RTOS Task Switching An Example Implementation in C
RTOS Task Switching An Example Implementation in C
RTOS Task Switching An Example Implementation in C
Implementation In C
Richard Barry - August 11, 2004
View the slideshow demonstrates in seven steps the process of switching from a
lower priority task, called TaskA, to a higher priority task, called TaskB. These slides
demonstrate the concepts described in the article.
Applications designed for use with a real time operating system (RTOS) are structured as a set of
autonomous tasks. The RTOS kernel will switch between tasks as necessary to ensure the task with
the highest priority that is able to run is the task given processing time. How such a switch is
performed is dependent on the microcontroller architecture.
This article uses source code from FreeRTOS.org (an open source real time kernel) to demonstrate
how you can implement a task switch. The source code is explained from the bottom up and the
article includes a detailed step-by-step guide to one complete task switch.
The FreeRTOS.org real time kernel has been ported to a number of different architectures. For the
example presented in this article, I chose to demonstrate the Atmel MegaAVR port due to the
simplicity of the AVR architecture and free availability of the utilized WinAVR (GCC) compiler.
I hope the article will be of interest to those who are new to using an RTOS, interested in creating
their own architecture port, or are just interested in RTOS implementation.
Benefits of Multitasking
You can simplify an otherwise complex software application though the use of a multitasking
operating system (OS):
● The multitasking and inter-task communications features of the OS allow the complex application
to be partitioned into a set of smaller and more manageable programs (or tasks).
● Complex timing and sequencing details can be removed from the application code and become the
responsibility of the OS.
● Testability, work breakdown within teams, code reuse, and so on become more manageable.
Figure 1: Rapidly switching between tasks can make it appear as if each task is executing
Figure 1 shows the execution pattern of three tasks with respect to time. The task names are color
coded and appear on the left. Time moves from left to right, with the colored lines showing which
task is executing at any particular time. The upper diagram demonstrates the perceived concurrent
execution pattern, and the lower the actual multitasking execution pattern.
Task States
In addition to being suspended involuntarily by the RTOS kernel a task can choose to suspend itself.
It will do this if it either wants to delay (sleep) for a fixed period, or wait (block) for a resource to
become available or an event to occur.
A blocked or sleeping task is not able to execute, and will not be allocated any processing time.
The scheduling policy is the algorithm used by the OS to decide which task should be executing at
any moment in time. The scheduling policy is designed to meet the objectives of the OS—which for
an RTOS is to provide a timely response to real world events.
The application designer must assign a priority to each task. The higher the criticality of the task (or
the shorter its maximum acceptable response time) the higher its relative priority should be. The
scheduling policy of the RTOS is then simply to make sure the highest priority task that is ready to
execute (not blocked or sleeping) is the task given processing time.
A hypothetical embedded system incorporates a keypad and LCD. A user must receive the visual
feedback of each key press within a reasonable period—if the user cannot see that the key press has
been accepted within this period the product will at best be awkward to use. If the longest
acceptable period is 100ms—any response between 0 and 100ms is acceptable. This functionality
could be implemented as an autonomous task with the following structure:
void vKeyHandlerTask( void *pvParameters )
/* Key handling is a continuous process and as such the task
is implemented using an infinite loop (as most tasks are). */
for( ;; )
[Suspend waiting for a key press]
[Process the key press]
Listing 1: Task that records key strokes
Now assume the software is also performing a control function that relies on a digitally filtered
input. The input must be sampled, filtered, and the control cycle executed every 2ms. For correct
operation of the filter the temporal regularity of the sample must be accurate to 0.5ms. This
functionality could be implemented as an autonomous task with the following structure:
The software engineer must assign the control task the highest priority as:
1. The deadline for the control task is stricter than that of the key handling task.
2. The consequence of a missed deadline is greater for the control task than for the key handler
Figure 2 demonstrates how these tasks would be scheduled by a real time operating system. The
RTOS has itself created a task—the idle task—which will execute only when there are no other tasks
able to do so. The idle task is always in a state where it is able to execute.
Referring to Figure 2:
● At the start neither of our two tasks are able to run—vControlTask is waiting for the correct time to
start a new control cycle and vKeyHandlerTask is waiting for a key to be pressed. Processing time
is given to the idle task.
● At time t1, a key press occurs. vKeyHandlerTask is now able to execute—it has a higher priority
than the idle task so is given processing time.
● At time t2 vKeyHandlerTask has completed processing the key and updating the LCD. It cannot
continue until another key has been pressed so suspends itself and the idle task is again resumed.
● At time t3 a timer event indicates that it is time to perform the next control cycle. vControlTask
can now execute and as the highest priority task is scheduled processing time immediately.
● Between time t3 and t4, while vControlTask is still executing, a key press occurs. vKeyHandlerTask
is now able to execute, but as it has a lower priority than vControlTask it is not scheduled any
processing time.
● At t4 vControlTask completes processing the control cycle and cannot restart until the next timer
event—it suspends itself. vKeyHandlerTask is now the task with the highest priority that is able to
run so is scheduled processing time in order to process the previous key press.
● At t5 the key press has been processed, and vKeyHandlerTask suspends itself to wait for the next
key event. Again neither of our tasks are able to execute and the idle task is scheduled processing
● Between t5 and t6 a timer event is processed, but no further key presses occur.
● The next key press occurs at time t6, but before vKeyHandlerTask has completed processing the
key a timer event occurs. Now both tasks are able to execute. As vControlTask has the higher
priority vKeyHandlerTask is suspended before it has completed processing the key, and
vControlTask is scheduled processing time.
● At t8 vControlTask completes processing the control cycle and suspends itself to wait for the next.
vKeyHandlerTask is again the highest priority task that is able to run so is scheduled processing
time so the key press processing can be completed.
The FreeRTOS.org kernel measures time using a tick count variable. A timer interrupt (the RTOS
tick interrupt) increments the tick count with strict temporal accuracy—allowing time to be
measured to a resolution of the chosen timer interrupt frequency. Each time the tick count is
incremented the RTOS kernel must check to see if it is now time to unblock or wake a task.
It is possible that a task woken or unblocked during the tick ISR will have a priority higher than that
of the interrupted task. If this is the case the tick ISR should return to the newly woken/unblocked
task—effectively interrupting one task but returning to another (Figure 3).
● At (1) the highest priority task (vControlTask) is blocked waiting for a timer to expire. The next
highest priority task (vKeyHandlerTask) is also blocked waiting for a key press event. This leaves
the Idle Task as the highest priority task that is able to run.
● At (2) the RTOS tick interrupt occurs. The microcontroller stops executing the Idle Task and starts
executing the tick ISR (3).
● The tick ISR increments the tick count which (for the sake of this example) makes vControlTask
ready to run. vControlTask has a higher priority than the idle task so a context switch is required.
A task switch from the Idle Task to vControlTask occurs within the ISR.
● As the execution context is now that of vControlTask, exiting the ISR (4) returns control to
vControlTask, which starts executing (5). The Idle Task remains suspended until it is again the
highest priority task that is able to execute.
A task is a sequential piece of code that does not know when it is going to get suspended (stopped
from executing) or resumed (given more processing time) by the RTOS and does not even know
when this has happened. Consider the example of a task being suspended immediately before
executing an instruction that sums the values contained within two registers.
Figure 4: A sample task context immediately prior to the task being suspended
While the task is suspended other tasks will execute and may modify the register values. Upon
resumption the task will not know that the registers have been altered—if it used the modified
values the summation would result in an incorrect value.
To prevent this type of error it is essential that upon resumption a task has a context identical to
that immediately prior to its suspension. The RTOS kernel is responsible for ensuring this is the
case—and does so by saving the context of a task as it is suspended. When the task is resumed its
saved context is restored by the RTOS kernel prior to its execution. The process of saving the
context of a task being suspended and restoring the context of a task being resumed is called
context switching.
● Status Register
The value of the status register affects instruction execution, and must be preserved across context
● Program Counter
Upon resumption, a task must continue execution from the instruction that was about to be
executed immediately prior to its suspension.
The '__attribute__ ( ( signal ) )' directive on the function prototype informs the compiler
that the function is an ISR and results in two important changes in the compiler output:
1. The 'signal' attribute ensures that every AVR register that gets modified during the ISR is
restored to its original value when the ISR exits. This is required as the compiler cannot make any
assumptions as to when the interrupt will execute, and therefore cannot optimize which registers
require saving and which don't.
2. The 'signal' attribute also forces a 'return from interrupt' instruction (RETI) to be used in place of
the 'return' instruction (RET) that would otherwise be used. The AVR disables interrupts upon
entering an ISR and the RETI instruction is required to re-enable them on exiting.
; ---------------------------------------
CALL 0x0000029B ;Call subroutine
; ---------------------------------------
OUT 0x3F,R0
Listing 4: Compiler output for Listing 3
The application code could explicitly save all the registers on entering the ISR, but doing so would
result in some registers being saved twice—once by the compiler generated code and then again by
the application code. This is undesirable and can be avoided by using the 'naked' attribute in
addition to the 'signal' attribute.
The 'naked' attribute prevents the compiler generating any function entry or exit code. Now,
compiling the ISR results in the much simpler output:
; ---------------------------------------
; ---------------------------------------
Listing 6: Compiler output from Listing 5
When the 'naked' attribute is used the compiler does not generate any function entry or exit code so
this must now be added explicitly. The macros portSAVE_CONTEXT() and
portRESTORE_CONTEXT() respectively save and restore the entire execution context.
The 'naked' attribute gives the application code complete control over when and how the AVR
context is saved. If the application code saves the entire context on entering the ISR there is no need
to save it again before performing a context switch so none of the microcontroller registers get
saved twice.
Listing 8: portSAVE_CONTEXT()
● Register R0 is saved first (1) as it is used when the status register is saved, and must be saved with
its original value.
● The status register is moved into R0 (2) so it can be saved onto the stack (4).
● Interrupts are disabled (3). If portSAVE_CONTEXT() was only called from within an ISR there
would be no need to explicitly disable interrupts as the AVR will have already done so. As the
portSAVE_CONTEXT() macro is also used outside of interrupt service routines (when a task
suspends itself) interrupts must be explicitly cleared as early as possible.
● The code generated by the compiler from the ISR C code assumes R1 is set to zero. The original
value of R1 is saved (5) before R1 is cleared (6).
● Between (7) and (8) all remaining microcontroller registers are saved in numerical order.
● The stack of the task being suspended now contains a copy of the tasks execution context. The
kernel stores the tasks stack pointer so the context can be retrieved and restored when the task is
resumed. The x register is loaded with the address to which the stack pointer is to be saved (8 and
● The stack pointer is saved, first the low byte (10 and 11), then the high nibble (12 and 13).
The context of the task being resumed was previously stored in the tasks stack. The kernel retrieves
the stack pointer for the task then POP's the context back into the correct microcontroller registers.
#define portRESTORE_CONTEXT() \
asm volatile ( \
"lds r26, pxCurrentTCB \n\t" \ (1)
"lds r27, pxCurrentTCB + 1 \n\t" \ (2)
"ld r28, x+ \n\t" \
"out __SP_L__, r28 \n\t" \ (3)
"ld r29, x+ \n\t" \
"out __SP_H__, r29 \n\t" \ (4)
"pop r31 \n\t" \
"pop r30 \n\t" \
"pop r1 \n\t" \
"pop r0 \n\t" \ (5)
"out __SREG__, r0 \n\t" \ (6)
"pop r0 \n\t" \ (7)
Listing 9: portRESTORE_CONTEXT()
● pxCurrentTCB holds the address from where the tasks stack pointer can be retrieved. This is
loaded into the X register (1 and 2).
● The stack pointer for the task being resumed is loaded into the AVR stack pointer, first the low
byte (3), then the high nibble (4).
● The microcontroller registers are then popped from the stack in reverse numerical order, down to
● The status register stored on the stack between registers R1 and R0, so is restored (6) before R0
void vPortYieldFromTick( void )
/* This is a naked function so the context
is saved. */