Baytherm 9799
Baytherm 9799
Baytherm 9799
* These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the production specifications.
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Typical Physical Properties of Foam made with Baytherm 9799 PIR System*
Foams made with Baytherm 9799 PIR system have been tested and found to meet the requirements of a
Class 1 Foam according to ASTM Method E-84.
* These items are provided as general information only. They are approximate values and are not part of the production specifications.
Note: The information contained in this bulletin is current as of January 2010. Please contact Bayer
MaterialScience to determine whether this publication has been revised.
The manner in which you use and the purpose to which you put and utilize our products, technical assistance and information (whether verbal, written or by
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This application-specific analysis must at least include testing to determine suitability from a technical as well as health, safety, and environmental
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