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4 Yugas, 14 Manus, Brahma's lifespan Grafix

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07-15-2010, 03:29 PM #1

4 Yugas, 14 Manus, Brahma's lifespan Grafix

Senior Member Here is a grafix representation designed for ease of comprehension.
It shows the of the 4-Yugas + the 14 Manu's Life-Span + Lord Brahma's lifespan all in one expanded-view diagram as per India's Vedas.
My scriptural source from whence I condensed this data is the "Bhagavata-purana" aka, 'Shrimad-Bhagavatam'.

with best regards,

your own personal secret Hare Krishna Wellwisher,

{BTW, I have not proof- read the data in the cited Wikipedia entry ---I do not ,as yet, vouc h for its veracity.}
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::
Yuga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Posts: 387 Yuga (Devanāgari: युग) in Hindu philosophy is the name of an 'epoch' or 'era' within a cycle of four ages. These are the Satya Yuga (or Krita Yuga),
the Treta Yuga, the Dvapara Yuga and finally the Kali Yuga. According to Hindu cosmology, life in the universe is created, destroyed once every 4.1
to 8.2 billion years[1] [2], which is one full day (day and night) for Brahma. The lifetime of a Brahma himself may be 311 trillion and 40 Billion years.
The cycles are said to repeat like the seasons, waxing and waning within a greater time-cycle of the creation and destruction of the universe. Like
Summer, Spring, Winter and Autumn, each yuga involves stages or gradual changes which the earth and the consciousness of mankind goes through
as a whole. A complete yuga cycle from a high Golden Age of enlightenment to a Dark Age and back again is said to be caused by the solar system's
motion around a c entral sun
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07-15-2010, 03:39 PM #2

Re: 4 Yugas, 14 Manus, Brahma's lifespan Grafix

Senior Member This is the same Chart.
It is here again in 2-Parts.
the original illustration is 200cm wide x 1.25m ht.

- Bhaktajan
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07-16-2010, 06:50 AM #3

Re: 4 Yugas, 14 Manus, Brahma's lifespan Grafix

Executive Member Thanks Bhaktajan.

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10/6/2010 4 Yugas, 14 Manus, Brahma's lifespan …
course of the centuries. It completes a full circle in 25 786 years. Since this represents a passage of the Sun through the Zodiac, albeit
bac kwards, it is taken by astrologers to be a kind of year, the Great Year, in which the Sun’s position in a constellation therefore
represents a kind of astrological month, often referred to as an ‘Age’, lasting some 2 150 years. The period when the Vernal Equinox was
in Taurus is therefore often called the Age of Taurus, when it was in Aries, the Age of Aries, and so on.

Here is how I would present the conc ept called the

Precession of the Equinoxes, known also as the Great Year to a classroom with a mixed belief system … and thereby not offending anyone but
still getting the unifying point across using figurative and not literally interpretations to decipher the symbol. The student has already been
supplied with the knowledge that the Great Year marks the Sun’s journey, as it moves backward (c ounterclockwise), through the 12 houses
the horoscope starting with Aries.
Spending time in each constellation of the horoscope loc ated on the ecliptic, and each constellation has its turn playing host to the Sun
vernal equinox, sometimes for thousands of years…and Sol is presently in Pisces. It takes 72 years for each degree traveled, so therefore the
cycle presents itself as taking 360 degrees x 72 years = 25920 years.
The 25920 year cycle, the counterclockwise cyc le, is acknowledged as having begun in Aries and is soon about to leave Pisces and move into
proverbial Age of Aquarius.
The student is also supplied with a Glossary of Symbols that the student might require to solve what is essentially a child’s game of simple
substitution and joining the dots called constellations.

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And so on.
More to come.
We need to remember how to read the clock on the wall (so to speak) (it is actually in the sky).

07-16-2010, 07:39 AM #4

Re: 4 Yugas, 14 Manus, Brahma's lifespan Grafix

Executive Member If we watch nature closely, we'll see that everything in this world is ruled by cycles, our breath is a perfect example of that, we inhale, and
exhale, inhale and then exhale, and so on, life of animals and humans is another example of this, we are born and as we progress to adulthood our
bodies get stronger and more developed until we reach a peak and then we begin our dec line, civilizations show this pattern too, and going to one
of the most basic building blocks of matter and energy, electromagnetic waves, we see this pattern too

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Many ancient cultures were aware of this phenomenon as well

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many ancient cultures developed the notion of something known as the great year, a cycle that lasts aproximately 24,000 years, divided into 2
phases one ascending and the other descending of 12,000 years each one, these 2 phases subdivided into 4 stages.

The first stage is known as Kali Yuga, the Iron age or the age of ignorance, in this age most people are only aware of what can be perceived by
their senses, most people are illiterate, and disease, famine and war reign supreme, this stage has a duration of 1,200 years

The second stage is known as Dwapara Yuga, the Bronze age, or the age of science and technology, the development of science is preponderant
on this age, thanks to a better understandment of the workings of universe and subtle energies like elec tricity, magnetism, radiation, gravity,
as the consc iousness of people is more developed, disease, famine and war although still present are drastically reduced compared to the
age, this stage has a duration of 2,400 years

The third stage is known as Treta Yuga, the Silver Age, or the age of Mind and reason, science and technology become so advanced on this age,
that civilizations start to focus on developing the powers of the mind, most people in this age is aware of even subtler elements of the universe
like intelligent subatomic particles that make what we call "reality" possible, because of this understanding spoken languages start to become less
and less used replaced by telepathy, disease, famine and war are very rare in this age, and most treatments to c ure ailments are based on
vibrations, this age lasts 3,600 years

Then we have the fourth stage known as Satya Yuga, the golden age or the Age of truth and spirituality, human c onsciousness is fully developed
in this age, and everybody know has a perfect understanding of the universe, knowledge and meditation hold special importance in this era.
average life expectancy of a human being in Satya Yuga is believed to be over 4,000 years. During Satya Yuga, all people engage only in
sublime deeds, this age lasts 4,800 years

07-16-2010, 07:53 AM #5

Re: 4 Yugas, 14 Manus, Brahma's lifespan Grafix

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In Hinduism it is believed that Kali Yuga is the last stage of development of all the yugas. Kali Yuga consists of twelve thousand years of
the gods. One year of men is believed to be a day of the gods. These divine years may, therefore, be converted into years of mortals by
multiplying them by three hundred and sixty. Thus the duration of the Kali Yuga is four lakh and thirty-two thousand years. The date of
the beginning of the Kali Yuga is fixed in the thirteenth of fourteenth century B.C. when Lord Vishnu returned to heaven after his
incarnation as Lord Krishna.

In the Kail age, people will not observe c aste, order and institutes, or the ceremonial enjoined by the Sama, Rik and Yajur Vedas.
Marriages in this age will not be celebrated ac cording to the rituals, nor will the rulers that c onnect the spiritual protector and his disciple
will be in force; the laws that regulate the conduct of husband and wife will be neglected and oblations, to the celestials with fire will no
longer be offered. A powerful and a rich man, in whatever family he may be born, will have the right to marry maidens of every tribe.
During the Kali Yuga all c elestials will be considered in equal light.

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interest even when requested by his friends. In the Kali age all people will consider themselves as equal with the Brahmanas; and cows will
be held in reverence only because they supply milk.

At the advent of the Kali people will take their food without previous ablations and without worshipping fire, celestials or guests or offering
obsequial libations to their progenitors. The women will be fickle, short of stature, gluttonous; they will all have many children and little
means. They will be selfish, abject and slovenly; they will be scolds and liars; they will be indecent and immoral in their conduct and
ever attach themselves to dissolute men. And disregarding the rules of studentship, youths will study the Vedas.

In the Kali Yuga everyone, possessing cars and elephants and horses, will be a Raja; anyone who is feeble will be a slave, Vaisyas will
abandon agriculture and commerce and gain a livelihood by servitude or exercise of mechanical arts; Sudras, seeking a subsistenc e by
begging and assuming outward marks of religious mendicants, will become the impure followers of impious and heretical doctrines. During
this time men will possess, little, sense, vigour virtue and will therefore; die in a short time. Even at this time men will be corrupt and as a
result will not worship Lord Vishnu with ultimate dedication.

Vishnu Purana states that at the approach of the Kali Yuga the clouds will yield scanty rain, the grain will be of poor quality. The mother
and father- in- law will be venerated in the place of parents: and a, man`s friend will be his brother-in-law or a man who has a People is
subject to all sorts of infirmities of mind, speech and body. As a result during the Kali Yuga all sins are committed and all viciousness takes
place in the society.

At the same time it has been said that the reward, which a man obtains in the Krita or Satya Yuga by abstract meditation, in the Treta by
sacrifice, in the Dwapara by adoration, he receives it in the Kali Yuga by merely reciting the names of Kesava. In the Kali age, by very
little exertion men attain to exalted virtue.



At the end of the Dwapar Yuga, when Lord Shri Krishna renounced the world and went to Goloka, at that time Kali Yuga, the source of all
chaos took birth in the minds of the ignorant. When king Yudhishtir realized the advent of the Kali Yuga that is chaos, greed, violence,
debauchery and lies, he expressed a desire to go to the forest and do penance. Acc ordingly, he abdicated the throne and c oronated his
grandson Parik**** as the king.
When Kali Yuga met king Parik****, he was shivering with fear and said humbly:” O king! Brahma c reated 4 eras that are Satya, Treta,
Dwapar and Kali Yuga. Satya Yuga enjoyed his reign for 17,28,000 years and went away. Treta Yuga enjoyed his reign for 12,96,000
years and Dwapar Yuga enjoyed his reign for 8,64,000 years and passed away. Now the time for me has come to reign which is 4,32,000
years and you tell me to get out from your empire. You rule over the entire world. Where should I go after all? O king! What is once
proposed by the Gods cannot be erased or eliminated.”
Kali Yuga told Parik**** that:” You point your fingers on my flaws and demerits but do not see my merits and positive aspects. I am
embellished with sublime merits. That is the reason I request you.
During the Satya Yuga if any one inadvertently committed a wrong deed the entire kingdom had to bear the punishment. During Treta, if
any one committed a wrong deed, the people of that town had to bear the punishment. During Dwapar Yuga, if anyone happened to
commit a wrong deed, the entire family had to bear the punishment, but in Kali Yuga, he shall only bear the punishment who has
committed the wrong deed. I am not concerned about anyone else.”
Unlike the other eras where one had to inevitably bear the punishment for a wrong and bad thoughts, In my era, this shall cease to
happen but one shall be bestowed with good fruits who thinks good.”
Even after listening to this, King Parik**** did not relent, Kali Yuga said that he was endowed with yet another sublime merits. He said:”
One could fulfill all ones wishes and desires in the Satya Yuga only after practicing penance for 10,000 years. Similarly in the Treta Yuga
and the Dwapar Yuga, one had to collect a lot of money and perform Yagyas and had to engage in charity, penance, vows and worship
for a 100 years respectively to fulfil ones desires. Unlike the others, in this era, if one even prays to God for sometime with total faith and
devotions and sings the praises of the Lord, he shall fulfill all his desires within no time. He shall be liberated from all his sins and shall
consequently attain salvation.”
Listening to this King Parik**** was pleased. King Parik**** finally allowed Kali Yuga to stay and allowed him four places where he could
stay, liquor and wine, where a prostitute stays, where there is animal slaughter and where gambling would be allowed. Kali Yuga humbly
pleaded that his family was very big that is it comprises of members like lust, anger, greed, ego, jealousy, lies etc.
How shall all of them fit in these allotted places? On this king Parik**** said that they should all then dwell in gold. In this way, Kali Yuga
resides in the 5 places allotted by king Parik****. Those people who yearn for higher ideals should not even go near these five things.
In the Kali Yuga, by seeking the blessings of Lord Jagannath Puri, one shall attain salvation. In the Kali Yuga, there is no average
life expectancy of humans. Even a child in the womb can die inspite of his mother and father living..
Humans taking birth in this era will usually be radiant, bad tempered, greedy and untruthful. The personality will be plagued by flaws such
as jealousy, ego, anger, pleasure, instinct, desires and greed.There shall be only one pillar of religion in the Kali Yuga. Here the idol of
Bhagwan Vishnu has assumed a black c olour because of the inherent chaos and delusion. Vedic conduct, religion, Yagya and Karma all
cease to exist.
All types of problems such as ailments, lethargy, anger, mental diseases and hunger, thirst tend to aggravate. Gradually even happiness
and comforts of humans become decadent and morbid. In this era Brahmins do the work of a Shudra and the Shudras alike the Vaishyas
amass wealth or alike Kshatriyas engage in allied activities and earn their livelihood.
In Kali Yuga, Brahmins shall renounce self-study, contemplation and shall eat every thing that is prohibited. They will no more be inclined
towards penance and on the contrary Shudras shall take interest in recitation of Vedic chants.
In this way when hypocrisy reaches the zenith, it initiates the final annihilation. Many a king of the inferior category shall reign the earth
who shall be sinners, unfaithful and wicked. Kings of places suc h as Andhra, Shaka, Pulunda, Yavan, Kamboj, Bahrhik and other wealthy
Aamir shall become kings. No Brahmin in this age shall earn his daily bread and butter honestly.
Kshatriyas and Vaishyas shall engage in all duties other than those, which are coveted. All shall become less valiant, they shall be short
lived, will lack energy and strength. Humans shall be short in height and shall seldom speak the truth. All the directions will have snakes
and animals. Some people shall meaninglessly talk of Brahma Jnana. Shudras shall c riticize the Brahmins while the Brahmins shall praise and
eulogize the Shudras.
Many a creatures, insects etc . shall take birth in Kali Yuga. All things that ought to have fragrance shall not be that fragrant, and food
shall relatively become tasteless. Women shall be short and have many children. Women in this era shall be immoral and licentious by
nature. Most people shall be traders of food while Brahmins shall sell the Vedas. Most of the women shall engage in prostitution. In the Kali
Yuga, there will be very less milk in the udders of the cow. Seldom will there be fruits and flowers on trees. There will be excessive
number of crows in c omparison to other birds. Brahmins will engage in killing and shall take donation from kings inspite of lying. Brahmins as
a whole shall be imposters and feign to be very pious and pure. They will harass the common people for alms etc.
Householders shall indulge in robbery because they will be unable to pay up their taxes. They shall disguise in the form of sages, ascetics
and earn their livelihood. Even people who are celibates shall give up their purity and engage in intoxication and shall have illicit sex.
People will engage in all those material activities that ushers physical energy only. All Ashrams shall be a haven of all imposters and they
shall be totally dependent on food from others. During this time, seldom shall it rain and even the yield, production of grain will not be
satisfactory. People will be aggressive by nature and consequently unholy and impure. The ones indulging in irreligious and blasphemous
acts shall emerge powerful and prosperous. Those who are righteous shall be in penury.
Just by amassing a little amount of wealth one shall become proud and they despite having wealth shall have an eye on others wealth and
property. In Kali Yuga, girls, 8-10 years old shall become pregnant while boys of the age of 10-12 years shall have children. On
the sixteenth year itself the hair will turn white. Youth shall become alike old men and old men shall become energetic and
youthful. Women will engage in sex with inferior men, servants and animals inspite of having a good husband.
Religion, truth, thoughts, pity, age, energy, memory all shall get gradually emaciated and drained. People will love only their own children
and family and will not hesitate to deceive their own friends, benefactors.Judges of events shall favor the wealthy and the impoverished
shall be denied justic e. One who constantly blabbers shall be called a saint and one who is in a miserable state will be called an imposter.
Any lake or reservoir situated far away will be referred as a holy shrine. Growing hair will be an indication of beauty. People will take

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are good and righteous.
When Sun, Moon and Jupiter together enter the Pushya Nakshatra and cancer zodiac at that time by the inspiration of time, a divine and
strong child named Vishuyasha Kalki shall take birth in a Brahmin family in a village known as Sambhal.
He shall be the saviour of one and all and he will possess weapon on the spur of the moment. He shall emancipate this world from all
miseries and create happiness. He will put an end to the Kali Yuga and shall create a novel Satya Yuga embellished with truth and beauty.
Bhagwan Kalki shall recoronate all the Brahmins as the rulers and will massac re all the outcastes and inferior (barbarians)

07-16-2010, 08:02 AM #6

Re: 4 Yugas, 14 Manus, Brahma's lifespan Grafix

Executive Member

One sees the advent of religious sacrifices i.e. Yagyas in the Treta yuga. One pillar of the four pillars of religion meets its end. The colour of
Bhagwan Achyut becomes red. People in this era will be truthful and would perform all the religious c eremonies according to the sacrifices. It is
the Treta yuga where one can see the overtures of Yagyas, religion and allied activities. People would beget desired fruits by performing actions,
donations mentioned in the Vedas and by taking resolutions.
All people in this era were assiduous and active. The main religion of Brahmins was truth that is truthful speech, good conduc t and love towards
all creatures. The common religion of all the Brahmins was Yagya, self-study and donation. The primary aim of Shudras was service towards
Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas. The duties of Kshatriyas and Vaishyas were the protection of people and agriculture, trade and poultry
respectively. All people would sinc erely adhere to their respective duties and as a result they would be blessed with celestial bliss.
Join Date: Feb 2007 The average life expectancy of a human in the Treta yuga was approximately 3000 years. All the Kshatriyas born in this era were valiant, zealous,
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big thinkers, pious, truthful, beautiful, suitable to be blessed, revered and the protectors of all people. The Vedas, religious sacrific es and
Varnashram were adhered to very strictly in the Satyayuga and the Treta yuga.


There are only two pillars left of religion in the Dwapar yuga. Here Bhagwan Vishnu assumes yellow colour. Here the Vedas are c ategorized into
four parts that is Rik, Sama, Yajur and Atharvaveda. During those times the Brahmins were knowledgeable of two, some of three and some others
have studied all the four Vedas thoroughly. Accordingly because of this categorization, even different actions and activities came into existence.
People were engaged only in penance and charity. They were kingly and pleasure seeking. In this era, the divine intellect ceased to exist,
seldom anyone would be truthful. Consequently people were plagued by ailments, diseases and various types of desires. After suffering from
ailments people would perform penance. Some would also organize Yagya for material benefits as well as for divinity.
In this era, the Brahmins were involved in Yagya, self-study, donation and teaching activities. The duties of Kshatriyas were protection of
subjects and the duty of Vaishyas was trade, poultry and agriculture. The duty of Shudras was to serve all these three classes.
The Kshatriyas in this era were humble and performed their duties by controlling their senses. The king would avail to the advice of the learned
scholars and ac cordingly would maintain law and order in his empire. The king who was addicted to vices would definitely end up defeated. One or
two or all from Sama, Dama, Danda, Bhed and Upeksha would be brought into use and would attain the desired. Kings were diligent in maintaining
public decorum and order.
Kings would plan many a conspiracy surreptitiously along with the scholars. Strong people would execute work where execution of policies was
involved.The king would appoint priests etc to perform religious activities, economists and ministers to perform monetary activities, impotents to
take c arte of women and cruel men to execute heinous activities.
Brahmins would attain celestial bliss by engaging in penance, religion, control of senses, restraint, Yagya etc. Vaishya would attain higher planes
through charity and hospitality.The Kshatriyas would honestly execute all policies of law and order without being angry, c ruel and being devoid of
greed and consequently attained bliss.The average life expectancy of humans in Dwapar was 2000 years. All people in this era were zealous,
valiant, courageous and competitive by nature.
One sees that the life expectancy began to fall in this era because of neglect of Varnashram, Vedas and Yagyas. Vedas became inac tivated
during the Dwapar and Kali yuga. At the end of Kali yuga somewhere they shall be seen and some places they shall be seen and some places they
shall not be seen.

Amongst the four era’s, the Satya yuga is the first and the most significant one. This era began on Sunday, Vaishakh Shukla Tritiya day whic h is
also known as Akshaya Tritiya. This extends up to 17,28,000 years. God incarnated in four forms i.e. Matsya, Kurma, Varaha and Narsimha in
this era. Knowledge, meditation and penance would hold special importance in this era. The average height of people was more than what it is
today. Every king would attain the pre-determined attainments and would experience bliss. All the four pillars of religion i.e. truth, penance, yagya
(religious sacrifice) and charity were present in totality. The only text which was considered credible and was followed was Manu’s Dharma
Shastra. Satya yuga shall be established by Kalki again after the Kali yuga. The average life expectancy of a human being in Satya yuga was
approximately 4000 years.
At the end of this era when the Sun, Moon, Jupiter together enter Pushya Nakshatra that is the Cancer Zodiac then the Satya yuga shall begin.
During this time the stars/constellations shall become auspicious and radiant. As a result it shall accrue in the well being of all creatures and the
health will ameliorate. It is during this auspicious time that Vishnu’s Incarnation Kalki shall take birth in a Brahmin family. This incarnation shall be
mighty, intelligent and valiant. He shall engage in good of all benefactors. At the spun of the moment, no sooner he thinks he shall be armed with
all the weapons, armours and an army, he shall be coronated king who shall know no enemy. He shall be benevolent and a radiant Brahmin and
shall be the one who shall emancipate the ones in misery.
He shall be the one and only one to destroy the Kaliyuga and initiate the holy and divine Satya yuga. Bhagwan Kalki in the Satya yuga shall
destroy all the dacoits and robbers. He shall perform the Ashwamedha Yagya and shall donate this entire world to the Brahmins. His success
deeds will be divine and sublime. He shall establish the auspicious ideals and principles propounded by Lord Brahma after which he shall go
forest to practice penance.
After this all the generations to come shall follow the ideals established by Bhagwan Kalki and shall engage in religious activities. Accordingly on
the advent of the Satya yuga all people shall engage assiduously in good, sublime deeds.
One shall witness the emergence of beautiful gardens, Dharmashalas (Resting Inns) and majestic temples. One shall see the execution of many
huge yagyas. Brahmins, sages, ascetics according to their nature shall be absorbed in penance. Ashrams shall be devoid of the wicked and
deceits. This era shall usher better agriculture and one shall be able to grow all foodgrains in all seasons. People shall generously donate and will
follow all the rules and regulations mentioned. The kings shall protect their subjects and earth very sincerely.
The Vaishya (traders) of this era shall engage in trade and business very justly and honestly. Brahmins shall be engaged continually in religious
sacrifices, study, teaching, charity etc. The Kshatriya (warriors) shall be inclined towards exhibition of valiance and might. The Shudras shall
sincerely serve the Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas. This form of religion shall remain intact and absolute in the Satya yuga.
One shall witness the total establishment of Sanatan Dharma (eternal religion). During the Satya yuga, the child was not ruined when the
or mother expired. All the gods, demons, Gandharvas, Yaksha would give up their hatred and differences. The Rik, Sama and Yajurveda were
separate and demarcated. This era was devoid of agricultural activities or rather any other type of activity. Just by mere contemplation one would
beget desired results. The only religion that was relevant was- the renunciation of vested interests. People in this era would never fall ill. No one
would try to point out faults or demerits in anyone’s personality. The personality was not plagued by demerits alike ego, sorrow, violent thought
(aggression), jealousy, hatred, backbiting, fear, anger and lethargy.
At that time, the colour of the Supreme cosmic soul that was situated in the heart of one and all and the saviour of all the sages was white.
All the people that are Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras were embellished with all the good qualities. At that time, the only saviour of

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divinity would take birth in this era.

07-16-2010, 08:06 AM #7

Re: 4 Yugas, 14 Manus, Brahma's lifespan Grafix

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07-16-2010, 08:09 AM #8

Re: 4 Yugas, 14 Manus, Brahma's lifespan Grafix

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07-17-2010, 02:36 AM #9

Re: 4 Yugas, 14 Manus, Brahma's lifespan Grafix

New Member Quote:

Join Date: Jul 2010 Originally Posted by bhaktajan

Posts: 4 Here is a grafix representation designed for ease of comprehension.
It shows the of the 4-Yugas + the 14 Manu's Life-Span + Lord Brahma's lifespan all in one expanded-view diagram as per India's Vedas.
My scriptural source from whence I c ondensed this data is the "Bhagavata-purana" aka, 'Shrimad-Bhagavatam'.

with best regards,

your own personal secret Hare Krishna Wellwisher,

{BTW, I have not proof-read the data in the cited Wikipedia entry ---I do not ,as yet, vouch for its veracity.}
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10/6/2010 4 Yugas, 14 Manus, Brahma's lifespan …
08-27-2010, 08:28 PM #10

Re: 4 Yugas, 14 Manus, Brahma's lifespan Grafix

Senior Member Finally replying here:

I will save and print and read these -- -at first glance it looks like a few topics are being referred to ie: Astronomy & geographical benc h-marks

My post was simply a graphic of a time line.

Thank for the food for munchie's thoughts.

Join Date: Oct 2009

Posts: 387

08-28-2010, 04:32 AM #11

Re: 4 Yugas, 14 Manus, Brahma's lifespan Grafix

Junior Member Just focusing on the yugas here is David Frawley's modific ation of Sri Yukteswar's understanding:
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14 manus, 4 yugas, brahma's lifespan

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