Bio-Deterioration of Library Materials: Study of Fungi Threatening Printed Materials of Libraries in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in 2011
Bio-Deterioration of Library Materials: Study of Fungi Threatening Printed Materials of Libraries in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in 2011
Bio-Deterioration of Library Materials: Study of Fungi Threatening Printed Materials of Libraries in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in 2011
* Corresponding author: Rezvan Ojaghi, School of Management and MedicalInformation Science, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Hezarjerib av-
enue, Isfahan, IR Iran. Tel.: +918-9285498, Fax: E-mail: [email protected]
Background: The importance of preserving and maintaining printed materials is crucial for the libraries. Fungi play the main role in
destroying wood and paper.
Objectives: This research aimed to study and identify threatening fungal agents of library resources in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.
Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive analytical study. 126 samples were collected and examined for the presence of fungi. An open
plate method was used to scan airborne fungal contents and triplicate samples were collected at four different locations in the morning,
at noon, and in the evening. The fungal culture media were incubated at 25-30 ºC until growth appeared and then the fungi colonies were
identified by routine mycological laboratory methods.
Results: 1265 colonies of fungi belonging to 26 genera were identified in the air and different surfaces of books (references and circulation
departments) and also surfaces of shelves in libraries. Cladosporium sp., Penicillium sp., Aspergillus sp. and Alternaria sp. were the most common
isolated fungi in libraries of Isfahan University of medical sciences.
Conclusions: We suggest training librarians as one of the most important steps in libraries to preserve library materials because having no
knowledge about threatening factors and the way to fight with them are the main reasons of most frequent damages to library resources.
Using new methods and technologies of preserving and maintenance of materials should be a priority in library managers’ planning.
Article type: Research Article; Received: 06 Mar 2012, Revised: 07 May 2012, Accepted: 21 May 2012; DOI: 10.5812/jjm.4751
Copyright © 2013 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences; Published by Kowsar Corp.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Chadeganipour M et al. Fungi that ThreatenPrinted Materials of Libraries
All plates were put in an incubator at 25-30°C and exam- (library number 2) 286 colonies, of faculty of rehabilitation (li-
ined for fungal growth for 20 days. Mould fungi grew on brary number 3) 69 colonies, of faculty of pharmacy and phar-
culture media were identified by macroscopic and micro- maceutical sciences (library number 4) 131 colonies, of faculty
scopic standard procedures (12).Yeast colonies were tested of health (library number5) 329 colonies, of faculty of dentist-
by Germ tube and Chlamydoconidia production (13), and ry (library number6) 297 colonies, and of faculty of nursing
reported as Candida albicans and Candida sp. Finally after and midwifery (library number 7) 106 colonies (Figure 1).
determining species and number of fungi colonies data
were entered and studied through SPSS (SPSS Inc., Chicago Table 1. Number of Colonies of Different Fungi Isolated From Isfa-
IL) and analyzed statistically. han University of Medical Science, Iran, in Seven Different Libraries.
Library of faculty of health (library number 5) showed and Auerobasidium spp. Auerobasidium also was found
the most fungal Contamination and of faculty of man- in reference work department libraries; in our study, it
agement and medical information (library number 1), showed almost the least number of colonies; the finding
the least (Table 2). that was similar to what was in Zotti et al. study.
The contamination was revealed in books of reference Rojas et al. (18) in a study on fungi causing bio-deteriora-
department, books of circulation department, air of tion of industrial paper in Bogota archive center showed
libraries, and book shelves of both reference and circu- similar results to our study. They found genera of Clado-
lation departments at the level of 30.7%, 26.3%, 4.1%, and sporium, Chaetomium, Penicillium sacculum, Aspergillus,
38.9%, respectively. Penicillium sp., Cladosporium sp., Al- Penicillium and Alternaria. Species like Chaetomium are
ternaria sp., and Aspergillus sp. were the most common soft-rot fungi that grow in woods existing in wet environ-
fungal species found, and Aureobasidium sp., Syncephal- ments (19). Wooden shelves can absorb humidity provid-
estrum sp., Botrytis sp., and Neurospora sp., were the least ing suitable environment for fungal growth. Sunil and
species detected in our study. We were not able to iden- Kumar (20) suggested that library racks should be made
tify 18 colonies and reported them as unknown species. In of steel and suitably painted to avoid rusting.
this survey Chi-square statistical test was used to identify In chapter six, issue 13 and 14 statute book of Isfahan
significance of fungus redundancy and also the relation- University there are rules about preserving and main-
ship between various cleansing methods and number of tenance of resource, equipment, and space of a library.
fungal agents. These results say paper materials should be kept in metal
racks with enamel or stainless covering. In case of using
5. Discussion wooden racks, their wood should be compact and tena-
Different species of fungi demonstrated different nu- cious and be covered with high quality acrylic stain (21).
tritional patterns; some fed from buckram bindings, and Isolation of Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, and
some from leather. One species appeared light tolerant Alternaria spp. as the most common isolated fungi in
and attacked the spine of the books. Nevertheless other Isfahan university of medical sciences libraries, was in
species would only grow on the paper as dark spots (14). agreement with the fungi reported by Vittal et al. (9) in
Papers had made of plants. Aspergillus and Tricoderma libraries and archives. They also found Chaetomium and
spp. found in libraries of seven faculties in present study Rhizopus spp. which are cellulose destructive fungi in
have the ability to destroy cell walls of the plants (15). The books of library in Madras. Trichoderma sp. is an enzyme
distribution pattern of fungi species varies; some species producer fungus with several applications in industry
are more common in libraries regardless of geographi- (22). The most common ingredients used for repairing
cal situation. Compared to our study, previous studies by old and damaged books such as glues with animal and
Ebrahimi et al. (16) show that some fungi species can be vegetable sources and inks and wax seals are good nutri-
observed in all mentioned libraries. tional resources for fungal growth (7).
Shamsian et al. (7) studied the fungal contaminations In our study, sampling was performed in three different
in Historical Manuscripts at Astan Quds Museum Library, times during a day; in the morning after cleansing (the
Mashhad, Iran. They showed the most fungal Genera hours with the least users in library), at noon (with the
were Aspergillus, Penicillium , Mucor spp.. Aspergillus and most users) and in the evening at the end of working ses-
Penicillium spp. could damage paper. Our study was in sion. Fungal frequency was different each time of sam-
line with Shamsian et al. study results. Vittal and Glory pling and the difference was significant (P value < 0.001).
(9) found that Aspergillus and Cladosporium spp. were There wasn't any significant relation between cleansing
the most common fungi found in printed materials at of the library and fungal frequency in morning, noon,
library building of Madras University in India. Also ex- and evening (P value > 0.05). Since the fungi was more
istence of considerable amounts of Nigrospora, Curvu- frequent at morning (after the cleansing), possibly there
laria, Drechslera, and Alternaria spp. was reported. Also were other disturbing factors such as temperature, hu-
we found this species (Nigrospora, Curvularia, Drechslera, midity, etc. that have affected on our results. So, it is neces-
and Alternaria spp.) and Aspergillus and Cladosporium spp. sary to study the relationship between these two variants
were the most common fungi found in printed materials. more thoroughly and comprehensively after unifying ef-
Chadeganipour et al. (17) found that the most abundant fective factors and eliminating conditions that disturb
airborne fungi identified in Isfahan were Cladosporium Silva et al. (23) showed that paper and wood damaging
sp., Penicillium sp., Aspergillus sp., and Alternaria sp.. These fungi will be inactivated by gamma-ray radiation. The
species were found also in our studies. Zotti et al. (8) stud- research was performed in a Brazilian public library on
ied fungal bio-deterioration of historic paper and artis- common species of fungi invading books and documents
tic works and revealed some fungal genera which colo- such as Acremonium, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Fusarium,
nized and damaged them. The colonies they isolated in Penicillium, and Trichosporon spp. which were inactivated
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