Upsc Gov
Upsc Gov
Upsc Gov
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ii
Revision History ii
1. Introduction 3
1.1 Purpose3
1.2 Document Conventions 3
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions 3
1.4 Product Scope 3
1.5 References 4
2. Overall Description 4
2.1 Product Perspective 4
2.2 Product Functions 5
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics4
2.4 Operating Environment 5
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints 5
2.6 User Documentation 6
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies 6
3. External Interface Requirements 7
3.1 User Interfaces 7
3.2 Hardware Interfaces…………………………………………………………………………….11
3.3 Software Interfaces 11
4. System Features 11
4.1 System Feature 1 11
4.2 System Feature 2 (and so on) 16
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements 19
5.1 Performance Requirements 19
5.2 Safety Requirements 19
5.3 Security Requirements 19
5.4 Software Quality Attributes 20
5.5 Business Rules 20
6. Other Requirements 21
Appendix A: Glossary 21
Appendix B: Analysis Models 21
Appendix C: To Be Determined List 21
7. Design
8. Testing
Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 3
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This document is a Software Requirement Specification of The document has been prepared
on the basis of IEEE convention. This SRS will be further used for the case analysis
The aim of this document is to specify complete description of Union Public Service
Commission (UPSC)a constitutional body that recruits the candidates for the various posts through a
rigorous examination process which goes on for almost a year. It mainly refers to the posts of Indian
Administrative Services(IAS), Indian Police Service(IPS) and Indian Revenue Services(IRS) and other
government exams. To be specific, this document is going to describe functionality, performance,
attributes and the design constraints of the system which is going to be developed. Therefore,
will help the interested candidates to apply for this exam through this site and can get online access to all
the information and important announcements for the same.
jobs that is provided by it. This system provides an easy application to the interested candidates for this
exam along with the easy access to the latest trends in the exam and the important updates as well as
announcements regarding the same. It gives complete accessibility of application forms and other related
forms and documents to its applicants.
1.5 References
2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
This site is developed to make the recruitment process of the government jobs easy and simple. All the
details of the exams for the vacant posts will bedeployed to web site and all the users can access itby use
of the website. Website is the main user interface where users can operate all the provided information for
all of the posts that are vacant and also the recruitment tests related to them. However, this web site is
only a part of the larger system. Website is just an interface to make it easy for the users to check which of
the government posts are vacant and for which they can apply and can check the eligibility criteria,
previous years’ cut-offs, previous question papers etc.
To check all the required details, users are required to register through the web interface. Whenever a
newuser registered, all the required data will be created in the database and a predefined workspace willbe
assigned for the user. Later, user will be able to login and logout the system anytime he wants.
Users can check their account anytime to get the latest updates about the exams they had applied for and
can also check the details of the new posts for which the recruitment test is available at that time. They
can also register for any of the listed government jobs via for which they are eligible and can
upload their documents that are required along with their registration forms.
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IAS aspirants: Students who aspire to become an IAS Officer will use this site to see the exam patterns,
every year cutoff marks etc. in order to set their target marks.
Government: To recruit people on various reputed govt. posts like IAS, IPS, CDS etc. , govt. will use this
to enroll interested candidates.
The design of the website should be as understandable so that the naïve user who is not aware of what is
going on the back end can easily operate.
Also the copyrights should be preserved so that no other site can copy the content and
Serve it through their own name.
Since the DBMS being used is MS Access 2000, which is not a very
Popular DBMS, it will not be able to store a very huge number of
We assumed the user is having an operational device such as laptop, tab, desktop or an smart phone to
run the website.
Along with it the user is having internet access so that no interrupt can occur.
1. This site would need Adobe Reader for downloading pdf files related to marks, forms etc.
2. It will need a web browser for viewing the content of the site.
This software will have graphical user interface that are very user friendly. The user will have
no difficulty in working with these user interfaces.
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Screen resolution of at least 800*600 or above will be preferable for viewing the site.
The system shall communicate with billPay system to identify available payment methods, validate the
payments and process payment during the application procedure.
The system shall be verisign like software which shall allow the users to complete secured transaction.
This usually shall be the third party software system which is widely used for internet transaction.
4. System Features
In this subsection, we will examine the features of the system in detail by categorizing them according to
their functionality.
Functional Requirements
The candidate will be able to see cut off marks of the exam in which he or she has appeared.
Functional Requirements
REQ 1: The system shall provide all the examination category page.
REQ 2: The system shall provide a cut off marks pdf.
The website provides us a payment option so that we can pay application fee for the examination. The
website provides an online interface to transfer the fees to their account by us online.
Functional Requirements
The provides the information about marks scored by a candidate in the examination.
Normal Flow of Events
1. Candidate log in to the website and selects the Examination tab
2. Candidate chooses the Marks Information option and clicks on it.
3. Candidate selects the examination name.
4. Candidate enters the roll no., DOB and captcha code and submits.
Functional Requirements
3. User selects his or her related examination answer key pdf file and the file gets opened in new window
4.User can download the pdf file and check their answers .
User is unable to open & download the pdf file due to any missing software in its system.
Or any system failure.
Functional Requirements
Functional Requirements
Functional Requirements
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements
The product shall be based on web and has to be run from a web server.
The product shall take initial load time depending on internet connection strength which also depends on
the media from which the product is run.
The system shall automatically log out all applicants after a period of inactivity.
The system shall not leave any cookies on the applicant’s computer containing the user’s password.
The system shall not leave any cookies on the applicant’s computer containing any of the user’s
confidential information.
5.3Availability site has 24*7 availability. It can be accessed for 24 hours a day.
For this UPS support must be on the server site with a backup of at least 8 hours in case
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of power failure.
Students can take exam only during the previously allotted time slots, however can open
site anytime to access other information.
Colleges can register for the exam anytime.
5.4 Reliability
The website developed should be extremely reliable and secure so that information about
any applicant is not leaked ever.
5.5 Usability
The website should be user friendly and should require least effort to operate.
The web server used should provide services like session management to maintain
sessions in the application.
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6. Other Requirements
Appendix A: Glossary
SRS- Software Requirement Specifications
Info- Information
OS-Operating System
Structural models.
Behavioral models.
Project Plan
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7. Design-
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Title- Register
Title- Login
Pre-condition- User should have internet access.
Assumption-User had already registered with
Expected Result-The home page will be displayed.
Title- Application Fee Payment
Pre-condition- The internet access is available.
Assumption- User has activated e-banking facility.
Expected Result- User will be able to apply for examination, recruitment,
etc. by paying the fees successfully.
Title- Answer keys
Pre-condition- User should have internet access and is logged in with valid user ID and password.
Assumption-User had appeared for the examination and had selected the correct examination answer key
to be viewed.
Expected Result-The answer key will be displayed.
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Title- Cut Off marks