Kia Motors Corporation 231 Yangjae-Dong, Seocho-Gu, Seoul, 137-938, Korea Tel: 82-2-3464-5668 / Fax: 82-2-3464-5964
Kia Motors Corporation 231 Yangjae-Dong, Seocho-Gu, Seoul, 137-938, Korea Tel: 82-2-3464-5668 / Fax: 82-2-3464-5964
Kia Motors Corporation 231 Yangjae-Dong, Seocho-Gu, Seoul, 137-938, Korea Tel: 82-2-3464-5668 / Fax: 82-2-3464-5964
Kia is the newest and most exciting force of change in the automotive world and we are ready to change the way you feel and think about driving. More
than just a promise, we are committed to making driving a true pleasure for customers across the globe. With youthful styling and the latest in advanced
technologies, Kia cars are turning heads the world over with the power to surprise. From the Picanto to the Mohave, Kia offers a full lineup of cars, SUVs and
MPVs that are not only practical but downright exhilarating to drive. Keep your eyes on Kia because the best has yet to come.
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Performance matters
Kia has engineered some of the most refine, The 1.4-litre DOHC option offers maximum economy
economical and high-performing engines in the with quiet and velvety smooth performance. With the
sector. Rio offers a 1.6-litre DOHC engine with engine choice comes the transmission choice too.
Continuously Variable Valve Timing (CVVT) which The 5-speed manual transmission combines with an
really hits the sweet spot with a beautiful balance of easy-shifting hydraulic clutch for those who prefer to
power and fuel economy. CVVT ensures the engine take matters into their own hands. For relaxed,
receives the optimal amount of air under all engine leisurely driving you may opt for the 4-speed
speeds. automatic.
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Power window switches: From the driving seat you can Metal trim pedals: Rio has touches of contemporary style Steering wheel audio remote control: Convenient Power & tilt steering wheel: The power steering wheel
open and close all four windows as well as making throughout the cabin, such as the metallic foot pedals, which access to audio functions for greater convenience with one- of the Rio aids for your easier handling, and the tilt function
adjustments to the wing mirrors at the touch of a button, all provide ample grip for the foot as well as maximum visual touch mode change and volume turning and other capability. that adjusts vertically suits the steering wheel for your more
from the convenience of the door-located arm rest. appeal. convenient driving position. These advantageous functions
will ensure you appreciate the performance and driveability
of the car.
Tachometer, speedometer & LCD trip computer: The Climate controls: The climate controls are located in the Rear seat adjustable headrests: The forces of a collision Heated side mirrors: Condensation, ice and even snow can
in-dash gauges are designed to be easy on the eye as well as centre dash console, and have a fresh and unique style that can affect every occupant of the vehicle, and Kia takes the affect driving visibility, but the heated outside wing mirrors
highly visible. The Kia signature orange illumination is a is highly tactile and visible and complements the modern Rio safety of rear passengers as seriously as those in the front. ensure you’re back to 100% visibility. The warming effect is
highlight of both the round dials and LCD trip computer. interior. Adjust the fan and heat settings, or fully control the Correctly adjusted headrests can ensure that whiplash managed using interior controls, which can also adjust the
cabin climate when you opt for air conditioning. injuries are minimised. angle of view.
* except Middle-east
Rear seat centre armrest: The rear seating arrangement Removable ashtray: The ashtray can collect ash as well as Roof-mounted antenna: The Rio’s antenna is mounted Assist grip handle: Rio accounts for anyone’s age or
will comfortably seat three people, but when vacant the other waste such as sweet wrappers. The self-contained towards the rear of the roof. The compact design is both whatever they may be carrying by including a roof corner
centre seat has a pull-down padded armrest to give your closing design ensures spillage and odours are retained highly discrete yet a powerful signal source for the audio mounted assist grip. The grip will help occupants exit the
rear passengers even more comfort than they already enjoy. within, and the ashtray lifts out for clean and quick disposal system radio, maintaining the Rio’s excellent aerodynamics. vehicle.
of the contents.
Door map pockets: Rio can really help you to go places! Backrest pockets: Keeping paperwork, magazines and Map lamps with sunglass holder: Mounted at arm’s Centre console: Kia has spent time considering how best to
The front driver and passenger side doors offer slimline literature tidy is a breeze in your Rio. The seat backs have length in the roofspace above the windscreen is a optimise storage space and convenience. The centre console
pockets with a sizeable open area above for inserting and convenient vertical net-pockets to keep the interior tidy and convenient covered compartment to store sunglasses safely, provides a handy recessed container for storing and retaining
containing useful documents including maps. practical too. alongside the lighting control for the dual map lights. loose change and other small items.
Glove box: The glove box is a sensible storage area with a Centre cup holder: Of course you would never drink and Multi box: The multi box is yet another sensible storage Centre fascia ticket holder: The art of clever design is to
sizeable compartment for storing documents and other drive, but Rio provides two handy cup holders alongside the opportunity that makes use of space that otherwise would understand every need a driver may have. The ingenuity of
items. It folds down neatly from the dash without reducing handbrake between the front seats for placing soft drinks be wasted. The handy little compartment folds down to the ticket holder in the centre fascia ensures that parking
leg space in front of the passenger seat. close at hand and minimising the risk of sticky spills. store valuables and small item and neatly closes out of sight. tickets and credit cards are close at hand for ticket booths
and tolls.
Dimensions (mm) 4-door 5-door 4-door 5-door 4-door 5-door
Overall length 4,250 4,025 Overhang (rear) 905 680 Head room (rear) 960 ←
Overall width 1,695 ← Interior length 1,835 ← Shoulder room (front) 1,360 ←
Overall height 1,470 ← Interior width 1,395 ← Shoulder room (rear) 1,350 ←
Wheelbase 2,500 ← Interior height 1,210 ← Hip room (front) 1,290 ←
Wheeltread (front) 1,470 ← Leg room (front) 1,085 ← Hip room (rear) 1,270 ←
205 / 45 R16” Alloy 195 / 55 R15” Alloy 185 / 65 R14” Alloy 185 / 65 R14” Wheel cover 175 / 70 R14” Wheel cover
Wheeltread (rear) 1,460 ← Leg room (rear) 870 ← Min. ground clearance 155 ←
Overhang (front) 845 ← Head room (front) 1,005 ←
1.6 gasoline DOHC CVVT engine 1.4 gasoline DOHC engine
Dimensions (mm)
16.0 120 16.0 16.0 120 120 16.0 120
Displacement 80 80 80
10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
70 70 70 70
8.0 60 1,599 cc
8.0 8.0 60 60 8.0 60 1,399 cc
Max. Power Max. Power
50 50 50 50
6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
40 40 40 40
4.0 30
110 ps4.0/ 82 kW @4.06,000 rpm 30 30 4.0 30
94 ps / 70 kW @ 6,000 rpm
20 20 20 20
2.0 Max. Torque
2.0 2.0 2.0 Max. Torque
14.8 kg0. m / 145.10Nm @ 4,500 rpm 12.7 kg . m / 124.5 Nm @ 4,700 rpm
10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0 0 1,470 845 2,500 905 1,460
1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000
1,000 5,000
2,000 6,000
3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000
1,695 4,250
Engine speed (rpm) Engine speed (rpm)
Engine speed (rpm) Engine speed (rpm)
※ All information and illustrations are based on data available at the time of publication and subject to change without notice. Contact your local Kia dealer for current information.