but transshipment of passenger takes place at any Deposit Units)
port outside the Philippines on another airline, the Income derived from a depository bank under the
gross revenue consisting of only the aliquot portion expanded foreign currency deposit system
of the cost of the ticket corresponding to the leg Under the expanded foreign currency deposit system
flown from the Philippines to the point of (EFCDS) – Final tax of 7.5%
transhipment transshipment [RR 15-2002]
iv. Regional or Area Headquarters and Regional
Air Canada vs. CIR (CTA Case No. 6572): Operating Headquarters of Multinational
(a) A foreign airline company selling tickets in the Companies
Philippines through their local agents shall be Regional or area headquarters: not subject to
considered as resident foreign corporation engaged income tax
in trade or business
in the country.
(b) The absence of flight operations within the Regional or area headquarters – a branch
Philippine territory cannot alter the fact that the established in the Philippines by multinational
income received was derived from activities within companies and which headquarters do not earn or
the Philippines.
derive income from the Philippines and which act as
supervisory, communications and coordinating
PAGE 98 OF 275
PAGE 99 OF 275
(a) Organizational Test–requires that he actually distributed or not. [Sec. 73(D), NIRC] Such
corporation or association‘s constitutive share will be subjected to a final tax of 10% to be
documents exclusively limit its purposes to one withheld by the partnership. [Sec. 24(B)(2), NIRC]
or more of those described in paragraph (E) of
Section 30 of the 1997 NIRC.
(b) Operational Test – mandates that the General Professional Partnerships
regular activities of the corporation or Partnerships formed by persons for the sole purpose
association be exclusively devoted to the of exercising their common profession, no part of
accomplishment of the purposes specified in the income of which is derived from engaging in any
paragraph (E) of Section 30 of the 1997 NIRC, trade or business. A GPP is exempt from income tax.
as amended. A corporation or association fails It is, however, required to file a tax return for its
to meet this test if a substantial part of its income for the purpose of furnishing information as
operations may be considered
―activities to the share in the gains or profits that each partner
conducted for profit‖.
shall include in his individual tax return.
(3) All the net income or assets of the corporation or
association must be devoted to its purpose/s and Rules
no part of its net income or asset accrues to or (1) A GPP is a partnership formed by persons for the
purpose of exercising their common profession, no
benefits any
member or specified person. (4) It part of the income of which is derived from engaging
must not be a branch of a foreign non-
stock, non- in trade or business. A GPP as such shall not be
profit corporation.
subject to the income tax. It is not a taxable entity
[RMO No. 20-2013] for income tax purposes.
(2) The partners shall only be liable for income tax
only in their separate and individual capacities.
D.6. TAX ON GENERAL PARTNERSHIPS, (3) For purposes of computing the distributive share
GENERAL PROFESSIONAL PARTNERSHIPS, of the partners, the net income of the GPP shall be
CO-OWNERSHIPS, JOINT VENTURES AND computed in the same manner as a corporation.
CONSORTIUMS (4) Each partner shall report as gross income his
distributive share, actually or constructively received,
General Partnerships in the net income of the partnership.
Partnerships wherein all or part of their income is (5) The distributive share of a partner (actual or
derived from the conduct of trade or business. An constructive) shall be subject to a creditable
ordinary business partnership is considered as a withholding income tax of 10% if the amount share
corporation and is thus subject to corporate tax of is not more than P720,000 and 15% if the amount
30%. of the share is more than P720,000. [RR 2- 1998]
(6) If the partnership sustains a net operating loss,
Rules the partners shall be entitled to deduct their
(1) The partnership is subject to the same rules
on respective shares in the net operating loss from their
corporations (capital gains tax, final tax on passive individual gross income.
income, normal tax, minimum corporate income tax
[MCIT] and gross income tax [GIT]), but is not GPP is not a taxable entity
subject to the improperly accumulated earnings tax The GPP is deemed to be no more than a mere
[IAET]. The partnership must file quarterly and year- mechanism or a flow-through entity in the
end income tax returns.
generation of income by, and the ultimate
(2) The taxable income of the partnership, less the mechanism distribution of such income to the
normal corporate income tax (30%) thereon, is the individual partners. [Tan v. Commissioner (Oct. 3,
distributable net income of the partnership.
The share of a partner in the partnership‘s But the partnership itself is required to file income
distributable net income of a year shall be deemed tax returns for the purpose of furnishing information
to have been actually or constructively received by as to the share in the gains or profits which each
the partners in the same taxable year and shall be partner shall include in his individual return. [RR 2-
taxed to them in their individual capacity, whether 1998]
(c) BIR Form No. 1800 – Donor‘s Tax Return on or before the 15th day of the fourth month
(d) BIR Form No. 1801 – Estate Tax Return following the close of the calendar year or fiscal year,
as the case may be (Sec. 74, NIRC). The deadlines
Information Return for the filing of the tax returns by a corporation using
Any individual not required to file an income tax the calendar year are as follows:
return may nevertheless be required to file an
information return pursuant to rules and regulations Period Due Date for Filing Return
prescribed by the Secretary of Finance, upon Q1 Return May 31 of the same year
recommendation of the Commissioner. [Sec. Q2 Return August 31 of the same year
51(A)(3), NIRC] Q3 Return November 30 of the same
Every withholding agent required to deduct and Annual Return April 15 of the following year
withhold taxes under Section 57 shall submit to the
Commissioner an annual information return
containing the list of payees and income payments, E.3. PERSONS LIABLE TO FILE INCOME TAX
amount of taxes withheld from each payee and such RETURNS
other pertinent information as may be required by
the Commissioner. [Sec. 58(C), NIRC] E.3.1. Individual Taxpayers
i. General Rule and Exceptions (Sec. 51(A), NIRC)
Every employer required to deduct and withhold the General Rule: The following are required to file
taxes in respect of the wages of his employees shall, income tax returns:
on or before January thirty-first (31st) of the (a) Every Filipino citizen residing in the Philippines
succeeding year, submit to the Commissioner an (b) Every Filipino citizen residing outside the
annual information return containing a list of Philippines on his income from sources within
employees, the total amount of compensation the Philippines
income of each employee, the total amount of taxes (c) Every alien residing in the Philippines, on
withheld therefrom during the year, accompanied by income derived from sources within the
copies of the statement referred to in the preceding Philippines
paragraph, and such other information as may be (d) Every non-resident alien engaged in trade or
deemed necessary. [Sec. 83(B), NIRC] business or in the exercise of profession in the
OF INDIVIDUALS AND CORPORATIONS Note: A grant of tax exemption is not necessariliy an
excuse from the requirement to file a tax return
(1) Individuals [Garrison v. CA, 187 SCRA 525].
Individuals deriving mixed income, or purely
business/professional income, or other income Exceptions:
must file quarterly income tax returns (BIR Form (a) Individuals whose gross income (not
1700 Q), and an annual income tax return (BIR Form necessarily from compensation income)
1700) as follows: (Sec. 74, NIRC) does not exceed his total personal and
additional exemptions for dependents,
Period Due Date for Filing Return except citizens and alien individuals
Q1 Return April 15 of the same year engaged in business or practice of
Q2 Return August 15 of the same year profession within the Philippines who shall
Q3 Return November 15 of the same file income tax returns regardless of the
year amount of gross income.
Annual Return April 15 of the following year (b) Individuals with respect to pure
compensation income derived from
(2) Corporations sources within the Philippines, the income
Domestic corporations and resident foreign tax on which has been withheld except
corporations shall file quarterly corporate income when such compensation has been derived
tax returns (BIR Form 1702 Q) within 60 days after from more than one employer.
the end of the calendar or fiscal quarter used, and
annual corporate income tax return (BIR Form 1702)
PAGE 105 OF 275
(c) A minimum wage earner as defined in Sec. income during the year, and said employee has (iii)
22(HH) of the NIRC, as amended by R.A. No. no taxable other income subject to income tax under
9504. the global tax system. In lieu of the regular tax
(d) Individuals whose sole income has been returns to be filed by the employees, the employer
subjected to final withholding tax pursuant shall file BIR Form 2316 (Certificate of Income Tax
to Sec. 57(A) of the Tax Code. Withheld on Compensation) with the BIR on or
(e) Individuals who are exempt from income before January 31 of the following year. BIR Form
tax pursuant to the provisions of the Tax 2316 shall contain a certification to the effect that
Code and other laws, general or special the employer‘s filing of BIR Form 1604-CF shall be
(Sec. 51, NIRC). considered as a substituted filing of the employee‘s
income tax return to the extent that the amount of
Special Provisions compensation and tax withheld in BIR Form 1604-
Income of non-resident aliens not engaged in trade CF as filed with BIR is consistent with the
or business in the Philippines is subject to corresponding amounts indicated in BIR Form 2316.
withholding income tax to be withheld by the payor However, non-resident citizens who receive purely
thereof. income from foreign sources are no longer required
to file their Philippine income tax return, although
In the case of married persons, whether citizens or they must still file an income tax return covering
aliens, residents or not, who do not derive income income from sources within the Philippines.
purely from compensation, only one consolidated
return to cover the income of both spouses for the E.3.2. Corporate Taxpayers
taxable year shall be filed by either spouse; where it All corporations subject to income tax, except
is impracticable for the spouses to file one foreign corporations not engaged in trade or
consolidated return, each may file a separate return business in the Philippines, shall render quarterly
but the returns so filed shall be consolidated for the income tax returns on a cumulative basis for the
purpose of verification. The husband shall be preceding quarter or quarters upon which their
deemed the head of family entitled to claim the income tax is paid and a final or adjustment return
additional exemption in respect of dependent on or before the 15th day of April or fourth month
children, unless he explicitly waives his right in favor following the close of the fiscal year covering the
of the wife in the withholding exemption certificate entire taxable income of the preceding calendar or
(Sec. 79 (F)(1), NIRC). fiscal year, signed and sworn to by the President,
Vice-President or principal officer and by the
The income of unmarried minors is a tax liability of treasurer or assistant treasurer (Sec. 52(A), NIRC).
the minor but where such income is derived from
property received from a living parent, the income E.4. WHERE TO FILE INCOME TAX RETURNS
shall be included in the return of the parent except
(a) when the donor‘s tax has been paid on such (1) Individuals
property, or (b) when the transfer of such property is Except in cases where the Commissioner otherwise
exempt form the donor‘s tax. permits, the return shall be filed with an authorized
agent bank, Revenue District Officer, Collection
If the taxpayer is unable to make his return, such as Agent or duly authorized Treasurer of the city or
when he suffers from disability, the return may be municipality in which such person has his legal
made by his duly authorized agent or representative residence or principal place of business in the
or by the guardian or other person charged with the Philippines, or if there be no legal residence or place
care of the taxpayer or his property, the principal of business in the Philippines, with the Office of the
and his representative or guardian incurring the Commissioner (Sec. 51(B), NIRC)
penalties for erroneous, false or fraudulent returns.
(2) Corporations
ii. Substituted Filing The return shall be filed at the place where the
Substituted filing of tax returns is required where (i) corporation‘s principal office is located and where
an employee receives purely compensation income its books of accounts and other date are kept;
from a single or one employer who deducted and otherwise, the returns shall be filed and the tax paid
remitted to the BIR the (ii) correct amount of thereon with the Office of the Commissioner of
withholding tax form the employee‘s compensation Internal Revenue.
PAGE 106 OF 275
the excess of the FMV at time of death over the value of General Rule: Donation Inter Vivos are subject to
the consideration received at the time of transfer. Donor‘s Tax.
Despite the transfer of properties and rights at the time Exceptions: Donation Inter Vivos are subject to Estate
of death, the executor or administrator shall not deliver Tax when it is treated by law as substitutes for
a distributive share to any party interested in the estate, testamentary dispositions (i.e., transfers which are inter
unless there is a certification from CIR that estate tax vivos in form but mortis causa in substance)
has been paid. (Sec.94) (a) Transfers in Contemplation of Death [Sec. 85(B),
Time of death governs: (b) Revocable transfers [Sec. 85(C), NIRC]
(1) The determination of the extent of the decedent‘s (c) Transfers of property arising under general power
interest for computing his gross estate. of appointment [Sec. 85(D), NIRC]
(2) The statute that governs estate taxation. (d) Transfers for insufficient consideration [Sec. 85(G),
(3) The accrual of the estate tax. NIRC]
Summary of the Composition of the Gross Estate and Exclusions, Deductions therefrom
Composition and Determination of GROSS Estate
The value at the time of his death of all the deceased‘s: The value at the time of his death of all the deceased‘s:
a. Real property wherever situated a. Real property located in the Phil.
b. Tangible personal property wherever situated b. Tangible personal property located in the Phil.
c. Intangible personal property wherever situated c. Intangible personal property with a situs in the Phil.
(subject to the rule of reciprocity)
Note: If there is reciprocity, intangible assets are
excluded from gross estate
Exclusions from Gross Estate(Sec 85(H) and Sec 87)
a. Separate property of the surviving spouse (Sec. 85 (H))
b. GSIS proceeds/ benefits
c. Accruals from SSS
d. Proceeds of life insurance where the beneficiary is irrevocably appointed
e. Proceeds of life insurance under a group insurance taken by employer
f. War damage payments and Benefits received from US Veterans Administration
g. Transfer by way of bona fide sales
h. Transfer of property to the National Government or to any of its political subdivisions
i. Merger of usufruct in the owner of the naked title (Sec. 87 (A))
j. Properties held in trust by the decedent. Transmission of inheritance or legacy by fiduciary heir or legatee to the
fideicommissay (Sec. 87 (B))
PAGE 112 OF 275
k. Transmission from the first heir, legatee, or done in favour of another beneficiary, in accordance with the desire
of their predecessor (Sec. 87 (C))
l. Acquisition and/or transfer expressly declared as not taxable
m. Bequests, devises, legacies or transfers to social welfare, cultural and charitable institutions, provided that not
more than 30% of said transfer shall be used for administration purposes (Sec. 87 (D))
Deductions from GROSS estate to arrive at the NET estate
Ordinary deductions Ordinary deductions1
(1) Expenses, losses, indebtedness, taxes. (ELIT) (1) Proportionate deductions for (ELIT)2
(a) Funeral expenses (a) Funeral expenses
(b) Judicial expenses (b) Judicial expenses
(c) Claims against the estate (c) Claims against the estate
(d) Claims against insolvent persons (d) Claims against insolvent persons
(e) Unpaid mortgage and debt (e) Unpaid mortgage and debt
(f) Taxes (f) Taxes
(g) Losses (g) Losses
No deduction shall be allowed for NRA, if the executor, administrator, or anyone of the heirs, DID NOT include in the
return required to be filed under Section 90 of the Code the value at the time of the decedent’s death of that part of his
gross estate NOT situated in the Philippines. [Sec. 86 (D), NIRC; Sec 7, RR 2-2003]
Formula for Proportionate Deductions of NRA: Allowable Deduction =
VALUATION OF GROSS ESTATE (SEC 88) (3) Properties not physically in the estate, such as:
General Rule: Gross Estate = FMV at the time of the (a) Transfers in contemplation of death [Sec.
decedent‘s death 85(B), NIRC];
(b) Transfers with retention or reservation of
Real Property certain rights [Sec. 85(B), NIRC];
(1) Appraised value, whichever is higher between: (c) Revocable transfers [Sec. 85(C), NIRC];
(a) FMV, as determined by the Commissioner (d) Property passing under general power of
of Internal Revenue (CIR) (zonal value) or appointment [Sec. 85(D), NIRC];
(b) FMV, as shown in the schedule of values (e) Transfers for insufficient consideration [Sec.
fixed by the Provincial or City Assessor. 85(G), NIRC];
If there is no zonal value, the taxable base (f) Proceeds of life insurance [Sec. 85(E),
is the FMV that appears in the latest tax NIRC];
declaration. (g) Claims against insolvent persons [Sec.
(2) If there is an improvement, the value of 86(A)(d)]; and
improvement is the construction cost per (h) Capital of the surviving spouse [Sec. 85(H),
building permit or the fair market value per NIRC].
latest tax declaration.
Personal Property This includes any interest having value or capable of
(1) FMV at the time of death. being valued which is owned by the decedent
(2) If none, acquisition cost for recently acquired existing at the time of death, such as dividend
properties or the current market price for the declared on or before death, but is received by the
previously acquired properties. (Sec 40(B) estate after death, partnership profits which have
(3) Stocks, bonds, and other securities. accrued before his death, but received after death.
(a) If listed and traded stocks = value is the This also includes those transferred by the decedent
mean between the highest and lowest at the time of his death.
quoted selling prices at the date of death; Note: When decedent had relinquished his interest
if none, nearest the date of death (Sec 5, BEFORE his death, he could not be deemed to have
RR 02-2003) transmitted interest in such property at his death.
(b) If unlisted stocks = book value at time of
death (ordinary common shares) or par TRANSFERS IN CONTEMPLATION OF DEATH (Sec.
value (preferred shares) 85(B))
N.B: Bonds, mortgages, and Certificates of The term ―in contemplation of death‖, as used in
Stocks are taxable at the place where they are estate taxation, does not refer to the general
physically located. expectation of death. The words mean that it is the
(4) Proceeds of Life Insurance with Revocable thought of death, as a controlling motive, which
Beneficiary: face value of policy (not cash induces the disposition of the property for the
surrender value) purpose of avoiding the tax. The decedent‘s motive
is a question of fact. Thus, the imminence of death
Right to Usufruct use or habitation, and annuity may afford convincing evidence of the impelling
(1) Probable life of the beneficiary in accordance cause of transfer. However, it is a contemplation of
with the latest basic standard mortality table death and not necessarily contemplation of
shall be taken into account. imminent death to which the statute refers. These
transfers should be without or with insufficient
ESTATE The law does not specify the number of years prior to
a decedent‘s death within which a transfer can be
Items to be included in the Gross Estate
considered in contemplation of death. (De leon)
[Sec. 85, NIRC]
(1) Property owned by the decedent actually and
physically present in his estate at the time of his
These are transfers with retention or reservation of
(2) Decedent‘s interest;
certain rights that result to the incapacity of
PAGE 114 OF 275
transferee to freely enjoy and dispose of the (ii) Special Power of Appointment: when the
property until the transferor‘s death, and the decedent
transfer may be regarded as having been intended a. can appoint only among a designated
to take effect in possession or enjoyment at the class of persons other than himself,
transferor‘s death. These do not include bona fide his estate, the creditors of his estate,
sale for an adequate and full consideration. or
b. if the power of appointment is
REVOCABLE TRANSFERS (Sec. 85(C)) expressly not exercisable in favor of
General Rule: A transfer is a revocable transfer the decedent, his estate, his creditors,
where: or creditors of his estate.
(1) There is a transfer by trust or otherwise,
(2) The enjoyment thereof was subject at the date General Rule: Property over which the decedent held
of his death to any change through the exercise a power of appointment is excluded in his gross
of a power (in whatever capacity exercisable) estate
(a) The decedent alone; Exception: Included in the gross estate if the
(b) The decedent in conjunction with any other property arises under a general power of
person without regard to when or from what appointment exercised by the decedent:
source the decedent acquired such power, (1) By will; or
to alter, amend, revoke, or terminate; or (2) By deed executed in contemplation of or
(c) Where any such power is relinquished in intended to take effect in possession or
contemplation of the decedent death. enjoyment at or after his death; or
(3) By deed under which he has retained for his life
Exception: Bona fide sale for an adequate and or any period not ascertainable without
full consideration in money or money‘s worth reference to his death or for any period which
does not in fact end before his death –
Note: The power to alter, amend or revoke shall be (a) The possession or enjoyment of, or the right
considered to exist on the date of the decedent‘s to the income from the property; or
death even though: (b) The right either alone or in conjunction with
(a) The exercise of the power is subject to a any person, to designate the persons who
precedent giving of notice, or shall enjoy or possess the property or the
(b) The alteration, amendment or revocation takes income therefrom.
effect only on the expiration of a stated period
after the exercise of the power, whether or not TRANSFERS FOR INSUFFICIENT CONSIDERATION
on or before the date of the decedent‘s death (Sec. 85(G))
notice has been given or the power has been Transfers, trusts, interests, rights, or powers
exercised. (denominated as transfer in contemplation of death,
revocable transfer and property passing under
If notice has not been given or the power has not general power of appointment) made, created,
been exercised before the date of his death, such exercised or relinquished for a consideration in
notice shall be considered to have been given, or the money or money‘s worth, but is NOT a bona fide sale
power exercised, on the date of his death. for an adequate and full consideration in money or
money‘s worth.
OF APPOINTMENT (Sec. 85(D)) The value to be included in the gross estate is the
Power of Appointment – the right to designate the excess of the fair market value of the property at the
person or property who shall enjoy and possess time of the decedent‘s death over the consideration
certain property from the estate of a prior decedent. received.
(i) General Power of Appointment: when it gives to Example:
the decedent the power to appoint any person Case A: If bona fide sale – no value shall be
he pleases including himself. He had a power included in the gross estate
exercisable in favor of himself, his creditors or Case B: If not a bona fide sale - the excess of the fair
creditors of his estate (AmJur) market value at the time of death over the value of
PAGE 115 OF 275
beneficiary he designated in the policy (i.e., whether fully or partially, his debts. A judicial
it‘s revocable), unless he has expressly declaration of insolvency is not required but the
waived this right in said policy. incapacity of the debtor should be proven. As a rule,
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event regardless of the amount the debtor is unable to pay,
the insured does not change the the full amount of the claim against the insolvent
beneficiary during his lifetime, the person should be included in the gross estate of the
designation shall be deemed irrevocable.‖ decedent. The portion of the claim which is not
(2) Accident insurance proceeds as the Tax Code collectible should be allowed as a deduction from
specifically mentions only life insurance the gross estate.
(3) Proceeds of a group insurance policy taken out
by a company for its employees. K. DEDUCTIONS FROM ESTATE
(4) Amount receivable by any beneficiary
irrevocably designated in the policy of Deductions and/or losses already deducted from
insurance by the insured. The transfer is gross income can no longer be deducted from gross
absolute and the insured did not retain any estate. Further, deductions should not be
legal interest in the insurance compensated for by any insurance or extrajudicial
(5) Amount receivable by any beneficiary settlement. Otherwise, they are not valid deductions.
irrevocably designated in the policy of
insurance by the insured. The transfer is K.1. ORDINARY DEDUCTIONS
absolute and the insured did not retain any
legal interest in the insurance 1.A. Expenses, Losses, Indebtedness and Taxes, Etc.
(6) Proceeds of insurance policies issued by the (ELIT)
GSIS to government officials and employees,
which are exempt from all taxes; (PD 1146) i. FUNERAL EXPENSES (Sec. 86 (A)(1)(a))
(i) Benefits accruing under the SSS law (RA Actual funeral expenses shall mean (i) those which
1161) are actually incurred (ii) in connection with, and
(7) Proceeds of life insurance payable to heirs of before the interment or burial of the deceased and
deceased members of military personnel (RA (iii) must be paid out of the estate and not by
360) another person or out of contributions from friends
and relatives. These must be (iv) duly supported by
receipts or invoices or other evidence to show that
CAPITAL OF THE SURVIVING SPOUSE [Sec.85(H), they were actually incurred. They include:
NIRC] (a) The mourning apparel of the surviving spouse
It is NOT part of the gross estate of the deceased and unmarried minor children of the deceased
spouse. (See Exclusions) bought and used on the occasion of the burial;
(b) Expenses for the deceased‘s wake, including
To determine the conjugal or separate character of food and drinks;
proceeds, the following factors are considered: (c) Publication charges for death notices;
(1) Policy was taken before marriage – Source of (d) Telecommunication expenses incurred in
funds determines ownership of the proceeds of informing relatives of the deceased;
life insurance (e) Cost of burial plot, tombstones, monument or
(2) Policy was taken during marriage mausoleum but not their upkeep. In case the
(a) Beneficiary is estate of the insured – deceased owns a family estate or several burial
Proceeds are presumed conjugal; hence, lots, only the value corresponding to the plot
one-half share of the surviving spouse is where he is buried is deductible;
not taxable (f) Interment and/or cremation fees and charges;
(b) Beneficiary is third person – Proceeds are and
payable to beneficiary even in premiums (g) All other expenses incurred for the performance
were paid out of the conjugal of the rites and ceremonies incident to
For estate tax purposes, an insolvent is a person Limitation: Allowable deduction is not to exceed
whose properties are not sufficient to satisfy, P200,000 and whichever is lower of:
PAGE 117 OF 275
(a) Actual funeral expenses (whether paid or Judicial expenses may include:
not) up to the time of interment, or (1) Fees of executor or administrator
(b) An amount equal to 5% of the gross estate. (2) Attorney‘s fees – These refer to the notarial fee
The unpaid portion of the funeral expenses incurred paid for the extrajudicial settlement is
which is in excess of the P200,000 threshold is NOT deductible since such settlement effected a
allowed to be claimed as a deduction under ―claims distribution of the decedent‘s estate to his
against the estate‖. (Sec. 6(A)(1), RR 02-200) lawful heirs. [CIR v. CA (2000)]
N.B. – Compare (1) ACTUAL, (2) 5% GROSS, or (3) (3) Court fees
200K and pick whichever is lower. (4) Accountant‘s fees
(5) Appraiser‘s fees
Not included are: (i) Expenses incurred after the (6) Clerk hire
interment, such as for prayers, masses, (7) Costs of preserving and distributing the estate
entertainment, or the like are not deductible. (ii) Any (8) Costs of storing or maintaining property of the
portion of the funeral and burial expenses borne or estate
defrayed by relatives and friends of the deceased (9) Brokerage fees for selling property of the estate
are not deductible. (iii) Medical expenses as of the Not deductible
last illness will not form part of funeral expenses but (a) Compensation paid to a trustee of the
should be claimed as medical expenses. (Sec. 6, RR decedent‘s estate for his services rendered for
2-2003) the purpose of managing the decedent‘s real
estate for the benefit of the testamentary heirs
Illustrations (Lorenzo v. Posadas)
(a) If five percent (5%) of the gross estate is (b) Expenses incurred by the presumptive heir and
P220,000 and the amount actually incurred is that of her witnesses for appearance at the trial
P215,000, the maximum amount that may be to oppose the probate of a will.
deducted is only P200,000; (c) Attorney‘s fees incident to litigation incurred by
(b) If five percent (5%) of the gross estate is P
the heirs in asserting their respective rights, or
100,000 and the total amount incurred is claims as to who are entitled to the estate left
P150,000 where P20,000 thereof is still by the deceased.
unpaid, the only amount that can be claimed as
(d) Premiums paid by the administrator on his
deduction for funeral expenses is P100,000.
bond, being exclusively used for his account,
The entire P50,000 excess amount consisting
since the giving of the bond is in the nature of a
of P30,000 paid amount and P20,000 unpaid
qualification for the office and not necessary in
amount can no longer be claimed as FUNERAL
the settlement of his estate.
EXPENSES. Neither can the P20,000 unpaid
portion be deducted from the gross estate as
iii. CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE (Sec. 86 (A)(1)(c))
The word ―claims‖ is generally construed to mean (i)
debts or demands of a pecuniary nature (ii) which
could have been enforced against the deceased in
his lifetime and could have been reduced to simple
Expenses allowed as deduction under this category
money judgements. These are liabilities of the
are (i) those incurred in the inventory-taking of
estate or indebtedness of such (iii) arising out of:
assets comprising the gross estate, their
contract, tort, or operation of law. (Dizon v CTA,
administration, the payment of debts of the estate,
as well as the distribution of the estate among the
heirs. They are (ii) incurred during the settlement of
Requisites for Deductibility of Claims Against the
the estate but not beyond the last day prescribed by
law, or the extension thereof, for the filing of the (a) The liability represents a personal obligation of
estate tax return. (Sec. 86 (A)(2), RR 2-2003). the deceased existing at the time of his death
except unpaid obligations incurred incident to
These expenses must be (iii) for the benefit of the
his death such as unpaid funeral expenses (i.e.,
estate, and (iv) substantiated by recipts OR if
expenses incurred up to the time of internment)
unpaid, should be supported by a sworn statement
and unpaid medical expenses which are
of account issued and signed by the creditor.
classified under a different category of
PAGE 118 OF 275
(b) The liability was contracted in good faith and for In case the creditor is an individual who is no
adequate and full consideration in money or longer required to file ITRs with the Bureau, a
money‘s worth duly notarized declaration by the creditor of his
(c) The claim must be a debt or claim which is valid capacity to lend at the time when the loan was
in law and enforceable in court; granted without prejudice to verification that
(d) The indebtedness must not have been may be made by the BIR to substantiate such
condoned by the creditor or the action to collect declaration of the creditor.
from the decedent must not have prescribed.
(e) They must be reasonably certain in amount, and If the creditor is a non-resident, the executor/
substantiated. administrator or any of the legal heirs must
submit a duly notarized declaration by the
Substantiation Requirements creditor of his capacity to lend at the time when
the loan was granted, authenticated or certified
In case of simple loan (including advances): to as such by the tax authority of the country
(1) The debt instrument must be duly notarized at where the non-resident creditor is a resident
the time the indebtedness was incurred, such
as promissory note or contract of loan, except (4) A statement under oath executed by the
for loans granted by financial institutions where administrator or executor of the estate
notarization is not part of the business reflecting the disposition of the proceeds of the
practice/policy of the financial institution- loan if it was contracted within 3 years prior to
lender. the death of the decedent.
(2) Duly notarized Certification from the creditor as If the unpaid obligation arose from purchase of
to the unpaid balance of the debt, including goods or services:
interest as of the time of death. If the creditor (1) Pertinent documents evidencing the purchase
is: of goods or service, such as sales
- CORPORATION: sworn certification should be invoice/delivery receipt (for sale of goods), or
signed by the President, or Vice-President, or contract for the services agreed to be rendered
other principal officer of the corporation. (for sale of services), as duly acknowledged,
- PARTNERSHIP: sworn certification should be executed and signed by decedent-debtor and
signed by any of the general partners. creditor, and statement of account given by the
- BANK/FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: Certification creditor as duly received by the decedent-
shall be executed by the branch manager of the debtor
bank/financial institution which monitors and
manages the loan of the decedent-debtor. (2) Duly notarized certification from the creditor as
- INDIVIDUAL: sworn certification should be to the unpaid balance of the debt, including
signed by him. interest as of the time of death.
In any of these cases, the one who should (3) Certified true copy of the latest audited balance
certify must not be a relative of the borrower sheet of the creditor with a detailed schedule of
within the 4th civil degree, either by its receivable showing the unpaid balance of
consanguinity or affinity, except when a copy of the decedent-debtor. Moreover, a certified true
the promissory note or other evidence of the copy of the updated latest subsidiary
indebtedness must is filed with the RDO having ledger/records of the debtor-decedent, should
jurisdiction over the borrower within 15 days likewise be submitted.
from the execution thereof.
Where the settlement is made through the Court
(3) Proof of financial capacity of the creditor to in a testate or intestate proceeding, pertinent
lend the amount at the time the loan was documents filed with the Court evidencing the
granted, as well as its latest audited balance claims against the estate, and the Court Order
sheet with a detailed schedule of its receivable approving the said claims, if already issued, in
showing the unpaid balance of the decedent- addition to the documents mentioned in the
debtor preceding paragraphs.
In case the loan of the decedent is only an This is an amount allowed to reduce the taxable
accommodation loan where the loan proceeds went estate of a decedent where property:
to another person, the value of the unpaid loan must (1) Received by him from a prior decedent by gift,
be included as a receivable of the estate. If there is bequest, device, or inheritance
a legal impediment to recognize the same as a (2) Transferred to him by gift, has been the object
receivable of the estate, the said unpaid obligation of previous transfer transaction, subject to
shall not be allowed as a deduction. In all instances, transfer tax, either donor‘s tax or estate tax.
the mortgaged property, to the extent of the
decedent‘s interest therein, should always form part Conditions
of the taxable gross estate. (RR 2-2003) (1) There must be 2 deceased persons and the first
one is the donor
Unpaid Taxes (2) The second decedent dies within 5 years after
Requisites for Deductibility the death of a prior decedent, or in case of gift,
(a) Taxes which have accrued as of or before the the decedent-donee dies within the same
death of the decedent (if it was incurred after, it period after the date of the gift.
is chargeable to the income of the estate), and
(b) Unpaid as of the time of his death, regardless of Requisites
whether or not it was incurred in connection (1) Death – The present decedent died within 5
with trade or business years from the date of the prior decedent OR
date of gift.
PAGE 120 OF 275
(2) Identity of the property– The property with (4) Percentage of deductions – The vanishing
respect to which deduction is sought can be deduction shall be the value (final basis) in #3
identified as the one who received from prior multiplied by the ff. percentages:
decedent, or from the donor, or as the property
acquired in exchange for the original property VD If received by inheritance or gift
so received. Rate
(3) Inclusion of the property – The property must 100% Within 1 year prior to the death of the
have formed part of the gross estate situated in present decedent
the Philippines of the prior decedent, or have 80% More than 1 year but not more than 2 years
been included in the total amount of the gifts of prior to the death of the decedent
the donor made within 5 years prior to the 60% More than 2 years but not more than 3
present decedent‘s death. years
(4) Previous taxation of property – The estate tax on 40% More than 3 years but not more than 4
the prior succession, or the donor‘s tax on the years prior to the death of the decedent
gift must have been finally determined and paid 20% More than 4 years but not more than 5
by the prior decedent or by the donor, as the years prior to the death of the decedent
case may be.
(5) No previous vanishing deduction on the FORMULA FOR VANISHING DEDUCTIONS:
property – No such deduction on the property, (please take note of the limitations above)
or the property given in exchange therefor, was
allowed in determining the value of the net Value Taken of Property
estate of the prior decedent. This is intended to Less: Mortgage debt paid, if any
preclude the application of the vanishing
deduction on the same property more than once. = Initial Basis
Less: Proportionate Deduction**
(1) Value of property – The deduction is limited by = Final Basis
the value of property previously taxed or the Multiplied by Deduction Rate
aggregate value of such property if more than
one item, as finally determined for the purpose VANISHING DEDUCTION
of the prior estate tax (or gift tax) or the value of
such property in present decedent‘s gross **Proportionate Deduction
estate, whichever is lower.
(2) Deduction for mortgage or lien – The initial )
value (in number 1 above) shall be reduced by
the total amount paid, if any, by the present
decedent on any mortgage or other lien on the Note: Amount of Vanishing Deductions is NOT
property where a deduction was allowed, by subtracted from the value of the CPG to determine
reason of the payment, of such mortgage or the share of surviving spouse. It is deducted from
other lien from the gross estate of the prior the exclusive property of the decedent.
decedent, or gift or donor, in determining the
estate tax of the prior decedent or the donor‘s 1.C. Transfers for Public Purpose (Sec. 86(A)(3))
tax. These are (i) dispositions in a last will and testament
(3) Deductions for expenses, etc. – The value as or transfers to take effect after death (ii) in favor of
reduced in #2 shall be further reduced by an the Government of the Republic of the Philippines,
amount which bears the same ratio to the or any political subdivision thereof, for exclusively
amounts allowed as deductions for: public purposes. The whole amount of all the
(a) Expenses, losses, indebtedness, and taxes bequests, legacies, devises, or transfers to or for the
(ordinary deductions), and use of shall be deductible from gross estate, (iii)
(b) Transfers for public use as the amount provided such amount or value had been included in
otherwise deductible for property the computation of the gross estate. Thus, there is
previously taxed bears to the value of the no limitation for the amount to be deducted.
decedent‘s gross estate; and
1.D. Amounts Received by Heirs Under RA 4917 (An of his death, as certified by the barangay
Act Providing that Retirement Benefits of Employees captain of the locality.
of Private Firms shall not be subject to attachment, (2) The total value of the family home must be
levy, execution or any tax whatsoever) [Sec. included as part of the gross estate of the
86(A)(7)] decedent
(3) Allowable deduction must be in an amount
Any amount received by the heirs from the equivalent to the current FMV of the family
decedent‘s employer as a consequence of the death home as declared or included in the gross
of the decedent-employee in accordance with RA estate, or the extent of the decedent‘s interest
4917, provided that such amount is included in the (whether conjugal/community or exclusive
gross estate of the decedent. These include: property), whichever is lower, but in no case
(1) Retirement benefits from private firms with shall the deduction exceed P1,000,000.
private benefit plan, if the retiring employee is (4) The decedent was married or if single, was a
50 years old or older. This can only be availed head of the family.
once. (5) Along with the decedent, any of the
(2) Benefits granted in case of separation beyond beneficiaries must be dwelling in the family
the control of the employee. home.
(6) The family home as well as the land on which it
SPECIAL DEDUCTIONS stands must be owned by the decedent.
Therefore, the FMV of the family home should
(A) Family Home (Sec. 86(A)(4)) have been included in the computation of the
It is the dwelling house, including the land on which decedent‘s gross estate.
it is situated, where the husband and wife, or a head
of the family, and members of their family reside, as Beneficiaries of a Family Home
certified to by the Barangay Captain of the locality. It (1) The husband and wife, or an unmarried person
is deemed constituted on the house and lot from the who is the head of a family; and
time it is actually occupied as the family residence (2) Their parents, ascendants, descendants,
and considered as such for as long as any of its brothers and sisters, whether the relationship
beneficiaries actually resides therein. (Arts. 152 and be legitimate or illegitimate, who are living in
153, Family Code) the family home and who depend upon the
head of the family for legal support.
Temporary absence from the constituted family
home due to travel or studies or work abroad, etc. Limitation: P1,000,000
does not interrupt actual occupancy. The family
home is generally characterized by permanency, (B) Standard Deduction (Sec. 86(A)(5), Sec. 6(E),
that is, the place to which, whenever absent for RR 2-2003)
business or pleasure, one still intends to return. An amount equivalent to one million pesos
(Sec. 6(D), RR 2-2003) (P1,000,000) shall be deducted from the gross
estate without need of substantiation.
It must be part of the ACP or CPG, or the exclusive
properties of either spouse. It may also be
constituted by an unmarried head of a family on his (C) Medical Expenses (Sec. 86(A)(6); Sec. 6(F), RR
or her own property. (Sec. 6(D), RR 2-2003 citing Art. 2-2003)
156, FC). All medical expenses (cost of medicine, hospital
bills, doctors‘ fees, etc.) incurred (whether paid or
For purposes of availing this deduction, a person unpaid).
may constitute only one family home. Sec. 6(D), RR
2-2003 citing Art. 161, FC. Requisites for Deductibility
1. The expenses were incurred by the decedent
Requisites for Deductibility (Sec. 6(D)(b), RR 2- within 1 year prior to his death
2003) 2. The expenses are duly substantiated with receipts
(1) The family home must be the actual residential and other documents in support thereof
home of the decedent and his family at the time
or by either or both (1) Where net estate does not exceed P200,000.
spouses. (Art. 118, (Sec. 84)
Family Code) (2) The following transmissions shall not be taxed:
(3) Whenever an (a) Merger of the usufruct in the owner of the
amount or credit naked title
payable within a (b) Transmission or delivery of the inheritance
period of time or legacy by the fiduciary heir or legatee to
belongs to one of the the fideicomissary
spouses, the sums (c) The transmission from the first heir,
collated during the legatee, or done in favor of another
marriage in partial beneficiary in accordance with the desire
payments or by of the predecessor
instalments on the (d) All bequests, devises, legacies, or transfers
principal are to social welfare, cultural and charitable
considered the institutions, no part of the net income of
exclusive property of which inures to the benefit of any
the spouse. individual, and provided that not more
However, interest than 30% of the said bequests, etc shall
falling due during be used by such institution for
the marriage on the administration purposes.
principal belong to
the conjugal Note: Effectivity of Family Code (Aug 3, 1988)
partnership. Exemptions under special laws
(4) All property acquired (1) Benefits received by members from the GSIS
during the marriage and the SSS by reason of death
whether the (2) Amounts received from the Philippines and US
acquisition appears governments for damages suffered during the
to have been made, last war.
contracted or (3) Benefits received by beneficiaries residing in
registered in the the Philippines under laws administered by the
name of one or both US Veteran Administration
spouses,, is (4) Bequests, legacies, or donations mortis causa
presumed to belong to social welfare, cultural, or charitable
to the conjugal organizations. Bequests to be used actually,
partnership, unless directly and exclusively for educational
it is proved that it purposes are also exempt from tax.
pertains exclusively (5) Grants and donations to the Intramuros
to the husband or to Administration
the wife.
If separation of property governs property relations
Separation of property may refer to present or future M. TAX CREDIT FOR ESTATE TAXES
property or both. It may be total or partial. In the PAID IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY
latter case, the property not agreed upon as It is a remedy against international double taxation.
separate shall pertain to the absolute community. To minimize the onerous effect of taxing the same
(Art. 144, Family Code) property twice, tax credit against Philippine estate
tax is allowed for estate taxes paid to foreign
To each spouse shall belong all earnings from his or countries.
her profession, business or industry, and all fruits,
natural, industrial, or civil, due or received during Who may claim: RC/NRC/RA. Only the estate of a
the marriage from his or her separate property. (Art. decedent who was a citizen or a resident of the
145, Family Code) Philippines at the time of his death can claim tax
credit for any estate tax paid to a foreign country.
PAGE 124 OF 275
General Rule
The estate tax imposed by the NIRC shall be
credited with the amounts of any estate tax imposed
by the authority of a foreign country.
Limitations on Credit
A. For Estate Taxes paid to one foreign country (Specific Country Limitation)
The amount of the credit in respect to the tax paid to any country shall not exceed the same proportion of the tax against
which such credit is taken, which the decedent's net estate situated within such country taxable under the tax code bears
to his entire net estate.
Compare the tax credit allowed under Limitation A and Limitation B. The lower of the two amounts is the final allowable
tax credit. In this case, the amount computed under Limitation A (4,400) is lower, thus it becomes the final allowable tax
If there is only one foreign country involved, both limitations will yield the same answer.
The resulting amount will be compared to the actual tax paid to the foreign country. The lower amount will be the final
allowable tax credit.
Net taxable estate is P500,000 (1,050,000 + 300,000 + 150,000 – 1,000,000 standard deduction). The Philippine
estate tax on P500,000 is P15,000
Solution – Limitation A
(1) Apply Formula A. The result after applying the formula above is compared to the tax actually paid for each foreign
(2) The lower of the two amounts for each foreign country will be added to get the total tax credit allowed under
Limitation A.
Solution – Limitation B:
(1) Apply Formula B. The result after applying the formula above is compared to the tax actually paid in total to foreign
(2) The lower of the two amounts will be added to get the total tax credit allowed under Limitation B.
The foregoing provisions notwithstanding, the CIR Can estate tax be paid in installments? Yes!
may continue to exercise his power to allow a In case the available cash of the estate is not
different venue/place in the filing of tax returns. sufficient to pay its total estate tax liability, the
estate may be allowed to pay the tax by installment
Payment: Pay as you file and a clearance shall be released only with respect
At the time the return is filed by the executor, to the property the corresponding/computed tax on
administrator or the heirs. which has been paid. (Sec. 9(F), RR 2-2003)
The executor or administrator, or if there is none
appointed, qualified, and acting within the Who are liable for the payment of estate taxes
Philippines, then any person in actual or Primarily, the estate, through the executor or
constructive possession of any property of the administrator.
decedent. The estate tax shall be paid by the (1) Payment shall be made before the delivery of
executor or administrator before the delivery of the the distributive share in the inheritance to any
distributive share in the inheritance to any heir or heir or beneficiary.
beneficiary. (2) If there are two or more executors or
administrators, all of them are severally liable
Exception: In meritorious cases, the CIR may grant a for the payment of the tax.
reasonable extension not exceeding 30 days from (3) The estate tax clearance issued by the CIR or
filing. the RDO having jurisdiction over the estate, will
serve as the authority to distribute the
Extension of Payment (Sec. 9(E), RR 2-2003) remaining properties/share in the inheritance
The CIR may allow an extension of payment, if he to the heir or beneficiary.
finds that the payment on the due date of the estate
tax or of any part thereof would impose undue Subsidiarily, heirs or beneficiaries, for the payment
hardship upon the estate or any of the heirs: of that portion of the estate which his distributive
(1) Extension not to exceed 5 years, in case the share bears to the value of the total net estate.
estate is settled judicially, or The extent of his liability, however, shall in no case
(2) 2 years in case the estate is settled exceed the value of his share in the inheritance.
Claims for taxes, whether assessed before or after
Where the taxes are assessed by reason of the death of the deceased, can be collected from
negligence, intentional disregard of rules and the heirs even after the distribution of the properties
regulations, or fraud on the part of the taxpayer, no of the decedent, xxx. The heirs shall be liable
extension will be granted by the CIR. therefor, in proportion to their share in the
inheritance. Marcos v. CA (1997)
If extension granted, the CIR may require the
executor, or administrator, or beneficiary, as the Tax deficiency after distribution of properties
case may be, to furnish a bond in such amount, not (1) Sue all the heirs and collect from each of them
exceeding double the amount of the tax and with the amount of tax proportionate to the
such sureties as the CIR deems necessary, inheritance received
conditioned upon the payment of the said tax in (2) By virtue of a lien created under Sec 219, sue
accordance with the terms of the extension. only one heir and subject the property he
PAGE 129 OF 275
If donor is:
II. Donor’s Tax RC/NRC/RA = liable for donor‘s tax REGARDLESS of
where the gift was made or where property is located
NRA = liable for donor‘s tax only if the property donated
The donor‘s tax is imposed on donations inter vivos or is within the Philippines.
those made between living persons to take effect during
the lifetime of the donor. It supplements the estate tax E. REQUISITES OF VALID DONATION
by preventing the avoidance of the latter through the (Art 725, NCC)
device of donating the property during the lifetime of
the deceased. Requisites of a VALID and COMPLETE donation
(1) Donative intent of the donor3
It shall not apply unless and until there is a completed (2) Capacity of the donor
gift. The transfer of property by gift is perfected from the (3) Delivery of the donated property
moment the donor knows of the acceptance by the (4) Acceptance of the donee
donee; it is completed by delivery, either actually or (5) Donation must be in the proper form
constructively, of the donated property, to the donee. (a) Movable: orally or in writing if value is equal to
Thus, the law in force at the time of the or less than P5,000. Otherwise, it shall be in
perfection/completion of the donation shall govern the writing.
imposition of the donor‘s tax. (Sec. 11, RR 2-2003) (b) Immovable: must be made in a public
B. DEFINITION Re: acceptance (Sec. 11, RR 2-2003)
(1) For movables exceeding 5K – Acceptance shall be
A donor‘s tax is levied, assessed, collected and paid in writing (Art. 748, Civil Code)
upon the transfer by any person, resident or nonresident, (2) For immovable (Art. 749, Civil Code) –
of the property by gift. (Sec. 98(A), NIRC). It shall apply (a) Must be in the same deed of donation; or
whether the transfer is in trust or otherwise, whether the (b) In a separate public document – the donor
gift is direct or indirect, and whether the property is real shall be notified thereof in an authentic form,
or personal, tangible or intangible. [Sec. 98(B), NIRC] and this step shall be noted in both
It is the tax on donations. Thus, it is a tax on (i) an act of (c) But it shall not take effect unless it is done
the donor disposing gratuitously of a thing/right in during the lifetime of the donor.
favour of a done located within the Philippines, and on
(ii) sales/exchanges of properties, other than real A gift that is incomplete because of reserved powers
property (defined in Sec 24D) classified as capital asset becomes complete when either:
within the Philippines, for less than adequate and full (a) the donor renounces the power OR
consideration in money or money‘s worth. (b) his right to exercise the reserved power ceases
because of the happening of some event or
C. NATURE contingency or the fulfillment of some
condition, other than because of the donor‘s
Donor‘s tax is not a property tax but a tax imposed on death. [Sec. 11, RR 2-2003]
the transfer of property by way of gift inter vivos. [Sec 11,
RR 2-2003 citing Lladoc v. CIR (1965)] F. TRANSFERS WHICH MAY BE
(1) Sale, exchange or transfer of property for
(1) To supplement estate tax; insufficient consideration
(2) To prevent avoidance of income tax through the (2) Condonation or remission of debt where the debtor
device of splitting income among numerous did not render service in favor of the creditor
donees, who are usually members of a family or
into many trusts, with the donor thereby escaping
the effect of the progressive rates of income tax.
Note: The transfers which may be constituted as
donation is exempt from the donative intent requirement.
PAGE 131 OF 275
Condonation or remission of debt is defined as an In this case, the amount by which the fair market value
act of liberality, by virtue of which, without of the property exceed the value of the consideration
receiving any equivalent, the creditor renounces shall be considered a gift.
the enforcement of the obligation, which is H. CLASSIFICATION OF DONOR
extinguished in its entirety or in that part or aspect
of the same to which the remission refers. It is an Donor‘s Tax applies to individuals and corporations (in
essential characteristic of remission that it be their secondary purpose). They may be classified into:
gratuitous, that there is no equivalent received for (a) Residents (RC/RA/DC/RFC)
the benefit given; once such equivalent exists, the (b) Non-Residents (NRC/NRA/NRFC)
nature of the act changes. It may become dation in Such classification is important in determining the
payment when the creditor receives a thing deductions from the gross gift of the donor, and in filing
different from that stipulated; or novation, when the return.
the object or principal conditions of the obligation
should be changed; or compromise, when the Situs of Intangible Personal Properties
matter renounced is in litigation or dispute and in General Rule: Mobilia Sequuntur Personam Principle:
exchange of some concession which the creditor Taxation of intangible personal properties (such as
receives. (Dizon v CTA, 2008) credits, bills, bank deposits promissory notes, and
corporate stocks) follows the residence/domicile of
(3) Renunciation in favor of other heirs (Sec 11, RR 2- owner thereof. Situs is the domicile or residence of the
2003) owner. (Collector v Fisher)
(a) Renunciation by the surviving spouse of their Exceptions:
share in the ACP/CPG after the dissolution of (1) When it is inconsistent with express provisions of
the marriage in favor of heirs of the deceased law
spouse or any other person/s (2) When justice does not demand that it should be, as
(b) Renunciation by an heir, specifically and where the property in fact has a situs elsewhere
categorically in favor of identified heir/s to the
exclusion or disadvantage of the other co-heirs Rule of Reciprocity
in the hereditary estate Same as in Estate Tax. See discussion above.
However, general renunciation by an heir,
including the surviving spouse, of their share in
the hereditary estate left by the decedent is
NOT subject to DT
Composition and Determination of Gross Gift
(a) Real property wherever situated (a) Real property located in the Phil.
(b) Tangible personal property wherever situated (b) Tangible personal property located in the Phil.,
(c) Intangible personal property wherever situated (c) Intangible personal property with a situs in the Phil.
(subject to the rule of reciprocity)
(2) Gifts made to or for the use of the National Government or any entity created by any of its agencies which is not
conducted for profit, or to any political subdivision of the said Government.
(3) Gifts in favor of an educational and/or charitable, religious, cultural or social welfare corporation, institution,
accredited nongovernment organization, trust or philanthropic organization or research institution or organization,
Provided not more than 30% of said gifts will be used by such donee for administration purposes.
Common Exemptions
(1) Encumbrances on the property donated if assumed by the donee in the deed of donation.
(2) Donations made to entities exempted under special laws
NOT SUBJECT TO DONOR‘S TAX the amount by which the FMV of the property at the time
(1) Contributions to candidate or political party for of the execution of the Contract to Sell or execution of
campaign purposes duly reported to COMELEC the Deed of Sale which is not preceded by a Contract to
(2) Gift to Parish Priest or Church (applies only to real Sell exceeded the value of the agreed or actual
property tax) consideration or selling price shall be deemed a gift,
(3) Onerous Donations or Donations in exchange for and shall be included in computing the amount of gifts
goods/services (since they are subject to income made during the calendar year. [Sec. 11, RR 2-2003]
tax) N.B. – Applies also to sale, barter, or exchange of
shares of stock not listed and traded in a local stock
SUBJECT TO DONOR‘S TAX exchange at prices below the FMV. (Sec. 7, RR 6-2008)
Gratuitous Donations to Homeowners‘ Association
However, where the consideration is fictitious, the
J. VALUATION OF GIFTS MADE IN entire value of the property shall be subject to donor‘s
Where property is transferred for less than an adequate
and full consideration in money or money‘s worth, then
PAGE 134 OF 275
2. Worldwide Limit
Tax Rate
Net Gift Over But not Over The Tax Shall be Plus Of the Excess Over
100,000.00 Exempt
100,000.00 200,000.00 0 2% 100,000.00
200,000.00 500,000.00 P 2,000.00 4% 200,000.00
500,000.00 1,000,000.00 14,000.00 6% 500,000.00
1,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 44,000.00 8% 1,000,000.00
3,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 204,000.00 10% 3,000,000.00
5,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 404,000.00 12% 5,000,000.00
10,000,000.00 and over 1,004,000.00 15% 10,000,000.00
(1) Rate applicable shall be based on the law prevailing at the time of donation.
(2) When the gifts are made during the same calendar year but on different dates, the donor's tax shall be computed
based on the total net gifts during the year.
Donation made to a stranger is subject to 30% of the net gift. A stranger is a person who is not a:
Brother, sister (whether by whole or half blood), spouse, ancestor and lineal descendants; or
Relative by consanguinity in the collateral line within the fourth degree of relationship.
Estate Tax Donor‘s Tax
Time for filing a return and payment of tax
FILED: within six (6) months from the decedent's death. NOTE: separate return is filed for each gift made on different dates
E: not exceeding 30 days (in meritorious cases) during the year reflecting therein any previous net gifts made in the
same calendar year.
NB: Written notice of death to CIR w/in 2 mos. After death
FILED: within thirty (30) days after the gift (donation) is made
PAID: before the delivery of the distributive share in the
inheritance to any heir or beneficiary; upon filing of return. In case of donation to relatives, only one return shall be filed for
E: extension (when payment on the due date would impose undue several gifts by the donor to the different donees on the same date.
hardship) not to exceed
1. 5 years, in case the estate is settled through the courts; or If the gift involves CPG, each spouse shall file separate return wrt
2. 2 years in case the estate is settled extra-judicially. his/her respective share in the CPG.
If w/ Aor, Eor in Phil = to the AAB of the RDO where such Aor,Eor is Treasurer where the donor was domiciled at the time of the
registered/domiciled, if not yet registered with the BIR. transfer,
If w/o Aor,Eor in Phil = to AAB under the jurisdiction of RDO No.
39 (2) If no legal residence in Phil or NRA = with Revenue District No.
39 - South Quezon City or with the Philippine Embassy or
Consulate in the country where donor is domiciled at the time
of the transfer.
(1) The Philippine Embassy or Consulate in the country where he is
domiciled at the time of the transfer, or
(2) Directly with the Office of the Commissioner.
NB: Eor/Aor has the primary obligation to pay the estate tax but
the heir or beneficiary has subsidiary liability for the payment of
that portion of the estate which his distributive share bears to the
value of the total net estate. The extent of his liability, however,
shall in no case exceed the value of his share in the inheritance.
Net Estate
Less: (Special Deductions10)
Standard Deduction
Family Home If only 1 country is involved: (whichever is lower)
Medical Expenses
Amounts received by heirs Estate Tax Credit =
Net Taxable Estate (before share of surviving OR actual estate tax paid to foreign country
If two or more countries are involved: (whichever is lower)
Less: Share of Surviving Spouse
Estate Tax Credit =
Net Taxable Estate
Multiply by Tax Rate
Estate Tax Due
Less: Tax Credit11, if any OR actual estate tax paid to foreign country
DO NOT INCLUDE: Exemptions
Amount included in the GE = FMV at the time of death – consideration amount
Accrued before his death but only received after his death, e.g., dividends declared on/before, and received after death;
partnership’s profit earned on/before and received after, accrued interest and rents on/before and collected after death
Beneficiary must be the estate of the decedent, E/Aor or a third person. If premiums are paid using conjugal funds, part
of conjugal funds.
Full amount of the receivable. However, the uncollectible amount may be deducted from GE under ELIT.
If NRA, Allowable Deduction wrt ELIT =
These are not allowable deductions when TP is NRA.
Applies only to RC/NRC/RA
PAGE 140 OF 275
Tax Credit =
w/ w/
Tax Credit =
w/ w/
w/ w/
Applies only to RC/NRC/RA
Applies only to RC/NRC/RA
PAGE 141 OF 275
the case of importation, the importer is the one The statutory taxpayer, One who bears the
liable for the VAT. (Sec. 4.105.2, RR 16-2005) the one from whom the burden of taxation
government collects.
General Features: Seller/Importer – Buyer/Final Consumer –
(1) VAT uses the Tax Credit Method Seller/Importer is the the buyer is the one who
(2) All goods, properties and services (except one who collects the tax bears the burden of the
exempt transactions) including goods subject and pays to the taxation.
to excise taxes, and use or lease of properties, government
whether real or 144ersonal, are subject to tax
at all levels of distribution. E. TAX CREDIT METHOD
(3) Although tax is levied at all stages, the
cumulative effect is that the final value of the A taxpayer‘s tax payable is the excess of output tax
goods sold to the ultimate consumers is taxed over input tax:
only once.
(4) VAT, as a general rule, follow the destination OUTPUT VAT – INPUT VAT = VAT PAYABLE
principle (goods and services are taxed only in
the country where they are consumed). Under the VAT method of taxation, which is invoice-
Therefore, no VAT shall be imposed to form part based, an entity can subtract from the VAT charged
of the cost of goods destined for consumption on its sales or outputs the VAT it paid on its
outside the territorial border of the taxing purchases, inputs and imports. [CIR v. Seagate
authority. (2005)].
Elements of a VAT-taxable transaction in general Input tax – the VAT due on or paid by a VAT-
1. There must be a sale, barter, exchange, or registered person on importation of goods or local
lease in the Philippines purchases of goods, properties, or services,
2. The subject matter must be taxable goods or including lease or use of properties, in the course of
properties or services his trade or business.
GR: The sale must be made by a taxable (1) It includes the transitional input tax and the
person in the course of trade or business or in presumptive input tax as determined in
the furtherance of their profession. accordance with Section 111 of the Code.
Exception: In the case of importation of goods, (2) It includes input taxes which can be directly
the transaction is taxable whether or not done attributed to transactions subject to the VAT
in the course of business. plus a ratable portion of any input tax which
cannot be directly attributed to either the
Meaning of ―in the course of trade or business‖ taxable or exempt activity.
Means the regular conduct of pursuit of a (3) Input tax must be evidenced by a VAT invoice or
commercial or an economic activity, including official receipt issued by a VAT-registered
transactions incidental thereto, by any person person in accordance with Secs. 113 and 237
regardless of whether or not the person engaged of the Code. [RR 16-2005]
therein is a nonstock, nonprofit private organization
(irrespective of the disposition of its net income and Output tax – the VAT due on the sale or lease of
whether or not it sells exclusively to members or taxable goods or properties or services by any
their guests), or government entity. person registered or required to register under
Section 236 of the Code.
N.B. – Services rendered by non-resident foreign
persons shall be considered as being rendered in If at the end of any taxable month or quarter:
the course of trade or business, even if the (a) The output tax exceeds the input tax, the excess
performance of services is not regular (Section shall be paid by the VAT-registered person
4.105-3, RR No. 16-2005) (b) The input tax exceeds the output tax, the excess
shall be carried over to the succeeding quarter
D. IMPACT OF TAX V. INCIDENT OF TAX or quarters [Sec. 110(B), NIRC]
As a general rule, the VAT system uses the impose the VAT. Performed in the Philippines, such
destination principle as a basis for the jurisdictional service is necessarily subject to its jurisdiction, for
reach of the tax. Goods and services are taxed only the State necessarily has to have ―a substantial
in the country where they are consumed. Thus, connection‖ to it, in order to enforce a zero rate. The
exports are zero-rated, while imports are taxed. [CIR place of payment is immaterial; much less is the
v. American Express International (2005)] place where the output of the service will be further
or ultimately used. [CIR v. American Express
N.B. – Cross Border Doctrine mandates that no VAT International (2005)]
shall be imposed to form part of the cost of the
goods destined for consumption outside the G. PERSONS LIABLE
territorial border of the taxing authority. Transactions subject to VAT:
1. Sale, Barter or Exchange of Goods or Properties
Atlas Consolidated Mining & Dev. Corp. v. CIR 2. Sale of Services, including Lease or use of
(2007): Actual export of goods and services from the Properties
Philippines to a foreign country must be free of VAT, 3. Importation of Goods.
while those destined for use or consumption within
the Philippines shall be imposed with 12% VAT. Persons Liable:
[Deoferio Jr. and Mamalateo, p. 422] 1. Any person who sells, barters, exchanges, or
leases goods or properties, or who renders
Exception to destination principle – Sec. services, in the course of trade or business
108(b)(2)14 a. Exception – A non-VAT- registered
person whose annual gross sales or
Sec. 108(b)(2), which subjects certain services receipts does not exceed P1,919,500.
rendered in the Philippines to a zero-rated VAT, is an 2. Any person who imports goods, whether or not
exception under the destination principle. The Court in the course of business
in CIR v. AMEX (2005) enumerated the requisites to
fall under that provision. The term ―person‖ refers to any individual, trust,
1. The service is performed in the Philippines; estate, partnership, corporation, joint venture,
2. the service falls under any of the categories cooperative or association (Sec. 4.105-1, RR 16-
provided in Section 102(b) of the Tax Code; 2005).
3. it is paid for in acceptable foreign currency General Rule: VAT and Percentage Tax cannot be
that is accounted for in accordance with charged together. It‘s either the transaction is under
the regulations of the BSP. VAT or Other Percentage Tax.
In that case, the Court held that a ruling providing Exception: When one erroneously declares himself
that the service must be ―destined for consumption to VAT registered.
outside of the Philippines‖ in order to qualify for
zero rating contravenes both the law and the H. VAT ON SALE OF GOODS OR
regulations issued pursuant to it. The Court held that
such ruling was ultra vires and therefore void.
(Sec. 106, NIRC); N.B. – the end-user is the one who exempt
is actually burdened with the tax since the tax is
passed on to him. Residential If SP > 3,199,200.00 = subject
House and to VAT
Lot IF SP ≤ 3,199,200.00 = VAT-
Meaning of goods or properties exempt
Goods or properties – all tangible and intangible
objects which are capable of pecuniary estimation, Sales of real properties subject to VAT – Sale of real
including: properties held primarily for sale to customers or
(1) Real properties held primarily for sale to held for lease in the ordinary course of trade or
customers or held for lease in the ordinary business of the seller shall be subject to VAT. (Sec.
course of trade or business; 4.106-3, RR 16-2005)
(2) The right or the privilege to use patent,
copyright, design, or model, plan, secret Types of sales of real estate; Effects
formula or process, goodwill, trademark, trade 1. Cash sale – entire selling price taxable in the
brand or other like property or right; month of the sale.
(3) The right or the privilege to use in the 2. Installment sales
Philippines of any industrial, commercial or a. Meaning of installment sale – initial
scientific equipment; payments of which in the year of sale ≤
(4) The right or the privilege to use motion picture 25% GSP
films, films tapes and discs; b. Effect – the real estate dealer shall be
(5) Radio, television, satellite transmission and subject to VAT on the installment
cable television time. payments, including interest and
penalties, actually and/or
Goods/Personal Properties constructively received by the seller.
(i) Actual/deemed sale for a valuable 3. Deferred sales
consideration a. Meaning – initial payments exceed
(ii) For use or consumption in the Phil (regardless 25% of the GSP
of the payment arrangements) b. Effect – Treated as a cash sale which
(iii) Not exempt from VAT (NIRC, special law, special makes the entire selling price taxable
agreement) in month of sale
4. Tax free exchanges under Sec. 40[C][2] are not
Special rules subject to VAT.
Sale of Real Properties (RP)
Casual Sale Subject to CGT (6%) Reference: Sec. 4.106-3, RR 16-2005
(Capital Assets)
Meaning of GSP – total amount of money or its
Regular Sales
equivalent which the purchaser pays or is obligated
to pay to the seller in consideration of the sale,
barter or exchange of the goods or properties,
Commercial Subject to 12% VAT
excluding VAT. The excise tax, if any, on such goods
or properties shall form part of the gross selling
Residential If monthly rental ≤ 12,800 = VAT
Units (Lease) and OPT-exempt
In the case of sale, barter or exchange of real
If monthly rental > 12,800 but
property subject to VAT, GSP shall mean:
aggregate annual rentals
1. The consideration stated in the sales document
≤1,919,500 = subject to OPT or
If monthly rental > 12,800 and 2. The fair market value (FMV) whichever is higher.
aggregate annual rentals >
1,919,500 = subject to VAT Meaning of FMV – Whichever is higher of the
Residential If SP > 1,919,500.00 = subject following:
Lot to VAT 1. The fair market value as determined by the CIR
IF SP ≤ 1,919,500.00 = VAT- (zonal value) or
PAGE 146 OF 275
2. The fair market value as shown in schedule of Exception: However, if the property
values of the Provincial and City Assessors (real transferred is originally intended for sale, lease
property tax declaration). or use in the ordinary course of trade or
business AND the transfer constitutes a
General Rule: GSP is the total amount of money completed gift, the transfer is subject to VAT as
paid in consideration of sale, barter, exchange, or a deemed sale transaction. The transfer is a
lease. completed gift if the transferor divests himself
absolutely of control over the property, i.e.,
Excludes: VAT, sales discounts and, allowances irrevocable transfer of corpus and/or
and returns (See Section on Allowable Discounts) irrevocable designation of beneficiary.
(7) Transfer to corporation in exchange of shares of
Includes: Excise tax paid, initial payments 15 , stocks (see Sec. 40, NIRC for Tax-free
interests and penalties (if instalment), commission exchange)
income (if exported), purchase price, charges for (8) Advance payment by the lessee
packing, delivery and insurance (9) Security deposits for lease agreements.17
the amount forming part of the gross sales (a) Any enterprise whose export sales exceed
duly recorded in the books of accounts. 70% of the total annual production of the
(c) Credits for allowances to cover roll back in preceding taxable year shall be considered
prices and other adjustments are not an export-oriented enterprise upon
deductible. accreditation under the rules & regulations
of Export Development Act, RA 7844 (RR 7-
PROPERTIES, AND EFFECTIVELY ZERO- (4) Sale of gold to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
RATED SALES OF GOODS OR (5) The sale of goods, supplies, equipment and fuel
PROPERTIES to persons engaged in international shipping or
international air transport operations (RA 9337)
Rate: 0% Output VAT; 12% Input VAT (a) Limited to goods, supplies, equipment and
Transactions: Every sale, barter or exchange, or fuel pertaining to or attributable to the
transactions ―deemed sale‖ of taxable goods or transport of goods and passengers from a
properties (RR 16-2005) port in the Phil. directly to a foreign port
without docking or stopping at any other
Concept – A zero-rated sale of goods or properties port in the Phil.
by a VAT-registered person is a taxable transaction (b) If any portion of such fuel, goods, or
for VAT purposes, but shall not result in any output supplies is used for purposes other than
tax. However, the input tax on purchases of goods, that mentioned, such portion of fuel, goods,
properties or services, related to such zero-rated and supplies shall be subject to 12% VAT.
sale, shall be available as tax credit or refund. (RR 16-2005)
(6) Those considered export sales under the
Transaction is subject to VAT but at 0% instead of Omnibus Investment Code of 1987, and other
12%. special laws (ex. Bases Conversion &
(1) Export Sales Development Act of 1992)
(2) Foreign Currency Denominated Sales
(3) Sales of Goods or Property to persons or Under Omnibus Investment Code (EO 226):
entities who are tax-exempt/Effectively Zero- Considered Export Sales
Rated Sales (1) Phil. port FOB value of export products
exported directly by a registered export
Export Sales [Sec. 106(A)(2)(a), NIRC] producer; OR
(2) Net selling price of export products sold by a
(1) The (i) sale and actual shipment of goods from registered export producer to another export
the Philippines to a foreign country AND (ii) paid producer, or to an export trader that
for in acceptable foreign currency or its subsequently exports the same (only when
equivalent in goods or services, AND (iii) actually exported by the latter) evidenced by
accounted for in accordance with the rules and landing certificates.
regulations of the BSP
(2) (i) Sale of raw materials or packaging materials Constructive Exports (without actual exportation):
to a nonresident buyer (ii) for delivery to a (1) Sales to bonded manufacturing warehouses of
resident local export-oriented enterprise (iii) to export-oriented manufacturers;
be used in manufacturing, processing, packing (2) Sales to export processing zones (RA 7916);
or repacking in the Philippines of the said (3) Sales to registered export traders operating
buyer's goods AND (iv) paid for in acceptable bonded trading warehouses supplying raw
foreign currency AND (v) accounted for in materials in the manufacture of export
accordance with the rules and regulations of products (RA 7227)
the BSP. (4) Sales to diplomatic missions and other
(3) (i) Sale of raw materials or packaging materials agencies and/or instrumentalities granted tax
(ii) to export-oriented enterprise (iii) whose immunities, of locally manufactured,
export sales exceed seventy percent (70%) of assembled or repacked products, whether paid
total annual production. for in foreign currency or not.
Foreign Currency Denominated Sale (FCDS) ―Customs Territory‖ shall mean the national territory
(1) (i) Sale to a nonresident of goods (except those of the Philippines outside of the proclaimed
mentioned in Sections 149 and 150 i.e., boundaries of the ECOZONES except those areas
automobiles and non-essential goods like specifically declared by other laws and/or
jewelry, perfume, and yachts), (ii) assembled or presidential proclamations to have the status of
manufactured in the Philippines (iii) for delivery special economic zones and/or free ports. [Sec. 2(g),
to a resident in the Philippines (iv) paid for in Rule 1, Part I, RA 7916-IRR]
acceptable foreign currency AND (v) accounted
for in accordance with the rules and regulations (2) By a VAT-Exempt Supplier from the Customs
of the BSP. Territory to a PEZA registered enterprise
(2) (i) Sales of locally manufactured or assembled
goods (ii) for household and personal use (iii) to Sale of goods, property and services by VAT-Exempt
Filipinos abroad and other non-residents of the supplier from the Customs Territory to a PEZA
Philippines as well as returning Overseas registered enterprise shall be treated EXEMPT FROM
Filipinos under the Internal Export Program of VAT, regardless of whether or not the PEZA
the government (iv) paid for in convertible registered buyer is subject to taxes under the NIRC
foreign currency AND (v) accounted for in or enjoying the 5% special tax regime.
accordance with the rules and regulations of
the BSP shall also be considered export sales. (3) By a PEZA Registered Enterprise
(RR 16-2005) (a) Sale of Goods by a PEZA registered
enterprise to a buyer from the Customs
Effectively Zero-Rated Sales Territory (i.e., domestic sales) -- this case
(1) Sales to persons or entities whose exemption shall be treated as a technical
under special laws or international agreements IMPORTATION made by the buyer. Such
to which the Philippines is a signatory buyer shall be treated as an IMPORTER
effectively subjects such sales to zero rate. thereof and shall be imposed with the
(2) (i) The local sale of goods and properties (ii) by corresponding VAT.
a VAT-registered person (iii) to a person or entity (b) Sale of Services by a PEZA registered
who was granted indirect tax exemption under enterprise to a buyer from the Customs
special laws or international agreement. (RR Territory – this is NOT embraced by the 5%
16-2005) special tax regime, hence, such seller shall
ECOZONES (c) Sale of Goods by a PEZA registered
The ECOZONES shall be managed and operated by enterprise to Another PEZA registered
the PEZA as separate customs territory. (Sec. 8, RA enterprise (ie Intra-ECOZONE Sales of
7916 ―Special Economic Zone Act of 1995‖). Goods) – this shall be EXEMPT from VAT.
Consequently, sales made by a person in the
customs territory to a PEZA-registered entity are
considered exports to a foreign country and thus,
PAGE 149 OF 275
Landed Cost - invoice amount including costs of (1) The service must be performed or is to be
loading, shipping and unloading, customs duties, performed (which may be performed by a
freight, insurance, other charges, excise tax (if any) subcontractor) in the course of trade or
business in the Philippines;
Expenses incurred after the release of the goods (2) For a valuable consideration actually or
such as those incurred in delivering goods do not constructively received; and
form part of the landed cost. (3) The service is not exempt under the Tax Code,
special law or international agreement
Transfer of goods by tax exempt persons: (4) Person selling or rendering service is liable to
(1) If importer is tax-exempt, the subsequent VAT
purchasers, transferees or recipients of such
imported goods shall be considered as ―Sale/Exchange of Services‖: means the
importers who shall be liable for the tax on performance of all kinds of services in the
importation. Philippines for others for a fee, remuneration or
(2) The tax due on such importation shall constitute consideration.‖ (Sec 108, Diaz v Secretary of
a lien on the goods superior to all charges or Finance, 2011). It includes:
liens on the goods, irrespective of the possessor (1) Construction and service contractors
thereof. (As amended by RA 9337) (2) Stock, real estate, commercial, customs and
immigration brokers
M. VAT ON SALE OF SERVICE AND USE (3) Lessors of property, whether personal or real18
OR LEASE OF PROPERTIES (4) Persons engaged in warehousing service.
[Sec 108] (5) Lessors or distributors of cinematographic films
(6) Persons engaged in milling, processing,
manufacturing or repacking goods for others
Rate: 12%
are subject to VAT,
Basis: Gross receipts derived from the sale or
EXCEPT palay into rice, corn into corn grits,
exchange of services, including the use or lease of
and sugarcane into raw sugar (not subject to
(7) Proprietors, operators, or keepers of hotels,
Gross Receipts - the total amount of money or its motels, rest houses, pension houses, inns,
equivalent representing the contract price, resorts, theaters, and movie houses
compensation, service fee, rental or royalty, (8) Proprietors or operators of restaurants,
including the amount charged for materials supplied refreshment parlors, cafes and other eating
with the services and deposits and advanced places, including clubs and caterers
payments actually or constructively received during (9) Dealers in securities including pre-need
the taxable quarter for the services performed or to companies
be performed for another person, excluding VAT. ―Gross receipts‖ means gross selling price
(Sec. 108 (A), NIRC) less cost of the securities sold. RR 7-95:
(10) Lending investors: All persons OTHER than
―Constructive receipt‖ occurs when the money banks, non-bank financial intermediaries,
consideration or its equivalent is placed at the finance companies and other financial
control of the person who rendered the service
without restrictions by the payor.
(a) Deposit in banks which are made available to 24
the seller of services without restrictions SUBJECT TO VAT NOT SUBJECT TO
(b) Issuance by the debtor of a notice to offset any VAT
Loan to the lessor
debt or obligation and acceptance thereof by
from the lessee
the seller as payment for services rendered Pre-Paid Rental Option money for the
(c) Transfer of the amounts retained by the property
contractee to the account of the contractor. (RR Security deposit Security deposit to
16-2005) when applied to insure the faithful
the rental performance of
certain obligations of
Requisites for taxability the lessee to the
intermediaries NOT performing quasi-banking ―Lease of Properties―: subject to the VAT imposed
functions who make a practice of lending irrespective of the place where the contract of lease
money for themselves or others at interest. or licensing agreement was executed if the property
(11) Transportation contractors on their transport of is leased or used in the Philippines.
goods or cargoes, including persons who (1) The lease or the use of or the right or privilege to
transport goods or cargoes for hire and other use any copyright, patent, design or model,
domestic common carriers by land relative to plan secret
their transport of goods or cargoes (2) formula or process, goodwill, trademark, trade
(12) Common carriers by air and sea relative to their brand or other like property or right
transport of passengers, goods or cargoes from (3) The lease of the use of, or the right to use of any
one place in the Philippines to another place in industrial, commercial or scientific equipment
the Philippines (4) The supply of scientific, technical, industrial or
(13) Sales of electricity by generation, transmission, commercial knowledge or information
and/or distribution companies (5) The supply of any assistance that is ancillary
EXCEPT sale of power or fuel generated and subsidiary to and is furnished as a means
through renewable sources of energy, such as, of enabling the application or enjoyment of any
but not limited to, biomass, solar, wind such property, or right as is mentioned in #2 or
hydropower, geothermal, ocean energy, and any such knowledge or information as is
other emerging energy sources using mentioned in #3
technologies such as fuel cells and hydrogen (6) The supply of services by a nonresident person
fuels, which shall be subject to 0% rate of VAT or his employee in connection with the use of
(zero-rated). property or rights belonging to, or the
(14) Franchise grantees of electric utilities, installation or operation of any brand,
telephone and telegraph, radio and/or machinery or other apparatus purchased from
television broadcasting and all other franchise such nonresident person
grantees (including PAGCOR and its (7) The supply of technical advice, assistance or
licensees/franchisees) services rendered in connection with technical
EXCEPT franchise grantees of radio and/or management or administration of any scientific,
television broadcasting whose annual gross industrial or commercial undertaking, venture,
receipts of the preceding year do not exceed project or scheme
Ten Million Pesos (P10,000,000.00) (which (8) The lease of motion picture films, films, tapes
shall be subject to 3% franchise tax under Sec. and discs
119, subject to optional registration), and (9) The lease or the use of or the right to use radio,
franchise grantees of gas and water utilities television, satellite transmission and cable
(under Sec. 109, subject to 2% franchise tax) television time
With respect to franchise grantees of
telephone and telegraph services, amounts Additional services subject to VAT:
received for overseas dispatch, message, or (1) Services performed in the exercise or practice of
conversation originating from the Philippines profession or calling by individuals subject to
are subject to the percentage tax under Sec. professional tax under the LGC, and
120 and hence exempt from VAT professional services rendered by general
(15) Non-life insurance companies including surety, professional partnerships (GPPs);
fidelity, indemnity and bonding companies; (2) Services performed by actors/actresses, talents,
EXCEPT crop insurance, life and disability singers, emcees, radio/television broadcasters,
insurance, and health and accident insurance choreographers,
Insurance and reinsurance commissions, musical/radio/movie/television/stage
as opposed to premiums, whether life or non- directors, and professional athletes;
life, are subject to VAT while non-life insurance (3) Services rendered by customs, real estate,
premiums are subject to VAT. stock, immigration and commercial brokers;
(16) Similar services regardless of whether or not the (4) Services rendered by doctors, and lawyers.
performance thereof calls for the exercise or (5) Association dues or membership fees and other
use of the physical or mental faculties assessment or charges for the beneficial
services of the homeowner‘s association (RMC
No. 9-2013)
PAGE 153 OF 275
(6) Lease/use of sports facilities and equipment Provided, however, that the services
(RA 6847) referred to herein shall not pertain to those
made to common carriers by air and sea relative
The performance of the services should not be in to their transport of passengers, goods or
pursuit of an employer-employee relationship cargoes from one place in the Phil. to another
between the service-provider and the service- place in the Phil. (the same being subject to
recipient. 12% VAT under Sec. 108)
(5) Services performed by subcontractors and/or
N. ZERO-RATED SALE OF SERVICES contractors in processing, converting, or
manufacturing goods for an enterprise whose
The following services performed in the Philippines export sales exceed seventy percent (70%) of
by VAT-registered persons are effectively 0% VAT total annual production.
sales of services: (6) Transport of passengers and cargo by air or sea
(1) Processing, manufacturing or repacking goods vessels from the Philippines to a foreign country
for other persons doing business outside the (as added by RA 9337) and;
Philippines which goods are subsequently (7) Sale of power or fuel generated through
exported, where the services are paid for in renewable sources of energy such as, but not
acceptable foreign currency AND accounted for limited to, biomass, solar, wind, hydropower,
in accordance with the rules and regulations of geothermal, ocean energy, and other emerging
the BSP energy sources using technologies such as fuel
(2) Services other than those mentioned in the cells and hydrogen fuels. (as added by RA
preceding paragraph rendered to a person 9337)
engaged in business conducted outside the Zero-rating shall apply strictly to the sale of
Philippines or a nonresident person not power or fuel generated through renewable
engaged in business who is outside the sources of energy, and shall not extend to the
Philippines when the services are performed, sale of services related to the maintenance or
the consideration for which is paid for in operation of plants generating said power.
acceptable foreign currency AND accounted for
in accordance with the rules and regulations of Effectively zero-rated sale of service – a local sale of
the BSP services by a VAT-registered person to a person or
The services referring to ‗processing, entity granted indirect tax exemption under special
manufacturing, repacking‘ and ‗services other laws or international agreement.
than those in (1)‘ both require The taxpayer must seek prior approval or prior
(i) payment in foreign currency; confirmation from the appropriate offices of the
(ii) inward remittance; BIR so that a transaction is qualified for
(iii) accounted for by the BSP; effective zero-rating except in export sales and
(iv) AND that the service recipient is doing foreign denominated sales.
business outside the Philippines. RR 4-2007 removed the distinction between
If this is not the case, taxpayers can automatic and effectively zero-rated
circumvent just by stipulating payment in transactions found in prior Revenue
foreign currency. (CIR v. Burmeister, G.R. No. Regulations (inc. RR 16-2005) with respect to
153205 [2007[)) prior application from the BIR.
(3) Services rendered to persons or entities whose
exemption under special laws or international O. VAT EXEMPT TRANSACTIONS
agreements to which the Philippines is a
signatory effectively subjects the supply of such Vat Exempt Transactions, in general
services to zero percent (0%) rate (as amended (a) Sale of goods or properties and/or services and
by RA 9337) the use or lease of properties that is NOT
(4) Services rendered to persons engaged in subject to VAT (output tax) and the seller is not
international shipping or international air allowed any tax credit of VAT (input tax) on
transport operations, including leases of purchases.
property for use thereof [as amended by RA (b) The person making the exempt sale of goods,
9337]; properties or services shall not bill any output
tax to his customers. (RR 16-2005)
PAGE 154 OF 275
(c) But, the VAT-registered person may elect that actually coming to settle in the Philippines and
the exemption not apply to its sale of goods or that the change of residence is bona fide;
properties or services; provided that the EXCEPT vehicles, vessels, aircrafts,
election made shall be irrevocable for a period machineries, and other goods for use in
of three (3) years from the quarter the election manufacturing and merchandise of any
was made (Sec. 109(2), NIRC). kind in commercial quantity)
(5) Services subject to percentage tax under the
Exempt Transactions Enumerated NIRC;
[4.109-1 of RR 16-2005] (6) Services by agricultural contract growers and
(1) Sale/import of agricultural and marine food milling for others of palay into rice, corn into
products in their original state, livestock and grits, and sugar cane into raw sugar;
poultry of a kind generally used as or yielding or (7) Medical, dental, hospital and veterinary
producing foods for human consumption and services, except those rendered by
breeding stock and genetic materials therefor; professionals:
Original state even if they have undergone Laboratory services are exempted. If the
the simple processes of preparation or hospital or clinic operates a pharmacy or
preservation for the market, such as drug store, the sale of drugs and medicine
freezing, drying, salting, broiling, roasting, is subject to VAT. [RR 16-2005]
smoking or stripping. Also includes Note: RR-2004 granting VAT-exemption to
preservation using advanced technological doctors registered with the PRC and
means of packaging, such as shrink lawyers registered with the IBP was
wrapping in plastics, vacuum packing, superseded by RA 9337 and RR 16-2005.
tetra-pack, and other similar packaging (8) Educational services rendered by private
methods (RR 16-2005) educational institutions, duly accredited by
Polished and/or husked rice, corn grits, DepED, CHED, TESDA, and those rendered by
raw cane sugar and molasses, ordinary salt, government educational institutions;
AND COPRA shall be considered in their ―Educational services‖ does not include
original state seminars, in-service training, review
Livestock or poultry do not include fighting classes and other similar services rendered
cocks, race horses, zoo animals and other by persons who are not accredited by the
animals generally considered as pets. DepED, CHED, and/or TESDA. [RR 16-
(2) Sale/ importation of fertilizers, seeds, 2005]
seedlings and fingerlings, fish, prawn, livestock (9) Services rendered by individuals pursuant to an
and poultry feeds including ingredients, employer-employee relationship;
whether locally produced or imported, used in (10) Services rendered by regional or area
the manufacture of finished feeds (EXCEPT headquarters established in the Philippines by
specialty feeds for race horses, fighting cocks, multinational corporations which act as
aquarium fish, zoo animals, and other animals supervisory, communications and coordinating
generally considered pets); centers for their affiliates, subsidiaries or
(3) Importation of personal and household effects branches in the Asia-Pacific Region and do not
belonging to Philippine residents returning from earn or derive income from the Philippines;
abroad and non-resident citizens coming to (11) Transactions which are exempt under
resettle in the Philippines; provided, that such international agreements to which the
goods are also exempt from customs duties Philippines is a signatory or under special laws,
under the TCC (now CMTA) except those under PD No. 529 (Petroleum
(4) Importation of professional instruments and Exploration Concessionaires under the
implements, wearing apparel, domestic Petroleum Act of 1949);
animals, and personal household effects (12) Sales by agricultural cooperatives duly
belonging to persons coming to settle in the registered with the Cooperative Development
Philippines, for their own use and not for sale, Authority (CDA) to their members, as well as
barter or exchange, accompanying such sale of their produce, whether it is original state
persons, or arriving within 90 days before or or processed form, to non-members; their
after their arrival, upon production of evidence importation of direct farm inputs, machineries
satisfactory to the CIR that such persons are and equipment, including spare parts thereof,
PAGE 155 OF 275
to be used directly and exclusively in the wherein the unit selling price is within
production and/or processing of their produce. the selling price ceiling per unit of
Sale by agricultural cooperatives to non- P750,000.00 under RA 7279, and
members can only be exempted from VAT if other laws, such as RA 7835 and RA
the producer of the agricultural products 8763.
sold is the cooperative itself. If the (c) Sale of real properties utilized for
cooperative is not the producer (e.g., socialized housing as defined under RA
trader), then only those sales to its 7279, and other related laws, such as RA
members shall be exempted from VAT. [RR 7835 and RA 8763, wherein the price
16-2005] ceiling per unit is P225,000 or as may from
(13) Gross receipts from lending activities by credit time to time be determined by the HUDCC
or multi-purpose cooperatives duly registered and the NEDA and other related laws.
with the CDA "Socialized housing" refers to
(14) Sales by non-agricultural, non- electric and housing programs and projects
non-credit cooperatives duly registered and in covering houses and lots or home lots
good standing with the CDA; Provided, that the only undertaken by the Government or
share capital contribution of each member does the private sector for the
not exceed P15,000 and regardless of the underprivileged and homeless citizens
agrgregate capital and net surplus ratably which shall include sites and services
distributed among the members. BUT their development, long-term financing,
importation of machineries and equipment, liberated terms on interest payments,
including spare parts thereof, to be used by and such other benefits in accordance
them are SUBJECT to VAT. with the provisions of RA 7279 and RA
(15) Export sales by persons who are not VAT- 7835 and RA 8763.
registered; "Socialized housing" shall also refer
(16) Sale of real properties as follows: to projects intended for the
(a) Sale of real properties NOT primarily held underprivileged and homeless wherein
for sale to customers or held for lease in the housing package selling price is
the ordinary course of trade or business. within the lowest interest rates under
However, even if the real property is the Unified Home Lending Program
not primarily held for sale to (UHLP) or any equivalent housing
customers or held for lease in the program of the Government, the
ordinary course of trade or business private sector or non-government
but the same is used in the trade or organizations.
business of the seller, the sale thereof (d) Sale of residential lot valued at
shall be subject to VAT being a P1,919,500 and below, or house & lot and
transaction incidental to the other residential dwellings valued at
taxpayer‘s main business. [RR 4- P3,199,200 and below
2007] If two or more adjacent residential lots
(b) Sale of real properties utilized for low-cost are sold or disposed in favor of one
housing as defined by RA 7279, ("Urban buyer, for the purpose of utilizing the
Development and Housing Act of 1992") lots as one residential lot, the sale
and other related laws, such as RA 7835 shall be exempt from VAT only if the
and RA 8763; aggregate value of the lots does not
―Low-cost housing" refers to housing exceed P1,919,500. [RR 13-2012]
projects intended for homeless low- Adjacent residential lots, although
income family beneficiaries, covered by separate titles and/or
undertaken by the Government or separate tax declarations, when sold
private developers, which may either or disposed to one and the same buyer,
be a subdivision or a condominium whether covered by one or separate
registered and licensed by the Housing Deed of Conveyance, shall be
and Land Use Regulatory presumed as a sale of one residential
Board/Housing (HLURB) under BP lot. [RR 16-2005]
220, PD 957 or any other similar law,
PAGE 156 OF 275
Sale, transfer or disposal within a 12- The term 'residential units' shall refer to
month period of 2 or more adjacent apartments and houses & lots used for
residential lots, house and lots or residential purposes, and buildings or
other residential dwellings to one parts or units thereof used solely as
buyer, whether from the same or from dwelling places (e.g., dormitories, rooms
different sellers shall be considered and bed spaces) except motels, motel
one single transaction. Hence, the sale rooms, hotels and hotel rooms.
of the adjacent lots shall be subject to The term 'unit' shall mean an apartment
VAT if the aggregate value exceeds unit in the case of apartments, house in the
P1,919,500 for residential lots and case of residential houses; per person in
P3,199,200 for residential house lots the case of dormitories, boarding houses
or residential dwellings, and bed spaces; and per room in case of
notwithstanding that the value of the rooms for rent. [RR 16-2005]
individual properties do not exceed the (18) Sale, importation, printing or publication of
VAT exemption thresholds. books and any newspaper, magazine review or
Sale/purchase of parking lots shall bulletin which appears at regular intervals with
not be considered a sale of residential fixed prices for subscription and sale and which
lot/dwelling. Hence, it shall be subject is not devoted principally to the publication of
to VAT regardless of its selling price. paid advertisements;
[RR 13-2012] (19) Transport of passengers by international
(17) Lease of residential units with a monthly rental carriers [Added by RA 10378 (2013)]
per unit not exceeding P12,800, regardless of (20) Sale, importation or lease of passenger or
the amount of aggregate rentals received by the cargo vessels and aircraft, including engine,
lessor during the year. equipment and spare parts thereof for
Lease of residential units where the domestic or international transport operations
monthly rental per unit exceeds P12,800 [added by RA 9337];
but the aggregate of such rentals of the The exemption from VAT on the importation
lessor during the year do not exceed and local purchase of passenger and/or
P1,919,500 shall likewise be exempt from cargo vessels shall be limited to those of
VAT, however, the same shall be subjected 150 tons and above, including engine and
to 3% percentage tax. spare parts of said vessels;
In cases where a lessor has several The vessels to be imported shall comply
residential units for lease, some are leased with the age limit requirement, at the time
out for a monthly rental per unit of not of acquisition counted from the date of the
exceeding P12,800 while others are leased vessel's original commissioning, as
out for more than P12,800 per unit, his tax follows:
liability will be as follows: o for passenger and/or cargo vessels,
(a) The gross receipts from rentals not the age limit is 15 years old,
exceeding P12,800 per month per o for tankers, the age limit is 10 years
unit shall be exempt from VAT old, and
regardless of the aggregate annual o for high-speed passenger crafts, the
gross receipts. age limit is 5 years old [RR 16-2005]
(b) The gross receipts from rentals (21) Importation of fuel, goods, and supplies by
exceeding P12,800 per month per persons engaged in international shipping or air
unit shall be subject to VAT IF the transport operations; [added by RA 9337]
aggregate annual gross receipts from The said fuel, goods and supplies shall be
said units only (not including the used exclusively or shall pertain to the
gross receipts from units leased for transport of goods and/or passenger from
not more than P12,800) exceeds a port in the Philippines directly to a
P1,919,500. Otherwise, the gross foreign port without stopping at any other
receipts will be subject to the 3% tax port in the Philippines;
imposed under Sec. 116 of the Tax If any portion of such fuel, goods or
Code. supplies is used for purposes other than
that mentioned in this paragraph, such
PAGE 157 OF 275
portion of fuel, goods and supplies shall be (8) Services rendered by proprietors, lessees or
subject to 12% VAT starting Feb. 1, 2006. operators of cockpits, cabarets, night or day
[RR 16-2005] clubs, boxing exhibitions, professional
(22) Services of banks, non-bank financial basketball games, jai-alai and race tracks; and
intermediaries performing quasi-banking (9) Receipts on sale, barter for exchange of shares
functions and other non-bank financial of stock listed and traded through the local
intermediaries subject to Percentage Tax; and stock exchange or through initial public offering.
(23) Sale or lease of goods or properties or the
performance of services other than the
transactions mentioned in the preceding
paragraphs, the gross annual sales and/or
receipts do not exceed the amount of
For purposes of the threshold of
P1,919,500, the husband and the wife
shall be considered separate taxpayers.
However, the aggregation rule for each
taxpayer shall apply.
For instance, if a professional, aside from
the practice of his profession, also derives
revenue from other lines of business which
are otherwise subject to VAT, the same
shall be combined for purposes of
determining whether the threshold has
been exceeded.
The VAT-exempt sales shall NOT be
included in determining the threshold. [RR
Q. SOURCES OF INPUT TAX exempt from VAT under Sec. 109 of the Tax Code. (RR
(1) Purchase or importation of goods (evidenced by
VAT invoice/receipt) Note: A real estate dealer is entitled to claim
(a) For sale; or transitional input VAT based on the value of the entire
(b) For conversion into or intended to form part of (including the value of the land and the improvements
a finished product for sale including packaging thereon) real property sold regardless of whether there
materials; or was in fact actual payment of VAT on the purchase of
(c) For use as supplies in the course of business; the real property. At the time the purchase was made,
or there was still no VAT imposed. (Fort Bonifacio
(d) For use as materials supplied in the sale of Development Corp. v. CIR)
service; or
(e) For use in trade or business for which R. PERSONS WHO CAN AVAIL OF INPUT
deduction for depreciation or amortization is TAX CREDIT
allowed under the Code.
(2) Purchase of real properties for which VAT has Input tax on domestic purchase or importation of goods
actually been paid or properties shall be creditable:
(3) Purchase of services in which VAT has actually been (1) To the purchaser upon consummation of sale and
paid on importation of goods or properties; and
(4) Transactions deemed sale (2) To the importer upon payment of the VAT prior to
(5) Presumptive Input Tax the release of the goods from the custody of the
(6) Transitional Input Tax Bureau of Customs.
(a) The input tax on goods purchased or imported
Presumptive Input Tax (Sec. 111(B)) in a calendar month for use in trade or
Persons or firms engaged in the processing of sardines, business for which deduction for depreciation
mackerel and milk, and in manufacturing refined sugar is allowed under the Code, shall be spread
and cooking oil and packed noodle based instant meals, evenly over the month of acquisition and the
shall be allowed a presumptive input tax, creditable fifty-nine (59) succeeding months if the
against the output tax, equivalent to FOUR PERCENT aggregate acquisition cost for such goods,
(4%) of the gross value in money of their purchases of excluding the VAT component thereof, exceeds
primary agricultural products which are used as inputs One million pesos (P1,000,000). If the
to their production. aggregate acquisition cost does not exceed
P1,000,000, the total input taxes will be
―Processing‖ means pasteurization, canning and allowable as credit against output tax in the
activities which through physical or chemical process month of acquisition.19
alter the exterior texture or form or inner substance of a (b) However, if the estimated useful life of the
product in such manner as to prepare it for special use capital good is less than five (5) years, as used
to which it could not have been put in its original form for depreciation purposes, then the input VAT
or condition. shall be spread over such a shorter period
(3) To the purchaser of services or the lessee or
Transitional Input Tax (Sec 111) licensee upon payment of the compensation, rental,
Who may avail: (i) By a person who becomes VAT-liable royalty or fee.
for the 1st time, or (ii) any person who elects to be a VAT-
registered person Input tax on purchase of services, lease or use of
Rate: 2% Input VAT of the value of the beginning properties shall be creditable:
inventory on hand or actual VAT paid on such, goods, (1) To the purchaser upon payment of the
materials and supplies, whichever is HIGHER, which compensation, royalty or fee
amount shall be creditable against the output tax of (2) To lessee or licensee upon payment of the
VAT-registered person. compensation, royalty or fee
Tax base: The value allowed for income tax purposes on Claiming of input Tax on motor vehicles subject to the
inventories shall be the basis for the computation of the following conditions:
2% transitional input tax, EXCLUDING goods that are
Please refer below for the example.
PAGE 161 OF 275
(1) Purchase of vehicle must be substantiated with S.3. ALLOCATION OF INPUT TAX ON MIXED
official receipts and other records; TRANSACTIONS20
(2) Taxpayer has to prove the direct connection of the
motor vehicle to the business; There are four possible transactions a VAT-registered
(3) Only one vehicle for land transport is allowed for person may enter into:
the use of an official/employee with value not (i) VAT taxable,
exceeding P2.4 million; (ii) VAT-exempt,
(4) No depreciation shall be allowed for yachts, (iii) zero-rated VAT and
helicopters, airplanes (iv) sale to governments.
Example regarding the input tax on goods where deduction for depreciation is allowed from RR 16-2005
Illustration: LBH Corporation sold capital goods on installment on October 1, 2005. It is agreed that the selling
price, including the VAT, shall be payable in five (5) equal monthly installments. The data pertinent to the sold assets are
as follows:
Oct. 1, 2005 Oct. 1, 2005
Cash P 1,100,000.00 Asset P 5,000,000.00 Input
Installment Receivable 4,400,000.00 Tax 500,000.00
AccumulatedDepreciation 1,000,000.00
Output Tax 500,000.00 Cash 1,100,000.00
Asset 3,000,000.00 Installment Payable 4,400,000.00
Gain on sale of asset 3,000,000.00
* The input tax of P 500,000.00 on the bought capital goods worth P 5,000,000.00 shall be spread evenly over a
period of 60 months starting the month of purchase.
If the depreciable capital good is sold/transferred within a period of five (5) years or prior to the exhaustion of the
amortizable input tax thereon, the entire unamortized input tax on the capital goods sold/transferred can be claimed
as input tax credit during the month/quarter when the sale or transfer was made but subject to the limitation
prescribed under Sec. 4.110-7 of these Regulations.
Example regarding the allocation of input tax on mixed transactions from RR 16-2005
Illustration: ERA Corporation has the following sales during the month:
A. The creditable input tax for the month shall be computed as follows:
Taxable sales (0% and 12%) X Amount of input tax not directly attributable
Total Sales
B. The input tax attributable to sales to government for the month shall be computed as follows:
Taxable sales to the government X Amount of input tax not directly attributable
Total Sales
C. The input tax attributable to VAT-exempt sales for the month shall be computed as follows:
Ratable portion of the input tax not directly attributable to any activity:
U. REFUND OR TAX CREDIT OF EXCESS (iii) The claimed input tax must not have been
INPUT TAX (CF REFUND OF applied to any output tax during the period
covered and subsequent periods covered by
(iv) The claimed input tax must have been declared
Who may claim for refund/apply for issuance of tax
from the VAT quarterly return.
credit certificate
(v) The claimed input tax are directly attributable
(1) Zero-Rated Sales (Sec. 112(A), NIRC)
to 0%-rated transactions.
(a) Any VAT-registered person, whose sales are
(vi) Acceptable foreign currency exchange
zero-rated or effectively zero-rated may apply
proceeds must have been duly accounted for
for the issuance of a tax credit
(vii) Claimed input tax must be duly supported by
certificate/refund of creditable input tax due
VAT invoices/receipts.
or paid attributable to such sales, EXCEPT
(viii) VAT returns for the succeeding quarters must
transitional input tax, to the extent that such
have been submitted.
input tax has not been applied against output
tax, within two (2) years after the close of the
(2) Cancellation of VAT Registration.
taxable quarter when the sales were made. The
(a) A person whose registration has been
input tax that may be subject of the claim shall
cancelled due to (i) retirement from or
exclude the portion of input tax that has been
cessation of business, or due to changes in or
applied against the output tax.
(ii) cessation of status under Section 106(C) of
(b) The acceptable foreign currency exchange
the Code may, within two (2) years from the
proceeds must have been duly accounted for in
date of cancellation, apply for the issuance of
accordance with the rules and regulations of
a tax credit certificate for any unused input tax
the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) in the
which may be used in payment of his other
case of zero-rated transactions paid for in
internal revenue taxes.
acceptable foreign currency and requiring that
(b) He shall be entitled to a refund if he has no
such be accounted for in accordance with BSP
internal revenue tax liabilities against which
rules & regulations (Secs. 106(A)(2)(a)(1) and
the tax credit certificate may be utilized.
(2), and Sec. 106(A)(2)(b) and Sec. 108(B)(1)
and (2), NIRC).
Period to file claim/apply for issuance of tax credit
(c) Where the taxpayer is engaged in zero-rated or
effectively zero-rated sale and also in taxable
This period must be distinguished from normal tax
or exempt sale of goods of properties or
refunds for erroneous payments where an
services, and the amount of creditable input
administrative claim and judicial claim may be
tax due or paid cannot be directly and entirely
made together, and the reckoning point of the 2
attributed to any one of the transactions, it
years is from the date of the erroneous payment.
shall be allocated proportionately on the basis
(1) Application for issuance of tax credit certificate
of the volume of sales.
or refund of creditable input tax (except
(d) In the case of a person engaged in the
transitional input tax)
transport of passenger and cargo by air or sea
WITHIN 2 YEARS after the close of the
vessels from the Philippines to a foreign
taxable quarter when the sale was made,
country, the input taxes shall be allocated
not from the payment of the VAT. Sec. 229
ratably between his zero-rated sales and non-
is not applicable in claiming refunds for
zero-rated sales (sales subject to regular rate,
subject to final VAT withholding and VAT- VAT.
exempt sales). (RR 16-2005) If the VAT registration has been cancelled
due to retirement or cessation of business,
Requirements: (Summary) or change of status, the 2 year period shall
(i) The claimant should be a VAT-registered be after the date of cancellation
person (2) Administrative Claim
(ii) There should be an application filed with the The CIR shall grant the tax credit/refund
BIR or DOF center, as the case may be, within within 120 days from the date of
2yrs after close of taxable quarter. submission of complete documents in
support of the application
Consequences of issuing erroneous VAT invoice or or excess input tax/over-payment as of the end of a
VAT official receipt quarter.
Issuance of a VAT Invoice or VAT Receipt by a non- Administrative and Penal Provisions (Sec 115)
VAT person (1) Suspension of business operations. In addition
If a person who is not a VAT-registered person issues to other administrative and penal sanctions
an invoice or receipt showing his Taxpayer provided for in the Tax Code and implementing
Identification Number (TIN), followed by the word regulations, the CIR or his duly authorized
"VAT", the erroneous issuance shall result to the ff: representative may order suspension or closure
(1) The non-VAT person shall be liable to: of a business establishment for a period of not
Percentage taxes applicable to his less than five (5) days for any of the following
transactions; violations:
VAT due on transactions under Section 106 (a) Failure to issue receipts and invoices.
or 108 of the Code, without the benefit of (b) Failure to file VAT return as required under
any input tax credit; and the provisions of Sec. 114 of the Tax Code.
A 50% surcharge under Section 248 (B) of (c) Understatement of taxable sales or
the code; receipts by 30% or more of his correct
(2) The VAT shall, if the other requisite information taxable sales or receipt for the taxable
required is shown on the invoice/receipt, be quarter.
recognized as an input tax credit to the (d) Failure of any person to register as required
purchaser. under the provisions of Sec. 236 of the Tax
Issuance of a VAT Invoice or VAT Receipt on an (2) Surcharge, interest and other penalties. The
Exempt Transaction by a VAT-registered Person interest on unpaid amount of tax, civil penalties
If a VAT-registered person issues a VAT invoice or and criminal penalties imposed in Title XI of the
VAT official receipt for a VAT-exempt transaction, but Tax Code shall also apply to violations of the
fails to display prominently on the invoice or receipt provisions of Title IV of the Tax Code (VAT).
the term "VAT-exempt Sale:
(1) the transaction shall become taxable and the X. WITHHOLDING OF FINAL VAT ON
(2) issuer shall be liable to pay VAT thereon. SALES TO GOVERNMENT
(3) The purchaser shall be entitled to claim an (RR 16-2005)
input tax credit on his purchase. [RR 16-05]
General Rule: Withholding tax does not apply on
W. FILING OF RETURN AND PAYMENT transactions subject to VAT.
(Sec 114) Exceptions:
(1) Gross payments by the government shall be
VAT returns - VAT paid on a monthly basis. Payments subject to the 5% final withholding tax;
in the monthly VAT declarations shall be credited in (2) Gross payments by resident VAT-taxpayers to
the quarterly VAT return to arrive at the net VAT non-resident foreign persons of rentals,
payable or excess input tax/over-payment as of the royalties, reinsurance premiums, and services
end of a quarter. done in the Philippines—12% (Sec. 114(c),
(1) Filed by person liable to pay the VAT NIRC)
(2) Quarterly return of the amount of his gross sales
or receipts within twenty-five (25) days after the * Beginning Nov. 1, 2005, when R.A. 9337 became
close of each taxable quarter prescribed for effective, all sales of goods, properties, or services
each taxpayer. to the government shall be subject to the 5% final
(3) The monthly VAT Declarations of taxpayers withholding tax. The government shall, before
whether large or non-large shall be filed and the making payment on account of each purchase of
taxes paid not later than the 20th day following goods and/or services taxed at 12% VAT (Sec. 106
the end of each month. and 108) deduct and withhold a final VAT due at the
rate of 5% of the gross payment thereof.
Note: VAT paid on a monthly basis. Payments in the (Mamalateo, Reviewer on Taxation, 2008)
monthly VAT declarations shall be credited in the
quarterly VAT return to arrive at the net VAT payable Sales to Government
PAGE 171 OF 275
Gross Sales/Receipts for the Month xxx
Multiplied by VAT rate 12%
Output VAT xxx
Less Input Taxes:
Transitional/Presumptive Input Tax xxx
On taxable goods/services xxx xxx
Net VAT Payable xxx
Add Penalties:
Surcharge xxx
Interest xxx
Compromise xxx xxx
Total Amount Payable xxx
When Actual Input VAT > Standard Input VAT: excess forms part of seller‘s expense/cost
When Actual Input VAT < Standard Input VAT: difference is treated as taxable other income
Sales xxx
Output VAT (Sales x 12%) xxx
Purchases xxx
Input VAT (Purchases x 12%) xxx
Sec 106
(iv) Non-stock, non-profit corporations engaged in SBE of real properties ICT/B, regardless of disposition of
(v) Gov‘t inc GOCCs in SBEL of RP ICT/B
(2) Renders services
(3) Imports goods
if importer is tax-exempt/VAT-exempt AND goods are subsequently SBE to non-exempt persons,
purchasers/recipients = importer
if the Philippine branch of an NRFC ―imported‖, first local buyer = importer
GSP = down payments received + interests + penalties + other charges – amount of mortgage (paid)
NB: If zonal/FMV, tax base =
Upon full collection, if a difference is uncovered because the zonal value or market value at the date of
sale is higher than the total receipts or collections based on the agreed consideration, the additional VAT
shall be paid accordingly (RMC 03-96)
o IF DEFERRED Deferred Payments (initial > 25% GSP)
Instalment Plan (initial ≤ 25% GSP)
GSP = entire selling price or zonal/FMV, whichever is higher
NB: CIR has the power to determine the appropriate tax base in 1) SBE in deemed sales and 2) when
GSP is unreasonably lower than AMV26
(3) Gross Receipts derived from transaction: total amount of money/equivalent = contract price + compensation +
service fee + rental fee + royalties + amount charged for materials supplied with the services + deposits and
It should be determined at the time of the sale, indicated in the invoice and granting does not depend on the happening
of a future event
Initial payments does not include the amount of mortgage on RP sold (except excess when mortgage exceeds the cost
of the property), notes and other evidence on=f indebtedness issued by the purchaser at the time of the sale
GSP is unreasonably lower than the actual market value if it is lower than 30% of AMV of the same goods of the same
quantity or quality sold in the immediate locality or the nearest date of sale.
PAGE 175 OF 275
advanced payments actually or constructively received + costs items of construction projects – (VAT + amounts
earmarked for payments to unrelated 3rd party + amounts received as reimbursement + monies/receipts held in
trust w/c do not redound to the benefit of taxpayer + universal charge passed on and collected by distribution
companies and electric coop (if sale of electricity) + receivables + local taxes)
Rates of VAT
(A) Output Tax (Sale/Barter/Exchange/Lease)
(1) 12% standard rate: applied directly to TB
(2) 0%: applied directly to TB
(B) Input Tax (Purchase from VAT-registered businesses/Importation of goods)
(1) 12% standard rate: applied directly to TB
(2) 0%: applied directly to TB
(3) 2% transitional VAT (: applied to the (inventory on hand) value of goods (exc. VAT-exempt good) existing at the
date a person commences business and/or becomes liable to VAT) or 12% actual input tax rate, higher
(4) 4% presumptive input tax rate: applies to purchases of VAT-exempt goods used as inputs by a VAT-registered
person in manufacturing or processing certain food products
(5) 7% FWT (standard input VAT, when government), 5% withholding
- )
Untraceable Input VAT x Input VAT Credit, eligible for tax refund or TCC
- )
Untraceable Input VAT x Cost of Sales or Operating Expense
) Compare to Standard Input VAT (Creditable against
Untraceable Input VAT x Standard input VAT)
(i) amount of the claim for refund or tax credit for VAT filed during the same period
(ii) input tax attributable to exempt sales and unauthorized input tax attributable of depreciable capital goods
(iii) amount of input VAT wrt uncollected portion of instalment receivable in instalment sales
VAT-Exempt 0% VAT
NB: There are 31 VAT-exempt sales of services (Sec 109 (1) Processing, manufacturing, repacking goods to non-
and special laws) resident (5)
(2) Processing, manufacturing, repacking goods to
(1) For lease of property =exempt export-oriented (3)
if advance payment = loan, option money, (3) Services other than processing, manufacturing,
security deposit repacking (4)
NB: if security deposit is applied to rental = VAT (4) Services to exempted persons (3): effectively 0-rate
(2) For persons engaged in milling, processing, (5) Sale of power/fuel-generated through renewable
manufacturing or repacking goods = exempt resources (3)
if palay rice; corn corn grits; sugar cane (6) Services rendered to int‘l shipping/air transport (2)
raw sugar (7) Transport of passengers and cargo by air from Phil to
(3) For franchise grantees of electric utilities, telephone Foreign (3)
and telegraph, radio and/or television broadcasting = (8) Transactions of VAT-reg person to foreign embassies
exempt (2)
if annual gross receipts <= 10M;
franchise grantees of gas and water utilities;
of telephone & telegraph services, amounts
received for overseas dispatch from Phil.
(4) For PREMIUMS of insurance companies = exempt IF
life and disability insurance;
crop insurance; health and accident insurance
(included are only those with exceptions) Exceptions to the Exemptions (Subject to VAT)
1. Sale/import of agricultural & marine food products in (1) Livestock and poultry DOES NOT INCLUDE fighting
their original state; livestock and poultry (used/yield cocks, race horses, zoo animals and pets
for human consumption); breeding stock and genetic (2) DOES NOT INCLUDE vehicles, vessels, aircrafts,
materials machineries, and other goods for use in
2. Import of professional instruments, implements, manufacturing in commercial quantities
wearing apparel, domestic animals, and personal (3) DOES NOT INCLUDE those under Petroleum
household effects Exploration Concessionaires under Petroleum Act of
3. Transactions exempt pursuant to special laws 1949
4. Cooperatives (4) For sales by agricultural coops to non-members, if
5. Residential lots ≥ 1,919,500 & lot & dwellings ≥ seller is the member = VAT
3,199,200 For sales by non-agri, non-electric and non-credit,
6. lease of residential units, importation of machineries and equipment = VAT
if ≤ 12,800/unit/month (regardless of aggregate (5) DOES NOT INCLUDE parking lot
amount); (6) If any portion of such goods are used for purposes
PAGE 177 OF 275
VAT-Exempt 0% VAT
Real Property Actual Export Sales (3)
(i) Not primarily held ICT/B
(ii) Low-cost or socialized housing Deemed Export Sales
(iii) Residential lot <= 1,919,500 (i) Internal or constructive export sales
(iv) House and/or other residential dwellings <= (a) Raw/Packaging materials to non-resident buyer (5)
3,199,200 (b) Raw/Packaging materials to export-oriented (3)
(v) Lease (12,800/unit/year or total 1,919,500/year) (c) Phil. Port FOB value of export products (2)27
(vi) Transmission to a trustee (d) Net selling price of export products (4)28
Except: if transmission is deemed sale (e) sales to bonded manufacturing warehouses (2)29
(vii) Transfer to corporation in exchange of SoS (f) sales to export processing zones30
(viii) Advance payments/Security Deposits in lease (g) sales to enterprises duly accredited by Subic Bay
E: if applied to the rent Metropolitan Authority (2)
(h) sales to registered export traders (3)
As regards ecozones and PEZA-registered entities (i) sales to diplomatic missions etc. (2)
(i) Made by VAT-exempt supplier from customs (j) sale by VAT-supplier to manufacturer/producer whose
territory to any registered enterprise inside ecozone products are 100% exported (3)
(ii) Intra-ecozone enterprise sale of service, if PEZA (ii) Sale of gold to BSP
registered seller is subject to 5% special tax regime (iii) Sale of goods/supplies/equipment/fuel to persons engaged
(iii) Intra-ecozone sales of goods in int‘l shipping/air transport (4)
(iv) Docking/Undocking services to foreign vessels
Under Omnibus Investment Code (EO226)
RA 7916
PAGE 178 OF 275
(1) Once registered as a VAT person, the taxpayer shall be liable to output tax and be entitled to input tax credit beginning on the
first day of the month following registration.
(2) The cancellation for registration will be effective from the first day of the following month the cancellation was approved.
(3) What is the treatment for Withholding of VAT on Government Money Payments?
The government or any of its political subdivisions, instrumentalities or agencies, including government-owned or
controlled corporations (GOCCs) shall, before making payment on account of each purchase of goods and/or services
taxed at twelve percent (12%) VAT pursuant to Sections 106 and 108 of the Tax Code, deduct and withhold a Final VAT due
at the rate of five percent (5%) of the gross payment.
The five percent (5%) final VAT withholding rate shall represent the net VAT payable of the seller. The remaining seven
percent (7%) effectively accounts for the standard input VAT for sales of goods or services to government or any of its
political subdivisions, instrumentalities or agencies including GOCCs in lieu of the actual input VAT directly attributable or
ratably apportioned to such sales. Should actual input VAT attributable to sales to government exceeds seven percent (7%)
of gross payments, the excess may form part of the sellers' expense or cost. On the other hand, if actual input VAT
attributable to sale to government is less than seven percent (7%) of gross payment, the difference must be closed to
expense or cost.
The government or any of its political subdivisions, instrumentalities or agencies including GOCCs, as well as private
corporation, individuals, estates and trusts, whether large or non-large taxpayers, shall withhold twelve percent (12%) VAT
with respect to the following payments:
(i) Lease or use of properties or property rights owned by non-residents; and
(ii) Other services rendered in the Philippines by non-residents.
Before start of business or within Certificate of Non-VAT Cancellation/Update Minor change in original
10d before the beginning of registration
taxable quarter necessitating cancellation
APPROVE w/in 15d
w/in 25d from
Registration Fee (500php) to cancellation
from change
Register to RDO authorized bank agent,
for every RDOfficer, Rev Collection Officer, Filing of Short Period Return (for
separate and authorized city/municipal the remaining period that he was Notice of Change (f
distinct treasurer VAT-reg) change of address)
establishment DENY
EXEMPT from 500php
if aggregate gross sales/receipts Instances when a taxpayer may
≤ 100,000; cooperative; CANCEL his registration:
individuals earning pure 1. When TP‘s gross sales/receipts for the following 12 months ≤ 1,919,500
compensation income; overseas 2. When TP has ceased to carry on his T/B and does not expect to recommence within 12m
workers 3. In case of a single proprietorship, a change of ownership
4. Dissolution of a partnership or corporation
5. Merger/consolidation wrt dissolved corporations
6. Person who registered prior to planned business commencement but failed to actually start business
spends during a given year exceeds his reported books of accounts and/or pertinent records, or to
income, and the source of such money is otherwise substantiate all or any of the deductions, exemptions,
unexplained, it may be inferred that such or credits claimed in his return. (As defined in Sec.
expenditures represent unreported income. 3(1)(a), RR 30-2002 for the purposes of entering into a
(c) Percentage Method: This method is a computation compromise)
whereby determinations are made by the use of
percentages or ratios considered typical of the E. Tax delinquency and tax deficiency
business under investigation. By reference to
similar business or situations, percentage Deficiency is defined as the amount still due and
computations are secured to determine sales, collectible from a taxpayer upon audit or investigation;
gross profit or even net profit. whereas delinquency is defined as the failure of the
(d) Unit and Value Method: The determination of gross taxpayer to pay the tax due on the date fixed by law or
receipts may be computed by applying price and indicated in the assessment notice or letter of demand.
profit figures to the known ascertainable quality of Deficiency interest is imposed for the shortage of taxes
business done by taxpayer paid, while delinquency interest is imposed for the
delay in payment of taxes. [Takenaka Corporation
C. Inventory method for income determination (Net Philippine Branch v. CIR (2012); First Lepanto Taisho
Worth Method) Insurance Corporation v. CIR, (2013)]
Holland v. US: In a typical net worth prosecution, the
Government, having concluded that the taxpayer's Deficiency Delinquency
records are inadequate as a basis for determining Basic tax +
income tax liability, attempts to establish an "opening Base Basic tax deficiency interest
net worth" or total net value of the taxpayer's assets at and surcharge
the beginning of a given year. It then proves increases in From the due date
From the date
the taxpayer's net worth for each succeeding year appearing in the
Reckoning prescribed for its
during the period under examination, and calculates notice and demand
payment until the
the difference between the adjusted net values of the date of the CIR until the
full payment thereof
taxpayer's assets at the beginning and end of each of amount is fully paid
the years involved. The taxpayer's nondeductible
expenditures, including living expenses, are added to 20% p.a.
these increases, and if the resulting figure for any year
is substantially greater than the taxable income Tax Delinquency v. Tax Deficiency
reported by the taxpayer for that year, the Government Tax Delinquency Tax Deficiency
claims the excess represents unreported taxable It is when: It is when:
income. Self-assessed taxpayer filed The amount of tax imposed
his tax return but did not by law is greater than the
Formula pay or only partially paid the amount shown in the tax
Increase in Net worth tax return
Add: Non-deductible Item
Deficiency Tax assessed by If no amount is shown in the
Less: Non-taxable income or receipts subjected to the BIR became final and return, or if there is no
final tax transfer taxes executory return, amount by which the
Taxable Net Income tax as determined by the
Less: Personal and additional exemptions CIR exceeds the amount
NET INCOME SUBJECT TO TAX previously assessed as a
D. Jeopardy assessment CAN be collected CANNOT be immediately
IMMEDIATELY through collected. CAN be collected
Under BIR Regulations, a jeopardy assessment is a tax 1. Administrative Actions only AFTER the process of
assessment which was assessed without the benefit of (warrant of distraint or levy) protest
2. Judicial Actions
complete or partial audit by an authorized revenue Thus, a civil action for
officer, who has reason to believe that the assessment Thus, civil action for collection to ordinary courts
and collection of a deficiency tax will be jeopardized by collection to ordinary courts pending protest may be
delay because of the taxpayer‘s failure to comply with is the proper remedy. subject to Motion to
the audit and investigation requirements to present his Dissmiss
PAGE 183 OF 275
SUBJECT to administrative SUBJECT to administrative lapse if the period previously agreed upon in a
penalties of: penalties of: prior agreement;
1. 25% surcharge 1. interest iii. Indicate the definite agreed date;
2. interest 2. compromise penalty iv. Indicate the date of acceptance, which must
3. compromise penalty be before the expiration of the period to
Mamalateo: Reviewer on Taxation (2014) assess or to collect taxes, or before the lapse
(ii) Power of the CIR to make assessments and of the period agreed upon in a prior
prescribe additional requirements for tax agreement; and
administration and enforcement v. Taxpayer must be furnished with a copy of the
Powers of the CIR –
1. Examination of returns and determination of tax due Suspension of running of statute of limitations
2. Use of the best evidence obtainable
3. Authority to conduct inventory-taking, (1) Period during which the CIR is prohibited from
surveillance, and to prescribe presumptive gross sales making the assessment or beginning distraint or
and receipts
levy or a proceeding in court, and for sixty (60) days
4. Authority to terminate the taxable period
5. Authority to prescribe real estate values
(2) When the taxpayer requests for a reinvestigation
6. Authority to inquire into bank deposits
which is granted by the CIR
7. Authority to accredit and register tax agents
(3) When the taxpayer cannot be located in the
8. Authority to prescribe additional procedural or address given by him in the return filed upon which
documentary requirements a tax is being assessed or collected, BUT if the
9. Obtain information, and to summon/examine, and taxpayer informs the CIR of any change in address,
take testimony of persons the running of the statute of limitations shall not be
(iii) When assessment is made (4) When the warrant of distraint or levy is duly served
Prescriptive period for assessment (Sec. 203, NIRC) upon the taxpayer, his authorized representative, or
General Rule: 3 years a member of his household with sufficient
If the taxpayer filed a return: internal revenue taxes discretion, and No Property is located
shall be assessed within 3 years after the last day (5) When the taxpayer is out of the Philippines
prescribed by law for the filing of the return.
If a return is filed beyond the period prescribed by (iv) General provisions on additions to the tax
law: the 3-year period shall be counted from the (a) Civil penalties (Sec. 248, NIRC)
day the return was filed. 1. 25% surcharge
a. Failure to file a return and pay tax due
Exception: (i) False return, (ii) Fraudulent return with thereon
intent to evade tax, (iii) Failure to file a return (Sec. 222, b. Filing with unauthorized revenue office
NIRC) c. Failure to pay deficiency tax within time
prescribed in assessment notice
NB: Waiver d. Failure to pay full or part of the amount
The taxpayer and the CIR may agree in writing, before shown in ITR required to be filed or the full
the expiration of the time prescribed in Sec. 203, to amount of tax due for which no return is
extend the period of assessment (Sec. 222(b), NIRC) required to be filed on or before the date
(1) The waiver of prescription must be executed prescribed for its payment
properly, otherwise, invalid and results to 2. 50% surcharge
prescription of the right to assess/collect. a. Willful neglect to file the return within the
(Philippine Journalists Inc. vs. CIR, December 16, period prescribed
2004) b. False or fraudulent return is willfully made
(2) Requirements for a valid waiver under RMO 20-90 (b) Interest (Sec. 249)
and RMO 14-2016: 1. General – there shall be assessed and
i. In writing (may be but need not be notarized); collected any unpaid amount of tax, interest at
ii. Indicate the date of execution by the taxpayer, the rate of 20% per annum or such higher rate
which must be before the expiration of the as may be prescribed from the date prescribed
period to assess or collect taxes, or before the for payment until fully paid
PAGE 184 OF 275
Letter of Authority: An official document that empowers Taxpayer is given 15 days from date of receipt of PAN to
a Revenue Officer to examine and scrutinize a respond
taxpayer‘s books of accounts and other accounting If he/she fails to respond: taxpayer is considered in
records, in order to determine the taxpayer‘s correct default; a formal letter of demand and assessment
internal revenue tax liabilities. notice shall be issued to the taxpayer
N.B. – In Oakwood Management Services, Inc. v.
Cases which need not be covered by a valid LA: Cases CIR (2013), the CTA held that the issuance of the
involving civil/criminal tax fraud which fall under the FAN before the lapse of the 15-day period to reply
jurisdiction of the tax fraud division of the Enforcement to PAN does not violate due process. A protest
Services, and Policy cases under audit by the special against the PAN, unlike the protest against the FAN,
teams in national offices is not indispensable. A PAN may or may not be
protested by the taxpayer, and the non-filing of
(b) Notice of informal conference such protest does not render the PAN final and
N.B. – RR 18-2013 amended RR 1812-99 and deleted unappealable. Therefore, the issuance of the FAN
the service of notice of informal conference. before the lapse of the 15-day period for the
taxpayer to file its protest to the PAN does not
(c) Issuance of preliminary assessment notice (PAN) – inflict prejudice on the taxpayer, for as long as the
The Assessment Division issues PAN if it determines BIR properly served a FAN and the taxpayer was
that there exists sufficient basis to assess the taxpayer able to intelligently contest the FAN by filing a
for any deficiency tax. It shall show in detail the facts protest letter within the period provided by law.
and the law on which the proposed assessment is
based. If he/she responds: a FAN/FLD shall be issued within
15 days from filing/submission of the taxpayer‘s
(d) Exceptions to issuance of preliminary assessment response, calling for payment of the taxpayer‘s
notice (PAN)
PAGE 185 OF 275
deficiency tax liability, inclusive of the applicable (3) Forms of protest – for the general concept of a
penalties. request for reconsideration and reinvestiation, see (g),
(f) Issuance of formal letter of demand and assessment
notice/final assessment notice (FAN/FLD) (3.1) – Request for RECONSIDERATION
Effect on prescriptive period to COLLECT – A request for
A Final Assessment Notice (FAN) is a declaration of reconsideration does not toll the running of the
deficiency taxes issued to a taxpayer who: prescriptive period for the collection of an assessed tax.
fails to respond to a pre-assessment notice within (CIR vs. Philippine Global Communication Inc., G.R. No.
the prescribed period of time, or 167146, October 31, 2006)
whose reply to the PAN was found to be without
merit. (3.2) – Request for REINVESTIGATION
Sec 228: The taxpayer shall be informed in writing Effect on prescriptive period to COLLECT – A Request
of the law and the facts on which the assessment is for Reinvestigation will only toll the prescriptive period
made; otherwise the assessment shall be void to COLLECT if the request for reinvestigation is granted
An assessment contains not only a computation of tax by the BIR.
liabilities, but also a demand for payment within a
prescribed period. (b) If request for REINVESTIGATION and GRANTED –
Submission of documents within 60 days from filing of
(g) Disputed assessment protest
The taxpayer or his duly authorized representative may Within sixty (60) days from filing of the protest, all
protest administratively against the formal letter of relevant supporting documents must be submitted,
demand and assessment notice within thirty days (30) otherwise the assessment shall become final.
from date of receipt. The taxpayer protesting an ―Relevant supporting documents‖ – documents
assessment may file a written request for necessary to support the legal and factual bases in
reconsideration or reinvestigation disputing a tax assessment as determined by the
RECONSIDERATION – refers to a plea of re- taxpayer
evaluation of the assessment on the basis of ―Assessment shall become final‖ – taxpayer is
existing records without need of additional barred from disputing the correctness of the issue
evidence. It may involve both question of fact or of assessment by introduction of newly discovered or
law or both additional evidence, and the FDDA shall
REINVESTIGATION – refers to a plea of re- consequently be denied.
evaluation of an assessment on the basis of newly- Only applies to request for reinvestigation
discovered evidence that a taxpayer intends to
present in the reinvestigation. It may also involve a (4) Content and validity of protest
question of fact or law or both. The protest shall state: (Failure to state shall render
Failure to file a protest against FLD/FAN within 30 days, protest null and void)
the assessment shall become final, executory and Nature of protest, whether Reconsideration or
demandable reinvestigation, specifying new or additional
evidence if request for reinvestigation
(h) Administrative decision on a disputed assessment Date of the assessment notice
(FDDA) Applicable law, rules and regulations, or
jurisprudence on which his protest is based.
(vi) Protesting the assessment
(c) Effect of failure to protest – FAN/FLD becomes final
(a) Protest of assessment by taxpayer and demandable.
(1) Protested assessment – After issuance of FAN,
taxpayer may protest the assessment either by a (d) Period provided for the protest to be acted upon –
request for reconsideration or reinvestigation. 180 DAYS from
a. Submission of documents if request for
(2) When to file a protest – 30 days after receipt of REINVESTIGATION; or
b. Filing of protests if request for (b) In case of inaction by CIR within 180 days from
RECONSIDERATION submission of documents
(vii) Rendition of decision by CIR If the protest is not acted upon by the CIR‘s duly
authorized representative within 180 days from filing of
N.B. – An administrative appeal to the CIR may only be the protest or from submission of required documents,
availed of upon the denial of the protest to the FAN by the taxpayer may either:
the CIR representative. Under RR 18-2013, there is no (a) Appeal to the CTA within 30 days after the
administrative appeal to the CIR for inaction by the CIR expiration of the 180 days,
representative. The remedy is to await the decision or (b) Await the final decision of the CIR‘s duly
file a petition for review to the CTA 30 days after the authorized representative.
lapse of 180-day waiting period.
If the CIR did not act upon the petition within 180 days
Denial of protest – Issuance of a Final Decision on a from the time the documents were submitted, the
disputed assessment (FDDA): The decision of the CIR or taxpayer may either:
his duly authorized representatives shall state the facts, (a) Appeal to the CTA within thirty days from the lapse
the applicable law, rules and regulations or of the 180-day period OR
jurisprudence on which such decision is based, and (b) Wait until the CIR decides before he elevates the
that the same is his final decision. case to the CTA.
(1) CIR‘s actions equivalent to denial of protest: These options are mutually exclusive, and resort to one
Filing of collection suit against taxpayer (CIR v. bars the application of the other. [Rizal Commercial
Union Shipping) Banking Corporation vs. CIR
Issuing a warrant of distraint and levy (CIR v. Algue)
Where there is a request for reconsideration, final N.B. – if the protest is a request for RECONSIDERATION,
demand letter from BIR (CIR v. Isabela Cultural count the 180 days from the filing of the protest. The
Corp.) submission of documents is only for a request for
Notice of delinquency (CIR v. Ayala Securities) reinvestigation.
Inaction by CIR - If the protest is not acted upon
within one hundred eighty (180) days from (c) Effect of failure to appeal – Assessment becomes
submission of documents, the inaction by the CIR final and demandable.
is considered as a denial of protest.
Filing of criminal action against taxpayer JUDICIAL REMEDIES
Issuing a warrant of distraint and levy
(2) Inaction by CIR Petition for Review at the CTA
Remedy if the taxpayer is not satisfied with the CTA
(viii) Remedies of taxpayer to action by CIR Division‘s ruling:
FIRST, he may file a motion for reconsideration
(a) In case of denial of protest before the same Division of the CTA within fifteen
If the protest is denied, in whole or in part, by the CIR‘s (15) days from notice thereof. (Sec. 11, RA 1125
duly authorized representative, the taxpayer may either: as amended by RA 9282 [2004])
(a) Appeal to the CTA within 30 days from the date THEN, a party adversely affected by a resolution of
of receipt of the decision a Division of the CTA on a motion for
(b) Elevate his protest through request for reconsideration may file a petition for review with
reconsideration to the CIR (the only case where the CTA en banc. (Sec. 18, RA 1125 as amended
an administrative appeal is possible) by RA 9282 [2004])
If the CIR denies the protest filed by the taxpayer, the Remedy of injunction; generally unavailable
latter may appeal to the CTA within 30 days from No court may grant injunction to restrain the collection
receipt of the decision denying the protest. A motion for of any national internal revenue tax, fee or charge. (Sec.
reconsideration of the CIR‘s denial of the protests shall 218, NIRC)
not toll the 30 day period to appeal to the CTA. Exception:
When the all of the following conditions concur:
(1) It is an appeal to the CTA from a decision of the CIR, that they may personally observe and attest to
or Commissioner of Customs or the RTC, provincial, such absence. The notice shall then be given
city or municipal treasurer or the Secretary of to said barangay official.
Finance, the case may be, AND Should party be present but refuses to receive
(2) In the opinion of the Court of Tax Appeals, the the notice, the revenue officers shall bring a
collection may jeopardize the interest of the barangay official and 2 disinterested
Government and/or the taxpayer. (Sec. 11, R.A. witnesses in the presence of the party so that
1125 as amended by R.A. 9282) they may personally observe and attest such
act of refusal. The notice shall then be left with
Requisite before availing of injunction the barangay official.
(1) Taxpayer has to deposit the amount claimed; OR Service to the tax practitioner, who is
File an injunction bond with the Court for not more appointed by the taxpayer under
double the amount (R.A. 1125) circumstances prescribed in the pertinent
regulations on accreditation of tax agents,
Petition for Review with the SC shall be deemed service to the taxpayer (RR
Remedy if the taxpayer is not satisfied with the decision 18-2013)
of the CTA en banc:
A party adversely affected by a decision or ruling of (3) SERVICE BY MAIL – Service by mail is done by
the CTA en banc may file with the Supreme Court a sending a copy of the notice by registered mail to
verified petition for review on certiorari pursuant to the registered or known address of the party with
Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Court. (Sec. 19, RA instruction to the Postmaster to return the mail to
1125 as amended by RA 9282 [2004]) the sender after 10 days if undelivered. A copy of
the notice may also be sent through reputable
Modes of Service - The notices to the taxpayer required professional courier service. If no registry or
may be served by the CIR or his duly authorized reputable professional courier service is available,
representative through the following modes: service may be done by ordinary mail
3. The
claim must be a categorical claim for In the CIR‘s discretion, redeem or change unused
reimbursement (see Bernejo v. CIR [July 25, stamps that have been rendered unfit for use and
1950]) refund their value upon proof of destruction
4. The claim for refund must be filed within 2 years
from the date of the payment of the tax regardless (b) Necessity of proof for claim or refund -
of any supervening cause (Section 229, Tax Code) No credit or refund of taxes or penalties shall be
5. Taxpayer must show proof of the tax (Sec. 229) allowed unless the taxpayer files in writing with the CIR
a claim for credit or refund within two (2) years after the
(ii) Requirements for refund as laid down by cases payment of the tax or penalty. (Sec. 204, NIRC)
(1) Necessity of written claim for refund A return filed showing an overpayment shall be
(2) Claim containing a categorical demand for considered as a written claim for credit or refund.(Sec.
reimbursement 204, NIRC)
(3) Filing of administrative claim for refund and the
suit/proceeding before the CTA within 2 years from (c) Burden of proof for claim of refund
date of payment regardless of any supervening Tax refunds, like tax exemptions, are construed strictly
cause against the taxpayer and liberally in favor of the taxing
The claim for refund must be filed within 2 authority. (United Airlines, Inc. v. CIR, G.R. No. 178788,
years from the date of payment of the tax Sept. 29, 2010)
regardless of any supervening cause (Section
229, Tax Code) (d) Nature of erroneously-paid tax/illegally assessed
Judicial remedy for refund – File with suit with the CTA A claim for tax refund is in the nature of a claim for
1. Within 30 days from receipt of denial by the exemption and should be construed strictissimi juris
CIR; and against the taxpayer. (see CIR V. TOKYO SHIPPING [MAY
2. Before the expiration of the 2-year period 26, 1995])
Simultaneous filing allowed Taxes are erroneously paid when a taxpayer pays under
If the 2 year period is about to lapse, the taxpayer may a mistake of fact, such as, he is not aware of an existing
already appeal to the CTA even if the CIR has not yet exemption in his favor at the time that payment is made.
made any decision on the claim for refund. In GIBBS V. Taxes are illegally collected when payments are made
1960], the Supreme Court noted that if the CIR takes
time in deciding the claim and the period of two years is (e) Tax refund vis-à-vis tax credit
about to end, the suit or proceeding must be started in REFUND takes place when there is actual
the CTA before the end of the 2 year period without reimbursement while TAX CREDIT takes place upon the
awaiting the decision of the CIR. issuance of a tax certificate or tax credit memo, which
can be applied against any sum that may be due and
N.B. – Compare with the rule on refunds of input VAT. collected from the taxpayer.
The awaiting of the decision of CIR or the lapse of the
180-day period is mandatory. (f) Essential requisites for claim of refund
(Comm. v. CA and Citytrust, cited in United Airlines Inc.
Legal basis of tax refunds – solutio indebitii and the v. CIR, 2010): The grant of a refund is founded on the
rules on quasi-contracts (prevention of unjust assumption that the tax return is valid, that is, the facts
enrichment) stated therein are true and correct. The deficiency
assessment, although not yet final, created a doubt as
Statutory basis for tax refund under the tax code (Sec. to and constitutes a challenge against the truth and
204[c] and Sec. 229) accuracy of the facts stated in said return which, by
(a) Scope of claims for refund itself and without unquestionable evidence, cannot be
The CIR may: the basis for the grant of the refund. To grant the refund
Credit or refund taxes erroneously or illegally without determination of the proper assessment and
received or penalties imposed without authority; the tax due would inevitably result in multiplicity of
Refund the value of internal revenue stamps when proceedings or suits. If the deficiency assessment
they are returned in good condition by the should subsequently be upheld, the Government will be
purchaser; and forced to institute anew a proceeding for the recovery of
PAGE 189 OF 275
erroneously refunded taxes which recourse must be If the income tax is withheld at source – payment is at
filed within the prescriptive period of ten years after the end of the taxable year.
discovery of the falsity, fraud or omission in the false or If the income is paid on a quarterly basis – payment is
fraudulent return involved. from the time of filing the final adjustment return.
Who may claim/apply for tax refund/tax credit CIR vs. TMX Sales (January 16, 1992): When a tax is
Taxpayer/withholding agents of non-resident foreign paid in installments, the prescriptive period should be
corporation – the withholding agent is directly and counted from the date of final payment or the last
independently liable for the correct amount of tax that installment. This rule proceeds from the theory that
should be withheld and for deficiency assessments, there is no payment until the entire tax liability is
surcharges and penalties. completely paid. Installments should be treated as
advances or portions of the annual tax due.
General Rule: The taxpayer must file a written claim for
refund stating a categorical demand for reimbursement Other consideration affecting tax refunds
before the CIR within two years from the date of
payment. (Sec. 229, NIRC) Remedy of the taxpayer upon denial or inaction on the
claim for refund:
When it comes to recovery of unutilized input VAT, (a) CIR denies claim - appeal to the CTA within thirty
Section 112, and not Section 229 of the 1997 Tax (30) days from the receipt of the CIR‘s decision and
Code, is the governing law. Second, prior to 8 June within two years from the date of payment.
2007, the applicable rule is neither Atlas nor Mirant, (b) CIR does not act on the claim and the 2-year period
but Section 112(A). The Atlas doctrine, which held that is about to lapse - file a claim before the CTA
claims for refund or credit of input VAT must comply before the 2-year period lapses. Otherwise, he may
with the two-year prescriptive period under Section 229, no longer file a claim before the CTA in case the
should be effective only from its promulgation on 8 June CIRrenders an adverse decision beyond the 2-year
2007 until its abandonment on 12 September 2008 in period. (Revised Rules of the CTA, as amended)
Mirant. (CIR v. San Roque)
Period for claiming refund once granted:
Within five years from the date such warrant or check
was mailed or delivered, otherwise it shall be forfeited
in favor of the government and the amount thereof shall
revert to the general fund. (Sec. 230, NIRC)
(iv) Summary remedy of levy on real property Note: The taxpayer-owner shall not be deprived of
possession of the said property and shall be entitled to
(1) Release of the Properties from Distraint rents and other income until the expiration of the period
If at any time prior to the consummation of the sale for redemption (Sec. 214, NIRC)
all proper charges are paid to the officer
conducting the sale, the goods or effects distrained (6) Final Deed of Purchaser
shall be restored to the owner. (Sec. 210, NIRC) After the period of redemption, a final deed of sale is
issued in favor of the purchaser.
(2) Purchase by the government at sale upon distraint
If the amount offered by the highest bidder is not (v) Forfeiture to government for want of bidder
equal to the amount of the tax or is very much less Forfeiture implies a divestiture of property without
than the actual market value of the articles offered compensation in consequence of a default or offense.
for sale, the CIR or his deputy may purchase the The effect of forfeiture is to transfer the title of the
same in behalf of the National Government for the specific thing from the owner to the government. (De
amount of taxes, penalties and costs due. The Leon, NIRC Annotated, p. 412)
property so purchased may be resold by the CIR or
his deputy. (Sec. 212, NIRC) Instances when forfeiture is appropriate
(1) All chattels, machinery, and removable fixtures of
(3) Report of sale to BIR any sort used in the unlicensed production of
Within two (2) days after the sale, the officer articles (Sec. 268, NIRC)
making the same shall make a report of his (2) Dies and other equipment used for the printing or
proceedings in writing to the CIR and shall himself making of any internal revenue stamp, label or tag
preserve a copy of such report as an official record. which is in imitation of or purports to be a lawful
(Sec. 211, NIRC) stamp, label or tag. (Sec. 268, NIRC)
(3) Liquor or tobacco shipped under a false name or
(4) Forfeiture in Favor of the Government brand (Sec. 262, NIRC)
If there is no bidder for the real property OR if the
highest bid is not sufficient to pay the taxes, Remedy of enforcement of forfeitures
penalties and costs, the IR Officer conducting the
sale shall declare the property FORFEITED to the
PAGE 193 OF 275
(1) Forfeiture of chattels and removable fixtures: (13) The Government reserves the right to reject or
enforced by the seizure, sale or destruction of the cancel any or all bids.
specific forfeited property.
(2) Forfeiture of real property: enforced by a judgment When property to be sold or destroyed
of condemnation and sale in a legal action or (1) Forfeited chattels and removable fixtures: sold in
proceeding civil or criminal as the case may require the same manner and under the same conditions
(Sec. 224, NIRC) as the public notice and the time and manner of
sale as are prescribed for sales of personal
Resale of real estate taken for taxes (RR No. 22-2002) property distrained for the non-payment of taxes
(1) All acquired/forfeited properties transferred in the (2) Distilled spirits, liquors, cigars, cigarettes, other
name of the Republic of the Philippines, having manufactured products of tobacco and all
passed the one-year redemption period, shall be apparatus used in or about the illicit production of
converted into cash from the date of acquisition or such articles: destroyed by the order of the CIR
forfeiture. when the sale or use would be injurious to public
(2) The sale of acquired/forfeited real properties shall health pr prejudicial to the enforcement of the law
be by sealed bids in a public auction to be (3) All other articles subject to excise tax
witnessed by a representative of the COA. manufactured or removed in violation of the Code,
(3) The Notice of Sale of the acquired real properties dies for the printing or making of internal revenue
shall be published once a week for two (2) stamps and labels: sold or destroyed in the
consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general discretion of the CIR
circulation in the Philippines which must be (4) Forfeited property shall not be destroyed until at
completed at least 20 days prior to the date of least 20 days after seizure. (Sec. 225, NIRC)
such public auction.
(4) Unless the CIR provides otherwise, the Minimum Disposition of funds recovered in legal proceedings or
Bid Price/Floor Price shall be the latest fair market obtained from forfeiture
value as determined by the CIR or the fair market All judgments and monies recovered and received for
value shown in the latest tax declaration issued by taxes, costs, forfeitures, fines and penalties shall be
the provincial, city or municipal assessor, paid to the CIR or his authorized deputies as the taxes
whichever is higher, pursuant to Sec. 6(E) of the Tax themselves are required to be paid, and except as
Code. specially provided, shall be accounted for and dealt
(5) Anyone could bid except foreign nationals, within the same way. (Sec. 226, NIRC)
corporate or otherwise, and those qualified under
existing laws, rules and regulations, including (vi) Further distraint or levy
employees of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. The remedy by distraint of personal property and levy on
(6) Bidders shall be required to post a bond in cash or realty may be repeated if necessary until the full
manager‘s check in an amount representing 10% amount due, including all expenses, is collected. (Sec.
of the minimum bid price at least one day before 217, NIRC)
the scheduled public auction.
(7) Unless the CIR allows extension of time to pay, in (vii) Tax lien
meritorious cases, the winning bidder shall pay the
full amount of his bid cash or manager‘s check Tax liens
within two days after receipt of notice of award. (1) When a taxpayer neglects or refuses to pay his
(8) All taxes and expenses relative to the issuance of internal revenue tax liability after demand, the
title shall be borne by the winning bidder. amount so demanded shall be a lien in favor of the
(9) The winning bidder shall be responsible at his own government from the time the assessment was
expense for the ejectment of squatters and/or made by the CIR until paid with interest, penalties,
occupants, if any, of the auctioned property. and costs that may accrue in addition thereto upon
(10) Negotiated or private sale shall be resorted to as a ALL PROPERTY AND RIGHTS TO PROPERTY
consequence of failed public bidding for two BELONGING to the taxpayer.
consecutive times. (2) HOWEVER, the lien shall not be valid against any
(11) Negotiated or private sale shall in all cases be mortgagee, purchaser or judgment creditor until
approved by the Secretary of Finance. NOTICE of such lien shall be filed by the CIR in the
(12) Public auction sale shall be approved by the CIR or Office of the Register of Deeds of the province or
his authorized representative.
PAGE 194 OF 275
city where the property of the taxpayer is situated (1) By filing a civil case for the collection of sum of
or located. (Sec. 219, NIRC) money with the proper regular court; and
(2) By filing an answer to the petition for review filed by
Seizure under forfeiture vs. Seizure to enforce a tax lien the taxpayer with the Court of Tax Appeals.
In the former all the proceeds derived from the sale of (Mamalateo, 2008)
the thing forfeited are turned over to the Collector of
Internal Revenue; in the latter, the residue of such Criminal Action
proceeds over and above what is required to pay the tax Any person convicted of a crime under the Code shall:
sought to be realized, including expenses, is returned to (1) Be liable for the payment of the tax, and
the owner of the property. (BPI v. Trinidad) (2) Be subject to the penalties imposed under the
Code. (Sec. 253(A), NIRC)
(viii) Compromise
Form and Mode of Proceeding:
Authority of the CIR to compromise and abate taxes Civil and criminal action and proceedings instituted in
behalf of the Government under the authority of this
Compromise – to reduce the amount of tax payable Code or other law enforced by the BIR:
Grounds for a compromise GOVERNMENT of the Philippines; and
The CIR may compromise the payment of any internal (2) Shall be CONDUCTED BY LEGAL OFFICERS OF THE
revenue tax in the following cases: BIR
(1) A REASONABLE DOUBT as to the validity of the (3) Shall be filed in court with the approval of the CIR.
claim against the taxpayer exists; or (Sec. 220, NIRC)
(2) The financial position of the taxpayer demonstrates
a clear inability to pay the assessed tax. Criminal action as a collection remedy
(FINANCIAL INCAPACITY) The judgment in the criminal case shall impose the
penalty; and order payment of the taxes subject of the
Limits of the CIR‘s power to compromise: criminal case as finally decided by the CIR. (Sec. 205,
(1) For cases of financial incapacity: a minimum NIRC)
compromise rate equivalent to ten percent (10%)
of the basic assessed tax Assessment not necessary before filing a criminal
(2) For other cases: a minimum compromise rate charge for tax evasion
equivalent to forty percent (40%) of the basic An assessment is not necessary before a criminal
assessed tax charge can be filed. The criminal charge need only be
Note: When the basic tax involved exceeds One Million proved by a prima facie showing of a wilful attempt to
Pesos (P1,000,000), or where the settlement offered is file taxes, such as failure to file a required tax return.
less than the prescribed minimum rates, the [CIR v. Pascor Realty, (1999)]
compromise must be approved by the National
Evaluation Board (composed of the CIR and 4 Deputy Suit to recover tax based on false or fraudulent returns
Commissioners) A proceeding in court for the collection of the tax
assessed may be filed without assessment at any time
Abatement - to cancel the entire amount of tax payable within ten (10) years after the discovery of the falsity,
fraud or omission. Provided, that in a fraud assessment
When the CIR may abate or cancel a tax liability: which has become final and executor, the fact of fraud
(1) The tax or any portion thereof appears to be shall be judicially taken cognizance of in the civil or
UNJUSTLY or EXCESSIVELY ASSESSED; or criminal action for the collection thereof. (Sec. 222,
not justify the collection of the amount due. (e.g.,
when the costs of collection are greater than the False Return v. Fraudulent Return
amount of tax due) A false returns is due to mistakes, carelessness or
ignorance and a fraudulent return is filed with intent to
(ix) Civil and criminal action evade taxes.
(c) A deficiency tax, or any surcharge or interest or otherwise, any sum of money or other thing of
thereon on the due date appearing in the letter of value for the compromise, adjustment or
demand and assessment notice (Sec. 249(C), settlement of any charge or complaint for any
NIRC) violation or alleged violation of law.
(1) Examine Returns and Determine Tax due The Secretary of Finance, upon recommendation of the
Authorizing the examination of any taxpayer CIR, shall promulgate all needful rules and regulations
and the assessment of the correct amount of for effective enforcement of the provisions of the Code.
tax, WON a return has been filed by such
(2) Access Letter AND REGULATIONS (Sec. 245, NIRC)
Obtaining on a regular basis, from any (a) The time and manner in which Revenue Regional
person other than the person whose tax Director shall canvass their respective Revenue
liability is subject to audit or Regions for the purpose of discovering persons and
investigation, or from any office or officer property liable to national internal revenue taxes,
of the national and local governments, and the manner in which their lists and records of
government agencies or taxable persons and taxable objects shall be made
instrumentalities, including BSP and and kept;
GOCCs; (b) The forms of labels, brands or marks to be required
Any information such as, but not limited on goods subject to an excise tax, and the manner
to, costs and volumes of production, in which the labelling, branding or marking shall be
receipts or sales and gross incomes of effected;
taxpayers, and the names addresses, (c) The conditions under which and the manner in
and financial statements of corporations, which goods intended for export, which if not
mutual fund companies, insurance exported would be subject to an excise tax, shall be
companies etc. labelled, branded or marked;
(d) The conditions to be observed by revenue officers
(C) Interpret Tax Laws and to Decide Tax cases respecting the institutions and conduct of legal
(1) Shall be under the exclusive and original actions and proceedings;
jurisdiction of the CIR, subject to review by the (e) The conditions under which goods intended for
Secretary of Finance. storage in bonded warehouses shall be conveyed
(2) A ruling by the BIR Commissioner shall be thither, their manner of storage and the method of
presumed valid unless modified, reversed or keeping the entries and records in connection
superseded by the Secretary of Finance. therewith, also the books to be kept by Revenue
(3) A taxpayer who receives an adverse ruling from Inspectors and the reports to be made by them in
the CIR may, within thirty (30) days from the connection with their supervision of such houses;
date of receipt of such ruling, seek its review (f) The conditions under which denatured alcohol may
by the Secretary of Finance, either by be removed and dealt in, the character and
himself/itself or though his/its duly authorized quantity of the denaturing material to be used, the
representative. manner in which the process of denaturing shall be
(4) A reversal or modification of the BIR ruling effected, so as to render the alcohol suitably
shall terminate its effectivity upon denatured and unfit for oral intake, the bonds to be
(9) The receipt by the taxpayer or the BIR of given, the books and records to be kept, the entries
written notice of reversal or modification, to be made therein, the reports to be made to the
whichever came earlier. CIR, and the signs to be displayed in the business
ort by the person for whom such denaturing is done
**The Secretary of Finance may now also review the or by whom, such alcohol is dealt in;
rulings MOTU PROPRIO. (DOF ORDER 7-02) (g) The manner in which revenue shall be collected
and paid, the instrument, document or object to
B. ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTION OF THE which revenue stamps shall be affixed, the mode of
cancellation of the same, the manner in which the
BIR proper books, records, invoices and other papers
shall be kept and entries therein made by the
person subject to the tax, as well as the manner in
which licenses and stamps shall be gathered up
and returned after serving their purposes;
(h) The conditions to be observed by revenue officers
respecting the enforcement of Title III imposing a
tax on estate of a decedent, and other transfers
PAGE 200 OF 275
mortis causa, as well as on gifts and such other (2) Excise tax - Business establishment with excise tax
rules and regulations which the CIR may consider paid or payable of at least P1,000,000 for the
suitable for the enforcement of the said Title III; preceding taxable year;
(i) The manner in which tax returns, information and (3) Corporate Income Tax - Business establishment
reports shall be prepared and reported and the tax with annual income tax paid or payable of at least
collected and paid, as well as the conditions under P1,000,000 for the preceding taxable year; and
which evidence of payment shall be furnished the (4) Withholding tax - Business establishment with
taxpayer, and the preparation and publication of withholding tax payment or remittance of at least
tax statistics; P1,000,000 for the preceding taxable year.
(j) The manner in which internal revenue taxes, such
as income tax, including withholding tax, estate Provided, however, That the Secretary of Finance, upon
and donor's taxes, value-added tax, other recommendation of the CIR, may modify or add to the
percentage taxes, excise taxes and documentary above criteria for determining a large taxpayer after
stamp taxes shall be paid through the collection considering such factors as inflation, volume of
officers of the Bureau of Internal Revenue or business, wage and employment levels, and similar
through duly authorized agent banks which are economic factors.
hereby deputized to receive payments of such taxes The penalties prescribed under Section 248 shall be
and the returns, papers and statements that may imposed on any violation of the rules and regulations
be filed by the taxpayers in connection with the issued by the Secretary of Finance, upon
payment of the tax: recommendation of the CIR, prescribing the place of
filing of returns and payments of taxes by large
Provided, however, That notwithstanding the other taxpayers.
provisions of this Code prescribing the place of
filing of returns and payment of taxes, the CIR may, NON-RETROACTIVITY OF RULINGS (Sec. 246, NIRC)
by rules and regulations, require that the tax General Rule: No retroactive application if the
returns, papers and statements that may be filed revocation, modification or reversal of rules and
by the taxpayers in connection with the payment of regulations, rulings or circulars will be prejudicial to the
the tax. taxpayers Exceptions:
(a) Where the taxpayer deliberately misstates or
Provided, however, That notwithstanding the other omits material facts from his return or any
provisions of this Code prescribing the place of document required of him by the BIR;
filing of returns and payment of taxes, the CIR may, (b) Where the facts subsequently gathered by the BIR
by rules and regulations require that the tax returns, are materially different from the facts on which
papers and statements and taxes of large the ruling is based; or
taxpayers be filed and paid, respectively, through (c) Where the taxpayer acted in bad faith.
collection officers or through duly authorized agent
Provided, further, That the CIR can exercise this The CIR or his authorized representative is empowered
power within six (6) years from the approval of to suspend the business operations and temporarily
Republic Act No. 7646 or the completion of its close the business establishment of any person for any
comprehensive computerization program, of the following violations:
whichever comes earlier: (a) IN THE CASE OF A VAT-REGISTERED PERSON. -
(i) Failure to issue receipts or invoices;
Provided, finally, That separate venues for the (ii) Failure to file a value-added tax return as
Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao areas may be required under Section 114; or
designated for the filing of tax returns and payment (iii) Understatement of taxable sales or receipts by
of taxes by said large taxpayers. thirty percent (30%) or more of his correct
taxable sales or receipts for the taxable
For the purpose of this Section, 'large taxpayer' means quarter.
a taxpayer who satisfies any of the following criteria: (b) FAILURE OF ANY PERSON TO REGISTER AS
(1) Value-Added Tax (VAT) - Business establishment REQUIRED UNDER SECTION 236. -
with VAT paid or payable of at least P100,000 for
any quarter of the preceding taxable year;
PAGE 201 OF 275
Willful attempt to evade or defeat tax. Any person who willfully attempts in any Fine: P30,000 - P100,000
(Sec. 254) manner to evade or defeat any tax or the AND
payment thereof. Imprisonment: 2-4 years
Plus other penalties
Failure to File Return, Supply Correct and Any person required to pay any tax, make Fine: P10,000 or more
Accurate Information, Pay Tax, Withhold a return, keep any record, or supply AND
and Remit Tax and Refund Excess Taxes correct and accurate information Imprisonment:1-10 years
Withheld on Compensation (Sec. 255) Plus other penalties
Any person who attempts to make it Fine - P10,000 - P20,000
appear for any reason that he or another AND
has in fact filed a return or statement, or Imprisonment: 1-3 years
actually files a return or statement and Plus other penalties
subsequently withdraws the same return
or statement
Making false entries, records, or reports, Any financial officer or Independent CPA Fine - P50,000 - P100,000
or using falsified or fake accountable engaged to examine and audit books of AND
forms (Sec. 257) accounts of taxpayers under Sec.232 (A) Imprisonment: 2-6 years
and any person under his direction.
Unlawful pursuit of business (Sec. 258) Any person who carries on any business Fine: P5,000 - P20,000
for which in annual registration fee is AND
imposed without paying the tax as Imprisonment: 6 months-2 years
required by law.
A person engaged in the business of Fine: P30,000 - P50,000 AND
distilling, rectifying, repacking, Imprisonment: 1-2 years
compounding or manufacturing any
article subject to excise tax.
Illegal Collection of Foreign Payments Any person who knowingly undertakes the Fine: P20,000 - P50,000;
(Sec. 259) collection of foreign payments under Sec. AND
67 without a license or without complying Imprisonment: 1-2 years
with the implementing rules and
Unlawful Possession of Cigarette Paper Any person, manufacturer or importer of Fine: P20,000 - P100,000; AND
in Bobbins or Rolls, Etc. (Sec. 260) cigar or cigarettes Imprisonment - 6 years 1 day - 12
Unlawful Use of Denatured Alcohol (Sec. Any person who for the purpose of Fine: P20,000 - P100,000; AND
261) manufacturing any beverage, uses Imprisonment - 6 years 1 day - 12
denatured alcohol or alcohol specially years
denatured to be used for motive power or
withdrawn under bond for industrial uses
or alcohol knowingly misrepresented to
be denatured to be unfit for oral intake or
who knowingly sells or offers for sale such
preparations containing as an ingredient
such alcohol.
Illegal Storage or Removal of Goods Any person subject to excise tax who fails Forfeiture of goods
(Sec. 268) to store the goods in proper place, or
removes goods without payment of excise
Penalty for Second and Subsequent Maximum of the penalty
Offenses (Sec. 274) prescribed for the offense
Violation of Other Provisions of the Tax Any person who violates any provision of Fine: P1000 or less
Code or Rules or Regulations in General this Code or any rule or regulation OR
(Sec. 275) promulgated by the Department of Imprisonment: 6 months or less
Finance for which no specific penalty is OR Both
provided by law
Penalty for Selling, Transferring, Any taxpayer, whose property has been Fine: at least P5,000 AND
Encumbering or in any way disposing of placed under constructive distraint at least twice the value of the
property Placed under Constructive property
Distraint (Sec. 276) OR
PAGE 204 OF 275
Send Formal Letter Assessment
Is response w/n Taxpayer
of demand and Final NO to Division issues a
15 days? Is it responds w/in
Assessment Notice either Preliminary
meritorious? 15 days
(FAN) is issued Assessment Notice
both ENDS
Assessment becomes
NO to
Final, Warrant of Distraint
& Levy Issued
Decision Commissioner
YES favorable to YES decides w/n
taxpayer? 180 days?
If MR is denied, appeal to
the CTA within remainder
of the 30 days
CTA decides on Appeal made becomes Final,
the appeal on time? Warrant of Distraint
& Levy Issued
W/in 5 days after sale, W/in 2 days after Excess of proceeds over the Officer sells the goods to the
distraining officer shall enter the sale, officer entire claim, shall be returned highest bidder for cash or
return of proceedings in the shall report to the to the owner. No charge shall with the Commissioner’s
records of RCO, RDO and Commissioner. be imposed for the services of approval, through commodity/
RRD (Sec. 213) (Sec. 211) the officer (Sec. 209) stock exchanges. (Sec. 209)
No, bid ok
W/n 1 year from sale, the W/n 5 days after the sale, Excess of proceeds
The Commissioner may, owner may redeem, by paying levying officer shall enter of the sale over claim
after 20 days notice, sell to the RDO the amount of the return of the proceedings and cost of sale shall
property at public auction taxes, penalties, and interest upon the records of the RCO, be turned over to the
or at private sale with thereon from the date of RDO and RRD (Sec. 213) owner (Sec. 213)
approval of the SoF. delinquency to the date of sale,
Proceeds shall be and 15% per annum interest on
deposited with the National purchase price from the date
Treasury (Sec. 216) Owner shall not be
of purchase to the date of Levy and distraint
deprived of the
redemption. (Sec. 214) may be repeated until
possession and shall
the full amount due,
be entitled to the
and all expenses are
fruits until 1 year
collected. (Sec. 217)
expires (Sec. 214)
a. Grant of local taxing power under the Local ―[Sec. 193 is] an express and general repeal of all
Government Code statutes granting exemptions from local taxes, withdrew
the sweeping tax privileges previously enjoyed by the
―Each local government unit shall have the power to National Power Corporation under its Charter.‖ (NPC v.
create its own sources of revenues and to levy taxes, Cabanatuan, G.R. No. 149110)
fees and charges subject to such guidelines and
limitations as the Congress may provide, consistent e. Authority to adjust local tax rates
with the basic policy of local autonomy. Such taxes, LGUs shall have the authority to adjust the tax rates as
fees, and charges shall accrue exclusively to the local prescribed not oftener than once every five (5) years,
governments.‖ (Sec. 5, Art. X, 1987 Constitution) but in no case shall the adjustment exceed ten percent
(10%) of the rates fixed by the Code. (Sec. 191, LGC)
Each local government unit shall exercise its power to
create its own sources of revenue and to levy taxes, fees, f. Residual taxing power of local governments
and charges subject to the provisions herein, consistent LGU may exercise the power to levy taxes or charges on
with the basic policy of local autonomy. Such taxes, ANY base or subject
fees, and charges shall accrue exclusively to the local Required:
government units. (Sec. 129, LGC) Not otherwise specifically enumerated in the LGC
or taxed under NIRC or other applicable laws
b. Authority to prescribe penalties for tax violations
PAGE 209 OF 275
Not unjust, excessive, oppressive, confiscatory or It must not be unreasonable (Magtajas v. Pryce
contrary to declared national policy Properties [234 SCRA 225])
Pursuant to an ordinance enacted with public
hearing conducted for the purpose. (Sec. 186, 4. Scope of Taxing Power
LGU Scope of Taxing Power
g. Authority to issue local tax ordinances
The power to impose a tax, fee, or charge, or to Provinces May levy only:
(Sec. 134, Transfer of Real Property Ownership
generate revenue under this Code shall be exercised by LGC) Business of Printing and Publication
the sanggunian of the local government unit concerned Franchise Tax
through an appropriate ordinance. (Sec. 132, LGC) Tax on Sand, Gravel and Other Quarry
3. Local Taxing Authority Professional Tax
Amusement Tax
a. Power to create revenues exercised thru LGUs Annual Fixed Tax for every delivery truck or
Each LGU shall exercise its power to create its power to van
create its own sources of revenue and to levy taxes, fees Municipalities May levy taxes, fees and charges not
and charges. (Sec. 128, LGC) otherwise levied by provinces (Sec. 142,
Exercised by the Sanggunian concerned through an
Cities May levy taxes, fees and charges which the
appropriate ordinance. (Sec. 132, LGC) province or municipality may impose (Sec.
151, LGC)
Ordinances may be vetoed by local chief executives of Barangays May levy only:
the LGUs, except the Punong Barangay, on the ground Taxes on stores or retailers
that it is ultra vires or prejudicial to public welfare. His Service fees or charges
reasons shall be stated in writing. (Sec. 55 (a) and (b), Barangay clearance
LGC) Other fees and charges (Sec. 152, LGC)
Within ten (10) days after the approval of the ordinance, 5. Specific taxing power of local government unit (LGUs)
certified true copies of all tax ordinances or revenue
measures shall be published in full for three (3)
consecutive days in a newspaper of local circulation.
Tax on Transfer of Real Not more than Total acquisition Sale, transfer, or other Evidence of payment of tax is
Property. Imposed on the 50% of 1% price or fair market disposition of real to be required by Register of
sale, donation, barter, or value, whichever is property pursuant to Deeds as a requisite to
any other mode of transfer higher R.A. 6657 registration; and by the
of ownership or title to real (Comprehensive provincial assessor as a
property (Sec 135m LGC) Agrarian Reform Law) condition for cancellation of
old tax declaration.
Tax on Business of Printing Not exceeding Gross annual Receipts from printing
and Publication (Sec 136, 50% of 1% receipts for the and/or publishing of
LGC) preceding calendar books and other reading
Imposed on the business of year materials prescribed by
persons engaged in the DECS as school
printing, and/or publication texts or references
of books, cards, posters,
leaflets, handbills,
certificates, receipts,
pamphlets, and others of
similar nature
Newly started business Not exceeding Capital investment In the succeeding calendar
1/20 of 1% year, regardless of when
business started operating,
tax shall be based on gross
receipts for preceding
calendar year, or any fraction
Capital investment
Newly-started business Not more than In the succeeding calendar
1/20 of 1% year, regardless of when
business started operating,
tax shall be based on gross
receipts for preceding
calendar year, or any fraction
Tax on Sand, Gravel and Not more than Fair market value in Permit to extract sand, gravel
Other Quarry Resources. 10% the locality per cubic and other quarry resources to
Levied on ordinary stones, meter of resources be issued exclusively by the
gravel, earth and other referred to in provincial governor pursuant
quarry resources as defined Column 1 to an Ordinance by the
in the NIRC, extracted from Sangguniang Panlalawigan
public lands or from the
beds of seas, lakes, rivers, Distribution of proceeds:
streams, creeks, and other Province - 30%
public waters within its Component City/ Municipality
territorial jurisdiction (Sec where resources were
138, LGC) extracted - 30%
Barangay where resources
were extracted - 40%
Professional Tax. Provinces Such amount as Such reasonable Professionals To be paid to the province
may levy annual the Sangguniang classification by the exclusively employed by where the profession is
professional tax on each Panlalawigan Sangguniang the government practiced, or where a principal
Rates on levy made by the city may exceed the maximum rates allowed for the province or municipality by not more than
Yamane vs. Lepanto Condo Corp. (Oct. 23, 1995): C.6. SITUS OF TAX COLLECTED
Condominium corporations are not business entities, According to Sec. 150 of the LGC,situs shall be
and are thus not subject to local business tax. Even determined by the ff. rules:
though the corporation is empowered to levy
assessments or dues from the unit owners, these RULE 1: In case of persons maintaining/operating a
amounts are not intended for the incurrence of profit branch or sales outlet making the sale or
by the corporation, but to shoulder the multitude of transaction, the tax shall be recorded in said branch
necessary expenses for maintenance of the or sales outlet and paid to the municipality/city
condominium. where the branch or sales outlet is located.
Ericsson Telecoms vs. City of Pasig. (Nov. 2007): RULE 2: Where there is NO branch or sales outlet in
Business tax must be based on gross receipts, it the city/municipality where the sale is made, sale
being different from gross revenue. The right to shall be recorded in the principal office and the tax
receive income, and not the actual receipt shall be paid to such city/municipality.
determines when to include the amount in gross
income. RULE 3: In the case of manufacturers, contractors,
producers, and exporters having factories, project
C.5. FEES AND CHARGES FOR REGULATION offices, plants, and plantations, proceeds shall be
allocated as follows:
(1) 30% of sales recorded in the principal office the situs of the contract for purposes of taxation,
shall be made taxable by the city/municipality and not merely the place of the perfection of the
where the principal office is located contract.
(2) 70% shall be taxable by the city/municipality
where the factory, project office, plant, or D. TAXING POWERS OF BARANGAYS
plantation is located The following shall exclusively accrue to the
Illustration of Rules 1 to 3: barangays:
A company has a principal office in Mandaluyong, (1) Taxes on Stores or Retailers with Fixed Business
while its sales office and factory are in Sta Rosa: Establishments.
(1) sales made in Sta Rosa, will be recorded in Sta (a) Rate: not greater than one percent (1%)
Rosa (b) Base:
(2) sales made in Los Baños, Calamba or Cabuyao (i) Cities: gross sales or receipts of the
[i.e., delivered to customers located in those preceding calendar year of
places], will be recorded in Mandaluyong P50,000.00 or less
(3) aside from sales made in Sta Rosa, Sta Rosa (ii) Municipalities: gross sales or receipts
also gets 70% of sales recorded in of P30,000.00 or less
Mandaluyong, pursuant to Rule 3 (2) Service Fees or Charges. For services rendered
in connection with the regulations or the use of
RULE 4: In case the plantation is located in a place barangay-owned properties or facilities such as
other than the place where the factory is located, the palay, copra, or tobacco dryers.
70% in Rule 3 will be divided as follows: (3) Barangay Clearance. A city or municipality
60% to the city/municipality where the factory is cannot issue a permit for business without a
located clearance from the barangay concerned. The
40% to the city/municipality where the plantation is sangguniang barangay may impose a
located reasonable fee on the clearance.
(4) Other Charges Allowed.
RULE 5: In case of 2 or more factories, plantations, (a) charges on commercial breeding of fighting
etc. in different localities, the 70% shall be prorated cocks, cockfights and cockpits;
among the localities where the factories, (b) charges on places of recreation which
plantations, etc. are located in proportion to their charge admission fees; and
respective volume of production. (c) charges on billboards, signboards, neon
signs, and outdoor advertisements. [Sec.
Illustration: 152, LGC]
A company has a principal office in Valenzuela and
has its factory in Bulacan. It also has branches E. COMMON REVENUE RAISING
selling merchandise in Muntinlupa, Bacolod, Cebu.
(1) sales made in Muntinlupa, Bacolod and Cebu
(1) Service fees and charges
will go to the said cities
LGUs may impose and collect such reasonable
(2) sales in all other places which do not have a
fees and charges for services rendered. [Sec.
sales branch shall be distributed as follows:
153, LGC]
30% to Valenzuela and 70% to Bulacan
(2) Public utility charges
LGUs may fix the rates for the operation of
Excise Tax: Allied Thread Co., Inc. v. City Mayor of
public utilities owned, operated and
Manila [1984] Tax is imposed on the performance of
maintained by them within their jurisdiction.
an act or occupation, enjoyment of a privilege. The
[Sec. 154, LGC]
power to levy such tax depends on the place in
(3) Toll fees or charges
which the act is performed or the occupation is
(a) The sanggunian may prescribe the terms
engaged in; not upon the location of the office.
and conditions and fix the rates for the
imposition of toll fees or charges for the
Sales Tax: Shell Co., Inc. v. Municipality of Sipocot,
use of any public road, pier, or wharf,
Camarines Sur [1959]
waterway, bridge, ferry or
It is the place of the consummation of the sale,
telecommunication system funded and
associated with the delivery of the things which are
the subject matter of the contract that determines
PAGE 217 OF 275
Who may levy [Sec. Cities or municipalities
156, LGC]
(1) Individuals who are:
(a) Inhabitants of the Philippines
(b) Eighteen years of age or over
(c) Either:
(i) Regularly employed on a wage or salary basis for at least 30 consecutive working days
during any calendar year
(ii) Engaged in business or occupation
(iii) Owns real property with an aggregate assessed value of P1,000 or more
(iv) Is required by law to file an income tax return
Persons Liable [Sec. (2) Juridical Persons
157 &158, LGC] (a) Every corporation no matter how created or organized,
(b) Whether domestic or resident foreign,
(c) Engaged in or doing business in the Philippines
(1) Individuals
(a) Annual community tax of P5.00 PLUS annual additional tax of P1.00 per P1,000.00 of
income regardless whether from business, exercise of profession or property
(b) Never to exceed P5000
(c) Husband and wife shall pay a basic tax of P5.00 each PLUS additional tax based on total
property owned by them and the total gross receipts or earnings derived therefrom
(2) Juridical Persons
(a) Annual community tax of P500.00 PLUS annual additional tax of not more than P10,000.00
according to the ff. schedule:
(i) P2.00 for every P5,000 worth of real property in the Philippines owned during the
preceding year based
(ii) P2.00 for every P5,000.00 of gross receipts derived from business in the Philippines
during the preceding year.
Rates [Sec. 157 &158, (b) Dividends received by a corporation from another corporation shall be deemed part of the
LGC] gross receipts or earnings for purposes of computing additional tax.
Persons Exempt [Sec. (1) Diplomatic and consular representatives
159, LGC] (2) Transient visitors who stay in the Philippines for not more than 3 months
Place of Payment [Sec. Where individual resides, or where the principal office of the juridical entity is located.
160, LGC]
Time of Payment [Sec Accrues on the 1st day of January of each year to be paid not later than the last day of February of each
161, LGC] year
Penalty If unpaid within the prescribed period, an interest of 24% shall be added per annum from the due date
until payment. [Sec. 161, LGC]
General rule: Accrues on the first day of January of Collection: 5 years from the date of assessment by
each year administrative or judicial action.
Except: New taxes, fees or charges, or changes in
the rates thereof which shall accrue on the first day Instances When Running of Prescription Periods is
of the quarter next following the effectivity of the Suspended
ordinance imposing such new levies or rates. [Sec. (1) When the treasurer is legally prevented from
166, LGC] making the assessment or collection
(2) When taxpayer requests for reinvestigation and
F.3. TIME OF PAYMENT executes a waiver in writing before lapse of the
Within the 20 days of January or of each subsequent period for assessment or collection.
quarter. [i.e., Jan 20, Apr 20, July 20, and Oct 20]. It (3) When the taxpayer is out of the country or
may be extended by the sanggunian for justifiable otherwise cannot be located [Sec. 194 (d), LGC]
reasons, without surcharges or penalties. Extension
cannot exceed 6 months. [Sec. 167, LGC] G.2. PROTEST OF ASSESSMENT
Within sixty (60) days from the receipt of the notice
F.4. PENALTIES ON UNPAID TAXES, FEES of assessment, the taxpayer may file a written
OR CHARGES protest with the local treasurer contesting the
(1) Surcharge not exceeding 25% on taxes, fees or assessment; otherwise it shall become final and
charges NOT paid on time; and executory. [Sec. 195, LGC]
(2) Interest not exceeding 2% per month of the
unpaid taxes, fees or charges including G.3. CLAIM FOR REFUND OF TAX CREDIT
surcharges, until the amount is fully paid FOR ERRONEOUSLY OR ILLEGALLY
(3) In no case shall the total interest exceed 36 COLLECTED TAX, FEE OR CHARGE
months. [Sec. 168, LGC] Requires a written claim for refund or credit to be
filed with local treasurer before protest is
COLLECTION AND INSPECTION OF BOOKS Must be brought within 2 years from payment of tax
All local taxes, fees and charges shall be collected or from the date the taxpayer became entitled to
by the local treasurer or their duly authorized refund or credit [Sec. 196, LGC]
deputies [Sec. 170, LGC]
The local treasurer may, by himself or through his COLLECTION OF REVENUES
deputies duly authorized in writing, examine the
books, accounts, and other pertinent records of any H.1. LOCAL GOVERNMENT’S LIEN FOR
person subject to local taxes, fees and charges in
order to ascertain, assess and collect the correct Non-payment of a tax, fee or charge creates a lien
amount of the tax, fee or charge. superior to all liens or encumbrances in favor of any
other person, enforceable by administrative or
Examination must be done during business hours, judicial action.
only once for every tax period and shall be certified
to by the examining official. [Sec. 171, LGC] The lien may only be extinguished upon full payment
of the delinquent local taxes, fees, and charges
G. TAXPAYER’S REMEDIES including related surcharges and interests. [Sec.
Assessment: Within 5 years from the date they (1) Administrative action
become due (2) Judicial action
In case of Fraud or Intent to Evade Tax: Within 10 Procedure for administrative action
years from discovery of fraud or intent to evade Distraint of personal property
payment. [Sec. 194, LGC] Personal properties subject to distraint: goods,
chattels or effects and other personal property of
PAGE 221 OF 275
whatever character, including stocks and other (7) any material or Article forming part of a house
securities, debts, credits, bank accounts, and or improvement of any real property
interest in and rights to personal property
Appeal before the Secretary of Justice; Procedure
Procedure: [Sec. 175, LGC] Appeal to the Secretary of Justice within 30
(1) Seizure of personal property days from effectivity
(2) Accounting of distrained goods The Secretary of Justice has 60 days to
(3) Publication of time and place of sale and the decide but an appeal does not suspend the
articles distrained effectivity of the ordinance
(4) Release of distrained property upon payment Within 30 days from the Secretary of
prior to sale Justice‘s decision or after 60 days inaction,
(5) Procedure of sale an appeal may be filed with the RTC. (See
(6) Disposition of proceeds Sec. 187, RA 7160)
Levy of real property Penalty on local treasurer for failure to issue and
Levy upon real property and interest in or rights to execute warrant of distraint or levy
real property Automatically dismissed from the service after due
notice and hearing [Sec. 177, LGC]
Procedure [Sec. 176, LGC]
(1) Preparation of a duly authenticated certificate Procedure for judicial action
by the LGU Treasurer effecting the levy on the The local government may institute an ordinary civil
real property action with regular courts of proper jurisdiction for
(2) Service of written notice of levy to the assessor the collection of delinquent taxes, fees, charges or
and Register of Deeds other revenues.
(3) Annotation of the levy on the tax declaration The civil action shall be filed by the local treasurer.
and the certificate of title [Sec. 183, LGC]
(4) Advertisement and Sale [Sec. 178, LGC]
Valley Trading Co. vs. CFI of Isabela, (1989);
Further distraint or levy Angeles City v. Angeles City Electric Corporation,
The remedies by distraint or levy may be repeated if (2010): LGC does not contain a provision
necessary until the full amount due, including all prohibiting courts from enjoining the collection of
expenses, is collected [Sec. 184, LGC] local taxes. Such lapse may have allowed
preliminary injunction under Rule 58, ROC where
Exemption of personal property from distraint or levy local taxes are involved.
(1) Tools and implements necessarily used by the I. REAL PROPERTY TAXATION
taxpayer in his trade or employment
(2) One horse, cow, carabao, or other Beast of
burden, such as the delinquent taxpayer may
(1) Current fair market value is the basis for
select and necessarily used by him in his
ordinary occupation
All real property, whether taxable or exempt,
(3) his necessary Clothing, and that of all his family
shall be appraised at the CURRENT AND FAIR
(4) household furniture and Utensils necessary for
MARKET VALUE prevailing in the locality where
housekeeping and used for that purpose by the
the property is situated. [Sec. 201, LGC]
delinquent taxpayer, such as he may select, of a
(2) Actual use shall be the basis of classification
value not exceeding P10,000
for assessment
(5) Provisions, including crops, actually provided
(a) Real property shall be classified, valued
for individual or family use sufficient for 4
and assessed on the basis of its actual use
regardless of where located, whoever owns
(6) the professional Libraries of doctors, engineers,
it, and whoever uses it.
one fishing boat and net, not exceeding the
(b) Actual Use- refers to the purpose for which
total value of P10,000 by the lawful use of
the property is principally or predominantly
which a fisherman earns his livelihood
utilized by the person in possession thereof
[Sec. 199 (b), LGC]
PAGE 222 OF 275
(c) MCIAA v. Marcos [G.R. No. 120082, Sept. their owner has placed them or preserves them with
11, 1996]: ―Usage means direct, the intention to have them permanently attached to
immediate and actual application of the the land, and forming a permanent part of it; the
property animals in these places are included;
(7) Fertilizer actually used on a piece of land;
(3) Private persons cannot be left to the appraisal, (8) Mines, quarries, and slag dumps, while the
assessment, levy and collection of real property matter thereof forms part of the bed, and waters
tax. either running or stagnant;
(4) uniform classification within each local (9) Docks and structures which, though floating, are
government unit shall be observed. intended by their nature and object to remain at a
(5) equitable appraisal and assessment is required. fixed place on a river, lake, or coast;
[Sec. 197, LGC] (10) Contracts for public works, and servitudes and
other real rights over immovable property. (334a)
(1) It is a direct tax on the ownership or use of real Coverage; For a Province, or a City or Municipality
property within Metro Manila
(2) It is an ad valorem tax. Value is the tax base. (1) Land
(3) It is proportionate because the tax is calculated (2) Building
on the basis of a certain percentage of the value (3) Machinery
assessed. (4) Other improvements not specifically exempted
(4) It creates a single, indivisible obligation [Sec. 232, LGC]
(5) It attaches on the property [i.e., a lien] and is
enforceable against it. The rate shall be as follows:
(6) With respect to LGUs, it is levied thru a Province: not exceeding one percent (1%) of the
delegated power assessed value of real property; and
City or municipality within Metro Manila: not
I.3. IMPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY TAX exceeding two percent (2%) of the assessed value of
real property. [Sec. 233, LGC]
N.B. Real property under the Art. 415, Civil Code;
The following are immovable property: Special Levy on Idle Lands
A province, or city or municipality within Metro
(1) Land, buildings, roads and constructions of all Manila may levy an annual tax on idle lands at the
kinds adhered to the soil; rate not exceeding five percent [5%] of the assessed
(2) Trees, plants, and growing fruits, while they are value of the property in addition to the basic tax
attached to the land or form an integral part of an
immovable; Lands covered
(3) Everything attached to an immovable in a fixed (1) Agricultural Lands
manner, in such a way that it cannot be separated More than one hectare in area suitable for
therefrom without breaking the material or cultivation, dairying, inland fishery, and other
deterioration of the object; agricultural uses, one-half of which remain
(4) Statues, reliefs, paintings or other objects for uncultivated or unimproved
use or ornamentation, placed in buildings or on (2) Other than Agricultural
lands by the owner of the immovable in such a More than one thousand square meters in area
manner that it reveals the intention to attach them one half of which remain unutilized or
permanently to the tenements; unimproved [Sec. 236 and 237, LGC]
(5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or
implements intended by the owner of the tenement Exempt Idle Lands
for an industry or works which may be carried on in a Lands exempt by reason of
building or on a piece of land, and which tend Force majeure,
directly to meet the needs of the said industry or Civil disturbance,
works; Natural calamity or
Any cause or circumstance which physically
(6) Animal houses, pigeon-houses, beehives, fish or legally prevents improving, utilizing or
ponds or breeding places of similar nature, in case cultivating the same. [Sec. 238, LGC]
PAGE 223 OF 275
devoted to the charitable object it was intended to (3) Name and address of the transferee [Sec. 208,
achieve, and no money inures to the benefit of LGC]
persons managing the institution.
Property leased to private entities is not exempt ASSESSMENT ROLLS
from RPT, as it is not actually, directly and The local assessor must maintain an assessment
exclusively used for charitable purposes. Portions of roll wherein all real property, whether taxable or
the land occupied by the hospital and portions used exempt, located within the territorial jurisdiction of
for its patients, whether paying or non-paying, are the LGU, is listed.
exempt from real property taxes.
Real property in general—
I.4. APPRAISAL AND ASSESSMENT OF REAL Shall be listed, valued and assessed in the name of
PROPERTY TAX the owner or administrator, or anyone having legal
interest in the property.
Declaration by the Owner or Administrator For undivided real property—
Prepare a sworn statement declaring the true value May be in the name of the estate or of the heirs and
of the property which shall be the current and fair devisees, or in the name of one or more co-owners
market value of the property.
Real property of a corporation, partnership or
It must contain a sufficient description of the association—
property to enable the assessor or his deputy to Same manner as an individual
identify the same for assessment purposes
Real property owned by the Republic of the
The declaration must be filed with the assessor once Philippines, its instrumentalities, political
every three (3) years during the period from January subdivision, the beneficial use has been granted to
1 to June 30. [Sec. 202, LGC] a taxable person—
Declaration by Any Person Acquiring Real Property In the name of the possessor, grantee or of the
or Making Improvements public entity if such property has been acquired or
The sworn statement declaring the true value of the held for resale or lease. [Sec. 205, LGC]
property must be filed to the provincial, city or
municipal assessor within sixty [60] days after the I.7. APPRAISAL AND VALUATION OF REAL
acquisition or upon completion or occupancy of the PROPERTY
improvement, whichever comesealier. [Sec. 203, Land
LGC] The assessor of the province, city or municipality or
his deputy may summon the owners or persons
Declaration by the Provincial or City or Municipal having legal interest therein and witnesses,
Assessor administer oaths, and take deposition concerning
When the person required to file the sworn the property, its ownership, amount nature, and
declaration refuses or fails to make sich declaration, value. [Sec. 213, LGC]
the provincial, city or municipal assessor shall
declare the property in the name of the defaulting Before any general revision of property assessment
owner. is made, there shall be prepared a schedule of FMV
by the provincial, city or municipal assessors; which
Notice of Transfer of Real Property shall be published in a newspaper of general
Any person who shall transfer real property circulation or in the absence thereof, shall be
ownership to another shall notify the provincial, city posted in the provincial capital, city or municipal
or municipal assessor within sixty [60] days from the hall and in two other conspicuous public places
date of such transfer. therein. [Sec. 212, LGC]
The notification shall include: (1) Residential – Is land principally devoted to
(1) Mode of transfer, habitation
(2) Description of the property alienated, and
PAGE 225 OF 275
the last known address of the person to be served. Payments of real property taxes shall first be applied
[Sec. 223, LGC] to prior years delinquencies, interests and penalties,
if any, and only after the delinquencies are settled
I.9. COLLECTION OF REAL PROPERTY TAX may tax payments be credited for the current period.
Real property tax for any year [Sec. 250, LGC]
Date of Accrual shall accrue on the first day of
(5.1) January. [Sec. 246, LGC] ii. Interests on unpaid real property tax
On or before the 31st of January In case of failure to pay the basic real property tax or
or on any date prescribed, the any other tax when due shall subject the taxpayer to
local treasurer shall post the the payment of interest at the rate of two percent per
notice of the dates when the tax
may be paid without interest at a
month on the unpaid amount or a fraction thereof
Notice for conspicuous and publicly until the delinquent tax shall have been fully paid.
Collection (5.2) accessible place at the city or But the total interest on the unpaid tax shall not
municipal hall. exceed thirty-six months. [Sec. 255, LGC]
Failure to issue or execute the warrant of levy Fels Energy v. Province of Batangas [G.R. No.
within one year from the time the tax becomes 168557, Feb. 16, 2007]: Under Section 226 of R.A.
delinquent or within thirty days from the date of the No 7160, the last action of the local assessor on a
issuance thereof shall be dismissed from service particular assessment shall be the notice of
[Sec. 259, LGC] assessment; it is this last action which gives the
owner of the property the right to appeal to the LBAA.
Purchase by LGU for Want of Bidder The procedure likewise does not permit the property
There is no bidder; or owner the remedy of filing a motion for
reconsideration before the local assessor.
When The highest bid is for an amount
Available insufficient to pay the real property tax Victorias Milling v. CTA [G.R. No. L-24213, Mar. 13,
and the related interest and costs of
1968]: The failure to appeal within the statutory
The local treasurer conducting the sale
period renders the assessment final and
shall purchase the property in behalf of unappealable.
Duty of the the LGU to satisfy the claim and within
Local Treasurer two years thereafter shall make a Appeal to the Central Board of Assessment Appeals
report of his proceedings. (CBAA)
Within one year from the date of Appeal must be filed within 30 days from the receipt
Redemption forfeiture of the decision of LBAA [Sec. 229, LGC]
Effect of payment of tax
Appeal on assessments of real property shall not
ii. Judicial suspend the collection of the corresponding realty
The LGU may enforce the collection by civil action in taxes on the property involved as assessed by the
any court of competent jurisdiction. provincial or city assessor without prejudice to the
subsequent readjustment depending upon the final
Must be filed by local treasurer within 5 to 10 years. outcome of the appeal. [Sec. 231, LGC]
[Sec. 266 in relation to Sec. 270, LGC]
Payment of real property under protest
J. TAXPAYER’S REMEDIES Protest must be filed with the local treasurer. No
J.1. ADMINISTRATIVE protest shall be entertained unless the tax is first
Protest paid. The protest must be in writing and filed within
Appeal to the Local Board of Assessment Appeals 30 days from payment of the tax to the local
(LBAA) treasurer.
(1) Appeal must be filed within 60 days from the
date of receipt of the written notice of Meralco v. Nelia Barlis [G.R. No. 114231, May 18,
assessment 2001]: The trial court has no jurisdiction to issue a
(2) By filing a petition under oath in the form writ of prohibition which seeks to set aside the
prescribed for the purpose warrant of garnishment over petitioner‘s bank
(3) Copies of tax declarations and other affidavits deposit in satisfaction of real property taxes without
or documents must be submitted [Sec. 226, paying first under protest the tax assessed and
LGC] without exhausting available administrative
The LBAA shall decide the appeal within 120 days
from the date of receipt of such appeal The local treasurer shall decide the protest within 60
The LBAA shall have the power to summon days from receipt.
witnesses, administer oaths, conduct ocular Appeal to the CTA En Banc
inspection, take depositions, and issue subpoena Appeal must be filed through a petition for review
duces tecum and/or subpoena within 30 days from the receipt of the decision of
CBAA [Sec. 11, R.A. 1125 as amended]
The LBAA must furnish the appellant a copy of the
decision of the board. [Sec. 229, LGC] Appeal to the SC
Appeal must be filed within 15 days from receipt of
decision of the CTA [Rule 45, Rules of Court]
PAGE 228 OF 275
Question on the legality of a tax ordinance
Any question on the constitutionality or legality of a
tax ordinance may be raised on appeal within 30
days from effectivity to the Secretary of Justice who
shall render a decision within 60 days from the date
of receipt of the appeal.
Flowchart V: Procedure for Assessment of Land Value for Real Property Tax
Purposes-Local Gov’t Code
For purposes of this flowchart owner means owner or administrator of real property or any person having legal interest thereto
Assessor prepares
Owner declares real Assessor declares
assessment rolls
property once every 3 real property if owner/
START wherein real property
years (sec. 202) w/n administrator fails to
shall be listed, valued
Jan 1 to June 30 do so (sec. 204)
and assessed (sec. 205)
Submit documents
Owner may claim
supporting exemption w/ Is real property
for tax exemption Yes
in 30 days from tax exempt?
Required (sec. 206)
declaration (sec. 206)
submitted w/in
30 days? Property shall be
Property dropped from
Yes proven as tax Yes
assessment roll
No exempt? (sec. 206)
Property shall be
listed as taxable in
the assessment
roll (sec. 206) END
Amount of tax
LT must decide w/
protested shall be
LT grants LT decides w/in in 60 days from
refunded or Yes Yes
protest? 60 days? receipt of protest
applied as tax
(sec. 252)
credit (Sec. 252)
For purposes of this flowchart owner means owner or administrator of real property or any
START person having legal interest thereto
LT returns to the
Sanggunian concerned
purchaser/bidder the
may, by ordinance sell
price paid + interest
and dispose of the real
of 2% per month
LT shall deliver to property acquired under
(sec. 261)
purchaser certificate the preceding section at
of sale public auction. (sec. 264)
If property is not
redeemed, the local Levy may be repeated
Proceeds of sale in treasurer shall until the full amount due,
excess of delinquent execute a deed of including all expenses, is
tax, interest & conveyance to the collected. (sec. 265)
expenses of sale purchaser (sec. 262)
remitted to the owner
(sec. 260)
CMTA, Sec. 104: ―All goods, when imported into the D. FLEXIBLE TARIFF CLAUSE
Philippines, shall be subject to duty upon Constitutional Basis: Sec. 28[2], Art. VI, 1987
importation, including goods previously exported Constitution. The Congress may, by law, authorize
from the Philippines, except as otherwise the President to fix with specified limits, and subject
specifically provided under CMTA or other laws.‖ to such limitations and restrictions, as it may
impose, tariff rates, import and export quotas,
tonnage and wharfage duties, and other duties or
imposts within the framework of the national
development program of the Government.
PAGE 233 OF 275
CMTA, Sec. 1608: The President is empowered to: Every vessel from a foreign port must have on board
(1) Increase, reduce or remove existing rates a complete manifest of all her cargo.
[increase in the rate cannot exceed 100% ad
valorem], including authority to modify the form All the cargo intended to be landed at a port in the
of duty Philippines must be described in separate
(2) Establish import quotas or ban imports of any manifests for each port of call.
(3) Impose an additional duty not exceeding 10% The manifest shall include:
ad valorem (1) Port of departure
(2) Port of delivery
E. REQUIREMENTS OF IMPORTATION (3) Marks, numbers, quantity and description of
IMPORTATION (4) Names of the consignees
Importation begins when the carrying vessel or
aircraft enters the jurisdiction of the Philippines with General rule: It cannot be changed or altered after
intention to unload therein [Sec. 1202, TCC; the entry of vessel.
same under CMTA, Sec. 103]
Importation is deemed terminated upon payment of Amendment by the master, consignee or agent
duties, taxes and other charges due upon the attached to the original manifest
articles, or secured to be paid, at a port of entry AND
the legal permit for withdrawal shall have been CANNOT amend the manifest after the invoice
granted, or in case said articles are free of duties, and/or entry covering the importation have been
taxes and other charges, until they have legally left received and recorded in the office of the appraiser
the jurisdiction of the customs. [Sec. 1202, TCC; the
same under CMTA, Sec. 103] EXCEPT: (a) Obvious clerical error or any other
discrepancy is committed in the preparation; (b)
Note: The payment of the duties, taxes, fees and Without fraudulent intent; (c) Discovery would not
other charges must be in full. [Papa v. Mago (1968)] have been made until after examination of the
importation is completed.
Imported articles shall be deemed "entered" in the
Philippines for consumption when the specified The cargo manifest and each copy thereof shall be
entry form is properly filed and accepted, together accompanied by a translation into the official
with any related documents required by the TCC language of the Philippines, if originally written in
and/or regulations to be filed with such form at the another language. [Sec. 1006, TCC; different under
time of entry, at the port or station by the customs
PAGE 234 OF 275
Imported articles must be entered in the Content and Form of Import Entry
customhouse at the port of entry within fifteen days Content [Sec. 1304, TCC]
from date of discharge of the last package from the (1) That the entry delivered to the Collector
vessel either contains a full account of the value or price
(1) by the importer, being holder of the bill of articles, including subject of the entry;
lading (2) That the invoice and entry contain a just and
(2) by any other holder of the bill of lading in due faithful account of the value or price of said
course, articles including and specifying the value of all
(3) by a customs broker acting under authority from containers or coverings, and that nothing has
a holder of the bill, or been omitted, therefrom or concealed whereby
(4) by a person duly empowered to act as agent or the government of the Republic of the
attorney-in-fact for such holder. Philippines be defrauded of any part of the
duties lawfully due on the articles;
The Collector may grant an extension of not more (3) That, to the best of the declarant's information
than fifteen days. [Sec. 1301, TCC; the same under and belief, all the invoice and bills of lading to
CMTA, Sec. 106 and 407, except that for declarants, the articles are the only ones in existence
#2 is changed to—the exporter, being the owner of relating to the importation in question and that
the goods to be shipped out. And, in case the they are in the state in which they were actually
consignee or the person who has the right to received by him;
dispose of the goods is a juridical person, it may (4) That, to the best of the declarant's information
authorize a responsible officer of the company to and belief, the entries, invoices and bill of and
sign the goods declaration as declarant on its the declaration thereon under penalties of
behalf.] falsification of perjury are in all respects
genuine and true, and were made by the person
CMTA, Sec. 102(y): ―Goods Declaration - a by whom the same purpose to have been made.
statement made in the manner prescribed by the [The same under CMTA, Sec. 412, except that
Bureau and other appropriate agencies, by which #1 is omitted]
the persons concerned indicate the procedure to be
observed in the application for the entry or Form
admission of imported goods and the particulars of (1) signed by the importer, consignee or holder of
which the customs administration shall require.‖ the bill, by or for whom the entry is effected [Sec.
1305, TCC; CMTA, Sec. 107—signed by the
All imported articles, except importation admitted declarant];
free of duty, shall be subject to a formal or informal (2) in the required number of copies in such form
entry. [Sec. 1302, TCC] as prescribed by regulations [Sec. 1306, TCC];
CMTA, Sec. 401: ―Unless otherwise provided for in (3) shall contain the names of the importing vessel
this Act, all imported goods shall be subject to the or aircraft, port of departure and date of arrival,
PAGE 235 OF 275
the number and mark of packages, or the iii. Declaration of correct weight or value
quantity, if in bulk, the nature and correct [Sec. 1313, TCC]
commodity description of the articles contained Classification
therein, and its value as set forth in a proper When article is not specifically classified in the Code,
invoice to be presented in duplicate the entry the interested party, importer or foreign exporter
[Sec. 1306, TCC; the same under CMTA, Sec. may submit a sample with full description of
411, except that the latter provides for the component materials in a written request.
inclusion of the names of the consignees and
port of destination] Value
Upon written application, Collector shall furnish
Articles to be cleared on informal entry importer within 30 days the latest information as to
[Sec. 1302, TCC] the value of the articles to be imported.
(1) Articles of a commercial nature intended for
sale, barter or hire, the dutiable value of which Importer must present all pertinent papers and
is P2000 or less; [Value changed to P50,000 documents, act in good faith and unable to obtain
under CMTA, Sec. 402] information due to unusual conditions
(2) Personal and household effects or articles,
regardless of value, imported in passenger's Information given is not an appraisal nor is it
baggage, mail, or otherwise, for personal use. binding upon the Collector‘s right of appraisal.
The Collector may, upon instruction of the Secretary The declaration, ascertainment or verification of the
of Finance, when he deems it necessary for the correct weight of the cargo at the port of loading is
protection of the revenue, require a formal entry the duty or obligation of the master, pilot, owner,
regardless of value. officer or employee of the vessel. If he omits or
disregards this duty and a punishable discrepancy
Types of Formal Entry between the declared weight and actual weight of
[Sec. 1302, TCC] the cargo exists, the inevitable conclusion is that he
A formal entry may be: is negligent or careless. Similarly, if in the exercise
(1) For immediate consumption, or or performance of this duty, he is negligent or
(2) Under irrevocable domestic letter of credit, careless resulting in the commission of excessive
bank guarantee or bond for: discrepancy in the weight of the ship's cargo
(a) Placing the article in customs bonded penalized under the law, carelessness or
warehouse; incompetency is, nonetheless, imputable to him.
(b) Constructive warehousing and immediate
transportation to other ports of the PROVISIONAL GOODS DECLARATION (PGD) UNDER
Philippines upon proper examination and CMTA, SEC. 403: Where the declarant does not have
appraisal; or all the information or supporting documents
(c) Constructive warehousing and immediate required to complete the goods declaration, the
exportation. lodging of a provisional goods declaration may be
allowed: Provided, That it substantially contains the
CMTA, Sec. 402: ―All goods declaration for necessary information required by the Bureau and
consumption shall be cleared through a formal entry the declarant undertakes to complete the
process.‖ information or submit the supporting documents
within 45 days from the filing of the PGD, extentible
Note: All importations entered under formal entry for another 45 days for valid reasons.
shall be covered by a letter of credit or any other
verifiable document evidencing payment. [R.A. If the Bureau accepts a PGD, the duty treatment of
9135 (2001); slightly modified under CMTA, Sec. the goods shall not be different from that of goods
402—―a letter of credit or any verifiable commercial with complete declaration.
document evidencing payment or in cases where
there is no sale for export, by any commercial Goods under a PGD may be released upon posting
document indicating the commercial value of the of any required security equivalent to the amount
goods.‖] ascertained to be the applicable duties and taxes.
iv. Liability for payment of duties passed free of duty or final adjustment of duties
[Sec. 1204, TCC; the same under CMTA, Sec. 405] made, after the expiration of 3 years from the date
General rule: the liability for duties, taxes, fees and of the final payment of duties.
other charges attaching on importation constitutes
a personal debt due from the importer to the Exceptions:
government; it constitutes a lien upon the articles (1) Fraud
imported which may be enforced while such articles (2) Protest
are in custody or subject to the control of the (3) Compliance audit pursuant to the provisions of
government. the Code
How to discharge: Discharged only by payment in Note: Exceptions do not apply in case of tentative
full of all duties, taxes, fees and other charges liquidation
legally accruing
Fractions in the Liquidation — a fraction of a peso
Exception: Relieved by laws or regulations less than fifty centavos shall be disregarded, and a
fraction of a peso amounting to fifty centavos or
v. Liquidation of duties more shall be considered as one peso. In case of
When made: Upon approval by the Collector of the overpayment or underpayment of duties, taxes,
returns of the appraiser and reports of the weights, surcharges, wharfage and/or other charges paid on
gauge or quantity [Sec. 1601, TCC] entries, where the amount involved is less than five
pesos, no refund or collection shall be made. [Sec.
How: the liquidation shall be made on the face of 1604, TCC]
the entry showing the particulars thereof, initiated
by the liquidating clerk, approved by the chief Other Notes:
liquidator, and recorded in the record of Readjustment of Appraisal, Classification or Return
liquidations. [Sec. 1601, TCC] [Sec. 1407, TCC]
Prescriptive Period for Appraisal, Classification or
Additional Process: A daily record of all entries Return
liquidated shall be posted in the public corridor of General rule: Appraisal, classification or return as
the customhouse, stating the name of the vessel or finally passed upon and approved or modified by the
aircraft, the port from which she arrived, the date of Collector shall not be altered or modified in any
her arrival, the name of the importer, and the serial manner.
number and date of the entry. A daily record must
also be kept by the Collector of all additional duties, Exceptions:
taxes and other charges found upon liquidation, and (1) Within one year after payment of the duties,
notice shall promptly be sent to the interested upon statement of error in conformity with
parties. [Sec. 1601, TCC] seventeen hundred and seven hereof, approved
by the Collector
Tentative and Final Liquidation (2) Within fifteen days after such payment upon
Tentative Liquidation request for reappraisal and/or reclassification
[Sec. 1602, TCC] addressed to the Commissioner by the Collector,
When liquidation shall be deemed to be tentative: If if the appraisal and/or classification is deemed
to determine the exact amount due under the law in to be low
whole or in part some future action is required [only (3) Upon request for reappraisal and/or
as to item/s affected] reclassification, in the form of a timely protest
addressed to the Collector by the interested
Effect: shall to that extent be subject to future and party if the latter should be dissatisfied with the
final readjustment and settlement; entry in such appraisal or return
case shall be stamped "Tentative liquidation" (4) Upon demand by the Commissioner of Customs
after the completion of compliance audit
Final Liquidation pursuant to the provisions of this Code." [R.A.
[Sec. 1603, TCC as amended by RA 9135] 9135 (2001)]
When liquidation is final and conclusive upon all the
parties: when articles have been entered and vi. Keeping of records
PAGE 237 OF 275
All importers are required to keep at their principal When the defendant is shown to have or to have had
place of business, in the manner prescribed by possession of the article in question, such
regulations to be issued by the Commissioner of possession shall be deemed sufficient evidence to
Customs and for a period of 3 years from the date of authorize conviction, unless the defendant shall
importation, all records of their importations and/or explain the possession to the satisfaction of the
books of accounts, business and computer systems court. [Sec. 3601, TCC]
and all customs commercial data including payment
records relevant to the verification of the accuracy of Note: The penalties for unlawful importation are very
the transactions value declared by the different in the CMTA, under Sec. 1401; the
importer/customs brokers on the import duty penalties are dependent on the appraised value of
the goods unlawfully imported.
All brokers are required to keep at their principal
place of business for a period of 3 years from date of F.2. OTHER FRAUDULENT PRACTICES
importation copies (1) Various Practices against Customs Revenue:
Any person who
Custom officer authorized by BOC may enter during (1) makes or attempts to make any entry of
office hours any premises or place where the records imported or exported article by means of
are kept to conduct an audit examination, any false or fraudulent invoice, declaration,
inspection, verification or investigation. The officer affidavit, letter, paper, or
may make copies or take extracts from any of such (2) by means of any false statement, written or
documents. A certified copy may be evidence verbal, or by means of any false or
admissible in all courts as if original. fraudulent practice whatsoever, or
(3) shall be guilty of any willful act or omission
Note: The same under CMTA, Secs. 1002-1003. by means of whereof the Government might
be deprived of the lawful duties, taxes and
F. IMPORTATION IN VIOLATION OF TCC other charges, or any portion thereof,
F.1. SMUGGLING accruing from the article or any portion
In order to prevent smuggling and to secure the thereof, embraced or referred to in such
collection of the legal duties, taxes and other invoice, declaration, affidavit, letter, paper,
charges, the customs service shall exercise or statement, or affected by such act or
surveillance over the coast, beginning when a vessel omission [Sec. 3602, TCC]
or aircraft enters Philippine territory and concluding (2) Failure to Report Fraud: Any master, pilot in
when the article imported therein has been legally command or other officer, owner or agent of any
passed through the customhouse. [Sec. 2202] vessel or aircraft trading with or within the
Philippines and any employee of the Bureau of
Smuggling – any person who shall fraudulently Customs, who, having cognizance of any fraud
import or bring into the Philippines, or assist in so upon the customs revenue, shall fail to report
doing, any article, contrary to law, or shall receive, all information relative thereto to the Collector,
conceal, buy, sell, or in any manner facilitate the as required by law [Sec. 3603, TCC]
transportation, concealment, or sale of such article (1) Concealment or Destruction of Evidence of
after importation, knowing the same to have been Fraud: Any person who willfully conceals or
imported contrary to law; includes the exportation of destroys, any invoice, book or paper relating to
articles in a manner contrary to law. [Sec. 3519, any article liable to duty, after an inspection
TCC] thereof has been demanded by the Collector of
any Collection district, or at any time conceals
Penalties for Unlawful Importation: or destroys any such invoice, book or paper for
Person found guilty of smuggling shall be punished the purpose of suppressing any evidence of
by a fine of not less than six hundred pesos nor more fraud therein contained [Sec. 3605, TCC]
than five thousand pesos and imprisonment for not (2) Affixing Seals: Any person who shall willfully
less than six months nor more than two years and, if break or destroy any seal placed by a customs
the offender is an alien, he shall be deported after official upon any car, or other conveyance by
serving the sentence. land, sea or air, or any compartment thereof
[Sec. 3606, TCC]
(3) Removal, Breakage, Alteration of Marks: Any conception is prevented or unlawful abortion
person who alters, defaces or obliterates any produced.
distinctive mark placed by a customs official on (5) Roulette wheels, gambling outfits, loaded dice,
any package of warehoused articles [Sec. 3607, marked cards, machines, apparatus or
TCC] mechanical devices used in gambling, or in the
(4) Removing Goods from Customs Custody: Any distribution of money, cigars, cigarettes or other
importer or owner of warehoused articles, or articles when such distribution is dependent
person in his employ, who by contrivance, upon chance, including jackpot and pinball
fraudulently opens the warehouse, or gains machines or similar contrivances.
access to the articles, except in the presence of (6) Lottery and sweepstakes tickets,
the proper official of the customs acting in the advertisements thereof and lists of drawings
execution of his duty [Sec. 3608, TCC] therein.
(5) Failure to Keep Importation Records and Give Except those authorized by the Philippine
Full Access to Customs Officers: Any person Government
who shall fraudulently remove warehoused (7) Any article manufactured in whole or in part of
articles from any public or private warehouse or gold silver or other precious metal, or alloys
shall fraudulently conceal such articles in any thereof, the stamps brands or marks of which
such warehouse, or shall aid or abet any such do not indicate the actual fineness or quality of
removal or concealment [Sec. 3609, TCC] said metals or alloys.
(8) Any adulterated or misbranded article of food or
G. CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS any adulterated or misbranded drug in violation
G.1. TAXABLE IMPORTATION of the provisions of the "Food and Drugs Act."
All articles, when imported from any foreign country (9) Marijuana, opium poppies, coca leaves, or any
into the Philippines, shall be subject to duty upon other narcotics or synthetic drugs which are or
each importation, even though previously exported may hereafter be declared habit forming by the
from the Philippines, except as otherwise President of the Philippines, any compound,
specifically provided for in this Code or in other laws. manufactured salt, derivative, or preparation
[Sec. 100, TCC] thereof,
Except: when imported by the Government of
G.2. PROHIBITED IMPORTATION the Philippines or any person duly authoriwhen
[Sec. 101, TCC] (POPP-LAW-DING) imported by the Government of the Philippines
(1) Dynamite, gunpowder, ammunitions and other or any person duly authorized by the Collector of
explosives, firearm and weapons of war, and Internal Revenue for medicinal purposes only
detached parts thereof, except when authorized (10) Opium pipes and parts thereof, of whatever
by law. material.
(2) Written or printed article in any form containing: (11) All other articles the importation of which is
(a) any matter advocating or inciting treason, prohibited by law.
rebellion, insurrection or sedition against
the Government of the Philippines G.3. CONDITIONALLY-FREE IMPORTATION
(b) forcible resistance to any law of the [Sec. 105, TCC]
Philippines The following articles shall be exempt from the
(c) containing any threat to take the life of or payment of import duties upon compliance with the
inflict bodily harm upon any person in the formalities prescribed in, or with, the regulations
Philippines. which shall be promulgated by the Commissioner of
(3) Written or printed articles, photographs, Customs with the approval of the Secretary of
engravings, lithographs, objects, paintings, Finance:
drawings or other representation of an obscene (1) Aquatic products (e.g., fishes, crustaceans,
or immoral character. mollusks, marine animals, seaweeds, fish oil,
(4) Articles, instruments, drugs and substances roe), caught or gathered by fishing vessels of
designed, intended or adapted for preventing Philippine registry: Provided, That they are
human conception or producing unlawful imported in such vessels or in crafts attached
abortion, or any printed matter which advertises thereto: And provided, further, That they have
or describes or gives directly or indirectly not been landed in any foreign territory or, if so
information where, how or by whom human landed, they have been landed solely for
PAGE 239 OF 275
conditioned for the exportation thereof or privilege of free entry was never granted to them
payment of the corresponding duties, taxes and before or that such person qualifies under the
other charges within three [3] months from the provisions of Letters of Instructions 105, 163
date of acceptance of the import entry: And and 210, and that the articles are brought from
Provided finally, That the Collector of Customs their former place of abode, shall be exempt
may extend the time for exportation or payment from the payment of customs duties and taxes:
of duties, taxes and other charges for a term not Provided, That vehicles, vessels, aircrafts,
exceeding three months from the expiration of machineries and other similar articles for use in
the original period; manufacture, shall not be classified hereunder;
(8) Personal and household effects and vehicles (10) Articles used exclusively for public
belonging to foreign consultants and experts entertainment, and for display in public
hired by, and/or rendering service to, the expositions, or for exhibition or competition for
government, and their staff or personnel and prizes, and devices for projecting pictures and
families, accompanying them or arriving within parts and appurtenances thereof, upon
a reasonable time before or after their arrival in identification, examination, and appraisal and
the Philippines, in quantities and of the kind the giving of a bond in an amount equal to one
necessary and suitable to the profession, rank and one-half times the ascertained duties,
or position of the person importing them, for taxes and other charges thereon, conditioned
their own use and not for barter, sale or hire for exportation thereof or payment of the
provided that, the Collector of Customs may in corresponding duties, taxes and other charges
his discretion require either a written within six [6] months from the date of
commitment or a bond in an amount equal to acceptance of the import entry; Provided, That
one and one-half times the ascertained duties, the Collector of Customs may extend the time
taxes and other charges upon the articles for exportation or payment of duties, taxes and
classified under this subsection; conditioned other charges for a term not exceeding six [6]
for the exportation thereof or payment of the months from the expiration of the original
corresponding duties, taxes and other charges period; and technical and scientific films when
within six [6] months after the expiration of their imported by technical, cultural and scientific
term or contract; And Provided, finally, That the institutions, and not to be exhibited for profit:
Collector of Customs may extend the time for Provided, further, That if any of the said films is
exportation or payment of duties, taxes and exhibited for profit, the proceeds therefrom
other charges for term not exceeding six [6] shall be subject to confiscation, in addition to
months from the expiration of the original the penalty provided under Section Thirty-six
period; hundred and ten as amended, of this Code;
(9) Professional instruments and implements, tools (11) Articles brought by foreign film producers
of trade, occupation or employment, wearing directly and exclusively used for making or
apparel, domestic animals, and personal and recording motion picture films on location in
household effects belonging to persons coming the Philippines, upon their identification,
to settle in the Philippines or Filipinos and/or examination and appraisal and the giving of a
their families and descendants who are now bond in an amount equal to one and one-half
residents or citizens of other countries, such times the ascertained duties, taxes and other
parties hereinafter referred to as Overseas charges thereon, conditioned for exportation
Filipinos, in quantities and of the class suitable thereof or payment of the corresponding duties,
to the profession, rank or position of the taxes and other charges within six [6] months
persons importing them, for their own use and from the date of acceptance of the import entry,
not for barter or sale, accompanying such unless extended by the Collector of Customs for
persons, or arriving within a reasonable time, in another six [6] months; photographic and
the discretion of the Collector of Customs, cinematographic films, undeveloped, exposed
before or after the arrival of their owners, which outside the Philippines by resident Filipino
shall not be later than February 28, 1979 upon citizens or by producing companies of
the production of evidence satisfactory to the Philippine registry where the principal actors
Collector of Customs that such persons are and artists employed for the production are
actually coming to settle in the Philippines, that Filipinos, upon affidavit by the importer and
change of residence was bona fide and that the identification that such exposed films are the
PAGE 241 OF 275
same films previously exported from the air stores; or articles purchased abroad for sale
Philippines. As used in this paragraph, the on board a vessel or aircraft as saloon stores or
terms "actors" and "artists" include the air store supplies: Provided, That any surplus or
persons operating the photographic cameras or excess of such vessel or aircraft supplies
other photographic and sound recording arriving from foreign ports or airports shall be
apparatus by which the film is made; dutiable;
(12) Importations for the official use of foreign (17) Articles and salvage from vessels recovered
embassies, legations, and other agencies of after a period of two years from the date of filing
foreign governments: Provided, That those the marine protest or the time when the vessel
foreign countries accord like privileges to was wrecked or abandoned, or parts of a
corresponding agencies of the Philippines; foreign vessel or her equipment, wrecked,
(13) Articles imported for the personal or family use abandoned in Philippine waters or elsewhere:
of the members and attaches of foreign Provided, That articles and salvage recovered
embassies, legations, consular officers and within the said period of two years shall be
other representatives of foreign governments: dutiable;
Provided, That such privilege shall be accorded (18) Coffins or urns containing human remains,
under special agreements between the bones or ashes, used personal and household
Philippines and the countries which they effects [not merchandise] of the deceased
represent: And Provided, further, That the person, except vehicles, the value of which does
privilege may be granted only upon specific not exceed ten thousand pesos, upon
instructions of the Secretary of Finance in each identification as such;
instance which will be issued only upon request (19) Samples of the kind, in such quantity and of
of the Department of Foreign Affairs; such dimension or construction as to render
(14) Imported articles donated to, or for the account them unsalable or of no appreciable
of, any duly registered relief organization, not commercial value; models not adapted for
operated for profit, for free distribution among practical use; and samples of medicines,
the needy, upon certification by the Department properly marked "sample-sale punishable by
of Social Services and Development or the law," for the purpose of introducing a new
Department of Education, Culture and Sports, article in the Philippine market and imported
as the case may be; only once in a quantity sufficient for such
(15) Containers, holders and other similar purpose by a person duly registered and
receptacles of any material including kraft identified to be engaged in that trade: Provided,
paper bags for locally manufactured cement for That importations under this subsection shall
export, including corrugated boxes for bananas, be previously authorized by the Secretary of
mangoes, pineapples and other fresh fruits for Finance: Provided, however, That importation of
export, except other containers made of paper, sample medicine shall be previously authorized
paperboard and textile fabrics, which are of by the Secretary of Health that such samples
such character as to be readily identifiable are new medicines not available in the
and/or reusable for shipment or transportation Philippines: Provided, finally, That samples not
of goods shall be delivered to the importer previously authorized and/or properly marked
thereof upon identification, examination and in accordance with this section shall be levied
appraisal and the giving of a bond in an amount the corresponding tariff duty.
equal to one and one-half times the (20) Commercial samples, except those that are not
ascertained duties, taxes and other charges readily and easily identifiable [e.g., precious
within six months from the date of acceptance and semi-precious stones, cut or uncut, and
of the import entry; jewelry set with precious stones], the value of
(16) Supplies which are necessary for the any single importation of which does not exceed
reasonable requirements of the vessel or ten thousand pesos [P10,000.00] upon the
aircraft in her voyage or flight outside the giving of a bond in an amount equal to twice the
Philippines, including articles transferred from ascertained duties, taxes and other charges
a bonded warehouse in any collection district to thereon, conditioned for the exportation of said
any vessel or aircraft engaged in foreign trade, samples within six [6] months from the date of
for use or consumption of the passengers or its the acceptance of the import entry or in default
crew on board such vessel or aircrafts as sea or thereof, the payment of the corresponding
PAGE 242 OF 275
duties, taxes and other charges. If the value of (23) Educational, scientific and cultural materials
any single consignment of such commercial covered by international agreements or
samples exceeds ten thousand pesos commitments binding upon the Philippine
[P10,000.00],the importer thereof may select Government so certified by the Department of
any portion of same not exceeding in value of Education, Culture and Sports.
ten thousand pesos [P10,000.00] for entry (24) Bibles, missals, prayer books, Koran, Ahadith
under the provision of this subsection, and the and other religious books of similar nature and
excess of the consignment may be entered in extracts therefrom, hymnal and hymns for
bond, or for consumption, as the importer may religious uses;
elect; (25) Philippine articles previously exported from the
(21) Animals (except race horses), and plants for Philippines and returned without having been
scientific, experimental, propagation, botanical, advanced in value or improved in condition by
breeding, zoological and national defense any process of manufacture or other means,
purposes: Provided, That no live trees, shoots, and upon which no drawback or bounty has
plants, moss, and bulbs, tubers and seeds for been allowed, including instruments and
propagation purposes may be imported under implements, tools of trade, machinery and
this section, except by order of the Government equipment, used abroad by Filipino citizens in
or other duly authorized institutions: Provided, the pursuit of their business, occupation or
further, That the free entry of animals for profession; and foreign articles previously
breeding purposes shall be restricted to imported when returned after having been
animals of recognized breed, duly registered in exported and loaned for use temporarily abroad
the book of record established for that breed, solely for exhibition, testing and
certified as such by the Bureau of Animal experimentation, for scientific or educational
Industry: Provided, furthermore, That certificate purposes; and foreign containers previously
of such record, and pedigree of such animal imported which have been used in packing
duly authenticated by the proper custodian of exported Philippine articles and returned empty
such book of record, shall be produced and if imported by or for the account of the person
submitted to the Collector of Customs, together or institution who exported them from the
with affidavit of the owner or importer, that such Philippines and not for sale, barter or hire
animal is the animal described in said subject to identification: Provided, That any
certificate of record and pedigree: And Provided, Philippine article falling under this subsection
finally, That the animals and plants are certified upon which drawback or bounty has been
by the National Economic and Development allowed shall, upon re-importation thereof, be
Authority as necessary for economic subject to a duty under this subsection equal to
development; the amount of such drawback or bounty.
(22) Economic, technical, vocational, scientific, (26) Aircraft, equipment and machinery, spare parts
philosophical, historical, and cultural books commissary and catering supplies, aviation gas,
and/or publications: Provided, That those fuel and oil, whether crude or refined, and such
which may have already been imported but other articles or supplies imported by and for
pending release by the Bureau of Customs at the use of scheduled airlines operating under
the effectivity of this Decree may still enjoy the Congressional franchise: Provided, That such
privilege herein provided upon certification by articles or supplies are not locally available in
the Department of Education, Culture and reasonable quantity, quality and price and are
Sports that such imported books and/or necessary or incidental for the proper operation
publications are for economic, technical, of the scheduled airline importing the same;
vocational, scientific, philosophical, historical (27) Machineries, equipment, tools for production,
or cultural purposes or that the same are plants to convert mineral ores into saleable
educational, scientific or cultural materials form, spare parts, supplies, materials,
covered by the International Agreement on accessories, explosives, chemicals, and
Importation of Educational Scientific and transportation and communication facilities
Cultural Materials signed by the President of imported by and for the use of new mines and
the Philippines on August 2, 1952, or other old mines which resume operations, when
agreements binding upon the Philippines. certified to as such by the Secretary of
Agriculture and Natural Resources upon the
PAGE 243 OF 275
recommendation of the Director of Mines, for a Ordinary or regular duties refer to those that, as a
period ending five [5] years from the first date of matter of course, are imposed on dutiable articles
actual commercial production of saleable [Sec. 104, TCC]
mineral products: Provided, That such articles
are not locally available in reasonable quantity, i. Ad valorem; Methods of valuation
quality and price and are necessary or The tax rates are based on
incidental in the proper operation of the mine; (1) The cost (FMV) or price of the imported articles,
and aircrafts imported by agro-industrial in wholesale quantities in the principal market
companies to be used by them in their of the exporting country or the country of origin,
agriculture and industrial operations or including expenses connected with the
activities, spare parts and accessories thereof; importation, such as insurance, freight,
(28) Spare parts of vessels or aircraft of foreign packaging, loading and unloading charges, but
registry engaged in foreign trade when brought excluding internal excise taxes to be remitted or
into the Philippine exclusively as replacements rebated; or
or for the emergency repair thereof, upon proof (2) In case such value is not ascertainable, the
satisfactory to the Collector of Customs that reports of the Revenue or commercial attaches;
such spare parts shall be utilized to secure the or
safety, seaworthiness or airworthiness of the (3) If still not ascertainable, the domestic
vessel or aircraft, to enable it to continue its wholesale market price in the ordinary course of
voyage or flight; trade less import duty and not more than 25%
(29) Articles of easy identification exported from the for expenses and profits. [Sec. 201, TCC]
Philippines for repair and subsequently
reimported upon proof satisfactory to the Basis for all Methods of Valuation
Collector of Customs that such articles are not [Sec. 201, TCC and CAO 4-2004]
capable of being repaired locally: Provided, Methods for determining dutiable value –
That the cost of the repairs made to any such (1) Transaction value – an ad valorem rate of duty
article shall pay a rate of duty of thirty per cent equivalent to the price actually paid or payable
ad valorem; for the goods when sold for export to the
(30) Trailer chassis when imported by shipping Philippines, as adjusted;
companies for their exclusive use in handling (2) Transaction value of identical goods – the
containerized cargo, upon posting a bond in an transaction value of identical goods sold for
amount equal to one and one-half times the export to the Philippines and exported at or
ascertained duties, taxes and other charges about the same time as the goods being valued;
due thereon to cover a period of one year from ―identical goods‖ shall mean goods which are
the date of acceptance of the entry, which the same in all respects, including physical
period for meritorious reasons may be extended characteristics, quality and reputation,
by the Commissioner of Customs from year to discounting minor differences in appearances;
year, subject to the following conditions: (3) Transaction value of similar goods – the
(a) That they shall be properly identified and transaction value of similar goods sold for
registered with the Land Transportation export to the Philippines and exported at or
Commission; about the same time as the goods being valued;
(b) That they shall be subject to customs ―similar goods‖ shall mean goods which,
supervision fee to be fixed by the Collector although not alike in all respects, have like
of Customs and subject to the approval of characteristics and like component materials
the Commissioner of Customs; which enable them to perform the same
(c) That they shall be deposited in the functions and to be commercially
Customs zone when not in use; and interchangeable;
(d) That upon the expiration of the period (4) Deductive value – an amount based on the unit
prescribed above, duties and taxes shall be price at which the imported gods or identical or
paid, unless otherwise re-exported similar imported goods are sold in the
Philippines, in the same condition as when
H. CLASSIFICATION OF DUTIES imported, in the greatest aggregate quantity, at
H.1. ORDINARY/REGULAR DUTIES or about the time of importation of the goods
being valued, to persons not related to the
PAGE 244 OF 275
persons from whom they buy such goods, as (2) They are legally recognized partners in
adjusted business;
(5) Computed value – the aggregate value of the (3) There exists in an employer-employee
cost or value of materials and fabrication or relationship between them;
other processing employed in producing the (4) Any person directly or indirectly owns, controls
imported goods, amount for profit and general or holds 5% or more of the outstanding voting
expenses, freight, insurance fees and other stock or shares of bother seller and buyer;
transportation expenses for the importation of (5) One of them directly or indirectly controls the
the goods, among others; and other;
(6) Fallback value – an amount determined by (6) Both of them are directly or indirectly controlled
using other reasonable means and on the basis by a 3rd person;
of data available in the Philippines. (7) Together they directly or indirectly control a 3rd
person; or
General rule: The foregoing methods are (8) Related by affinity or consanguinity up to 4th
sequentially applied civil degree.
Exception: [CAO 4-2004] Methods 4 and 5 may be If related, use of TV acceptable if:
reversed at the request of the importer, subject to (1) circumstances surrounding transaction
the approval of the Commissioner. show that relationship did not influence the
Ground to refuse the request: if the Commissioner (2) TV closely approximates:
deems that he will experience real difficulties in (3) TV of unrelated buyers of identical or
determining the dutiable value using Method 5 similar goods
(4) Deductive value of identical or similar
Dutiable Value (DV) must not include: goods determined according to method #4
(1) Charges for construction, erection, assembly (5) Computed value of identical or similar
maintenance or technical assistance goods determined according to method #5
undertaken after importation
(2) Cost of transport after importation Transaction Value of Identical Goods
(3) Duties and taxes of Phil The DV shall be the transaction value of identical
(4) Other permissible deduction under WTO goods sold for export to the Phil and exported at or
Valuation Agreement about the same time as the goods being valued.
Identical goods must be same commercial level and
ALL the following conditions must be satisfied so substantially same quantity as the goods being
the Transaction Value (TV) shall be the DV (CREPD): valued.
(1) Sale for export to Phil
(2) No restrictions as to the disposition or use of Identical goods
goods by buyer except: (1) Same in all respects (physical characteristics,
(3) Those imposed by law or Phil authorities quality and reputation)
(4) Limit the geographical area where goods may (2) Produced in the same country as the goods
be resold being valued
(5) Do not substantially affect the value of the (3) Produced by producer of the goods being
goods valued
(6) Not be subject to some condition or
consideration for which value cannot be Excludes: imported goods for which engineering,
determined development, artwork, design work, plans and
(7) No part of the proceeds of any subsequent sketches is undertaken in the Phil and provided
disposal shall accrue to the seller by the buyer to the producer free of charge or at
(8) Buyer and seller are not related or if they are, a reduced rate
relationship did not affect the price
When no identical goods produced by the same
Deemed related if: person: Identical goods produced by different
(1) They are officers or directors of one another‘s producer in the same country
PAGE 245 OF 275
If NO identical goods at same commercial level and (c) transport, insurance and associated costs
same quantity, (d) customs duties and other national taxes
(1) TV of identical goods at a different commercial
level and different quantity may be utilized PRICE
(2) TV shall be adjusted upward or downward to Less: COMMISSIONS/ADDITIONS
account for the difference Less: COSTS
Transaction value of similar goods DEDUCTIVE VALUE
The DV shall be the transaction value of similar
goods sold for export to the Phil and exported at or The sales must meet the following conditions:
about the same time as the goods being valued. (1) sold in the Phil in the same condition as
Similar goods must be same commercial level and (2) sales taken place at or about the same time of
substantially same quantity as the goods being importation of good being valued
If no sale took place at or about the time of
Similar goods importation, use sales at the earliest date after
(1) like characteristics and like component importation (of the similar or identical good])but
materials before expiration of 90 days
(2) capable of performing same functions
(3) commercially interchangeable If no sale meet the above conditions, importer may
(4) produced in same country choose the use of sales of goods being valued after
(5) produced by same producer further processing
Excludes: imported goods for which engineering, ―At or about the same time‖
development, artwork, design work, plans and 45 days prior to and 45 days following the
sketches is undertaken in the Phil and provided importation
by the buyer to the producer free of charge or at Computed value
a reduced rate DV is determined on the basis of cost of production
+ profit + general expenses reflected in sales from
When no similar goods produced by the same exporting country to the Phil of goods of same class
person: similar goods produced by different or kind
producer in the same country
DV is calculated by:
If NO similar goods at same commercial level and Determining aggregate of relevant costs, charges
same quantity, and expenses or value of
(1) TV of similar goods at a different (1) materials and
commercial level and different quantity (2) production or processing costs
may be utilized Costs* containers, packing, assists, engineering,
(2) TV shall be adjusted upward or downward artwork, plans and sketches undertaken in Phil and
to account for the difference charged to producer
profits and general expenses
Deductive value cost of transport, insurance and charges to the port
DV is determined on the basis of sales in the Phil of or place of importation
goods being valued of identical or similar imported
goods less certain expenses resulting from *Note: these additional costs are added only if not
importation and sale of goods. included in the determination of the aggregate of
relevant costs, charges and expenses or value of
Deductive Value is determined by making a materials and production.
deduction from the established price per unit for the
aggregate of the ff. elements: Fallback value
(a) Commissions or If DV cannot be determined using any of the above
(b) additions made in connection with profit and methods, use other reasonable means consistent
general expenses and
PAGE 246 OF 275
with principles and general provisions of General the duty to exhibit the written authority upon
Agreements on Tariffs and Trade [GATT] demand.
Report to Commissioner and Chairman of his action or ruling in any case of seizure may appeal
Commission of Audit to the Court of Tax Appeals, in the manner and
Written notice to owner or importer. He shall he within the period prescribed by law and
given opportunity to be heard regulations.
Collector’s Amount
decision favorable Automatic review* by Customs
Yes involved less Yes
to taxpayer/ Commisioner (Sec. 2313)
than 5M?
adverse to gov’t?
No Commissioner’s
Yes decision favorable
decide w/in 30
Taxpayer appeals to taxpayer/
to Customs adverse to gov’t?
Commissioner 15
days from receipt No
of notice
Inaction construed as affirmation
of Collector’s decision
Yes No, amount is at least
decide w/n 30
Is 5M
Commissioner’s Yes
Automatic Review* by
the Secretary of
favorable to Yes
Finance (SOF) (Sec.
2313, CMO 3-2002)
adverse to
Is SOF’s
decision Does SOF
No favorable to Yes decide within
No No taxpayer/adverse 30 days?
to gov’t?
Inaction construed as
affirmation of
Decision becomes
commissioner’s decision No
END final &
(or of collector’s decision Appeal
in case of inaction by to CTA
Appeal to the
Inaction construed
Court of Tax
as affirmation of
Appeals within 30
days from notice
of decision
Appeal to CTA en
MR within 15 days
banc 15 days from Appeal to the
from receipt of END
receipt of decision Supreme Court
denying MR
*Automatic review is intended to protect the interest of the Government. W/o auto review, the Commissioner and SoF would not know
about the decision laid down by the Collector favoring the taxpayer. Automatic review is necessary because nobody is expected to appeal
the decision of the Collector which is favorable to the taxpayer & adverse to the Government. (Yaokasin v. Commissioner 180 SCTA 591
Anti-Dumping Equivalent to the 5% ad valorem of Not exceeding tariff increase, For a]:
Duty = Normal subsidy the articles 100% ad valorem either ad valorem
Value - Export upon the articles or specific, or appropriately set to
Price both, to be paid a level not
through a cash exceeding one-
bond set at a level third of the
sufficient to applicable out-
redress or prevent quota customs duty
injury to the on the agricultural
domestic industry product under
[Sec. 8, RA 8800] consideration in
the year when it is
Exceptions to the Marking of Articles (in the following
situations, the containers shall be the one subject to
(1) Article is incapable of being marked
(2) Article cannot be marked prior to shipment to the
Philippines without injury
(3) Article cannot be marked prior to shipment to the
Philippines, except at an expense economically
prohibitive of its importation
(4) Marking of a container of such article will reasonably
indicate the origin of such article
(5) Article is a crude substance
(6) Article is imported for use by the importer and not
intended for sale in its imported or any other form
(7) Article is to be processed in the Philippines by the
importer or for his account otherwise than for the
purpose of concealing the origin of such article and in
such manner that any mark contemplated by this
section would necessarily be obliterated, destroyed or
permanently concealed
The filing of the criminal action being deemed to jurisdiction over cases involving criminal
necessarily carry with it the filing of the civil action, offenses arising from violations of the National
and no right to reserve the filling of such civil action Internal Revenue Code or the Tariff and
separately from the criminal action will be Customs Code and other laws administered by
recognized. the Bureau of Internal Revenue or Bureau of
ii. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction in criminal cases (2) Decisions, resolutions or orders on motions for
reconsideration or new trial of the Court in
CTA Division Division in the exercise of its exclusive
(1) Over appeals from the judgments, resolutions appellate jurisdiction over criminal offenses
or orders of the Regional Trial Courts in tax mentioned in the preceding subparagraph; and
cases originally decided by them, in their (3) Decisions, resolutions or orders of the Regional
respected territorial jurisdiction. trial Courts in the exercise of their appellate
(2) Over petitions for review of the judgments, jurisdiction over criminal offenses mentioned in
resolutions or orders of the Regional Trial subparagraph [f].
Courts in the exercise of their appellate
jurisdiction over tax cases originally decided by B. JUDICIAL PROCEDURES
the Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial B.1. JUDICIAL ACTION FOR COLLECTION OF
Courts and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts in their TAXES
respective jurisdiction. i. Internal revenue taxes
The remedies for the collection of internal revenue
Does the CTA have jurisdiction over a special civil taxes, fees or charges, and any increment thereto
action for certiorari assailing an interlocutory order resulting from delinquency can be through the
issued by the RTC in a local tax case? YES. institution of a civil or criminal action. [Sec. 205,
While there is no express grant of such power, with
respect to the CTA, Section 1, Article VIII of the Note: Please refer to Taxpayer‘s Remedies (B.
1987 Constitution provides, nonetheless, that Collection)
judicial power shall be vested in one Supreme Court
and in such lower courts as may be established by When this remedy is resorted to:
law and that judicial power includes the duty of the The tax assessment becomes final and executory
courts of justice to settle actual controversies because of the failure to appeal.
involving rights which are legally demandable and Even pending decision of the administrative protest
enforceable, and to determine whether or not there [CIR v. Union Shipping, 1990]
has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to
lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any ii. Local taxes
branch or instrumentality of the Government. The LGU concerned may enforce the collection of
delinquent taxes, fees, charges or other revenues by
On the strength of the above constitutional civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction.
provisions, it can be fairly interpreted that the power The civil action shall be filed by the local treasurer.
of the CTA includes that of determining whether or [Sec. 183, LGC]
not there has been grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the MTC/RTC depending on jurisdictional threshold
part of the RTC in issuing an interlocutory order in amount.
cases falling within the exclusive appellate
jurisdiction of the tax court. It, thus, follows that the Prescriptive period
CTA, by constitutional mandate, is vested with Local taxes, fees, or charges may be collected within
jurisdiction to issue writs of certiorari in these cases. 5 years from the date of assessment by
[City of Manila v. Grecia-Cuerdo, (2014)] administrative or judicial action.
CTA En Banc No judicial or administrative action for collection
(1) Decisions, resolutions or orders on motions for can be instituted after lapse of the period for
reconsideration or new trial of the Court in assessment except when there is fraud or intent to
Division in the exercise of its exclusive original evade tax. [Sec. 194 LGC]
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RA No. 1125, as amended; also Sec. 3, Rule 12, documents which are proposed to be introduced in
A.M. No. 05-11-07] evidence.
the decision or resolution, as provided in Rule 45 of Regional Trial 15 days from Appeal pursuant
the Rules of Court. If such party has filed a motion Court in the receipt of to Sec. 3[a] and
for reconsideration or for new trial, the period herein exercise of its decision 6, Rule 122 of
fixed shall run from the party‘s receipt of a copy of original the Rules of
jurisdiction Court
the resolution denying the motion for
[to CTA Division]
reconsideration or for new trial. CTA Division 15 days from Petition for
[to CTA En Banc] receipt of review as
The motion for reconsideration or for new trial filed decision provided in Rule
before the Court shall be deemed abandoned if, 43 of the Rules
during its pendency, the movant shall appeal to the May be extended of Court
Supreme Court. for good cause
for not more The Court en
B.3. CRIMINAL CASES than 15 days banc shall act on
i. Institution and prosecution of criminal actions the appeal.
Regional Trial 15 days from Petition for
Institution of criminal action
Courts in the receipt of review as
Instituted by the filing an information in the name of exercise of their decision provided in Rule
the People of the Philippines appellate 43 of the Rules
jurisdiction of Court
Those involving violations of the NIRC and other [To CTA division]
laws enforced by the BIR: Must be approved by the
Solicitor General as counsel for the People and
Those involving violations of the tariff and Customs government officials sued in their official capacity
Code and other laws enforced by the Bureau of The Solicitor General shall represent the People of
Customs: Must be approved by the Commissioner of the Philippines and government officials sued in
Customs their official capacity in all cases brought to the
Court in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction. He
Institution shall interrupt the running of the period of may deputize the legal officers of the Bureau of
prescription Internal Revenue in cases brought under the
National Internal Revenue Code or other laws
Prosecution of criminal action enforced by the Bureau of Internal Revenue, or the
Conducted and prosecuted under the direction and legal officers of the Bureau of Customs in cases
control of the public prosecutor brought under the Tariff and Customs Code of the
Philippines or other laws enforced by the Bureau of
Those involving violations of the NIRC and other Customs, to appear in behalf of the officials of said
laws enforced by the BIR or violations of the tariff agencies sued in their official capacity: Provided,
and Customs Code and other laws enforced by the however, such duly deputized legal officers shall
Bureau of Customs - The prosecution may be remain at all times under the direct control and
conducted by their respective duly deputized legal supervision of the Solicitor General.
iii. Petition for review on certiorari to the Supreme
Institution on civil action in criminal action Court
In cases within the jurisdiction of the Court, the A party adversely affected by a decision or ruling of
criminal action and the corresponding civil action the CTA en banc may file with the Supreme Court a
for the recovery of civil liability for taxes and verified petition for review on certiorari pursuant to
penalties shall be deemed jointly instituted in the Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure. [Sec.
same proceeding. The filing of the criminal action 19, R.A. No. 1125 as amended]
shall necessarily carry with it the filing of the civil
action. No right to reserve the filing of such civil C. TAXPAYER’S SUIT IMPUGNING THE
action separately from the criminal action shall be
allowed or recognized.
ii. Appeal and period to appeal criminal cases
Deciding Body Period to Appeal Mode of Appeal C.1. TAXPAYER’S SUIT, DEFINED
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Taxpayer‘s suit – refers to a case where the act many decisions nullifying, at the instance of
complained of directly involves the illegal taxpayers, laws providing for the disbursement of
disbursement of public funds derived from taxation. public funds, upon the theory that "the expenditure
[Kilosbayan v. Guingona, Jr. (1994)] of public funds by an officer of the State for the
purpose of administering an unconstitutional act
C.2. DISTINGUISHED FROM CITIZEN’S SUIT constitutes a misapplication of such funds," which
The plaintiff in a taxpayer's suit is in a different may be enjoined at the request of a taxpayer.
category from the plaintiff in a citizen's suit. In the [Pascual v. Secretary of Public Works (1960)]
former, the plaintiff is affected by the expenditure of
public funds, while in the latter, he is but the mere A taxpayer is allowed to sue where there is a claim
instrument of the public concern. [De Castro v. that public funds are illegally disbursed, or that the
Judicial and Bar Council (2010)] public money is being deflected to any improper
purpose, or that there is wastage of public funds
C.3. REQUISITES FOR CHALLENGING THE through the enforcement of an invalid or
CONSTITUTIONALITY OF A TAX MEASURE unconstitutional law. A person suing as a taxpayer,
OR ACT OF TAXING AUTHORITY however, must show that the act complained of
directly involves the illegal disbursement of public
i. Concept of locus standi as applied in taxation funds derived from taxation. He must also prove that
The doctrine of locus standi is the right of he has sufficient interest in preventing the illegal
appearance in a court of justice. The doctrine expenditure of money raised by taxation and that he
requires a litigant to have a material interest in the will sustain a direct injury because of the
outcome of a case. In private suits, locus standi enforcement of the questioned statute or contract.
requires a litigant to be a "real party in interest," In other words, for a taxpayer‘s suit to prosper, two
which is defined as "the party who stands to be requisites must be met:
benefited or injured by the judgment in the suit or (1) public funds derived from taxation are disbursed
the party entitled to the avails of the suit." by a political subdivision or instrumentality and in
In public suits, this Court recognizes the difficulty of doing so, a law is violated or some irregularity is
applying the doctrine especially when plaintiff committed and
asserts a public right on behalf of the general public (2) the petitioner is directly affected by the alleged
because of conflicting public policy issues. On one act. [Mamba v. Lara, G.R. No. 165109, Dec. 14,
end, there is the right of the ordinary citizen to 2009]
petition the courts to be freed from unlawful
government intrusion and illegal official action. At ii. Doctrine of transcendental importance
the other end, there is the public policy precluding Recognizing that a strict application of the "direct
excessive judicial interference in official acts, which injury" test may hamper public interest, this Court
may unnecessarily hinder the delivery of basic relaxed the requirement in cases of "transcendental
public services. importance" or with "far reaching implications."
Being a mere procedural technicality, it has also
The Court has adopted the "direct injury test" to been held that locus standi may be waived in the
determine locus standi in public suits. In People v. public interest. [Ibid]
Vera, it was held that a person who impugns the
validity of a statute must have "a personal and Planters Products, Inc. v. Fertiphil Corp.: Even
substantial interest in the case such that he has assuming arguendo that there is no direct injury, We
sustained, or will sustain direct injury as a result." find that the liberal policy consistently adopted by
The "direct injury test" in public suits is similar to this Court on locus standi must apply. The issues
the "real party in interest" rule for private suits raised by Fertiphil are of paramount public
under Section 2, Rule 3 of the 1997 Rules of Civil importance. It involves not only the constitutionality
Procedure. [Planter‘s Products, Inc. v. Fertiphil of a tax law but, more importantly, the use of taxes
Corporation, G.R. No. 166006, March 14, 2008] for public purpose. Former President Marcos issued
LOI No. 1465 with the intention of rehabilitating an
As applied to taxation: ailing private company. This is clear from the text of
It is well-stated that the validity of a statute may be the LOI. PPI is expressly named in the LOI as the
contested only by one who will sustain a direct injury direct beneficiary of the levy. Worse, the levy was
in consequence of its enforcement. Yet, there are made dependent and conditional upon PPI
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