Week 5 - Describing A Process PDF
Week 5 - Describing A Process PDF
Week 5 - Describing A Process PDF
For example:
How to draw money from an ATM.
How to create an email account.
How to drive a car.
Describing a process
• Important for describing a series of actions:
▫ Explaining how things are made.
▫ Explaining how people reach a particular goal.
• Can be in passive or active form.
▫ Passive form for processes.
▫ Active form for procedures.
• The need of sequencing words:
▫ To link one sentence or idea to another.
Examples of sequencing words
• Listing or enumeration:
▫ First, ….. Furthermore, …….. Finally, ……
▫ Firstly, …… Secondly, …….. Thirdly, ……..
▫ ……start with……… Moreover,……. …, and to
conclude, ……
▫ Next, ……. Afterwards, ……. Then, ….. Lastly, …..
• Cause and effects:
▫ As a result, ….. Consequently, ….. This caused…..
▫ …. so……, ……..causing ….., ……, hence……
▫ Therefore, ……. Hence, ………
(Source: http://www.admc.hct.ac.ae/)
Example: A Procedure
How to make popcorn
Example: A Process
How instant coffee is produced
Exercise 1: Chocolate
Chocolate 1 ……………… (make) from up to 12 different types of
cocoa beans. First, the beans 2 ……………… (sort) by hand before
being roasted. Each type of bean 3 ……………… (roast) separately,
which is time consuming but important. Next, the beans
4……………… (load) into a machine called a “winnower”, which
removes the hard outer shells of the beans. After this the beans
5…………… (mash) into a thick paste and sugar and vanilla
6…………… (add). This paste 7 ……………… (call) the “chocolate
liquor”. Then the chocolate liquor 8……………… (heat) for up to
72 hours to make sure the liquid 9……………… (blend) evenly.
Following this, the liquor 10……………… (temper) for several
hours – repeatedly heated and then cooled. Finally, the
chocolate 11 ……………… (allow) to cool and harden before being
Exercise 2: The Water Cycle
The heat of the sun 1 ……………… water to evaporate from
seas, rivers, and lakes. In addition, water vapor 2……………
from the soil and from plants. As the water vapor then
3……………… into the atmosphere, it cools and condenses
into clouds. The clouds 4 ……………… by winds until they
5……………… high ground. At this stage, the water droplets
6 ……………… back to earth as rain, hail, or snow. After the
rain has fallen on land, it either evaporates into the air or it
7 ……………… by soils and plants. Some of it also 8..…………
into rivers and lakes and eventually reaches the sea.