Processing: 3.1 Preparation of The Specimen 3.1.1 Treatment
Processing: 3.1 Preparation of The Specimen 3.1.1 Treatment
Processing: 3.1 Preparation of The Specimen 3.1.1 Treatment
3.1.1 Treatment
The success of any penetrant inspection procedure is greatly dependent upon the surface and
the discontinuity being free of any contaminant that might interfere with the penetrant process.
All parts or areas of parts to be inspected must be clean and dry before the penetrant is
applied. By the word 'clean' we mean that the area under test be free of any rust, scale,
welding flux, spatter, grease, paint, oily films, dirt, etc. The treatment processes involved for
removing such contamination should be carefully chosen and adopted. Residues from cleaning
processes can adversely react with the penetrant and reduce its sensitivity and performance
greatly. Acids and chromates, in particular, greatly reduce the sensitivity of fluorescent
penetrants. If only a section of a part, such as a weld, is to be inspected, the surface to be
inspected must also be cleaned.
3.1.2 Identification
The materials to be inspected by dye penetrant inspection method can be identified and
classified as to be metallic (ferrous and/or non-ferrous), non-metallic such as plastics, ceramics
and glass. Among metallic materials they can be further recognised or categorised to be as-
forged, as-rolled, as-welded and as-cast.
3.1.3 Temperature
The specimen to be inspected should be at ambient temperature that should not exceed 125 °F
(52 °C) prior to the application of the penetrant. The need for restricting to the above
indicated temperature range for the test piece is for the following effects:
i) The viscosity of the most liquids increases at low temperature and penetrants are no
exception. If the part is quite cold say under 10 °C (50 °F), the penetrant may thicken
so that it does not enter very fine defects. Even if it does enter, it will do so at a very
slow rate.
ii) On the other hand if the part temperature is too hot, the volatile components of the
penetrant may evaporate, changing the capability of detection for the small defects.
Part and processing material temperatures in the range recommended produce
optimum results. However programmes can be used in extremely cold temperature
and others at relatively high temperatures.
When it is not practical to comply with these temperature limitations, the procedure has to be
qualified, which requires proof of equivalence to the correctly approved procedure.
Equivalency is determined by direct comparison on penetrant comparators or representative
test parts, or both, as mutually agreed by the contracting parties.
There are a variety of solvent cleaners that can be effectively utilised to dissolve such soils as
grease, oily films, waxes and sealants, paints and in general organic matter. These solvents
should be residue free, especially when used as a hand-wipe solvent or as a dip-tank
degreasing solvent. Solvent cleaners are not recommended for removal of rust, and scale,
welding flux, spatter and in general inorganic soils.
Figure 3.1: Prior to penetrant application, the test surface to be examined and all adjacent
areas within at least 25 mm (1 in.) must be dry and free of dirt, oil and other
interfering contaminants. Here the technician is wiping the surface of a weld with
a lint-free towel saturated with a volatile solvent. Note that he is wearing
protective gloves.
Alkaline cleaners are non-flammable water solutions containing specially selected detergents
for wetting, penetrating, emulsifying and sponifying various types of soils. Hot alkaline
solutions are also used for rust removal and descaling to remove oxide scale which can mask
surface discontinuities. Parts cleaned by alkaline cleaning process must be rinsed completely
free of cleaner and thoroughly dried by heat prior to the penetrant inspection process.
Inhibited acid solutions (pickling solutions) are routinely used for descaling part surfaces. Acid
solutions etchants are also used routinely to remove smeared metal that peens over surface
discontinuities. Etched parts and materials must be rinsed completely free of etchants, the
surface neutralised and thoroughly dried by heat prior to application of penetrants.
While making use of alkaline cleaners, paint removers (solvent type) and acids, the parts must
be rinsed thoroughly and dried before application of penetrants. Some cleaning solvents are
flammable and can be toxic too, observe all safety precautions in their use.
Metal loose scale removing processes such as filings, grinding, brushing, sanding, etc. are
often used to remove such soils as carbon, rust and scale and foundry adhering sands, as well
as to deburr or produce a desired cosmetic effect on the part. These processes may decrease
the effectiveness of the penetrant examination by smearing or peening over metal surfaces and
filling discontinuities open to the surface, especially for soft metals such as aluminium,
titanium, magnesium, and beryllium alloy.
The conditions or the choice of a suitable cleaning method is based on factors such as:-
The cleaning processes have to be carefully chosen, as no harm to the sample can be tolerated.
Detergents can be alkaline or acidic in nature and as such should be employed for metals
which do not show a strong reaction to acids and alkalis. Similarly abrasive blasting may be
used only to the extent that the surface does not become peened to a degree that could seal a
defect or contaminate the opening with abrasive residue. Use of steel wire brushes, either flat
or rotary is not made on non-ferrous metals. Vapour degreasing is the preferred method of
final pre-cleaning. An exception to vapour degreasing is titanium, where chlorinated solvents
are prohibited. The final pre-cleaning of titanium parts is with stoddard or dry-cleaning type
solvent followed by oven drying at 52 oC (125 oF).
Drying of the parts after any pre-cleaning process is necessary for the following reasons:
i) water traces present within leaks or discontinuities will minimise or prevent the
penetrants entry into leaks or surface defects.
ii) the parts are also to be dried for the applicability of a particular process, viz. the part is
dried after the removal of excess penetrant and prior to the application of dry or non-
aqueous wet developer. When water-based wet developer is used, the specimen is
dried after the developer has been applied.
Parts can be dried by using a hot air recirculating oven, a hot air blast, or by exposing to
ambient temperature. Drying is best done in a thermostatically controlled recirculating hot air
The temperature in the dryer is normally maintained between 175 oF and 225 oF (79 oC and
107oC) for most applications. Parts temperature should not exceed 125 oF (52 oC). The time
for drying of parts in the drying oven should not be excessive enough to destroy the sample.
Drying time will vary with the size, nature and number of parts under inspection.
There are various modes of application of the penetrant such as dipping, brushing, flooding, or
spraying. Small parts are quite often placed in a suitable basket and dipped into a tank of
penetrant. On larger parts and with complex geometries, penetrant can be applied effectively
by brushing or spraying. Both conventional and electrostatic spray guns are effective means of
applying liquid penetrant to the test part. (Figure 3.2 a and b).
A broad guide to correct time is contained in Table 3-1. The specimen size, composition,
nature of discontinuities sought and the temperature of the test area, all affect penetration time
which is also called dwell time or residence time.
Figure 3.2: (a) Penetrant application from spray can, and (b) by brushing.
Dwell Times
Type of Note(1) (minutes)
Material Form
Castings and welds Cold shuts, porosity, 5
lack of fusion,
Aluminum, magnesium,
cracks (all forms)
steel, brass and bronze,
titanium and high-
Wrought materials— Laps, cracks (all 10
temperature alloys
extrusions, forgings, forms)
Note (1) For temperature range from 50°F to 125°F (10°C to 52°C). For temperatures from
40°F(5°C) up to 50°F (10°C), minimum penetrant dwell time shall be 2 times the value listed.
3.4.3 Temperature
Due to ease of post-cleaning, water-base penetrants, both visible and fluorescent, that use
water as the thinner instead of a hydrocarbon have been accepted for LOX (liquid oxygen)
related apparatus inspection. Water-base penetrants, if their water content is sufficiently high,
are found to be LOX insensitive when subjected to the impact test. The success with water
base penetrants under LOX usage condition is attributed to the ease of removal of residues,
both surface and flaw entrapped. This residue will be primarily a water soluble surface active
agent, a detergent in itself, which facilitates post cleaning (the most critical step in the process
when LOX usage is involved). Post cleaning is simplified if the water-base penetrant is of the
self-developing fluorescent types. Since there is no "remover" (other than water) and no
developer, the post-cleaning operation involves only penetrant residue. Usually the residue of
the water-soluble penetrant dissolves more readily when the water-base cleaner includes an
additive such as a volatile glycol ether or light alcohol to lower the residue's viscosity. In
addition to being water soluble, the residue of the water-base penetrant, once its water content
has evaporated, also readily dissolves in chlorinated solvent cleaners such as perchloethylene.
For water washable penetrants, the excess penetrants can be removed directly from the part
with water washing by using manual, semi-automatic, automatic water spray or immersion
equipment. Water pressure should be kept constant and not exceed 50 psi (345 kPa).
Generally a coarse spray is recommended. The temperature of water for effective cleaning
should be within a minimum of 50 oF to 110 oF (10 oC to 43 oC). The duration of the rinsing
cycle should not be excessive enough to cause over-washing. For fluorescent penetrant, the
rinsing operation should be monitored under black light.
The rinsing operation for the removal of excess penetrant has to be carefully controlled as
over washing can lead to loss of inspection sensitivity. This is in particular for wide and
shallow defects where the chances of removal of penetrant out of such defects are more.
The excess penetrant is to be cleaned off, by using wipes of clean lint free material, repeating
the operation until most traces of penetrant have been removed. Then lightly moisten with
solvent a lint-free cloth and wipe the surface until all remaining traces of excess penetrant have
been removed. Flushing the surface with solvent following the application of penetrant and
prior to developing is prohibited. (Figure 3.3 a and b.)
(a) (b)
Figure 3.3: (a) Angled coarse warm water spray for removal of excess water-washable
penetrant. (b) Cleaning of excess penetrant by solvent damped cloth.
Post emulsifiable penetrants are not directly water-washable and they require the use of an
emulsifier (oil or water base). After the required penetration time the excess penetrant on the
part is emulsified by dipping, flooding, or spraying the parts with the required emulsifier.
Effective rinsing of the emulsified penetrant can be accomplished in the maximum as for
directly water-washable penetrant. The length of the time that the emulsifier is allowed to
remain on the part and in contact with penetrant called the emulsification time is dependent on
the type of emulsifier (fast acting, slow acting, oil base or water) and the surface condition of
the part. In general the emulsification time is from few seconds to several minutes depending
on the activity of the emulsifier. Figure 3.4 (a-f) explains various steps for a post-emulsifiable
(c) Surface penetrant is emulsified. (d) Water spray removes emulsified penetrant.
3.5.5 Drying
There are various modes for effective application of the various types of developers such as
dipping, immersing, flooding, spraying or dusting. It is quite common and most effective to
apply dry powder in an enclosed dust chamber, which creates an effective and controlled dust
cloud. Excessive powder can be removed by shaking or tapping the part gently, or blowing
with low pressure (5 to 10 psi or 34 to 69 kPa) dry, clean and compressed air. Aqueous
developers can be applied by spraying, flowing or immersing the part. Non-aqueous wet
developers are applied to the surface by spraying after the excess penetrant has been removed
and the part has been dried. Dipping or flooding parts with a nonaqueous developer is
prohibited, since it will dissolve the penetrant from within the discontinuities through its
solvent action (Figures 3.5 and 3.6).
The developers to be used are maintained and stored with care to keep their performance
satisfactory. Dry developers require little care however they should be watched not to be badly
contaminated with foreign matter. If insufficiently dried parts are continually placed in dry
developer, lumps or balls of dry developer can form which will eventually ruin the
effectiveness of developer. Slight contamination can also occur when lumps of penetrant
soaked developer fall from heavy indications or poorly washed parts. When fluorescent
penetrants are being used, developers should also be checked with black light periodically to
ensure that developer tanks have not become contaminated with fluorescent material. The
other type of developers, for example, aqueous wet developers are prepared by mixing dry
developer, powders or liquid concentrates with water in the proportions recommended by the
manufacturer. The proper consistency of aqueous wet developer suspensions must be
maintained by replacing water lost through evaporation or powder lost through dragout. The
solvent suspendible developers exist in two types namely:
Plastic or resin developers are characterized by their inherent ability to produce a high
resolved penetrant indication in a strippable plastic film which can be stored as a permanent
record if so desired. Chemically, the plastic film developers are composed of a variety of
organic polymers of varying molecular weights, dispersed or dissolved in selective solvents.
Functionally, plastic film developers act by dissolving penetrant from the flaw into the
amorphous plastic film where it is fixed when all of the solvent is evaporated. To avoid
masking fine defects, a fine coating of white lacquer is applied first and then plastic film
developer is applied by spraying in very thin light passes.
Most of the developers used with portable penetrant inspection kits are of the non-aqueous
solvent type. These developers are in the form of pressurized cans and contain the necessary
developer powder suspended in a volatile liquid medium. These cans should be thoroughly
agitated before use to ensure the proper suspension of developer in solvent when applied to
test parts.
Visible penetrant indications can be inspected in either natural or artificial white light.
According to ASME Code (Section V) the recommended minimum light intensity for visible
dye indication to be inspected is 100 foot-candles (fc) or 1000 lux (lx). Similarly for the
inspection of fluorescent indications to be made under black light source, the allowed value of
ambient white light is a maximum of 2 fc for critical inspection. It is recommended that the
operator be in the darkened area for at least 5 minutes prior to inspection so that his eyes
adapt to dark viewing.
The light intensity of visible light other than black light is measured as foot-candle (fc). The
illumination at the inspection surface is of one foot candles if there exists a luminance flux of 1
lumen uniformly distributed. This is also the value of intensity of light that exists for a point
source of 1 candela on the surface placed at a distance of 1 foot.
1 foot-candle 10 lux
3 - 11
where lux (lx) is also a unit for measuring the light intensity in the visible region of the
electromagnetic spectrum.
For viewing fluorescent penetrant indications under black light, lamp intensity should be a
minimum of 1000 watt/cm2 (W/cm2) on the surface of the part.
For viewing visible penetrant indications under ordinary white light, light intensity should be a
minimum of 100 fc or 1000 lx on the surface of the part.
The length of time the developer should remain on the part prior to inspection should not be
less than 10 minutes. Developing time begins as soon as the dry developer is applied and as
soon as the wet (aqueous and non-aqueous) developer is dry (i.e. the solvent carrier have
evaporated to dryness). If bleed out does not alter the inspection results, development period
of longer duration is permitted.
False or irrelevant indications are those arising due to improper processing, i.e. poor washing
of water washable and post-emulsified penetrants. To guard against confusion resulting from
fluorescent or colour spots other than true indications, care is taken so that no outside
contamination occurs. Typical sources of contamination are:-
Figure 3.7 indicates some more common types of false indications, caused by handling or
cleaning process.
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Final cleaning or post cleaning is necessary in those cases where residual penetrant or
developer could interfere with subsequent processing or with service requirements. A suitable
technique such as a simple water rinse, machine wash, vapour degreasing, solvent soaking or
ultrasonic cleaning may be employed. Care should be taken to remove developer prior to
vapour degreasing. Vapour degreasing can bake developer on parts.
The test report forms should contain the necessary information on the type of chemicals used
and the methods employed. The indications observed have to be categorised as linear or
rounded. Linear indications are those in which the length is more than three times the width.
Rounded indications on the other hand are those in which the reverse is true, i.e. the length is
equal or less than three times the width. The recording of indications as relevant should be
made for those arising from unacceptable mechanical discontinuities. For example, according
to ASME code only indications with major dimension greater than 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) are
considered as relevant. The test report form should also indicate location of defects. For
welds, the location of defect is determined by two co-ordinates L and W. L is the distance
from certain mark of weld. W is measured from the weld centreline. The different sides of the
weld are identified by letters A and B. The location of the defect is measured from the centre
of the defect. The orientation of the defect is reported in relation to the weld. A defect shall be
recognised as longitudinal if it is parallel to the weld and transverse if perpendicular to the
weld. Figures 3.8 illustrate the scheme for locating and characterize the defects.
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For maintaining a record for later reference or presentation in a report, the respective
indications can be transferred into sketch forms, photographs and diagrams. Diagrams
Diagrams or sketches can be easily drawn. Such diagrams should illustrate the location,
direction and areas of defects. Recording of such indications for report writing purposes are
through a transparent cellulose tape transfer method. Photography
Liquid penetrant indications observed using visible dye or fluorescent dye can easily be
photographed. For fluorescent penetrant indications, use of black light filters has to be made.
The specimen test area is under black light which helps in pronouncing the indications through
their fluorescence (Figure 3.9).