The Caree Astrology
The Caree Astrology
The Caree Astrology
The August 21 Total Solar Eclipse
02 2017
The Organization for Professional Astrology
MARCH EQUINOX 2017 page 1
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OPAastrolo Addressing Arguments
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The August 21 Total Solar Eclipse: 28 degrees Leo
August 21,2017
Albany, Oregon
observation, we may somewhat temper
clipses have fascinated cultures Eclipse phenomenon possible. More syn- these gloom and doom projections, but
across time, and for good reasons. chronicities in this respect: the Sun is the fascination about eclipses remains.
Whether the enthrallment was about approximately 108 Suns away from the This perfect alignment between the Moon
the sudden absence of light, the astonish- Earth, and the Moon is approximately and the Sun appears like a portal through
ing overlapping size of the Moon and the 108 Moons away from the Earth (with which important changes can occur on a
Sun’s diameter possible from the Earth’s some fluctuation, given the Moon’s ellip- personal or collective level.
perspective only, or the dramatic world tical path). There must be some mystical We are now just a few weeks away from
events that seem to coincide with the glamor to these measurements. a dramatic Solar Eclipse at 28 degrees
This Eclipse is
because it is in a
Fire Sign (affecting
leadership), and
it will be in close
proximity to the
fixed star Regulus,
Heart of
the Lion.
The Career
page 3 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
August 21 Eclipse Facts
• A Solar Eclipse is a New Moon • Eclipses can be viewed in reference • First total eclipse on the main-
in proximity to the Nodal Axis to two important cycles: land since 1979 (Washington,
(of the Moon). • The Metonic Cycle: Every 19 Idaho, Montana, North Dakota)
• A Lunar Eclipse is a Full Moon Years the Eclipse reoccurs at the • First total eclipse to sweep
in proximity to the Nodal Axis same place (containing 4 to 5 across the entire country since
(of the Moon). eclipses). The Previous Metonic 1918.
Cycle Eclipse occurred on August
• The closer the New or Full Moon • With the internet, this will be the
21, 1998 @ 28 Leo.
is to the Nodes, the more Total largest astronomical event in US
an eclipse will be. • The Saros Cycle: every 18 years, history.
11 days, and 8 hours, an Eclipse
• We have to pay attention to • Totality lasts a maximum of 2
of the same Saros cycle occurs,
the Eclipse degree and to the minutes and 40.2 seconds.
each time at 11 degree inter-
degree of the Nodal Axis. These That’s it. To experience that
vals. The August Solar Eclipse is length, you’ll need to be slightly
will remain potent degrees weeks
named Saros 145. The previous south of Carbondale, Illinois. You
before and after the actual event
Saros 145 Cycle Eclipse occurred might think about getting there
takes place.
on August 11, 1999 @ 18 Leo. early.
• Nashville, TN is the only major
city on the eclipse path that will
experience 2+ minutes of total-
• Other cities: Portland 99%,
Atlanta 97%, Cincinnati 91%
of Eclipse
trines his Mars and Ascendant. on August 21st, 1998. Its shadow was
• Jupiter is conjunct his natal Jupiter, not seen in the United States, but it sure
square his Saturn and Venus, and seems like it was felt in the White House.
Cycles trine his Sun, Uranus, and especially
North Lunar Node.
Four days before this eclipse conjoined his
Natal Sun, President Bill Clinton testified
• Retrograde Saturn is exactly (to the to a grand jury that he had engaged in
Death of the King, arc minute!) conjoined his Moon, an “improper physical relationship” with
which was shadowed by Earth during Monica Lewinsky during her employment
but What Does Trump’s natal total lunar eclipse. as a White House intern. Because he had
That Mean? Are natives born during an eclipse
previously denied such an engagement,
the House of Representatives initiated
more activated by eclipse transits? What an impeachment trial on the grounds of
by Gemini Brett might these many simultaneous strong perjury. Two articles of impeachment were
Planetary alignments to the President’s approved in December, including obstruc-
nativity portend? Are astrological acti- tion of justice, but the Senate acquitted
vations of a President also applicable to Clinton on February 12th, 1999, four days
un and Moon are the Nation and to her citizens? I will not before the next total solar eclipse, which
set to embrace in delineate these transits here, but will opposed his Natal Sun.
the 29th degree of instead riddle the mystery by present- The House Judiciary Committee nearly
Tropical Leo on August 21st ing intriguing historical themes of asso- expanded Clinton’s impeachment inqui-
at the Royal Star Regulus and near ciated eclipse cycles. If we want to know ry to include campaign finance abuse
enough the Dragon’s Head to bring the what’s in the cards for Trump, perhaps because there were allegations of con-
riddle of night to the middle of daylight. we should ask the Tarot, where Moon is tributions from the Chinese Communist
I’ve come to call this total solar eclipse the 18th Trump and the 19th is Sun. Can Military.1 Do rumors of a United States
‘Kneel Diamond’ because sages of the you see the corresponding astronomical president receiving illegal assistance from
starry cloth have long knelt before Lion’s keys? There are powerful eclipse cycles of a communist country ring any bells today
Heart Regulus as the ruler of the Heavens, 18-years (Saros) and 19-years (Metonic) with a Metonic Eclipse Return on the way?
and because serious astro-folk from and the Lunar Nodes complete a journey Certainly the impeachment theme is cur-
all around the globe will be “Coming around the 360 Zodiac degrees in a period rently echoing through the halls of the
to America” to observe the infamous of time just between. West Wing. The Public Policy Polling firm
Diamond Ring in the sky. What are eclips-
recently conducted a national survey that
es themselves most infamous for if not
found 48% of respondents were in favor
“Death of the King”, and why? Does histo-
of impeaching President Trump while only
ry uphold this omen of old? If so, perhaps
41% were opposed.2 Does Kneel Diamond
the current ‘king’ of the White House
foreshadow a death of the White House
should consider seeking council from an
king by impeachment? If so, perhaps this
august astrologer. Any takers?
eclipse has a greater chance of seeing
We measure astrology from the center
such a trial through because it will phys-
of our Planet, not from Her surface, so I
ically shadow the States, while the 1998
like to say, “just because you don’t see it,
eclipse did not.
doesn’t mean you don’t be it.” The eclipse
portal is open for all, but shadow location
is certainly significant. This will be the first
total solar eclipse to shadow the continen- “just because
tal United States since 1979. Its shadow
you don’t see it,
path literally divides the country in half
and brings with it an uncanny number of doesn’t mean you
strong Planetary transits to US President don’t be it.”
Trump’s nativity.
The Career
page 5 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
This summer’s eclipse is the third in a of the Zodiac because the 223-Lunation SAROS 140 to SAROS 145
Metonic String of four Regulus-aligned period of a Saros is not 18 years exactly, The next heartbeat of Solar Saros
solar eclipses appearing in 1979, 1998, but rather about 18 years, 11 days, and 8 Series 145 following JFK’s death was
2017, and 2036. hours. The eleven-day component of this heard in 1981, the year President Ronald
The February 2017 Pisces Solar period advances each subsequent eclipse Reagan was shot. Less than two months
eclipse (8 degrees Pisces on February of the series about eleven Zodiacal before the March 30th assassination
26, 2017) was also the third of a Metonic degrees. (for example, the previous 145 attempt, an annular solar eclipse aligned
String that began with the last total solar Saros Eclipse was on August 1999 @ 18 on February 4th within half a degree of
eclipse to shadow the continental United Leo). Because Earth spins in 24 hours, the Reagan’s Aquarius Sun. This eclipse does
States on February 26th, 1979. The 19-year eight-hour component of a Saros period not belong to Solar Saros Series 145, but
Metonic cycle can only produce a string carries each eclipse about one third of the rather to Series 140. The two could be
of four or five eclipses because the Lunar globe Westward from its predecessor so considered travel companions as they
Nodes circle the Zodiac in 18.6 years and three eclipses (a Tri-Saros) are required to have appeared in the same calendar
the nearly five-month difference between return the series to similar longitudes. years since 1927, the year that Series 145
these periods quickly separates the Nodes Solar Saros Series 145 last shadowed first reached totality and Series 140 first
too far from the Metonic New or Full the North American continent in 1963, a reached annularity (Moon will remain too
Moon for an eclipse to align. year that will forever be remembered for far from Earth to occult the entire Sun
the death of a king. It could be argued disc during eclipses of this series).
THE SAROS ECLIPSE CYCLE that too much time had expired for the The last visit from Solar Saros Series
The 18-year Saros Cycle, on the other July 20th solar eclipse to be related to the 140 on February 16th, 1999 opposed Bill
hand, has serious longevity. The average November 22nd assassination of President Clinton’s Leo Sun at the time of his acquit-
Saros Family is composed of 71 eclipses John F. Kennedy, but some astrologers tal as mentioned above. That eclipse also
and lasts for about 1,280 years. Kneel suggest the effects of a solar eclipse have aligned less than a third of a degree from
Diamond is the 22nd of 77 eclipses belong- a shelf life of six months, a year, or even the Aquarius Moon of John F. Kennedy
ing to Solar Saros Series 145. The first longer. None of us can argue that the Junior who died in a mysterious plane
eclipse of the series aligned on January July 20th, 1963 total solar eclipse in the crash five months later on July 16th,
4th, 1639 and the last will align over 1,352 28th degree of Cancer formed a partile 1999 less than a month before the August
years later on April 5th, 2991. conjunction to JFK’s natal Saturn and likely 11th return of Solar Saros Series 145.
Unlike those of a Metonic String, Saros aligned to his MidHeaven (JFK’s 3pm birth Many believe JFK, Jr. was on a path to
Eclipses are not fixed to the same zone time has a Rodden Rating of “A”). follow his father’s footsteps into the Oval
Office. Was this the death of a prince
who could have become king?
That February 1999 eclipse also aligned
within one and a half degrees of George
H.W. Bush’s Mars and two months later
the CIA Headquarters compound in
Langley, Virginia was renamed for this
man who entered the White House in
1981 as Reagan’s Vice President and
later planted a seed that might pro-
duce a new sprout in 2017 of the Series
145 Kennedy theme. On October 26th,
The Career
page 7 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
Jupiter/Neptune strongly opposeing Pluto
in Taurus. The first constitution in the
American Colonies was adopted ten days
after that January 4th, 1639 first series
eclipse (see chart). “The Fundamental
Orders” were the first ever constitution
based on the idea that the “foundation
of authority is in the free consent of the
One hundred years later, Abraham
Lincoln, who had spoken out against the
bank and printed debt-free currency,
was assassinated.7 President Lincoln was
shot four days after a lunar eclipse and
eleven days before a total solar eclipse
conjoined his North Lunar Node during
a Nodal Return. That April 25th, 1865
eclipse is not linked to this summer’s by
Saros or Metonic cycles, but its shadow
path13 is similar to that of the February
26th, 2017 eclipse14 and that of the October
19th, 1865 eclipse Lincoln would not live
to see, dividing the United States in half
on a nearly identical path that the Kneel
Diamond shadow will trace in August.
On December 6th, 1865, less than two
BRETT call this essence “Love,” with Aquarius principal “As Above, So Below,” but forget
representing humanitarian love for all the Emerald Tablets first say “As Below, So
and Leo representing the inner warmth Above.”19 The Planets do not simply affect
Solar Saros Series 145 has also arrived cultivated only through true love for self. us, they reflect us. We are not only the
as wars departed. Eclipses of this family We might call this essence “Creation,” with audience of the Celestial Symphony, we
showed for the end of the American Aquarius representing the antenna to the are the instruments, the musicians, and
Revolutionary War in 1783 and for the collective Imagination and Leo represent- even the conductor. The sacred science of
end of World War II in 1945. The latter ing Inspiration, the inner source for living Astrology helps us align to the Signs of the
means this eclipse family is also connect- life as art. It is not about destroying the
ed to the first ever deployment of an nature of one side to create a connection
atomic weapon. The eclipse aligned on to the other. The world tree must grow in
July 9th, 1945 in the 17th degree of Cancer both directions. My personal mantra
in a near conjunction with Saturn. Its As we reach for a brighter Leo, let us for the Fixed Sign
shadow path connected the United States realign and not leave behind the revo-
to Europe. The first nuclear test explo- lutionary sign on its opposite side. May
polarities like
sion mushroomed over the desert sands Imagination and Inspiration be con- Leo-Aquarius where
of New Mexico one week later. When nected through a circle, not just a line.
Moon returned to Cancer to again apply the Lunar Nodes
True revolution stems from revelation.
to a partile conjunction with Saturn, the Humanitarian love for the Many can have just begun an
first bomb was deployed at Hiroshima. sometimes disconnect us from the heart
World War II officially ended with Japan’s
18-Month tour is
of the One. What leads the leaders into
formal surrender another 27-day synodic decisions that result in the deployment “fix yourself to fix
month later as Moon again applied to a of atomic weapons or the construction
conjunction with Saturn in Cancer. The
the world.”
of nuclear power plants that inevitably
longitudes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki produce radioactive waste we don’t
are almost exactly opposite the center know how to deal with? Classifying such
of the shadow path where the greatest decisions as evil or idiotic without first times, but the art of the chart suggests
eclipse was seen two months before. contemplating their root is unproductive this is not a one-way exchange. We can
Has Solar Saros Series 145 been forever for the growth of our tree. It is possi- assist in directing this eclipse and future
mutated by the cancer of atomic power? ble thatthose often judged for “playing members of its family simply by partici-
While my research does not ignore the God” may be rooted in Love, though a pating intentionally with its energy and
scores of nuclear tests and accidents Strangelove indeed. giving intentional energy back through
during the years of the series’ returns, When we follow imagination alone, we ceremony and offering.
I also see negotiations during the 1963 can fall prey to the idea we’ll be saved by An astrology degree is not required to
eclipse between Kennedy and Khrushchev technology. In May of this year, Tokamak see eclipses open doors to deep shad-
that would lead to the Limited Nuclear Energy powered up the UK’s latest and ow work, but who says that work can’t
Test Ban Treaty15, the beginning of for- greatest controlled fusion reactor, which be fun?
mal talks between Reagan and Brezhnev is expected to exceed temperatures of Royal Regulus resided at 29 Leo in
in 1981 that would eventually lead to 100 million degrees Celsius by 2018.18 This 1925 when Elsie Wheeler channeled this
the signing of the Intermediate Range is seven times hotter than the core of the Sabian Symbol image for that degree
Nuclear Forces Treaty16, and President Sun! Is it wise to create a star on a plan- where Moon and Sun will soon meet to
Clinton’s 1999 press for the ratification of et? Doesn’t it feel like we should each get form the heavenly Kneel Diamond ring:
the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.17 a say in decisions to create devices that “A Mermaid Emerges from Ocean
might blow us all away? Waves Ready for Rebirth in Human
The MEANINGS Perhaps on some level we did, but Form.” Are we ready to be reborn?
before we untwist that lid, let us first Perhaps it is time to reclaim reality from
What does it all mean? I am not honor the possibility that this so-called the strange seas of mythic dream. What
suggesting we prepare for fallout this “Star in a Jar” technology will actually suc- do we feel in our hearts when we think
summer, but I do feel that the fear and ceed to release us from our fossil fuel and of the Queen? What do we feel when
powerlessness invoked through contem- nuclear dependency by generating unlim- we hear names like Abraham Lincoln
plating these nuclear links to the eclipses ited free energy. Here’s an interesting and John F. Kennedy or George Bush Sr.
of 2017 can help us tune into collective riddle: how much should free energy cost? and Donald Trump? It is okay to deify on
tendencies the Aquarius South Node is Here’s another: if the world Without is demonize these names of the so-called
encouraging us to release, or, better said, truly a reflection of the world Within, how world stage, but this practice only stim-
realign. For we are not meant to aban- can we receive free energy unless we first ulates growth Within when we look for
don the archetype of the South Node free our energy? ourselves in the reflections of these
entirely to engage with the other side. My personal mantra for the Fixed strange mirrors Without.
The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac are Sign polarities like Leo-Aquarius, where The death of the King, but what does
really six axes. Like hot and cold are the Lunar Nodes have just begun an that mean? What must we personally
both temperature, Leo and Aquarius are 18-Month tour, is “fix yourself to fix the impeach within to free our energy? What
two sides of the same essence. We might world.” Folks often quote the Hermetic greater offering could we bring to the sky
The Career
page 9 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
diamond ring than that of composting 6 Path of eclipse preceding JFK Assassination:
old hang-ups into rich soil for planting ry?id=129304&page=1
7 Path of eclipse following Lincoln’s Assassination:
new seeds? Leo is about radiance, inspi- and_the_JFK_Assassination.html
ration, courage, creation, valor, vigor, 8 Astronomical Convention for naming Saros Series
art, passion, and play. May we go gladly item/abraham-lincoln-and-john-f-kennedy
into the dark to light a spark at the Lion’s
9 html
Heart and stoke a roaring flame! Leo is
4b0a48094a67d0f As a certifiable StarryTeller, Gemini
about celebrity. They say Leo needs the 10
stage and the spotlight, but truthfully Brett devotes his now as a living vow to
the Marriage of Heaven and Earth. He
the stage needs Leo because Leo is the 11
the-first-colonial-constitution began his formal study with the Shamanic
spotlight. I’m not talking about those Astrology Mystery School, but has since
scary skeletons on the silver screen, lution/stamp-act synthesized his own terrestrially-tuned
but rather about the one who deserves 13 celestial stew by integrating ingredients of
the pedestal we place them on because eclipse/1865_04_25 many astro kung fus (from Hellenistic to
their light shines so brightly it warms the
14 Evolutionary). Brett’s principle intention
eclipse/2017_02_26 is to retrieve the Star Songs we heard in
world. We are that one! We are the Star 15
in a jar. We are the Lion’s Heart. Perhaps times before the written word. He trans-
the world appears rotten because we’ve 16
mits the mysteries he finds in sacred
forgotten we are the brightest light. Well, Range_Nuclear_Forces_Treaty sites and living sky through a series of
17 embodied exercise he calls Earthstrology,
a strong shadow this way comes to give
LookingBack and through the sacred sciences of the
us new sight. 18 Quadrivium: Geometry, Musical Harmony,
switch-on-its-tokamak-nuclear-fusion-reactor Astronomy, and Number in Nature.
Endnotes 19 Gemini Brett is best known throughout
cosmic circles as an astronomy-for-astrol-
Additional Links:
2 ogy expert and mystic mythologist, but
Find the eclipses paths for any year and associ-
peach-survey/ ated Saros:
the truth you’ll find when you get to know
3 this fiery Scorpio is that his techniques
lease-1979-cables/ Kneel Diamond eclipse path: are designed to water the heart through
4 re-membering Signs of the Messenger’s
5 Saros Series 145: Mind.
files-could-be-released-soon R
the Treaty of Kasr-i Shirin (1639) a per- in conjunction with Trump’s Jupiter also
Baghdad. We can see that this series Mercurys indicates that the natives will
began with an important event in that part be in close contact and potentially expe-
of the World, so subsequent eclipses will rience disagreements at times.
the SUN
carry that theme forward. The next eclipse In the composite charts of these two
in the series is on August 21, 2017. It will leaders, five planets form a stellium.
light up 28° Leo, once again energizing Mars at 26 degrees Leo makes a con-
many of the eclipses listed in the table. junction with the Sun and Mercury. This
Analyzing the This degree also shows up in the World
wars, so the events of 2017 will create
USA and Middle unrest in the Mideast leading to fears of
wider conflict.” (The Predictive Power of
East Effect Eclipse Paths, page 231)”
Lending credence to Bill Meridian, This coming
by Öner Döşer Mars, which represents conflicts and solar eclipse,
wars, will be in Leo in proximity to the
eclipse degree and in conjunction with
will be very close
he second eclipse the North Node, while standing ori- to Donald Trump’s
of 2017 will occur ental. Rising before the Sun, Mars will
Ascendant degree
at 28 degrees Leo flavor this era even after the eclipse. We
on August 21st. Leo is relat- may therefore consider that the Marsian and his natal Mars.
ed with leaders and people who have events (wars, terror, fights, conflicts and Interestingly, Israeli
power and authority. Challenging solar competition) may be highly activated.
eclipses may bring both disgrace or loss As the eclipse on August 21st will Prime Minister
of one’s position and great accomplish- occur in conjunction with the fixed star Benjamin
ments. During eclipses, countries and Regulus, people in leadership positions
leaders who are globally influencial are may have a desire for winning big vic- Netanyahu has
usually strongly affected. New seeds are tories; their desire for attaining power the same Mars as
spread, new projects are started, and and getting revenge from the people
who tried to eliminate them may be Trump at 26 Leo,
new developments are experienced.
According to British astrologers triggered. As the eclipse will occur by two degrees from
H.S.Green and Raphael, eclipses in fire the North Node and in Leo, the leaders
who want to strengthen their positions
the Eclipse
signs may bring sensational events, turbu-
lences related with religious, cultural and may collaborate with other leaders with
social issues, conflicts and wars. They also whom they share the same interests.
indicate the death, imprisonment, depor- Who are these leaders? Are they Donald
tation or slaughter of a king or another Trump and Benjamin Netenyahu?
person in authority. Many disagreements triple conjunction indicates that these
and frictions between people are experi- Donald Trump and leaders (the Sun) will make common
enced. The armies may be mobilized, fires Benjamin Netenyahu decisions (Mercury) on the issues they
and diseases may increase, and crops Like many astrogers, I have mentioned will be fighting for (Mars). This conjunc-
and plants may get damaged. (Mundane that this coming solar eclipse, will be tion takes place in the 10th house of the
Astrology, Books by H.S.Green, Raphael, very close to Donald Trump’s Ascendant chart. See the eclipse chart projected on
C.E.O. Carter, Astrology Classics, 2004, degree and his natal Mars. Interestingly, the composite chart, following page.
pages 100, 182). Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin The total Solar Eclipse on August 21st,
According to William Lilly a Solar Netanyahu has the same Mars as Trump 2017 activates this triple Mars-Sun-
eclipse in the third decanate of Leo at 26 Leo, two degrees from the Eclipse Mercury conjunction in the composite
presages captivities, besieging of towns, See Trump and Netanyahu’s chart on chart, suggesting that these two lead-
plunderings and profanation of holy plac- following page. Mars, being in conjunc- ers may act together during the days
es (William Lilly, Eclipses, page 20). In tion in the two charts, suggests that around the eclipse. Their collaboration
the eclipse chart, there is a Grand Trine two natives have the potential to unite may be related with military actions,
in fire signs which also indicates that their powers to act and fight together fighting against terrorism and so forth.
the people in authority will want to take for the same causes, as if playing in the Trump’s Mars and Venus returns will
action and risk and to manifest their same team… their Sun degrees in Air take place within a short time after the
powers. signs make a trine, so they appreciate eclipse. Moreover, Trump, who will be in
Bill Meridian states: “The first eclipse and support each other’s leadership. A North Node Firdaria period until June
in this series occured on January 4, Sextile between their Moons reinforc- 2019, has his North Node in the 10th
1639. Murad retook Baghdad (1638). By es their connection. Netanyahu’s Moon
The Career
page 11 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
house of his chart in Gemini and in con-
junction with Uranus and the Sun.
This conjunction in Gemini, which
carries the potential for collaborations
with people in influential positions,
manifesting leadership characteristics,
unexpected outbursts and achieve-
ments, indicates that the native will
make efforts for realising all these
developments through unexpected ini-
tiatives or sudden maneuvers, thanks to
his communication skills.
In his natal chart, Trump will be
experiencing his 12th house profec-
tion on June 14th, 2017 where Pluto
and Mars are located. The ruler of
Leo, the Sun, leading this Profection
year, is in the natal 10th house of the
chart and in conjunction with the North
Node which is the ruler of Firdaria
period. This again reinforces the same
thing: Donald Trump is about to enter
a crucial phase in which he will be in
collaboration with influencial people. He
will want to showcase his management
skills to the whole world while facing
obstacles and criticism (Saturn transit
opposed to his natal Sun).
Mars in Leo, triggered by the eclipse,
is the ruler of his natal 4th and 9th hous-
es. Under these circumstances, Trump’s
Marsian actions will be related with
home and family issues (or homeland
security issues when we consider we
are talking about a leader’s chart).
These actions will also be related with
relations to foreigners, overseas issues,
beliefs and journeys (as this is the chart
Donald Trump is
about to enter
a crucial phase in
which he will be in
collaboration with
influencial people.
He will want to
showcase his
management skills
to the whole world
while facing
obstacles and
DOSER These are all stressful and aggressive Trump-Netenyahu composite chart is
of a leader, we may consider that the 9th positions. See natal charts of Trump and projected on Syrian President Hafiz
house may be related with the relations Netanyahu on page 3. Assad regime’s chart (Nov 13, 1970 @
with foreign countries at far distances). This pressure on Iran will proba- 6:15am in Damascus), we see its obvious
bly stem from Trump’s desire to be impacts: The Moon in the composite
TRUMP, NETANYAHU, IRAN more effective in Syria. When the chart makes a close conjunction with the
Sun on the ASC degree of the Regime’s
When we project the composite chart
of Trump and Netenyahu on the chart chart while the MC and South Node
of Modern Iran, we see that the stellium at 29 degrees Leo conjuncts with the
of the composite chart is placed on the With the upcoming stellium in the composite chart and pro-
Ascendant degree and the 1st house of jected on the eclipse of August 21st. See
eclipse on August triwheel chart on page 15.
Iran’s chart. This means that the con-
vergence between these two leaders 21st, 2017 ...we On August 21st, 2013 more than 1000
people including women and children
and two countries can create significant may speculate that were killed in Assad's power attack,
stress and aggression toward Iran.
The Moon and the Lunar Nodes of
Trump may carry where chemical weapons were claimed
to be used, in the Eastern Ghouta sub-
the composite chart are on the 4/10 out a powerful
house axis of Iran indicating that the urbs of Damascus. With the upcoming
relationship between these two leaders
operation ... to eclipse on August 21st, 2017, just four
will have a fated affect on Iran. Mars at overthrow years after the initial attack, we may
26 degrees Leo in the composite chart speculate that Trump may carry out
Assad’s regime. a powerful operation in this region to
makes a quincunx aspect with Mars
at 25 degrees Pisces in Iran’s chart. overthrow Assad’s regime.
The Career
page 13 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
ASTRO-LOCALITY This eclipse, pointing out important
Using Astro-locality, we can identify developments in international relations,
the following points: may also activate some developments
[Trump's] related to legal issues concerning foreign
- The midpoint of Trump’s MC-Mars
(Acting and pushing the limits in pro- Mars-DSC Midpoint affairs, ethnic minorities, or religious mat-
fessional matters) and MC-Neptune ters (9th house of the US chart).
line (pushing the Transiting Saturn at 21 degrees
(Delusions and illusions in professional
matters) passes through the east of boundaries of Sagittarius during the eclipse will be
in opposition with Mars at 21 degrees
Turkey’s Syria borders, relations, aggression,
On another front, looking at the Astro- Gemini in USA’s chart. As Mars is
locality for Trump, we also see that and open enemies) placed in the 7th house of the chart, it
Mars-DSC Midpoint line (pushing the passes through represents the wars and hostilities in
boundaries of relations, aggression, and addition to competitions and aggression
open enemies) passes through North
North Korea with the other countries. This eclipse
Korea as well as his Uranus-IC Midpoint as well as his can cause friction and disputes in USA’s
line. See Trump Cartography chart below. bilateral relations with other countries.
Uranus-IC Interestingly, the natal Full Moon-Sun
These configurations suggest that
Trump’s relations with North Korea and Midpoint line. at 22 Gemin/Sag in Donald Trump’s
China will be activated around the days chart lies exactly on the US Mars axis,
surrounding the August 21st eclipse. activated by transiting Saturn.
We may now continue with interpret- In closing, I would like to project the
ing the leaders’charts that we mentioned eclipse chart (August 21st) on the com-
in this article. The eclipse of August 21st will occur very close to Trump’s ASC and posite chart of USA and Israel because
Mars degree. there are interesting connections, see
In the US chart (below), we see the chart on folloiwing page. The eclipse
eclipse degree located in the 9th house of which will occur at 28 degrees Leo
the country’s natal chart. This suggests conjuncts with the Midheaven of the
that this eclipse will affect the relations of US-Israel composite chart! This signature
US with foreign countries in far distances. suggests that the month of August will
be an important month for the relations Öner Döşer, AMA, MAPAI, ISAR Cap Oner Doser is the director and teacher of
between two countries and there will be Turkey Satellite of the Organization for Astro-Art School of Astrology in Istanbul. He
important developments at the level of is OPA’s Turkish Satellite. You may visit his
Professional Astrology (OPA) webpage:
these leaders. What will happen in the days The School of Astrology, May 2017
around the eclipse and how will the events OPA Turkey on Facebook:
develop? We can only wait and see…
groups/1628325654151225/ R
With love, light and hope!
The Career
page 15 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
Here are the most important In addition, planets that change
Pre-Natal parts to mention in a PNE
chart reading:
signs in a natal chart suggest that
they still capture the qualities of
have Venus in Taurus in PNE chart,
but have Venus Gemini in the natal
The most valuable thing to
chart; this would mean that there is
begin looking at is where is the
an underlying Taurus quality to the
eclipse taking place by house and
natal Venus influence.
sign. These placements depict the
struggles or the gifts that a person
Understanding brings with his or her incarnation.
Whether we believe in reincar-
Louise L. Hay’s nation or not, there is accurate
It is important to identify if the
eclipse occurs on the South Node
Mission information captured in this eclipse
chart for each of us about the
or the North Node of the Moon.
There is a tendency for South Node
unfolding of our life, showing the
Eclipses to manifest greater difficul-
by Gaye Alkan main things we are dealing with
ty in manifesting the soul’s inten-
and why. It shows what the les-
tion, because the South Node often
sons are for our life path. We must
represents something we need to
As the luminaries, also look at the ruler of the sign
overcome. When Sun and Moon
“Sun” and “Moon” where the eclipse occurs to have
are with North node, there is often
are the bones of a a broader picture of these issues.
greater support in achieving the
chart, eclipses are also in
soul’s intention.
the heart of astrology. There SOUL’S QUALITIES
are many techniques that we use related We can look at the Ascendant of
to the eclipses in the charts, including the PNE’s chart to identify the soul’s Louise Hay
transits, nodal dynamics, or pre-natal personality and its attitude to life. Let us practice these principles using
eclipse charts, each in their own way The sign of the Ascendant gives the natal chart of Louise L. Hay. She is an
describing the dynamics of the soul’s jour- valuable information about possi- American healer and motivational author,
ney. I would like to focus in this article on ble karmic issues and the deeper founder of the HayHouse publication and
the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipses and demon- motivations of a person. In addition author of several self-help books.
strate how it can guide our understanding to that, the position of planets Louise L. Hay will be 91 years old and
about someone’s path. in the PNE chart refers to the has an interesting life story that cap-
The Pre-Natal Eclipse is perceived overall nature of the soul’s qua- tures the Pre Natal Eclipse influence very
by some astrologers to be a “bridge” lities. Each house can be read as strongly. First, let me share her chart and
between the last incarnation and the a natal chart to define the soul. If life story:
present one. Either way, this method there are harmonious connections Hay recounted her life story in an inter-
brings qualified information about a per- between the natal chart and the view with Mark Oppenheimer of the New
son’s struggles and purposes for his or PNE chart, the greater the chances York Times in May 2008. In it, Hay stated
her current life according to the knowl- for the person to achieve his or her that she was born to a poor mother who
edge of the soul. mission in life. For example, if there remarried Louise’s violent stepfather.
The Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse (PNE) is is harmony between the elements When she was about 5, she was raped
the nearest solar eclipse that occurred and properties of signs and aspects by a neighbor. At 15, she dropped out of
prior the birth of the person. The chart between the two charts, it supports high school without a diploma, became
for that event can be used on its own, like the goals indicated. pregnant and, on her 16th birthday, gave
a natal chart, and also in synastry with up her newborn baby girl for adoption.
the natal chart. The rules to analyze the PLANETS: RETRO, DIRECT AND She then recalled she moved to Chicago,
PNE chart are almost the same as reading CHANGING SIGN where she worked in low-paying jobs. In
a natal chart, with only a difference in When comparing the PNE chart 1950 she moved on again to New York.
understanding: A PNE chart is the chart with the natal chart of a person, She explained that at this point she
of the soul, reflecting one’s pure nature, it’s important to note which planet changed her name and began a career as
intentions, tendencies, abilities and goals goes direct or retrograde in the a fashion model. She achieved success,
to achieve. When the Natal Chart is com- natal chart. For example, when working for Bill Blass, Oleg Cassini and
pared with PNE chart, the natal chart is a retrograde Mercury in the PNE Pauline Trigère. In 1954 she married the
referred to as the materialization of the Chart goes direct in the natal chart, English businessman Andrew Hay, who
initial soul intentions. Such materialization that suggests person can feel a after 14 years of marriage, left her for
may not always succeed in achieving what limitation in his or her soul’s verbal another woman.
the soul intends. This is part of the life expression. It was around this time that she found
process dilemma. the First Church of Religious Science
AIKEN By Hay’s account, in the early 1970s many speeches on self-development and
she became a Religious Science prac- had the charisma to promote her ideas.
titioner and led people in spoken I want to point out that her South
Hay described how affirmations, which she believes would node is in Capricorn, in sixth house
cure their illnesses, and became popular and the North Node is in Cancer in the
in 1977 or 1978 she as a workshop leader. She also stud- 12th house. This Capricorn South Node
was diagnosed with ied Transcendental Meditation with the describes that she had to confront health
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at the Maharishi issues such as cervical cancer earlier on in
“incurable” cervical International University in Fairfield, Iowa. her life, and suffered from anxiety until she
cancer, and how she Hay described how in 1977 or 1978 she developed her ‘positive thinking’ strategy.
was diagnosed with “incurable” cervical Louise Hay mentions in her books
came to the cancer, and how she came to the conclu- that she struggled to find her emotion-
conclusion that by sion that by holding on to her resentment al balance because of the abuse she
for her childhood abuse and rape she endured and her difficult mother to
holding on to her
had contributed to its onset. She reported daughter issues.
resentment for her how she had refused conventional med- With Pluto conjunct the North Node,
childhood abuse and ical treatment, and began a regime of we see a strong need for transformation
forgiveness, coupled with therapy, nutri- to master her North Node qualities. They
rape she had tion, reflexology and occasional enemas. are placed in 12th house, the place of the
contributed to She claimed in the interview that she rid subconscious and the collective conscious,
herself of the cancer by this method, but, the masses. Her work is based on “posi-
its onset. while swearing to its truth, declared that tive thinking”, “affirmations”, transforming
there is no doctor left alive who can con- the subconscious through a thinking train-
where she learned the transformative firm this story. Mark Oppenheimer, New ing. This is actually a self-training which
power of thought. She studied the New York Times magazine, May 4, 2008. she teaches in her seminars and her
Thought works of authors like Florence books to everyone, to think positively and
Scovel Shinn, who claimed that positive Louise's Natal Chart to make it a life time habit.
thinking could change people’s material Louise Hay is a Leo rising, and experi- Her bestseller book, Power Thoughts
circumstances, and the Religious Science enced significant success in the course of initially seems very plain. However, we
founder Ernest Holmes, who proclaimed her thirties when she worked as a fashion can identify in it her fundamental need for
that positive thinking could heal the body. model (the glamor of Leo). She presented survival, as depicted in the Cancer North
Node. She always repeats these affirma-
tions in her books:
“All is well.” “I’m safe.” “Everything is
working out for my highest good.”
These affirmations helped her restruc-
ture her subconscious (12th House) and
find a better emotional balance (Cancer).
She also had cancer, reflected in Pluto
in the sign of Cancer in the 12th house
(health related), an experience that trans-
formed her whole life. When she learned
that she had Cancer, she was a religious
minister in a church, giving courses to her
students. Then she realized that she had
to go deeper, she was suppressing her
own emotions and not really healing.
This is the time Pluto in Cancer sym-
bolism began to work in a transformative
way in her life. This is an emotional trans-
formation resulting from the affliction to
her female organs (cervical cancer), relat-
ed with the sign of Cancer and its ruler
the Moon. She met many life coaches and
studied emotional healing techniques. Her
famous Mirror Work technique appears in
this time of her search.
Chiron in Taurus on top of the chart
(MC) describes her wound and how she
became a healer subsequently.
The Career
page 17 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
Louise Hay’s Pre-Natal Jupiter in Aquarius shows her teaching provides a healing structure to serve the
Solar Eclipse skills and her innovative ideas that inspire
large groups.
greater collective.
Direct PNE Mars in Aries in the 5th
Her Pre-Natal Eclipse was at 16 degrees
Cancer, on the North Node, conjunct Pluto in With reference to the masses, we can house goes Retrograde and changes sign
the 8th house. see that the strong emphasis in the into Taurus in the natal chart. This sug-
Not surprisingly, we can see through sign of Cancer in the 8th house shows gests a strong motivation to actively work
this PNE chart that she had to confront how she is easily affected by other peo- on her self-love, be in tune with her own
death through her illness. ple’s emotions or judgments. In her book, needs, and take care herself (5th Mars in
The ruler of the South Node, Saturn, she mentioned that initially she was con- Aries). But the Retrograde Mars in Taurus
is in Scorpio and in 12th house, close ducting one on one consultations with in the natal chart describes her difficulty
to the Part of Fortune. This placement her clients. But that was too consuming being in her body and the need to work
describes the scaring and limitations and she became sick. She subsequently on these issues.
experienced as a result of deep emotional decided to work on a more collective
pain on a personal and collective scale. level instead. The chart does its job again Conclusion
The Part of Fortune in this place shows with Jupiter in Aquarius in the 3rd house. As we can see the Solar Eclipse chart, in
where the opportunities can come in She began to write and give seminars a close relation to the natal chart, shows
this regard. and educate other teachers like her to a summary of the “main lesson” that
Mars in Aries in the 5th house achieve her goal. one learns in this life. If one succeeds to
squares the eclipse, describing a battle, Retrograde PNE Saturn in the 12th master these lessons, positive results and
possibly related to self-love and personal house shows her imprisonment on an opportunities can arise. Louise Hay now
development (Aries in the 5th house). emotional level, and having a difficulty has many books published, and has spent
Indeed, she refers to self-love issues in achieving a healthy life structure, on the last fifty years of her life in wealth and
her books. the soul level. This Saturn goes direct in health as she developed her career as a
Uranus in the 4th house shows her her natal chart and helps her discipline publisher and writer in the healing fields.
alienation from her roots, the motherland, her life and her emotional system. PNE She established her publishing company
similar to the Cancer symbolism. Retrograde Saturn also may be interpret- Hay House, forming a whole community
ed as a past life debt to be paid as she around the theme of healing. The sign of
Cancer refers to the sense of family. Her
company supported many authors and
spiritual teachers, such as, Wayne Dyer,
Doreen Virtue and many more. Hay House
is a platform for seminars and books in
line with Hay’s teachings, with a focus on
“self-love” and “love for all” as a key to
emotional security (Cancer).
I would like to dedicate this article to
Louise L. Hay, because she also trans-
formed my life. Her North Node in Cancer
in the 12th house shows she was a great
mother figure to many people, including
myself. I think her chart is inspiring for
understanding our own missions too.
Astrology for The Soul, Jan Spiller
Power Thoughts, Louise L. Hay
Ruhun Yolculuğu, Hakan Kırkoğlu
Your Prenatal Eclipse, Rose Lineman
lbert Einstein septiles, one is between his prenatal general relativity,
(1879-1955), eclipse and his natal Sun, and the other
known by the is between his natal Ascendant and which describes
world as a genius, is Uranus. Both support his extraordinary gravity as a warping
one of the most influ- ideas and personality. They show that it
was his karmic responsibility to make a of space and time.
ential scientists in history.
His picture appeared on the revolution in scientific world and share his
cover of Time Magazine as “Person of the divinely inspired knowledge.
Century” for the year 2000. He became of relativity—the eclipse is semi sextile
famous when a Solar Eclipse in 1919 THE MOST natal Neptune at 7 Taurus, and sextile
proved his spectacular theory of relativity. SIGNIFICANT ECLIPSE transiting Neptune at 7 Leo. The eclipse
Before analysing this epic eclipse, let’s Now take a look at one of the most is in Einstein’s 12th house which is associ-
go deeper and look at Einstein’s prena- remarkable solar eclipses in history that ated with larger than life events, karma,
tal solar eclipse first. also plays a significant role in Einstein’s life. and destiny.
Prenatal eclipses are very important as The famous May 29th, 1919 Eclipse Moreover, transiting Mars at 2 degrees
they show us our talents, spiritual assets, took place for 6 minutes and 51 seconds. Gemini was Trine the pre-natal Eclipse (2
potentials, and mission. The house of the Scientists measured the bending of light Aquarius – See chart 1), showing an activa-
prenatal eclipse tells us the area of our life from the stars as they passed near the tion of his destiny in the world of science.
where we need to learn our lessons and
share with others. The sign of the eclipse
shows us how we manage to do so.
Einstein’s prenatal solar eclipse is at 2
degrees Aquarius. This shows his deep
interest in science and metaphysics. It also
describes his extraordinary and innovative
thinking. The traditional ruler of Aquarius
is Saturn, known as the God of Time. The
modern ruler is Uranus, known as the God
of Sky. It is as if a scientific duet of those
two rulers motivated Einstein to work on
the relativity relationship between time
and space. His prenatal eclipse is in his
8th house representing his curiosity about
death, transformation and the existence
of God. Some people think that he was
an atheist. It is probably because he did
not accept the formal perception of God,
but he created his own spiritual definition.
The 8th house eclipse reflects his marked
research abilities as well.
The conjunction of his prenatal eclipse
and natal North Node is an indicator
that he would combine his past knowl-
edge with his new studies and shape the
The Career
page 19 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
The most remarkable aspect is prob-
ably the Uranus/Uranus opposition at
1 degrees Virgo/Pisces, in his natal 3-9
axis. Revolutionary information became
available to public. This discovery ensured
that Einstein’s isolated life would change
“Look deep into nature, then you will
understand everything better.” Albert
*Astrological Prediction, A Handbook of
Techniques - by Öner Döşer
*Spiritual Astrology – by Jan Spiller & Karen
*(The Mountain Astrologer) 1905: The Greatest
Single Achievement in Human Thought - by Gary
P. Caton
the king of Acadiye. It told of the possible tics. The entire cycle from beginning to end
cast has been historically proven. birth, and the solar eclipse, with its asso-
ciated lunar eclipse, conduct the energies
What is an eclipse? of the Saros series to which they belong.
ince ancient times, of our planet is in the shade. It is always as a basis for the birth of new topics and
people have observed on a small part of the Earth, processes. However, with a deeper immer-
observed natural which corresponds to the place where the sion in history, the outlines of common
phenomena, the cycles of Moon projects its shadow on the Earth. themes are seen.
the planets, and their influ- The fact that eclipses are not separate
ence on events and people’s phenomena but cycles that have a begin- The total solar eclipse on
lives. People were afraid of an eclipse, ning, middle and end was discovered by August 21, 2017 is the 22nd
thinking it could bring health problems the Babylonians. The Greek lexicographer, eclipse of 145 Saros.
and other disasters. But was there any Sudas, called these cycles a series of This 11th total solar eclipse of our cen-
truth to that? Saros (repetition). tury will take place on 21 August 2017
The first documented information about One series of Saros contains a solar and its path will cross the United States.
eclipses was found in the library of clay eclipse every 18 years plus 9-11 days and It is the first time that a total solar eclipse
plates of the Assyrian king, Ashurbanipalis contains a total of 71 to 73 solar eclipses passes through this country in the 21st
(7th century BC). It was the horoscope of which are united by common characteris- century. It will be visible from a narrow
NOEL and not make any hasty decisions, as the perhaps some confusion. Retrograde
information is distorted and, possibly, Mercury will reveal the back side of our
corridor across the United States, from erroneous. The essence of the eclipse is subconscious, trying to rethink the level of
Oregon to South Carolina. Its maximum also fatigue and related health problems. exchange and perception of information.
duration will be 2 minutes 40 seconds, in The influence is weakening, but there may
Kentucky. It is also believed that the influence be a disguise of real motives.
In Europe, it will be partially visible in of the eclipse in the sign of a fixed cross The Sun and the Moon are on the
the evening in France, Spain, Portugal, (Leo) may not be felt for a while, but if North Node in the sign of Leo, in front
Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway and manifested, it will act for a longer time of the star Regulus (at 0 Virgo). In the
the United Kingdom. The next total solar and more thoroughly. All astronomical context of the solar eclipse, the star gives
eclipses will occur in South America on phenomena can adversely affect our hope for victory, but certain tests must
July 2, 2019 and December 14, 2020. The health. The solar eclipse is no exception. be passed and most of all the human
next partial solar occultation will take Ring eclipse acts on people less aggres- essence is tested for revenge.
place in Europe on 11 August 2018. sively than full. But the latter has a strong The planet Mars at 24 Leo will be close
The most knowledgeable astrologers negative impact, especially in social and to the Eclipse degree (28 Leo). In a posi-
in the field of mundane (world) astrology career sectors. tive manifestation, Mars can stimulate a
consider that eclipses have a more sig- The eclipse will occur at the 28th degree lot of activity, passions and bright, memo-
nificant and intriguing impact on world of the Leo. The Sun and the Moon form rable events. In a negative manifestation,
events and, in particular, on world lead- a connection with Mars, simultaneously Mars will reflect a release of internal accu-
ers. The shadow of the eclipse, passing forming a trine with Uranus in Aries and mulated aggression.
through certain territories, indicates the Saturn in Sagittarius. This is a beneficial Eclipses used to be feared but they are
countries that will be connected with com- combination, so it makes sense to plan now better understood. The Total Eclipse
mon historical processes. important things and have no doubts is not truly a complete blackout of the
Bernadette Brady on the series of about your abilities. The results will be Earth, but, for many of us, the discovery
Saros 1 N (145 Saros): impressive, however, one should not of a new cycle in life. I wish this new cycle
hope for their rapid achievement, because to be meaningful and useful for all of us!
Unexpected events involving friends Saturn is involved in the aspect and he is
or a group of people put great pressure the “guard of time”. Most of all, solar ener- Khatuna Noel is a full-time astrologer
on personal relationships. Relationship gy will affect long-term projects, designed and presents a weekly astrological report
issues can take on exaggerated dimen- for many months and even years. onn television. She continues learning, as
Venus will be in the sign of Gemini, she considers that learning is developing.
sions when an eclipse affects the map. Contact her at: [email protected]
It is wise for a person to show prudence which gives coolness in relationships and
A strology
Softcover, 7 x 10
ISBN: 978-0-9985889-0-2
The product of over a decade of research, Publication date:
this book provides one of the first Feb 10, 2017
comprehensive treatments of Hellenistic $48.00 USD
astrology in modern times + shipping and handling
The Career
page 21 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
Interview with
Chris Brennan
The Publication of Hellenistic Astrology
Interview by Maurice
Fernandez Can you tell us more about the book
cover design and its inscriptions –
Hello Chris “Fates rules the world and everything
Congratulations on this fantastic new stands firm by law?”
release and extensive body of work. I worked on the cover with a brilliant I always thought that Horoscopic
This is a truly valuable contribution to astrologer and graphic design artist from astrology (casting a natal chart, as
our study and culture of astrology. Brazil named Paula Belluomini, and our opposed to looking at current plane-
The book covers both historical primary inspiration was an image of the tary position only) originated during
timing for Astrology, and techniques Roman goddess Fortuna that appeared the Hellenistic times and that it was,
originating from the Hellenistic period. on a piece of sheet music for Carl Orff’s accordingly, one of the most import-
Can you expand on the book content Carmina Burana. The inscription around ant contribution to modern astrology.
and your objectives for publishing it? the wheel is a famous line from the However, you do refer to the fact that
instructional astrological poem of the Babylonians also initiated the concept
CB: Sure, so the book covers the 1st century astrologer Manilius, who of a birth chart during the 5th Century
history, philosophy, and techniques of wrote one of the earliest astrological BC. A great deal of development seems
Hellenistic astrology, which is essentially texts that survived into the present day. to have occurred during that time. Can
the type of astrology that was practiced Thematically it is all connected to the you elaborate on that?
in the Mediterranean region during the important philosophical concepts of Yes, one of the things that I spend
time of the Roman Empire, from approx- fate and fortune, which were crucial in a bit of time on in the first chapter is
imately the 1st century BCE through ancient astrology because astrologers tracing the development of astrology in
the 7th century CE. Most of the basic during the time of the Roman Empire the earlier Mesopotamian and Egyptian
techniques that western astrologers still conceptualized astrology as the study of astrological traditions, and showing
use today originated during this period, fate. In that time period fate was often how Hellenistic astrology was partially
especially in terms of the fourfold system viewed as a providential ordering of the result of a synthesis of those earli-
used in birth charts that incorporates the events in accordance with a universal er traditions. So, for example, from the
planets, signs of the zodiac, aspects, and plan or law, and in that sense astrology Mesopotamians we get the twelve sign
the twelve houses. In the first half of the as the study of fate was used in order to zodiac and the concept of natal astrolo-
book I spend a lot of time talking about understand the narrative of each individ- gy, whereas from the Egyptian tradition
how this system originated and where it ual’s life, which in turn allowed people we get the decans and the precursor to
came from, while in the second half of embrace all events in their life with a the concept of houses. It is only once
the book I focus on demonstrating the greater sense of meaning and purpose. these two traditions were merged in the
techniques of ancient astrology with over Hellenistic period that you get the con-
100 chart examples. cepts of the zodiac and the twelve houses
One of the things I noticed when I start-
ed studying Hellenistic astrology in 2005 is
that even though a number of translations
of Greco-Roman astrological texts had
been produced in the 1990s, not many
astrologers were using them or knew
what to do with the techniques they con-
tained because the material was still very
difficult to understand, even in translation.
Someone needed to translate the trans-
lators, as it were, and write an overview
of the classical tradition, in order to help
contextualize and provide an introduction
to all of the translations that are now
available. So, that is what I set out to do
with this book when I started writing it in
2006, and it took me 10 years and about
700 pages to do it.
The Career
page 23 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
What do you hope to achieve in bringing out how to synthesize the modern and astrology. The process of writing this book
Hellenistic Astrology and this particular ancient traditions, and to take some of the took a lot out of me though, so I’m not in
volume to our contemporary time? best pieces from both in order to create a a hurry to write another one right now,
My primary goals were just to show new astrology for the 21st century. but we will see what happens.
modern astrologers where western astrol-
ogy came from and how it was developed, What is the next book’s subject? Much gratitude and blessings for the
and then present some useful techniques The next book is currently titled “Chris increase in the reach of the book.
from the ancient traditions that are worth Takes a Long Break from Writing Anything,
reviving and integrating into the practice After Spending Ten Years Writing One Find out more about Chris Brennan
of astrology today. I ended the book by Long 700-Page Book.” Haha… More seri- R
saying that I didn’t want my message to ously though, due to the length I had
be misinterpreted as a call for funda- to cut a chapter from the book on the
mentalism, or that “only the old ways are concept on the overall ruler of the chart,
the good ways,” because the astrolog- known as the Master of the Nativity, and
ical tradition has always been growing I may write a short monograph on that.
and evolving. The next step is to figure Or possibly something about electional
his introduction to Hellenistic astrol- author in order of when they lived and that the reader knows any of this infor-
ogy is a valuable gift to astrologers describes their work. He includes some mation and takes the time to explain
who do not have the language skills literal translations which are fascinating every term, clearly and precisely. He illus-
to read the manuscripts in the original to read. trates the techniques with many charts
Greek. Chris Brennan does have those In the second part so that the reader can
skills and has given us the foundation of of the book Chris get a visual understand-
the astrology we use daily and an expla- describes the basics ing of the text.
nation for the basis of the knowledge that of astrology, i.e., plan- This is a serious book.
we take for granted. The book encom- ets, signs, houses, It is a scholarly work with
passes a thorough history of astrology, a from the Hellenistic a sophisticated vocabu-
discussion of the philosophy that was in perspective and also lary. It is a big book, 600
the minds of the early astrologers, and an describes techniques, pages, and well worth
introduction to the techniques they used. some of which are in the effort to read since
Chris says in his introduction: use today and those by the end of the book
My goal is to present, to the best of my which did not survive, you will understand
understanding, both, (1.) A narrative that such as sect. As you Hellenistic astrology and
describes what Hellenistic astrology was, read on you learn be able to try out some
where it came from, and how it was prac- concepts that can of the concepts. It is rich
ticed, and (2.) A demonstration of how it can become useful addi- in information and writ-
be used again today. tions to your astrolog- ten from a place of true
And: ical repertoire, such love for the topic. It’s
Hellenistic astrology is defined as a tradi- as overcoming and thrilling to hear that he’s
tion of Greco-Roman horoscopic astrology lots. He promotes the not finished, that there
that was practiced in the Mediterranean use of the whole sign will be more books on
region from approximately the first century system, saying: Hellenistic astrology to look forward to
BCE until the seventh century CE. Part of the purpose of this book, then, is and more techniques to learn. As Chris
His challenge came in reconstructing to demonstrate the efficacy of the whole sign says “I believe that by looking back into the
the surviving texts, many of which are in house system and to teach the reader how past we can and will create a better astrolo-
fragments. Another challenge was in find- to use that approach in practice. gy for the future.”
ing modern words for the technical terms Hellenistic astrology is rich in language. Read this book. You’ll be glad you
in Greek which don’t have equivalents in The Domicile Lord of the Hour Marker did. It deserves five plus plus stars! R
The Career
page 25 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
Join uS in CAlgAry, AlbErtA SEptEmbEr 15 - 17
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page 27 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
Addressing Arguments
Against Astrology
strology is commonly thing that exists is interconnected such social awkwardness results
misunderstood and there- and influences each other. from a lack of proper arguments to
fore trivialized, or even Astrologers are often consumed address the confusion or prejudice
ridiculed. The ongoing joke is with passion for their studies, against astrology.
that astrology does a great job sometimes to the point where they This is why we find it important
unifying Science with Religion, fail to fully know about the actual to address this issue and examine
as they share Astrology as their foundations upon which astrolo- some of the common objections
favourite villain. gy is built. They do find out pretty toward astrology in order to set the
To some degree, we can under- quickly that loving and practicing record straight. We do not need to
stand our critics - without proper astrology makes them less popu- justify our practice of astrology. Nor
introduction and a direct experi- lar in family or academic gather- do we depend on approval to do
ence with this powerful system, it ings, and for those reasons many what we feel called to do. However,
is not surprising that many people choose to remain in the closet to understanding our critics helps us
are bewildered by the idea that avoid having to justify their passion. better understand astrology, and
meaning can be derived from However, more often than not, our own practice.
faraway planets cycling in front We would like to thank the astrol-
of imagined constellations! Why ogers who took the time to identify
would the placement of planets at Understanding and respond to these arguments.
our birth have any lasting effect or our critics We hope this will better equip you
significance over our destinies? And in your own quest to explain astrol-
if so, why do astrologers decide to helps us better ogy more effectively, and raise
reorganize the sky to their own lik- understand awareness in the tremendous value
ing, and make those constellations astrology, to be found in this system and body
equal in size? And yet, astrology is of knowledge.
not more absurd than the law of and our own
interrelation - understanding every- practice. — Maurice Fernandez
an old Greek
compiled at least 3,500 years ago. Over
a 21-year period the Venus cycle was
inscribed in cuneiform script onto a clay
sitting in
celestial phenomena (Hobson 2009).
From these early records, it is clear that
astrology and astronomy were developing
they recorded nightly celestial
he romantic the price of grain, the water levels in the movements and terrestrial events onto
notion that astrol- Euphrates river or an earthquake or other diaries known as menologies
ogy was invented mundane events (Sachs 1988) (Rochberg-
by a sage in ancient Greece Halton 1991).
is so widespread that even a few astrolo- Over time, these dedicated research- 18-year Saros cycle (Neugebauer 1991).
gers believe it (Dean et al. 2013). ers built up the first known database. Meanwhile, the foundations of modern
It was only in the last fifty years that From their meticulous observations, they astrology were established empirically.
excavations and translations of ancient developed mathematical, astronomical The Babylonians derived the nature of
clay tablets have revealed a different and astrological theories and models the planets, the twelve signs of the zodiac
story. These discoveries come from what using the same level of rigour. Analysis and the birth chart. They also pursued
is now Iraq and the surrounding area, of their data enabled them to predict early theories about sign rulership and
once known as Mesopotamia – a collec- eclipses from their discovery of the elements. These academics are generally
tion of civilizations – but here referred to considered to be the first scientists.
by one of them, Babylon (Baigent 1994). So, the earliest known astrologi-
Many of these tablets, from the second The Babylonians cal discoveries appear to have been
Millennium BCE onwards, still lie in storage derived the nature made using the scientific method.
at the British Museum and elsewhere await- Observation was followed by data collec-
ing translation. of the planets, the tion, analysis, prediction and finally onto
These fired clay tablets do not reveal twelve signs of the publication. This earliest known empirical
the origin of astrology. There are many experiment was conducted on a huge
claims by researchers from prehistory
zodiac and the birth scale – comparable in time and resources
ranging from Palaeolithic bones with chart. They also with NASA’s space program or the Large
notches (ca.350k BCE) to figurines in clay Hadron Collider. Besides astrological and
pursued early theories
(ca.30k BCE), to the cave drawings in astronomical break throughs, the results
Lascaux, France (ca.15k BCE) to detailed about sign rulership in mathematics, time-keeping, agriculture
carvings from stone of Gobekli Tepe in and elements. These and even psychology and religion still
Turkey (ca.8k BCE), to the alignments of have a huge impact on our lives.
Nabta Playa observatory in Egypt (5k BCE) academics are Some critics consider that they weren’t
and the Neolithic megalithic monuments generally considered scientists as they didn’t investigate the
around 3k BCE: Stonehenge, the Boyne process that drove the phenomena (Ball
valley in Ireland to the Isle of Orkney. But to be the first 2016). However, ancient astrologers
was this astrology, astronomy, religious scientists. believed that the mechanism behind the
The Career
page 29 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
cosmic order were gods with human or system. Johannes Kepler discovered his Campion, Nicholas (2008) A History of Western
animal-like qualities. This was a perfectly third law through his quest for a harmo- Astrology Vol.1 The Ancient World. Continuum
reasonable assumption given the limit- nious pattern in the solar system based Dean, Mather, Nias & Smit (2013) Astrology Under
ed amount of information available to on astrology. And Isaac Newton learned Scrutiny, pp.342-353 Section 26 The Discovery of
ancient stargazers. This is not so different geometry through studying a text book Astrology. “astrology could not possibly be based
from the supposition by cosmologists on astrology. on observation…. It was less discovered than made
up, …” I outlined the history of the empirical ori-
today who assert that we live in a universe
gins of astrology to Dean in an email and later
of meaningless and purposeless physical References
included it in a review of the book. Currey (2014)
Ball, Philip (2016) Stop Calling the Babylonians
forces. This model may well prove to be Correlation Vol.29 (2) p.61. When Dean et al
Scientists. The ancient civilization may have
misguided by future generations. tracked Jupiter using sophisticated methods, but
updated this book in Tests of Astrology (2016),
Long after the Babylonian Empire had I hoped there would be a section revealing the
their reasons for stargazing were very different
empirical origin of astrology. However, the
returned to dust, astrology remained a than ours.
Discovery of Astrology section was removed.
stimulus for scientific advances. Nicolas archive/2016/02/babylonians-scientists/462150/
Hobson, Russell (2009) The Exact Transmission
Baigent, Michael (1994) From the Omens of
Copernicus was inspired by astrology Babylon: Astrology and Ancient Mesopotamia.
Of Texts In The First Millennium B.C., Published
to put the Sun in the centre of the solar PhD Thesis. Department of Hebrew, Biblical and
Jewish Studies. University of Sydney.
Neugebauer, Aaboe; Britton; Henderson & Sachs
(1991). Saros Cycle Dates and Related Babylonian
Astronomical Texts. Transactions of the American
Philosophical Society. American Philosophical
Society. 81 (6).
Rochberg-Halton, Francesca (1991) The
Babylonian Astronomical Diaries. Journal of the
American Oriental Society Vol. 111, No. 2 (Apr. -
Jun., 1991), pp.323-332
Sachs, A.J. & Hunger, H. (1988) Astronomical
Diaries and Related Texts from Babylonia, Austrian
Academy of Sciences, Vienna.
s the Earth Aquarius, this means we will firmly be the Virgo. This is why the AGE is actu-
revolves around AGE OF AQUARIUS. ally an Axis – we are in the Pisces/
the Sun (Year) and (The motion of the Precession through the Virgo age.
rotates on its axis (day), zodiac is reversed, from Aries to Pisces, to This is strongly illustrated in our
it also wobbles on its poles. Aquarius, and so on…) culture with Christ who emerged when
This causes its North and South Pole and The Spring (Vernal) Equinox (March 20) the Pisces Age began (he is symbolized
the Equators to vacillate like a spinning therefore drifts west through the 12 signs. by 2 Fish), and his mother the Virgin.
coin – Therefore the direction of its poles It takes 25,800 years for the Vernal Equinox
changes within a circle of 47 degrees
(radius 23.5) – The whole wobbling cycle
takes 25,800 years to complete. It is also
referred to as the Great Year.
It moves approximately 1 degree per
71.6 years (westward) > 360 degrees per
25,800 years
As a result, the Poles change their ori-
entation to different stars within the 47
degree circle. Currently, the North Pole
is aligned with the star POLARIS (in the
constellation of Ursa Minor) > this is why
POLARIS is the current North Star (Polaris
meaning “Guardian of the Pole”).
The same principle applies to the South
Pole, though there is no specific star cur-
rently aligned with the Southern Pole.
The Career
page 31 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
• There is a difference between the
The Tropical Zodiac, which most Conclusions SIGNS of the Zodiac (30 degrees
Western astrologers use, does NOT
take the Precession of the Equinox into each) and the CONSTELLATIONS of
• There are currently 24 degrees dif-
account. This means that for Western the same name (uneven sizes).
ference between the Tropical and
Astrology, the (North) Spring Equinox Sidereal Zodiac.
remains symbolically ALWAYS at 0 Aries. • Every 71.6 years, there will be an For more information about
March 20 is always aligned with the Sun at additional degree gap between the Maurice Fernandez, visit:
0 Aries in this Zodiac. Tropical and Sidereal Zodiac starting
point. R
There are Three Zodiacs
Used by Astrologers
Tropical Signs AND No Physical
This Zodiac refers to the actual constella-
tions through which the Sun goes through
No Longer Underlying
(a.k.a. the ecliptic), that are UNEVEN in
their size (for example Cancer is only 21
Align with Mechanism
degrees wide, while Virgo is 44 degrees)
– in the skies, constellations are not
evenly divided in 30 degrees and some
There is no known underlying physi-
cal mechanism to explain astrology
of them overlap. The Zodiac begins with by Chris Brennan and account it for an actual phe-
the Precession, so on March 20 the Sun is
roughly 6 Pisces. The tropical signs of the
This Zodiac is the most loyal to zodiac that most west-
ANSWER: The simple truth to this is
Astronomical references. ern astrologers use are
that astrologers don’t really know for
no longer aligned with
sure what the mechanism is underly-
For example: the constellations that share
ing how astrology works, or why there
• The Sun in Aries: April 19 – May 13 the same names, and therefore the
is a correlation between celestial and
(25 days) zodiac signs that most westerners use
earthly events, although that doesn’t
• The Sun in Taurus: May 14 – June 19 are “wrong”.
necessarily matter because it is not
(37 days)
required in order to be able to observe
ANSWER: Part of the problem with this
it working or use it as a sort of tool.
SIDEREAL ZODIAC argument is that it assumes that western
Gravity existed and people were using
or tropical astrologers are not aware
it in various ways prior to Newton work-
This zodiac unifies the size of the Zodiac that they are using the tropical zodiac,
ing out the laws of gravitation, and prior
Constellation to 30 degrees equal each. and that it is just some sort of mistake
to Einstein’s work on relativity. It is true
However, it begins the Zodiac where the or oversight on our part, or at least that
that there is currently no known phys-
Precession is located, so the March 20 is how it is often portrayed. But in fact,
ical mechanism that scientists know
Equinox places the Sun at 5 Pisces, and astrologers in the west have been using
of which could explain how astrology
the Sun is at 0 Aries on April 14. From that the tropical zodiac as their primary refer-
could be capable of working in the
point on, every sign is evenly 30 degrees. ence system deliberately since at least as
way that astrologers say that it does.
far back as the 2nd century CE, starting
However, there is a bit of a disconnect
TROPICAL ZODIAC at the latest with the work of Claudius
here because astrologers often concep-
Ptolemy, who himself suggests that this
tualize astrology as working through
This zodiac also unified the Zodiac was the system used by other important
some sort of a causal principle such as
Constellations to 30 degrees equal each. early astrologers as well.
synchronicity, and so objections that
However, it does not take the Precession So, the important point to note here
there is no known physical mechanism
into account, and systematically begins is that those who use the tropical zodiac
that could account for astrology or
the Zodiac at 0 Aries on March 20. So are doing so deliberately and with full
often based more on what skeptics
the Cardinal degrees, 0 Aries, 0 Cancer, knowledge of the difference, under the
assume astrologers think rather than
0 Libra, and 0 Capricorn are aligned with premise that the qualities they are asso-
how astrologers are actually conceptu-
the days of the Equinoxes and Solstices: ciating with the zodiacal signs are actually
alizing the subject.
being derived from the framework that is
• 0 Aries for March 20 Equinox centered around the equinoxes and sol-
Find out more about Chris Brennan
• 0 Cancer for June 21 Solstice stices, rather than the constellations and
• 0 Libra for Sept 22 Equinox fixed stars.
• 0 Capricorn for Dec 21 Solstice
heaven. Systematic descriptions of human
Western academic visited a Zen behaviour, health and personality, based on Tragically, in one of
Master to discover his philosophy the apparent workings of the heavens, were
of life and was offered a cup of tea. commonplace. Astrology was too useful
the most infamous
When the cup was full, the Master contin- for the Church to reject outright, provided examples of
ued to pour and spill, until the Westerner that astrologers did not seek to usurp the
intervened to say the cup was full. The position of God. In the introduction to his
throwing out the
Master replied. ‘Like this cup, you are full of Christian Astrology, William Lilly, the eminent baby with the
your opinions and theories. How can I show 17th century astrologer, made this distinction
you Zen unless you first empty your cup?’
bathwater in the
clear with some elegance:
Before we describe how it works and history of ideas,
argue the case to claim a positive role for
astrology was
astrology in modern and future worlds, ‘To The Student In ASTROLOGY
it is important to explain why it is on the My friend, whoever thou art, that with thrown out of the
margins of society. Why there is little or no so much ease shalt receive the benefit academy as a
serious information about it in contempo- of my hard studies, and doth intend to
rary educational systems and the media? proceed in this heavenly knowledge of ‘failed science’.
To understand, we must ‘clear the decks’ the stars, wherein the great and admi-
of the misunderstanding, disinformation rable works of the invisible and alglo-
and misrepresentation that do exist and rious God are so manifestly apparent. and ejected the latter from the ‘academy’.
masquerade as ‘the facts’. When we do, In the first place, consider and admire It is an extreme irony that astrology, which
the view commonly held by ‘respected thy Creator, and be thankful unto him, had been reluctantly tolerated by Christian
opinion-leaders’, that ‘no intelligent person be thou humble, and let no natural churches for more than 1300 years, was
can take it seriously’, is turned upside down. knowledge, how profound and tran- now rejected, because those Churches’
scendent soever it be, elate thy minde to world picture appeared to be discredited by
How astrology was cast to neglect that divine Providence, by whose modern science!
the sidelines of our society. all-seeing order and appointment, all Yet the experience of living on the earth
As Christianity became the established things heavenly and earthly, have their had not changed. We still struggled to
religion of the Roman Empire, the found- constant motion, but the more thy survive on the same planet and were sub-
ing fathers narrowed contemporary knowledge is enlarged, the more do jected to the same geocentric forces as our
esoteric wisdom, so what was left would thou magnifie the power and wisdom forefathers. The heavens still looked the
establish the absolute divinity of their of Almighty God, and strive to preseve same however deeply our observations
view of the Christian message for all time. thy self in his favour; being confident, penetrated what lay behind the appearanc-
Reincarnation and a range of subtle, yet the more holy thou art; and more neer es. It was the Christian claim that behind
powerful, skills became denigrated as to God, the purer Judgment thou shalt this observed universe was an all-powerful
‘occult’. These, together with many aspects give. Beware of pride and self-conceit, divine force that had created it in 4004
of Christianity that did not suit those in and remember how that long ago, no BC and guided it ever since that had been
power, were outlawed to the ‘dark’ side- irrational Creature obey him, so long as called into question. There was no reason
lines. It is often claimed that an important he was Master of his own Reason and to suppose that the astrological system
way of preserving the cabalistic understand- Passions, or until he subjected his Will developed by thousands of years of obser-
ing of the structure of our spiritual being to the unreasonable part.’ vation, before and after Christ, did not
relate the cycles of the universe to human
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page 33 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
behaviour and natural phenomena correct- cents, and focus-group-driven politicians. of astrology have been banned, or severe-
ly. Maybe a more sophisticated root cause Today, even the great 20th century liberal ly curtailed, by regulators. Such official
and fine tuning of structures was needed, hope of pure science fades in importance. repression emanates from attitudes to be
but the intrinsically observed relationships Modern material scientistic statistical found in a long tradition of Witchcraft Acts
remained as valid as always. Indeed, relat- research is more like an industry that with that date back to the Middle Ages. In 1604,
ing these inner understandings to the new sufficient funding can prove both sides of activities considered connected with witch-
possibility of outer empirical observation anything. Then ingenious technology can craft became felonies under common law.
was the great new hope for a fully compre- find ever more ways of imposing these No longer could offenders be burnt under
hensive understanding of the universe. newly discovered ‘realities’ on our increas- church law. Instead they could be hanged
Tragically, in one of the most infamous ingly exhausted natural environment. under civil law and their properties forfeited
examples of throwing out the baby with the Without advocators and defenders on to the State – a lively living for a new breed
bathwater in the history of ideas, astrology any side of the Arts versus Science versus of Witchfinders General. In 1735, a gentler
was thrown out of the academy as a ‘failed religion academic divides, astrology sur- and more dismissive act was content to
science’. That this happened is possibly vived unexplained in the intuitive hearts imprison, or fine, offenders as vagrants, or
explained by a fatal intrinsic limitation at of ordinary people, who continued to con artists. The last prosecution was in 1944
the heart of material science from the very purchase almanacs through the 18th and and the Act was finally repealed in 1951.
beginning – that it separated itself from art 19th centuries. Then, in the late 19th centu- However, the spirit of Witchcraft Act
and the spirit, arguing they were illogical ry, interest developed in Eastern wisdom, prejudice continues in public institutions
and so inferior facets of human nature. where astrology had always known its place to this day. In Britain until 2004, astrology
Even today, many material scientists see and been respected. This encouraged a was specifically named as liable to give
religion almost as an enemy. Such thinkers deep re-examination of what was left of ‘harm’ and ‘offence’ to the general public
believe that, in time, statistical observation the Western esoteric traditions and the – on a par with extreme violence, sexual
will build up sufficient bricks of ‘irrefutable rediscovery of astrology. Since then, the abuse and demonstrations of suicide. The
truth’ to replace the soul with an entirely voluntary dedication of small groups of new Ofcom code continues to restrict a
mechanical explanation of existence. To intelligent and highly motivated experts has group of ‘occult’ and ‘paranormal practic-
achieve this, it is necessary to deny any made a start on regenerating and develop- es’ as likely to be harmful and offensive
possible logical link between the spirit, mind ing the knowledge for the modern world. and certainly not to be shown ‘before the
and emotions of humanity and its material Their task has been and is immensely watershed, or when large numbers of
existence. Isolated beyond reason, the reli- difficult – rather like trying to teach the art children are likely to be watching’. If they
gious beliefs that humanity hold on to so of reading and writing to a society where its claim the right to be listened to seriously
desperately are merely childlike, primitive citizens for twelve generations over three in the media, regulation has demanded
superstitions, left over from less enlight- hundred years have ‘never needed to know that astrologers are accompanied by one
ened times. In time they will wither away, how’. Imagine also that those citizens have of astrology’s detractors. Furthermore,
leaving only the ‘truly grown up’ view of been taught to consider writing as too prim- unlike astrologers, such detractors do find
‘pure sequential reason’ in a world of exis- itive to have any use in satisfying the ‘needs funding in the psychology and scientific
tential emptiness. of the modern world’. For three hundred departments of state universities. So more
So, with adolescent arrogance, reminis- years no proper education or research in money is spent preventing the serious
cent of the perverse phraseology of Orwell’s astrology has been allowed in our univer- study of astrology than in undertaking it!
Nineteen Eighty-four, the ‘Enlightenment’, sities and schools. Astrological schools that Astrological activity as ‘entertainment’
as it came to be known, rejected the wis- developed in the 20th century were private is more tolerated. When written or spo-
dom of the ages, but left the ecclesiastical and difficult to find. ken in Sun Sign columns it is seen as
establishment to rant and rave about sac- With the development of the mass media, ‘harmless fun’, even though such gener-
rilege, hoping it would wither on the vine. and especially radio and television, serious alisations are meant to be just that, yet
This left the new mechanistic approach attempts to explain and show the workings prone to be acted upon by vulnerable
to become the ‘only true science’. Like a people. Serious astrology can only be pre-
new fundamentalist religion, it went righ- sented in the media as on trial. Nearly all
teously on its own way, sweeping away this coverage aims to cast doubt, or even
the old and re-discovering the universe show astrology as ‘clearly not true’. In a
from scratch. The work was sub-divided democratic society that rightly honours its
into increasingly fragmented academic legislation against racial, religious and cul-
departmental bureaucracies. The result tural prejudice, it is difficult to understand
is not the hoped for ideal society of how government-appointed institutions
Rousseau’s ‘noble savage’, or the genuine can believe it right to regulate against
democracy visualised in Tom Paine’s Rights astrology in such a way.
of Man and William Morris’ News from All these circumstances combine to
Nowhere, but the confused and amoral make genuine knowledge about astrology
materialistic world we live in today. The difficult to find. Yet its method and schol-
fruits of three hundred years of mechanical arship is vast, varied and profound, still in
scientism, as many see what we call science print and taught.
today, are pollution, global warming, and
short-sighted exploitation of resources, For more information about Roy Gillett:
lowest-common-denominator marketing
media, confused and over-indulged adoles- R
meant we were both going to have our That said, they are still operating with
People born babies on the same day,” said Mitchell. the same chart, but will develop differ-
“We didn’t know, it wasn’t planned.” ent ways of using the chart: for example,
at the same Mitchell gave birth to baby Kadin Gemini Sun twins may both have intellec-
Zaakai and an hour later, White deliv- tual interests and strong mental faculties
time and place, ered twins, Landon Elijah and London as Gemini purports, however, one twin
Elise, via C-section. Dr. James Ferguson may be more scientifically inclined while
with the same delivered all three babies. the other may have interest in literature
The sisters’ delivery dates were origi- and perhaps write fiction. The chart
chart, whether nally a month apart. Mitchell’s due date reflects natural tendencies, but there is
was July 26 and White’s was on Aug. 16. a range of expressions under the same
biological twins, influences. Hence, environmental factors
can generate changes. We tend to think
or astrological Another story of separated twins lead- that because twins have the same parents
ing similar parallel lives: and are typically raised in the same envi-
twins, should ronment, therefore, they should develop
the same way; however, the opposite may
have the same When their single mother killed her- be true, when exposure to the same con-
self, twins Daphne Goodship and ditions is what prompts the pressure to
personality Barbara Herbert, were adopted into distinguish themselves from each other.
separate British homes. It wasn’t
traits and life until they were 40 years old that they THE CONTEXT FACTOR:
reunited and realized that their life The chart does not reveal what it rep-
course. experiences were unbelievably simi- resents—we cannot know from the chart
lar. They both left school at the same the person’s gender, religion, or even
age, worked in the local government, what is born at the time. When Pauline
byMaurice met their husbands at the same age, Einstein gave birth to baby Albert, we
Fernandez miscarried the same month and even may speculate that perhaps a goat, or a
gave birth to the same sexes (two spider was born at the same time in the
boys and a girl). If that isn’t strange vicinity of the hospital. In other words,
he answer to this argu-
enough, they also both drink their we must understand the context of the
ment is not straightforward.
coffee cold, have heart murmurs and chart to know how it applies. The same
The answer is both ‘yes’ and ‘no.’
use the same brand of products. Even chart will work for the goat and for Albert
Individuals born with the same chart – a
their personalities are strikingly sim- Einstein, but the expression will be con-
phenomenon that can only occur if they
ilar. It really makes you wonder how textualized to their different reality. This
are born the exact place and time – will,
it’s possible that there are so many is why we need to get such information
on the one hand, share many similar ten-
coincidences in their lives (or if this is when analysing a chart and cannot read it
dencies and parallel life circumstances.
something beyond mere coincidence). accurately just by itself.
We do hear about related stories, such as
People born with the same chart may
the twin sisters who both gave birth on
be of a different
the same day in 2012.
On the other hand, it is not always so gender or have
clear cut. Parents of twins will often different
reflect on how different their
Identical twin sisters, Shaakira
twin children are in char-
White and Zaakira Mitchell, gave
acter. There are numerous
birth just an hour apart on July 24 in
factors to explain their dis-
South Carolina. But that is not the big-
gest surprise.
White, the oldest sister, gave birth
to twins.
Originally, Mitchell traveled from
FACTOR: two siblings
Rock Hill, S.C. to accompany her
born at the same time
sister to her doctor’s appointment
will compete for resourc-
at Palmetto Health Baptist Hospital in
es and attention. Because
Columbia. However, she had no clue
they are constantly com-
that both of them would be giving birth
pared to each other and
that day.
must share everything, they
“Around three, 3:30 she came back
will naturally attempt to dis-
and said ‘I’m 5 centimeters dilated.’ So
tinguish themselves from their
Dr. Ferguson was telling her that she
twin and develop diverging interests.
was going to be admitted today, so that
The Career
page 35 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
cultural influences that will affect the way Dane Rudhyar first referred to the to access the chart potential, it is
that same chart is expressed. concept of different consciousness levels essential to identify the person’s evo-
in astrology in his book The Astrology of lutionary level of consciousness. The
THE SOUL AND FREE-WILL FACTOR: Transformation, and Jeffrey Green further more conscious a person is, the deep-
The chart does not reveal the level of developed this concept in his Pluto book. er he or she can go when addressing
awareness or consciousness of the per- I have myself written extensively about the themes of the birth chart.
son. People are born with different levels this topic in my book Astrology and the It is very important to realize that
of consciousness and they will express Evolution of Consciousness—Volume One: the evolutionary level of conscious-
their chart differently according to these ness is not described in a person’s
differences—this is where Free-Will When analyzing a birth chart, chart in any way: it can only be
comes in; our different levels of con- one of the most important things assessed when making contact with
sciousness will determine how we choose to understand and consider is that the individual – the same way we can-
to respond to the chart activation. We are the person’s evolutionary level of not know if the chart is for a male, a
fated to our birth chart, but we have the consciousness greatly influences female, a person, an animal, or just
free-will to express it in a more or less how the chart’s energy is used. A an event. The way to identify a per-
conscious way. Even biological twins, who birth chart represents themes and son’s level of consciousness is through
share the same chart, do not necessarily energies symbolically reflecting the assessing the nature of his or her val-
share the same level of consciousness. individual’s entire reality, yet there is ues and choices in life.
They can choose to react differently to no way to know from the chart alone
the same challenge, and accordingly alter to what extent these energies and For more insights into the levels of con-
the course of their individual lives. themes have been applied in actual sciousness, refer to listed literature.
reality. For example, if we find an To summarize the above points, we
astrological signature that describes return to our initial conclusion: Twins will,
Twins have the
unresolved anger, it is not possible on the one hand, share parallel circum-
same chart, but do not to know in advance if the person stances sometimes to striking similarity,
necessarily share the remains consumed by that anger and yet on the other hand, they can
and has continual violent outbursts develop in completely different directions
Same level of conscious- throughout his or her life, or if, with under the same chart umbrella. The sim-
ness. They can choose higher awareness, he or she has even- ple reason for this is that some of the
tually found ways to channel these chart influences are fated and will apply
to react differently strong emotions in a healthier way. the same way for anyone sharing the
to the same challenge, chart, while other influences are subject
A chart describes evolutionary to free-will and context.
and accordingly alter themes and the potential develop-
the course of their ment associated with those themes, For more information about Maurice
but in order to assess how far and Fernandez, visit:
individual lives. in what manner a person is likely
US - $30
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to strike down teachings of the church. “You shall not practice divination or
rybook for human experiences and basis your God is giving you, you shall not learn
for making predictions for the future were to imitate the abhorrent practices of the
in the crossfire. He changed astronomy by nations. Let no one be found among you
it truly is. By doing so, he found himself at who does these things is abhorrent to the
war with the church over their teachings. LORD...” (Deuteronomy 18:9-12)
Soon a war between Religion and Science Some rabbinic scholars interpret
for the hearts and minds of the people was these commandments as forbidding
and Some of the declared, and Astrology became a casualty Astrology, while others limit these mitz-
Answers too in many ways.
I can’t take a comprehensive survey of
vot (commandments) to other forms of
soothsaying, and thus view Astrology as
religious objections to Astrology in time permissible.
by Victoria F. Naumann Smoot for this article, but we can look back for “And Elohim said, Let there be lights in
some definitive objections debated in the the raki’a of the heaven to divide the day
early 1500s. In our “Western” civilization, from the night; and let them be for otot
here are perhaps we can look to the Abrahamic Religions (signs), and for mo’adim (seasons), and
no more pervasive for both their historical investments and for yamim (days), and shanim (years)”
and persistent participation into Astrology, along with the Genesis 1:14
objections to Astrology criticisms that have developed since the In the Hebrew Bible, from
than those that come separation of astronomy from its prior, which the previous passage is
from “people of faith.” older form now known as Astrology. taken, the prophets scoffed at «star-
These devout practicing Many point out that the Roman church gazers» (hoverei ha-shamayim) in Isaiah
religious people are as dismissive of today holds many works on Astrology 47:13 and Jeremiah 10:2. Astrologers
Astrology as many scientists are. It seems in the Vatican’s library and still use elec- from Babylon were called Kasdim/
more than a little ironic when you consid- tional Astrology. Yet, “According to the Kasdin (Chaldeans) in the Book of
er that Religion and Science oppose each Catechism of the Catholic Church, read- Daniel. In rabbinic literature, the
other’s perspective so often. It seems sig- ing horoscopes, along with practicing term Chaldeans later was often used as
nificant that they would team up so easily Astrology, attempting to interpret omens, a synonym with those who practiced
to condemn Astrology. Why is that? The and consulting mediums or psychics “all Astrology.
answer comes from history. conceal a desire for power over time, From the view of practicing Christianity,
The turning away from Astrology by history, and in the final analysis, other which I can comment on, we find that
both Religion and Science comes from human beings.” They are in today’s teach- much of the objection to Astrology can be
a tumultuous time of change – 500 ings considered violations of the First directly refers back to that time 500 years
years ago -- exactly. We are, in fact, at Commandment because they “contradict ago referenced by Richard Tarnas. This
the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant the honor, respect, and loving fear we year, 2017, is the 500th Anniversary of the
Reformation, on October 31, 1517 - 2017 – owe to God alone. Source: U.S.Catholic Reformation and comes from the event
during a great time of change in so many Faith in Real Life, on October 31, 1517, when Dr. Martin
things, including Astrology. In Europe, org/articles/201507/can-catholics-con- Luther posted on the door of the Castle
Science called it The Renaissance; in sult-their-horoscopes-30212 Church of Wittenberg his 95 Theses, a list
Religion it was The Reformation. Prophet Muhammad, like other mes- of ideas proposed for scholastic debate
Richard Tarnas, in Cosmos and Psyche, sengers, denounced fortune telling as a about the abuse of practices of the
says: Our present moment in history is most demonic practice although some Muslims, Church of Rome.
comparable, astronomically, to the period especially the ones embracing Sufism, Pope Francis is scheduled to participate
exactly five hundred years ago . . .: the era differentiate Astrology as being a scientific in a celebration of the Reformation 500th
that brought forth the birth of the modern study unlike crystal balls or other means Anniversary in Sweden and honor Martin
self during the decades surrounding the year of soothsayers. During the life of Prophet Luther with sainthood. In studying about
1500.” (Tarnas, p. 482) Muhammad, they asked him about his Luther during my Lutheran upbringing, I
Though not called or thought of as a thoughts regarding fortunetellers. He found it noteworthy that he never consid-
Religion, the primary belief system of our responded that even if it comes true, they ered himself to be anything but a faithful
culture is Science. The works of Nicholas are still lying. Catholic, and it is likely that he would not
Copernicus (1473 to 1543) ushered in the Views of Astrology from the Jewish tra- be pleased at all that there was to be a
“Age of Science” persisting to this day. By dition are mixed and based on various church called Lutheran, after his name.
publishing his evidence that Earth orbits scriptures, many shared by Christians. Most notably, his grievances targeted
the Sun, Nicolaus Copernicus relegated Astrology is not specifically mentioned in the spiritual materialism that abused
our planet’s status from center-of-the-uni- the Torah, but there are two command- people of faith by collecting funds (such
verse to just another planet. In doing so, he ments, which have been used by some as the selling of indulgences to secure
began the scientific revolution that began authorities as a basis to forbid the practice. loved ones who had passed a “reduced
The Career
page 37 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
astrological charts are drawn up, and wondered why some could not all act
how these charts are used and abused to evenly and consistently if they were all
make predictions of disasters. born at the same time. How could it be
An important distinction about critiqu- explained in a consistent application of
ing Astrology was made by Dr. Robert the rules of Astrology to the different
Hand interviewed by Chris Brennan in fates of twins like Jacob and Esau?
the podcast “Reconciling Modern and Luther thought that the possibilities
Traditional Astrology” on December for predictions, if they exist, must be
9, 2013. Dr. Hand says there are two quite limited. Using his own life, he
aspects to consider no matter what kind could not reconcile that he had moved
of Astrology you are discussing. One is from Mansfield in simple beginnings to
about the tools and techniques you use. hold a baccalaureate degree, a masters
Martin Luther (1483 – 1546) was a German pro- The other is about what you are doing degree, etc., whereas his father stayed in
fessor of theology, composer, priest, monk and a with the chart. Mansfield to become a miner. He could
seminal figure in the Protestant Reformation by
his questioning of Catholic dogma and practice. So, Luther’s written objections to not see how that was in the stars.
Astrology, some 500 years ago, are quite Theological reasons were critical for
recognizable today. Perhaps you have Luther’s rejection of Astrology.
heard these objections yourself. Luther He saw that Astrology was a limita-
gave intellectual concerns about how tion of the omnipotence of God, and it
Astrology was being used at that time, seemed an injustice to God’s creatures
and we must reflect on how it is still being that the stars should be made for casting
used today in ways that may not be very evil omens. It also seemed an injustice
helpful. Here are some of his objections, to Luther to place something as weighty
summarized and paraphrased: as the work of the Reformation on expla-
Astrology does not deal in matter nations of Astrology when to him it was
because it has no form or scientific prop- “the greater work of God.” He thought
erties. It makes general pronouncements that Astrologers deprived people of tak-
that could not readily be applied to indi- ing their own responsibility by placing it
vidual. Mathematics and Astronomy have on the stars. Evil “tendencies” are to be
rules and proof methods for demonstra- sought not outside, rather from within
This year, 2017, is the 500th Anniversary of the tion, but Astrology did not have these and ourselves. He saw that Astrologers trivial-
Reformation that comes from the event on is often found to be wrong, even more so ize and fail to take original sin seriously.
October 31, 1517, when Dr. Martin Luther posted
on the door of the Castle Church of Wittenberg
than medicine, which is sometimes sub- He said that the desire to sin does not
his 95 Theses. ject to error. stem from fate, but from original sin.
The supposed clarity and aesthetically Luther, as a pastor, considered the
pleasing graphic illustrations of Astrology opinion of astrologers that stars deter-
reminded Luther too much of the manip- mined misfortunes was dangerous in
time ticket” out of purgatory -- a practice ulative explanations of papal practices pastoral practice. In his words, “Only
long ago ceased) for building up the trea- he had grown to despise. He found the when they are sent by God, can I bear
sury of the church. This battle was long way that astrologers advance a complete suffering and hardships with patience.” To
brewing by October of 1517, but it was induction of logic that was not accord- him, Astrology degraded people because
Luther’s intensity of will and intent that ing to the sound methods that he had it made them dependent on a creature
enabled him to survive, and become a sig- learned from the classical Greeks. (planet, orb). He said, “We are not subject
nificant voice of change and influence that The Calendari or annual forecasts of to celestial phenomena, rather these mat-
remains to this day among Christians. weather based on Astrology (like today’s ters in life belong to us; we are Christ’s,
If we go back to those times, we can find almanacs) were seldom in agreement. and Christ is of God.” Luther feared God
an interesting debate about Astrology -- and Further, he noticed that the inductions of alone, and therefore, he had no need to
the merits and problems of validity. Luther Astrology were selected from reported fear the darkness of the future, of which
debated often with his collaborator in the material when it was working, but left out he felt too many hoped that Astrology
Reformation, Philip Melanchthon, who was of the events where it did not work. could at least somewhat illuminate with
an avid astrologer and humanistic scholar He was uncertain about how the nativ- predictions, often proving false.
teaching at the University of Wittenberg, ities, or natal charts, were determined. Source: Ludolphy, Ingetraut. “Luther
and was also, like Luther, a priest. Luther challenged the idea that the hour und die Astrologie.” A lecture from
Luther was inclined to respect Science, of birth held importance of stellar effect ‘Astrologi hallucinati’ Stars and the End
but he was most influenced by reading for the child born, but not also to the of the World in Luther’s Time’. Walter de
and interpreting the Holy Scriptures in fetus. Why would the influence be with- Gruyter. Berlin. New York. 1986. pp. 101-
the Old and New Testaments. Luther’s held in one case, but not in the other? 107 (Thanks to Jennifer Lynn Zahrt or
objections to Astrology are numerous He was puzzled how the constellation helping with the translation.)
and represent powerful and persistent should play a role at all when a child is Philip Melanchthon was a defend-
points that are common today in two born as what amounted to a tiny poppy er of Astrology. In his oration #14, on
ways: about the reasons and ways that seed on a very small orb, the earth. He the dignity of Astrology in 1535, he never
The Career
page 39 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
that called Astronomy into question. But reflected upon, if they are accommodated also did. Luther was against what he
even here, Melanchthon’s supportive to life skillfully and carefully, many things saw as the faults in the way Astrology
response is unfaltering. While admitting can be effectively judged.” was set up and used, just as he was
‘Omnia divinitus gubernari’ (everything is Science, as a technique, continually against the abuses in the practices of
divinely governed), he retains that God reveals and seeks to explain how things the church – a church he was faithful to
‘non tollit natural actiones et significations work in nature and in life, that even if and wished to see reformed after he had
rerum’ (Does not take away the natural we do not yet understand them, they do read these liberating words in Romans
actions and meaning of things.)” Indeed, work. Religion, as a dogmatic approach 1:17, “The just shall live by faith.” That
no English class in school today would to thinking, seeks to provide the expla- Melanchthon’s writings on Liberal Arts
exist without delving into the meaning of nation that physical evidence cannot including Philosophy and Astrology were
the circumstances and phenomena of life provide. Yet Religion cannot show how used and later studied by followers long
as told in the masterpieces of literature. it works, but presumes to interpret and after his death in the 1600s is a tribute
It takes both human nature and higher judge it, by scripture (perhaps rightfully) to his defense of the responsible practice
thinking skill to see analogies and meta- when malpractice or fear producing pre- of Astrology. And those studies of his
phors in these things, and to nurture the dictions cause harm. In this way, Luther writings gave rise to a body of thought
quest for meaning in life. was a worthy critic. He and Melanchthon and application that came to be known
Melanchthon was honored to write the as scholars assumed their right to com- as “psychology.” To this approach and
preface to Three Books on Judgments of ment on and debate the shortcomings of Astrology’s connection promoted by Carl
Nativities by mathematician and leading Astrology as well as its potentials. Jung we owe much for the resurgence of
German astrologer, Johannes Schöener, Following the lead of Copernicus, sci- Astrology in our time as a serious art and
(1477-1547). Schöener had been his entific findings increasingly investigated Science in itself to help explain and give
teacher of Astrology. Dr. Robert Hand, in and explained how things work, Religion’s counsel to the human experience with
his translator’s introduction to Schöener’s power to dictate and determine how respect and compassion.
masterpiece, writes of this preface: people should see and interpret nature, Religion is not God. It can lead us back
Melanchthon investigated many subjects to God if it truly follows its definition
that would be considered “occult” today and and purpose. Astrology is not a Religion;
defended Astrology on Christian grounds. it is a cultural language used in many
Since he was a learned humanist as well That Christianity ways that Religions may feel challenged,
as a theologian, what he has to say on should be against but it is not an either-or situation. That
the subject of Astrology and Christianity Christianity should be against Astrology,
is historically very significant. All of those Astrology, the very the very teaching of ~ As above, So
whose opposition to Astrology is based on teaching of ~ below ~ rather goes against the Faith
Christian principles would do well to read expressed in the Lord’s own Prayer
Melanchthon’s preface. As above, So below given to His closest friends.
As an educator, Philip Melanchthon was ~ rather goes against
well aware of objections to Astrology. He
was mocked by Luther who saw Astrology the Faith expressed in Our Father
as Phillip’s distraction, as drinking beer the Lord’s own Prayer Who art in Heaven,
was for him, but Philip saw in it the light Hallowed be Thy Name.
as knowledge along with faith in God’s
given to His Thy Kingdom come;
will to lead one’s life. He saw the art of closest friends. Thy Will be done . . .
Astrology, and its study incorporated with
astronomy, as highly useful for that. As he On Earth, as it is in Heaven.
wrote in his preface to Johann Schöener’s
book, On the Judgments of Nativities, and life, was increasingly challenged and
“For God wishes that there be some found wanting, and even ridiculous; yet,
light left in the minds of men, the knowl- so often and still, Religion persists in its Victoria F. Naumann Smoot has stud-
edge of numbers, figures, of the laws of objections to Astrology. With the over- ied and practiced astrology since the
nature, and the knowledge of much that reaching objections, the metaphorically early 1970s. She began teaching “Keys
is natural. Even though the weakness of supported language of acceptance that to Astrology” in the ‘80s at the WRAC
conferences in Cleveland. Victoria’s inter-
the human mind is great, and the decep- nature in the cosmos could correspond to
ests include consulting for life path and
tion is easy, and many are the errors, yet life on earth, broke down and almost lost purpose, research, history, archetypes
this knowledge, which has been divinely its mooring. and symbolism, particularly of ancient
shown, must be rejected. And if they are It seems important to consider that Egypt. She is an adjunct faculty member
rightly considered, great is the dignity of these persistent objections to Astrology of The Cleveland Institute of Art. She is
few other kinds of knowledge, as artists were expressed in a time when Classical the editor-in-chief of the ISAR’s journal,
(craftsmen) who are skilled in the individu- Astrology, based on its Arabic and The International Astrologer, an ISAR.CAP
al arts see with great admiration for divine Hellenistic forms, was practiced within a and a certified professional with OPA. You
wisdom. I thus confess that the demon- culture not yet subject to the workings may contact her at [email protected], or
strations of the effects of the stars few, of Science, but borrowed heavily from message her personally on her Facebook
under: Victoria Naumann Smoot.
but yet from these very effects, if they are the teachings of the Greeks, as Religion R
of the Season
n June 21st the Sun enters the sessions and material resources and the
sign of Cancer marking the begin- desire to evaluate beauty and love. The
ning of the summer season in the changing process in this earthy fixed sign
Northern hemisphere. For thousands of is slow but steady, holding the ability to
years and in every culture, people hon- establish solid foundations for what one
ored the Sun in this glorious moment, has worked hard for. This is where the
the heyday of the day over the night. In spiritual desire is born and the Taurine
the physical world, the seeds have now Mother of form carries the task. However,
matured; as a symbolic stage of the spir- the more we seek inner satisfaction solely
itual journey, the Summer Solstice is the in the physical reality of the outer world,
depiction of the evolving soul towards the more attached we become to the
apotheosis. lower self, causing dissatisfaction and
The reverence of the solar deity is one disharmony. Through the trine to Pluto,
of the natural and archetypal forms of the we find the opportunity to re-examine our
internal expression and the human meta- values, banish the fear of loss, and use
physical perception. In the physical world, the power of transformation to transcend
the Sun is the ultimate source of life, our primal feelings. As the days are now
whereas the radiated rays were identified decreasing, we have to keep the solar
with the Light of Truth, the divine breath flame burning and free ourselves from
THEMES OF THE SEASON within every living being. Erebus – the personification of darkness.
In Esoteric Astrology, the sign of Cancer Mercury is in the last degrees of
JUNE 21 to SEPTEMBER 22 holds the Gate to human incarnation, Gemini soon to meet the Sun and form
through which the soul willingly embod- a superior conjunction at 00o23. We
• June 21 – Summer Solstice ies in the form of matter, taking on the are now in the process of gathering infor-
• June 21 – Mercury enters Cancer mission to learn the lessons needed, to mation and evaluating past experiences
• June 21 – Sun ! Mercury superior conjunc- mature and transform the self in the ser- through slow and careful thought.
tion at 00o23’ vice of the universal good. The exact trine of Uranus in Aries with
• June 24 – New Moon at 02o 47’ In the chart of 2017 Summer Solstice, the North Node in Leo and sextile to
• July 5 – Venus enters Gemini the Moon (ruler of Cancer) is placed South Node in Aquarius at 27 degrees
• July 6 – Mercury enters Leo in Taurus (the sign of its exaltation) connects consciousness to the higher
• July 9 – Full Moon at 17o09’ of / in conjunction with Venus (ruler of dimensions, motivating us to bring down
• July 20 – Mars enters Leo
• July 22 – Sun enters Leo
• July 23 – New Moon at 00o 44’
• July 26 – Mercury enters Virgo
• July 27 – Sun/Mars synodic cycle at 04o
• July 31 – Venus enters Cancer
• August 3 – Uranus retrogrades at 28o32’
• August 4 – Jupiter # Pluto (Rx) at 17o31’
• August 7 – Lunar Eclipse (Umbral) at
15o25’ /
• August 13 – Mercury retrogrades at
• August 21 – Total Solar Eclipse at 28o53’
• August 22 – Sun enters Virgo
• August 25 – Saturn stations direct at
• August 26 – Venus enters Leo
• August 26 – Sun/Mercury inferior conjunc-
tion at 04o48’
• August 31 – Mercury retrograde returns
in Leo
• September 5 – Mars enters Virgo
• September 5 – Mercury stations direct
at 28o25’
• September 6 – Full Moon at 13o53’ L/
• September 10 – Mercury enters Virgo
• September 20 – New Moon at 27o27’
The Career
page 41 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
Probably in this period matters regarding Sagittarius on August 22nd at 21o11’
our past, family or our homeland may be degrees helps us discipline our actions,
In Esoteric our main concern and require change. create concrete plans and set the course
Things may come to a point where we can to accomplish long term targets. On
Astrology, the sign no longer tolerate the establishments of September 2nd Uranus in Aries trines
of Cancer holds the our lives and we are willing to rebirth and Mars at 28o10’ degree, bringing new
mature psychically. This requires a lot of opportunities to reform or change the
Gate to human determination and strength of character field of activity if necessary. Originality
incarnation, through to cope with possible challenges. On the is the key to success. Attune with your
which the soul other hand, since Capricorn is linked with heart and your inner wishes and dare to
authority, there might be tension in inter- make changes. There’s an abundance of
willingly national relations or troubling political creative drive gifted with inspiration, a
embodies in the events. spirit of independence and openness to
the future. This fiery energy might bring
form of matter, MARS IN LEO – July 20 to the urge to break free from everything so
taking on the September 5 be cautious not to take venturesome risks
Fiery, passionate, proud, strong, asser- and try to balance each case separately.
mission to learn the tive, dramatic, domineering, outgoing; this
lessons needed, to is the personality of Mars in the sign of Sun-Mars synodic cycle
mature and Leo. From a hypotonic and inward-looking at 04o 10’ – July 27
period, we now welcome in a period of Conjunction
transform the self in creativity and dynamism. Mars feels more On July 27th the two most intense
the service of the stimulated in this placement, but often activating forces - Sun and Mars, meet
roars like a lion if things are not working at 04o 10’ marking the beginning of a
universal good. as wished or if his pride is threatened. new cycle portraying the area and the
The solar energy multiplies the urge to way we can be fully confident and deter-
act from the heart and adds enthusiasm, mined to express our desires and views
creative ideas which correspond to our purpose, and generosity. It is time to man- and eventually accomplish our goals and
uniqueness and our self-expression. ifest our goals, and we can find courage, ambitions. This is the point where we can
There’s anticipation to make changes that persistence and stamina under these derive the motivation and initiative to
will liberate us from past attitudes and influences. willingly take action and thus be in charge
conditions – both on the personal and Once we recognize the positive traits of our lives. This powerful concentration
universal level. A window opens to new of Mars in Leo, the trine to Saturn in
awareness, making us realize that adopt-
ing ideas and behaviors only to live up to
the expectations of society do not serve
our happiness; it just limits our potential.
The above described scenario is valid
for the New Moon that follows two days
later on June 23rd at 02o 47’. Mars at
13 degrees Cancer trine to Neptune adds
a spiritual purpose, however, doubts may
arise about the course of our actions.
The square of Mars to Jupiter in Libra
elevates the levels of energy, creating an
impulsive urge to act urgently. If not used
constructively, we might end up caught up
in arguments and physically or emotion-
ally drained. Emotional expression may
get out of hand and feelings of anger may
strain our relationships. This is especially
true since Mars eventually will oppose
Pluto (18 degrees Cancer/Capricorn on
July 2) intensifying physical and mental
The Career
page 43 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
the satisfaction we get from our work, our outer world. In a negative manifestation,
surroundings, our daily routine and how we might identify with subjective ideas or
useful are our habits? Setbacks, delays and rationalize our egocentric motives. Uranus
misunderstandings are nothing more than in Aries forms an exact trine to the con-
the external factors which motivate us to junction setting the right circumstances
re-think, re-evaluate and re-organize our for awareness and inner motivation to
decisions, our plans and our goals. Are look to the future. It adds sharpness to
Receive guidance
we on the right track? Are there any miss- the mind, creative focus, radical ideas and from more than
ing skills we need to acquire? Do we get the courage to dare.
stuck in the details or – on the contrary This scenario carries the message for 20 Astrologers
- we don’t pay enough attention to them? the Full Moon of September 6th, at
During this phase, we’re given the chance 13o53’ in Virgo/Pisces axis. Mercury about the ways to
to exercise constructive self-criticism, to in Leo and Sun in Virgo are in mutual
discern the strengths and weaknesses in reception and are in direct dialog with build YOUR future
our way of thinking, to set priorities and each other. Mars is now transiting Virgo,
unburden ourselves from any negative bringing the news to the practical down- as an Astrologer.
patterns in an attempt to purge both our to-earth sign, ready to execute any plan
body and spirit. Cleansing and purifying and decision made. Neptune’s exact The Professional
leads to healthy and long-term well-being. involvement with the Full Moon can be
Having separated the wheat from the a source of inspiration and the connecting Astrologer is an
chaff, Mercury returns to Leo and we channel to the divine. The soul opens and
move towards the final stage: find inter- the mind has to be ready to welcome and essential volume for
nal inspiration and get activated. The receive. Any attempt to deny the Truth
conjunction of Mercury rx in stationed can only lead to misconception, disillu- every student and
motion with Mars on September 3rd at sionment, or lack of direction. Pluto in
28o43’ Leo unites the mental energy with trine to the Sun and sextile to the Moon practitioner.
gives regenerating power to those willing
to sacrifice the old dated establishments
for the sake of new and useful ones.
Mercury rules Virgo,
and in this MARS IN VIRGO -
placement the mind
September 5 to October 22
As Mars makes his entrance in
needs to rationalize the earthy mutable sign of Virgo on
September 5th, we are driven by the need
and categorize to focus on more practical and tangible
everything, so there matters. Working conditions, daily routine
is a greater focus on and health become a priority while at the
same time we feel the urge to give our
earthy and practical services, be useful and productive. During
matters. This is the this period, we’re making the best efforts
to work hard and realize our plans and
time to step back goals. Virgo is ruled by Mercury so we are
and question what mentally activated, trying to reason our
actions and organize our lives. Mars in
is the satisfaction Virgo is detail oriented so this is the best
we get from time to put together the missing pieces
but must be careful not to over-indulge
our work, our in tasks that may reveal themselves
surroundings, our as meaningless and a waste of ener-
gy. Set your priorities and try not to be
daily routine and demanding to others, as this might lead
how useful are to arguments and disputes which will dis- The Professional
our habits? turb the order. A well-intentioned criticism Astrologer is
is always constructive but when being too
judgmental we jeopardize the harmony in available in Paperback
the willpower of the solar heart. This is
both personal and work relationships. and E-Book:
a very important point as this is the and
exact degree where the Total Solar Learn more about Angela Tiki at:
Eclipse occurred two weeks earlier. As
long as we have clarified what we need
and want and which beliefs embody us, R
we are now ready to go after them in the
Helios was a Titan, whereas Apollo was an ride the chariot himself, and was strong-
Olympian. ly discouraged by his father. Willfully,
Apollo, son of Zeus, was god of the Sun.
Myths of
the boy embarked on the sun’s chariot.
He was born on the Island of Delos with Unfortunately, Phaethon wasn’t strong
his twin sister, Artemis, goddess of the enough to control the horses and he
the Sun Moon. The two lions that guard his shrine
there are emblematic of the sign of Leo.
came too close to the Earth, burning her.
This infuriated Zeus (Jupiter) who threw
and Leo
Apollo was gifted musically and is often a thunderbolt and killed Phatheon. The
pictured with his lyre. The messenger god lesson learned is that will, desire, and
Hermes (Mercury) created the lyre just arrogance stand in contrast to knowledge,
for Apollo, not just to express the intense
by Alexandra Karacostas sun-derived life force vibration that is Leo,
wisdom, and the cycles of the universe.
The famous myth of Icarus provides
but also to be the performer that is Leo. a similar message. Son of the craftsman,
strology and
Apollo was prophetic, excellent in math- Daedalus, they were both imprisoned by
the language
ematics and reason, and connected to King Minos in the labyrinth on Crete that
of myth have
medicine and healing. In fact, he was the Daedalus himself had constructed. To
long existed hand
father of Asclepius, who became one of escape, Daedalus, used wax and feathers
in hand. Across the
the most respected and famous healers of to make two sets of wings, for himself and
globe, colored by many
ancient times. his son, Icarus. He warned Icarus that if he
cultures, the rich tap-
Apollo wandered far and wide in search
estry of myths about
of his true home and identity. Arriving
the various gods, goddesses, deities and
in Delphi, he was confronted by the
creatures in the cosmos provide the
giant serpent, Python. Apollo victorious-
archetypes that we use in astrology. Their
ly fought the python, declaring himself
stories connect us to the workings of the
patron of Delphi, erecting his altar, and
inner and outer worlds.
marking Delphi as new center of the
This discussion explores the Sun and
ancient world, succeeding Delos. Under
its relationship to Leo, the sign it rules.
Though there are many traditions and
names for the Sun, we’ll borrow from the
ancient Greeks by way of example.
The earliest solar deity in Greece was
the Titan Helios, ruler of Sun and Light,
who drove the chariot of the Sun across
the sky each day. Helios was said to be
striking, crowned with the shining aure-
ole of the Sun. He drove a golden chariot
drawn by stallions, circling the earth,
marking the arc of awakened experience,
symbolized by the light of the day.
As time passed, Helios became iden-
tified with the god of light, otherwise
known as Apollo. However, they were
also often viewed as two distinct gods. Helios (l) | Apollo - After Leochares [CC BY 2.5]
The Career
page 45 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
flew too close to the Sun his wings would adventures including his Twelve Labours. ing brightly as we travel on our paths.
melt. But in his enthusiasm, Icarus trav- But his excessive solar influence led him The Sun is our vitality, life force, and
eled too close to the Sun and crashed into to some unfruitful personal relations. Too heart; it asks us to be fully present. By
the sea. While the Sun provides light and much solar influence may result in a per- tapping into our heart we become closer
life, appropriate distance must be main- sonality overly self-absorbed to be avail- to our divine self and destiny. In a joyful
tained. These stories demonstrate what able to partnership. and loving way, Leo’s creative energy
happens when we disrespect the power of The Sun rules Leo, the sign of the lion. helps us develop self-consciousness and
the Sun, and use our will and knowledge The lion is the king of animals, regal and awareness. With the full potential of
zealously or without restriction. The Sun’s powerful. It is a masculine archetype, Leo realized, we stand on stage, at the
light can blind us. one that poet Robert Bly refers to as the center of self and community, with both
Though Apollo was the most handsome inner-king that is in us all. Leo rules our strength and humility, radiating light
and accomplished of the gods, he was heart center, but it is not the Self. Leo without casting shadows!
not good at relationships. A powerful qualities describe the Sun as mythic hero,
solar ego is not necessarily conducive to wherever it falls in the horoscope. Our Alexandra Karacostas is a professional
healthy relations, as characterized by the inner journey is that of mythic hero, or astrologer based in northern California.
Sun’s “fall” in Libra. Apollo fell in love with as Joseph Campbell coined it, the “hero’s She has been a student of astrology since
the nymph Daphne, but when she reject- journey”, the journey of self-actualiza- 1975, teaches, lectures locally and abroad
and serves an international clientele.
ed him, he turned her in to a laurel, his tion. Avoiding the traps of excess and
Alexandra currently serves on the board
sacred tree. Exemplifying the solar mascu- arrogance, we endeavor to align with our of OPA, the Organization for Professional
line principle, Hercules also experienced higher and evolved self, to become the Astrology, and is a columnist for The
failed relationships throughout his life. A king of our jungle. Mountain Astrologer magazine. www.
multifaceted figure, he was also the son Leo’s energy and the Sun’s light want
of Zeus, and memorialized for his many us to discover our unique purpose, shin- R
“Today we distinguish “celestial objects” sified to his status as a planet. This does
Book Review from planetary bodies – not to mention the
differences between asteroids in general and
not change the purpose of this book. It
holds its value as the history of the event
Trans-Neptunians, Kuiper Belt Objects or and will be of use to astrologers in the
By Arlan Wise
even Centaurs “ future who wonder how such a thing hap-
The book ponders how we, as astrol- pened and why Pluto was seen as a dwarf
A COSMIC ogers, deal with these new discoveries.
Patricia Garner suggests that “we need to
planet between 2006 and 2017.
This book makes us think about the
DIALOGUE call a moratorium on populating astrolog-
ical charts with every latest celestial body”.
astrology that we take for granted and
opens questions as to how to use the
Her message, and the new discoveries. It
Reassessing Methods theme of this book, is well documented
for Understanding is “we need to look with footnotes. My
before we name”. There only suggestion is
New Planets. is a chapter on the that I would have
importance of naming, preferred to have
BY PATRICIA GARNER stating that names the many charts she
create reality and that discusses printed, so
once perceptions are that we could see the
hy are the planets named as they
set it is hard to change chart as we read her
are? Who decides the name for
them. She describes delineations.
a planet, especially for the newly
in detail the interest- Patricia gives us a
discovered objects? What has been the
ing processes of how good summary of the
result of astronomers deciding that Pluto
Uranus and Neptune work done by some
is no longer to be designated as a planet?
received their names. master astrologers
These are the questions that form the
Pluto has his own such as Rob Hand,
basis of this book.
chapter and in it she Nicholas Campion,
Ancient astrology was based on obser-
suggests that the and Bernadette Brady.
vation of the night sky. We no longer do
reclassification of We are introduced
this. Astronomers discover a new object
Pluto as a dwarf plan- to their work so that
in the sky, name it, and then we astrolo-
et is indicative of an we become familiar
gers accept the name, the myth, and the
astrological paradigm with it even if we have
archetype of that name without the years
shift. She analyses the never read it. She
of observation that the “older’ planets
chart of the official quotes and credits
have. The new names have not yet stood
announcement of many other astrolo-
the test of time. There is also the fact that
Pluto’s demotion. She introduces the idea gers. It is a great read for the thinking
astronomers are discovering belts and
of “post-Pluto” and how it affects us as person who loves new ideas to chew on.
zones of planet-like objects.
astrologers. Pluto has now been reclas- This is a good book.
2017 Faculty
The Career
page 47 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
Thurs.-Sat., Oct 19-21 Sunday, Oct 22
(DAYS 1-3) (DAY 4)
• Living Like We’re Dying
• Living your Life to the Fullest
(SANDRA LEIGH SERIO) • Beyond Astronomy: Understanding
• Answering the Tough Questions the Mechanism of Astrology
About Death, Illness, Decline (MAURICE FERNANDEZ)
(ANNE ORTELEE) • Astronomy for Astrologers:
• Identifying Reincarnation Common Terms
in the Chart (ANNE ORTELEE)
(MAURICE FERNANDEZ) • Heliocentric Perspective
• The Astrology of and Mundane Astrology
Past Life Regression (ONER DOSER)
• What's Your Azimuth? NEW!
• Using the Death Chart (GEMINI BRETT)
as a Counseling Tool
• Solar Fire Demonstration of
• The Art of Living and Dying from a Astronomical Cycles
Vedic Perspective (ROY GILLETT)
Retreat Update
NIGHT SKY PRESENTATION As a certifiable StarryTeller, Gemini Brett devotes his now as a living vow
to the Marriage of Heaven and Earth. He began his formal study with the
Track celestial patterns of the season and find the MC in the sky. Join Shamanic Astrology Mystery School, but has since synthesized his own
us for ‘naked-eye’ cosmic explorations. terrestrially-tuned celestial stew by integrating ingredients of many astro
kung fus (from Hellenistic to Evolutionary). Brett's principle intention is to
ASTRONOMY PRESENTATION retrieve the Star Songs we heard in times before the written word. He trans-
mits the mysteries he finds in sacred sites and living sky through a series of
Hey baby, what’s your Azimuth? embodied exercise he calls Earthstrology and through the sacred sciences of
Contrary to what most of our astrology texts suggest, the the Quadrivium: Geometry, Musical Harmony, Astronomy, and Number in
Ascendant of a chart is not usually East. Just as the Sunrise danc- Nature. Gemini Brett is best known throughout cosmic circles as an astron-
es north and south on the Eastern Horizon every year, the Moon omy-for-astrology expert and mystic mythologist, but the truth you'll find
does so every Month, and the Zodiac or Ecliptic does so every day. when you get to know this fiery Scorpio is that his techniques are designed
The distance from due East of this Zodiacal Dance increases with to water the heart through re-membering Signs of the Messenger's Mind.
ancient teachings and a must-do for true to come to India, then this is a wonderful
seekers of stellar wisdom. It is one of the opportunity to experience the wonder
few conferences that truly aims to unite and mystery of this ancient culture that
the Vedic and Western zodiacs for schol- has enjoyed thousands of years of unin-
the 2018 Astrology arship, friendship, debate and exchange terrupted astrological glory. Even better,
of knowledge. they are offering OPA members a 10%
Conference in We are deeply honoured to have speak- reduction in the costs of any of these
Calcutta, India ers from six continents joining us in India
including OPA Board Members Maurice
packages. For further information about
the packages, please visit our website at
Fernandez, Arlan Wise, and Alexandra
(Jan. 31 – Feb. 4) Karacostas, along with Lynn Bell, Roy
Gillett, Margaret Gray,, Michael Lutin,
Vanessa Guazzelli Paim, Rick Levine, As the Secretary General and Vice
he Krishnamurti Insitute of Julija Simas, Aleksander Imsiragic, Principal of KIA, I cordially invite all
Astrology (KIA) and the Institute for Courtney Roberts, Ehsan Khazeni and OPA members to take part in this won-
Vedic Culture and Public Welfare many others. derful opportunity to learn from the
(IVC) have held astrology conferences Most excitingly, KIA and IVC are wel- masters. If you have questions about
in Kolkata India for the past 27 years. In coming foreign guests (non speakers) to the conference, you may email me at
2014, they opened their doors to Western join them in Kolkata and they have set [email protected]
astrology lecturers and welcomed Ema up truly remarkable conference pack- R
Kurent of Slovenia and Richard Alwin ages to suit all budgets. The packages
Fidler of South Africa to their (very big)
stage to speak. In 2015, more Western
astrologers came and yet even more
became curious about what the fuss was
all about in 2016.
The sarees, sherwanis, tiaras, awards
and the pomp and circumstance of
India seem to have captivated Western
The Career
page 49 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
V26-02 MARCH EQUINOX 2017 page 50
Astrology for Animals
Astrology cycles affect all species, not only humans. Enjoy this column where Arlan and friends speak of different experiences
relating astrological configuration with animals and pets, including their natal charts, transits, adoption times, and synastries
with their owners. OPA loves animals, and they too evolve their consciousness!
If you would like to submit a story about the Astrology of Animals, be sure to have the exact date of birth.
If you have the time of birth, please mention the source.
run “police”, carefully observing any play forget to close it, she comes to remind me
have always been a cat a “friend”. She is fearless (Mars in Scorpio). and we have the same nodes (although
person, until last year, Even though she only weighs 24 pounds, reversed). Whenever I think that I am
when we got a dog. I has never met a dog that she found intim- my priority, I am reminded otherwise.
write “we”, meaning my idating. Although cats are another story…. Her Mars is exactly on my Neptune and
family and I, but really it Her Venus in Aquarius shows up in that her Saturn is on my Mars, which means
is I who got a dog. I was she doesn’t like to be pat on the head. that she takes ME for a walk and not the
not expecting this, however I swear that she finds it condescending. other way around. The key word here is
charts don’t lie. And she needs her space. At 5 months, truly surrender: her Neptune is on my
My husband and I had adopted two she moved herself out of our bedroom Pisces North Node. I thought I was already
cats very early on in our relationship and by staging a sleep-strike. She wanted the learning that lesson with two strong Aries
at the end of 2015, we were left with our whole living room for herself. She likes daughters, but clearly, I needed a little
female, aged 17. We decided to shake to sleep in a crate with the door shut. If I extra push. R
things up and get a dog: a beagle from
a breeder. The decision was made really
quickly and, to be honest, with practically
no research. When people ask me why I
got a beagle, I just make things up. Reason
had little to do with it, so it’s no coinci-
dence that we named our dog Neptune!
She was one of a litter of 7 (Moon in
Libra) and we don’t have a birth time, but
I have a window. She’s somewhere within
Libra and Capricorn for her ascendant. I
doubt it is Sagittarius as I am sure with
all that Pisces, she would have run away
or gotten lost by now. Beagles are the
poster dogs for tracking devices (just
check Amazon), yet we can walk her off
leash. People are mighty impressed that
she comes back. They say things like “she
must really love you!”. Again: it’s all in the
charts! (And in the bags of cheese that I
carry in my pockets).
My best guess on her ascendant is
Capricorn as she is the “Bawse”. She rules
any dog run she goes to, and has done so
since the age of 12 weeks. She is the dog
The Career
page 51 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
The material wealth. The white horse, glory,
honor and recognition.
As a beast of burden, the horse was
There are several myths relating to the
constellation of the Auriga. One of them
is that Athenea visited Hephaestus. He fell
Spiritual the symbol of the body of man forced to
sustain the weight of his spiritual con-
passionately in love with her and perse-
cuted her.
of Horses
the earth. Out of the semen, Erichthonius
All souls are in the Topus Uranus and was born wrapped in a serpent. Later,
are flying in a circle trying to get to the he became the new leader of Athens and
gods, be enlightened and see the world of founded the Panahenaic festival in honor
by Ursula Stockder the forms in all its glory. Some souls have of Athenea. Erichthonius invented the
difficulty controlling the black horse, even quadriga, the four-horse chariot, and after
with the help of the white horse. his death Zeus raised him to the heav-
esterday was a The black horse loses his wings and ens to become the constellation of the
truly inspiring day in lands in this space and time and is born Charioteer (Auriga).
my life. At 11 o’clock as a human and the soul is incarnated The horse has a very complex sym-
in the morning we arrived at into one of nine kinds of person, accord- bolism and, depending on its context,
the ranch where my friend Luis Fernando ing to how much truth it beheld. we can interpret different meanings. In
Villegas trains his horses. What an expe- In order of decreasing levels of its association with the realm of Hades,
rience! I was struck by Luis Fernando refinement, the categories are: where the horse is a vehicle to the afterlife
guiding his horses, dancing and elevat- and accompanies the funerary and other
ing the whole experience to a spiritual 1. Philosophers, lovers of beauty, men rituals, he manifests the cycles of life - as
encounter with the gods. of culture, or those dedicated to love. in the four horseman of the Apocalypse,
Luis Fernando Villegas feels very 2. Law abiding kings or civic leaders where the horse may be interpreted to sig-
close to the Renaissance and Baroque 3. Politicians, estate managers or busi- nify the four main divisions of human life.
period, his horses carry the names from nessmen
Napoleon’s epoch. A truly romantic time, 4. Ones who specialize in bodily health • Birth is represented by the rider on
where idealism was one of the main pur- 5. Prophets or mystery cult participants the white horse who comes forth
poses of life, going back to the Roman 6. Poets or imitative artists conquering and to conquer,
values and Greek influence. 7. Craftsmen or farmers • Youth, by the rider on the red horse
Before analyzing Luis Fernando’s rela- 8. Sophist or demagogues who took pace from the earth,
tionship with his horses, let us see what 9. Tyrants • Maturity, by the rider on the black
history and the symbolic language has to horse who weighs all things in the
say about the meaning of horses through- scales of reason; and
out times. • Death, by the rider on the pale
For Plato, they are a presence or ideas horse who was given power over a
of everything that exists, the “Topus fourth part of the earth.
Uranus” Gods and Heavens. The soul is
like a carriage: representing the intellect, In Dupuis notes on the “Origin of All
reason or the part of the soul that must Religious Worship”, the four elements
be guided to truth. The white horse is were represented by a horse bearing
the immortal, noble. The black horse the the name of the God. The first winged
mortal, obstinate opposite in character, horse, signifying the fire ether element,
which makes its driving necessarily diffi- was called Jupiter and occupied the high-
cult and troublesome. est place in the order of the elements. It
The charioteer, “the Auriga”, directs the shone the purest light, and on its body
entire chariot/soul, trying to stop the black there were the images of the sun, the
and white horse from going different ways, moon, the stars, and all the bodies in the
to proceed towards enlightenment. ethereal regions.
(The star Capella is the brightest star The Second horse, signifying the ele-
in the Auriga constellation, at 20 Gemini ment of air, was Juno. Although black,
when projected on the ecliptic.) exposed to the sun became luminous,
This metaphor of the soul and the hors- symbolizing the diurnal and nocturnal
es is equivalent to reason. The Greeks saw conditions of air.
these elements as real forces, like electric- The Third horse, symbolizing the ele-
ity that could move a man to act and think ment of water, was sacred to Neptune,
in certain ways. The Soul, through the Luis Fernando Villegas and “Paris”, working in the God who created horses.
Auriga, the Charioteer, or reason, seeks absolute liberty, and Marlène” his inseparable The Fourth horse, signifying the
truth and knowledge. The black horse Shetland shepherd dog. (Photographer: Alejandra static element of earth described as
represents appetites, food, drink, sex and Hernández Stockder)
The Career
page 53 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
opposing natal Jupiter. Transiting Jupiter
exactly trining natal Jupiter.
• Chiron is close to the South Node in
both natal and death chart.
• Neptune exactly conjuncts the South
Node in Pisces alluding to his connec-
tion to the myth of Neptune.
His second horse, Paris (Pure
Andalusian) was born 16th April 2001@
6:00 AM. He trained them and in 2008
he started with his “Escuadra Marengo”
where he introduced his horses into
equestrian spectacles, operas, fashion
shows and more.
When I analyzed all the birth and death
charts of his horses, I noticed the great
influence Neptune transits have had in
Luis Fernando’s Villegas life.
• Marengo and Paris enter his life
with Neptune conjunct Luis’s natal
• Marengo died with Neptune in con-
junction with Luis Fernando’s Villegas
North Node return into Pisces.
• Desirée his Pure Arabian mare (20th
April 2010/5:00 AM) was born with
Chiron at 0 Pisces conjunct Neptune
at 28 Aquarius and squaring Luis’s
natal Neptune.
• Vizir (7th March 2015/5:00 AM) is
born with the Midpoint Sun Neptune
conjunct Luis Fernando’s North Node
in Pisces.
We can clearly see that animals respond
to their charts the same way humans do.
Horses have a strong mythological and
historical connection with humans. We
can see how Neptune/Pisces/12th house
and Jupiter/Chiron/Sagittarius seem to
be prominent in the interconnections
between horse people and their horses.
Star Tales - Ian Ridpath
The Secret Teachings of All Ages - Manly P. Hall
Astrology, Magic and Alchemy in Art
of the cat’s owner. If that is you, then you Let’s look at an example and see if the
are using your own natal chart. hypothesis works.
If you have only one cat or you’re
Champagne was a laid-back five-year-
serves as the first house, and read the old orange tabby male I adopted from the
chart as you would if you were reading a Pennsylvania SPCA in 2003. His age was
Horary judgement chart. In this case, your a guesstimate — as a shelter cat his birth
How do you read your local seventh house becomes your cat’s data was unknown.
cat’s chart when you second house (his possessions), your local Champagne impressed the shelter staff
eighth becomes your cat’s third and so on. with his confidence and personality. He
don’t know when If you are focused on one of several was quite comfortable around humans
he was born? cats in the household, then you count and promptly made himself at home. He
three houses from the sixth for each suc- was expressive with lots of chirps and
cessive cat. So, the second cat is the local sounds and a purr you could hear from
by Ellen Zucker, CAP eighth house (or the first cat’s third of sib- across the room. It was that purr, made
lings), the third cat is your local tenth (first while I held him in my arms at the shelter
cat’s fifth), and so on. Then turn the chart
that convinced me he was a keeper. He
strology is an so the house ruling the cat in question is charmed his way with company, parking
amazing tool. It placed in the first house position. himself at the center of many a social
allows you to see By turning the wheel, so to speak, you gathering. Champagne’s social and affa-
the filters through which see the cat’s perspective. But that wheel is ble nature even impressed the veterinary
you experience the world. your chart so you are literally seeing the staff when he went for his checkups.
But what if you want to get astrological cat’s perspective through your eyes. Champagne’s adoption papers are time-
insight into your cat? And you don’t have One downside: this technique can make stamped at 11:57 am EDT, Philadelphia,
the cat’s birth data? Can you use astrolo- an astrologer dizzy. PA making the deed official. See adoption
gy to see the world from a cat’s point of The Adoption chart is a third option. chart on following page.
view? Most astrologers would argue that the If an animal adoption chart can act as
Clearly anyone who owns or works chart of the cat’s adoption is an event a proxy to a birth chart it should describe
with cats would benefit from astrology’s chart and I don’t disagree. As the natal the general temperament of the animal.
insights. But few people have complete chart of the event one can apply any tech- So how does this chart fit with
birth data for their cat. Breeders will nique you’d apply to any natal chart such Champagne’s outgoing, easy-going
record the animal’s birth date but not its as transits, progressions, etc. Like any temperament? Virgo is rising with a MC
birth time. If your cat was a rescue, a stray natal chart analysis, you get the benefit of in earthy Taurus which suggests some
or came from a shelter you may not even its depth and breadth. reserve. But chart ruler Mercury con-
know the year it was born. A couple weeks But I am going to argue that another
ago I read astrology charts for attendees approach is to treat the Adoption chart
at a conference of pet people. A few knew as a surrogate or proxy birth chart for the
their pet’s birthday but not one knew their cat when you don’t have complete birth
animal’s birth time. information.
So, what do you do? Here are some All cats could have a timed birth chart if The Adoption
alternative techniques: you had the birth data. So, the Adoption chart acts as a
Horary is completely independent of chart acts as a second chart for the cat
a birth time. The name horary means in much like nation-states and corporations second chart for
the moment. And the only moment that that have multiple charts — each trig- the cat much like
counts is the one when the astrologer first gered by a profound reorganization or
completely understands the question. Just change. After all it’s said that cats have
nation-states and
as the case of a human querent, Horary is nine lives. Certainly, the day you took your corporations that
the quickest route to your answer about cat home is tantamount to her rebirth,
a specific question concerning your cat. and a trigger for a new chart.
have multiple charts
If you’re looking for precise information Like a revolution changing essentials of — each triggered by
then Horary ought to be your technique a nation-state, the decision to adopt a cat a profound
of choice. A skilled Horary reader can changes every aspect of her life — in fact
even glean insights into the subject’s psy- if she is a rescue or a stray, you are prob- reorganization or
chology. The downside is that you don’t ably saving her life. It’s difficult to imagine change.
get access to the depth and breadth of a an act that so profoundly impacts anoth-
natal chart’s perspective. er. Shelters and rescues recognize this
Derivative Houses is another option. and frequently offer adopting pet parents
Here, you base your analysis on the chart the option to rename the animal.
The Career
page 55 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
junct MC ruler Venus, dignified in Taurus
and close to the Midheaven, accounts
for the cat’s laidback nature and social
demeanor. In fact, when using traditional
rulers Venus becomes the final dispositor
reflecting Champagne’s laidback, earthy
charm. The separating new moon in
Gemini accounts for Champagne’s talk-
ative nature and describes his curiosity
and outgoing personality.
Mars in the sixth house trine tradition-
al house ruler Saturn and sextile Pluto
describe excellent health through most of
his long life (Champagne lived to age 19).
Pluto in the fourth house of endings oppos-
ing Champagne’s Sun, Moon and Saturn
plays a role in his demise as we will see.
Angular Uranus on the descendant trine
the Moon/Saturn conjunction made for
self-sufficiency and independence.
While I loved all the cats who lived
with me, my bond with Champagne was
unusually close. Champagne was per-
fectly attuned to my temperament and
completely loyal. He had an uncanny way
of anticipating my needs. When I came
downstairs at night he made little noises
to alert me he was lying on the floor in
the darkened living room. He followed
me around the house and loved laying
on my lap.
The bi-wheel below shows the strong
connections between my natal chart
(inner wheel) and Champagne’s Adoption
chart (outer). Note the trine between
Champagne’s final dispositor Venus and
Mercury, and my own Venus/MC conjunc-
tion. His Adoption Ascendant made a close
opposition to my Sun/Moon conjunction
while his Uranus conjoined my Sun/Moon
I experienced Champagne as a healer.
Picking him up and holding him at the
PSPCA for the very first time, his energy
took away the buzz I was feeling and
replaced it with calm. Adoption Chiron
makes a partile conjunction to my Venus/
MC indicating his healing influence.
My chart is the inner wheel, Champagne’s
the outer wheel.
Another test for the plausibility of the
Adoption chart is to see how it responds
to subsequent events. Unlike humans,
Champagne did not experience mile-
stones such as career achievements,
marriage, births (the shelter neutered him
The Career
page 57 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
problem. She Mars. Transiting
is smart and isMoon
trained con-to and her serious Scorpio planets adds to
sit, andnatal
important, transiting
to stayPluto
inside is the
now this volatility.
car whenaI partile
open the conjunction
door. Sheto Adoption
knows to Shima embodies the Pluto-Uranus
wait untiland Saturn
I tell her to(facing
come reality)
out. Butisshe over- square. She shows this in a conflict
by Arlan Wise head in the
expresses transit
fiery chart aswhen
enthusiasm transiting
she gets Sun between trying to be obedient and listen
happy. a conjunctiondescribes
My granddaughter to transiting it to the rules, and her need to express
11/23/2012 St. Thomas, byPluto.
that so theexcited”.
transiting MC
When her exhilaration for life. Mars alongside
Virgin Islands. conjoins
Shima seesAdoption
someone Pluto. The inner
she loves comechart to Pluto makes her pushy and determined
is Champagne’s
the door, she whines Adoption chart, theand
and scratches Outer, to get her way. Uranus Moon can make
have Shima’s birth- the Ultrasound.
then starts the jumping and squealing. her crazy out of control, quite often when
day and birthplace OtherI kept Champagne
people get barked as comfortable
at. She feels as it’s she is happy. She talks by whining with
but no time of birth. possible
her job to andchase frantically
away thekept UPSsearching
man afterfor inflections when she has something to say
When a client asks to make hefood he could
delivers handle as
his package at he
door. wasted – asking me to stop reading and get up
an appointment for a reading but has no away.
ShimaOn is the morning
jealous. I felt ofherMarch
Venus 27inth,
he and play with her, or to let her out to do
idea of his/her birth time, I use a Solar turned even
Scorpio his nose beforeup at the only
I looked at food
the chart.he her business.
chart. This is Shimas’s Solar chart. washas
She stilla able to eat,full
big heart kitty treats
of love but in she
a broth Jupiter in Gemini in the seventh house
It fits. Sagittarius on the Ascendant and formulation.
does not like to Thatseeevening,
me give Champagne
attention to shows her love for people and that she
a Sagittarius Sun describes her journey died
the sitting
cats. She next
growls to at
methem on theand living
usedroom does not like to be alone. She lives with
from her birthplace, St. Thomas, Virgin tocouch. It was roughlyaction,
do a pseudo-biting 30 minutesknowing after the a thirteen-year-old Chihuahua. Bea is the
Islands to Martha’s Vineyard. She was newshe
that moon in Aries,
shouldn’t the ending
actually make of a cycle.
con- alpha, the Mars-Pluto in Capricorn to
four months old when she took this trip. tact.Chiron,
AmongVenus, all herand the Aries there
exuberance, new moon Shima’s Sagittarius-Aries.
We saw her the day after the flight and isare clusteredunsure
a subdued, in the Adoption
quality to eighth
her – awith My partner Jay and I have become
she seemed nonplussed by it, just curious the latter three
Venus-Saturn “doin you
the Mars-ruled
love me?” which sign of her “dad” and “mom”. We both have our
about her new surroundings. Her name inflammation.
needs Transiting Jupiter
a lot of reassurance. Maybeopposing
this Suns in early Leo which fill in the grand
Shima, means “island” in Japanese. A cli- the transiting
goes back to the Uranus/Mercury
trauma of beingconjunctionleft at trine with Shima’s Sun and Moon, though
ent of mine who works in Japan called the and
the trining
SPCA Adoption
(Animal Sun,when
Shelter) Moon, she Saturn
was squares her Venus-Saturn (do you really
night we brought her home and he said shows
two his final
months old. journey
She lived was
in dog love me?). Her Pluto is conjunct my south
“You must call her Shima because she has quick.for
limbo Note also that
another two the transiting
months until itnorthwas node. My Mars is opposite her Sun. Jay
gone from one island to another.” nodeenough
warm and MCto are
her north.with Herthe Sun in has his Mars near her Venus and his Libra
Since I live on an island, I find in my Adoption ascendant
Sagittarius is squareas transiting
Neptune in ascen-
Pisces Moon opposite her Aries Moon. I am the
client work that those who live here on dant is
which about
along withto four
conjoin the Adoption
planets and Chiron IC disciplinarian.
Martha’s Vineyard and on other islands inand thesigns
water Adoptionmakes south node. A beautiful
her sensitive to her On the day that we adopted her there
have planets, often the Moon, in the life came to an
surroundings and end.
to the people, and dogs, was a Sun-Venus-Mars conjunction in
twelfth house. Look at Shima’s twelfth So, does
around her. theThe Adoption
stress betweenchart carry
her emo- the Aries, close to her Moon. She found her
house. There are three planets and the promise
tionally of Champagne’s
high-strung final illness? The
Aries Moon-Uranus home. We found a great dog.
North Node. Saturn is well placed there answer is an emphatic Yes.
and hopefully Shima will live a long life Mars (inflammation) and Neptune
here on the island. (the lymphatic system) are found in the
Shima has energy. At four she still Adoption sixth of illness. Pisces is on the
behaves like a puppy. Her Sun-Moon cusp of the Adoption eighth. Neptune,
trine is charged up by Uranus. I think this Pisces’ modern ruler is found in the
explains the out of control jumping and sixth of illness, while Jupiter, Pisces tra-
kissing that happens every time I come ditional ruler is found in the opposing
home, even if I have only been away for 12th. According to Rex Bills, Jupiter rules
twenty minutes. She can rev up from 0 tumors. Jupiter in the Adoption 12th also
to 60 in an instant. Once excited, she will indicates that the final journey was a
bounce around until something inside her spiritual one as Champagne crossed the
doggy brain says “it’s time to chill now” Rainbow Bridge and joined his spiritual
and she calms down. She doesn’t cool brethren.
down because I tell her to, which is often In conclusion, I believe the above shows
lymphoma, common among senior that Champagne’s timed adoption chart
cats, and a definitive diagnosis could be makes an excellent stand-in when lack of
confirmed by biopsy. After discussion with complete birth data makes a timed birth
my Veterinarian I decided to forego heroic chart impossible. It describes his temper-
measures and kept the now 19-year-old ament, physical health, and is sensitive to
cat as comfortable as possible through transits. Like a timed birth chart, this chart
palliative means. carried the promise of his final illness that
In the transit chart based on the time- was triggered later.
stamped ultrasound report, Neptune This sample, although compelling, can
(lymphoma) is squarely on the Ascendant only be only suggestive. Further testing is R
For the Sun and the Moon, I increase
the orbs to 10 degree. Planets in contact with this Part also
• I mainly use Placidus houses, but to inform about this subject.
gain further information, I also use A simple technique for those who are
Whole Sign houses. beginners in consulting practice is to
native in the natal and other charts The quarters where the ruler of the
like Solar Return or Lunar Return. Ascendant, the Sun and the Moon are
• I use Arabic Parts and Fixed Stars placed are particularly important because
Column by in delineation both in the natal charts they are areas of primary focus. Following
and Solar and Lunar Return charts. that, it is useful to analyze elements and
Öner Döşer One of the most important tools in qualities disposition. Knowing the bal-
chart reading in traditional astrol- ance of elements and qualities in a chart is
ogy is the fixed stars. Some of the crucial in informing the native accurately.
fixed stars bring a striking ascent
ffective Reading and Prediction and power into the native’s life while USING PREDICTIVE
Skills to Inspire You to Increase some others bring challenging effects TECHNIQUES
Your Clientele and Ensure That and emphasize that the native will Once we have established a fairly
They Return. experience challenging events or pos- comprehensive analysis of the natal
For a successful practice, an astrologer sibly downfalls in their life. It is a good chart, we can proceed to using predictive
must have mastery of natal chart reading, techniques.
and also be equipped with techniques to Here are some predictive techniques
identify and analyze future events. Clients that I find particularly useful, and why:
commonly come to astrologers for such I find the • Profections
guidance, and the better we are at our
skills, the more we can serve and expand
Lunar Nodes to be • Firdaria
• Solar and Lunar Returns
our practice. among the most
Understanding the dynamics of the • Transits
natal chart means that we identify its true
powerful • Secondary Progressions
potential. Providing a good analysis and influences in the
making reliable predictions will help our Determining the Time Lords while
natal chart. using traditional astrology techniques like
clients and inspire them to come back for
more sessions when they are in need of Profection, Firdaria and Solar Return is
The Career
page 59 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
traditional and modern astrology, are
precious tools for determining what the
Once we have native will experience on a monthly and
yearly basis. Erecting Lunar Charts for
the period that the native will experience
a fairly important transits are very useful for
comprehensive understanding the specific concerns of
the native during these times.
analysis of the Secondary progressions and transits
natal chart, we are crucial to understand inner motiva-
tions of the native as well as their possible
can proceed to reflections in the outer world. Transits
using predictive may provide us precise timing of the
events. This is why it has always been
techniques. an essential prediction technique. I also
think that Secondary Progressions are an
important tool to find out the evolutionary
also important. The Time Lord is the path of the native, the native’s area of
planet (or planets) which represents a development, his psychology and motiva-
specific period of native’s life with refer- tion for specific periods.
ence to the different techniques listed
above – for example, the Time Lord of TO USE HORARY IN
the Solar Return would be the ruler of CONSULTATION
the Ascendant of that chart. Transits to Horary has always been my “trump
this planet and its progressions give us card” in my consultations. It is a magnifi-
the timing of major events in native’s life. cent technique for finding out the answers
Transits were also used in tradition- to specific questions. The clients may
al astrology but they would come after sometimes ask critical questions based on
applying the techniques like Profection, their current conditions. Instead of just
Firderia, Directing by Terms and Solar looking at the natal chart, you create a To learn more about
Return. Transits were considered to be chart for the moment the client asks the
triggers that indicate the occurrence of questions: the law of synchronicity the these techniques read
specific events. Secondary Progressions positions of the planets and their aspects
may also be considered like that. So, this tell us about the course of the events and Oner's book
is the order I follow while using prediction the answer to the question which was
techniques on a chart. asked at the very moment. ASTROLOGICAL
Profections, which is one of the ancient To me, an astrologer who gives readings
traditional techniques, provides us healthy and uses prediction techniques should PREDICTION
annual forecasts. In addition to answering know Horary Astrology as well.
the questions like “What will be the native TECHNIQUES
be focused on this year?”, “Which issues CONCLUSION
will fill the native’s agenda?”, “How will he Combining these different methods found at Amazon.
deal with challenging conditions?”, “When provides the astrologer with an oppor-
will this year’s important events occur?” tunity to confirm certain assessments in com and other sellers.
it also helps us answer the questions like the chart. We should not exaggerate and
See book review at
“How will native’s relations develop this get lost in too many techniques, but at
year?” and “How will his finances be this the same time, if we identify repeating
year?” Through the help of transits and patterns through different systems, it
progressions that the Lord of the Year strengthens our points.
(LoY) receives, we may make specific A successful practice depends on accu-
predictions. (By profecting our chart > 1 rate results.
house per year, we can identify the Lord
of the year. It is the ruler of the sign which
opens the house that indicates our age > With love, light and hope!
for example, age 14 will be 12 houses + 2 Öner Döşer, AMA, MAPAI, ISAR Cap
= second house, and its ruler). OPA Turkey Satellite
Firdaria, one of the most ancient
techniques, divides periods of our lives
under the rulership of one specific planet,
Transits to and from that planet help us 1 (Reference: Robert Zoller, Foundation Course
in Medieval Astrology, Lesson Two: The Arabic
predict the nature and timing of specific Parts in Astrology, 2nd Edition 2002, New Library
events. Limited)
For me, Solar Return and Lunar
Return charts, which are used both in R
The Career
page 61 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
The Organization for
Professional Astrology
gy .org
and further developed my art. every detail of your business.
Heeding this call to adventure didn’t Every single aspect of birthing your
come without anxiety, 3 a.m. wake up business is a tool that is both challenging
Business of calls, and some nail biting. But it also felt
like a liberation from being stuck at a
you to get past your comfort zone, to
smooth out your growing edges, to make
Becoming an standstill at this pivotal crossroads of my
life. Often what gave me strength was that
you pivot and see your life from a wider
year ago I left
my corporate
job. I walked
away from the per-
ceived security of a
stable job to pursue
my astrological coach-
ing business full time. This was not an
easy decision, but one that was long in
the making.
The prior year, as my father lay in the
hospital after a lung transplant, he told
me in his Sagittarius way, that if I wasn’t
happy with my career, that I should do
what I loved. Life was short and the time
was now.
Seeing my father struggle between life
and death, while facing it all with true
Sagittarius grit and optimism, I knew the
time was now. Nothing like the specter of
mortality to shine the light on what mat-
ters. Yet, I struggled to take the leap from
the security of my job to embark on devel-
oping my astrological coaching business.
I’m happy I took the bold step while my
father was still alive. He was proud that I
had taken the leap and committed to my
dream. This January, less than a year after
I left my corporate job, my father passed
away. While I was writing the eulogy, I
learned of how many people’s lives he
touched with his work. In taking a gamble,
risking everything, he managed to make
his business thrive, while helping others
on the way.
The Career
page 63 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
what this journey is about. At times, your It can be hard to talk about what we beyond the cliché images that abound
family and friends, although they may do exactly. It’s hard to create that eleva- the internet.
want the best for you, are not the right tor speech that will get the point across In an age where branding is pervasive in
support to get you going. in an engaging way. Get comfortable in every sphere of our lives, it behooves us
As you step fully onto this path, you stumbling many times before it sounds to improve the way we are visually mod-
will be deeply linked to what you believe smoother. eling our field, because this has deeper
is your purpose and/or passion. Every I have found for myself, and for many repercussions for the future of astrology
aspect of what you face on this journey other entrepreneurs that I’ve met so far and thriving astrologers.
can be a healing tool for past traumas and on this journey, that the desire to do As for the social media jungle, it takes
inadequacies. something may be clear in their hearts, time to become proficient in it, consider-
This is not a journey for the faint of but it isn’t as easy to translate and make ing all the changes it goes through.
heart and it can get overwhelming very it accessible to others. Words get in the I have found that each of the plat-
fast. That’s even before you have to way, and not everyone has a knack for forms reveal different ways to tell a story:
face the ‘tech dragons’ of websites, social copywriting. Twitter (bite size), Instagram (Image
media, software and everything that is I feel that this is another part of the focused), and Facebook (storytelling) - to
supposed to serve your business, but healing/spiritual journey of creating your name just a few.
challenges you to climb ever higher on business. Looking for the why of your Once we know who we want to reach,
that learning curve. business, is really an invitation to look and where they hang out in the web, then
In reflecting about my own business, I under the hood to your soul’s purpose, we can craft our social media voice to fit
can see how much healing it has brought not just in a spiritual language, but in a the way we will engage in the conversa-
to me, and how it still does. practical language that can be understood tion. Social media requires that we learn
I didn’t think it would be so imperative, by others (aka - your potential clients). to be storytellers: in audio, video, writ-
but continuing your own inner work, ing and images. It’s important to try out
whatever that may be, is imperative as Branding, marketing and
you create and develop your business. social media - Don’t get lost
Not just via astrology, but through other in the jungle.
modalities as well. These words are often seen as challeng-
Not to mention that whatever issues ing concepts by many in business, new or
you may be struggling with, will walk into established. It’s easy to get lost, confused
Looking for the
your office as either clients with similar and frustrated with the cacophony of why of your
issues, or you will face it in the world via what is possible to do. Often, we want to
other doorways of your business. follow the ‘Field of Dreams’ movie mes-
business, is really
Your business has an uncanny way of sage: “Build it, and they will come.” an invitation to
mirroring to you the very growing edges It takes a lot more to stand out today,
of your psyche. to connect with clients and be seen. look under the
When I announced at my previous job This is where I have found that working
that I was leaving to develop my business,
hood to your
with my own birth chart from a business
many people asked if I was excited, or they perspective to be a great tool. The work of soul’s purpose,
expressed jealously at what they perceived Faye Cossar has been illuminating in my
was my break from corporate prison. What
not just in a
own journey. Her article in The Mountain
I consistently told them was that what I Astrologer (Create a Professional Brand spiritual language,
knew was required of me on this journey Profile for You and Your Clients - June/July
was a mindset shift. I had been preparing but in a practical
2013) was the light bulb that has helped
myself for this shift, but nothing like being me hone my branding in a way that feels language that can
in it to grasp how real it quickly gets. aligned to me.
So get ready to pivot your mindset Looking to my own Sun as the DNA of
be understood
about any assumptions you have about my business, the Moon as the needs by others
yourself when starting a business. of my clientele, my Ascendant as the
outer packaging of my business brand-
The Why of Your Business - ing, and finally the Midheaven as my
or - how did I get on reputation was deeply helpful. This is just
this ride? the starting point, and of course the rest
I’m not sure about you, but it was excru- of your chart has a lot more to say about different modalities, and find which one
ciating for me to write my personal profile how you can effectively brand yourself in feels more resonant with you.
on a dating website. I always had to call in a way that is aligned to your true nature, It’s also important to have a cohesive-
reinforcements from friends to help me not just what everyone else is doing. ness and consistency across all your
talk about myself. Thankfully, I ended up My undergrad degree is in Advertising platforms - website and social media
meeting my fiancé on a blind date set up and Marketing, and I have had a long accounts. Your brand, with its look and
by one of my best friends. interest in how astrologers have been feel is already telling a subliminal story to
In many ways, I feel that our business branding themselves, especially with the your potential client. Be sure it’s coherent
profile, and the why we are doing it often preponderance of web presence. I believe with how you want to be seen and por-
feels like we are creating our romantic that we as astrologers have a responsi- trayed. That’s why working with your birth
profile, and our clients are our possible bility to up-level the look and feel of our chart, or your business chart, as a brand-
partners. professional image in a way that goes ing tool is highly beneficial.
The Career
page 65 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
the experience of seeing clients as a coun- ring groups being formed to educate and where you need to go in order to let
selor now helps immensely as I work with support astrologers in their practices. go of an old self, and be able to be
my coaching clients. reborn anew.
However, I have already heard many The road ahead I believe that in continuing to do my
disappointing stories of clients who have There’s much I still need to learn as I own inner work, not only benefits how I
had bad experiences with other astrolo- continue to build my astrological coach- interact with the soul of my business, but
gers. In a field as multi-layered as astrolo- ing business. I’m very grateful for the allows me to hold a bigger space for my
gy, where many may not have done their more experienced astrologers that I’ve own clients’ alchemical transformation.
own inner work and healing, it’s easy to met, and who have been generous to
see how the collateral damage may end impart their wisdom around building a
up being the clients. thriving practice. Vanessa Couto is an astrological coach,
I believe that it behooves anyone think- artist and podcaster. She weaves astrolo-
I have learned much, and will continue gy, depth psychology, storytelling and art
ing of becoming an astrologer, to have to learn even more. I hope in the near in her coaching work. She's the creator
some basic understanding of counseling future to be able to share more concrete of The Astrology of Joy coloring books,
skills, to have at least undergone their and helpful tips, and pay it forward the where she merges mandala art and
own therapy or to have some sort of knowledge I’ve received from others. astrological wisdom. Catch her podcast
on iTunes: Liminal Astro Coaching where
support/supervision group. My biggest take away so far has been she weaves myths, fairy tales and celes-
We are only as good as our own contin- how much this journey is both spiritual tial wisdom to guide us on our inner jour-
ued inner work. The deeper we dive into and healing. ney.
our own healing, the more our psyche can Birthing one’s business is indeed a
hold space for our client’s healing. I would heroic journey that will lead you exactly R
also love to see more supervisory/mento-
erhaps the “end of time” referenced es are Ephesus, This book serves
in the Book of Revelation is not Smyrna, Pergamum, as a reminder that
so scary after all. Humanity has Thyatira, Sardis, during this magical
entered a new age. Don Cerow’s pas- Philadelphia and time, “Life begins
sionate research on the age of Aquarius Laodicea. These again. A new civ-
is revealed in his recent book, The 8th cities are compared ilization, a New
Seal, Its Time Is Now! Cracking the Code to qualities and Jerusalem born.
that Solves the Mystery of The Book of intentions of the Not an urban, ter-
Revelation. seven visible plan- restrial city, but a
The Book of Revelation is full of rich ets in their exalted whole planet ready
and complex symbolism. The author zodiac signs. The to acknowledge
decodes many of the Bible’s cryptic text seven seals, bowls, all life as living
with full detail. He slowly and clearly trumpets and under one heavenly
builds a case that indicators for the turn- thunderclaps from Tent.” The author
ing of the ages are presented symbolical- Revelation are fur- reminds readers
ly in this book of prophecy. ther discussed in detail. that humanity’s evolution is being sup-
His book appeals to astrologers with a By the end of the book, the author illu- ported on a new level. After many trials,
specific interest in the precession of the minates how the procession of the vernal the human race has the opportunity
equinox as well as for intellectuals who equinox over time correlates specifically to be married now to the Divine in this
appreciate the rich language of ancient to symbolic language throughout the Age of Aquarius. R
Charles Jameson
Maurice Fernandez [email protected]
[email protected]
(Calgary, West Coast)
Alexandra Karacostas [email protected]
[email protected]
Timon Harewood
TREASURER (Toronto, East Coast)
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Anne Ortelee
[email protected] CHINA ASTROLOGY
Lucia Lu Luyao 路瑶
Geoff Gronlund GEORGIA
[email protected] Khatuna Noel
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Carol Dimitrov GREECE
Angela Tiki
[email protected] [email protected] September 15-17, 2017 Canada Astrology
Conference, Calgary, AB
Nancy Beale Boaz Fyler
nancybeale.opamembership [email protected]
Ursula Stockder
RECORDING SECRETARY [email protected] October 19-23, 2017 OPA RETREAT
Rachael Rutter Zion National Park, Utah
[email protected] Sol W. Jonassen (Norway)
EVENT COORDINATOR Margareta Hedin (Sweden) JAN-FEB 2018
Kim De Noüe [email protected]
[email protected]
Jan 31 – Feb 4, 2018 EAST MEETS WEST
PUBLICATIONS / PRODUCTS DIR. Innessa Wuzyk Calcutta, India
Arlan Wise [email protected]
[email protected] Elena Porciani van Baalen
[email protected]
MAY 2018
Öner Döşer May 24-29, 2018 UAC (United Astrology
[email protected]
Conference), Chicago, IL
gy .org
Victor Olliver (London)
[email protected]
The Career
page 67 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
V26-02 MARCH EQUINOX 2017 page 68
Interview with
The Career
page 69 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine
Tell us about your Spiritual name, Kaypacha
So much love
Pluto Generations
Astro Drama
Eugenia Krok Kaypacha in Action
The Career
page 71 Astrologer OPA’s Quarterly Magazine