Vol 2 No 4
Vol 2 No 4
Vol 2 No 4
4, October-December 1996
Infectious Diseases
Tracking trends and analyzing new and r eemerging infectious disease issues around the world
Guarding Against the Most Dangerous Emerging Pathogens: Insights 245 P.W. Ewald
from Evolutionary Biology
Social Inequalities and Emerging Infectious Diseases 259 P. Farmer
Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial Virulence: Type III Secretion 271 J. Mecsas and E.J. Strauss
and Pathogenicity Islands
New Vaccines for the Prevention of Pneumococcal Infections 289 H. Käyhty and J. Eskola
A Mathematical Model and CD4+ L ymphocyte Dynamics in HIV Infection 299 T. Hraba and J. Dolezal
Chlamydiae as Pathogens: New Species and New Issues 307 R.W. Peeling and R.C. Brunham
Experimental Inoculation of Plants and Animals with Ebola Virus 321 R. Swanepoel, P.A. Leman, F.J.
Burt, N.A. Zachariades, L.E.O.
Braack, T.G. Ksiazek, P.E.
Rollin, S.R. Zaki, and C.J.
Encephalitis Caused by a L yssavirus in Fruit Bats in Australia 327 G.C. Fraser, P.T. Hooper, R.A.
Lunt, A.R. Gould, L.J. Gleeson,
A.D. Hyatt, G.M. Russell, and
J.A. Kattenbelt
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in the United States, 1979-1994: Using National 333 R.C. Holman, A.S. Khan, E.D.
Mortality Data to Assess the Possible Occurrence of Variant Cases Belay, and L.B. Schonberger
Rapid Increase of Resistance to Erythromycin and Clindamycin 339 G. Cornaglia, M. Ligozzi, A.
in Streptococcus pyogenes in Italy, 1993-1995 Mazzariol, M.Valentini, G.
Orefici, the Italian Surveil-
lance Group for Antimicrobial
Resistance, and R. Fontana
Assessing the Costs and Benefits of an Oral Vaccine for Raccoon Rabies: 343 M.I. Meltzer
A Possible Model
Traditional Healers and Global Surveillance Strategies for Emerging 351 N.E. Groce and M. E. Reeve
Diseases: Closing the Gap
Widespread Foodborne Cyclosporiasis Outbreaks Present Major Challenges 354 D.G. Colley
Identification of Cyclospora in Poultry 356 H.L. García-López, L.E.
Rodríguez-Tovar, and C.E.
Medina-De la Garza
PCR Confirmation of Infection with Cyclospora cayetanensis 357 N.J. Pieniazek, S.B. Slemenda,
A.J. da Silva, E.M. Alfano, and
M.J. Arrowood
Emerging Infectious Diseases and the Depopulation of French 359 P.M.V. Martin and C. Combes
Polynesia in the 19th Century
Epidemic Zoster and AIDS 361 D.M. Morens, A.K. Agarwal, S.
Sarkar, S. Panda, and R. Detels
Ancient Egypt and Today: Enough Scourges to Go Around 362 D.G. Colley
AIDS and AAA in Egypt? 362 R.J. Littman and D.M. Morens
Addendum 364
News and Notes
ABA Sponsors Program on Law and Emerging Infectious Diseases 365 D.P. Fidler
A Global Theme Issue: Bibliography of References 365 M.A. Winker
Conference on Emerging Foodborne Pathogens 372 D. Dalisera
Control of emerging infectious diseases will be difficult because of the large number of
disease-causing organisms that are emerging or could emerge and the great diversity of
geographic areas in which emergence can occur. The modern view of the evolution of
pathogen virulence—specifically its focus on the tradeoff between costs and benefits to the
pathogen from increased host exploitation—allows control programs to identify and focus
on the most dangerous pathogens (those that can be established with high virulence in
human populations).
Studies of emerging diseases have focused providing methods for inhibiting the emergence
chiefly on the spectrum of different emerging of particularly virulent variants of pathogens
pathogens, epidemiologic reasons for emer- that are already established in human
gence, and interventions to control emergence. populations (e.g., the pathogen that caused the
The feasibility of disease control is hampered 1918 influenza pandemic and virulent,
by the potentially vast number of emerging and antibiotic-resistant strains of Staphylococcus
reemerging pathogens, the diversity of geo- aureus).
graphic sources, the potential for rapid global Modern understanding of the evolution of
dissemination from these sources, and numer- virulence focuses on a tradeoff to which
ous ecologic and social factors influencing pathogens are subjected: the competitive
emergence (1-4). Disease control could be made benefits that pathogens accrue through in-
more manageable if the most dangerous creased exploitation of hosts and the costs that
pathogens could be singled out for the most result from any effects of disease that reduce
intense study, surveillance, and control efforts. infectious contact between infected and suscep-
Experts who have addressed this problem from tible hosts. The traditional view presumed that
an epidemiologic but not an evolutionary natural selection would favor evolution toward
perspective disagree about the feasibility of benign coexistence between host and parasite
predicting and preventing the emergence of the (9-12). The modern view, however, stresses
most damaging new pathogens (5-8). In this that such benign coexistence will be unstable if
perspective, I argue that improved understand- pathogens that exploit hosts to a greater degree
ing of the evolution of virulence (defined have more overall success across transmission
broadly as the harmfulness of an infection) can cycles than those that achieve benign coexist-
make this goal more feasible in two ways: 1) by ence (13-17).
facilitating identification and blocking of The primary assumption of this evolution-
pathogens that represent the greatest threat ary argument is that increased virulence is
should they become established in human correlated with increased pathogen propaga-
populations (e.g., Yersinia pestis during the tion (manifested as increases in pathogen
Middle Ages and human immunodeficiency reproduction within hosts and/or pathogen
virus [HIV] during recent decades) and 2) by shedding from infected hosts). This correlation
need not be strong across host/pathogen
associations for the arguments to be valid;
Address for correspondence: Paul W. Ewald, Department of
differences in pathogenic mechanisms, for
Biology, Amherst College, Amherst, MA 01002-5000; fax: example, could make the correlation virtually
413-542-7955; e-mail: [email protected]. undetectable when extremely different kinds of
pathogens are compared. Rather, the tradeoff generate greater numbers of progeny by
argument states that for a given pathogen interfering with the cell’s mechanisms for
(with its particular tropisms and pathogenic restricting cell division (36). For both viruses,
mechanisms), mutations that increase the level increased viral loads are associated with
of host exploitation tend to increase harmful- increased probability of transmission to
ness. The association between virulence, contacted persons (37-39), and HIV-1, which
exploitation, and pathogen propagation is propagates to higher densities than HIV-2, is
expected among “wild type” mutants, but not more transmissible per contact (40).
among novel laboratory-generated virulent The association between virulence and
ones. Because there are many routes to viral propagation in pathogens circulating
increased virulence and laboratory-generated naturally in human populations therefore
variants are often not selected on the basis of supports the modern emphasis on a tradeoff
competitive superiority in vivo, the increased between the fitness benefits and the costs
virulence of variants generated in the accrued by pathogens as a function of changes
laboratory may not be linked to propagative in host exploitation.
superiority. In contrast, natural selection
should eliminate any variants for which Transmission Associated with High
increases in virulence are not linked to Virulence
increases in pathogen fitness.
The connection between virulence, host
Transmission from Immobile Hosts
exploitation, and pathogen propagation may be
Like the traditional view of host/parasite
indirect or direct. If the pathogenic mechanism
coevolution, the modern view identifies host
involves toxin production, a positive associa-
illness as a potential liability for the pathogen.
tion is expected between toxin production and
When pathogens rely on the mobility of their
pathogen propagation. In Vibrio cholerae, for
current host to reach susceptible hosts, the
example, high toxin production is associated
illness caused by intense exploitation typically
with increased densities of vibrios in the fecal
reduces the potential for transmission. The
material, apparently as a result of the toxin’s
modern perspective on host/parasite coevolu-
flushing of competing organisms from the
tion differs from the traditional one, however,
intestinal tract (17). In other organisms, the
in its emphasis on weighing these setbacks
association between virulence, host exploita-
against the benefits of exploitation: high
tion, and pathogen propagation is more direct.
virulence can contribute to evolutionary
The human plasmodia that reproduce more
stability if the costs incurred by parasites from
extensively often cause more severe illness and
exploitation-induced damage are particularly
are more life-threatening (16). Similarly, more
small and/or the benefits obtained from
virulent strains of vector-borne dengue virus
exploitation are particularly big. Thus, if host
reproduce more extensively in cell culture (18).
immobilization has little negative effect on
Growth rates of Salmonella typhimurium were
transmission, pathogen variants that exploit
reduced by eliminating one of its virulence
the host so intensely that it is immobilized will
plasmids and inhibiting the plasmid’s expres-
reap the benefits of exploitation. Put more
sion; introduction of an 8-kb region encoding
generally, when the costs incurred from
the spv genes restored increased growth rate
transmission associated with immobilization
(19). Comparison of Shigella species suggests a
are small, the costs of exploitation should
similar association between virulence and
outweigh the benefits at a higher level of
pathogen reproduction (20).
exploitation—and hence virulence—than would
Sexually transmitted pathogens show
occur if immobilization severely impaired
analogous associations. For the best studied
transmission (16).
pathogen, HIV, more rapidly replicative HIVs
Recognizing this version of the general
are associated with greater cellular destruc-
tradeoff led to several predictions: Because
tion in vitro, more rapid destruction of the
vector-borne parasites can be transmitted
immune system, and more rapid onset of AIDS
effectively from immobilized hosts, they should
(21-35). Similarly, the more oncogenic sero-
evolve to a higher level of virulence than
types of human papilloma-viruses (HPV)
directly transmitted parasites (16). Similarly, involve the requirements for sexual transmis-
aspects of human behavior and culture can sion imposed on the pathogens by the sexual
form “cultural vectors,” which transmit behavior of the host. Short durations of
pathogens from immobile to susceptible hosts infections would be ineffective for most
(41). For example, diarrheal pathogens that are sexually transmitted pathogens. If people
largely waterborne should evolve to relatively changed sex partners once per year, for
high levels of virulence because effective example, a pathogen that was rendered
transmission can occur even when infected noninfectious by immunologic defenses or the
hosts are mobilized: persons carrying contami- host’s death within a few weeks would have
nated clothing and bedding, the water used for little chance of being transmitted. To survive,
washing bed sheets, and the movement of the pathogen must be transmissible for a
contaminated water into drinking water period that extends into the time of the next
together act like a swarm of mosquitoes, sexual partnership. To prosper, the pathogen
transmitting pathogens from the immobilized must be transmissible for periods that span
host. Attendant-borne pathogens should also more than one change in sex partners;
become virulent. Attendant-borne transmis- therefore, sexually transmitted pathogens may
sion often occurs in hospitals, when nurses and often need cell and tissue tropisms that keep
physicians transmit pathogens from one them from being eliminated by the immune
immobilized patient to another. A reciprocal system for relatively long periods.
process occurs when parasites rely on the The evolutionary effects of changes in
mobility of susceptible persons rather than the sexual behavior on virulence may be strongly
mobility of the infected hosts to reach the influenced by tropisms that were present
susceptible persons. Parasites that are durable before the behavior change. Increased poten-
in the external environment should thus evolve tial for sexual transmission should favor
toward a higher level of virulence than pathogen variants that reproduce more exten-
nondurable pathogens because durable patho- sively sooner after the onset of infection. If the
gens may remain viable in the environment preexisting tropisms target nonessential cell
until the movement of susceptible individuals types, this selection for earlier reproduction
brings them into contact with the pathogens. will have relatively little effect on virulence. If,
Each of these hypotheses has been for example, people changed sex partners every
evaluated and in each case the expected few days, the sexually transmitted pathogen
association occurred: virulence is positively should evolve virulence levels much like those
associated with vector-borne transmission, of respiratory tract pathogens, which rely on
waterborne transmission, attendant-borne host mobility for transmission. Examples of
transmission, and durability in the external such pathogens are sexually transmitted
environment (Table 1). This evolutionary unicellular pathogens such as Neisseria
framework, therefore, explains the diversity of gonorrheae and Chlamydia trachomatis, which
human parasites in a way that contrasts tend to infect mucosal tissues and, therefore,
starkly with the traditional view. Instead of have relatively minor negative effects on the
being seen as a sign of maladaption, the survival of adult hosts. If, however, the
severity of diseases such as malaria, tuberculo- tropisms involve critical cells, the damage
sis, smallpox, cholera, and typhoid fever is seen associated with increased levels of host
as a consuequence of evolutionary adaptation exploitation should be more severe to the host.
because the causative parasites do not rely on HIV provides an example: HIV has a tropism
host mobility for transmission. The tradeoffs for helper T cells, which are critical regulators
between the benefits and costs of exploitation, of immunologic responses. Although a high
therefore, favor evolution of relatively high level of replication in these cells can be
levels of exploitation for such pathogens and tolerated over short periods, it eventually leads
hence high degrees of harm to the host. (by mechanisms that are still being clarified) to
the decimation of this category of cells and the
Sexual Transmission collapse of the immune system.
The evolutionary tradeoffs associated with If these arguments about evolutionary
virulence in sexually transmitted diseases forces and tissue tropisms are applicable to
HIV, HIVs should be more virulent in areas transmission (48), type E HIV-1s have recently
where the potential for sexual transmission is been introduced from Southeast Asia. If a low
greater. In accordance with this prediction, potential for sexual transmission favors
HIV-2 tends to be less virulent than HIV-1; evolution toward mildness, the Japanese type
moreover, evidence indicates that during the E viruses should become milder over the next
early years of HIV infection in Africa, HIV-2 few decades.
tended to be transmitted in populations having
a lower potential for sexual transmission Assessing the Threat Posed by Pathogens
(17,20). The overall validity of this approach to
HIV virulence, however, will be better tested as Assessment Goals
different variants of HIV emerge in different Focusing investigative and intervention
geographic regions. Information about the efforts on the most significant disease threats
potential for sexual transmission can help makes sense only if the threats can be reliably
predict the evolution of HIV virulence in assessed. The long-term threat depends on the
different geographic areas. On the basis of the evolutionary stability of high pathogen viru-
evolutionary tradeoffs mentioned above, for lence, and the most dangerous pathogens are
example, the type E HIV-1s that are circulating those that threaten widespread persistence
in Thailand (where the potential for sexual with severely damaging manifestations. One of
transmission has been great) are predicted to the most important tasks in controlling
be particularly virulent (17). Although this emerging diseases is to identify and block such
prediction needs to be evaluated rigorously, pathogens during the early stages of emer-
recently gathered data support the prediction: gence, or better yet, before they emerge. If the
the decline in CD4+ cell counts of persons most dangerous pathogens—the future analogs
infected with HIV and the progression of illness of the causes of AIDS, malaria, smallpox,
in these patients appear to be particularly tuberculosis, and cholera—could be effectively
rapid in Thailand (43-44). blocked, the effort against emerging diseases
The most important application of this would be successful. If not, the effort may be
evolutionary approach to HIV, however, looked on as a failure in spite of successes
pertains to interventions that can be used to against pathogens that are less able to
control the future evolution of HIV. If the effectively penetrate human populations or
inherent virulences of HIVs depend evolution- relatively benign when they do establish
arily on the potential for sexual
transmission, interventions that
Table 1. Categories of pathogens that pose threats of being stably
reduce this potential should have
harmful in human populations because of reduced dependence on
a long-term evolutionary effect, as
host mobility
well as widely recognized short-
term epidemiologic effects—in ad- Characteristics allowing Association with lethality Reference
dition to reducing the spread of transmission from
HIV infection, such interventions immobile hosts
arthropod-borne lethality higher among (16)
should reduce the harmfulness per transmission arthopod-borne pathogens
infection. Follow-up of persons than among directly
infected with HIV-1 for more than transmitted pathogens
a decade without deterioration of
the immune system indicates that water-borne lethality of diarrheal bacteria (42)
transmission correlated with tendencies for
the mildness of the infections is
waterborne transmission
sometimes attributable to inher-
ently mild viruses (45-47). The attendant-borne lethality of E. coli correlated (20, 41)
raw material for this evolutionary transmission with duration of
change, therefore, appears to be attendant-borne cycling
already present in the HIV gene
durability in the lethality of respiratory-tract *
external environment pathogens correlated
In Japan, which has a rela- with durability
tively low potential for sexual *B. A. Walther and P. W. Ewald, unpublished manuscript
transmission may lead to evolution of in- into Costa Rica, where water supplies were
creased lethality. Death caused by HTLV- relatively pure (L. J. Mata, pers. comm.).
induced lymphomas and leukemias is one
manifestation of the danger posed by an RNA Attendant-borne Transmission
virus that replicates substantially in its DNA Emerging hospital-acquired pathogens may
form and hence is in a middle area within the pose one of the greatest and most controllable
spectrum of mutation-proneness. HPVs illus- threats to people in countries like the United
trate dangers posed by sexually transmitted States, where more than 5% of hospital
viruses that, because they are DNA viruses, are admissions and about 14% of intensive care
even further away from HIV on the mutation- patients acquire infections during their stay
proneness continuum. The mechanism by (55-57). According to some estimates,
which HPV nudges infectious cells toward nosocomial infections rank among the ten
cancer is associated with increased viral leading causes of death in the United States
replication; moreover, high potential for sexual (56), with dangerous bloodstream infections
transmission (as indicated by the number of approximately doubling during the 1980s (58).
lifetime sex partners) is a strong risk factor for Although high virulence has been docu-
infection with the more oncogenic HPV mented in pathogens involved in nosocomial
serotypes but not for the mild HPV serotypes outbreaks (59-63), the damage caused by
(53). This association supports the idea that nosocomial pathogens has generally been
reductions in the potential for sexual transmis- attributed to the state of hospitalized patients,
sion should cause evolution of reduced HPV who may be compromised by underlying
virulence. Specifically, as the potential for disease, immunosuppressive drugs, and inva-
sexual transmission decreases, the risk for sive procedures. These factors, however, do not
acquiring the oncogenic serotypes (vs benign explain why nosocomial pathogens, such as
serotypes) should disproportionately decrease. Staphylococcus aureus often cause symptom-
Similarly, if interventions prevent the poten- atic infections in hospital staff (60) but rarely
tial for sexual transmission from increasing, in persons in the outside community. They also
the emergence of oncogenic HPV serotypes do not explain the association between the
should be disproportionately suppressed. extent of nosocomial transmission and the
virulence of infection, or the differences in
Waterborne Transmission symptomatic infections among otherwise
Although such pathogens as Vibrio cholerae healthy babies (17,20,41). In a New York City
O139 and Shigella dysenteriae type 1 threaten hospital, for example, where attendant-borne
emergence in countries with inadequate water transmission rates were very low, only
supplies, the threat is much lower in countries approximately one of 30 babies with S. aureus
with safe water supplies. Although such were symptomatic (64). Among nosocomial
pathogens continue to be brought into the outbreaks of endemic disease, the analogous
countries with safe water supplies by travelers proportion may be 5- to 10-fold higher (65).
and commerce, the pathogens show little Without an evolutionary framework for
potential for emergence. For example, a major understanding pathogen virulence, research-
epidemic of S. dysenteriae type 1 spread from ers would have no reason for expecting to find
Guatemala through Central America during particularly virulent endemic pathogens in
the early 1970s. It entered the United States in hospitals. The only serious attempts to explain
several places but dissipated without any great the apparently high-level of pathogen virulence
effort at containment. Its transmission was in hospitals involved the linking of virulence to
studied in a Los Angeles neighborhood, where another characteristic associated with hospi-
each infection gave rise on average to about 0.4 tals: antibiotic resistance. The emergence of
new infections (54). Without amplification by antibiotic-resistant organisms in hospitals in
waterborne transmission, this outbreak, like concert with the use of the antibiotics (66) led
other introductions in the United States, was researchers to conclude that high levels of
self-limited (54). The situation at the other end antibiotic use caused the emergence of
of Central America was similar. The S. resistant organisms and to speculate that
dysenteriae epidemic dissipated as it moved antibiotic-resistant organisms might be inher-
ently more virulent than their antibiotic- virulence-enhancing characteristics (e.g., inva-
sensitive counterparts (67). Yet when infec- siveness, adherence) (69) more often than
tions caused by resistant nosocomial organ- community strains.
isms are compared with sensitive (generally Further knowledge about virulence en-
nosocomial) infections, the former are only hancing mechanisms and development of
sometimes found to be associated with more techniques for rapid detection (e.g., [72-75])
severe infections. Even when they are should offer opportunities for carefully con-
associated with more severe disease (62,63), trolled experiments to test whether reduction
any differences in inherent virulence tend to be in attendant-borne transmission causes a
confounded with other factors, such as greater decline in the inherent virulence of
increased severity due to lowered effectiveness nosocomial pathogens in experimental hospi-
of antibiotics. The increased severity of tals than in control hospitals in which
disease, however, is sometimes associated with interventions are not imposed. Long-term
resistance to antibiotics other than the one follow-up should clarify the degree to which
being used (61), suggesting that the increased attendant-borne transmission may foster the
damage is not simply a result of ineffective emergence of virulent variants among both
antibiotics. The presence of virulence-enhanc- established human pathogens (e.g., S. aureus,
ing bacterial characteristics in damaging, E. coli) and new or newly recognized pathogens
resistant nosocomial strains (63,68) also (e.g., Serratia spp., and Pseudomonas
suggests a link between nosocomial transmis- aeruginosa).
sion, antibiotic resistance, and virulence: Harmful, often antibiotic-resistant, hospi-
antibiotic-resistant strains may have been tal-acquired pathogens can readily emerge
particularly virulent because they were beyond a hospital’s boundary, when patients
nosocomial, but this virulence was not are moved, or attendants move between
apparent in many of the comparisons because hospitals; the documentation is particularly
the sensitive strains were also nosocomial. strong for dangerous variants of E. coli and S.
Although the controversy regarding viru- aureus (62,74-78). The degree to which
lence and antibiotic resistance in hospital- emerging nosocomial pathogens spill over to
acquired infections can be explained by the generate outbreaks in the outside community
hypothesized connection between attendant- is not well understood, but evidence suggests
borne transmission and the evolution of both that this spillover represents a substantial
virulence and antibiotic resistance, none of the threat when the organisms can infect healthy
investigations of the topic made measurements people. When large-scale communitywide
that would allow assessment of the connection epidemics of pathogenic E. coli have occurred,
between attendant-borne transmission and the for example, transmission in hospitals often
emergence of variants with increased viru- was strongly implicated. During 1953 and
lence. The critical measure is the harmfulness 1954, an E. coli epidemic advanced up the East
per person housing the organisms in question, Coast of the United States from the Carolinas
and the critical comparison is between through New England; “As it spread, explosive
nosocomial and community-acquired strains. outbreaks were limited to institutions, hospital
Among persons that harbor nosocomial strains wards, and newborn nurseries” (59). A focal
of S. aureus, for example, the proportion that study of the U.S. Army Hospital at Fort
show symptomatic infection could be compared Belvoir, Virginia, indicated that the epidemic
with the analogous proportion of matched strain was brought into the hospital by infected
persons who are harboring community strains. people in the community, with the proportion of
After virulence-enhancing mechanisms are inpatient to outpatient cases reversing dra-
well understood, pathogens can be assayed for matically during the hospital’s 5-month
their virulence directly. Thus Clostridium outbreak (59). Similarly, during the winter of
difficile pathogens isolated from prolonged 1961, in an outbreak in Chicago and adjacent
nosocomial outbreaks are predicted to be more communities in Indiana, about 5% of the
toxigenic than C. difficile isolated from the infants were affected, and nearly half of the
outside community. Similarly, nosocomial affected infants had direct or indirect contact
Escherichia coli are predicted to have with one of the 29 involved hospitals just before
If we do not adjust investments to take into cytotoxic T cells, neutralizing antibody, and
account the evolutionary arguments, and the subsets of helper T cells) in HIV pathogenesis.
arguments prove correct, the reduction in If the evolutionary arguments are correct,
death and illness per unit investment will be the emergence of the most harmful diseases can
lower than it could have been. If we do adjust be countered not only for pathogens that are
investments on the basis of these evolutionary recognized as threats but also for those posing
arguments, and the arguments prove wrong, threats that are not yet recognized. Providing
the nonevolutionary benefits of the invest- pure water supplies, reducing attendant-borne
ments would still be obtained. transmission, and reducing vector-borne
Although the precise mechanisms that transmission preferentially from ill people
increase virulence in pathogens in the high- (e.g., by providing mosquito-proof houses [17])
risk categories still need to be clarified, the should guard against the emergence of virulent
associations (Table 1) are strong. One could pathogens, whether the pathogens are uniden-
argue, for example, that durable or waterborne tified or are highly virulent variants of
pathogens are more harmful because hosts identified human pathogens. An understand-
tend to pick up a greater diversity of genotypes ing of the evolutionary determinants of
from the environment when pathogens are virulence may thus make surveillance and
more durable or are mixed in water; if the prompt intervention much more manageable.
within-host genetic variability of such patho- The emphasis thus is on suppression of the
gens is greater, they would have more potential emergence of particularly virulent variants
for within-host competition, which could favor rather than suppression of the emergence of
the evolution of increased virulence. By this new disease organisms. The expectation is that
argument, factors such as durability, vector- the frequency of disease will drop even though
borne transmission, and waterborne transmis- the frequency of individuals harboring
sion would increase virulence indirectly by organisms may decline little if at all. The data
increasing within-host genetic variation. With on decentralization of nursery/maternity wards,
regard to the prevention of the emergence of for example, indicate that the rates of
highly virulent disease, uncertainties about nosocomial infection decline among mothers
mechanisms are not critical. Whether the and babies, even though the rates at which
effects of these factors are direct or indirect, babies harbor pathogens (colonization plus
elimination of the factors should discourage the infection) do not decline (82). Indeed the
emergence of severe disease and favor the disagreement about the value of rooming-in as
decrease of highly virulent pathogens. a mode of infection control (82) can be
Decisions to invest in interventions attributed to a failure to distinguish the
without certainty about mechanisms is not new prevalence of disease organisms from the
to the health sciences. The hygienic interven- prevalence of disease. Controversies about the
tions to control hospital acquired diseases and value of waterborne transmission can be traced
the purification of water supplies to control to a similar failure (17).
cholera were appropriately advocated on the The lead article of the first issue of this
basis of epidemiologic data (from Ignaz journal was entitled, “Emerging infections:
Semmelweis and John Snow) a half century getting ahead of the curve” (4). I propose that
before the causative agents of these or any integrating evolutionary principles with epide-
other infectious diseases were first identified. miology would enhance our ability to stay
Jenner’s smallpox vaccine program was ahead of the curve. Evolutionary insights
accepted globally more than a century before should increase our ability to distinguish
viruses were discovered or the mechanisms by emerging pathogens according to the long-term
w h ic h v ac c in es pr ov ide pr otec tion threat that they pose and thereby adjust
were understood. Even now the mechanisms by investments in accordance with the threat.
which the immune system provides protection Knowledge of the evolution of virulence should
encompass major areas of uncertainty. This also guide us to identify for each pathogen the
uncertainty is evidenced, for example, by the critical data that will allow us to make this
controversies about the importance of the assessment. Finally, evolutionary consider-
different legs of the immune system (such as ations should allow identification of
infrastructural investments that will guard 15. Anderson RM, May RM. Coevolution of hosts and
against the most dangerous pathogens, even if parasites. Parasitology 1982;85:411-26.
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peripheral blood leukocytes correlates with severe
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and mild dengue disease. Am J Trop Med Hyg
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evolution of virulence among infectious diseases of virulence plasmid increases the growth rate of
humans and insects. salmonellae in mice. Infect Immun 1993;61:504-11.
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The past decade has been one of the most but now seem to be spreading beyond Asia
eventful in the long history of infectious because of ecologic and economic transforma-
diseases. There are multiple indexes of these tions that increase contact between humans
events and of the rate at which our and rodents. Neuroborreliosis was studied
knowledge base has grown. The sheer long before the monikers Lyme disease and
number of relevant publications indicates Borrelia burgdorferi were coined, and before
explosive growth; moreover, new means of suburban reforestation and golf courses
monitoring antimicrobial resistance pat- complicated the equation by creating an
terns are being used along with the rapid environment agreeable to both ticks and
sharing of information (as well as specula- affluent humans. Hemorrhagic fevers, in-
tion and misinformation) through means cluding Ebola, were described long ago, and
that did not exist even 10 years ago. Then their etiologic agents were in many cases
there are the microbes themselves. One of identified in previous decades. Still other
the explosions in question—perhaps the diseases grouped under the “emerging”
most remarked upon—is that of “emerging rubric are ancient and well-known foes that
infectious diseases.” Among the diseases have somehow changed, in pathogenicity or
considered “emerging,” some are regarded as distribution. Multidrug-resistant tuberculo-
genuinely new; AIDS and Brazilian purpuric sis (TB) and invasive or necrotizing Group A
fever are examples. Others have newly streptococcal infection are cases in point.
identified etiologic agents or have again Like all new categories, “emerging
burst dramatically onto the scene. For infectious diseases” has benefits and limita-
example, the syndromes caused by Hantaan tions. The former are well known: a sense of
virus have been known in Asia for centuries urgency, notoriously difficult to arouse in
large bureaucracies, has been marshaled,
Address for correspondence: Paul Farmer, Harvard Medical funds have been channeled, conferences
School, Department of Social Medicine, 641 Huntington
Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 USA; fax: 617-432-2565; e-mail:
convened, articles written, and a journal
[email protected]. dedicated to the study of these diseases has
been founded. The research and action there is better evidence (1). No need, then, to
agendas elaborated in response to the call for a heightened awareness of the
perceived emergence of new infections have sociogenesis, or “anthropogenesis,” of emerg-
been, by and large, sound. But the concept, ing infections. Some bench scientists in the
like some of the diseases associated with it, field are more likely to refer to social factors
is complex. Its complexity has, in some and less likely to make immodest claims of
instances, hampered the learning process. A causality about them than are behavioral
richly textured understanding of emerging scientists who study disease. Yet a critical
infections will be grounded in critical and epistemology of emerging infectious diseases
reflexive study of how learning occurs. Units is still in its early stages of development; a
of analysis and key terms will be scrutinized key task of such a critical approach would be
and defined more than once. This process to take existing conceptual frameworks,
will include regular rethinking not only of including that of disease emergence, and
methods and study design, but also of the ask, What is obscured in this way of
validity of causal inference and reflection on conceptualizing disease? What is brought
the limits of human knowledge. This study of into relief? A first step in understanding the
the process, loosely known as epistemology, “epistemological dimension” of disease emer-
often happens in retrospect, but many of the gence, notes Eckardt, involves developing “a
chief contributors to the growing research in certain sensitivity to the terms we are used
emerging infectious diseases have examined to” (3).
the epistemologic issues surrounding their A heightened sensitivity to other common
work and are familiar with the multifactorial rubrics and terms shows that certain aspects
nature of disease emergence: “Responsible of disease emergence are brought into relief
factors include ecological changes, such as while others are obscured. When we think of
those due to agricultural or economic “tropical diseases,” malaria comes quickly to
development or to anomalies in the climate; mind. But not too long ago, malaria was an
human demographic changes and behavior; important problem in areas far from the
travel and commerce; technology and indus- tropics. Although there is imperfect overlap
try; microbial adaptation and change; and between malaria as currently defined and
breakdown of public health measures” (1). A the malaria of the mid-19th century, some
recent Institute of Medicine report on U.S. medical historians agree with contem-
emerging infections does not even categorize porary assessments: malaria “was the most
microbial threats by type of agent, but rather important disease in the country at the
according to factors held to be related to time.” In the Ohio River Valley, according to
their emergence (2). Daniel Drake’s 1850 study, thousands died
In studying emerging infectious diseases, in seasonal epidemics. During the second
many thus make a distinction between a host decade of the 20th century, when the
of phenomena directly related to human population of 12 southern states was
actions—from improved laboratory tech- approximately 25 million, an estimated
niques and scientific discovery to economic million cases of malaria occurred each year.
“development,” global warming, and failures Malaria’s decline in this country was “due
of public health—and another set of phenom- only in small part to measures aimed directly
ena, much less common and related to against it, but more to agricultural develop-
changes in the microbes themselves. Close ment and other factors some of which are
examination of microbial mutations often still not clear” (4). These factors include
shows that, again, human actions have poverty and social inequalities, which led,
played a large role in enhancing pathogenic- increasingly, to differential morbidity with
ity or increasing resistance to antimicrobial the development of improved housing, land
agents. In one long list of emerging viral drainage, mosquito repellents, nets, and
infections, for example, only the emergence electric fans—all well beyond the reach of
of Rift Valley fever is attributed to a possible those most at risk for malaria. In fact, many
change in virulence or pathogenicity, and “tropical” diseases predominantly affect the
this only after other, social factors for which poor; the groups at risk for these diseases are
often bounded more by socioeconomic status analyses any more than the diseases are
than by latitude. contained by national boundaries, which are
Similarly, the concept of “health transi- themselves emerging entities—most of the
tions” is influential in what some have world’s nations are, after all, 20th-century
termed “the new public health” and in the creations.
international financial institutions that so Here I have discussed the limitations of
often direct development efforts (5). The three important ways of viewing the health
model of health transitions suggests that of populations—tropical medicine, “the”
nation-states, as they develop, go through epidemiologic transition, and national health
predictable epidemiologic transformations. profiles—because models and even assump-
Death due to infectious causes is supplanted tions about infectious diseases need to be
by death due to malignancies and to dynamic, systemic, and critical. That is,
complications of coronary artery disease, models with explanatory power must be able
which occur at a more advanced age, to track rapidly changing clinical, even
reflecting progress. Although it describes molecular, phenomena and link them to the
broad patterns now found throughout the large-scale (sometimes transnational) social
world, the concept of national health forces that manifestly shape the contours of
transitions also masks other realities, disease emergence. I refer, here, to questions
including intranational illness and death less on the order of how pig-duck agriculture
differentials that are more tightly linked to might be related to the antigenic shifts
local inequalities than to nationality. For central to influenza pandemics, and more on
example, how do the variables of class and the order of the following: Are World Bank
race fit into such paradigms? In Harlem, policies related to the spread of HIV, as has
where the age-specific death rate in several recently been claimed (9)? What is the
groups is higher than in Bangladesh, leading relationship between international shipping
causes of death are infectious diseases and practices and the spread of cholera from Asia
violence (6). to South America and elsewhere in the
Units of analysis are similarly up for Western Hemisphere (10,11)? How is geno-
grabs. When David Satcher, director of the cide in Rwanda related to cholera in Zaire
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (12)?
(CDC), writing of emerging infectious dis- The study of anything said to be
eases, reminds us that “the health of the emerging tends to be dynamic. But the very
individual is best ensured by maintaining or notion of emergence in heterogeneous
improving the health of the entire commu- populations poses questions of analysis that
nity” (7), we should applaud his clearsighted- are rarely tackled, even in modern epidemi-
ness but go on to ask, What constitutes “the ology, which, as McMichael has recently
entire community”? In the 1994 outbreak of noted, “assigns a primary importance to
cryptosporidiosis in Milwaukee, for example, studying interindividual variations in risk.
the answer might be “part of a city” (8). In By concentrating on these specific and
other instances, community means a village presumed free-range individual behaviors,
or the passengers on an airplane. But the we thereby pay less attention to the
most common unit of analysis in public underlying social-historical influences on
health, the nation-state, is not all that behavioral choices, patterns, and population
relevant to organisms such as dengue virus, health” (13). A critical (and self-critical)
Vibrio cholerae O139, human immunodefi- approach would ask how existing frame-
ciency virus (HIV), penicillinase-producing works might limit our ability to discern
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and hepatitis B virus. trends that can be linked to the emergence of
Such organisms have often ignored political diseases. Not all social-production-of-dis-
boundaries, even though their presence may ease theories are equally alive to the
cause a certain degree of turbulence at importance of how relative social and
national borders. The dynamics of emerging economic positioning—inequality—affects
infections will not be captured in national risk for infection. In its report on emerging
infections, the Institute of Medicine lists social systems. And, like those of most
neither poverty nor inequality as “causes of infectious diseases, Ebola explosions affect,
emergence” (2). researchers aside, certain groups (people
A critical approach pushes the limits of living in poverty, health care workers who
existing academic politesse to ask harder serve the poor) but not others in close
and rarely raised questions: What are the physical proximity. Take, for example, the
mechanisms by which changes in agriculture 1976 outbreak in Zaire, which affected 318
have led to outbreaks of Argentine and persons. Although respiratory spread was
Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, and how might speculated, it has not been conclusively
these mechanisms be related to interna- demonstrated as a cause of human cases.
tional trade agreements, such as the General Most expert observers thought that the cases
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the could be traced to failure to follow contact
North American Free Trade Agreement? precautions, as well as to improper steriliza-
How might institutional racism be related to tion of syringes and other paraphernalia,
urban crime and the outbreaks of multidrug- measures that in fact, once taken, termi-
resistant TB in New York prisons? Does the nated the outbreak (15). On closer scrutiny,
privatization of health services buttress such an explanation suggests that Ebola
social inequalities, increasing risk for does not emerge randomly: in Mobutu’s
certain infections—and death—among the Zaire, one’s likelihood of coming into contact
poor of sub-Saharan Africa and Latin with unsterile syringes is inversely propor-
America? How do the colonial histories of tional to one’s social status. Local élites and
Belgium and Germany and the neocolonial sectors of the expatriate community with
histories of France and the United States tie access to high-quality biomedical services
in to genocide and a subsequent epidemic of (viz., the European and American communi-
cholera among Rwandan refugees? Similar ties and not the Rwandan refugees) are
questions may be productively posed in unlikely to contract such a disease.
regard to many diseases now held to be The changes involved in the disease’s
emerging. visibility are equally embedded in social
context. The emergence of Ebola has also
Emerging How and to What Extent? been a question of our consciousness. Modern
The Case of Ebola communications, including print and broad-
cast media, have been crucial in the
Hemorrhagic fevers have been known in
construction of Ebola—a minor player,
Africa since well before the continent was
statistically speaking, in Zaire’s long list of
dubbed “the white man’s grave,” an expres-
fatal infections—as an emerging infectious
sion that, when deployed in reference to a
disease (16). Through Cable News Network
region with high rates of premature death,
(CNN) and other television stations, Kikwit
speaks volumes about the differential
became, however briefly, a household word
valuation of human lives. Ebola itself was
in parts of Europe and North America.
isolated fully two decades ago (14). Its
Journalists and novelists wrote best-selling
appearance in human hosts has at times
books about small but horrific plagues,
been insidious but more often takes the form
which in turn became profitable cinema.
of explosive eruptions. In accounting for
Thus, symbolically and proverbially, Ebola
recent outbreaks, it is unnecessary to
spread like wildfire—as a danger potentially
postulate a change in filovirus virulence
without limit. It emerged.
through mutation. The Institute of Medicine
lists a single “factor facilitating emergence”
for filoviruses: “virus-infected monkeys Emerging From Where? The Case of TB
shipped from developing countries via air” TB is said to be another emerging
(2). disease, in which case, emerging is synony-
Other factors are easily identified. Like mous with reemerging. Its recrudescence is
that of many infectious diseases, the often attributed to the advent of HIV—the
distribution of Ebola outbreaks is tied to Institute of Medicine lists “an increase in
regional trade networks and other evolving immunosuppressed populations” as the sole
factor facilitating the resurgence of TB (2)— much as emerged from the ranks of the poor
and the emergence of drug resistance. A (21,22). An implication, clearly, is that one
recent book on TB, subtitled “How the battle place for diseases to hide is among poor
against tuberculosis was won—and lost,” people, especially when the poor are socially
argues that “Throughout the developed and medically segregated from those whose
world, with the successful application of deaths might be considered more important.
triple therapy and the enthusiastic promo- When complex forces move more poor
tion of prevention, the death rate from people into the United States, an increase in
tuberculosis came tumbling down” (17). But TB incidence is inevitable. In a recent study
was this claim ever documented? Granted, of the disease among foreign-born persons in
the discovery of effective anti-TB therapies the United States, immigration is essentially
has saved the lives of hundreds of thousands credited with the increased incidence of TB-
of TB patients, many in industrialized related disease (23). The authors note that in
countries. But TB—once the leading cause of some of the immigrants’ countries of origin
death among young adults in the industrial- the annual rate of infection is up to 200 times
ized world—was already declining there well that registered in the United States;
before the 1943 discovery of streptomycin. In moreover, many persons with TB in the
the rest of the world, and in pockets of the United States live in homeless shelters,
United States, TB remains undaunted by correctional facilities, and camps for migrant
ostensibly effective drugs, which are used too workers. But there is no discussion of
late, inappropriately, or not at all: “It is poverty or inequality, even though these are,
sufficiently shameful,” notes one of the along with war, leading reasons for both the
world’s leading authorities on TB, “that 30 high rates of TB and for immigration to the
years after recognition of the capacity of United States. “The major determinants of
triple-therapy . . . to elicit 95%+ cure rates, risk in the foreign-born population,” con-
tuberculosis prevalence rates for many clude the authors, “were the region of the
nations remain unchanged” (18). Some world from which the person emigrated and
estimate that more than 1.7 billion persons the number of years in the United States.”
are infected with quiescent, but viable,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and, dramatic Going Where? The Case of HIV
shifts in local epidemiology aside, a global To understand the complexity of the
analysis does not suggest major decreases in issues—medical, social, and communica-
the importance of TB as a cause of death. TB tional—that surround the emergence of a
has retreated in certain populations, main- disease into public view, consider AIDS. In
tained a steady state in others, and surged the early 1980s, the public was informed by
forth in still others, remaining, at this health officials that AIDS had probably
writing, the world’s leading infectious cause emerged from Haiti. In December 1982, for
of adult deaths (19). example, a physician affiliated with the
At mid-century, TB was still acknowl- National Cancer Institute was widely quoted
edged as the “great white plague.” What in the popular press stating that “We suspect
explains the invisibility of this killer by the that this may be an epidemic Haitian virus
1970s and 1980s? Again, one must turn to the that was brought back to the homosexual
study of disease awareness, that is, of population in the United States” (24). This
consciousness and publicity, and their proved incorrect, but not before damage to
relation to power and wealth. “The neglect of Haitian tourism had been done. Result: more
tuberculosis as a major public health priority poverty, a yet steeper slope of inequality and
over the past two decades is simply vulnerability to disease, including AIDS.
extraordinary,” wrote Murray in 1991. The label “AIDS vector” was also damaging
“Perhaps the most important contributor to to the million or so Haitians living elsewhere
this state of ignorance was the greatly in the Americas and certainly hampered
reduced clinical and epidemiologic impor- public health efforts among them (25).
tance of tuberculosis in the wealthy nations” HIV disease has since become the most
(20). Thus TB has not really emerged so extensively studied infection in human
history. But some questions are much better poverty, come to be embodied as risk for
studied than are others. And error is worth infection with this emerging pathogen have
studying, too. Careful investigation of the been neglected in biomedical, epidemiologic,
mechanisms by which immodest claims are and even social science studies on AIDS. As
propagated (as regards Haiti and AIDS, recently as October 1994—15 years into an
these mechanisms included “exoticization” of ever-emerging pandemic—a Lancet editorial
Haiti, racism, the existence of influential could comment, “We are not aware of other
folk models about Haitians and Africans, and investigators who have considered the
the conflation of poverty and cultural influence of socioeconomic status on mortal-
difference) is an important yet neglected ity in HIV-infected individuals” (29). Thus,
part of a critical epistemology of emerging in AIDS, the general rule that the effects of
infectious diseases. Also underinvestigated certain types of social forces on health are
are considerations of the pandemic’s dy- unlikely to be studied applies in spite of
namic. HIV may not have come from Haiti, widespread impressions to the contrary.
but it was going to Haiti. Critical reexamina- AIDS has always been a strikingly
tion of the Caribbean AIDS pandemic showed patterned pandemic. Regardless of the
that the distribution of HIV does not follow message of public health slogans—“AIDS is
national borders, but rather the contours of a for Everyone”—some are at high risk for HIV
transnational socioeconomic order. Further- infection, while others, clearly, are at lower
more, much of the spread of HIV in the 1970s risk. Furthermore, although AIDS eventu-
and 1980s moved along international “fault ally causes death in almost all HIV-infected
lines,” tracking along steep gradients of patients, the course of HIV disease varies.
inequality, which are also paths of migrant Disparities in the course of the disease have
labor and sexual commerce (26). sparked the search for hundreds of cofactors,
In an important overview of the from Mycoplasma and ulcerating genital
pandemic’s first decade, Mann and co- lesions to voodoo rites and psychological
workers observe that its course “within and predisposition. However, not a single asso-
through global society is not being affected— ciation has been compellingly shown to
in any serious manner—by the actions taken explain disparities in distribution or out-
at the national or international level” (27). come of HIV disease. The only well-
HIV has emerged but is going where? Why? demonstrated cofactors are social inequali-
And how fast? The Institute of Medicine lists ties, which have structured not only the
several factors facilitating the emergence of contours of the AIDS pandemic, but also the
HIV: “urbanization; changes in lifestyles/ course of the disease once a patient is
mores; increased intravenous drug abuse; infected (30-33). The advent of more effective
international travel; medical technology” (2). antiviral agents promises to heighten those
Much more could be said. HIV has spread disparities even further: a three-drug regi-
across the globe, often wildly, but rarely men that includes a protease inhibitor will
randomly. Like TB, HIV infection is cost $12,000 to $16,000 a year (34).
entrenching itself in the ranks of the poor or
otherwise disempowered. Take, as an ex- Questions for a Critical Epistemology
ample, the rapid increase in AIDS incidence of Emerging Infectious Diseases
among women. In a 1992 report, the United Ebola, TB, and HIV infection are in no
Nations observed that “for most women, the way unique in demanding contextualization
major risk factor for HIV infection is being through social science approaches. These
married. Each day a further three thousand approaches include the grounding of case
women become infected, and five hundred histories and local epidemics in the larger
infected women die” (28). It is not marriage biosocial systems in which they take shape
per se, however, that places young women at and demand exploration of social inequali-
risk. Throughout the world, most women ties. Why, for example, were there 10,000
with HIV infection, married or not, are living cases of diphtheria in Russia from 1990 to
in poverty. The means by which confluent 1993? It is easy enough to argue that the
social forces, such as gender inequality and excess cases were due to a failure to
vaccinate (35). But only in linking this distal per se contribute (41)? Such queries were
(and, in sum, technical) cause to the much once major research questions for epidemiol-
more complex socioeconomic transforma- ogy and social medicine but have fallen out of
tions altering the region’s illness and death favor, leaving a vacuum in which immodest
patterns will compelling explanations emerge claims of causality are easily staked. “To
(36,37). date,” note Krieger and co-workers in a
Standard epidemiology, narrowly focused recent, magisterial review, “only a small
on individual risk and short on critical fraction of epidemiological research in the
theory, will not reveal these deep socioeco- United States has investigated the effects of
nomic transformations, nor will it connect racism on health” (42). They join others in
them to disease emergence. “Modern epide- noting a similar dearth of attention to the
miology,” observes one of its leading effects of sexism and class differences;
contributors, is “oriented to explaining and studies that examine the conjoint influence
quantifying the bobbing of corks on the of these social forces are virtually nonexist-
surface waters, while largely disregarding ent (43,44).
the stronger undercurrents that determine And yet social inequalities have sculpted
where, on average, the cluster of corks ends not only the distribution of emerging
up along the shoreline of risk” (13). Neither diseases, but also the course of disease in
will standard journalistic approaches add those affected by them, a fact that is often
much: “Amidst a flood of information,” notes downplayed: “Although there are many
the chief journalistic chronicler of disease similarities between our vulnerability to
emergence, “analysis and context are evapo- infectious diseases and that of our ancestors,
rating . . . Outbreaks of flesh eating bacteria there is one distinct difference: we have the
may command headlines, but local failures to benefit of extensive scientific knowledge” (7).
fully vaccinate preschool children garner True enough, but Who are “we”? Those most
little attention unless there is an epidemic” at risk for emerging infectious diseases
(38). generally do not, in fact, have the benefit of
Research questions identified by various cutting-edge scientific knowledge. We live in
blue-ribbon panels are important for the a world where infections pass easily across
understanding and eventual control of borders—social and geographic—while re-
emerging infectious diseases (39,40). Yet sources, including cumulative scientific
both the diseases and popular and scientific knowledge, are blocked at customs.
commentary on them pose a series of
corollary questions, which, in turn, demand Transnational Forces
research that is the exclusive province of “Travel is a potent force in disease
neither social scientists nor bench scientists, emergence and spread,” as Wilson has
clinicians, or epidemiologists. Indeed, genu- reminded us, and the “current volume,
inely transdisciplinary collaboration will be speed, and reach of travel are unprec-
necessary to tackle the problems posed by edented” (45). Although the smallpox and
emerging infectious diseases. As prolego- measles epidemics following the European
mena, four areas of corollary research are colonization of the Americas were early,
easily identified. In each is heard the deadly reminders of the need for systemic
recurrent leitmotiv of inequality: understandings of microbial traffic, there
has been, in recent decades, a certain
Social Inequalities reification of the notion of the “catchment
Study of the reticulated links between area.” A useful means of delimiting a sphere
social inequalities and emerging disease of action—a district, a county, a country—is
would not construe the poor simply as erroneously elevated to the status of
“sentinel chickens,” but instead would ask, explanatory principle whenever the geo-
What are the precise mechanisms by which graphic unit of analysis is other than that
these diseases come to have their effects in defined by the disease itself. Almost all
some bodies but not in others? What diseases held to be emerging—from the
propagative effects might social inequalities increasing number of drug-resistant dis-
eases to the great pandemics of HIV infection at the same time be processual, incorporat-
and cholera—stand as modern rebukes to the ing concepts of change. Above all, they will
parochialism of this and other public health seek to incorporate complexity rather than to
constructs (46). And yet a critical sociology of merely dissect it. As Levins has recently
liminality—both the advancing, transnational noted, “effective analysis of emerging dis-
edges of pandemics and also the impress of eases must recognize the study of complexity
human-made administrative and political as perhaps the central general scientific
boundaries on disease emergence—has yet to problem of our time” (49). Can integrated
be attempted. mathematical modeling be linked to new
The study of borders qua borders means, ways of configuring systems, avoiding
increasingly, the study of social inequalities. outmoded units of analyses, such as the
Many political borders serve as semiperme- nation-state, in favor of the more fluid
able membranes, often quite open to diseases biosocial networks through which most
and yet closed to the free movement of cures. pathogens clearly move? Can our embrace of
Thus may inequalities of access be created or complexity also include social complexity
buttressed at borders, even when pathogens and the unequal positioning of groups within
cannot be so contained. Research questions larger populations? Such perspectives could
might include, for example, What effects be directed towards mapping the progress of
might the interface between two very diseases from cholera to AIDS, and would
different types of health care systems have permit us to take up more unorthodox
on the rate of advance of an emerging research subjects—for example, the effects of
disease? What turbulence is introduced World Bank projects and policies on diseases
when the border in question is between a rich from onchocerciasis to plague.
and a poor nation? Writing of health issues
at the U.S.-Mexican border, Warner notes Critical Epistemology
that “It is unlikely that any other binational Many have already asked, What qualifies
border has such variety in health status, as an emerging infectious disease? More
entitlements, and utilization” (47). Among critical questions might include, Why do
the infectious diseases registered at this some persons constitute “risk groups,” while
border are multidrug-resistant TB, rabies, others are “individuals at risk”? These are
dengue, and sexually transmitted diseases not merely nosologic questions; they are
including HIV infection (said to be due, in canonical ones. Why are some approaches
part, to “cross-border use of ‘red-light’ and subjects considered appropriate for
districts”). publication in influential journals, while
Methods and theories relevant to the others are dismissed out of hand? A critical
study of borders and emerging infections epistemology would explore the boundaries
would come from disciplines ranging from of polite and impolite discussion in science. A
the social sciences to molecular biology: trove of complex, affect-laden issues—
mapping the emergence of diseases is now attribution of blame to perceived vectors of
more feasible with the use of restriction infection, identification of scapegoats and
fragment length polymorphism and other victims, the role of stigma—are rarely
new technologies (48). Again, such investiga- discussed in academic medicine, although
tions will pose difficult questions in a world they are manifestly part and parcel of many
where plasmids can move, but compassion is epidemics.
often grounded. Finally, why are some epidemics visible
to those who fund research and services,
The Dynamics of Change while others are invisible? In its recent
Can we elaborate lists of the differen- statements on TB and emerging infections,
tially weighted factors that promote or for example, the World Health Organization
retard the emergence or reemergence of uses the threat of contagion to motivate
infectious diseases? It has been argued that wealthy nations to invest in disease surveil-
such analyses will perforce be historically lance and control out of self-interest—an
deep and geographically broad, and they will age-old public health approach acknowl-
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the new tuberculosis. Infect Agents Dis
Recently, two novel but widespread themes have emerged in the field of bacterial
virulence: type III secretion systems and pathogenicity islands. Type III secretion
systems, which are found in various gram-negative organisms, are specialized for the
export of virulence factors delivered directly to host cells. These factors subvert
normal host cell functions in ways that seem beneficial to invading bacteria. The
genes encoding several type III secretion systems reside on pathogenicity islands,
which are inserted DNA segments within the chromosome that confer upon the host
bacterium a variety of virulence traits, such as the ability to acquire iron and to adhere
to or enter host cells. Many of these segments of DNA appear to have been acquired
in a single step from a foreign source. The ability to obtain complex virulence traits in
one genetic event, rather than by undergoing natural selection for many generations,
provides a mechanism for sudden radical changes in bacterial-host interactions. Type
III secretion systems and pathogenicity islands must have played critical roles in the
evolution of known pathogens and are likely to lead to the emergence of novel
infectious diseases in the future.
Discovery of Two Traits Used by a Broad factors then tamper with host cell functions
Range of Bacterial Pathogens to the pathogens’ benefit.
Early in the search for virulence genes,
In the past decade, there has been an
researchers discovered that many of these
explosion of new information about bacterial
genes resided on plasmids or phages;
pathogens as researchers have begun to
however, it was also clear that these genes
examine the molecular and genetic bases of
did not produce all of the physiologic changes
microbial pathogenicity. Because microbes
induced in host cells by various pathogens
invade many niches in humans and cause a
(2). Thus, researchers searched the
wide variety of syndromes, it initially
chromosome. Surprisingly, as when found on
appeared that each disease might be created
plasmids, virulence genes often clustered in
by a distinct molecular mechanism. However,
functionally related groups. Furthermore,
the spectrum of methods is not as broad as
these groups often appeared to have been
first imagined; rather, bacteria exploit a
acquired from another organism, as features
number of common molecular tools to achieve
of their DNA sequence differed from the bulk
a range of goals (1). Among these tools are
of the genome. These observations gave rise
pathogenicity islands, which enable bacteria
to the concept of pathogenicity islands—
to gain complex virulence traits in one step,
discrete segments of DNA that encode
and type III secretion systems, which
virulence traits and often appear to have a
provide a means for bacteria to target
foreign origin (3,4).
virulence factors directly at host cells. These
Researchers found that a particular set of
virulence genes appeared several times on
Address for correspondence: Joan Mecsas, Department of both plasmids and pathogenicity islands (5-
Microbiology and Immunology, Stanford University School of
8). These genes were discovered in both plant
Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305-5402; fax: 415-723-1837; e-
mail: [email protected]. and animal pathogens and were homologous
Figure 1: Schematic diagram of type I, type II, and type III secretion systems. All systems use the energy of
ATP hydrolysis to drive secretion. Type I and type III secrete proteins across both the inner membrane and
the cell envelope (outer membrane) in one step; secreted proteins do not make an intermediate stop in the
periplasm, as they do in type II secretion. Type I and type III systems are also similar in that they do not
remove any part of the secreted protein. In contrast, the N-terminus of proteins secreted by the general
secretory pathway is removed upon transfer to the periplasm; the N-terminal signal sequence can be seen in
the periplasm, and the extracellular protein is clearly different from the intracellular protein by virtue of its
absence. Type I systems are composed of far fewer components than type III systems; this is indicated by the
number of distinct proteins (indicated by shape and size) in the figure. Type II and type III systems share a
similar cell envelope component, as indicated by sequence homology; this is reflected in the shape of a cell
envelope component in the figure.
known to transport molecules to the cell is triggered when a pathogen comes in close
surface (14,20,21). Proteins secreted by the contact with host cells (18,19,26,27), and
Type I system cross directly from the hence, has been called contact-dependent
cytoplasm to the cell surface, bypassing the secretion (28). Temperature, growth phase,
general secretory pathway completely and salt conditions are environmental cues
(Figure 1). Type II-secreted proteins use the known to induce synthesis of the secretion
general secretory pathway to reach the peri- apparatus and effector molecules in various
plasm and then traverse the outer membrane pathogens (29-31). When the pathogen comes
through distinct channel proteins. Both type into close contact with tissue culture cells,
I and type II systems secrete proteins invol- effector molecules move to the external
ved in various functions, including patho- surface of the bacterium, sometimes forming
genesis. For example, α-hemolysin of E. coli appendages suggestive of flagellae (18). In
uses a type I system and bundle-forming pili some cases, the bacterium binds to the host
of enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and cells and these molecules are delivered into
enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) use type II the host cell (32). The effector molecules
systems for export. cause changes in host cell function, which
In the past 5 years, the highly conserved, facilitate the pathogen’s ability to survive
multicomponent type III secretion system and replicate (15-17,33).
has been found in many gram-negative
bacteria that cause disease in animals and How Pathogens Use Type III Secretion
plants (8). This secretion system is Systems in the Host
responsible for transporting effector
The best studied bacterial pathogens
molecules directly from the cytoplasm to the
that use type III secretion are Yersinia
cell surface, where they interact with
pestis, which causes plague, and a number of
mammalian cells and modify host cell
enteropathogens. Although these various
proteins (13). This one-step secretion process
enteropathogens (Yersinia spp., Salmonella
is reminiscent of the mechanism used by
spp., Shigella spp., and EPEC) cause
type I systems (Figure 1). The genes that
diarrhea and, in some cases, systemic
encode many components of type III systems
disease, they produce distinct syndromes
are homologous to those that encode flagellar because their secreted proteins target
export machinery in both gram-negative and different host cells and molecules (Table 1)
gram-positive bacteria (Table 1) (22-24). (34).
Indeed, these two systems share many Yersinia spp. use their effector molecules
structural and functional features. The to destroy key functions of immune cells and
differences reside at the outer membrane. render them innocuous (35). When these
Flagellar components pass through an outer bacteria bind to tissue culture cells,
ring structure that is part of the flagellum approximately 10 different effector molecules
itself (23), whereas pathogenic effector are secreted (13) and at least three are
molecules traverse the outer membrane injected into cells (27,36-38). Two of these
through a channel protein that is homologous injected molecules, YopE and YopH, modify
to those used in type II secretion systems macrophage proteins and destroy the cells’
(20,25). While our discussion of type III abilities to engulf and kill bacteria (16,39).
secretion systems will focus primarily on During the course of disease, immune cells
those used by human pathogens, many are presumably neutralized by these effector
characteristics are common among systems molecules, which enables Yersinia spp. to
found in plant pathogens and bacteria that flourish in the reticuloendothelial
produce flagella. environment.
While effector molecules in Yersinia
Type III Systems Secrete Effector Proteins destroy normal cellular functions, those from
Upon Contacting Host Cells Shigella spp. and from one of the Salmonella
In contrast to the secretion process in spp. type III secretion systems, encoded by
type I and type II systems, type III secretion genes located in SPI I (Table 2), stimulate
cells to perform functions in addition to those Salmonella spp. need different type III
in their usual repertoires. Studies in secretion apparatuses when it is clear that
epithelial tissue culture systems show that effector molecules can be secreted from
these bacteria induce their own entry into heterologous systems? Could one suffice if
normally nonphagocytic cells by using the two sets of effector molecules were
effector molecules secreted by their type III expressed at appropriate times during the
systems (28,40). During the course of course of infection? Alternatively, do these
disease, Shigella spp. enter and replicate in two sets of effector molecules need to be
the mucosal epithelial cells of the large delivered to different target cells in a specific
intestine, while Salmonella spp. gain entry manner, which is only possible with distinctly
into the peritoneal cavity by passing through customized machinery? Answers to these
the epitheloid-like M cells in the small questions will illuminate issues about both
intestine (41). In the murine model for the course of salmonellosis and the basic
typhoid fever, S. typhimurium that are mechanics of the secretion apparatus.
defective in this secretion system are
attenuated for infection when administered The Nuts and Bolts of Type III Secretion
orally, but not intraperitoneally (42). The type III secretion apparatus in
Presumably this attenuation is a consequence Yersinia spp. has been the most intensively
of reduced entry into the M cells in the small investigated. However, this work has been
intestine, a barrier that is bypassed by done in three Yersinia spp; thus several
intraperitoneal delivery. proteins have been shown to be essential for
Although neither its effector molecules effector molecule secretion in one species but
nor target host cells have been identified, a have not yet been examined in others. Our
second type III secretion system, encoded by analysis of these studies assumes that
genes located in SPI II (Table 2), has been proteins essential in one will play a similar
described in S. typhimurium, on the basis of role in all (Table 1).
sequence homology (43). The genes in SPI II, One essential feature of any secretion
in contrast to those in SPI I, are required for system is that energy must be provided to
systemic disease regardless of the route of move molecules through the membrane (14).
infection (43,44). Presumably the factors Only one protein in the system, YscN, has
encoded in SPI II act after the bacteria have been shown to hydrolyze ATP and thus is a
crossed the epithelial barrier of the small likely candidate for generating energy to
intestine. drive secretion (47). YscN is predicted to be a
Although the functions and sites of action cytoplasmic protein, closely associated with
of the secretion systems differ among these the inner membrane.
enteric pathogens, effector molecules from Several proteins essential to secretion
one system can be secreted by other systems, including LcrD, YscD, R, S, T, and U, are
provided the appropriate chaperones are known or predicted to reside in the inner
present. Such heterologously expressed membrane (10,12,48-50). At the outer
effector molecules can induce the same membrane, only one protein, YscC (48), and
cellular response as when expressed from two lipoproteins, YscJ and VirG (51,52),
their native systems. For instance, an appear essential for proper secretion. The
effector molecule from Yersinia that causes roles and subcellular locations are not known
actin depolymerization has the same effect for several more essential proteins, YscE, F,
on tissue culture cells when secreted from G, I, K, and L (9,48,51). How all of these
Salmonella (45). Likewise, proteins of proteins interact with one another to form
Shigella and Salmonella involved in bacterial the secretion apparatus is not yet understood.
uptake into cultured epithelial cells are It is clear, however, that correct assembly of
functionally interchangeable (46). the apparatus is required not only for
The observation that Salmonella spp. secretion, but also for normal synthesis of
have two contact-dependent systems that effector molecules (47,48). If one component
function at distinct stages to cause disease of the export machinery is missing, production
raises several interesting questions. Why do of the effector molecules is altered. This
feedback regulation also occurs in systems secreted from the cytoplasm through the
that produce flagella (53). How it works in type III secretion system. This lowers the
Yersinia is under investigation; thus far, intracellular concentration of LcrQ and
only one protein, LcrQ, has been implicated results in an increase in synthesis and
(54). secretion of the Yops (32). Flagella synthesis
Two proteins, YopB and YopD, are is controlled in a similar manner (61).
loosely associated with the outer membrane Many of the structural components of the
(55) and are crucial for efficient delivery of Yersinia system have homologues in Shigella,
effector molecules into target cells. These Salmonella , and EPEC (Table 1). A
two proteins use the type III secretion comparison of proteins found in each system
system to reach the bacterial cell surface. shows that certain core structural components
Without YopB, which has homology to pore- are present in all type III apparatuses,
forming toxins (55), and YopD, effector whereas others may exist in only one or a
molecules are secreted but not efficiently subset. These differences may be due to
internalized by host cells; thus, their particular functions of each system.
activities on host cells are severely abrogated Several studies have examined whether
(27,36). Presumably, YopB and YopD form a structural components from different bacteria
pore in the mammalian cell through which are interchangable. In general, core
effector molecules pass. constituents from Shigella and SPI I of
Several proteins, called chaperones, play Salmonella, which both facilitate bacterial
critical roles in secretion by binding to uptake by epithelial cells, are interchangable
effector molecules in the bacterial cytoplasm. with one another, but not with those in the
Chaperones have several proposed functions Yersinia system (7,62). These results may be
(56-58). Chaperone binding may stabilize due to the observation that factors from
and prevent proteins from folding into Shigella and SPI I of Salmonella are pre-
conformations that are impossible to secrete. dicted by sequence homology to be more
Alternatively, as has been shown for structurally similar to each other than to
Shigella, they may prevent effector molecules those in Yersinia (7). Alternatively, some of
from improperly associating with one another the regulatory cues for secretion and assem-
before secretion (58). Lastly, chaperones may bly may be different for Yersinia than for
deliver molecules to the secretion apparatus. Salmonella and Shigella.
In addition to the feedback regulation Most proteins in the type III secretion
mentioned above, the synthesis of and secre- systems, including effector proteins,
tion from the Yersinia type III system is regulatory proteins, structural proteins, and
regulated by two networks that respond to chaperones (Table 1), are encoded by genes
environmental cues (29,35). A temperature- that belong to several large operons, which
sensing network induces synthesis of the are clustered together (7,9,12,63). These
apparatus at 37°C and includes VirF and operons are on plasmids in some species, and
YmoA (35). A host cell-sensing network on the chromosome in others (Table 1). In
increases both synthesis of and secretion some cases, such as in Shigella and SPI I of
from the type III system when Yersinia binds Salmonella, the order of the genes within
to target cells. This regulatory system is operons and the arrangement of the operons
called the low-calcium response network— with respect to each other are conserved (7).
low calcium presumably mimics some signal These observations suggest that type III
generated by cell contact—and includes systems were inherited en masse, and
YopN, LcrG, and LcrQ (32,54,59,60). YopN likewise, could be transmitted to other
localizes to the outer membrane, where it bacteria en masse. One can speculate that
senses cell contact and transduces this the acquisition of a type III secretion system
signal to the cytoplasm by an unknown could allow a bacterium to adapt to different
mechanism (60). The role of LcrG has not yet environments or hosts. For instance, a new
been elucidated. LcrQ functions as a pathogen could perhaps arise if a skin-
repressor of the Yops. When Yersinia comes commensal bacterium were to acquire the
into close contact with host cells, LcrQ is means to penetrate and survive in the skin-
discussion below, however, we adhere to the significantly higher G+C content (R. Perry,
established definition that includes chromo- pers. comm) (73). Although the 102 kb region
somal location. often deletes entirely, the two regions can
also act independently. In some strains the
Pathogenicity Islands Contain Virulence chromosomal region containing the hemin
Genes and Regulatory Elements storage genes spontaneously deletes from
the chromosome at a significant frequency,
Pathogenicity islands also contain
while the Yersiniabactin receptor/iron-regu-
virulence genes other than those encoding
lated protein region appears stable (72).
type III secretion systems; a common theme
Furthermore, only the Yersiniabactin
appears to be inclusion of genes for secreted
receptor/iron-regulated segment is present
or cell surface-localized proteins such as
in Y. enterocolitica (70).
hemolysins, fimbriae, and hemin-binding
Even more complex pathogenicity islands
factors (Table 2). In fact, the similarities
are harbored by strains of Helicobacter
between pathogenicity islands extend further:
pylori, the causative agent of gastritis and
examination of the large ones shows that
peptic ulcer disease in humans. Strains of H.
many also contain genes that encode a
pylori have been divided into two classes:
secretion system and environmental sensors.
type I strains express the cytotoxin-asso-
They also can include proteins that regulate
ciated gene A (CagA) antigen and induce
expression of genes that lie outside the
secretion of the neutrophil attractant IL-8 by
pathogenicity island. For example,
epithelial cells in vitro, while type II strains
pathogenicity island II (Pai II) of uropatho-
lack both of these properties. Patients with
genic E. coli contains genes that encode
duodenitis, duodenal ulcers, and gastric
transcriptional activators of S-fimbrial genes
tumors are most often infected by type I
that reside at a chromosomal locus remote
strains. Likewise, type I strains are more
from either of the known pathogenicity
likely than type II strains to cause gastric
islands in this species (67).
injuries in murine model systems. Analysis
of the chromosomal region that contains the
Pathogenicity Islands Can Exist in Various cagA gene has shown that it is a pathogenicity
Structural Types and Numbers Within a island of approximately 40 kb of DNA,
Bacterium missing in type II strains, and that muta-
A single bacterial strain can harbor more tions in this region abolish IL-8 induction in
than one pathogenicity island. Salmonella gastric epithelial cell lines (Censini, S et al.
contains at least five: the gene clusters A pathogenicity island of Helicobacter pylori,
encoding the two type III secretion systems encodes type I-specific and disease-associated
described above, sifA (see below), and two factors. 1996; submitted for publication).
groups of genes that are activated by the two- Different type I strains display con-
component regulator, PhoP/PhoQ. These loci siderable heterogeneity in the cag region
vary in size and complexity and reside at (Censini, S et al. A pathogenicity island of
distinct chromosomal locations (43,68,69, Helicobacter pylori, encodes type I-specific
and S. Miller, pers. comm.). and disease-associated factors. 1996;
Pathogenicity islands themselves can be submitted for publication). In some isolates,
composed of distinct segments. For example, the cag region is interrupted by one or more
an unstable 102-kb region of DNA that insertion sequences. In a small number of
encodes several traits important for virulence strains, there is an additional 20-kb
of Y. pestis appears to consist of several sequence that is also present in type II
regions (70-72). One contains the hemin strains. Partial deletions of the cag region
storage genes and has a G+C content similar have been detected as well. Thus, the cag
to that of the bulk of the chromosome (R. pathogenicity island appears to be undergoing
Perry, pers. comm.); the other contains genes dynamic changes in natural Helicobacter
encoding the Yersiniabactin receptor and populations. Further study of the cag region
iron-regulated proteins and has a may elucidate details of pathogenicity island
acquisition and help correlate regions of the conducive to DNA transfer events. For
pathogenicity island with disease symptoms example, the phage that encodes cholera
in the murine model system. toxin infects V. cholerae more efficiently
Since its establishment, the definition of within the gastrointestinal tract of a
pathogenicity islands has evolved to include mammalian host than under laboratory
genetic regions that are neither large nor conditions (76).
complex; single genes of apparently foreign Pathogenicity islands insert into the
origin can also be inserted into chromosomal chromosome by an unknown mechanism;
DNA. S. typhimurium has recently been however, the existence of insertion elements
shown to contain such a gene, called sifA, and repeated DNA motifs at the boundaries
which is required for formation of distinctive of several pathogenicity islands suggest that
structures associated with Salmonella- recombination events are involved. Recombi-
containing vacuoles within epithelial cells nation has recently been shown to be the
and contributes to pathogenicity in the major factor governing the divergence of a
murine typhoid fever model system (Table 2) group of E. coli strains and is a significant
(69). driving force for evolution (74,77). Although
the genetic material comprising pathogenicity
Possible Origins of Pathogenicity Island islands may be introduced into a new host
DNA and Mechanisms of Transfer and organism in a single step, the events that
generate known pathogenicity islands are
Insertion unlikely to be simple insertions, because
While the sources of pathogenicity DNA rearrangements and alterations are
islands are unknown, their presence in a common in the flanking chromosomal regions.
wide variety of organisms (Table 2) indicates The identification of several tRNA genes
that bacteria can acquire DNA despite as insertion sites for pathogenicity islands is
multiple barriers to chromosomal gene also notable, although the significance of
transfer between species. The existence of this remains obscure (Table 2). tRNA genes
“foreign” genomic DNA is particularly serve as integration sites for a variety of
intriguing as sequence divergence is a major prokaryotic genetic elements, including
limitation to such transfers because it several phages and transmissible plasmids
severely limits the potential for homologous (78-80). Perhaps the conserved portion of
recombination (74). tRNA genes is a useful landmark for mobile
Although the identity of the vectors that genetic elements that inhabit a variety of
transport pathogenicity islands from donor prokaryotic hosts; in addition, the regions of
to recipient organisms is unknown, any dyad symmetry characteristic of all tRNA
number of mobile genetic elements are genes could serve as binding sites for
candidates. Clear evidence showing an enzymes involved in recombination.
extrachromosomal stage of a pathogenicity
island is lacking; however, it is intriguing
that the G+C contents of the Helicobacter
Relative Advantages of Instability and
pathogenicity island and plasmid are similar Stability
to each other and distinct from the Some pathogenicity islands can excise
chromosome (Censini, S et al. A pathogenicity from the chromosome and are apparently lost
island of Helicobacter pylori, encodes type I- from the host bacterium (Table 2) (3,4,70).
specific and disease-associated factors. 1996; Such instability may provide an adaptive
submitted for publication). Phages, plasmids, advantage. Virulence properties may be
transposons, integrons, and even free DNA dispensable at certain stages of infection,
carry genes from one organism to another and the coordinated loss of these
(74). Indeed, many phages and plasmids characteristics could be beneficial to the
contain virulence genes, and often these loci bacterium. Indeed, expression of particular
seem alien to the bacterial species in which genes at inappropriate times can be
they reside (75). Furthermore, the animal detrimental to bacterial pathogens (81).
host environment may be particularly Natural selection of strains with deleted
types of lifestyles within host organisms. It them in one way or another. However, the
should be possible to use the information more we learn about the microbial tactics of
from studies of pathogenicity islands and survival, the longer we forestall this destiny.
type III secretion systems in the ongoing
characterization of bacterial infections. Acknowledgments
When a novel pathogen is isolated, it may be We thank A. Covacci, D. Frank, R. MacNab, S.
worthwhile to identify chromosomal regions Miller, R. Milkman, K. Nelson, R. Perry, K. Rudd, C.
specific to it by comparing the gross genomic Stephens, S. Straley, M. Waldor, R. Welch, and T.
structure with that of related organisms, Whittam for sharing unpublished data and manuscripts;
R. Perry and R. Welch for patient explanations and
which may provide a shortcut to the helpful discussions; S. Fisher, D. Gunn, C. Lee, T.
identification of virulence genes. Likewise, McDaniel, S. Mel, K. Ottemann, B. Raupach, J. Shea, S.
simple molecular techniques can determine Straley, and C. Stephens for thoughtful and incisive
whether bacteria contain type III secretion comments on the manuscript, and Stanley Falkow for
his critical input on the manuscript, the fanciful and
systems, because genes encoding particular poignant concluding paragraph, a stimulating and
components are highly conserved; perhaps exciting atmosphere in which to learn and think about
this procedure should be part of our standard bacterial pathogenesis, and his support and mentorship.
investigative arsenal as well. We apologize to the many researchers whose work we
did not cite.
Our knowledge of type III secretion
systems may yield therapeutic benefits. The Joan Mecsas received her Ph.D. at the
contact-dependent systems appear to reside University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has been a
in pathogenic and not in commensal post-doctoral fellow in Dr. Stanley Falkow’s
bacteria. If this observation reflects a laboratory at Stanford University for the past two-
general truth, antibiotics that target type III and-a-half years. Her work is supported by a
systems may specifically attack intruding Damon Runyon-Walter Winchell Cancer Research
bacteria and spare the normal flora; Fund postdoctoral fellowship (DRG#1277).
Evelyn J. Strauss received her Ph.D. at the
therefore, these antibiotics might produce
University of California-San Francisco. She has
minimal side effects. In addition, type III been a post-doctoral fellow in Dr. Stanley
secretion systems will provide new targets Falkow’s laboratory at Stanford University for
for therapeutic drugs that might not kill the the past 3 years. Her work is supported by an
bacterium but would inhibit the disease American Cancer Society postdoctoral fellowship
process. We also may be able to exploit this (Grant #PF-4120).
secretion system, by using appropriately
attenuated bacteria, to prime immunity. References
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genes involved in polysaccharide synthesis. insertion site in the chromosome of Vibrio
EMBO J 1995;14:209-16. cholerae 01. Mol Microbiol 1996:19:815-26.
94. Sory M-P, Hermand P, Vaerman J-P, Cornelius 99. Gouin E, Mengaud J, Cossart P. The virulence
GR. Oral immunization of mice with a live gene cluster of Listeria monocytogenes is also
recombinant Yersinia enterocolitica O:9 strain present in Listeria ivanovii, an animal pathogen,
that produces the cholera toxin B subunit. Infect and Listeria seeligeri, a nonpathogenic species.
Immun 1990;58:3830-6. Infect Immun 1994;62:3550-3.
childhood infections is similar in most parts that are excreted or released after the
of the world. Types 1 and 5 are, however, bacterium has autolyzed or surface proteins
more common in the developing world than whose exact functions are not known.
in industrialized countries (9). Pneumococcal proteins studied as potential
Antibodies to capsular PSs protect from vaccines include neuramididase, autolysin,
infection by opsonizing Pnc for phagocytosis pneumolysin, pneumococcal surface protein
by neutrophils. A capsular PS vaccine A (PspA), and pneumococcal surface adhesin
containing 23 of the most common serotypes/ A (PsaA) (17-19).
groups has proven protective in immunocom- Pneumolysin is a cytolytic toxin produced
petent adults and in some groups at risk by all types of Pnc. In mice, immunization
(7,10,11); it has also been shown to have an with inactivated pneumolysin or recombi-
impact on death rates due to pneumonia in nant pneumolysin toxoid offers at least
Papua New Guinea (12). Among the partial protection or enhanced survival when
immunocompromised and in preventing challenged with Pnc (20,21). PspA is a
acute otitis media, (13) its efficacy has been surface protein present in all clinically
only marginal. relevant pneumococcal strains. PspAs from
The reason for the vaccine’s poor different pneumococcal strains vary serologi-
immunogenicity and its lack of efficacy in cally. However, many PspA antibodies cross-
children is thought to be the nature of the PS react with PspAs from unrelated strains.
antigen. PS antigens are type 2 T-cell Furthermore, active immunization of mice
independent (TI) antigens, which stimulate with PspA generates protective immune
mature B cells without the help of T cells. In response against diverse pneumococcal
humans, the B cells of newborns do not strains (22). Truncated PspAs, expressed as
respond to most of the PS antigens. recombinant proteins, are also immunogenic
Responsiveness develops only slowly during in mice and can elicit cross-protection (18).
the first years of life. Furthermore, the TI
antigens do not induce immunologic memory Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines
and the maturation of the immune response; Another approach to solving the poor
anti-PS antibodies have low avidity and the immunogenicity of the capsular PS antigens
switch from one isotype to another does not has already moved to the clinical phase-III
happen even after repeated immunizations. trials. This approach is based on the 1929
The TI antigens induce mainly IgM re- findings of Goebel and Avery (23), who
sponses, especially in mice. However, in showed that covalent coupling of haptens to a
humans the response also contains the IgG protein carrier improves the immunogenicity
and IgA components (14). Furthermore, the of the hapten. In this way, the anti-PS
IgG response to PS antigens contains a response gets T-cell dependent characters:
greater proportion of IgG2 (15,16) than there is development of immunologic memory
found in a response to protein antigens. The and maturation of the immune response.
lack of memory has some important implica- This is seen as an increase in the antibody
tions for the vaccination. Because of the concentrations and the antibody affinity and
rapid decline of antibodies, revaccination is as a switch in the isotype distribution after
often necessary (7). repeated immunizations. This approach has
been used successfully to prepare vaccines
Pneumococcal Protein Vaccine Candidates against Haemophilus influenzae type b
Several ways have been and are being (Hib); the incidence of Hib infection has
tried to solve the problem of poor immunoge- decreased drastically wherever these conju-
nicity of pneumococcal PS vaccines in gate vaccines have been used (24).
infancy. In addition to the capsule, other The PS antigen in a conjugate vaccine
pneumococcal virulence factors have been seems to benefit at least partly from the
considered as promising vaccine candidates immunologic characters of the carrier
or as carrier proteins in pneumococcal protein. The protein is presented as peptides
conjugate vaccines (see above). The prime in association with the major histocompat-
vaccine candidates are enzymes and toxins ibility complex class II molecules on the
surface of the antigen-presenting cells. This Table 1. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in phase-
stimulates the T-helper cells, which then II and phase-III trials
stimulate adjacent B cells for antibody Vaccine Serotype Carrier Manufacturer
production and maturation into memory PncCRM 4, 6B, 9V, CRM197 Wyeth-Lederle
cells. Development of immunologic memory 14, 18C, Vaccines and
means that the protection does not depend 19F, 23F Pediatrics
PncD 3, 4, 6B, Diphtheria Connaught
solely on the existing antibody concentra- 9V, 14, 18C, toxoid Laboratories
tion. Instead, the vaccinated persons can 19F, 23
respond with a rapid, high, and effective PncT 3, 4, 6B, Tetanus Pasteur
antibody response to colonization or invasion 9V, 14, 18C, toxoid Merieux
by the respective Pnc type. Studies in 19F, 23 Serums &
Finland suggest that this indeed happens:
PncOMPC 4, 6B, 9V, Meningo- Merck
the efficacy of an Hib conjugate vaccine, 14, 18C, coccal Research
PRP-D, was more than 90% in early infancy, 19F, 23F OMPC Laboratories
even though a large proportion of the infants CRM = CRM197, a nontoxic variant of diphtheria toxin; D =
did not have measurable antibody response diphtheria toxoid; T = tetanus toxoid; OMPC = outer
after the primary course of immunization membrane protein complex
(25). A study in the United Kingdom suggests
that the carriage of Hib indeed induces a mals, including mice, infant monkeys, and
high “booster type” immune response (26). chinchillas (34-37). All these studies indicate
Conjugation of the PS to a protein carrier that conjugate vaccines have greater immu-
has repeatedly been shown to work with Hib; nogenicity than pneumococcal PS vaccines.
vaccines based on the same principle would Even though animal studies can tell if the
also decrease the number of different conjugate vaccine is immunogenic and
infections caused by Pnc. Four vaccine evokes a T-cell dependent response, the final
manufacturers have prepared pneumococcal proof of conjugate vaccines’ superior immu-
conjugate vaccines with basically the same nogenicity and efficacy over PS vaccines
approaches as the Hib conjugates (Table 1). comes only from human studies. So far no
PncOMPC vaccine contains PSs from seven animal model can mimic human immunoge-
serotypes conjugated to the meningococcal nicity and efficacy studies.
outer membrane protein complex (27). The
PncCRM vaccine contains either oligosac- Clinical Testing
charides (OS) or PSs coupled to a nontoxic Pneumococcal conjugates of all the
mutant diphtheria toxin CRM197. The PS- manufacturers mentioned in Table 1 have
containing conjugate vaccine is at present now been tested in phase-I and phase-II
heptavalent (28), but it is possible to add studies. The first human studies were done
types 1 and 5 to the product intended for use in adults with mono- or bivalent conjugates
in developing countries. The PncT vaccine and showed that the conjugates were at least
contains eight PSs coupled to tetanus toxoid, as immunogenic as the PS vaccine. Since
and the PncD product contains the same PSs then, up to eight valent vaccines have been
coupled to diphtheria toxoid (29). Besides used in human studies, also among infants.
these formulations, several other approaches
have been tested in animals. These include Adults and Toddlers
conjugates using pneumolysoid (30), pertus- To show that they are safe and
sis toxin (31), and salmonella protein (32) as immunogenic, pneumococcal conjugates were
a carrier. Recently, small peptides selected first given to small numbers of adults and
on the basis of T-cell stimulating properties toddlers. Most of the reported studies have
have also been coupled to pneumococcal PS been conducted with mono- to tetravalent
to form conjugate vaccines (33). vaccines. The PncOMPC studies in adults
show that the conjugate vaccine was well
Preclinical Testing tolerated but not more immunogenic than
Before human trials, these conjugates the PS vaccine (38,39). One possible reason
were immunogenic and protective in ani- might be the low dose (1µg to 5µg of each
conjugate) used in these studies. Different infant immunizations does not seem to have
formulations of PncCRM containing either an effect on either anti-Hib or anti-Pnc PS
PS or OS linked to CRM197 have been tested antibody responses (51). The heptavalent
in adults. All were well tolerated and evoked PncOMPC formulation is as immunogenic as
a comparable immune response (40). This the previous formulations with fewer sero-
was confirmed in a study in which heptavalent types (27).
OS conjugate was immunogenic (28). Results Åhman et al. have shown that the
of immunizing adults with PncT or PncD pentavalent PncCRM vaccine containing OS
conjugates have been reported in two derived from pneumococcal capsule was
studies; both vaccines were more immuno- immunogenic and tolerable in infants (52).
genic than the PS vaccine (41,42). The The same children developed a good antibody
Finnish study with tetravalent PncT and response when boostered with PS vaccine at
PncD showed that these conjugates can also 24 months, suggesting that the immunologic
evoke a mucosal antibody response (42). priming had been good even if the antibody
PncOMPC vaccine was given to 31 response to the primary series had remained
Finnish children at 24 months, and 10 of rather low (53). The PS-based PncCRM has
them also received it at 26 months. The been shown to be more immunogenic than OS
primary response was only slightly higher conjugates also in infancy (54). A Gambian
than to the PS vaccine, but after the second study evaluated the pentavalent PncCRM
dose a booster type response was seen in conjugate (PS-based) in a developing country
most of the vaccinees (43). Studies conducted when given at 2, 3, and 4 or at 2 and 4
during the second year of life showed that the months. The vaccine was immunogenic and
heptavalent PncOMPC conjugate was more well tolerated; the schedule of three doses
immunogenic than the PS vaccine (44,45). was better than the two-dose schedule (55).
Different formulations of PncCRM have also A Finnish study compared three dosages
been tested in toddlers (46). Conjugates were of 1µg to 10µg of each PS in tetravalent PncT
more immunogenic than the PS vaccine; and PncD conjugates when administered at
furthermore, the PS conjugate was more 2, 4, and 6 months. These vaccines were
immunogenic than the OS conjugate. One immunogenic in infancy, and no difference
study showed a good booster response to PS could be shown between PncT and PncD. The
vaccine after primary immunization with response after a primary series to PncD, but
pentavalent PS-based PncCRM (47). The not to PncT, was dose dependent (56). The
PncT and PncD conjugates have also proven children immunized with PncD in infancy
immunogenic in toddlers. A Finnish study had a booster response after reimmunization
compared 3-µg and 10-µg doses at 24 months, with either PncD or pneumococcal PS
and a U.S. study used 10-µg doses of type 19F vaccine at 14 months (57). All who received
conjugates with PS vaccine booster doses PncT were boostered with PS vaccine, and
(48). the response was dose dependent; children
that had received 10-µg doses of PncT during
Infants the primary immunization had the lowest
Keyserling et al. (49) have compared mean booster responses (58). Another Finn-
different dosages of type 14 PS containing ish study showed that octavalent (types 3, 4,
monovalent PncOMPC vaccine in infants and 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, and 23F) PncD (3µg of
shown that 2.5µg to 5µg of type 14 PS in the each PS) and PncT (1µg of each PS) induced
conjugate gave better responses than the immune responses similar to the respective
lower doses. A Finnish study (50) showed tetravalent formulations (29). An Icelandic
that a primary series of three doses of study showed that the octavalent vaccine
tetravalent PncOMPC at 2, 4, and 6 months was immunogenic in infants when given at 3,
was better than two doses at 4 and 6 months. 4, and 6 months and that the IgG anti-PS
Furthermore, a booster dose of PncOMPC concentrations correlated with the opsonic
given at 14 months evoked a secondary activity (59).
response to all PS types. Concomitant Because no study has directly compared
administration of PncOMPC with routine different pneumococcal conjugate vaccines,
the comparison has to rely on data from PS vaccine did not (45). Importantly, the
separate studies. A Finnish group has carriage of antibiotic-resistant Pnc also
analyzed the antibody response in adults, decreased (61).
toddlers, and infants to all four types of Pnc
conjugates. This comparison shows that Efficacy Studies
there are vaccine- and type-specific differ- Phase-III studies with the heptavalent
ences in the antibody responses (Table 2). formulations of PncOMPC and PncCRM are
However, none of the vaccines used in these ongoing or being started. These studies look
studies have the composition suggested in at prevention of carriage, acute otitis media,
the phase-III trials (29,50,52,56). or invasive Pnc infection caused by Pnc of the
Comparing the data from different vaccine serotypes. Furthermore, there are
studies is difficult because there can be several plans for studying the effect of Pnc
interlaboratory variation in the enzyme- conjugates on Pnc invasive infection and
linked immunosorbent assay results. The pneumonia in developing countries.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Food and Drug Administration, and World Questions to Be Answered in the Future
Health Organization are working on a We do not know if conjugate vaccines can
standardized anti-Pnc PS assay, which will, really prevent Pnc infections better than the
if not eliminate, at least reduce the impact of PS vaccine. We hope that the new vaccines
this problem. A standard serum (60) to be can prevent several types of infections, from
used in all laboratories is distributed by symptomless Pnc carriage to serious inva-
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Re- sive infections with high death rates. It is
search/Food and Drug Administration. quite probable that the protective immune
response needed is different for each type of
Pneumococcal Conjugates and the infection. We do not know if parenterally
Carriage of Pnc administered vaccine can prevent carriage or
Experience with the Hib conjugates (24) mucosal infections such as acute otitis
suggests that Pnc conjugate vaccines could media. It is still unknown whether a mucosal
also reduce the number of carriers of the immune response is needed or whether
vaccine types and in this way decrease the transudation of antibodies from the serum is
spread of bacteria. The results from the only enough for protection against local infection.
reported study are encouraging. The Saliva samples of infants immunized with
PncOMPC vaccine decreased the carriage Hib conjugate vaccines contain secretory IgA
rate among toddlers, while the pneumococcal but also IgG, which has most probably
transudated from serum (62). In an infant countries, several groups have studied the
rat Hib colonization model, both secretory possibility of maternal immunization with
IgA and serum derived IgG decreased pneumococcal vaccines (71,72). So far only
colonization (63). Furthermore, animal ex- PS vaccines have been used; even though
periments suggest that immune response these vaccines are immunogenic in pregnant
evoked by parenteral administration of a mothers, the immunity transferred to the
conjugate vaccine would alone protect neonate is not very long lasting. If the
against acute otitis media (64). In addition, conjugate vaccines induce higher antibody
passive immunization of infants with concentrations in mothers, the concentration
hyperimmune serum pool containing anti- of passively acquired antibody in the baby
bodies to pneumococcal PS-induced protec- would stay high for a longer time. The Hib
tion against pneumococcal acute otitis media conjugate vaccines induce good responses in
suggests that protection is offered when high mothers and, consequently, long-lasting
enough serum antibody concentrations are protective concentrations in infants born to
gained (65). At present, there are no data to these mothers (73,74). The effect of simulta-
show which antibody concentrations are neous maternal tetanus immunization, espe-
needed for protection. Deciding about the cially if conjugates with a tetanus toxoid
protective concentration might be difficult carrier are used, and the effect of high
because the development of immunologic maternal antibody level on the antibody
memory is an important factor; the protec- responses of the infants have to be
tion does not solely depend on the existing determined.
antibody concentration. By the year 2000, we may have pneumo-
Most phase-II studies have used a coccal conjugate vaccines to include in
schedule of two or three doses of Pnc routine childhood immunization programs.
conjugate vaccine in infancy (usually at 2, 4, The price of the conjugate vaccines has been
and 6 months) and a booster dose of either so high that their use throughout the world
conjugate or Pnc PS at the second year of life. has not been possible. An important
The need for a booster dose at the second challenge in developing of pneumococcal
year is not known; this information would be conjugate vaccines is to reduce the costs of
important especially for planning the vacci- manufacturing so that all children can
nation schedules for developing countries, benefit from them.
where administering a booster dose can be
problematic. The experience from the Hib Dr. Käyhty is a senior researcher at the
conjugates suggests that a booster dose National Public Health Institute, Finland, work-
might not be needed; the United Kingdom ing as the head of the Laboratory of Vaccine
has successfully used a schedule of three Immunology. Her research focuses on systemic
and mucosal immunity against encapsulated
doses at 3, 4, and 5 months without a booster
bacteria, mainly Neisseria meningitidis, Strepto-
dose (66). coccus pneumoniae, and Haemophilus influenzae
Reduction of pneumococcal infections type b.
among the elderly would probably increase Dr. Eskola is a research professor at the
the quality of their lives. The immunogenic- National Public Health Institute, Finland, working
ity of pneumococcal PS vaccine in this age as the director of the Division of Infectious
group has been satisfactory (67,68). An Hib Diseases, and the head of the Department of
conjugate (PRP-D) has proven more immuno- Vaccines. A pediatric infectious disease physician
genic than the Hib PS vaccine in the elderly by training, he has focused his research interests
on the clinical evaluation of new vaccines. He is
(69). However, the immune response to
the principal investigator of the Finnish efficacy
PncCRM was not better than to the Pnc PS trial of pneumococcal conjugates in prevention of
vaccine, and no booster response was seen acute otitis media.
(70). Studies with other pneumococcal
conjugates in the elderly have not been References
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Tomás Hraba* and Jaroslav Dolezal†
*Institute of Molecular Genetics, Prague, Czech Republic, †Honeywell
Technology Center, Prague, and Institute of Information Theory and
Automation, Prague, Czech Republic
Figure 1.* Simulated CD4 + and CD8 + lympho- Figure 2.* Comparison of only linear (curve 1,
cyte dynamics in HIV infection compared with ν =1.0) T-helper activity decrease with non-
observed mean T-cell values for CD4 + lympho- linear (standard curve 2, ν = 1.6).
cytes (circles) and CD8+ lymphocytes (squares).
*CD4+ cell observed values are depicted as circles and those of CD8 + lymphocytes as squares. Both simulated and
observed values are depicted as a percentage of normal CD4 + lymphocyte numbers (the normal value of CD8 +
lymphocytes is thus 66.7%).
because in infected persons too few CD4 + assume that HIV proliferation is limited by a
cells expressed HIV. A direct or indirect helper T-cell-dependent immune reaction,
effect of HIV products on these cells was, our model could simulate all the observed
therefore, considered to cause this depletion phases of CD4 + cell dynamics well (8,12). In
(9). Figure 1, simulation curves of CD4+ and
In both immunologic tolerance and HIV CD8 + lymphocytes (Appendix) are compared
infection, antigen seemed to eliminate with the mean observed values of these cells
lymphocytes: in immunologic tolerance, in HIV-infected persons (10,12).
lymphocytes carrying the specific antigen The immune reaction limiting HIV
receptor were affected, and in HIV infection, proliferation, postulated in the model, was
the entire CD4 + lymphocyte population was assumed to be a specific cytotoxic activity of
the target of HIV products. The dynamics of T cells that required the cooperation of
the affected lymphocyte pools were mutually helper T cells. However, the model is not
inverse: in tolerance, the number of specific dependent on this assumption, and any T
lymphocytes increased with time because the helper-cell-dependent immune reaction can
antigen concentration decreased and in HIV play this role. Other mechanisms are
infection, the CD4 + lymphocyte count possible candidates for this function. Re-
decreased because of the rising level of HIV cently, interest was focused on cytokines
products as the infection progressed. produced by CD8 + lymphocytes that inhibit
In the model, CD4+ cell depletion was HIV proliferation (13,14), an effect discov-
assumed to result, directly or indirectly, ered much earlier (15,16). As far as this
from an effect of HIV products, where HIV activity depends on T-helper cells, this
proliferated at the same rate during the situation can be simulated by our model. If T-
whole course of the infection; therefore, once helper cells did not play any substantial role
a simulated substantial decline of CD4 + in this mechanism, our model would not be
lymphocytes started, it progressed rapidly to applicable.
their total depletion. However, previous In our model, CD4+ lymphocyte dynamics
studies indicated that an early decline in were successfully simulated only if T-helper-
these cells occurs shortly after infection, is cell activity did not decrease linearly with
followed by a period of slow decline, and then the decline of CD4 + lymphocytes but faster
the decline accelerates again about the time than these T cells. This relation is expressed
AIDS develops (10,11). However, if we by the power coefficient ν in Equation 6
(Appendix), which must have a value >1.0 model, which assumed either a direct or
(7,8). If the decrease of helper activity was indirect effect of HIV (22). Because no
assumed to be directly proportional to the substantial difference was observed in
number of CD4 + lymphocytes (ν = 1.0), it was simulation results, for convenience reasons,
possible to simulate only the initial phase of most of the work, including the examples
the CD4 + dynamics—the early drop of these presented in this article, assumed that
cells. Then a permanent steady state of the cytotoxic cells limiting HIV proliferation are
CD4 + cell level was established (Figure 2, also instrumental in depleting CD4 + lympho-
curve 1). This finding could be of interest for cytes by eliminating those have HIV
elucidating mechanisms involved in the products. This assumption seems to be
long-term, and possibly permanent, survival supported by recent clinical findings (4,5).
of some HIV-infected persons (17-19) whose Adleman suggested that the depletion of
condition seems to be characterized by an CD4 + lymphocytes might activate some
equilibrium between HIV infection and a homeostatic mechanism that increases their
protective immune reaction. Although some production (24). He assumed that this
of these persons have CD4 + lymphocyte homeostatic mechanism increased produc-
numbers in the normal range, their cases do tion of both CD4 + and CD8+ lymphocytes and
not necessarily contradict the model’s did not discriminate between the two T-cell
prediction of a stabilized HIV infection subpopulations.
because with a small HIV load the steady- Adleman also suggested that the sub-
state CD4 + cell numbers might be indistin- stantial and permanent depletion of CD4 +
guishable from normal ones, given the broad lymphocytes in HIV-infected persons might
range of normal values. activate this mechanism. However, because
We are not able to ascribe a definite only CD4 + cells are destroyed in HIV
mechanism to the necessary assumption that infection, the newly produced CD8 + lympho-
the activity of T-helper cells declines faster cytes would accumulate. An increase in the
than the number of CD4 + lymphocytes. The number of CD8 + lymphocytes was actually
faster decline could be caused by the observed in HIV-infected persons, while the
disruption of the lymphoid tissue structure total number of T cells remained in the
by HIV infection (20). Another possible cause normal range. The increase in the CD8 + cell
is the increasing HIV variation as infection count might switch off the homeostatic
progresses (21), if this variation led to mechanism that increases T-cell production,
decreased sensitivity, or even resistance, to and as a consequence, cause or at least
the protective immune reaction of at least a aggravate the CD4 + lymphocyte depletion
part of the virus population. (24,25). Because this view was supported by
From our model of immunologic tolerance convincing evidence, we incorporated this
(6), two compartments of the studied feedback mechanism in our model (22). When
lymphocytes were retained in the model of we compared quantitatively the simulated
HIV infection (7): mature and immature CD8 + cell increase with the observed values,
CD4 + cells. We incorporated immature lym- they did not agree well, especially in later
phocytes in the model of immunologic phases of the infection when the simulated
tolerance because they were more sensitive values continued to increase, while the
to tolerance induction. The assumption of observed CD8 + lymphocyte counts started to
immature CD4 + lymphocyte sensitivity to decline. When it was assumed that HIV
elimination by HIV did not influence the infection constrained the influx of both CD4 +
simulation results substantially (22); there- and CD8 + lymphocytes, satisfactory simula-
fore, only mature CD4 + cells were considered tion results were obtained (26) (Figure 1).
to be eliminated by the effect of HIV in most
simulations we carried out, including those Modeling Therapeutic Interventions
described in this article. Because CD4 + lymphocyte counts are a
Different mechanisms of CD4 + lympho- good prognostic indicator of HIV infection
cyte depletion caused by HIV infection were (27), our model is suitable for simulating
simulated by various modifications of our different therapeutic interventions. The
Figure 3.* Simulated effect of permanent AZT Figure 4.* Simulated effect of temporary AZT
treatment (ξ = 0.005) started 2m 5m or 6 years after treatment (ξ = 0.005) started 5 years after the
the acquisition of HIV infection—curves 1, 2, and 3, acquisition of HIV infection and lasted 1, 2, or 3 years—
respectively. curves 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
*CD4+ cell observed values are depicted as circles and those of CD8+ lymphocytes as squares. Both simulated and
observed values are depicted as a percentage of normal CD4 + lymphocyte numbers (the normal value of CD8 +
lymphocytes is thus 66.7%).
model has been used to simulate zidovudine with different intensities of the same
(AZT) chemotherapy and specific immuno- therapy (e.g., AZT doses). It occurs earlier in
therapy, both active and passive (28-30). The the course of the infection with less effective
intensity of most therapies we simulated did treatments than with more effective ones.
not completely eradicate the infection, a Actually, there is a point in the intensity of
situation common to the treatments now each treatment when it is possible to stop
available. If a therapy that is assumed not to further CD4 + cell decline and establish a
eradicate HIV infection is simulated to be steady state with CD4 + cell numbers
administered permanently and to retain corresponding to their value at the onset of
undiminished effectiveness, the observed therapy.
overall result (besides slight differences in Another aspect of the therapies we
the dynamics of the changes induced by the simulated was their temporary application.
various therapeutic measures) is the estab- If the therapy eliminated the virus com-
lishment of a new steady-state level of CD4 + pletely, CD4 + lymphocyte counts returned to
lymphocytes (Figure 3). The height of this normal for good. Our simulations concen-
level reflects the effectiveness of the trated mainly on therapies leading only to
therapy: the nearer to normal values, the limitation of the viral load, and in conse-
more effective the interventions. This steady quence, to an increase in the numbers of
state is always lower than a normal state. CD4 + cells. When the treatment was stopped,
Even when the therapy is started at a later the decline of CD4+ cells started again and
stage of HIV infection, the obtained steady essentially proceeded at the same rate as in
state is the same; its value depends only on untreated persons (Figure 4). The maximal
the effectiveness of the therapy, regardless increase of CD4+ lymphocytes obtained by
of the onset of treatment (Figure 3, curves 1 such intervention corresponded to that
and 2). induced by a permanent application of a
However, this result is valid up to a treatment of the same intensity. Of course, if
certain point only: when the CD4 + lympho- the applied treatment did not last long
cyte numbers are too low, therapy can no enough to allow the CD4 + cells to reach that
longer reverse the CD4 + cell depletion; it can level, only a lower maximal value was
only slow the decrease and does not establish obtained.
a steady state (Figure 3, curve 3). The stage According to the results of our simula-
of infection in which depletion cannot be tions temporary therapy only prolonged
reversed varies with different therapies and survival, although extended survival could
Figure 5.* Simulated CD4 + and CD8 + lymphocyte Figure 6.* Simulated CD4 + and CD8 + lymphocyte
dynamics after permanent treatment with anti-CD8 dynamics after permanent treatment with anti-CD8
antibodies started 2 years after the acquisition of the antibodies started 2 years after the acquisition of the
HIV infection. Cells mediating the protective anti-HIV HIV infection. Cells mediating the protective anti-HIV
immune reaction are not affected by this treatment immune reaction are also affected by this treatment
(ρ R = 0.007, ρC = 0.0). (ρ R = 0.007, ρC = 0.007).
*CD4+ cell observed values are depicted as circles and those of CD8 + lymphocytes as squares. Both simulated and
observed values are depicted as a percentage of normal CD4+ lymphocyte numbers (the normal value of CD8 +
lymphocytes is thus 66.7%).
exceed the length of treatment. This state, which may be higher than their
situation is relevant especially to chemo- pretreatment number (Figure 5). Lower
therapy that loses effectiveness after a doses of anti-CD8 antibodies also stopped
relatively short time, probably because of further decline of CD4 + cells, but the
drug resistance acquired by HIV. However, achieved steady-state level is lower than in
even immunotherapy cannot be expected to the illustrated case. On the contrary, the
retain its undiminished effectiveness for a CD4 + lymphocyte increase is larger with
prolonged period. higher antibody doses. As in other cases of
temporary treatment, the decrease in CD4 +
Therapeutic Depletion of CD8 + Lymphocytes values starts again after anti-CD8 antibody
It has been suggested that lowering the administration is discontinued.
number of CD8 + lymphocytes in HIV- However, such a therapeutic effect of
infected persons by administering anti-CD8 CD8 + depletion is achieved only if lymphoid
antibodies could activate the homeostatic cells eliminated by the administered anti-
mechanism, thus increasing production of body are assumed not to participate in the
both CD4 + and CD8 + T cells (24,25). anti-HIV immune reaction that limits virus
However, this mechanism might be blocked proliferation. This is not the case with
by the high numbers of CD8 + lymphocytes cytotoxic T cells, or with CD8 + lymphocytes
present in HIV infection, as discussed above. responsible for the production of cytokines
Therefore, these authors assumed that a that inhibit HIV proliferation. This situation
depletion of CD8 + lymphocytes brought about could also be simulated with our model.
by administering anti-CD8 antibodies might When these cells assumed to cause a
unblock this feedback mechanism and that protective immune reaction were also elimi-
this could counteract the depletion of CD4 + nated by the administered anti-CD8 anti-
cells caused by HIV infection. body, the CD4 + lymphocyte decrease did not
When this regulatory mechanism was stop; it even accelerated (Figure 6). All doses
incorporated in our model, we were able to of anti-CD8 antibody, even very small ones,
simulate this situation (26,30). Reducing increased the depletion of CD4 + lymphocytes
CD8 + lymphocyte values to numbers not under this assumption, although the deterio-
much below normal stops the further decline rating effect was not so strong when small
in CD4 + cells and brings them to a steady doses of antibody were used.
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part by grant A50502604 from the Academy of produced by CD8+ T cells. Science 1995;270:1811-5.
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The model considers immature and mature CD4+ (P is the rate of maturation of P cells into P cells, and τP is the
and P cells) and CD8+ lymphocytes (R and R cells). As rate of natural death of P cells; the quantities τ R and τ R are
normal values of R cells equal about two thirds of those of defined in a fully analogical way. Further, f is the amplify-
P cells, it is assumed that normal R values correspond in a ing coefficient of the linear feedback effect of P and/or R
similar way to 2/3 of P cells. The sizes of these cell com- cell decrease on the influx of P and R cells at time t.
partments at time t are described by Eqs. (1)-(4). The The quantity cP a ( t )C ( t ) is the rate of elimination of
amount of HIV products at time t is given by Eq. (5). Fi- P cells due to the amount of HIV products a(t) and the
nally, Eq. ( 6) gives the number of cytotoxic T cells specific number of cytotoxic T cells C(t) at time t. Analogously,
for HIV (C cells) at time t. In the model used, these cells c P a( t )C (t ) is the rate of elimination of P cells. The value
both limit proliferation of HIV, as indicated in Eq. (5), and a0 is the function of the infectious dose of HIV, θ character-
effect destruction of CD4+ cells presenting HIV products izes the growth rate of HIV, and γ is the rate of inactiva-
according to Eqs. (1)-(2). tion of HIV products mediated by cytotoxic C cells. The
maturation of these cells from their precursors is assumed
to be dependent on the encounter with HIV products and
(1) the effect of HIV specific helper T cells. IC is the influx of
C cell precursors, ε their maturation rate, α the prolifera-
tion rate of C cells under the antigenic stimulation by HIV
products and helper T cell influence, and τC their natural
(2) death rate. Helper T cell effect on maturation and prolif-
eration of C cells is expressed by the ratio P(t)/P0; the co-
efficient ν is introduced to characterize the intensity of
this helper effect. The value h characterizes HIV-constrain-
ing intensity on the P and R cell influx. Value L defines
the level, where such constraining (limiting) effect of d(t)
starts. Effects of therapeutic interventions are described
(4) by the following parameters: ζ - HIV elimination rate by
AZT or passive immunization, λ - immune response-en-
hancing factor, and ρR - and ρ C-elimination rates of CD8+
(5) and C cells, respectively, by anti-CD8 antibodies.
If not otherwise stated, the model parameters in simu-
lation runs were selected as follows: τP = 0.2, τ P = 0.01,
(6) τ R = 0.2, τ R = 0.01, τ C = 0.01, ΙP = 1.0, IC = 0.2, P 0 = 5.0,
P 0 = 100.0, R0 = 3.33, R0 = 66.7, C 0 = 0.0, a 0 = 0.0005,
where the influx-constraining function was f = 0.01, α = 0.7, ε = 0.512, γ = 0.3, θ = 0.02, ν = 1.6,
h = 3.5, L = 3.0. Only mature CD4+ lymphocytes were as-
sumed to be susceptible to HIV products, i.e. cP = 0.0,
(7) cP = 20.0. As a rule, the parameter e was used for final ad-
justment of the respective simulation run. If no therapeu-
tic interventions are assumed (λ = 1.0, ζ = 0.0, ρR = 0.0,
ρC = 0.0), the resulting CD4+ standard curve characterizes
Here IP is the influx of P cells, i.e., the rate (all rates best fit of the observed clinical data.
are in days-1) of differentiation of P cells from stem cells, τP
Chlamydiae as Pathogens:
New Species and New Issues
Rosanna W. Peeling* and Robert C. Brunham†
Laboratory Centre for Disease Control Health,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Department of Medical Microbiology,
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
C. psittaci
parrot atypical pneumonia
canaries hepatic and renal
pigeons dysfunction
turkeys endocarditis
cats conjunctivitis
ewes abortion
resources from the host to fuel their counseling clinics have been effective. In
metabolism and replication. Chlamydiae are asymptomatic men, who are less likely to
incapable of de novo nucleotide biosynthesis access care, asymptomatic infection is not
and are dependent on host nucleotide pools adequately addressed by current public
(12). In spite of the successful selection of health programs.
various metabolic mutants of C. trachomatis, In contrast to genital chlamydial infec-
progress in elucidating the host-parasite tion, trachoma is a household disease that
metabolic relationship has been hampered has disappeared in many parts of the world
by multiple salvage metabolic pathways in because of improved living conditions and
the host and the lack of a genetic shuttle hygiene. In trachoma-endemic areas, severe
system for chlamydiae. disease leading to scarring and blindness
may be the result of frequent reinfection or
C. trachomatis persistent infection in those whose immune
system does not mount an adequate response
Epidemiology to clear the infection. For both ocular and
Genital infections due to C. trachomatis genital chlamydial infections, recent ad-
are the most common sexually transmitted vances in diagnostic and screening technol-
diseases in many industrialized countries (3). ogy and single dose antimicrobial therapy
Each year, an estimated four million new will likely have a significant impact on the
cases occur in the United States and three efficacy of disease control programs and the
million in Europe. These infections present opportunity for eventual disease eradication.
unique problems for public health control
programs because 50 % to 70% of infections Laboratory Diagnosis
in women (and perhaps men) are clinically Since curative antibiotic therapy for
silent. Unrecognized and untreated, the chlamydial infections is readily available
bacteria may remain infectious in the host and inexpensive, early diagnosis is an
for months and be readily transmitted to sex essential component of public health pro-
partners. Furthermore, most reported infec- grams to control these infections. The goals
tions occur in the 15- to 24-year-old age of early identification are to interrupt the
group. Young women with cervical chlamy- chain of transmission in the community and
dial infections are at risk for pelvic to prevent long-term sequelae. Isolation of
inflammatory disease, which can lead to the organism in cell culture had been the
long-term reproductive sequelae such as traditional method for laboratory diagnosis
chronic pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy, and and has remained the method of choice for
tubal infertility. Babies born to infected medicolegal specimens because of its speci-
mothers are also at risk for conjunctivitis ficity. However, culture requires expensive
and pneumonia. The annual direct and equipment, technical expertise, and strin-
indirect costs of genital chlamydial infec- gent transport conditions to preserve speci-
tions in the United States are estimated at men viability; it also has a turnaround time
$2.4 billion (4). of 2 to 3 days. Hence, in many settings,
Control programs emphasizing early culture has been replaced by antigen-
diagnosis, targeted screening, partner notifi- detection methods, such as enzyme immu-
cation, and effective treatment have led to a noassays (EIA) and direct fluorescence
slow decline in the incidence of genital assays (DFA), which have less demanding
chlamydial infection in countries where transport requirements and can provide
these programs have been implemented (13). results on the same day. EIAs are suitable
The true rate of decline may be higher than for public health laboratories serving large
the reported rate because of increased geographic areas because specimens are
sensitivity of laboratory testing and more stable in transport under ambient conditions
widespread screening. In women, screening and are inexpensive because they allow
of chlamydial infection at the time of specimens to be processed in batches by
Papanicolaou tests, prenatal visits, or automated equipment. Assays are typically
attendance at family planning or pregnancy based on the capture of the chlamydial
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) using monoclonal cervical swab EIA, and 37% for urine EIA
or polyclonal antibodies linked to a solid- (21). For men in the same study, the
phase support. Early problems with low sensitivity of urine LCR was 96% compared
specificity because of cross-reactivity be- with 68% for urine EIA, and 38% for urethral
tween the chlamydial LPS and that of other swab culture. In a multicenter study of 2,132
gram-negative bacteria have been largely women, cervical swab LCR showed a
overcome by confirmation with DFA or a sensitivity of 87% to 98% compared with a
blocking antibody assay. With a lower sensitivity of 52% to 92% for culture (22). In
detection limit of 10,000 elementary bodies, LCR studies, a true positive was defined as
EIA lacks sensitivity as a screening assay, culture positive or LCR positive confirmed
especially for asymptomatic men (14,15). with DFA or another LCR assay with a
Nucleic acid-based hybridization probe tests different DNA target. Thus it appears that
offer higher specificity but no substantial molecular amplification techniques for the
improvement on sensitivity (15). Nucleic detection of C. trachomatis in urine speci-
acid amplification tests based on polymerase mens from both men and women are a
chain reaction (PCR), ligase chain reaction substantial improvement over conventional
(LCR), and transcription-mediated amplifi- diagnostic and screening methods and will
cation technology are now commercially provide an important tool for decreasing the
available. The precision of nucleic acid reservoir of infection, especially in asymp-
hybridization and the rapid amplification of tomatic men.
a single gene target facilitated the design of In the diagnostic laboratory, molecular
diagnostic tests with specificities in excess of techniques present different problems for
99% and lower detection limits of 1-10 EBs. specimen handling and interpretation of
In addition, these tests offer all the results than cell culture or antigen detection
advantages of nonculture tests in terms of (15). Inherent in the increased sensitivity of
ambient specimen transport, batching, auto- these molecular techniques is the potential
mation, and rapid processing time of 4 hours. for false-positive results due to cross
Duplex testing for the simultaneous detec- contamination between specimens, and run-
tion of chlamydial and gonococcal DNA from to-run contamination from equipment, re-
a single specimen is also commercially agents, and supplies. These problems can be
available in some countries. overcome by observing stringent rules for
A major advantage of the increased specimen preparation (e.g., dedicated equip-
sensitivity of these molecular amplification ment) and separating specimen processing
tests is that noninvasive specimens, such as and reagent preparation areas to prevent
urine, can be used for testing. The ease of contamination. Enzymatic or photochemical
collection and the lack of sampling bias of sterilization can be used to eliminate run-to-
urine specimens make screening feasible in run contamination. False-negative results
settings outside physicians’ offices. PCR may be due to substances in specimens
assays on urethral or cervical swabs for the inhibitory to enzymes used for amplification.
laboratory diagnosis of genital chlamydial Known inhibitors include phosphate ions,
infection in symptomatic men and women heparin, heme, crystals in the urine
show sensitivities of 89% to 100% and specimens, and detergents used in specimen
specificities of 99% to 100% compared with processing. Internal controls are now com-
the traditional culture or PCR test, con- mercially available to detect false negatives.
firmed by a second PCR reaction targeting a Although molecular tests are more
different gene (16-18). For urine specimens, expensive than EIA, cost-effectiveness stud-
PCR assays show sensitivities of 87% to ies should take into consideration the
100% for men and 92% for women and benefits of averting the enormous costs of
specificities of 96% to 100% for men and 95% long-term reproductive sequelae in women
for women (18-20). In a study of 447 women with undetected infections, adverse preg-
with a prevalence of infection of 6%, the nancy outcomes, and HIV infection. Targeted
sensitivity of urine LCR was 96% compared screening of women to detect cervical
with 56% for cervical swab culture, 78% for chlamydial infection decreases the incidence
of symptomatic PID (23). Patients with ance and the additional cost of contact
genital gonococcal or chlamydial infections tracing can make single dose azithromycin
are also at increased risk for human more cost-effective than doxycycline (34).
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (24). Al-
though the risk for HIV may be lower in Pathogenesis
patients with chlamydial infection than in Interesting findings in three areas of C.
those with genital ulcer disease, the higher trachomatis pathogenesis further delineate
prevalence of chlamydial infection in some the complex bacteria-host relationship in
populations means that the population disease and may have implications for
attributable risk for HIV may be substan- vaccine design. These new observations
tially higher for chlamydia. Shortening the include the extensive but unexpected poly-
duration of infectiousness by early diagnosis morphism of the major outer membrane
and treatment could have a major impact on protein (MOMP), the evidence for genetic
risk reduction for HIV infection. A recent susceptibility to disease, and the association
study showed that strengthening sexually of antibody response to the 60 kDa heat
transmitted disease control through educa- shock protein (CHSP60) with the develop-
tion, access to diagnosis, and treatment ment of adverse sequelae following ocular
reduced the incidence of HIV by 42% in study and genital infections.
communities in Tanzania over 2 years (25).
Polymorphism of MOMP
Treatment The ecologic success of a pathogen is
Azithromycin prescribed as a single oral determined in part by its ability to evade
1-g dose is equivalent to the traditional 7- host defenses. With C. trachomatis, MOMP
day regimen of doxycycline for treating is a major target for protective host immune
ocular and uncomplicated genital chlamydial responses, such as neutralizing antibodies
infections (26-28). Compared with conven- and possibly, protective T-cell responses
tional therapy, azithromycin has excellent (35,36). The basis for MOMP antigenic
pharmacokinetic characteristics, such as variation is allelic polymorphism at the omp-
increased bioavailability; lower incidence of 1 locus, and immune selection appears to be
gastrointestinal tract side effects; and occurring in host populations frequently
increased concentration in mucus, macroph- exposed to C. trachomatis (37). Each variant
ages, and tissues with a half life of 5 to 7 days apparently only infects hosts lacking serovar-
(29). These characteristics allow for single specific immunity to that variant, and the
dosing, which alleviates the problem of ecologic success of chlamydiae may be due to
patient noncompliance with multiday regi- their ability, under immune selection pres-
mens. With single-dose therapy, the poten- sure, to generate successive allelic variants
tial for reinfection due to earlier resumption (36). DNA sequence analyses of isolates from
of sexual activity is a concern. At present, different populations show that most MOMP
there are limited data on the use of single- variants are results of single amino acid
dose therapy in adolescents, during preg- substitutions (37-39). Recombination of
nancy, and for syndromes such as PID, sequences from MOMP during mixed infec-
cervicitis, and nongonococcal urethritis (30- tions may also have occurred. Recombinant
33). Studies are needed to determine if these variants with mosaic sequences of MOMP
regimens achieve clinical and microbiologic from different strains were especially fre-
cure while preserving fertility and prevent- quent in persons with high rates of infection.
ing further tissue damage to the upper MOMP variants were also more frequently
genital tract. found in women with PID than in those with
Although the higher cost of azithromycin lower genital tract infections, which sug-
may be prohibitive for its use in resource- gests a relationship between sequence
limited settings, selective use in persons at variation in MOMP and more invasive
high risk or in those with a history of disease (39). Clearly, the extensive polymor-
noncompliance may prove cost-effective. The phism of MOMP, the tempo for variation, and
cost of retreatment as a result of noncompli- the mechanism of immune selection have
Two more recent studies reported equivo- turn promote atherosclerosis. Tissue injury
cal findings. In one, C. pneumoniae was through C. pneumoniae-specific circulating
detected in 79% of 90 coronary atherectomy immune complexes in patients with chronic
specimens from symptomatic patients by heart disease may be an alternate mecha-
direct immunofluorescence and was con- nism or compounding atherogenesis. The
firmed by electron microscopy. Only 4% of 24 idea that an infectious agent is involved in
control nonatherosclerotic coronary speci- the atherogenic process is not new, but the
mens were positive for C. pneumoniae (74). role of C. pneumoniae in this process needs to
The 24 control samples included 12 from be defined.
heart transplant patients whose arteries
were damaged, but not by atherosclerosis. Association with Asthma
The absence of C. pneumoniae in these tissue The prevalence of asthma, an important
samples argues against its role as a chronic respiratory disorder, has been
passenger recruited to the site of injury in steadily increasing. Viral and Mycoplasma
macrophages. In the other study, C. pneumoniae infections have been implicated
pneumoniae was not detected in 58 coronary in exacerbating the disease. The first
atheroma specimens by culture, PCR, or observations on the association of C.
electron microscopy (75). The seroprevalence pneumoniae infection with the exacerbation
of C. pneumoniae in 65 case-patients was not of asthma were made in 1986 when wheezing
different from that in 28 asymptomatic was associated with acute bronchitis due to
controls. In fact, IgG titers were higher in C. pneumoniae infection (8,77). Subsequent
controls than in case-patients. Nonetheless, studies showed that exacerbation of asthma
data suggest that the association of C. due to C. pneumoniae infection may occur in
pneumoniae with atherosclerosis is consis- 1% to 11% of respiratory infections in adults
tent and biologically plausible. Whether C. as well as children. The mechanism underly-
pneumoniae is causally involved or is a ing the association is unclear. Preliminary
bystander trapped in the atherogenic process results in animal models suggest that C.
is unclear. pneumoniae can produce persistent infection
The sustained IgA and IgG antibody and cause pulmonary inflammation, and
levels against C. pneumoniae in persons with production of chlamydia-specific IgE anti-
atherosclerosis suggest that chronic infec- bodies in children with reactive airway
tion may be frequent after infection. The site disease has been demonstrated (78). A
of colonization for a chronic C. pneumoniae possible scenario for this association is an
infection may be in the alveolar macrophages antigen-specific allergic reaction with the
of the lung. Thus the initial event in release of pulmonary inflammatory media-
atherogenesis may be the formation of the tors and recruitment of inflammatory cells to
fatty streak. Fatty streaks consist of lipid- the airways, causing airway epithelial
laden macrophages derived from blood damage. Activated T lymphocytes and
monocytes and T lymphocytes attracted to cytokines appear to play a critical role as
the arterial subintima. Conversion of the mediators of persistent inflammation in
fatty streak to atheroma depends on many asthma. IL-4 is essential for B lymphocytes
factors, e.g., the proliferation and differen- class switching from IgG to IgE. In vitro
tiation of smooth muscle cells and fibro- human IgE synthesis is reciprocally regu-
blasts. Chronic infection with C. pneumoniae lated by IL-4 and interferon-gamma. Thus
may result from organisms harbored in cytokines from a Th 2 response to infection
macrophages trapped in the arterial wall. would facilitate and promote IgE production.
Growth of C. pneumoniae in endothelial, Immunotherapy or glucocorticoid therapy
smooth muscle cells, and macrophages from targeting CD4 + T cells may decrease the
peripheral blood monocytes has been re- proinflammatory role of these cells and
ported (76). Injured blood vessels initiate alleviate symptoms of asthma. The role of
events that promote thrombosis and platelet persistent infection in the pathogenesis of
adhesion at the site of injury. These events in asthma merits further study because, unlike
viral infections, C. pneumoniae infections Dr. Peeling is a research scientist and chief of
can be eradicated through appropriate the Division of Chlamydial and Mycoplasma
antimicrobial therapy. Diseases at the Laboratory Centre for Disease
Control, Health Canada. She is interested in the
diagnosis and pathogenesis of chlamydial infec-
tions with particular emphasis on the develop-
ment, risk assessment, and possible prevention of
The hallmark of chlamydial infection is adverse ocular and reproductive sequelae in
that most persons infected have mild to no human chlamydial infections.
apparent clinical disease and some have Dr. Brunham is professor and head of the
severe disease. Asymptomatic infection not Department of Medical Microbiology at the
only creates a problem in detecting cases for University of Manitoba. He has a long standing
disease control programs but also contrib- interest in the immunology of chlamydial
utes to the development of long-term adverse infections, and his current research focus is on
vaccine development.
sequelae, such as scarring trachoma from
ocular C. trachomatis infection, pelvic
inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, References
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epidemic in Kikwit and designated as the Pretoria, South Africa. The plants were
prototype strain of the outbreak. Stocks were selected because collectively they could
prepared from virus at pass level 4 in Vero provide culture substrates for a broad
V76 cell cultures by freeze-thawing infected spectrum of the known viruses of economi-
cultures, clarifying the supernatant culture cally important plants. They were kept
fluid at 3,000g, and storing it in small under suitable lighting for 10 hours each day
volumes at -70°C. Virus titers were deter- and watered as necessary to sustain growth
mined by fluorescent focus assay in 8- in the laboratory. Pigeons were obtained
chamber slide cultures as described for from the South African Institute for Medical
rabies (5), except that Vero cells were used, Research in Johannesburg; 1- to 3-month-old
and cultures were stained with immune hatchling snakes from the Transvaal Snake
mouse ascitic fluid followed by fluorescein- Park, Midrand; cockroaches from a colony at
labeled anti-mouse immunoglobulin and the Bureau of Standards in Pretoria; and
read on day 3 to 5 postinoculation to detect Mastomys natalensis and NIH mice from
infected foci. Inoculum volumes of 10µl of 10- colonies at NIV. All other animals used in
fold serial dilutions of stock virus or tissue the studies (Table 2) were collected in the
suspensions were adsorbed to cultures, and Kruger National Park, South Africa, with
titers were expressed as fluorescent focus- the permission of the National Parks Board
forming units (FFU) per ml. as part of a long-standing research project on
One-month-old potted seedlings of 33 hemorrhagic fever viruses. The animals were
varieties of 24 species of weeds and crop translocated from the park under permit
plants used in plant virology (Table 1), plus from the Department of Veterinary Services,
colonized leafhoppers, were obtained from and the experiments were conducted in a
Dr. G. Pietersen of the Plant Protection biosafety level 4 containment laboratory at
Research Institute (PPRI) at Rietondale, NIV with clearance from the Department of
Agriculture, Conservation and Environment
of Gauteng Province, and the Animal Ethics
Table 1. Plants experimentally inoculated with Ebola Committee of NIV. All animals were fed a
virus diet similar to their natural diets and were
provided with fresh drinking water daily.
S c i e nt i f i c n am e Com m on nam e
Vertebrates were inoculated subcutane-
Arachis hypogaea Groundnut
Beta vulgaris Beetroot
ously with 0.1 ml of stock virus diluted 1:10
Chenopodium amaranticolor Goosefoot weed in cell culture medium, and back titration of
Chenopodium quinoa Goosefoot weed the inoculum indicated that each animal
Cucumis sativus Cucumber received a dose of 40,000 or 10 4.6 FFU virus.
Cucurbita pepo Pumpkin Invertebrates were inoculated with undi-
Glycine max a Soybean
luted stock virus and received approximately
Gomphrena globosa We ed
Gossypium hirsutum Cotton 1.0µl containing 4,000 or 10 3.6 FFU of virus,
Lupinus albus Lupin except for leafhoppers, which received about
Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato 0.3µl inoculum. The arthropods were inocu-
Macroptilium atropureum Siratro bean lated intrathoracically (6), except for ants
Nicotiana benthamiana Wild tobacco and millipedes, which were inoculated into
Nicotiana clevelandii Wild tobacco
the hemocoel through the membranous
Nicotiana glutinosa Wild tobacco
Nicotiana langsdorfi Wild tobacco integument between tergites. To simulate
Nicotiana rustica Wild tobacco mechanical transmission, undiluted stock
Nicotiana tabacum Tobacco virus mixed with Carborundum powder was
Phaseolus vulgaris a French bean rubbed gently with cotton buds onto two
Pisum sativum Green pea leaves on each of the plant varieties on
Triticum aestivum Whe at
Vicia faba Bro adbe an
experiment; to simulate vector-borne trans-
Vigna unguiculata b Co wpea mission, a second plant of each type was
Zea mays Maize inoculated with 1.0µl virus suspension into
Five varieties inoculated
the phloem of the stem, using the same
Two varieties inoculated apparatus as for arthropods. A third plant of
each type served as control. Plants were Formalin fixative for more detailed study
observed daily and those that wilted or later. Urine and feces samples were tested on
developed apparent lesions were harvested; some occasions. Materials for virus assay
some material was fixed in 2.5% glutaralde- were prepared as 10% suspensions in culture
hyde in buffer for examination by electron medium, and in parallel with attempts to
microscopy, and the rest was stored at -70°C titrate infectivity, 0.1 ml volumes were
for virus assay. The process of embedding, injected into Vero cell monolayers in 25 cm 2
sectioning, and examining the plant tissues flasks, which were subcultured thrice at
by electron microscopy was performed by weekly intervals before specimens were
H.J. van Tonder of PPRI. Animals were recorded as negative.
sacrificed and assayed for virus content Thirteen plants either wilted or devel-
either in pools or individually, before oped lesions on the leaves ascribed to
inoculation and at intervals postinoculation mechanical injury during the inoculation
(Table 2). Serum and pooled visceral organs process, but no infectivity could be recovered
were tested separately, and individual organ from the tissues, and no evidence of virus
samples were preserved at -70°C and in infection was observed by electron micros-
The Lyssavirus genus of the family dogs occurred in the Australian island state
Rhabdoviridae consists of five serotypes: of Tasmania in 1867 but was quickly
classical rabies virus (serotype 1), Lagos bat eradicated (4). Two cases of rabies in
virus (LBV) (serotype 2), Mokola virus children were reported in Australia (in 1987
(serotype 3), Duvenhage virus (DUVV) and 1990). Both cases were caused by
(serotype 4), and European bat virus (EBV) classical rabies virus and were contracted in
(serotype 5). The viruses within the genus endemic-disease countries (5). We report for
share serologic relationships, but the sero- the first time apparent endemic–lyssavirus-
types and stable species-associated variants induced disease in Australia.
within serotypes can be distinguished by the The four largest species of frugivorous
reactivity profiles of monoclonal antibodies bats in Australia are called flying foxes and
(Mab) directed against nucleoprotein and belong to the genus Pteropus (Order Chirop-
glycoprotein antigens. Analysis of the tera, Suborder Megachiroptera, Family
nucleotide sequence of the nucleoprotein Pteropodidae). The Australian range of the
gene has also shown genetic clusters along flying foxes extends from temperate eastern
the same lines as serologic analysis, except and coastal Australia into the eastern
that serotype 5, EBV, has been separated tropics, around the tropical northern coast-
into two genotypes, EBV1 and EBV2 (1). line, and down as far as the subtropical west
Lyssaviruses have not been isolated in coast. The gray-headed flying fox (Pteropus
Australia before, although rhabdoviruses in poliocephalus) range is the temperate and
the genus Ephemerovirus are present, and subtropical east coast, the black flying fox (P.
viruses with some serologic relationship to alecto) inhabits primarily the subtropical
the Lyssavirus genus, for example Adelaide and tropical range, and the little red flying
River virus (2), have been identified but not fox (P. scapulatus) occupies the entire range
characterized. All members of the Lyssavirus except the coolest southern areas. The fourth
genus can cause rabies or rabies-like species, the spectacled flying fox (P.
diseases in infected animals. conspicillatus) occupies a smaller range in
Rabies-like disease has been recorded in tropical northeast Queensland. Large flying
bats on all continents except Australia. fox “camps,” with possibly tens of thousands
Classical rabies virus infections are common of foxes, often contain more than one species.
in insectivorous and hematophagous bats Analysis of population genetic markers
and less common in frugivorous bats in the shows a considerable movement of both P.
Americas, while rabies-related viruses (EBV alecto and P. poliocephalus across their
1 and 2) are found in insectivorous bats in geographic ranges within Australia (6). The
Europe. Two other rabies-related viruses, range of P. alecto extends to the north of
LBV and DUVV, are found in frugivorous Australia into Papua New Guinea and the
bats and insectivorous bats, respectively, on eastern islands of Indonesia (7,8). Regular
the African continent. Rabies has been patterns of movement suggest that flying
described in a flying fox (Pteropus foxes move between northern Australia and
poliocephalus) in India, although the virus Papua New Guinea (L. Hall, pers. comm.). It
causing the disease was not characterized is, therefore, possible that the virus
(3). An outbreak of rabies involving several described in this paper also extends across
the range of these mammals outside cally labeled with anti-rabies HAM Mab and
Australia. gold-labeled rabbit–anti-mouse.
The flying foxes (P. alecto) described in The only fresh samples available were
this paper were wild native Australian blood, lung, kidney, and spleen from the 1996
animals collected near Ballina, in northern bat. The blood was examined for neutralizing
New South Wales, Australia. The first case, antibody to rabies virus (CVS-11) by the
in 1996, was in a 5-month-old female black rapid fluorescent focus inhibition method
flying fox found under a fig tree, unable to fly. (11). No neutralizing antibody was detected.
It was euthanized by intravenous sodium Tissue homogenates (lung, kidney, and
pentobarbitone injection. Fresh blood, lung, spleen) were injected into mouse neuroblas-
kidney, and spleen were submitted for equine toma cells, individually injected intracere-
morbillivirus (EMV) isolation; antibody to brally into 3-week-old mice (five mice per
EMV has been detected in P. alecto (9), and it sample), and, as a pool of the three tissues,
is conjectured that this species may be the injected into day-old suckling mice (two
reservoir for EMV. Paraffin-embedded for- litters, 14 mice). No virus was isolated from
malin-fixed samples, processed by standard cell culture after two serial passages of 4
techniques, showed a severe nonsuppurative days. One weanling mouse injected with
encephalitis. The second case, in 1995, was kidney homogenate showed hind leg paraple-
identified after a retrospective examination gia 16 days postinoculation. All other mice
of archived paraffin-embedded tissues. The remained normal until termination (suckling
affected animal, a juvenile female of the same mice at 21 days and weanling mice at 28 days
species, was reported to be more aggressive postinoculation). The affected mouse was
than usual, and was euthanized and necrop- euthanized, and acetone-fixed smears of
sied in a similar manner to the first. brain material were positive for a lyssavirus
Histologically, although encephalitis was when tested by the Centocor fluorescein-
very mild, many eosinophilic, cytoplasmic labeled Mab (Centocor Inc., 244 Great Valley
inclusion bodies were present in various Park, Malvern, PA 19355, USA). Formalin-
parts of the brain. All tests for EMV were fixed brain material showed nonsuppurative
negative. encephalitis and was positive to the indirect
An indirect immunoperoxidase test for immunoperoxidase test for rabies virus by
rabies was carried out on tissues from the HAM Mab.
paraffin blocks (10) by using an antirabies Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests
Mab (HAM) (Clone ‘HAM’, c/o Drs. R. Zanoni were done on nucleic acids extracted from
and E . Peterhans, Institut für Veterinär- the brain, lung, kidney and spleen of the
Virologie, Länggasstr. 122, CH-3012, Bern 1996 bat and on paraffin-embedded forma-
Switzerland) that gave good reactions lin-fixed brain tissues from the 1995 and
without background staining when used at 1996 bats by using oligomers designed for
1:100. The 1996 bat had positive results over the amplification of lyssavirus N protein (12)
wide areas of the brain, particularly in parts or for nested PCR amplification of the
of the hippocampus, the mesenchymal cells nucleocapsid protein (5). Results from these
of the trigeminal nucleus, and larger motor primers were consistently negative, presum-
neurons of the medulla oblongata. The brain ably because of formalin-fixation and/or
of the 1995 bat reacted strongly over all sequence heterogeneity. Therefore, another
areas. The reactions were either granular, or nested PCR system was devised for the
characteristically, had ring formations in amplification of N protein. Nucleic acids
large neurons. In addition, similar reactions were extracted (5) and transcribed into
were seen in neuronal cytoplasms in nerve cDNA by using a degenerate oligomer
plexuses of the gastrointestinal tract from NP1087 (5’ GAGAAAGAG[A/C]T[G/
both bats. Electron microscopy examination T]CAAGA[A/C/T]TA. Primary PCR was done
of ultrathin sections of hippocampus from with primers NP1087 and NP1279 (5’ CAG
the 1996 bat showed aggregates of viral A G A CA TA TC T[ G / C] C[ G / T] [G / T ]A TG TG )
nucleocapsids within the cytoplasm of cell with amplification conditions of 94°C for 1
bodies. These inclusion bodies were specifi- min, 37°C for 2 min, and 72°C for 2 min for 35
Table 1. Amino acid sequences of the virus designated pteropid lyssavirus (PLV) and those of rabies
and rabies-like viruses a,b
PV 92 - 1
4FRA 93 99 - 1
POL 93 94 94 - 5
8FRA 93 94 94 100 - 5
AS 89 90 91 95 95 - 4
FIN 85 87 88 87 87 84 - 6
HOL 85 88 89 87 87 83 98 - 6
NGA 82 82 83 85 85 85 76 77 - 2
MOK 76 75 76 79 79 80 72 71 86 3
Described in Ref. 13.
Comparisons were made of cognate regions of the N protein (amino acids 298 to 426 inclusive). GenBank
accession numbers are given in brackets. PV, PV rabies virus (X03673); 4FRA, fox rabies virus (U22844); POL,
European bat virus (U22844, 8615POL, EBV1); 8FRA, European bat virus (U22845, 8918FRA, EBV1); AS, Duvenhage
virus (U22848); FIN, European bat virus (U22846, 9007FIN, EBV2); HOL, European bat virus (U22847, 9018HOL,
EBV2); NGA, Lagos bat virus (U22842), Mokola virus (U22843).
PLV, the virus now reported, provisionally designated pteropid lyssavirus; PV, PV rabies virus (X03673); 4FRA,
fox rabies virus (U22844); POL, European bat virus (U22844, 8615POL, ELB1); 8FRA, European bat virus (U22845,
8918FRA, EBV1); AS, Duvenhage virus (U22848); Fin, European bat virus (U22846, 9007FIN, EBV2); HOL, European
bat virus (U22847, 9018HOL, EBV2); NGA, Lagos bat virus (U22842), Mokola virus (U22843).
cycles. Nested PCR was done by using Examination of brain homogenate from these
primers NP1087 and NP1227 (5’ CTTCA mice by negative-contrast electron micros-
[C/T]C[G/T]ACC[A/T][C/T][C/T]GTTC copy showed classical bullet-shaped rhab-
ATCAT) as above except that the number of doviruses. The isolate was also passaged to
cycles was reduced to 25. PCR products were mouse neuroblastoma cells, which were
excised and sequenced. Positive PCR ampli- acetone-fixed and tested by indirect immun-
fication signals were derived from the tissue ofluorescence using a panel of Mabs against
culture virus and paraffin-embedded forma- various rabies and rabies-like viruses. The
lin-fixed brain tissues by using primers CVS-11 strain of rabies was also tested for
NP1087 and NP1227. Sequence analysis of comparison. The results (Table 2) confirm
these products showed that they were that the isolate is a lyssavirus but is
identifical. Sequence comparisons were done different from previously described isolates.
by using the nucleocapsid proteins of known Additional nucleocapsid Mab reaction pat-
lyssaviruses and the virus reported in this terns (results not shown) indicated a unique
paper, designated pteropid lyssavirus (PLV) profile that shared the greatest number of
(Table 1). Nucleotide sequence comparisons positive reactions with serotype 1 rabies
showed that PLV had a 75% homology with (CVS-11) compared with published profile
LBV, 75% homology with EBV-2, and 79% data on other viruses (15). Preliminary
with Pasteur vaccine rabies virus; at the testing of the isolate in a modified (incubated
amino acid level, the virus was 85% 3 days) rapid fluorescent focus inhibition
homologous with both EBV-2 and LBV (but neutralization assay indicated that the virus
92% homologous with the rabies virus), 89% was neutralized by antisera to rabies virus
with DUVV, and 93% homologous with EBV- (mou se an ti-Ev ely n-Rokitnicki-Abelseth
1 viruses. Phylogenetic analysis of both the [ERA] virus). The titer of the immune mouse
nucleotide and amino acid sequences (not serum against CVS rabies virus was 1,194,
shown) showed that the virus is closely and against the bat virus, 1,640.
related to the EBV as well as the classic This is the first evidence of an endemic
street rabies strains (12). lyssavirus in Australia. The isolate de-
Brain material from the affected mouse scribed has been provisionally called pteropid
was repassaged by intracerebral inoculation lyssavirus. The natural history of this virus
into 3-week-old mice, in which neurologic in bats in Australia needs to be investigated.
signs developed 8 to 11 days postinoculation. Further genetic and antigenic analyses are
Since this report was submitted in
September, 1996, the host and geographic
range of the virus have been extended. The
virus has been recognized by immunohis-
tochemical techniques in five bats in three
different virus isolations. Some of these bats
were from another species, (the little red
flying fox [P. scapulatus]), and from loca-
tions as far apart as 1,700 km along the
Australian east coast.
Annual CJD death rates were calculated mately 98% of the deaths were among
as the number of CJD deaths per million persons >45 years of age. The age-specific
persons, on the basis of U.S. resident death rates were highest for persons in their
population estimates, and standardized by 70s (Figure 2).
the direct method, using the 1990 census Although 52.9% of the deaths were in
population (21). Age-adjusted annual death female patients, the age-adjusted death rate
rates were calculated by sex and race and for of male patients was slightly higher than
the United States overall; age-, sex-, and that of female patients (RR = 1.16, 95% CI =
race-adjusted annual death rates were 1.09-1.24; Table 1). In contrast to the death
calculated by standard region (22). Risk rate in age groups <60 years, the CJD death
ratios (RRs) with 95% confidence intervals rate in age groups >60 years was higher in
(CIs) were calculated by Poisson regression men than in women (Table 2). Most (95.2%)
analysis (23). Deaths were examined accord- deaths were among whites. The age-adjusted
ing to whether autopsy was indicated on the death rate of whites was higher than that of
death certificate, as available from 1979 blacks (RR = 2.66, 95% CI = 2.22-3.18)
through 1993. We also examined other (Table 1). Other races accounted for only
causes of death listed and searched the 1.4% of the CJD deaths, with an age-adjusted
records for several diseases associated with rate intermediate to that of blacks and
increased exposure to blood or blood whites. The death rate of blacks was lower
products, specifically hemophilia A (ICD-9 than that of whites in each age group.
code 286.0), hemophilia B (ICD-9 code Geographically, the age-sex-race-adjusted
286.1), thalassemia (ICD-9 code 282.4), and rate of the South was lower than that of each
sickle cell disease (ICD-9 code 282.6). of the other regions. The previously noted
From 1979 through 1994, CJD was differences by sex and race remained
recorded as a cause of 3,642 deaths in the consistent for each region.
United States; 83.4% of these deaths had Approximately 80% of the CJD deaths
CJD recorded as the underlying cause. The were among persons >60 years of age. The
average annual age-adjusted death rate average annual death rate during the study
during the study period was 0.95 deaths per period of this age group was 4.58 per million
million persons, from 0.78 in 1980 to 1.11 in persons (3.71 per million in 1983 to 5.52 per
1987 (Figure 1). The mean age of death was million persons in 1987) (Figure 1). Among
67 years (median age = 68 years). Approxi- persons 45 through 59 years of age, the
Figure 1. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease age-adjusted and Figure 2. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease deaths and death
age-specific death rates, United States, 1979 through rates by age group. United States, 1979 through 1994.
Table 1: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease deaths and death sickle cell disease mentioned on the death
rates in the United States, 1979-1994 record. During 1979 through 1993, autopsies
Characteristics Number of Death were performed on 907 persons who died of
Deaths Rate CJD-related causes (29.7% of those whose
Sexa Male 1714 1.04 autopsy status was known). The proportion
Female 1928 0.89 of autopsies ranged from 20.7% in 1993 to
37.8% in 1983. Autopsies of persons <45
Racea White 3466 1.01 years of age were indicated in 51.5% of the
Black 125 0.37 known deaths, while 30.2% and 29.0% were
Other 51 0.67
indicated in the 45- to 59-year-old and >60-
Age group, years year-old age groups, respectively.
0-4 1 <0.01 During 1979 through 1994, the average
5-9 0 0 annual age-adjusted death rate was 0.95 per
10-14 0 0 million persons, which is consistent with
15-19 0 0 published estimates of the crude incidence
20-24 1 <0.01 worldwide of one case per million persons
25-29 3 <0.01 (3,11). The addition of the 4 recent years of
30-34 13 0.04 data to our previous report did not alter our
35-39 23 0.08
initial findings (24). The previously reported
40-44 39 0.16
45-49 91 0.45 racial differences in the U.S. CJD death
50-54 183 0.99 rates were found again and should be further
55-59 378 2.14 studied. In addition, no CJD-related deaths
60-64 598 3.55 were found among persons with hemophilia
65-69 765 5.03 A, hemophilia B, thalassemia, or sickle cell
70-74 706 5.75 disease.
75-79 508 5.60 In 1994 and 1995, a cluster of 10
80-84 225 3.94 unusually young (median age at onset 28
85+ 108 2.42
years, range 16 to 39 years) CJD patients in
Regionb the United Kingdom were reported with
Northeast 926 1.06 atypical clinical features (12). These fea-
Midwest 1008 1.04 tures included behavioral change and dyses-
South 1068 0.83 thesia when patients sought treatment,
West 640 0.89 followed within weeks or months by a
cerebellar syndrome, dementia, and myoclo-
U.S.a 3642 0.95 nus in the late stages, a duration of illness of
Age-adjusted death rates per million persons.
Age-sex-race-adjusted death rates per million persons.
at least 6 months, and electroencephalogram
changes that were not diagnostic of CJD.
average annual death rate was 1.15 per These patients had a characteristic neuro-
million persons (0.87 to 1.45 per million). pathologic profile that consisted of severe
Among persons <45 years of age, the annual spongiform change, neuronal loss, and
death rate was consistently at or below 0.05 astrocytosis in the basal ganglia and
per million persons; the number of deaths thalamus, with abundant kuru-type amyloid
among such young persons was zero in 1984 plaques surrounded by vacuoles in the
and eight in 1981 and 1993. Only five cerebrum and cerebellum and PrP accumula-
persons who died of CJD during the study tion in high density shown by immunocy-
period were younger than 30 years of age, tochemistry. These findings, coupled with
and in any single year, there was no more the unusually young age of the patients, led
than one such death. In the most recent 5- to the conclusion that the clinicopathologic
year period, 1990-1994, the only person with features constituted a new variant of CJD. A
CJD in this young age group had received causal association with the BSE epizootic in
pituitary-derived human growth hormone. British cattle was also hypothesized and
None of the persons who died of CJD had recently supported by experimental evidence
hemophilia A, hemophilia B, thalassemia, or involving intracerebral inoculation of cyno-
Table 2: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease deaths and age-specific death rates (per million persons) by sex and race,
United States, 1979-1994
Age U.S. Sex Race
group male female white black other
(years) deaths rate deaths rate deaths rate deaths rate deaths rate deaths rate
0-44 80 0.03 44 0.03 36 0.03 72 0.03 6 0.02 2 0.02
45-59 652 1.15 303 1.11 349 1.19 605 1.23 31 0.54 16 0.98
60-69 1363 4.25 678 4.63 685 3.93 1307 4.58 39 1.38 17 2.58
70-79 1214 5.68 548 6.26 666 5.28 1167 6.05 37 2.15 10 2.87
80+ 333 3.27 141 4.33 192 2.77 315 3.38 12 1.62 6 4.79
molgus macaques with brain tissue obtained searches, using national death registries
from cattle with BSE (25). (27). Furthermore, the consistency of data
To help assess the purported uniqueness from the active surveillance sites with the
and distribution of the newly described CJD national multiple cause-of-death data sup-
variant, CDC intensified CJD surveillance ports the conclusion that annual review of
activities to seek evidence for the presence of multiple cause-of-death data provides an
this variant in the United States (13). In efficient and cost-effective method to moni-
analyzing the U.S. multiple cause-of-death tor CJD incidence (24,27). Active follow-up of
data, we did not find any increase in the reported CJD deaths in persons <55 years of
number of CJD deaths among persons <45 age has been initiated in the United States to
years of age; also, there were no recent CJD improve the national surveillance of poten-
deaths in persons <30 years of age, except for tial cases of the newly described CJD
the death of the recipient of pituitary- variant. Access to more current national
derived human growth hormone (in contrast, mortality data makes this data source even
five of the eight patients originally reported more beneficial in monitoring CJD deaths in
in the United Kingdom died before the age of the United States. Although currently
30). To supplement these findings in the available CJD surveillance data do not
United States, CDC also conducted active provide evidence for the variant CJD in the
surveillance in its four Emerging Infections United States, ongoing CJD surveillance in
Program sites and in the Metropolitan this country and elsewhere, especially in the
Atlanta Active Surveillance Program in United Kingdom, will be critical for ulti-
Georgia (total 1993 population 16.3 million) mately determining the geographic distribu-
(13,26); 92% to 100% of neuropathologists tion of this illness and its possible
and neurologists were contacted, and infor- relationship to BSE.
mation was obtained on their patients who
died of CJD from 1991 through 1995. Medical Acknowledgments
records and neuropathologic reports of We thank Thomas J. Török for his support of the
decedents <55 years of age were also sought CJD surveillance efforts; Rima F. Khabbaz, and Harry
for review. Consistent with national mortal- M. Rosenberg for their critical review; Mary Ann
Freedman, Ken D. Kochanek, Deborah D. Ingram, and
ity data, nine (10%) of the case patients were Charles E. Royer for technical assistance; Marilyn
<55 years of age, only one case patient was Velez for manuscript preparation assistance; and John
<45 years of age, and no case patient was <30 O’Connor for editorial assistance.
years of age. Review of clinical and
neuropathologic records of the nine patients Robert C. Holman, Ali S. Khan,
<55 years of age did not show any with the Ermias D. Belay, and
variant form of CJD. Lawrence B. Schonberger
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
The validity of multiple cause-of-death
Atlanta, Georgia USA
data is potentially a problem because of
possible coding and reporting discrepancies,
including misdiagnoses (24). However, past
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medicine:hormones, homografts, and Creutzfeldt- methods. Boston: PWS-KENT Publishing Company,
Jakob disease. Lancet 1992;340:24-7. 1988.
12. Will RG, Ironside JW, Zeidler M, Cousens SN, 24. Holman RC, Khan AS, Kent J, Strine TW,
Estibeiro K, Alperovitch A, et al. A new variant of Schonberger LB. Epidemiology of Creutzfeldt-Jakob
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the UK. Lancet disease in the United States, 1979-1990: Analysis of
1996;347:921-5. national mortality data. Neuroepidemiology
13. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. World 1995;14:174-81.
Health Organization consultation on public health 25. Lasmezas CI, Deslys JP, Demaimay R, Adjou KT,
issues related to bovine spongiform encephalopathy Lamoury F, Dormont D. BSE transmission to
and the emergence of a new variant of Creutzfeldt- macaques. Nature 1996;381:743-4.
Jakob disease. MMWR 1996;45:295-6,303. 26. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
14. Brown P, Cathala F. Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease in Surveillance for Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease--United
France. In: Hadlow WJ, Prusiner SB, eds. Slow States. MMWR 1996;45:665-8.
transmissible diseases of the nervous system. New 27. Davanipour Z, Smoak C, Bohr T, Sobel E, Liwnicz B,
York: Academic Press, 1979;vol 1: 213-27. Chang S. Death certificates: an efficient source for
ascertainment of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease cases.
Neuroepidemiology 1995;14: 1-6.
Over the past few years, the increased scarlet fever have also been reported from
frequency of infections caused by Streptococ- Italy (13-15).
cus pyogenes (group A streptococcus [GAS]) Temporal trends in GAS resistance to
and their sequelae has been reported in erythromycin and clindamycin were system-
several parts of the world (1,2). Even though atically appraised on the basis of data
these reports may reflect an enhanced collected over the last 3 years from 15
awareness of and interest in these possibly laboratories that participated in the Italian
life-threatening infections on the part of the Surveillance Group for Antimicrobial Resis-
medical community (3), in at least some tance (ISGAR). All the strains were isolated
areas, an increase in severe infections over from throat swabs collected from symptom-
time has been documented (4,5). atic patients (mostly school-age outpatients)
Meanwhile, the increased clinical use of from 1993 through 1995. The number of
erythromycin and its derivatives, mostly in isolates tested per year and the percentage of
upper respiratory tract infections, has been resistant ones are represented in the Figure.
related to an increased resistance of GAS to GAS were identified by beta-hemolysis
this antibiotic. Even though fewer than 5% of production on sheep or horse blood agar
GAS isolates are reported as resistant to plates and by the presence of Lancefield
macrolide, lincosamide, and streptogramin group A antigen tested by commercial latex
(MLS) antibiotics (2,6), local exceptions have agglutination techniques (Streptex, Murex
been reported, and widespread GAS resis- Diagnostics Ltd., Dartford, England;
tance to erythromycin has so far been Phadebact, Boule Diagnostics AB, Huddinge,
reported in Australia (17.6%) (7), Finland Sweden). The susceptibility tests used either
(20%) (8), the United Kingdom (22.8%) (9), the disk diffusion method (according to
Japan (60%) (10), and Taiwan (percentage NCCLS performance standards [16,17]) or
not specified) (11). semiautomated microdilution tests (ATB,
Awareness of GAS resistance to erythro- bioMérieux S.A., Marcy-l’Etoile, France;
mycin seems limited. Clinical microbiology Sceptor, Becton Dickinson Diagnostic In-
laboratories rarely determine erythromycin strument Systems, Sparks, Maryland), which
susceptibility on a routine basis, and only were carried out as recommended by the
recently have erythromycin breakpoints for respective manufacturers. The disk diffusion
streptococci other than S. pneumoniae been tests were read by manual measurement of
added in the latest National Committee for the inhibition diameters or by a semi-
Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) automated system equipped with a video
document (12). Since the late 1980s, camera and image processing software that
appreciable incidences of macrolide resis- records the inhibition diameters (Bio-
tance in cases of pharyngotonsillitis and Videobact, Biokit S.A., Barcelona, Spain).
The data came from each automated reader other geographic sites caused considerable
device through data acquisition interfaces immediate concern since erythromycin had
(created for that purpose by the respective hitherto been effective against most isolates
manufacturers) and were subsequently trans- of this species and had been the drug of
lated through the MyMic software package choice for treating streptococcal infections in
(18) from individual proprietary formats into patients allergic to penicillin.
a common file format (Xbase) and transmit- In 1993, the first year surveyed, the
ted to the reference center (Verona) on floppy incidence of erythromycin-resistant strains
disks or by electronic mail. was on average 5.1%, with marked variations
Test results were originally attributed to according to geographic area, from 0% (all 19
the different interpretive categories accord- strains from Pistoia) to 19.1% (Sassari, 18
ing to the NCCLS documents in force up strains out of 94). Two years later, in 1995,
untillate 1995 (16,17,19). After the data the incidence of resistant strains had
arrived in the reference center, they were registered a 1.5- to roughly 20-fold increase,
reinterpreted on the basis of the new criteria with a mean value of 26.8%, from 13%
for testing streptococcal species in the latest (Palermo area, 3 strains out of 23) to 62%
NCCLS document (12). The zone diameter (Venice area, 31 strains out of 50). This
criteria for resistant and susceptible isolates incidence again showed geographic varia-
were 15 and 21, respectively, for erythro- tions, but exceeded 40% in three centers out
mycin, and 15 and 19, respectively, for clin- of 13 and 30% in another four. The Palermo
damycin. The equivalent minimum inhibi- area yielded the lowest rate of resistant
tory concentration breakpoints (g/ml) for strains, but its incidence of intermediate
resistant and susceptible isolates were 4 and strains was exceptionally high (39.1%, 9
0.5, respectively, for erythromycin, and 1 strains out of 23, versus a 5% to 10% rate in
and 0.25, respectively, for clindamycin. all other centers).
The survey showed a dramatic increase Resistance to clindamycin was more
in the isolation of erythromycin-resistant difficult to evaluate since this antibiotic was
strains of GAS (Figure). Both the rapid tested in only a few centers and on limited
increase in the resistance rate in the areas numbers of isolates. An increase in
involved and the subsequent involvement of clindamycin resistance was recorded in five
out of the seven centers that made this kind
30 N =
of data available. The highest rate of
clindamycin resistance in 1995 was recorded
in Verona (28.9%, 39 strains out of 135),
25 while the lowest was recorded in Sassari
(2.2%, one single strain out of 45). For all the
20 N =
strains studied, normal levels of susceptibil-
ity to penicillin and ampicillin were re-
15 Molecular typing of erythromycin-resis-
N =
N =
tant isolates was performed on strains
10 1748
isolated in the area of Verona in the first 2
N = N =
months of 1995 (Table). Nine strains out of
1253 303
14 were resistant to erythromycin, the 16-
5 membered macrolide miokamycin, and the
lincosamide clindamycin (the so-called MLS B
0 phenotype, which has reduced binding of
1993 1994 1995 MLS antibiotics to their shared 50S rRNA
target site [9,20]); the other five strains were
Figure. Number of GAS isolates tested per year
resistant to erythromycin but not to
and percentage of resistance to erythromycin and
clindamycin, Italy, 1993-1995. Black bars repre-
miokamycin or clindamycin (the so-called M
sent erythromycin resistance and white bars, phenotype, in which resistance is attributed
clindamycin resistance. to an efflux system [21]). All strains of the
Over the past 30 years, reported cases of and only to costs borne by the two counties.
animal rabies in the United States have To aid the collection of data needed to
increased, from fewer than 5,000 per year in conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the use of
the early 1960s to almost 10,000 per year in an oral vaccine in large areas (e.g., an entire
the mid-1990s (1,2). Most of the increase is state) and over prolonged periods (e.g., 30
attributable to the spread of raccoon rabies years), this article outlines some basic
from Florida to the northeastern states (1). premises required for such an analysis and a
The impact of this epizootic has been generic cost-benefit model, which can be
considerable. For example, hospitals in modified to fit specific geographic areas.
Connecticut reported a 2,000% increase in Since many of the necessary data for the
the annual number of postexposure rabies model are still being collected, the data used
prophylaxis treatments after raccoon rabies in the model are illustrative rather than
was first detected in the state in 1991 (3). definitive.
Postexposure prophylaxis costs $2,000 to Any evaluation of the costs and benefits
$3,000, or more, per person (3,4). In addition, of using an oral vaccine to protect wild
a raccoon rabies epizootic increases other raccoon populations must be based on three
costs, including those associated with animal premises: 1) Oral vaccine is distributed on a
control and laboratory diagnosis (5; Tysmans, per unit area basis, calculated by using
J., Costs of rabies in Cumberland County, estimates of raccoon population density (i.e.,
NC: 1993 and 7/1/94-6/30/95 [MPH thesis], a predetermined number of baits per raccoon
Chapel Hill (NC): Dept. of Health Policy and times the number of raccoons per unit area).
Admin., Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Costs of an oral vaccine program, therefore,
Hill, 1996). are expressed in $/unit area. 2) To compare
Oral vaccines offer a potential solution to costs and benefits, all benefits that might
rabies in wildlife populations (6,7). The accrue because of oral vaccine use must also
spread of rabies in foxes in an area of be converted into $/unit area. 3) The cost
Switzerland was halted when an oral vaccine savings (benefits) must be adjusted to match
was used to vaccinate 60% of the fox three broad, time-based categories describ-
population (8). An oral vaccine to control ing different stages of an epizootic: pre-
raccoon rabies (9) is undergoing evaluation epizootic, epizootic, and post-epizootic (ra-
in New York and Massachusetts (10,11). bies still present in the population). The
Also, large-scale programs are using an oral greatest cost savings is likely to occur during
vaccine against rabies in coyote and gray fox the epizootic since this stage is typically
populations in Texas (12). associated with the highest cost of raccoon
Uhaa et al. (5) examined the economics of rabies control (5; Tysmans, J., MPH thesis,
using an oral vaccine in Hunterdon and 1996). In New Hampshire, for example, the
Warren Counties, New Jersey. However, annual number of requests for Animal
their study was limited to a 5-year period Damage Control services involving raccoons
went from 250 per year in pre-epizootic years Two Distribution Scenarios
(1988-1991), to 667 during an epizootic year Since what constitutes an “ideal” plan for
(1993), and then declined to 165 in the post- large-scale oral vaccine bait distribution is
epizootic years (13). not known, two scenarios were constructed.
The area covered and the rate of barrier
The Model movement were chosen merely for illustra-
A cost-benefit model with a societal tion. Once actual proposals are made, the
perspective was constructed (on Excel 5.0, area covered and the time line may be
Microsoft, Inc.) by using a discount rate of modified to suit specific geographic areas.
3% (14) over 30 years to provide a Net The first scenario assumes that bait is
Present Value (NPV). 1 The costs of a raccoon distributed in ever-expanding circles, start-
rabies vaccination program include purchas- ing with an area covered by a radius of 20 mi
ing and distributing the oral vaccine in bait (area: 1,257 sq. mi). This area would be
form. The benefits of such a program are the baited for 2 years. In the third year, the
direct and indirect cost savings obtained by radius of the circle would be increased to 25
successfully halting or preventing a raccoon mi. The area between the 20-mi and 25-mi
rabies epizootic and subsequent enzooticity. radius would then be baited for 2 years, at
Since the vaccine technology is new, and no which time the radius defining the outer
data exist on how the technology might boundary would be increased by another 5
change over the 30 years, it is assumed that mi. This process would continue for 20 years,
the real costs and benefits are constant over at the end of which the radius of the circle
the 30 years. Parameters and values used in would be 65 mi, encompassing 13,273 sq. mi,
the model are presented in Table 1. which is approximately equal to one-third
the area of New York State.
At the end of the 20 years, a
Table 1: Illustrative data used to examine the costs and benefits of 10-year period would follow
controlling raccoon rabies with an oral vaccine during which a 5-mi wide
Item Baseline Values used for barrier zone would be baited
case sensitivity analyses every year. The yearly and
Discount rate 3% 0%, 5% cumulative total areas baited
Timeline 30 years - are shown in Figure 1. The
Oral vaccine density 250 units/sq. mi 100-300 units/sq. mi barrier zone is necessary
Raccoon density 50/sq. mi threshold analysis
Baits required/raccoon 5 threshold analysis
because the described plan
Cost of oral vaccine bait $1.50/unit threshold analysis cannot guarantee elimina-
Cost of distribution $100/sq. mi $260 a tion, and the area covered by
Benefits: Cost savings a vaccine program is vulner-
During epizootic years b $1.52/person/yr $2.61/person/year b able to the reintroduction of
During post-epizootic $0.30/person/yr - rabid animals. The second
years b
Density human population 103/sq. mi -
scenario considers the entire
Distribution costs:cost savings 13,273 sq. mi baited during
Ratio of max. $/sq. mi 1:1.57 1:1.03 the first 2 years, followed by
Sensitivity analysis 28 years of baiting a 5-mi-
Cost of pet vaccination - $16/pet wide barrier zone.
Extra vaccinations: - 11/sq. mi
Extra vaccinations: - 2.75/sq. mi Costs: Bait
post-epizootic In an economic analysis,
Source: New Jersey data (1). opportunity costs should be
On the basis of the New Jersey data (1), four categories of costs contribute
to the cost-savings: animal control, laboratory diagnoses, educational
used (15). However, the
activities, and human pre- and post-exposure treatments. vaccine is still experimental,
A cost-benefit analysis uses the following formula (15):
where: t = year, from t= 0, . . ., n; r = discount rate.
Threshold costs were calculated by altering the vaccine cost so that benefits minus costs, when discounted and
summed up over time, had an NPV of $0.
Expansion phase Outer boundary 50 per sq. mi (i.e., five baits per raccoon).
16 protection phase
Bait density is also the subject of sensitivity
Cumulative total
Costs: Distribution
12 Distribution costs for oral rabies vaccine
have yet to be comprehensively documented.
10 In current trials in New York and Massachu-
setts, bait was dropped by people walking
and from aircraft, helicopters, and cars,
depending on the terrain and available
resources. The use of some vehicles has been
Annual total donated, as have large amounts of personnel
time; therefore, their cost is difficult to
2 determine (an economic analysis must
contain such costs). To illustrate the generic
0 model, total distribution costs were assumed
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29
to be $100 per sq. mi. This cost is also the
subject of a sensitivity analysis.
Figure 1. Annual and cumulative total areas
baited with oral vaccine using an expanding circle Benefits: Cost-savings
scenario In the model described here, the benefits
Notes: Initial circle has a radius of 20 mi,
from using the oral vaccine are assumed to be
expanded out by 5 mi every 2 years. After 20
years, radius is 65 mi. Thereafter, a 5-mi wide the cost savings derived directly from
boundary is maintained around the circle for the preventing a raccoon-related rabies epizootic
next 10 years. and post-epizootic. These cost savings are,
therefore, the difference between the pre-
and data concerning discount prices could epizootic costs of controlling rabies and the
not be obtained. Therefore, the cost of oral costs incurred during the epizootic and post-
vaccine in bait form was calculated at $1.50 epizootic periods. It was assumed that a
per unit. This is the cost reported for trials of rabies epizootic lasts 2 years (1) and that the
the oral vaccine in New York State (C. years following were defined as post-
Hanlon, unpublished report, New York State epizootic. The direct costs associated with
Department of Health, 1995). In lieu of the control of animal rabies have been listed
accurate opportunity costs, a sensitivity (5) and can be broken down into four
analysis evaluates the threshold price (i.e., categories. These categories, with the
NPV = $0) of the vaccine. This threshold estimated proportional contribution to the
value can then be compared with actual entire cost savings, are animal control costs
opportunity costs when more data become (41%); laboratory diagnosis costs (13%);
available. education and administration costs (9%); and
human costs, such as pre- and post-exposure
Costs: Bait Density prophylaxis treatments (37%). Just as
The bait density required to successfully opportunity costs should be used for input
halt or stop raccoon rabies has not been costs, so potential cost savings should be
definitively determined (10,11,16,17). Rac- valued at costs and not charges (15). For
coon density can vary enormously with local example, the average operating cost-to-
ecology and weather (16,18-20). On the basis charge ratio for urban hospitals in New York
of densities currently under trial, for each of is 0.635:1 (15).
the two scenarios it is assumed that bait is To illustrate the generic model, data from
distributed at 250 units per sq. mi, with an New York (Harris-Valente et al., unpub-
assumed raccoon density of approximately lished report, 1995) were used to provide a
preliminary estimate of cost savings ($1.52 distribution scenarios and including the
per person), which will occur during the potential cost savings associated with
epizootic phase. The same data source reduced pet vaccination levels.
yielded a figure of $0.30 per person during An example of the savings estimate
the post-epizootic phase. These savings per follows: In 1991, there were 52.5 million dogs
person are converted to savings per unit area and 57 million cats in the United States (22),
as follows: On the basis of population an average of 0.41 pets per person. During
estimates (21) from 53 counties in New York pre-epizootic periods, 0.14 pets per person
State, the median population density was (32% of average pets per person) are
estimated at 103 persons per sq. mi (25th vaccinated each year against rabies (5). In
percentile = 67; 75th = 204). Thus, for the the epizootic year this rate increased to 0.24
areas baited, the savings were calculated at pets per person (55% of average pets per
$156.56 per sq. mi for the first 2 epizootic person) (5). Thus, during an epizootic period,
years ($1.52 per person x 103 persons per sq. there is an increase of approximately 11
mi), and $30.90 per sq. mi for the post- extra pet vaccinations per sq. mi (0.24 - 0.14
epizootic years ($0.30 per person x 103 pets per person x 103 persons per sq. mi). Pet
persons per sq. mi). Cost-savings data from vaccinations are costed at $16 per pet
New Jersey (5) are used in the sensitivity (Tysmans, J., MPH thesis, 1996). When
analysis. baseline figures are used for distribution
costs and cost savings (Table 1), a total
Distribution Costs: Cost-savings Ratio distribution cost:cost savings ratio of 1:3.33
The relative importance of distribution is calculated. No data are available concern-
costs (excluding costs of vaccine) with ing post-epizootic pet vaccination rates, and
respect to the amount of cost savings can be it is arbitrarily assumed that there are 2.75
examined by constructing a distribution extra pet vaccinations in post-epizootic
costs:cost savings ratio on a per-unit-area stages (25% of the epizootic increase).
basis. Thus, the baseline case of $100 per sq.
mi distribution costs and maximum cost Additional Sensitivity Analyses
savings during epizootic years of $156.56 per The impact of two alternate discount
sq. mi ($1.52 per person x 103 persons per sq. rates (0% and 5%) was evaluated, and the
mi) gives a ratio of 1:1.57. This ratio can be impact of higher distribution costs was
altered for sensitivity analyses. assessed. In New Jersey (5), the costs of
distribution were calculated at approxi-
Sensitivity Analyses: Animal Vaccinations mately $260 per sq. mi, while cost savings
The proportion of household pets and during the epizootic period were calculated
domesticated animals vaccinated before an at $2.60 per person (without reduced pet
epizootic can be quite low. For example, in vaccinations considered as a benefit). This
Cumberland County, North Carolina, it was gives a distribution costs:cost savings ratio
estimated that only 20% of dogs and cats of 1:1.03 (compared with 1:1.57 in the
were vaccinated against rabies before the baseline scenario) increasing the costs of
epizootic (Tysmans, J., MPH thesis, 1996). distribution relative to cost-savings. The
During an epizootic, public health officials impact of removing the cost of having to
often encourage or enforce pet vaccinations, continuously bait a barrier zone around
and vaccination rates often increase (5; areas covered by previous vaccination
Tysmans, J., MPH thesis, 1996). Successful programs was then considered. In the first
elimination of raccoon rabies from an area distribution scenario, costs associated with
could be considered a good reason for baiting a barrier for years 21 through 30
allowing vaccination rates to remain at lower were removed from the model. In the second
levels, thus avoiding the costs associated distribution scenario, it was assumed that
with increased vaccinations. However debat- the barrier need only be maintained for 2
able this proposition is, the economic impact years after the first 2 years of baiting (i.e., no
of considering reduced pet vaccinations as a baiting for years 5 through 30). The final
benefit is demonstrated by rerunning the two sensitivity analysis used the first distribu-
tion scenario to examine the threshold price second distribution scenario (baiting the
of oral vaccine for levels of bait density entire area in 2 years, followed by 28 years of
ranging from 100 sq. mi to 300 sq. mi, and baiting a 5-mi boundary) (Table 2). Consider-
using three different distribution costs:cost ing the avoidance of increased pet rabies
savings ratios. Threshold price was deter- vaccinations as a benefit improves the NPVs
mined by altering the price of the vaccine of both scenarios and changes the NPV of the
until the NPV for a given bait density expanding circles distribution scenario from
equaled $0 (see footnote) The first two price negative to positive. For the baseline case,
ratios were 1:1.57 (baseline, Table 1) and using different discount rates changes the
1:1.96. The latter represents an arbitrary absolute values but not the signs.
increase of +25% in cost-savings relative to
distribution costs. The last price ratio used Results: Sensitivity Analysis
for the threshold analyses was constructed The smaller distribution costs:cost sav-
by assuming that reduced rates of pet ing ratio of 1:1.03 increased the losses
vaccination resulted in additional cost- (larger negative NPVs) and reduced the sole
savings of $176 per sq. mi ($16 per pet x 11 positive NPV to +$0.9 million (3% discount
extra vaccinations per sq. mi), giving a ratio rate). Eliminating the need for baiting a
of 1:3.33. protective barrier saves $4.8 million in the
expanding circles scenario ($7.9-$3.1 mil-
Results: Baseline Case lion, 3% discount rate) and $14.8 million in
The first distribution scenario (expand- the entire area scenario ($13.7 million + $1.1
ing circles) provides smaller losses than the million, 3% discount rate) (Table 2). Figure 2
shows the threshold prices for the oral
Table 2. Net present values (NPV) of different
distribution scenarios for using an oral vaccine
to control raccoon rabies
Baiting scenario NPV without pet NPV with pet
vaccination vaccinations a
($ millions) ($ millions) $5
Discount rate Discount rate
0% 3% 5% 0% 3% 5%
Expanding -10.2 -6.2 -4.7 +5.5 +3.1 +2.2 $4
Ratio of 1:3.33 (baseline + reduced pet vaccinations)
Entire area -21.3 -15.7 -13.3 -0.5 -1.1 -1.3
at onceb
Sensitivity analyses
Reduced distribution:savingsc
Expanding -14.3 -8.5 -6.3 +1.4 +0.9 +0.6 Ratio of 1:1.95
Entire area -30.8 -21.9 -18.2 -12.5 -8.9 -7.3 $1
done at once Ratio of 1:1.57 (baseline case)
No baiting of boundary
Expanding -0.7 -1.8 -2.1 +14.1 +7.9 +4.5 $0
circles 100 150 200 250 300
Entire area +2.9 -0.9 -2.3 +23.7 +13.7 +9.7 Oral vaccine bait density (units/sq. mile)
at once
Cost savings (benefits) of 11 pets/sq. mi during an Figure 2. Threshold prices for the oral vaccine at
epizootic period, and 2.75 pets/sq. mi during the post- different levels of bait density and three
epizootic period, both at $16/pet. distribution costs:cost-savings ratios for the
Expanding circles assumes start with 20-mi radius, expanding circles scenario
expanding by 5 mi every 2 years for 20 years, and then Notes: Threshold price occurs at the point that the
baiting a 5-mi wide boundary for next 10 years. Entire net present value of a vaccination program = $0.
area assumes baiting 65-mi radius for 2 years,
followed by 28 years of baiting 5-mi wide radius.
The distribution costs:cost-savings ratios are
Ratio of distribution costs:cost savings is 1:1.03, calculated on a per unit area basis, using the
based on New Jersey data (1). In baseline scenario, maximum cost-savings figures (i.e., savings
ratio is 1:1.57. resulting from avoiding an epizootic).
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editors. Prevention effectiveness: A guide to decision
analysis and economic evaluation. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1996.
cases of new diseases; and 4) cognizant of the officials. Training for traditional healers
recurrence of a disease they have not seen in must include explaining, (in terms that are
some time. If traditional healers are not tied culturally relevant to their understanding of
into the global reporting network in a illness and health) why scientists outside
systematic and effective manner, their their communities need timely medical
knowledge of new or reemerging disease information from their local practices. What
information may reach the outside world late to report is of equal concern. Healers must be
or in many cases, not at all. Traditional briefed in what is reportable. A checklist of
healers differ not only from country to specific symptoms, such as new or unusual
country, but often from region to region and fevers, rashes, or lesions could be developed
from one ethnic or minority group to the for reference. Such a checklist could also
next. An adequate surveillance system must include questions on the apparent mode of
ensure that in each instance the most transmission of the disease, (whether it is
appropriate traditional healers are included appearing in members of the same house-
in some type of timely warning system. hold; in specific parts of a local area, such as
Including traditional healers into a households that share a common water
global system does not mean that scientists source or are located near a forested area; or
and clinicians must agree with indigenous in sex partners). The development and
explanations of the causes or treatments of circulation of a pictorial reference guide of
infectious diseases. Nor does it require that diseases found in an area might facilitate
traditional healers accept modern assump- communication between healers and local
tions about the causes, presence, or treat- officials. Specific guidelines should ensure
ment of such diseases. However, a complete that reporting is done quickly. Finally, a
surveillance system does require that par- clear and workable reporting system, with
ticipants cooperate and maintain profes- specific information about whom to contact
sional respect and courtesy. The goal is a at the local level should be established.
surveillance system that is sensitive to An effective surveillance program must
cultural differences and in which new or include a systematic educational component
unusual medical events can be reported for local health officials, with specific
quickly and accurately from the traditional discussion about the need to include
healer to the local medical officials in the traditional healers, what information these
hospital or laboratory linked to the global healers are asked to provide, and how this
surveillance system. information, once conveyed to local health
In recommending the inclusion of tradi- officials, must be transmitted to the regional
tional healers in a global surveillance hospital, universities, and ministries of
network, we do not seek to minimize the health quickly and effectively. Because many
differences, or the animosity, between these local health officials have heavy demands
healers and modern medical practitioners placed on their time, the more straightfor-
(14). Moreover, the relevant strengths and ward this transmission link is made, the
weakness of traditional healing are not the better for all concerned. The local health
issue here. Critical time, however, may be official is the key “up-link” between the
lost unless all resources are tied into a remote field and the regional or national
disease reporting system. surveillance centers where a more careful
Lines of communication must be estab- and systematic evaluation of the new or
lished between traditional healers and local reemerging infectious disease should begin.
health care systems that serve as the “up- Finally, training for both healers and
links” to the regional, national, and interna- those to whom they report must be
tional early warning systems. A system in comprehensive, and its effectiveness must be
which traditional healers know whom to evaluated often. A communications bridge
contact and how to establish contact quickly must be established and maintained if global
is essential. Traditional healers must be warning is to be truly effective.
taught why, what, when, and how to report
unusual symptoms in their patients to local
this protozoon. We do not know the infectious exporter associations were most helpful in
dose, the proportion of infected persons who the investigations and need to remain
have diarrhea, the proportion of diarrheal involved if we are to better understand what
illness caused in various settings by occurred in May and June of this year.
Cyclospora, the existence of animal reser- Throughout the workshop, a wider issue
voirs, or the viability of the organism in than the current situation with Cyclospora
different environmental conditions. It can be was discussed: the management of the
transmitted by water and food, and its emerging problem of widespread multistate
transmission is seasonal (late spring/early and international foodborne outbreaks of
summer), at least where it has been studied both infectious and toxic nature. Such
(primarily temperate, seasonal climates). outbreaks are increasing and can be expected
The poor sensitivity and specificity of to worsen as the world moves toward a global
current methods for diagnosis and detection food economy. What contaminates a particu-
of Cyclospora were discussed. A photomicro- lar food item on a farm, in a herd or crop, at a
graphic demonstration convinced the partici- processing shed, or from a handler, can now
pants that currently the foremost require- cause widely distributed outbreaks, conti-
ment for accurate clinical diagnosis is a nents away, in a day. More coordination is
skilled microscopist. The status of poly- needed on several fronts in the management
merase chain reaction technologies for of such outbreaks: 1) the development of a
detection and diagnosis of Cyclospora was structured process for integration and
presented and discussed, including the coordination of epidemiologic studies; 2)
inhibitory aspects of berry juices and the more aggressive laboratory diagnostic train-
difficulty in oocyst recoveries from spiked ing related to poorly recognized or under-
berry samples. Participants stated the need stood emerging infections; 3) better coordi-
for a bank of Cyclospora organisms and their nation of press releases related to multistate
DNA (molecular libraries) from different outbreaks; 4) better understanding and
locations and outbreaks. Currently, we may clarification of the legal roles and responsi-
not be able to take full advantage of such bilities of federal, state, and local agencies;
epidemiologically well-documented speci- 5) and earlier involvement of industrial
mens; however, the technologies and tools partners at all levels, including growing/
will continue to advance, and these speci- processing, exporting/importing, transport-
mens need to be centrally banked now, to be ing, and wholesale/retail sales. Because
made available when the tools are up to the these types of outbreaks are likely to become
task. An animal model needs to be developed, international this aspect must be addressed
or at least explored. The uses for such a in considering appropriate approaches.
model include providing material (oocysts The Cyclospora outbreaks of May and
and other life-cycle stages) for reagent June 1996 underlined that without the
development (monoclonal antibodies) to ability to culture and grow the organisms,
allow studies of the organisms, the disease, without a supply of the organism to develop
immune responses, and potential environ- expedient assays, without an established
mental transmission. Such a model will coordinating body to expedite agreed-upon
facilitate the development of prevention and means for dissemination of information, we,
treatment strategies. as public health officials, are called upon to
Ongoing investigations into how the provide guidance without the benefit of all
raspberries were contaminated were dis- the appropriate knowledge. The workshop
cussed. The lack of sensitive and reproduc- engendered interchange and discussion on
ible detection assays for Cyclospora, which critical issues concerning what is known and
does not replicate outside the human host, unknown about Cyclospora and the out-
remains the major stumbling block in breaks of cyclosporiasis during May and
providing proof of contamination of sus- June 1996. The workshop also provided a
pected transmission vehicles. Studies were forum in which it became apparent that
too preliminary for conclusions. Both the public health officials must launch a
government of Guatemala and the producer/ committed effort to develop an established,
persons and the public health relevance of PCR Confirmation of Infection with
this emerging pathogen as a potential cause
of diarrheal outbreaks (3,4) make prompt Cyclospora cayetanensis
disclosure of the epidemiologic features and
behavior of the parasite necessary. As we To the Editor: Cyclospora cayetanensis,
propose the possible participation of poultry formerly known as cyanobacterium-like
in the epidemiologic cycle of the coccidia, we body, is a variably acid-fast microorganism.
invite other Cyclospora working groups Recently, it was classified as a coccidian
worldwide to confirm the so far putative parasite (1) closely related to the genus
reservoir described in this communication Eimeria (2). Humans infected with C.
and to further study other possible hosts or cayetanensis typically have diarrheal illness
reservoirs. with a variable number of stools per day and
sometimes have nausea and vomiting (3,4).
H. Leslie García-López, Luís E. Rodríguez- Cyclospora infection has been reported in
Tovar, and Carlos E. Medina-De la Garza* many parts of the world as clustered or
Facultad de Medicina y Hospital Universitario sporadic cases (1,3-5).
“Dr. J.E. González,” Universidad Autónoma de Variable success in diagnosing infection
Nuevo León, Monterrey, Mexico with this parasite underscores the need for
using (as quality control) molecular meth-
References ods, which do not rely on the level of
1. Ashford RW. Ocurrence of an undescribed coccidian expertise of laboratory personnel in micros-
in man in Papua New Guinea. Ann Trop Med
copy. The key features for diagnosis by light
Parasitol 1979;73:497-500.
2. Ortega YR, Gilman RH, Sterling CR. A new coccidian microscopy are size (8µm to 10µm in
parasite (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from humans. J diameter), internal features of stained and
Parasitol 1994;80:625-9. unstained oocysts, and autofluorescence of
3. Soave R, Johnson WD. Cyclospora: conquest of an oocysts (1,6). The definitive diagnosis is
emerging patho ge n (comme ntary). Lancet understood as visualization of characteristic
sporulated oocysts, which contain two
4. Huang P, Weber JT, Sosin DM, Griffin PM, Long EG,
Murphy JJ, et al. The first reported outbreak of sporocysts. However, sporulation typically
diarrheal illness associated with Cyclospora in the requires incubating oocysts for up to 2
United States. Ann Intern Med 1995;123:409-14. weeks, and this approach cannot be applied
5. Rabold JG, Hoge CW, Shlim DR, Kefford C, Rajah R, to Formalin or polyvinylalcohol-preserved
Echeverría P. Cyclospora outbreak associated with stool smears.
chlorinated drinking water. Lancet 1994;344:1360.
6. Zerpa R, Uchima N, Huicho L. Cyclospora
Sporadic and clustered cases of Cyclo-
cayetanensis associated with watery diarrhoea in spora infections were reported in the United
Peruvian patients. J Trop Med Hyg 1995;98:325-9. States and Canada during May and June
7. Relman DA, Schmidt TM, Gajadhar A, Sogin M, Cross 1996 (5,7). From these outbreaks, more than
J, Yoder K, et al. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of 900 cases were diagnosed by examining stool
Cyclospora, the human intestinal pathogen, suggests
specimens under light microscopy (Barbara
that is closely related to Eimeria species. J Infect Dis
1996;173:440-5. Herwaldt, pers. comm.). Epidemiologic stud-
8. Chiodini PL. A “new” parasite: human infection with ies indicated risk for Cyclospora infection
Cyclospora cayetanensis. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med from consuming raspberries imported from
Hyg 1994;88:369-71. Guatemala (7). Forty-two stool specimens
9. Connor BA, Shlim DR. Foodborne transmission of supplied in 2.5% potassium dichromate from
cyclospora . Lancet 1995;346:1634.
patients with intestinal symptoms were
forwarded to the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention to be evaluated by micros-
copy and by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
amplification. In addition, one well-charac-
terized positive stool specimen from Nepal
was provided by John Cross, Armed Forces
Research Institute of Medical Sciences,
Bangkok, Thailand, to use as the positive extracted DNA was diluted at 10 -5.
control. Lastly, a note of caution. As noted by
Using techniques we developed for Relman et al. (2) and confirmed by us
diagnosis of other protozoan parasites in through GenBank searches, the nested PCR
stools, we extracted DNA from all stools. The Cyclospora primers cross-amplify other
techniques we used employ glass-bead coccidians, especially those belonging to the
disruption of oocysts in a buffer containing genus Eimeria (because no molecular data
Laureth-12, purification with the RapidPrep exist for another human coccidian enteric
Micro Genomic DNA Isolation Kit for Cells parasite, Isospora belli, potential cross-
and Tissue (Pharmacia Biotech Inc., amplification remains to be determined).
Piscataway, N.J.), followed by a final This cross-amplification with E i meria should
purification step employing the QIAquick not present a problem in diagnosing
PCR purification kit protocol (Qiagen, Inc., Cyclospora in human stool, as no human
Chatsworth, Calif.) (8). The glass-bead infections by Eimeria are known. However,
disruption of oocysts was far more effective when analyzing food or environmental
than sonication (2) or freeze-thawing tech- specimens, this cross-amplification may
niques (9). We performed nested PCR in all complicate precise detection of Cyclospora.
stool specimens by using Relman et al. (2)
primers CYCF1E and CYCR2B for the first Norman J. Pieniazek, Susan B. Slemenda,
step of nested amplification and primers Alexandre J. da Silva, Edith M. Alfano, and
CYCF3E and CYCR4B for the second (nested) Michael J. Arrowood
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
step of the PCR. These are the only primers
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
described for amplification of Cyclospora
DNA. We found optimal conditions for the
first step PCR to be denaturation at 94°C for
1. Ortega YR, Sterling CR, Gilman RH, Cama VA, Diaz
30 s, annealing at 55°C for 30 s, and exten- F. Cyclospora cayetanensis: a new protozoan
sion at 72°C for 90 s, 45 cycles. The same pathogen of humans. N Engl J Med 1993;328:1308-12.
conditions were used for the second step of 2. Relman DA, Schmidt TM, Gajadhar A, Sogin M,
the nested PCR, but the annealing tempera- Cross J, Yoder K, et al. Molecular phylogenetic
ture was 60°C. analysis of Cyclospora, the human intestinal
By using this approach, we amplified the pathogen, suggests that it is closely related to
Eimeria species. J Infect Dis 1996;173:440-5
Cyclospora-specific DNA fragment in 16 3. Soave R, Dubey JP, Ramos LJ, Tummings M. A new
(38%) of the 26 (62%) specimens reconfirmed intestinal pathogen? Clin Res 1986;34:533A.
as positive by light microscopy. The 10 4. Long EG, Ebrahimzadeh A, White EH, Swisher B,
specimens negative by PCR but positive by Callaway CS. Alga associated with diarrhea in
microscopy showed either few or moderate patients with aquired immunodeficiency syndrome
and in travelers. J Clin Microbiol 1990;28:1101-4.
numbers of Cyclospora oocysts. None of the
5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
16 (38%) specimens negative by microscopy Outbreaks of Cyclospora cayetanensis infection -
generated positive results in the PCR United States, 1996. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep
Cyclospora test. Upon further examination 1996;45:549-51.
by the PCR technique we developed (9), three 6. Garcia LS, Bruckner DA. Intestinal protozoa:
of these samples were positive for another Coccidia and microsporidia. In: Garcia LS, Bruckner
DA, editors. Diagnostic medical parasitology, 2nd ed.
enteric coccidian, Cryptosporidium parvum.
Washington: American Society for Microbiology,
Preliminary evaluation indicates that the 1993;49-74.
sensitivity of PCR is 62%, and the specificity 7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
is 100%. Although the sensitivity of the Update: Outbreaks of Cyclospora cayetanensis
technique should be evaluated further, these infection - United States and Canada, 1996. MMWR
results indicate that PCR can be used to Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 1996;45:611-2.
8. da Silva AJ, Schwartz DA, Visvesvara GS, de Moura
detect Cyclospora. We assessed the sensitiv- H, Slemenda SB, Pieniazek NJ. Sensitive PCR
ity of this PCR again by using the Nepalese diagnosis of infections by Enterocytozoon bieneusi
specimen described above. This specimen, (microsporidia) using primers based on the region
which was used as positive control in all coding for small-subunit rRNA. J Clin Microbiol
reactions, was amplified even when the 1996;34:986-7.
9. Johnson DW, Pieniazek NJ, Griffin DW, Misener L, tuberculosis (TB) were probably unknown.
Rose JB. Development of a PCR protocol for sensitive Epidemic diarrhea and dysenteriae could
detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts in water
have existed, although first reports men-
specimens. Appl Env Microbiol 1995;61:3849-55.
tioned that the oldest Polynesians “never
heard of dysenteriae before” (5). In the
Marquesian language, names exist for
leprosy, bronchitis, abscesses, and impetigo.
Emerging Infectious Diseases and the The number of inhabitants in Tahiti, as
Depopulation of French Polynesia in well as in the Marquesas and the Austral
the 19th Century Archipelago, was at first only estimated by
European explorers. However, a precise
To the Editor: The same dynamics now census was performed as soon as missionar-
considered factors in the emergence of ies and French authorities noted the high
infectious diseases may have been involved death rates in most of the islands (5,7,15,16).
in the dramatic depopulation of French Tahiti was annexed by France in 1843; the
Polynesia in the 19th century. Temporal and first census was performed in 1848, and the
geographic variation in the frequency and population size was assessed approximately
severity of infectious diseases are the result every 5 years until 1911.
of the encounter and interaction of a Four major epidemic diseases (TB,
population of parasites and a population of typhoid, influenza, and smallpox) devastated
hosts. J. Musser reviewed the “bacterial side the Marquesas from 1791 to 1863/64;
of the equation” (1). On the host side, there approximately 80% of the population died.
are two historical models that describe the During that period, exchange of populations
influence of parasitism on human popula- between the Marquesas Islands also in-
tions (2-4): 1) the South American model, in creased, as a consequence of colonization.
which new pathogens were introduced into Thus, leprosy increased dramatically during
native populations by the European conquis- the second half of the 19th century, to a
tadores, causing the death of 50 million prevalence of 4.11% in 1884 (6).
people; and 2) the African model, in which In Rapa, the remote, southern island of
infectious diseases present in native popula- the Austral Archipelago, at least three
tions protected them from the effects of epidemics were reported, resulting in the
colonization until modern times when the loss of more than 90% of the population.
discovery of quinine and other efficient Although the cause of the first epidemic
antipathogenic drugs provided added protec- remained unknown, dysenteriae and small-
tion. The second model is well illustrated by pox were identified as causes of the second
the attempted colonization of Madagascar, and third epidemics, respectively.
where the French lost five men to war and From Rapa, a missionary went to
5,000 to malaria (2). This letter intends to Mangareva in 1831 or 1832, and his visit
illustrate the first model. We suggest that there was followed by an epidemic that the
during their first contacts with European natives attributed “to his god.” He had to flee
navigators in the very late 18th century and back to Rapa. The second recorded epidemic
the 19th century, Polynesian islanders, disease was “Chinese scabies” in 1865, which
much like populations in the South American decimated the child population. Then, the
model, were decimated by newly introduced warship “La Zélée” brought an epidemic of
infectious diseases. influenza in 1908. In 1910, TB and leprosy
It is difficult to know precisely which were reported “to spread rapidly” (7), and in
infectious diseases were present in Tahiti 1911, the ship “La Gauloise” brought
and the other French Polynesian islands whooping cough to Mangareva.
before the arrival of the first Europeans. In Tahiti and the Society Islands, the
However, a study of Polynesian languages number and diversity of international and
indicates that Bancroftian filariasis and interisland exchanges, involving numerous
leprosy were already present, while syphilis commercial ships and whalers, make the
and other venereal diseases, influenza, and origin of epidemics more difficult to trace.
10. van Ripper III C, Van Ripper SG, Lee Goff M, Laird M. gested by reports from Africa (2).
The epizootiology and ecological significance of For over 150 years, it was believed that
malaria in Hawaiian land birds. Ecological
zoster occurred in local epidemics (3,4). By
Monographs 1986;56:127-44.
11. Buisson GPE. Les îles Marquises et les Marquisiens. the 1950s, however, it was generally agreed
Annales d’Hygiène et de Médecine Coloniales that zoster represented reactivation of latent
1903;6:535-59. gangliar varicella virus either sporadically,
12. Halstead SB. Pathogenesis of Dengue: challenge to or in response to immunosuppression or
molecular biology. Science 1988;239:476-81. trauma. Epidemics of “endogenous” immuno-
13. Turner TB. Studies on the relationship between yaws
and syphilis. American Journal of Hygiene
suppression, such as those associated with
1937;25:477-506. epidemic HIV infection, might thus be
14. Garenne M, Aaby P. J Infect Dis 1990;161:1088. expected to produce outbreaks of zoster, as
15. Rollin L. Moeurs et coutumes des anciens Maoris des seems to have occurred in Manipur and
îles Marquises. Papeete: Stepolde, 1974. Vietnam. In the Indian outbreak traumatic
16. Hanson A. Rapa, une île polynésienne hier et
zoster seemed unlikely: truncal and facial
aujourd’hui. Paris: Publications de la Société des
Océanistes, 1973. dermatomes predominated, rather than
17. Vallaux F. Mangareva et les Gambier. Papeete: dermatomes corresponding to drug injection
Etablissement Territorial d’Achats Groupés, 1994. sites (usually the hands or legs). Recognition
of zoster outbreaks may be important in
developing countries where HIV diagnosis is
limited, CD4 cell counts are unavailable, and
Epidemic Zoster and AIDS diagnosis of AIDS is delayed. Zoster is not
currently accepted as an AIDS-defining
To the Editor: Zoster (exogenously condition (5), and the extent to which it may
reactivated varicella-zoster virus infection) reflect immune collapse or predict HIV
may seem an unlikely candidate for emer- disease progression is uncertain. Neverthe-
gence and epidemicity. A recent report, less, greater awareness of zoster as a
however, describes a zoster outbreak associ- sentinel indicator of community HIV trans-
ated with epidemic HIV in injecting drug mission may be of help not only in clinical
users in Manipur State, India (1). In addition diagnosis, but also in public health efforts to
to underscoring the variety of ways in which recognize epidemic HIV occurrence.
“old” diseases may reemerge under complex
bio-ecologic conditions, this outbreak may D. M. Morens,* A.K. Agarwal,† S. Sarkar,†
also have implications for anticipating and S. Panda,† and R. Detels‡
diagnosing HIV infections and AIDS in *University of Hawaii School of Medicine,
Honolulu, Hawaii; ICMR Unit for Research on
developing countries. The Manipur outbreak
AIDS in North-eastern States of India, Calcutta,
was associated with a doubling of zoster India†; and University of California at Los
frequency above background levels, with Angeles, Los Angeles, California‡
increased occurrence most notable in males
12-44 years old, who also had the highest
HIV prevalence. In a separately studied
1. Panda S, Sarkar S, Mandal BK, Singh TBK, Lokendra
group of 120 injecting drug users, 20 Singh K, Mitra DK, et al. Epidemic of herpes zoster
developed zoster and all were found to be following HIV epidemic in Manipur, India. J Infect
HIV positive (1), a correlation substantially 1994;28:167-73.
greater than for such other clinical predicters 2. Tyndall MW, Nasio J, Agoki E, Malisa W, Ronald AR,
of HIV infection as persistent lymphaden- Ndinya-Achola JO, Plummer A. Herpes zoster as the
initial presentation of human immunodeficiency
opathy, weight loss, or recurrent derma- virus type 1 infection in Kenya. Clin Infect Dis
toses. Increased zoster occurrence associated 1995;21:1035-7.
with HIV transmission has also been seen in 3. Simon L. Questions sur diverses branches des sciences
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and in other médicales. Thèse 202. Paris: Rignoux, 1840.
Southeast Asian countries, particularly in 4. Kaposi M. Bemerkungen über die jüngste Zoster-
Epidemie und zur Aetiologie des Zoster. Wien Med
injecting drug using populations (unpub-
Wochenschr 1889;25:961-4, 26:1001-4.
lished). Zoster as a sentinel indicator of
community HIV transmission is also sug-
5. World Health Organization. Interim proposal for a widely present at that time provide strong
WHO staging system for HIV infection and diseases. evidence that AAA disease refers to schisto-
Wkly Epidemiol Rec 1990;65:221-4.
somiasis haematobia.
Schistosomiasis is still with us. In fact,
through dispersions of both human popula-
tions and specific fresh-water snails (the
Ancient Egypt and Today: Enough intermediate hosts for schistosomes), this
Scourges to Go Around disease now infects some 200 million persons
and is responsible for an estimated 800,000
To the Editor: In a recent letter (1), deaths per year (8). While clearly ancient,
Ablin conjectures that translation of the schistosomiasis can emerge as a new infec-
hieroglyphic symbol for AAA in many ancient tious disease in a given location under
Egyptian papyri (Ebers, Berlin, Hearst, certain man-made changes in environmental
London, and Kahum), may be suggesting the conditions and economic- or war-related
existence of human immunodeficiency virus migrations of people. For example, in the
(HIV) or its prototype during the time of the Senegal River basin, estuarine dams, irriga-
pharaohs. While hieroglyphic interpreta- tion systems, and an influx of people to work
tions remain challenging, the symbol cited in irrigation-intense crops led, over a period of
his letter has most commonly been trans- only 3 years, to an increased prevalence of S.
lated as hematuria (2-4) and has most often mansoni infection from 0% to >95% of the
been related to schistosomiasis haematobia. population of >50,000 (9). Even in modern-
This infection, caused by the helminth day Egypt, such interventions as the Aswan
Schistosoma haematobium, has been shown High Dam have significantly altered pat-
to have occurred in Egypt from early terns of schistosomiasis (2,10). The Ministry
pharaonic times (3200 B.C.), by the demon- of Health and Population of Egypt and the
stration of schistosome eggs (5) and circu- U.S. Agency for International Development
lating schistosome antigens (6,7) in mum- are addressing this ancient scourge through
mies. Remedies for hematuria were recorded the Schistosomiasis Research Project, a
in papyri from many centuries (9 in Hearst, national schistosomiasis research and con-
11 in Berlin, 20 in Ebers), perhaps implying trol program that attacks the disease with
that the condition was serious and wide- available tools, while it presses forward with
spread. In giving one of the remedies in the research on much needed new tools, such as
Ebers papyrus (circa 1500 B.C.), the text vaccines.
actually mentions worms in the body
Daniel G. Colley
(although it seems to state that the worms
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
are caused by AAA disease, perhaps invert- Atlanta, Georgia, USA
ing the true order of causality). In the Hearst
papyrus one of the remedies cited for hema- References
turia is antimony disulfide. Until only 25 1. Ablin RJ. AIDS: déjà vu in ancient Egypt? Emerging
years ago, antimonial compounds were the Infectious Diseases 1996;2:242.
most effective drugs for schistosomiasis 2. Abdel-Wahab MF. Schistosomiasis in Egypt. Boca
chemotherapy. Raton: CRC Press, Inc., 1982.
It seems likely that, over a period of 3. Farooq M. Historical development. In: Ansari N,
editor. Epidemiology and control of schistosomiasis
many centuries in ancient Egypt, AAA
(bilharziasis). Baltimore: University Park Press,
disease was a widespread condition of 1973:1-16.
sufficient severity to require medical atten- 4. Kolata G. Avoiding the schistosome’s tricks. Science
tion. I concur with many others in proposing 1985;227:285-7.
that the translation of AAA disease is 5. Ruffer M. Note on the presence of Bilharzia
hematuria, and that the relationship drawn haematobium in Egyptian mummies of the twentieth
dynasty (1250-1000 B.C.). Br Med J 1910;1:16.
between AAA and worms in the body,
6. Deelder AM, Miller RL, de Jonge N, Krijger FW.
antimonial-based remedies, and the knowl- Detection of antigen in mummies. Lancet
edge that S. haematobium infections were 1990;335:724-5.
7. Miller RL, Armelagos GJ, Ikram S, de Jonge N, This interpretation is now generally ac-
Krijger FW, Deelder AM. Paleoepidemiology of cepted (4,5). The phallus-with-discharge
Schistosoma infection in mummies. Br Med J
thus came to indicate a deadly disease, and
8. Capron A, Dessaint JP, Capron M, Ouma JH, AAA a poisonous disease-causing substance
Butterworth AE. Immunity to schistosomes: Progress introduced into the body by magic. The word
toward a vaccine. Science 1987;238:1065-72. AAA is used elsewhere in the Egyptian
9. Gryseels B, Stelma FF, Talla I, van Dam GJ, Polman medical papyri in other contexts, such as
K, Sow S, et al. Epidemiology, immunology and “AAA of the heart” and “AAA of the belly and
chemotherapy of Schistosoma mansoni infections in a
recently exposed community in Senegal. Trop Geogr
heart,” and is not known to have been used in
Med 1994;46:209-19. connection with the bladder or genitalia.
10. El Alamy MA, Cline BL. Prevalence and intensity of While the determinative meaning may not be
Schistosoma haematobium and S. mansoni infection absolutely established, it is clear from its
in Qalyub, Egypt. Am J Trop Med Hyg 1977;26:470-2. usage in other contexts that the phallus-
with-discharge determinative can indicate
fatal or serious illness. The notion that the
phallus-with-discharge determinative refers
AIDS and AAA in Egypt? to sexually transmitted disease is not
consistent with its usage. To further argue
To the Editor: A recent letter concern- that AAA represents AIDS or HIV disease is
ing Egyptian hieroglyphs on the disease AAA not justified by the linguistic evidence.
asks if this disease could be AIDS or an HIV- Without further archaeologic or inscriptional
associated condition prevalent in Egypt evidence, we would doubt that HIV circu-
during the time of the pharaohs (1). We lated in ancient Egypt.
believe this possibility is highly unlikely.
Aside from conflicts with current thought on Robert J. Littman and David M. Morens
the origin and evolution of lentiviruses, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii
there is a problem of linguistic interpreta-
tion. The initial hieroglyph in the series of References
hieroglyphs comprising the word AAA, a 1. Ablin RJ. Déjà vu in ancient Egypt? Emerging
picture of a discharging phallus, is a Infectious Diseases 1996;2:242.
“determinative,” indicating the class or 2. Ebbell B. The Papyrus Ebers. London: Oxford
University Press, 1937.
category to which the word belongs. Al-
3. Jonckheere F. Une Maladie Égyptienne, l’Hématurie
though scholars once took this determinative Parasitaire. Bruxelles: Fondation Égyptologique
to indicate a phallic connection with disease, Reine Élizabeth, 1944.
even suggesting that AAA meant hematuria, 4. von Deines H, Westendorf W. Wörterbuch der
consistent with schistosomiasis (2,3), it was medizinischen Texte. Erste Hälfte. Berlin: Akademie-
later proposed that the determinative meant Verlag, 1961;7(Part 1):129.
5. Nunn JF. Chapter 3. Concepts of anatomy, physiology
semen or poison, reflecting the Egyptian
and pathology. Chapter 4. The pattern of disease.
concept that diseases may be transmitted by Chapter 5. Magic and religion in medicine. In: Nunn
an evil spirit in the form of an incubus, JF: Ancient Egyptian Medicine. London: British
impregnating a victim with poisonous semen. Museum Press, 1966:42-63,64-95,96-112.
ABA Sponsors Program on Law and dation, urbanization, poverty, and inad-
equate public health infrastructures).
Emerging Infectious Diseases The International Health Law Commit-
tee program marks a first step in raising
In August 1996, the International Health awareness in the legal and public health
Law Committee, International Law and communities of the many and complex legal
Practice Section, American Bar Association, issues involved in addressing emerging
sponsored a program entitled “Law and infectious diseases.
Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Dis- For copies of program presentations and
eases” to examine how the emergence and other information, contact David P. Fidler by
reemergence of infectious diseases affects e-mail at [email protected].
international and U.S. federal, state, and
local law. The issues addressed included David P. Fidler
international legal rules on infectious Indiana University School of Law
disease control and the need for their Bloomington, Indiana, USA
revision in light of emerging and reemerging
infectious diseases; emerging infectious
diseases and U.S. federal law, especially as it
affects the mission of public health agencies; A Global Theme Issue: Bibliography
and the importance of state and local law in
dealing with emerging infectious diseases.
of References
Common themes included the challenge
Emerging and reemerging infections
posed by emerging infectious diseases as law
respect no national boundaries; therefore,
at every level (international, national, and
they were an appropriate topic for the first
local) is involved and law in various forms
“global medical theme issue,” introduced in
(treaties, constitutions, statutes, and regu-
January 1996. This global theme issue was
lations) is affected; the need for legal reform
conceived by three editors, Linda Hawes
at the international and U.S. federal, state,
Clever, The Western Journal of Medicine,
and local levels; the challenges posed by a
Magne Nylenna, Journal of the Norwegian
complex jurisdictional environment (e.g.,
Medical Association, and George D. Lundberg,
World Health Organization’s relationship to
Journal of the American Medical Associa-
independent states and U.S. public health
tion, who in 1995 invited the editors of 78
agencies’ relationships to state govern-
journals worldwide to participate. A year
ments); in considering legal reform, the need
later, 36 journals in 21 countries on six
to balance competing policy objectives, such
continents published more than 200 articles
as the control of infectious diseases versus
pertaining to emerging and reemerging
the freedom of global trade and travel or
global microbial threats (1). The articles
protecting the community versus privacy
addressed topics ranging from factors
rights; the interdependence of legal reform
contributing to increasing antimicrobial
efforts in that local and national implemen-
resistance to the impact of global warming on
tation of revised international rules will be
infectious disease. While some solutions
critical to any global strategy; the need to
were suggested, the global issue primarily
integrate the efforts of lawyers and public
served as a call to medical communities and
health officials to effectively promote epide-
people worldwide to identify contributing
miologic principles and objectives; and the
factors and begin to develop strategies to
massive scope of the emerging diseases
control emergent infections.
threat stemming from not only its global
Following this note is a bibliography of
reach but also the long list of causes behind
articles published by the 36 journals
the emergence and reemergence of infectious
participating in the global theme issue.
diseases (e.g., political and medical compla-
cency, international trade, global travel, Margaret A. Winker
war, human behavior, environmental degra- Journal of the American Medical Association
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Bibliography of References 18. Bifani P, Plikaytis BB, Kapur V, et al. Origin and
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tuberculosis in Rosario Argentina. Medicina
21. Borus P. Rabies: the emergence of a microbial
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4. Albrecht H, Sobottka I, Emminger C, et al. Visceral
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donovani. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1996;120:189-98.
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7. Bakken JS, Krueth MT, Wilson-Nordskog C, Tilden 26. Butler JC, Peters CJ. Lessons learned from the
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10. Bánhegyi D. Current situation of HIV/AIDS in 29. Campbell CM, Williams BG. Academic research and
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11. Barbour AG. Does Lyme disease occur in the South? 60.
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30. Carballal G. Emerging or reemerging virus. [in
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8. 33. Celentano DD, Nelson KE, Suprasert S, et al.. Risk
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15. Beyers AD, Donald PR, van Helden PD, Ehlers 34. Chen B, Tao S. Arbovirus survey in China in recent
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the way forward. S Afr Med J 1996;86:30-3. 35. Chen D-S. Viral hepatitis in East Asia. J Formos
16. Beyers N, Gie RP, Zietsman HL, et al. The use of a
Med Assoc 1996;95:6-12.
geographical information system (GIS) to evaluate 36. Chopra I, Hodgson J, Metcalf B, Poste G. New
the distribution of tuberculosis in a high-incidence
approaches for the control of infections caused by
community. S Afr Med J 1996;86:40-4. antibiotic-resistant bacteria: an industrial
17. Bhatt KM, Bhatt SM, Mirza NB. Meningococcal
perspective. JAMA 1996;275:401-3.
meningitis. East Afr Med J 1996;73:35-9.
37. Chukwuma C Sr. Microsporidium in AIDS and HIV- 55. Espinol CH. On the trail of color. JAMA
infected patients: a perspective. East Afr Med J 1996;275:168.
1996;73:72-5. 56. Fadl Alla AI, Fahal AH, Ahmed ME, Hasson MA.
38. Claus JJ, Kuijper EJ, Gans J de. Listeria- Pattern of postoperative pyrexia in Khartoum. East
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Geneeskd 1996;140:113-116. 57. Fattom AI, Naso R. Staphylococcal vaccines: a
39. Clemens J, Brenner R, Rao M, Tafari N, Lowe C. realistic dream. Ann Med 1996;28:43-6.
Evaluating new vaccines for developing countries: 58. Feingold DS, Weinberg AN. Group A streptococcal
efficacy or effectiveness? JAMA 1996;275:390-7. (gas) infections: and old adversary reemerging with
40. Clever LH. Infectious diseases—getting out of a new tricks. Arch Dermatol 1996;132:67-70.
deep hole. West J Med 1996;164:17. 59. Feldman C, Klugman K. Antibiotic-resistant
41. Collignon PJ, Bell JM, and the AGAR. Drug pneumococcal pneumonia. S Afr Med J 1996;86:28-
resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae: the beginning 30.
of the end for many antibiotics? Med J Aust 60. File TM, Tan JS, Plouffe JF. Community-acquired
1996;164:64-7. pneumonia: what’s needed for accurate diagnosis.
42. Colquhoun SD. Hepatitis C: a clinical update. Arch Postgrad Med 1996;99:95-8, 100, 102, 105-7.
of Surg 1996;130:18-23. 61. Fine MJ, Smith MA, Carson CA, et al. Prognosis and
43. Cunha BA. Community-acquired pneumonia: cost- outcomes of patients with community-acquired
effective antimicrobial therapy. Postgrad Med pneumonia: a meta-analysis. JAMA 1996;275:134-
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44. Cunha BA, Ortega AM. Atypical pneumonia: 62. Fodor T. Pataki G. Bacteriology to the diagnosis of
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45. Davis KJ, Fritz DL, Pitt ML, Welkos SL, Worsham improve congenital syphilis prevention in a rural
PL, Friedlander AM. Pathology of experimental area. S Afr Med J 1996;86:67-71.
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and fraction 1-negative Yersinia pestis in African diseases in Australia. Med J Aust 1996;164:61.
Green Monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops). Arch 65. Fry DE. The reemergence of mycobacterial
Pathol Lab Med 1996;120(February):pages not yet infections. Arch of Surg 1996;130:14-7.
available. 66. Galama JMD. Humane herpesvirussen type 6 en 7,
46. Dawson JE, Warner Ck, Standaert S, Olson JG. The verwekkers van onder meer exanthema subitum.
interface between research and the diagnosis of an [Human herpesviruses type 6 and 7, causative
emerging tick-borne disease, human ehrlichiosis agents of e.g. exanthem subitum.] Ned Tijdschr
due to Ehrlichia chaffeensis. Arch Intern Med Geneeskd 1996;140:124-8.
1996;156:137-42. 67. Gaston DA, Zurowski SM. Arcanobacterium
47. de Quadros CA, Olivé JM, Hersh BS, et al. Measles haemolyticum pharyngitis and exanthem: three
elimination in the Americas: evolving strategies. case reports and literature review. Arch Dermatol
JAMA 1996;275:224-9. 1996;132:61-4.
48. de Kantor IN, Ritacco V, Barrera L. Is multidrug 68. George V, Jesudason MV, John TJ. CAMP test for
resistant tuberculosis an emerging infection in the identification of Vibrio cholerae 0139. Indian J
Buenos Aires? [in Spanish]. Medicina 1996;56:102- Med Res 1996;103:55-7.
4. 69. Gilbert GL. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis:
49. Dhanda V, Das PK, Lal R, Srinivasan R, Ramaiah implications for the future; lesions from the past.
KD. Spread of lymphatic filariasis and reemergence Med J Aust 1996;164:60.
of leishmaniasis in India. Indian J Med Res 70. Gilbert GL. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis:
1996;103:46-54. prevention is better than cure. Med J Aust
50. Doherty RR. HTLV-1 in Australia and Oceania: long 1996;164:120-3.
term resident or recent immigrant? Med J Aust 71. Githure JI, Ngumbi PM, Anjili CO, et al. Animal
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51. Duodenal ulcer: the helicobacterization of a District, Kenya. East Afr Med J 1996;73:44-7.
psycho so matic dise ase? Isr J Med Sc 72. Glanz K, Yang H. Communicating about risk of
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52. Dwyer B. What we should be doing about 73. Gold SM, Shott SR, Myer CM III. Membranous
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53. Eskild A. The AIDS epidemic in Norway - where did 74. Goldman DA, Weinstein RA, Wenzel RP, et al for
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54. Espersen F. Kampen mod mikroberne - et Microorganisms in Hospitals. Strategies to prevent
internationalt anliggende (The fight against the and control the emergence and spread of
microbial threat - an international issue). Ugeskr antimicrobial-resistant microorganisms in hospitals:
Laeger 1996;158:251-2. a challenge to hospital leadership. JAMA
75. Golledge CL, Riley TV. Natural therapy for 92. Honan GM, White GW, Eisenberg GM. Spontaneous
infectious diseases. Med J Aust 1996;164:94-6. infectious discitis in adults. Am J Med 1996;100:85-
76. Gool T van, Dankert J. Drie opkomende protozaire 9.
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77. Grant CC, Duggan AK, Santosham M, DeAngelis C. emerging pathogen? West J Med 1996;164:33-5.
Oral prednisone as a risk factor for infections in 96. Horton R. The infected metropolis. Lancet
children with asthma. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1996;347:pages not yet available.
1996;150:58-63. 97. Hsueh P-R, Chen H-M, Lu Y-C, Wu J-J.
78. Gudjónsson Ath, Kristinsson KG, Gudmundsson S. Antimicrobial resistance and serotype distribution
Antibiotic use and misuse at the National of Streptococcus pneumoniae strains isolated in
University Hospital, Iceland. Laeknabladid 1996;82: Southern Taiwan. J Formos Med Assoc 1996;95:29-
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79. Guðmundsdóttir BK, Guðmundsdó ttir S, 98. Hu DJ, Dondero TJ, Rayfield MA, et al.. The
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Fax: 202-659-3859
E-mail: [email protected]
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Begin each of the following sections on a new page issues. Perspectives may also address factors known to
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