Trajectory Path Control of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.

6, Issue 06, 2018 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Trajectory Path Control of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Sabarimani C.1 Ragul R.2 Thamizharasan M.3 Gopalakrishnan R.4
Student 4Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Dr. Navalar Nedunchezhiyan College of Engineering, Tholudur, India
Abstract— Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been acknowledges this importance as it relates to the UAV
recently used all wide the world for various applications, roadmap for years 2005 – 2030, as stated in [8]. “Improving
which includes, military, space, commercial and in academia. Unmanned Aircraft reliability is the single most immediate
The main concern in these UAVs are they must be controlled and long- reaching need to ensure their success.”
for their trajectory path. The UAVs are inbuilt with auto Advances in new technologies, including smart
tracking and motion control. These UAVs face real problem systems, sensors. Onboard computational platforms, and
when they are in adverse natural condition or any other others, make it possible to realize a huge variety of UAVs for
disturbance or environmental interference. Other reason for a significant range of different mission scenarios [9], [10].
trajectory control comes when we are controlling multiple Many of the mission scenarios are of interest; some require a
aerial vehicles. Here in our project we have created simulated persistent surveillance due to external disturbances, while
solution for the trajectory control for the aerial vehicle. others require several cooperating systems in order to
Key words: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle; Trajecotry; Tracking accomplish a certain predefined mission. These systems
Control; Multiple Aerial Vehicles require an increased level of autonomy and advanced
I. INTRODUCTION Several papers in the literature treat the state of art
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) offers wide range of for the development of small scale UAV. Some begin from
interesting military and commercial applications at reduced the basic steps of UAV design, sensing, autonomy, and safety
costs. A couple of their more interesting characteristics assessment, as in [11], [12]. Other research related to UAVs
include: they are capable of hovering and flying at high and found in the literature involves, for example, auto pilot
low speeds, and they can move in any direction and take off system, which presents a survey on autopilot for small UAVs.
and land vertically. A very promising class of these vehicles Other work on small-scale UAVs treat the flapping -wing
comprises small vehicles that can be flown either indoor or platform design [13], [14]. Reference [15] presents an
outdoor and offer the possibility for near -area surveillance, aerodynamic modelling of insect-like flapping flight for
crop dusting, precision farming [1], microwave autonomous micro air vehicle. In the control research papers, the problem
copter systems for geological remote sensing [2], geographic of rotorcraft UAV flight control is treated in [16], and a
studies, fire monitoring, security applications, search and survey on the advances in guidance, navigation, and control
rescue, and attack and rendezvous [3], [4]. However, of unmanned rotorcraft system is presented in [17]. Path
challenging requirements in terms of size, weight, and planning is addressed in [18], and a survey on the analysis of
maneuverability for these systems are presented in [5]. A type algorithm of algorithms for fixed-wing UAVs is presented in
of aircraft with an important and significant potential is the [19].
so-called quadrotor that is considered by most research
studies as promising UAV [6].
Increasing requirements for UAVs due to different
flight conditions make research studies modelling,
configuration, control, and fault tolerant control more and
more challenging, since all operations have to be carried out
by the automated flight control, navigation, and guidance
algorithms embedded in the onboard flight microcontroller/
microcomputer with limited interference from a ground pilot, Fig. 1: UAV Classification
and that only if needed.
In the early years of their use, UAVs were remotely II. CONFIGURATIONS
piloted vehicles because they were controlled completely by UAVs are subdivided into three categories: fixed wing
human operators from a fixed frame. During the last decade, UAVs, rotary wing UAVs, and flapping wings. Rotary
very important interactions between technological winged crafts are superior to their fixed wing counterparts in
developments in computing, control, and communications of terms of achieving higher degrees of freedom, lower flying
new interacting systems as in [7]. Several statistics have speeds, stationary flight ability, and suitability for indoor
shown that significant number of unmanned surveillance usage. A quadrotor is a rotary wing UAV, consisting of four
aircraft have been lost. The high loss rate reveals the rotors located at the end of cross structure. The control of this
importance of fault tolerant control for UAVs. Because a system is achieved by varying the speed of each rotor.
minor fault in a system may have a catastrophic consequence, Quadrotor possess certain essential characteristics, which
increasing requirements for the reliability, safety, and fault highlight their potential for use in search and rescue
tolerances of UAVs is highly justified. Therefore, it is not application. A comparison among the three categories can be
surprising that UAV safety and reliability is attracting more summarized in table 1.
attention and gaining importance. The Secretary of Defense

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Trajectory Path Control of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
(IJSRD/Vol. 6/Issue 06/2018/153)

III. QUAD ROTOR MODELS C. Collision Avoidance System (CAS)

Quad rotor described in literature have four rotors in cross In [22], the author presents a collision avoidance system
configuration. Motors are linked mechanically to the (CAS) that uses a radar sensor at every time frame. Then, the
structure and each propeller is connected to the motor through trajectory of quadrotor is realized according to the region with
reduction gears. All propellers axes of rotation are fixed and the lowest return. It is not worth noting that the quadrotor
parallel; they have fixed-pitch blades and their air flow point needs to keep tracking its heading and position every time its
down to ensure lifting upwards. Within these assumptions the performs a maneuver in order to determine when it returns to
structure is quite rigid. the original track. If a continuous collision- free path does not
Comparison between rotary wings, fixed wings, and exist, the quadrotor will be lost. The type of sensor used is
flapping wings automatic dependent surveillance and goal is to detect other
Rotary Fixed Flapping aircraft obstacles. The maneuver approach is chosen and pre-
wing wing wing defined according to different probabilities of collision.
Maneuver High Low Medium Another interesting approach based on visual sensor
Cost Medium Low High and geometrical calculation in 3D is presented [23]. Here,
Construction and obstacles were detected using descriptor vector of two images
Medium Low High and matching between them. This is based on computer
Civilian vision technique.
High Low High
Medium Medium Medium
application We propose a certain significant trajectory and we test the
Energy efficiency of some of the controllers on it. The model used
High Low Medium
consumption for the simulation and comparison is proposed in [20]. And
Flight safety Medium High Low model parameters used are those identified in [21]. Control
Range Medium High Low strategies are developed and modelled in MATLAB.
Table 1: Comparison between Rotary Wings Concerning the parameters and gains of controllers, several
studies have been made for purpose of choosing optimal
IV. CONTROL & CONTROL MISSION gains. The strategy is as follows for each controller: first we
define, based on theoretical study, the permitted domain for
A. Linear Control the variation of gain in order to stabilize the system. Then, we
The quadrotor is a multivariable highly coupled nonlinear define several significant trajectories. Thirdly, an iterative
system. The use of linear control for this system consists of a loop in which the gain varies in its domain of definition and
complicated algebraic manipulation for state variables under tracking error is calculated. And finally, we choose the
certain environmental condition. For trajectory tracking, the optimal value and fix it to the controller.
linear control can be applied only if the trajectory and the The trajectories are based on the X, Y, and Z axis.
flying conditions for the quadrotor are not complex and The tracking precision criterion gives X displacement, Y
difficult. In such cases, the coupled nature of the system displacement and Z displacement.
requires high variation in the angular velocities and fast Trajectory tracking precision over X- position
variations in the altitude, which cannot be realized by such PID
controllers. Settling time >2
B. Proportional Integral Derivative Controller – PID Overshoot (%) 6.9931
Rise time 1.7610
The proportional integral derivative (PID) is used to stabilize
Settling time 2 >6.5
the attitude of the quadrotor. In order to cover large flight
Overshoot (%) 2 11.2942
trajectories, they linearized the system locally; consequently,
Table 2: Trajectory Tracking Precision over X Position
gyroscopic effects are eliminated during the design of the
controller. It was concluded that PID is efficient in hovering. The PID controller is used to control their UAV. It
This performance decreases with the presence of high is a single input and single output system, used for linear
systems or around a certain operating point. It is able to reject
disturbance. The PID is used to control the attitude and
some disturbances, eliminate steady state errors, and can deal
position, proving that PID is quite sufficient for low speed
with model and parameters uncertainties. PID fail when it
with slight aerodynamic disturbances. The PID perform
comes to aggressive maneuvers.
attitude stabilization and trajectory tracking by assuming
decoupled pitch and yaw movement. This controller works Trajectory tracking precision over Y- position
indoor on low speed. They succeed in providing asymptotic PID
stabilization. To execute the iteration of the flip, a managing Settling time >2
process first uploads a set of parameters to the controller and Overshoot (%) 6.2727
then signals. The vehicle then executes the basics of flip on Rise time 1.6124
its own, ignoring hover controller commands for the duration Settling time 2 >6.5
of the maneuver. For a smooth behavior at the target value, Overshoot (%) 2 17.6353
controllers apply the first derivative of current values and not Table 3: Trajectory Tracking Precision over Y- Position
the first derivative of derivations.

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Trajectory Path Control of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
(IJSRD/Vol. 6/Issue 06/2018/153)

Trajectory tracking precision over Z- position

Settling time 0.8318
Overshoot (%) 2.5024
Rise time 0.1881
Settling time 2 1.4291
Overshoot (%) 2 9.4514
Table 4: Trajectory Tracking Precision over Z- Position

Fig. 5: Task and Operation 2

Fig 2: Block Diagram Subsystem -Dynamic Diversion

Control for Uavs.

Fig. 6: Task and Operation 3

Fig. 3: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Scope

Fig. 7: Task and Operation 4

Fig. 4: Collaborative Tasks and Operations 1

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Trajectory Path Control of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
(IJSRD/Vol. 6/Issue 06/2018/153)

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